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Unified command

UHEARD Utilities, Hazmat (w/out terrorism) Explosions Aviation Rail Disasters

What is the primary Interoperability channel to be used with cooperating agencies in the NY region?


The doors to the elevator machine room at roof level cannot be used for ventilation purposes until the fire is?

Under control

New info on complaints

The officer who receives a complaint must be investigated promptly, but must be investigated within 24 hours after receipt. Units receiving such complaints must make a diligent attempt to complete the inspection and each attempt should be recorded on the A-17

You Performed BISP and discover a CIDS to be entered immediately. What do you do?

Use the ECIDS application to enter the proposed immediate CIDS. After submitting the CIDS entry, notify the administrative BC by telephone to inform the chief of the immediate CIDS.

Fire House visits (1hr from 0900-1700) How many Adults-kids?

up to 2nd grade- 1 adult - 4 kids 3/4th grade- 1 adult- 15 kids 5th and up-1 adult- 30 kids Cub Scouts- 1 adult-20 kids

Engine Company 111 just operated at a fire in which the officer used his PSS to escape a wind driven fire. After returning to quarters, the officer contacted the Division for a replacement system, because their spare PSS repacking kit was already in use. While waiting for the replacement, Engine 111 received a phone alarm for a report of a fire in a brownstone. The officer would be correct to notify the dispatcher that Engine 111 is ______.

out of Service for all responses Explanation: When a Battalion Chief or Company Officer needs a PSS replacement, the unit will be out of service until the replacement is received.Rope 4(6.16) 1 spare PSS repacking kit has been issued to each firefighting unit up to and including Battalion Chief. The spare PSS can be worn by a member while their PSS is being repacked or while awaiting a replacement PSS.Rope 4 sec 6.1

Engine 39 receives an alarm for a fire on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The transmitted data of the CIDS message for the reported address starts with MEGA. The members would be correct to think that this information indicates the building is how tall?

over 800 feet tall

Which chemical agent has an odor ? A: Nerve agents B: Blister agents C: Blood agents D: Choking agents

A- Fruit odor B-garlic odor C- Burnt almonds D- Chlorine or grass ERP add 2 sec 2

Roof access at a LRFPMD?

1. Stairway in an attached adjoining building, or, if two separate sections protected by fire doors, the use of a protected adjoining section; 2. An enclosed evacuation stairway; 3. Aerial Ladder or Tower Ladder.

If you need a replacement KO curtain sure to notify?

DIVISION Note For window blanket go to RnD Or after hours to SOC on Roosevelt island

CPC nfo

-The primary objective of a CPC company is to perform rescue of non-ambulatory victims -Entries into a contaminated area require a coordinated effort by at least 5CPC train members: 2 entry, 2 back up, 1 decon. -no minimum Manning required for CPC unit. -should only operate in the exclusion zone when technical companies are monitoring the environment

The following equipment shall be assembled in readiness and placed on company apparatus when snow or ice emergency is imminent or Phase A or B established?

"Light Snow Still Causes Vicious Hazards" Lengths (6) of 2 1/2" Shovels (2) Salt/sand Chains/links/link tool Vehicle Recovery Strap Hydrant connection AUC 200 3.3.3 D

handling of a PCR following a CFRD response?

-In all cases, the proper page(s) of the form must be forwarded through the bag by the end of the tour. B- 1.1.3 - Part 3 of the form is the Hospital Patient Record Copy which is given to the EMS UNIT operating at the scene. - Part 2 of the form is the Research Copy retained at Quarters...D - 1.1.1 - Part 1 is the original and is to be forwarded to the Office of Medical Affairs

features of Tower Ladders

- In the basket is a single handle which controls all functions of the basket; it has a "Dead Man" trigger which must be depressed before the system operates. The intercom in the basket is an open circuit, and controlled from the pedestal. -Depressing the foot pedal at the base of the console (pedestal) activates the system and the engine throttle control. This movement also deactivates the basket controls by activating the hydraulic system in case of electrical failure. -The use of the platform control switch (Deadman Control) is necessary whenever members or civilians enter or leave an elevated basket. -When no other solution is possible, a member may escape from the basket by means of the fixed telescoping ladder mounted on top of the boom sections or by life saving rope in conjunction with the Personal Harness, which ever is most appropriate for the situation.Lads 6 2.4.5, 2.5, 2.6

portable ladder placement window,

-Placed at window, tip shall be level with sill -Placed at roof, tip shall be at least 2 feet above roof or parapet -Placed alongside fire escape on a building wall, tip shall be 1 to 3 feet above the fire escape railing -FE railing is slightly above Ladders 1 sec 7.4

DNR order

- if you started CPR and someone shows you a valid DNR you must stop CPR - a Dr can override a valid DNR - If a confrontation appears likely, request an EMS officer and call the OLMC physician - If a foreign body is causing choking it is appropriate to remove it BUT after you do that and breathing has stopped do not continue in ventilation.


- used on class D fires(combustible metals) - LITH-X extinguishers are superior for very hot burning metal fire such as lithium -MET-LX Extinguisher is superior to do LITH-X extinguisher at adhering to very hot vertical surfaces -Discharge time 30 seconds

Impolite call on HT

-1 impolite call gets sent even if channel is busy BUT WILL not preempt any ongoing transmission. SO ITS ALWAYS SENT BUT MAY NOT BE HEARD. Remember 1 impolite call and 2 polite calls

1st n 2nd Trk at Hazmat incident. What do they do?

-1st ladder Team 1 -responsible for hazard identification and to provide primary search reports for locations entered Team 2-Information resources (Orange DOT guidebook). N back up -2nd ladder Team1-information resources (help 1st ladder team 2) Team2- est the initial exclusion zone using read HazMat barrier tape, utility rope, traffic cones etc.

