FIS 202 Final

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Event Mechanism categories

- static blood dispersed from a point source - blood dispersed in a jet - blood dispersed as a function of accelerated motion - blood accumulates or flows on a surface - blood dispersed as a function of secondary contact with a surface - blood dispersed as a function of gravity

Body Fluid Tests

-sperm/semen = acid phosphatase - saliva = amylase + starches

Strip Search

1 or 2 people exterior scenes w large area divide space into strips and move down the strips, turning after each strip to go to next strip

3 Specific Scene Integrity Issues

1) ADDITION of material to the scene (POST-INCIDENT ARTIFACTS) 2) DESTRUCTION of material in the scene 3) MOVEMENT of material in the scene ( if unchecked/ unrecognized)

Landfill recovery methodology

1) ID appropriate cell/ cells in consultation with the landfill operator 2) landfill operator removes cells that were deposited on top of cells in question 3) once cell exposed, use backhoe/ bulldozer throughout operation - observation and rake teams

Evaluation of Firearm Steps

1) Operational Check 2) Note any abnormalities about firearm 3) Look for class characteristics between gun and ammunition

3 Basic Glass Determinations

1) Type of Glass 2) Direction of force (can help stage the scene) 3) sequence of force (can help stage the scene)

Fire Scene methodology

1) assessment and observation and documentation 2) examination

Methodology of bloodstain pattern analysis

1) become familiar with entire scene 2) ID discrete patterns among various bloodstained surfaces 3) classify patterns based on their physical characteristics using same form of established taxonomy 4) evaluate aspects of directionality and motion in stain pattern 5) evaluate angles of impact, points of convergence, areas of origin, if necessary 6) evaluate interrelationships among stains, patterns, and other evidence 7) evaluate visible source events to explain pattern ( based on all above) 8) validate the analysis through some form of peer review

Reconstructing entire events steps

1) collect data, establish likely events 2) establish event segments from the data available 3) define associated event segments 4) order and sequence the associated event segments 5) audit the information 6) determine and final order the events 7) final flowchart of the overall incident based on the event and event segment sequence

Basic Methodology for Crime Scene Photography

1) document entire scene as soon as possible using overall photos 2) photograph all fragile items of evidence as soon as possible using evidence establishing and evidence close up phots 3) place photo placards in scene on all items of interest and reshoot a second series of overall photos 4) document all known evidence with evidence establishing shots and close up shots and use placards when possible to clearly differentiate from one another 5) if items discovered in later stages - ensure appropriate photos are created and may need to take additional photos even though scene has been altered 6) use road mapping technique to create photos that clearly demonstrate result of examinations such as bloodstain pattern analysis or trajectory analysis 7) always use film roll reference card and a photo log

Evaluation of Bullet Steps

1) list possible weapons based on: - number - size - caliber - twist of lands/ grooves of bullet 2) fire additional bullet from questioned weapon + look at striations - allows for exclusion/ individualization

3 Underlying principles of bloodstain pattern analysis

1) pattern diversity principle -variations in combinations of blood volumes and forces acting on those volumes lead to recognizable classes of patterns 2) principle of stain shape and vector correlation -the shape of certain bloodstains provides indicators as to the direction of deposition as well as to the spatial origin of the blood 3) physically altered bloodstain principle - once exposed, blood will react to environmental conditions in a predictable manner

h rhodes

1933 clues and crimes goal was to decide how crime was committed and order of events

Luke May

1933 scientific murder investigation

tom bevel

1997 bloodstain pattern analysis: with an introduction to crime scene reconstruction refined- practical crime scene analysis and reconstruction 2009

Overall Photographs

1st photographs taken depict general condition and layout of the scene how is scene oriented, where major visible landmarks are, condition of scene prior to significant alteration

Rectangular coordinates

2 measurements best if clear and specific boundaries (interior walls) fix evidence by measuring at right angles form evidence to surrounding walls/ surfaces

Defining team composition

2 ways: -area approach - function approach approach chosen based on scope and nature of scene

Sketch and Measurement team

3 people can have 4


4 measurements for items of regular shape 2 measurements for items of irregular shape effective for fixing evidence

6 Steps at a Crime Scene

Assess Observe Document Search Collect Analyze

Internal Ballistics

Examiner condition and function of weapon -evaluation of ejection patterns -evaluation of gunshot residue patterns/ shotgun patterns -examination of bullets and bullet fragments for trace evidence/ damage

Transitory Effects

FAIL TO STAND OUT until directly observed at crime scene - presence of ice in glass - smell of specific perfume when first arrive

