First Aid Book Exam 3

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You are assessing a newborn immediately after birth to determine the baby's APGAR score. The highest number score given to each area is:


When assisting with an auto-injector how long should you hold the pen in place?

3 seconds

You are called to the home where a child had a febrile seizure. Which temperature reading, as reported by the parents, would be an indicator of this condition?

103.8 F (39.9 C)

When performing tribe for each patient, assessment and tagging should take no longer than:

30 seconds

If a patient has ingested poison, activated charcoal may be recommended by the PCC or medical control. Activated charcoal ideally should be given within which time period of a person swallowing poison?

60 minutes

The body's core temperature is:

98.6 F (37 C)

When exposed to the same conditions and based on your understanding of factors predisposing a person to heat-related illnesses, which individual would be at greatest risk for a heat-related illness?

A 75-year-old diabetic with heart disease

Which of the following would indicate the need to begin resuscitation of the newborn?

A pulse less than 100 beats per minute (bpm)

You and your partner are called to a rural camping site in response to a call about a camper being bitten by a snake on his lower leg. The patient tells you that it was a coral snake. You inspect the bite wound, which reveals

A semicircular mark

Which vehicle is unstable?

A vehicle that has been struck and has rolled over with its two side wheels over the guardrail

The compulsive need to use a substance


When providing care on the scene to a patient with CO (Carbon Monoxide) poisoning, which of the following is appropriate?

Administrating supplemental oxygen

Secondary triage is preformed at which time?

After patients are moved to the treatment area

When interviewing a patient, which of the following is most important?

Allowing the patient to do most of the talking

Which action is most appropriate for you to do when providing care to a patient with frostbitten feet?

Avoid breaking any blisters that have formed

When providing care to a patient experiencing a medical emergency, which of the following would be the least effective in facilitating communication?

Avoiding eye contact

You suspect that a patient is experiencing cannabis intoxication. which of the following would likely find

Blood shot eyes

Which substance is considered the most commonly used stimulant?


You respond to a call in which a passerby noticed a middle-aged man lying on the sidewalk just in front of the doorway to a building. Upon arrival, you find that the patient is lying face-down, and you notice vomit on the sidewalk and in his mouth. He is unresponsive. His chest is moving up and down in a shallow, slow fashion. You notice an empty bottle of liquor protruding out from under the patient's jacket Which of the following would you do first?

Call for more advanced medical personnel

You arrive at the home of a young couple that called 9-1-1 because their 2-year-old child got into the cabinet under the sink and drank some liquid drain cleaner. Upon arriving at the scene, which of the following is most appropriate to do first?

Call the national Poison Help line

You arrive at the home of a young couple that called 9-1-1 because their 2-year-old child got into the cabinet under the sink and drank some liquid drain cleaner Which of the following would least likely affect the severity of the poisoning of this child

Child's gender

Which of the following would you identify as an inhaled poison?


As you shine a penlight into a child's eye to assess the pupil response, which of the following would you expect to observe?

Constriction when the light is applied

Ingested poisons include

Contaminated food, Household cleaners, Drugs

Which of the following is the most appropriate when caring for a child who is developing shock?

Covering the child with a light blanket

The desire or need to continually use a substance


You respond to a call in which a passerby noticed a middle-aged man lying on the sidewalk just in front of the doorway to a building. Upon arrival, you find that the patient is lying face-down, and you notice vomit on the sidewalk and in his mouth. He is unresponsive. His chest is moving up and down in a shallow, slow fashion. You notice an empty bottle of liquor protruding out from under the patient's jacket. You suspect alcohol poisoning. Alcohol is classified as which of the following?


Diazepam (Valium)





Designer Drugs


Designer Drugs

Which statement about documentation is most accurate?

Documentation is as important as the care provided

You are called to the home of a family whose carbon monoxide monitor has gone off. The family is outside when you arrive. When interviewing them, which signs and symptoms would you expect them to report as initial complaints?

Dull headache

You are using the Pediatric Assessment Triangle. At which time would you complete this assessment?

During the scene size-up

The primary function of a prehospital care report (PCR) is to:

Ensure high-quality care

Which mechanism for cooling the body is most affected by high humidity?


You suspect that a patient under your care is experiencing early stages of dehydration. Which of the following would you suspect to find?

Excessive thirst

To prevent heat-related illnesses, which of the following is appropriate?

Exercising for brief periods with frequent rests

You are called to the high school football practice facility where one of the athletes who has been practicing is complaining of dizziness and a throbbing headache. The weather is extremely hot and humid. You examine the athlete and suspect heat stroke based on which of the following?