Vehicle recovery strap info

-30 feet long -Maximum weight of vehicle to be recovered genetic seed 20,000 pounds -Vehicle recovery straps she'll never be attached to front or rear bumpers -safety zone of at least 35 feet should be maintained -recovery from the front is the preferred method

Akron New Yorker multiversal Noz

-800 gallons per minute -1 1/4 tip 100psi 1 1/2 70psi 2" 50psi -If the spikes exceed 1/16" in diameter it must be sharpened -range of elevation is from 90° above horizontal to 15° below horizontal. Release the pin before reaching 35° to go below

The following collisions shall be considered preventable

-A Fire Department apparatus in a non-response mode strikes a vehicle when passing a double parked car. (Including a 10-20 response). -A Fire Department apparatus is operating in reverse gear when guide personnel are or should be available. -A Fire Department apparatus strikes any part of quarters when leaving or returning. -A fall from a moving apparatus. -Operating a tractor trailer without an operator in the tiller. -Collisions caused by the failure to chock wheels.

Chemical agent info

-All chemical agents, except HYDROGEN CYANIDE are heavier than air -Exposure to chemical agents will result in immediate signs and symptoms (seconds to minutes)with the exception of MUSTARD/PHOSGENE, which will have delayed affects(hours).

AUC 325 Emergency's at airports

-All units respond to the staging area EXCEPT 1st due BC -The PAPD tour commander has the has the prime responsibility for firefighting and rescue activities at the airport and is the IC - Units form up in a double line, Engine RIGHT, Ladders, Rescue,Special units LEFT -UNDER NO CICUMSTANCES do we go into airport. We need PAPD escort. -Large phosphorescent sign with a "WHITE" H on a green background, which can be found on one of the terminal Bldgs is a WALL HYDRANT

Metro north M2 cars

-Always operate in pairs -"A"car (even numbered)car, having a pantograph is coupled to the "B"car(odd numbered)car having no pantograph -Best way to identify the M2 cars is the orange stripe on each side of the car and the pantograph on the roof of the "A" car -Both cars will have PCB transformers

More info on Class 2's

-Always use 2 1/2" hose -2 members must be assigned to the roof if there is a single stair. it is up to the officer to maintain control of the door and he might have to give up one of his inside men to go with the roof FF. -2nd truck Brings KO curtain -1st OV/LCC operate as per low rise -2nd OV Assists with KO curtain deployment/ LSR rescue if necessary -2nd roof brings LSR. if not needed he brings it to floor above the fire. Proceed to the roof to assist 1st roof FF with vent of attack stair bulkhead, search of bulkhead and perimeter -If top floor fire 2nd lad Officer will ENSURE KO CURTAIN is brought to the roof

Digital in line gauge

-An effective FF stream for 2 1/2 inch hose with a 1 1/8 inch MST is between 225-250 GPM -Hoseline operations can continue without the display functioning properly

Following equipment shall be on rig during winter phase A/B

-At least 6 lengths of 2 1/2 -2 shovels -Containers salt/sand -Veh recovery strap and shackle -Tire chains, spare link n link tool -Specialized hydrant connection set up as determined by Company Officer

You are dispatched to a report of person struck by a train in a subway. On arrival, transit Authority representatives informed the officer that there is a person under the train. The victim is conscious but severely injured. Due to the imminent life hazard the officer directs a Member to shut the power at the nearest power removal box. Other info?

-Besides informing the FDNY dispatch of power removal when you use the power removal box you must notify desk superintendent when on the phone of power removal box -anytime power removal is accomplished via the power removal box the IC shall forward a letterhead report to the chief of OPs -Transit personnel CAN be requested to put on wooden slippers o affected cars (odd ball)

What injuries to members cant be minor injuries?

-Burns (other than 1st degree) -Chest pains -Sprains/strains WITH swelling or discoloration -ANY injury resulting in (FAINTING BLACKOUTS LOSS OF MEMORY) -Shortness of Breathe

Giving Charges

-Chargers must be preoared n forwarded with/endorsements to BITS w/in 10 days -Chargers are not to be served on the respondent until they are approved by BITS -immediately notify BC -form BP-115

Communications unit (S)reports to who?

-Comm Unit leader if not there Resource Unit Leaderif not there IC -You CAN NOT be a Comm Unit Leader (Chief is) -your duties is providing support to the field communications unit and all other types of communications being used

Emergency Alert on transmitting HT

-Depressed Approx 1second -LED light blinks out SOS signal 3dots 3dashes 3 dots -Top display illuminates in AMBER/ORANGE alternates between emergency/unit ID (AEIOU) Main screen-Orange stripe with EMERGENCY

Receiving an Emergency alert activation on a radio you will see?

-Displays "EA received" in ORANGE/AMBER -Displays ID of radio transmitting EA (either alpha numeric of new HT, or 7 digit ID of older models) - Holds display for approx 8 seconds ( could be longer because of polite or impolite)

Fire Ice info

-Dry chemical extinguishing agent that is intended for use at manhole fires (class C fires) involving electrical cables NOT TRANSFORMERS -Not effective on class B fires -It insulates and extinguishes burning electrical cables at manhole fires and reduces levels of CO -FireIce nozzle has a built-in eductor and shut off. 25 feet length of 3/4" hose connected to the eductor with a pick up tube attached. The system is supplied by one and 1 3/4" line with a 25 pound container of FireIce. -suffix I

Foam operations AR-AFFF (RED BAND)

-Educator Goes on the pumper outlet only - Can only use up to 6 lengths of 1 3/4inch or 10 lengths of 2 1/2 inch -Supply foam line with 200 psi

Light weight PDs

-Extra Engine -Collapse times Reg PD 60min/unprotected cellar ceilings 20 min/LW 5-10 in -areas unsupported by columns with spans GREATER THAN 25 feet -most common roof is open web LW wood truss(can collapse as one complete unit). -fire stopping must be installed in areas of 500 sq ft or less. -wood I-Beams could span 60' -presence of smoke pushing at the floor line on the outside of a building may be an indication of a fire in a truss loft.

correct way to create a CIDS entry

-FD Designation, Occupancy, Description of Building (height, dimensions, construction class) -A single building that has an address range posted on the building (100-112 Williams ave) he officer shall submit a CIDS entry for the first and last posted address numbers of such range. The combined number 100-112 should also be included inthe "Transmitted Data" portion of each CIDS entry -When interconnected/attached buildings and building complexes have a separate house number posted on each building (20 Watkins st, 30 Watkins st, 40 Watkins st), the officer shall submit a separate CIDS entry for each address -A Non-Fireproof structure renovated or repaired using any type of structural Light-Weight materials would be classified as CL3LW -Communications ch 4 pages 5-7