Latent Fingerprints

GENERALLY INVISIBLE created by deposit of normal body secretions

Plastic Fingerprints

IMPRESSIONS where a print has been deposited on a soft surface

Locard's Principle of Exchange

NO PERFECT CRIME "every contact leaves a trace"


NOT SAME AS TRUTH process by which "each receives his due"

Terminal Ballistics

Pathologist effect of projectiles on body assist in limiting the position of victim at the time of wounding -range of wound -stippling/ tattooing

5 Ways Evidence Can Be Manifested

Predictable effects Unpredictable effects Transitory effects Relational details Functional details

4R rule

Ridge lines on Radial fractures are at Right angles to the Rear (side opposite of the right angles = side force was applied on)

Road mapping

VERY INTRUSIVE 1) recognition of discrete patterns/ defects 2) placement of appropriate labels and scales 3) creation of overall photos of an area with labels in place 4) creation of overall photos of a pattern with labels in place 5) creation of additional evidence establishing photos of individualizing stains/ details when needed 6) creation of close up photos of individualizing stains, defects, or details with labels in place

Patent Fingerprints

VISIBLE TO NAKED EYE created by deposit of contaminants

4 Questions Investigators Ask At Scene For Evidence

What is it? What function did it serve? What relationship does it have to any other items/ evidence or to the scene itself? What does it tell us about timing and sequencing aspects?

impact pattern

a radiating pattern of small circular/ elliptical shaped stains created when blood is broken up at a source by a force

Center-Fire Cartridges

a small primer cap is sealed at center and case of casing lights gunpowder when striked


absorb moisture Dry: -paper: 1)DFO 2)ninhydrin 3)silver nitrate -untreated wood: 1)ninhydrin 2)powder/brush Wet: -dry then physical developer

Crime Repression

after investigate and ID those responsible

Individual Characteristics

allow to compare item with a specific item/ person -UNIQUE characteristics from natural variation, damage, or wear -will include/ exclude a suspect -INDIVIDUALIZATION

Bloody prints

amido black leucocrystal violet alcohol based fluroescin


ammunition single and complete unfired unit made up of projectile (bullet) (shot pellets or slug - shotgun)


an irregular pattern created when blood is ejected in volume


any ignitable surface in room will being burning if temp in confined space reaches 1100F

pattern transfer

any stain/ pattern created by transfer of blood from one object to another in which a recognizable characteristic/ image is present in the pattern


any stain/ pattern created by transfer of blood from one object to another through some form of contact 2 categories: -wipe -swipe

In Situ

as found

Crime Prevention

before stop from happening in the first place

intermediate range

between 5-40 inches away from muzzle presence of stippling around wound

Impression Evidence

bite marks tool marks and plastic prints tire and shoe wear

saturation stains

blood drawn into clothing/ other permeable surface may destroy other bloodstains/ patterns of interest

secondary contact stains

blood is transported from one object to another smears wipes swipes pattern transfers

Spatter Stain

blood mass is broken up into small droplets and put into free flight by something circular/ elliptical

Zone search

break area up into distinct areas, each person searches a specific area 2 variations: -for small, confined spaces -for large scene


bullet enters no exit

3 Dimensional sketch

can present crime scene info in a more realistic perspective hand drawn sketches to computer sketches/views

v pattern

caused by flame rising on a wall can show where fire originated down below very standard pattern


caused by inappropriate handling of evidence

Unpredictable Effects

changes that occur AT UNEXPECTED/ RANDOM TIMES to alter scene/ evidence - ems opening doors/ moving furniture and not reporting doing so

Predictable Effects

changes to scene/ evidence that OCCUR REGULARLY - bugs found on dead body at different time periods

Evidence close up / forensic quality photographs

close up with an appropriate scale present next to evidence must fill frame with item of interest


collection of facts to draw a conclusion

Cross projection/ exploded sketch

combines standard birds eye view with laying down walls to depict evidence that is present on these vertical surfaces

Regulate Noncriminal Conduct

control general behavior patterns prevent chaos

Relational Details

created through investigators ABILITY TO PHYSICALLY PLACE ITEMS at scene - presence of void pattern on wall surrounded by spatter -shell casings in grass

External ballistics

crime scene team trajectory of bullet after leaving the barrel of the weapon -describe bullet defect as penetrating, perforating, ricochet/ deflection, or tangential

james w osterberg

criminal investigation: a method of reconstructing the past

blunt force truama

crushing/ tearing of tissue

sharp force trauma

cutting of tissue


cyanoacrylate fuming small particle reagent

Elevation sketch

depicts side view of some portion of a scene (typically an interior wall or similar vertical surface)