Flushed, dry skin

A 72-year-old woman goes out of her house in her bear feet, wearing only her pajamas and robe, to get the newspaper from the curb. There is snow on the ground, and the temperature is 20 F (-6.6 C). When she tries to get back into the house the door is locked. Finally, a passerby sees her and calls9-1-1. Upon arrival, you find her sitting on the steps of the porch. The passerby is sitting with her and has coat wrapped around her shoulders. She is conscious and alert but says that her feet are numb. You would most likely suspect which of the following?


A 72-year-old woman goes out of her house in her bear feet, wearing only her pajamas and robe, to get the newspaper from the curb. There is snow on the ground, and the temperature is 20 F (-6.6 C). When she tries to get back into the house the door is locked. Finally, a passerby sees her and calls9-1-1. Upon arrival, you find her sitting on the steps of the porch. The passerby is sitting with her and has coat wrapped around her shoulders. She is conscious and alert but says that her feet are numb. Which of the following is your priority?

Get the victim out of the cold

Which of the following is considered a high-risk situation impacting safety during an emergency response?

Going though an intersection, Driving in inclement weather, Responding alone

You arrive on the scene of an apartment complex fire involving over 15 apartments. Numerous people have exited or have been pulled out of the building. Several people are burned severely, with varying levels of consciousness. Others are coughing and having difficulty breathing. Still others are sitting on the ground, stunned and sobbing. Fire personnel arrived just minutes before you did. You are assisting with triage and identify patients who are able to walk with what colored tag?


Which of the following are NOT signs and symptoms of opioid overdose?


Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)


Phencyclidine (PCP)


A responsive patient who is suffering from a heat emergency has cool, moist skin. She is most likely suffering from:

Heat exhaustion

Which of the following is categorized as the most severe heat-related illness?

Heat stroke

When providing care to a patient with suspected substance abuse, which of the following is most important?

Identifying life-threatening conditions

You are the first to arrive at the scene of a commuter plane that crashed into a farmhouse. The plane was carrying 10 passengers and three crew members. No one was in the farmhouse when the plane hit. Other units of emergency responders and several fire departments are en route with an estimated time of arrival of 10 minutes. Several of the patients have burns involving several body parts. You would expect these patients to be triaged as which level?


Which of the following terms related to use of a drug is used to characterize substance misuse


You respond to a call in which a passerby noticed a middle-aged man lying on the sidewalk just in front of the doorway to a building. Upon arrival, you find that the patient is lying face-down, and you notice vomit on the sidewalk and in his mouth. He is unresponsive. His chest is moving up and down in a shallow, slow fashion. You notice an empty bottle of liquor protruding out from under the patient's jacket You would identify that the poison entered the body by which route?


A child is stung by a bee and experiences a reaction. this reaction is in response to a poison that has entered the body by which route


You would treat all scorpion stings as medical emergencies based on the understanding that:

It is difficult to tell which scorpions are poisonous

You arrive on the scene of an apartment complex fire involving over 15 apartments. Numerous people have exited or have been pulled out of the building. Several people are burned severely, with varying levels of consciousness. Others are coughing and having difficulty breathing. Still others are sitting on the ground, stunned and sobbing. Fire personnel arrived just minutes before you did. One of the patients is a child. Which triage system would be most appropriate to use?


If your patient is found in the cold, not shivering, with a diminished level of responsiveness you should suspect:

Severe hypothermia

A patient is conscious but unable to self-administer the auto-injector. At which location would you administer the auto-injector?

Lateral mid thigh

Which of the following would be a course of chemical food poisoning?


An adolescent who has been stung by a wasp begins to exhibit signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis. Which of the following would least likely be found during the assessment?

Localized skin rash

You are working with the triage officer and identifying patients' status using symbols. Which triage system are you using?


You arrive on the scene of an apartment complex fire involving over 15 apartments. Numerous people have exited or have been pulled out of the building. Several people are burned severely, with varying levels of consciousness. Others are coughing and having difficulty breathing. Still others are sitting on the ground, stunned and sobbing. Fire personnel arrived just minutes before you did. You notice that one of the patients is tagged white. You interpret this as an indication that the patient has:

Minor injuries not requiring a physicians care

You are providing care for a patient with confirmed hypothermia. Which of the following steps would you do first?

Move the patient to a warmer environment





Which of the following would be least likely to affect your decision about the number of additional resources needed at the scene?