HR Office where is: Firesector/Forward Staging Area/SAE group/Forward Triage Area

-FireSector- Floor below fire(controls fire floor and floor above) -Forward Staging Area-2 floors below original fire floor (maintains 20 spare SCBA's and 3 eng and 2 Ladders) -SAE group- on a floor not serviced by the same bank of elevators as fire floor AND at least 5 FLOORS above fire floor Forward Triage Area- environmentally safe location on a Floor BELOW FSA

Street festivals and outdoor gatherings

-For fire apparatus access a fire lane of At least 15 FEET in width must be maintained -Solid YELLOW circle 12" in diameter in the center of the emergency exit lane must be kept to indicate the location of each fire hydrant within the boundaries of the event

Gas fire pit (gas appliance) laws AUC 5

-Gas appliance shall be located outdoors in at least 5 feet from any building or structure -shall not be located with in 5 feet of exit or exit discharges. -fire extinguishers shall be installed at a minimum of 10 feet and a maximum of 20 feet from the outdoor gas appliance -furniture within 5 feet from the fire pit she'll have a flame retardant coating. REGULAR FIRE PITS/CHIMINEAS are still NOT ALLOWED. Chronic problems of these you would issue summonses for failure to comply with FC307.1/FC307.2

Narcan info

-If administering Naloxone Using a Narcan nasal spray, administer IV 4mg/.1 ML in 1 nostril. If after 2-3 minutes, there is no response, administer 4 mg with a 2nd device into the other nostril -If administering via a mucosal atomizer device, administer 1 MG/ML in both nostrils(pediatrics .5) -after 5 minutes the patient's respiratory rate is not greater than 10 breaths per minute, then give 2nd dose. -breathing needs to be less than 10 breaths per minute.

Cell site

-If cell site is INVOLVED special call Eng n Truck -Insure TL response on initial alarm

MET-L-X/LITH-LX extinquisher info

-Lith-LX superior for very hot burning metal fires such as Lithium. -Met-L-X for fires on VERTICAL surfaces -Met-L-X forms a crustwhich excludes air from contacting the metalwhich helps cool the metal below ignition temp -Met-L-X has yellow label -optimum starting distance 10' -must be maintained upright to work properly,if horizontal or inverted it will not work. -when using this overhaul will be delayed until metal is cooled down.

Info on Class 2's

-Majority are 8-18 stories -due to the height transmit 10-77 -May have wood framing, wood flooring, steel channel rails possibly framed out with wood -horizontal bands or belt courses are the single best design feature to identify these buildings which are usually found ABOVE windows on 1,2,3 floors and BELOW windows of any of the TOP 3 full floors -Open Fire stairs are the most common stair encountered -SERVICE STAIRS are open stairs and usually contain standpipe, service elevator and doors to the apartment which are typically not the main entrance doors. -1st OV MUST notify their officer whenever they operate on exterior of the building(FE).

Disinfecting SCBA regulator

-Minimum of 6 pumps of isopropyl alcohol (NOT in spray ports) in regulator opening. -Rinse after with drinking water and shake out Excess water in regulator

injury reports

-Must be initiated n submitted no later than 7 days. -If the report is not submitted within 7 days the injury cannot be entered into CIRS. You must then forward a CIRS -1 report through the chain of command to the Chief of Safety with an explanation of the circumstances.

A 10-year-old child comes up to you and saying he's being beaten by his father and does not want to go home. What do you do?

-Notified a dispatcher that you are operating at a verbal alarm -have NYPD, and FDNY EMS supervisor, and an ambulance respond to the scene. Remind the ambulance crew that day are mandated to do the report for social services. -forward letterhead report to chief of operations -Take a Mark in the Company journal indicating the child's name and the identity of the police officer left in charge AUC 3

Arson evidence collection order of preference

-ONE Gallon metal NEW paint can -Clean glass jar w/a tight fitting lid -Heavy gauge plastic bag in PAIRS "Avoid plastic containers"

Rescue Task Force(K)

-One member shall monitor TAC-U -Shall enter in with a rolling T-formation 3SRT members will lead formation and one will provide rear security -FDNY members will move in pairs at the center of this formation. FDNY task force leader will be closest to rear security, NYPD rear security controls the movement of the team. -Focus on Care/removal of red tag patients

Iroquois pipeline emergency

-Primary consideration is the evacuation area involved. Avenues of escape must remain open for civilians and FD personal -The initial actions of units responding to pipeline boxes are to set up a perimeter and eliminate sources of ignition -Except in the event of immediate threat to life or property, no valves should be open or closed without the approval of the FDNY IC in consultation with Con Ed/Iroquois personal -No fog lines to disperse gas let it disperse naturally

Lobby control unit (L)info

-Report to logistics section chief if not IC -1 elevator in the lobby 1 elevator in FSA(at least 2 Flrs below) -Relieve OVs operating elevators -can take on duties of system control unit -while responding get a MDT print out of the units The following equipment shall be carried in every elevator car CHECKER Clipboard Handy talkie FE tools 1 set Cylinder spare Keys elevator Elevator control sheet Search rope

Systems control unit (Y) info

-Report to the logistics section chief if not there report to IC -Will making close liaison with building personnel and monitoring and controlling HVAC system, building fire suppression system, essential building personnel as directed by IC

CIDS info

-Seeds may be entered by any unit upon finding a hazardous condition. But only shall be entered by the ADMINISTRATIVE unit. -The address and/or special/name of the building is the key to the CIDS program -CIDS can only be provided If the address and/or special name/place of the building is known. Therefore it is incumbent upon the first arriving officer to give the address and/or special name/place as soon as possible if it has not been identified previously or differs from the original address given. -If the address of the fire or emergency is not a CIDS building But is on the same side of the street and is with in 3 house numbers of a CIDS building, the computer will identify the CIDS building to the dispatcher

NYCHA key fob info

-Should Keith a fail to unlock the door, it can be a lot to remotely by NYCHA security 24 hours a day -if the building loses electrical power the electromagnetic lock will deactivate but the door will remain locked by the crash bar lock -each FOB has an individual zero number which is recorded in OR. If you lose/damage the OOD shall call the 24 hour emergency number. Record it in the company journal, no loss property report required -If you force a door or elevator machinery room door you need to notify Housing Authority via borough dispatcher that the door has been forced and in addition forward a letterhead report to the chain of command to chief of operations