Close contact/ Hard contact

direct contact/ muzzle pressed to skin

Actions of the Initial Responding Officer

documenting initial information emergency care secure and control the crime scene establish initial parameters -primary focal points -natural entry/exit points -secondary scenes release the scene to appropriate authorities (CSI)

blood into blood

drip pattern pattern of spatter deposited into one another or into another liquid resulting in an accumulation with secondary spatter randomly oriented around the margin

Human Skin

dry dead on scene exam: -adding machine paper -cyanoacrylate fuming -magnetic powder -iodine fuming dry alive on scene exam: -adding machine paper wet: -adding machine paper

Non porous smooth

dry: -cyanoacrylate fuming -powders -small particle reagent wet: -dry and follow with a dry approach

Nonporous Rough

dry: -cyanoacrylate fuming -powders wet: -dry and follow with powder/brush

Adhesive surfaces

dry: -submit to lab if possible -crystal violet, alcohol/ water technique -sticky-side powders wet: -dry and use any of the above


enters and exits


ethanol phenothailen hydrogen peroxide PINK

Direction of Force

evaluate radial fractures present in first concentric ring of fractures to determine where/ what side force was applied to -4R Rule

Evaluation of Recovered Casings

examine for number of different marks: - breech bolt marks - firing pin marks - ejector / extractor marks - microscopic variations

Polar Coordinates

exterior scene where evidence is significantly scattered over relatively open area not if line of sight is limited 2-3 basic measurements: -horizontal angle -horizontal distance (between datum and evidence) - difference in elevation (if applicable)

loose skin

extremely close by small gap between muzzle and skin during firing


firefighters search for hotspots that might flare up and eliminate if they find one very destructive process


first see blue green discoloration in lower right abdomen then swelling of tissue, protrusion of eyes and tongue, blackish blue discolor of tissue

Nitrite compound test

for surfaces close to muzzle at time of fire turns orange validate position of muzzle at time of fire

Crime scene sketch

free hand drawing

charles o hara

fundamentals of criminal investigation scientific method


graphically representing the order of the event segments

terminus post quem

happened after another event

terminus peri quem

happened at same time as another event

Terminus ante quem

happened before another event

5 Basic Elements of Sketch

heading diagram area legend title block scale and direction notations

Manner of Death

homicide suicide accident natural causes undetermined

Mechanical Fit

individualizing form of evidence pieces fit together = must be from same place

Adapted USACIDC Model of Processing Crime Scene

initial notification coordination, assessment, and team call out conduct initial observations deal with deceased photograph the scene document overall observations sketch the scene conduct a 1st recheck of scene release the body collect items of evidence conduct a 2nd recheck of scene conduct a 3rd recheck of scene check beyond the scene conduct an on scene debriefing of investigative team release/ secure the scene process and package evidence conduct a formal debriefing

gunshot trauma

injury produced by a projectile from a firearm

Circle/ Spiral Search

interior scenes begin on outside of area and move in slow spiral inward to middle can also be used in reverse - work your way out of middle

Crime scene report suggested format

introduction characteristics of scene conditions of scene environmental conditions factors pertinent to entry/ exit scene documentation collection of physical evidence search for latent prints additional examinations


lack of oxygen - strangulation ( garroting and hanging deaths) - smothering - choking -drowning (cerebral anoxia) -positional/ mechanical asphyxia -chemical asphyxia

Line search

large group of people exterior scenes variation of strip search each person walks straight down one strip


long barrel designed to be fired from the shoulder RIFLING- series of grooves manufactured in barrel that give the projectile spin


long barrel designed to be fired from the shoulder SMOOTH BORES - no rifling "pump" shotgun - slide action

Trajectory Analysis

look at the impacts of immediate targets, shape of final defect, trace evidence on bullets and information derived from autopsy


looking beyond obvious and try to validate/refute previous conclusions

algor mortis

loss of body heat from corpse


macro components of an incident

event segments

micro components of an event specific actions at a given point in time

Evidence establishing photographs

mid range photographs frame items not recognizable in general photos in conjunction with some obvious landmark evident in the overall photographs

Crime scene search team

min of 2 people

Evidence collection team

min of 2 people

Photography team

min of 2 people


minor abrasion passes adjacent to body

chisum and rynearson

most defined methodology before 1997 "evidence and crime scene reconstruction" storyboard approach contained subjectivity - bad