Number of bystanders

You respond to a call in which a passerby noticed a middle-aged man lying on the sidewalk just in front of the doorway to a building. Upon arrival, you find that the patient is lying face-down, and you notice vomit on the sidewalk and in his mouth. He is unresponsive. His chest is moving up and down in a shallow, slow fashion. You notice an empty bottle of liquor protruding out from under the patient's jacket. While caring for the patient, you also find a bottle of prescription medication next to him. the label reads codeine. You would identify this drug as which of the following

Opioid narcotic

Use of an excessive amount of a substance to adverse possibly life-threating reactions


You would check the jump kit during which phase of the EMS response

Phase 1

The rationale for wearing a hat on the head during cold weather is based on the understanding that the body loses heat via which process?


A whiplash injury is associated with which type of motor-vehicle crash?


When documenting patient information, which of the following is the most important?

Recording factual observations

Which color for triage would indicate that the patient requires urgent care?


You are using the START system to assess an adult patient. You find that the patient is breathing at a rate of 42 breaths per minute. You would tag this person with what color?


Which of the following is appropriate in the treatment of a patient who is severely hypothermic?

Removing wet clothing

What are signs and symptoms of opioid overdose

Respiratory depression, Small pupils, Coma type state

You arrive at the home of a family in response to a call that a 4-year-old child was climbing over a wooden fence in the backyard and fell. A piece of fence has broken off and cut through the child's pant leg where you can see it protruding. There is blood on the pant leg and the ground. The child is crying and talking to his parents. Which of the following conditions would you be most alert for at this time?


Ingestion of an opiate, sedative, or barbiturate can cause depression of the CNS and:

Slow breathing

Alcohol is a powerful CNS depressant. It:

Slows reflexes

You are providing care to an older adult patient who has fallen in his home. When speaking to the patient, it seems like the patient does not hear. The patient is awake and alert, breathing and has a pulse. The patient's son is present and tells you that his father is hard of hearing

Speak slowly and clearly to the patient when interacting with him

You should not use a tweezers or a forceps to remove an embedded stinger because:

Squeezing may cause the stinger to inject more venom into the wound



Which substance category includes drugs that produce temporary feeling of alertness and bursts of energy?


When the body start to become too cold, which of the following occurs as the first response?

Superficial blood vessel constriction in the extremities

You respond to a call in which a passerby noticed a middle-aged man lying on the sidewalk just in front of the doorway to a building. Upon arrival, you find that the patient is lying face-down, and you notice vomit on the sidewalk and in his mouth. He is unresponsive. His chest is moving up and down in a shallow, slow fashion. You notice an empty bottle of liquor protruding out from under the patient's jacket You would suspect which effect if the patient has taken both drugs?

Synergistic effect

In which situation would the use of activated charcoal be indicated

The patient is fully conscious and alert

In which of the following situations would the responder administer intranasal naloxone?

The patient is unconscious and opioid overdose is suspected

Which statement best reflects the most accurate information about Poison Control Centers (PCCs)?

They receive over 2 million phone calls each year

You are called to the scene in which a patient was stung by a jellyfish. Which of the following would lead you to suspect that the patient is experiencing a severe allergic reaction?

Throat swelling

What would be the desired goal of giving activated charcoal?

To bind a toxin and prevent absorption

Effects of a substance on the body decrease due to continued use


Which of the following is considered a primary cause of death among EMS personnel?

Traffic on roadways

You arrive on the scene of an apartment complex fire involving over 15 apartments. Numerous people have exited or have been pulled out of the building. Several people are burned severely, with varying levels of consciousness. Others are coughing and having difficulty breathing. Still others are sitting on the ground, stunned and sobbing. Fire personnel arrived just minutes before you did. While triaging, you tag a person red based on which findings?

Unconsciousness, Capillary refill greater than two seconds, Absent radial pulse

You and your partner are called to a local tavern where a fight has broken out and has moved into the streets. When you arrive, you observe four to five individuals fighting on the sidewalk. Two individuals are lying on the ground and bleeding. Broken glass is all over the group, and a crowd has gathered around the individuals, screaming, and yelling at them. Which of the following would be your initial action upon arriving at the scene?

Wait for law enforcement personnel to arrive to secure the scene

You and your partner are called to a rural camping site in response to a call about a camper being bitten by a snake on his lower leg. The patient tells you that it was a coral snake. You are preparing to transport the patient. Which of the following methods is least appropriate to use?

Walking assist

Which of the following would you do first when you suspect the victim has been bitten by a coral snake?

Wash the wound

Which of the following would provide further evidence to support your suspicion that you victim has frostbite?

Waxy skin

Mental and physical discomfort produced with the cessation of substance use or abuse


When obtaining a SAMPLE history from a patient who is addicted to cocaine, he tells you that he has not used the drug for the last 12 hours. you should be alert for signs of-


You are checking the jump kit for the necessary supplies. Which of the following must be included?

Wound dressing

You are reviewing a copy of a PCR. Where would you expect to find the patient's vital signs documented?

check boxes

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