Pak tracker info

-Should be held at waist height out in front of the operating member -The top of the handheld receiver should be pointed toward the target -The signal will not pass through brick or concrete -Always pause 3-4 seconds for a reading and always move toward the highest relative signal strength

HT colors when transmit/receive

-Solid Red-TRANSMITTING -Blinking red (while transmitting) LOW Battery -Blinking red(not transmitting) HT in EMERGENCY MODE -Solid Amber- RECEIVING. -Blinking Amber- receiving a SECURED transmission Also -30 second time out timer- Short warning tone at 26 seconds, continuous tone at 30 seconds -Will hold the IDs of the last 15 transmissions

Elevator landing detectors, HVAC detectors and sprinkler water flow alarms in a high rise office will cause these things to happen?

-Sound the fire alarm on the FIRE floor and FLOOR ABOVE Also-IF built under 2008 code FOOR Below too -cause a fire alarm signal to be trans made it to fd via Central Station -caught a fire alarm signal to be sounded at the fire command station, mechanical control center and the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director -stop the air supply into AND the return air from the FLOOR WHERE ACTIVATED. -activate the air exhaust fans and dampers in the smoke shaft or the pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure -UNLOCK The doors on the lock fail safe system

Bldgs with cell towers info

-TL must be special called if one not on initial ticket -If cell site is INVOLVED special call Eng/Lad -Est collapse zones where antenna's and installation equipment is located. -Tactical Support Unit shall be special calle especially at NIGHT(increased lighting)

Diamond blade info

-The blade is bi-directional -When operating it should be frequently backed out of the cut, so the Air can cool the blade -If the blade begins to heat up and glow red during use, discontinue using that delayed it till it has cooled down -During Prolonged cutting, use a gentle stream of water on the blade at the point of contact with the material being cut to prevent overheating

You respond to report explosion on a bridge and I requested by the dispatcher to give an immediate preliminary report what do you need to know for this?

-The first responder bridge manual is a GREEN book -Refer to the Field Guide to identify affected structural members -Transmit an incident assessment to the dispatcher using the "size up" section of the field guide -Report any lost or stolen manuals forthwith to PTSU.

On a 1076 E101S E102L E103Y Who do they report to/go?

-The officer of E101(S) will be the communications officer and will report to the communications leader if he is not there he will report to the resource unit leader. If resource unit leader is not there report to IC. -The officer of E102(L) will be lobby control and shall operate on the primary tactical channel and take a position in the elevator lobby -The officer of E103(Y) Systems control officer, shall review any CIDS information available while responding and shall check in and obtain a briefing from the logistics section chief or IC

Portable outdoor BBQ laws AUC 5

-The total grate area shall not exceed 10 sq feet -portable outdoor barbecues should not be stored/used within 10 feet of any combustible/waste/building surface including roofs and decks. -GROUP R2 Apartment houses Can only use LPG container w/capacity of 16.4 ounces -GROUP R3 1-2 family dwellings LPG containers of 20 pounds and not be stored or used indoors or on any rooftop or balcony. Max of 2. -both groups can keep (4)16.4 ounce LPG containers inside of dwelling.

Cockloft nozzle info

-The two 1/2 inch OST's or not to be removed These tips increase the reach of the stream in excess of 60 feet -Discharge approximately 125 GPM -NEVER be the primary attack line and it only to be used with supported and protected by additional conventional hand line -when using in a NFPMD, the preferred location for operation is immediately inside the apartment door -Hole approx 3x3, Tech Serv for repair. Inspec weekly

Points on the Personal Harness

-When a Company Officer is in need of a loaner Personal Harness, the unit where the that member is working shall inform the borough dispatcher that the unit is OOS until a loaner Personal Harness is obtained from the depot -When the Personal Harness has been contaminated from fireground contaminants, the Personal Harness shall be decontaminated in quarters using a sponge and water. A mild detergent may be used if necessary - When the Personal Harness has been grossly contaminated from other than fireground contaminants, it shall be placed OOS - Will respond, but NOT counted towards the unit's staffing....ex: FF is responding with you in a Ladder Company. You would transmit to the dispatcher the "we are responding with 4 FFs." Upon arrival, you shall inform the IC of the unit's status, and the IC shall adjust his/her strategy accordingly....

Points on Comm ch 2

-When an alarm is received via the PC/ATS you have 20 seconds to acknowledge -The verbal button should be used only if they received verbal alarm is within two blocks of a units quarters in any direction -The ACT G (acting) Button can only be used by the first relocated into the original unit. If the subsequent relocations or made into that unit, the ACT G button can no longer be used

Probie book

-When he successfully completes a quiz at the end of the module, print the completion receipt and staple it in his book -The Proby control sheet will be affixed to the inside of the Proby firefighters FOLDER(not book) -A tool list should be attached to the first page of the Proby notebook -The proby FF will go on a cross unit detail for 90 days but only after the proby FF has completed at least 90 days of service in his firehouse.

Three times you would consider using a 2 1/2 at a PD fire?

-Wind impacted fire -Heavily involved first floor fire and a Larger style PD(queen Anne) -PD FULLY INVOLVED

DNR order info

-an out of hospital DNR order is valid If it is recorded on a NYS Department of health form it can be EXPIRED and still valid -a Hospital/nursing home DNR must be up to date. -a MOLST form with a DNR written inside of it is valid. -DNR bracelet with the words "do not resuscitate" is considered a valid DNR order. Remember, even if a written order is not located the bracelet is good enough.

Bldgs under Construction/Demo

-during construction of a new building or in spaces being added to an existing building, at least ONE permanent stair shall be brought within 40 feet or 4 floors below the working deck at all times -When Heights reach greater than 75 feet, at least one elevator or hoist shall be kept in readiness at all times for FD use. -The max distance between the highest accessible floor from a temporary elevator/hoist and the working deck of a building under construction or demolition shall be no more than 75 feet or 7 floors

1st Eng at a hazmat incident. What do you do?