Shot Sequence Determinations

multiple bullets near each other - look at termination points and radial fractures to see order that they were shot in

indeterminate range

no conclusion no markings except bullet defect "distant"

near contact

no more than 5 inches away from muzzle

Trace Evidence

normally CLASS CHARACTERISTICS ( but may individualize in some cases) -hairs, fibers, glass, paints, soil


not true patterns lack of pattern where there should be an otherwise continuous pattern something was in the way

blood pools/ blood flows

obey gravity help establish movement and position of individuals bleeding in the scene

Metal splash

occurs from friction of bullet with a surface use DTO/ rhodizonate to show directionality


overall situation being investigated

drip trail

pattern of individual spatter deposited on a surface demonstrating movement of the dripping item from one point to another

Non spatter stains

patterns where primary stains are not circular or elliptical

Provision of Services

police have wide range of issues they will help others with

Protection of Personal Liberty

police monitor themselves to make sure not getting in way of others' freedoms

Rim-Fire Cartridges

primer compound is manufactured into rim of casing lights gunpowder when striked

Wet-Bench Serology

provided a description of the questioned blood sample, compared w any known blood sample and offered statistics of frequency of the expected markers CLASS CHARACTERISTIC- not individualizing

point to point search

rarely used in USA designate focal points and move from one focal point to the next


reacts with heme turns luminescent blue-green

amido black

reacts with proteins turns blue-black in color

peter lamb

reconstructive process has 4 parts: -information - observation - interpretation - conclusions

fly spots

result of fly activity at the scene movement of flies can track blood from body/ bloodied surface and deposit it on surrounding walls/ surfaces

wake effect

ripples in metal shows direction bullet traveled on metal

dr. paul kirk

sam shepard case 1953 "crime scene reconstruction"

Relative chronology

sequencing of event segments this happened before this but after this

edward oscar henrich

set out specific methodology "nothing just happens"

Livor mortis

settling of blood in body due to gravity after circulation ends starts 30 min after death fixed within 8 hrs of death

Handgun Weapon

short barrel designed to be fired with 1 or 2 hands revolver: -cylinder + cylinder gap -manually insert ammunition -distinct GSR pattern when fired Pistol: -magazine -put ammunition in magazine and put magazine into base of weapon

GSRs- Gunshot Residues

significant level of burned and unburned residue discharged along with bullet when fired contain trace amounts of 3 elements: - antimony - barium - lead use SEM + nitrate tests to see

Baseline coordinates

similar to rectangular coordinates best for exterior scene with no evidence landmarks DATUM POINT - start of baseline from where baseline will extend measure distance from each item to a right angle to the baseline

Area Approach

single team handles all areas associated with processing small police departments


skims surface several shallow wounds


smear through preexisting stain/ pattern


smear where blood is deposited onto a surface where it previously wasn't


spatter resulting from blood dripping from an individual/ otherwise bloodied object

Classifying bloodstain patterns

spatter stains: - linear: spurt, cast off, drip trail - non linear: impact spatter, drip non spatter stains: - irregular margins: blood into blood, gush, smear ( wipe or swipe) - regular margins: pattern transfer, flow, pool, saturation

Cause of Death

specific act that lead to death


stains created when blood is ejected in stream under pressure/ with velocity artery/ heart is breached

cast off

stains created when blood is flung from one object that is either in motion or suddenly stops moving

rigor mortis

stiffening of muscles of body start within 2 hr of death greatest at 8-12 hr after death breaks down 12-48 hr after death

3 Categories of Toolmarks

striation compression saw and drill

On scene fingerprinting

superglue fuming basic powder techniques small particle reagent

Underlying principles of crime scene reconstruction

superposition : layers deposited in timely order continuity: similar things are in same time period chronology: nothing just happens, has a before and after relationship: everything leaves a trace and has a relationship to other objects

Function Approach

team leader tells different teams to do different activities large police departments

Functional Details

the OPERATING CONDITION of items at the scene - could the gun present fire correctly? - was alarm set on clock for a specific time?

Absolute chronology

timing aspects at what time did something happen

Crime scene mapping

to scale drawing

Class Characteristics

traits of evidence that allow the items to be compared/ linked to a group -help to eliminate possibilities

Grid search

variation of strip search do strip search one way and then do the whole process again with strips perpendicular to the previous strips

Compression Toolmark

when a tool is forced into a soft material

Striation Toolmark

when cutting edge of a tool is brought in contact with and slides against a target surface

Zones of possibility

zone 1: most probable -along trajectory and lower than shoulders zone 2: possible but awkward -along trajectory and higher than shoulders zone 3: impossible given the data -physically unable to align barrel and produced the trajectory do to some reason

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