-establish a water supply. Stretch a line but do not place it into operation until ordered by the IC. -place the initial line up wind and up hill for the safety of members -If necessary, the members of this company MAY perform CFR-D duties -DO NOT split up Stay as a Unit

When allegations of loss, missing or possibly stolen private property or made what must you do?

-have a chief respond if not there yet -do not interview witness but complete form BF -26 -if it is alleged that property was taken by a fire department employee, notified IG office -if the fire has been designated as a 10-41 (all codes), Notify the fire marshal and IG office -If the complaint and does not fall with in the two above items, advised a complaint to notify PD

Engine 50 for a response to a class C alarm for a smoke detector activation on the 27th floor in a high-rise office buildings in this situation what are the correct actions to take?

-have engine guys bring just a forcible entry tools -Direct building personnel to reset the alarm and then wait 2 to 3 minutes to ensure the alarm system resets and hold -If the alarm reactivates or never resets go in elevator to investigate(if your in a truck call LCC to take your spot when you go up) -Upon seeing a smoke condition, transmit a 1076 and return to the lobby to secure the necessary hose, recall the elevators and re-check the alarm panel

Roof top conduit/piping colors as per AUC5

-hi voltage wiring-RED -Low voltage wiring-ORANGE -natural gas piping-YELLOW -OTHER compressed gas piping-YELLOW, Labeled at regular intervals with the type of gas -Fuel oil piping-YELLOW with BLACK STRIPES

Standpipe/sprinkler OOS

-if They cannot be restored within 8 hours. Need to provide fire watch If system found to be 00S during an inspection/routine response -Request BC if it is a large life hazard, large property value or if sprinkler head replacement is considered. only BC or above can order a sprinkler head replacement -Issue VO -consider issuing VO to provide a firewatch by a fire guard -issue summons for failure to notify -Forward and A-500 to division commander

HVAC systems will be placed in noncirculating mode by?

-opening all outside air supply dampers -closing or mixing dampers -opening all exhaust dampers

light train info

-primary means of communication Train Operator's radio - progress reports to IC every 15 min -A HT equipped member shall be assigned to remain with the Train Operator to maintain communications - Apparatus of the unit who boarded the train should remain at its original location until, and if, directed to another location by the Chief in Charge ...2.7

3rd truck duties at a HR office?

-proceed to the floor above her via another stairway other then attack stairway -advise the ICP which stairway is the best stairway to be used for evacuation -Remove all occupants from the attack stairway for a reasonable distance above the fire floor -if difficulty is encountered In clearing the attack stair Advise the 1st ladder or fire sector supervisor to withhold attack.

Activation of a smoke detector at an elevator landing in a high-rise office will do this?

-recall elevators -sound of fire alarm signal on the fire floor and floor above(in 2008 bldg code flor below too) -cause a fire alarm signal to be transported to fire department via central station -cause a fire alarm signal to be sounded at the fire command station, mechanical control center and the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director. -Stop the air supply in two and a return at from the FLOOR WHERE ACTIVATED. -Activate the air exhaust fans and dampers in the smoke shaft or the pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure. -Unlock the doors on the lock fail safe system -HVACS Do the same except recall the elevators -Activation of sprinkler water flow alarm will do the everything listed above.

Bldgs under Demolition

-standpipe riser must be painted red to be considered in a state of readiness -Standpipe system shall be maintained as a dry system and must have an air pressurized alarm -Standpipe/Sprinkler risers should be capped above the outlet on the floor IMMEDIATELY BELOW the floor being demolished -need at least one stand pipe riser maintained at all times for fire fighting -sprinkler system shall be maintained as non-automatic system(DRY) -sprinkler piping shall be painted RED during any demolition operations EXCEPT for the valve which will be painted GREEN/combo valve YELLOW -FD hose connection for the Sprinkler shall be a metal sign reading "sprinkler connection" and by a RED light at night

Bldgs under Construction

-standpipe risers MUST be painted red to be considered in a state of readiness. -Standpipe system's shall be maintained as a dry system when freezing conditions may be encountered and MUST have an air-pressurized alarm. -FD Hose connection shall be marked by a metal sign reading "Standpipe Connection"and a red light at night -Standpipe Risers may be used by construction personnel for water or compressed air for construction site purposes-PROVIDED-at least ONE stand pipe riser is maintained at all times for fire fighting.

Lt Topper is working in L-200 during the 6x9 tour when she decides to check the training schedule for the next day (9x6). She discovers that L-200 has rope training at Randalls Island 1000-1230 hrs. To ensure L-200 arrives for training at the appropriate time, the correct time L-200 must leave quarters by with the day tour members can be found in which choice?

0915 Units scheduled for such activities must leave from their quarters, with the day tour members no later than 0915 hours or night tour members no later than 1815 hours AUC 287 sec 5.1.3

When do you need high pressure pumping? At what pressure will you require a third stage engine? What engine is the preferred choice for pumping operations requiring discharge pressures over 500?

1)OVER 250 psi(flrs31-40) 2)OVER 600psi (Flrs 101-110) 3)3rd stage engine(flrs 81-90)

Safety Teams before FAST unit arrives

1 Eng- 5FFs Cont/Door 4FFS 2 Desg by OFF 1 Lad- 5FFs LCC/OV 4FFs LCC/Outside FF desg by OFF 1 ENG/1 LAD- CON/LCC for both 4/5 FFs 2 ENG Company's- BU/CONT 2nd Arrive ENG

At a collapse, what does 1 Long blast mean? 3 short blasts(1 sec each), 1 long blast 1 short blast?

1 long blast-Cease operations/Remain quiet 3 short blasts-evacuate the area 1 long 1 short-resume operations

The correct action level at a radiological event can be found in which choice?

1 mr/hr The Department uses 1 mR/hr as an action level. The Hotline (defining the Hot Zone) should be established at a rate of 2 mR/hr

To operate as a SOC support lAdder company, The unit shall be staffed with a minimum of how many trained members

1 officer/or acting trained officer 3 trained FFs

Temporary Front pieces

1 temporary frontpiece for the company officer and 3 temporary frontpieces for firefighters..... -In addition to the front pieces, an 11"X17" sign, which reminds detailed members to return the front pieces, will be issued. The sign shall be placed in an area, which is clearly visible to all members leaving quarters -The front pieces will be stored in a location by the commanding officer and are to be used by all unassigned company officers and detailed firefighters C:At roll call, the officer on duty is to ascertain if the unit's officer and firefighter's frontpieces are accounted for D: :Lost frontpieces shall be the subject of a lost property report (FS-112)

In a collapse the order from the highest priority, first alarm engine companies are to?

1-Extinguish active fire in the affected building and surrounding debris 2- Protect exposures 3- Extinguish burning vehicles within the vicinity of the collapse

The second hoseline at a high rise fireproof multiple dwelling may be used for which of the following?

1. Backup the first line. **2. Advance with the first line. **3. Operate the hi-rise nozzle. **4. Operate into a breach in the adjoining apartment wall while the first line is protecting the public hallway. **5. Operate on the floor HRFPMD: SECOND LINE MAY BE STRETCHED TO FLOOR ABOVE HIGH RISE OFFICE: SECOND LINE IS NOT STRETCHED TO FLOOR ABOVE

Lt Gutty of Eng 99 is having another busy day tour with morning-BISP and a few CFRD responses. Lad 199, quartered with Eng 99, had only one stuck elevator response and Lieutenant Jones of Lad 199 relayed the following messages to Lt Gutty. 1. Call the BC about an overdue report 2. Call local PD Capt who is irate about the rig hitting a few patrol cars 3. Call community board 15 about a parade 4. FF Kinks is patiently waiting for you in the kitchen about a VL swap Lt Gutty correctly answered the messages in the following order: "People before paper"

1,2,3,4 TB Supervision 2.3 People before Paper order of consideration 1. Superiors 2. People who are upset, whether outsiders or insiders 3. Outsiders: from another agency or unit, civilians 4. Routine contacts with insiders**Code- Outsiders before insiders, but upset people go first. Rank has its privileges!

10-28 codes

1- structural fire 2- non-structural fire (train, rubbish etc.) 3- emergency non medical

During winter OPs who enters the block 1ST?

1-3 Stories ENGINE 3 1/2 stories or more LADDER

When members suspect or discover any type of clandestine lab, they shall immediately stop, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING, retrace their steps and back out of the area. In addition, which of the following notifications shall be made?

1. Battalion Chief. 2. Deputy Chief. 3. Request Haz-Mat to respond. 4. NYPD (including the Bomb Squad when necessary). 5. BFI.

With a hydrant pressure of 50 psi and the apparatus in volume, which what is the pump idle pressure?

105 Pump idle pressure always equals the pressure the pumps provide at its lowest RPMs (around 55 psi in volume or around 110 psi in pressure) plus the water intake pressure received from a water source (e.g., hydrant pressure 50 psi plus pump pressure in volume 55 psi will equal a pump idle pressure of 105 psi). Training Bulletins App P-3 1.7

correct sequence for starting a high rise office building's fire pumps?

1. Close knife switch to on 2. Close circuit breaker(s) & power "on" light will glow 3. Push starting button & pump "on" light will glow 4. Move selector lever to desired position increasing pump speed and thereby increasing pressure HROB 4.1.4

If the person still remains motionless after the pre-alarm how long until it goes into full alarm?

12 seconds after the pre-alarm starts. (32 seconds) -The full alarm can only be cleared by manually pressing the reset button twice, located on the side of the control console. - when a pass alarm is activated in full cycle for 10 seconds, the member hearing the alarm should immediately notify the IC

New HT offer the ability to recall recent transmissions, including emergency alerts. The IDs of the last (how many?)transmissions can be viewed. When scrolling through recent transmissions, emergency alert activated transmissions will be indicated by a ? triangle

15 ORANGE Remember PAK TRACKER can hold 36 IDs

With the detonation of an Improvised Nuclear Device (IND), responding units shall not enter the area of detonation for at least ________ minutes.

15 min Because radiation fallout from an IND does not occur for approximately 15 minutes after detonation, units responding to an IND should not enter the area of the detonation for at least 15 minutes post-detonation, when presence of radiation can then be detected and monitored ERP add 4 sec 3.1.4.C

What is the service life of an air cylinder? When is hydrostatic testing done on them? Escape cylinders used by SOC units for confined space when are they hydrostatic tested?

15 yrs 5 yrs 3 yrs

When operating at a Con-Edison Substation involving 345,000V, the proper safety distance ?

18 feet 345,000V 18 feet 15,000-38,000 feet 10 feet AUC 338 add 2 sec 2

A knowledgeable officer should know that the Transport Index (TI) of a package should not exceed ____ mR/hr and the total TI of a vehicle's shipment may not exceed ___ mR/hr.

10/50 ERP Add 4 2.5.5, 2.5.6

At a radiological emergency, what would be considered the "decision dose" (whole body) for the protection of major property?

10 REM 5 REM - General Operations 10 REM - Protection of Major Property 25 REM - Lifesaving or Protection of Large Populations 50 REM - Lifesaving for a Catastrophic Event ERP Add 4 4.1.4 A, Table 3

The minimum safe distance when operating at a Con-Edison substation with the voltage known to be between 15,000V-38,000V, and 345,000 V?

10 feet for 15,000V-38,000V 18 feet for 345,000V AUC 338 add 2 page-2

When operating at a vehicle extrication, you should keep your FFs from operating at least how many inches from the drivers airbag?

10 inches Emergency Procedures Disentanglement and Extrication sec 2.6 The rule of 5-10-20 should be observed.....at least 5" from side airbags, 10" from drive airbags, and 20" from passenger airbags

When supervising the mixture of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) concentrate to the AFFF extinguisher, the correct amount of concentrate to be added can be found in which choice?

10 ounces An AFFF extinguisher not used within 1 year after charging must be emptied, refilled and recharged Note: this is a recent change Also: inspected DailyTraining Bulletins Foam add 2 sec 5

Major gas emergency indicators

10-20 VOIDS -10% LEL Or greater inside/outside -20% LEL- Elevated gas readings in and unvented (subsurface)manhole or sewer -Gas leaking or present inside a VOID or wall -Gas migrating into a Bldg from an OUTSIDE source -Gas leaking inside a structure and the control valve is INOPERABLE or cannot be located -Serious DAMAGE to a major component of the gas infrastructure (master meter,main) -Gas present- in 2 or more SUBSURFACE structures (manhole,sewer)

Sprinkler 10 code 1-3

10-34-1 Defective sprinkler device or system (defective alarm valve, broken pipe, etc.) 10-34-2 Unwarranted sprinkler alarm-Not defective (surge in pressure, people working on the system, etc.) 10-34-3 Sprinkler has been activated by heat source not associated with an accidental fire Communications ch 8 page 9

You are responding to a report of a fire on the 50th floor of a 60 sty 200x200 High-Rise Office Building. As your unit approaches the building, you see smoke emanating from the window frame of an upper floor. Upon seeing this smoke, the most correct signal to give?

10-76/2nd alarm Be aware this section states " A second alarm is warranted for any visible FIRE or SMOKE emanating through the exterior skin of the building or when a serious fire has been verifiedCommunications ch 8 page-19 states "10-76/2nd alarm"

Your unit responds to a report of an unknown chemical spill at a local university. Which team assignment is correctly listed below?

1st Arriving Ladder Team 1: Hazard identification 1st Arriving Ladder Team 2: Information resources 2nd Arriving Ladder Team 1: Information resources 2nd Arriving Ladder Team 2: Initial Exclusion Zone ERP 11.1.5, 11.1.6, 11.2.4, 11.2.5

Under ground chemical attack in transit. Ladder duties

1st Truck EHAB Team 1 (E, HA) Evacuation and Hazard Assessment Team 2-(B) Backup 2nd truck EGD SAC Team 1-(EGD) Evac to Gross Decon Team 2-(SAC) Site Access Control

Who carries the KO Curtain during a fire in a HRFPMD?

1st and 3rd roof FF 2nd due LSR

During a suspected chemical attack in an underground transit system, which company is responsible to inform the second arriving ladder company and IC if victims collapse on their way from the subway exit to the gross decontaminated area?

1st arriving engine 1- establish water 2- remain outside the subway system unless ordered by IC 3- provide emergency gross decon for ambulatory victims 4- Direct persons who have been decon to Casualty Collection Point 5- Provide estimate number of victims to IC 6- Inform 2nd arriving ladder company and IC if victims collapse on their way from the subway exit to the gross decon area ERP add 2 pages 8 and 9

Polite calls (2 of them)

1st call-approx 8 seconds after the impolite call. It waits for channel to be clear so it may be more then 8 sec. 2nd call- Will be sent after the 1st polite call to increase chances of it reaching as many members as possible.

Which is the coorect tool assignments for members going to the roof at a taxpayer fire operation 1st 2nd roof?

1st roof saw Hook 2nd roof saw hall/axe When the member going to the roof is carrying the saw, a HOOK must also be taken.Members going to the roof subsequently should bring an AX or IRON with the saw if available.Tarred over scuttles and skylights can be removed, and a full complement of tools will be available for use.Note: Engine company personnel may use these if truck company members are at a premium. Txpyr 8.4.3 C

First 4 trucks positions at HR office

1st/2nd due-Search in evacuate the fire floor, 2nd helps 1st 3rd due-Shall be assigned to search in evacuate the floor above the fire via other than Attack stair. Remove all Occupants from attack stair for atleast a teasonable distance. Determine Best stair to be used as Evac stair n advise ICP. If difficulty is accounted clearing the attack stairway of occupants,Advise the 1st ladder or Fire Sec super or fire branch director. 4th due- Take elev to roof. Assign to operate on the upper floors and to initiate the SEARCH OF ATTACK STAIRWAYS. Assigned to SAE on Ch3 and bring spare SCBA per member Primary of top 5 floors FAST/CFR- assigned to Firesector

During Building Inspection, you discover a single building with the address 100-112 Williams Ave. Upon return to qtrs, you are trying to figure out how many CIDS entries are required for a single building with a multi-number address range posted. You would be correct in which choice

2 The unit officer must enter a CIDS message for the first and last posted address numbers of such range. The combined number 100-112 should also be included in the "Transmitted Data" portion of each CIDS entry (AKA 100-112 Williams Ave)Communications ch 4 page 5

Add a EIFS fire with a building three stores what line should you use?

2 1/2" . A 1 3/4 handline may be sufficient for smaller private 12 weeks -Cockloft not all operated operated on the exterior of the building (3 feet from the window sill) can provide a vertical reach of up to 2 floors

While taking up from a CFR run in E-200, the dispatcher calls you over the apparatus radio to see if your available for another run. You try calling the dispatcher by depressing the handset button and transmitting your message, but failed to receive an acknowledgment from the dispatcher. Your next move to make is found in which correct choice?

2 attempts to call didpatcher In the event a 1st call is not acknowledged within 30 seconds, press the handset button and repeat the call, but not more than 3 attempts to contact the dispatcher. If the 3rd call is not acknowledged, assume the radio is inoperative and transmit your message from another mobile unit (3 attempts from this unit). Still if no acknowledgement, assume a problem with the Borough frequency and switch to Citywide frequency. If unable to to communicate with the citywide dispatcher by radio, contact the Borough or Citywide dispatcher via telephone Know this procedure cold Communications ch 8 sec 8.4.3

To be in service for CFR you need a minimum of?

2 members IT CAN BE 1 FF AND ! OFF

At a large, multi-agency incident, you are instructed to operate on a UTAC "Repeater Channel". When transmitting on a repeater channel, you must press and hold the Push to Talk for how long, before beginning to speak to allow the repeater to activate and not cut off the beginning of the message?

2 seconds

When you have a low battery on your SCBA do unit will chirp every?

2 seconds

Operational units will conduct familiarization drills at public, private and charter schools K-12. After the initial familiarization drill, the unit will continue to conduct such drills within every ___ from the most recent familiarization drill.

2 years

You are working the 6x9 tour in E500 and just received a ticket for E500, L600 to respond to an alarm ringing in a private dwelling on Woodhaven blvd in the great Borough of Queens. As the IC on scene, you would be correct to transmit a preliminary report to the dispatcher within how many minutes?

5 minutes Communications ch 8 sec 8.9.10 Borough dispatchers shall contact the IC to obtain a preliminary report if the IC fails to transmit one within 5 minutes after announcing arrival *** Officers of land units are not required to submit a preliminary report when special called to an automobile, grass, rubbish, or similar outside fire 8.11.7***Remember, you can be the IC

Not more than how many members are permitted in any elevator car


To eliminate the "stuck button" problem on all FDNY H/Ts, after 30 seconds the continuous transmission is cut off and is replaced with a continuous tone. However, before this occurs, the remote microphone will receive a warning tone after how many seconds?

26 seconds Comm ch 11

When a member, on or off duty, suffers a heart attack or suspected heart attack, the officer on duty in his/her unit must forward a report to BHS showing in detail the work and activity records of the member. These records shall reflect how many hours prior to the attack?

72 hours The report must include if attack occured on or off duty; dates and tours of duty worked; response to alarms; nature and length of duty performed; e.g. training, inspectional and maintenance activities.Regulations ch 17 sec 17.12.15

During a Collapse Operation, if possible, both first and second arriving engines should take separate hydrants outside the block, each on separate mains. The third and fourth engines should take similar positions at the rear of the structure. In addition, two of the second alarm engines should be used to seal off the ends of the street with chauffeurs remaining in the cab to move the apparatus if need be. From the information provided above, which engine is most correct that ensures a 3 1/2" supply line is stretched to the first tower ladder?

2nd Engine 1st arriving Engine will "consider" stretching 3 1/2" line to supply a TL 2nd arriving Engine "ensures" it Remember: 3rd and subsequent arriving Engines can assist in the removal of lightly buried victims....in addition to fire control, stretching lines, augmenting water supply, and CFR duties Collapse Operations page 10

Which unit is responsible for shutting down the utilities at a Private Dwelling fire?

2nd ladder Taxpayers-1st arriving Ladder Company 8.2.2 Collapse Operations-2nd arriving Ladder Company and haz-mat personnel may be special called to assist

If the address that you are responding to for a fire/emergency is not a CIDS building but is on the same side of the street and within ________house numbers of a CIDS building, the computer will identify the CIDS building to the Borough dispatcher?

3 The dispatcher will notify the IC of this fact via radio if the preliminary or progress reports indicate that exposures are a consideration.....Remember, You are the IC until a higher rank is 10-84 Communications ch 4 sec 4.2.4

The Water Safety Kit is primarily used for shore based waterfront operations. Companies with Water Safety Kits can operate from the shore alone as well as assist Water Rescue and SCUBA trained companies when on scene. The correct length of rope that is within the "Throw bag"

75 feet of buoyant nylon rope contained within a "Throw Bag"Emergency Procedures Water Rescue 2 sec 3.6.2

Members entering rehabilitation do you normally rest for approximately how long?

20 min I'm going to the rehabilitation group members should be sent 4 units at a time

In SCBA will automatically go into pre-alarm if the person remains motionless for how long?

20 seconds

The Company Journal shall be retained for how many years?

20 years Company Office Record Journal is 10 years (15.3.1) Company Fire Record Journal is 10 years (15.3.5)Regs ch 15 sec 15.2.1.R

Members placed on Military Leave may be eligible for a maximum of _________ hours of paid Military Leave per calendar year.


Officers of units reporting to the Command Post shall report in alone, after instructing their members to stand by at least _______ feet from the Command Post?

25 feet Remember RAC Unit Within 50 feet of the command post and within eyesight of the fire building whenever possible

HT missing, lost or stolen what do you do?

3 calls 2 emails Call BC, Div, FDOC EMAIL FDOC, radio shops Notification must include unit+position, and Rt2 and FS-112R (if lost/stolen) must be done If you get a spare radio you must check HT ch 1,2,9.

Which choice below would require you to generate a Multiple Member Injury Report?

3 or more members suffer injuries at the same incident resulting in ML that tour Safety Bulletin 7 add 2 sec 1.3

The Unit that is responsible to confirm the evacuation doors are closed on the fire floor in a HRFPMD ?

3 rd truck 1st arriving ladder CONTROLS....6.14.1 2nd arriving ladder ENSURES....6.15 3rd arriving ladder CONFIRMS....6.16.2

To be in service as a communications unit you need ?

3 trained members NOT including OFF

Members should be familiar with the process of using wood forms to support concrete buildings under construction. It is required that every floor that has been stripped of its supporting plywood forms and is in its curing stage be "reshored." This reshoring may be indicated by one 4" x 4" stud placed every _____ feet and will usually be found on at least _____ floors below the most recently poured floor.

8', 8 Floors The method of FORMING the poured concrete floors consists of plywood held in place by 4"x 4" wood studs. One shoring stud is placed every 4 feet on center.Every floor that has been stripped of its supporting plywood forms and is in its CURING STAGE will be reshored, consisting of one 4" x 4" stud placed every 8 feet, and will usually be found on at least 8 floors below the most recently poured floor.SB 66 p2

AIR signs as per AUC 5

8x10" 2" letters black on white background 7' above sidewalk

A:Firefighters Sixth Grade with less than ________ of service may perform housewatch only between the hours of 0900-2400 provided they are monitored by the officer on duty or by an experienced member.

90 Days

The maximum range from an SCBA's transmitter to a pack tracker handheld receiver is approximately?

900 feet line of sight Pause 3 to 4 seconds for a reading Carried by all ladder, rescue and Squad companies. It shall be brought to the incident command post by the FAST unit, rescue and Squad companies. The rescue and Squad pak-trackers will remain at the command post as a Back up should the FAST unit be deployed

At a Taxpayer that is protected by a sprinkler systems, who ensures the sprinkler system is supplied if the fire is in the cellar?

3rd Engine Same for store and cockloft fires Taxpayers pages 44, 47, and 48

Where the company journal received in quarters does not have a flagging column, unit commanders shall cause a red line to be drawn _______ of the existing red line to provide for such column.

3/8" to the left

Mutual exchange of tours shall be completed within a _________ day period subsequent to the first date involved.


You are the first arriving officer to an overt biological event. You should establish an exclusion how many feet from the point of release?

300 feet Restrict entry of any responder for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to allow the biological agent to settle ERP add 1 ch 7 sec A

The isolation zone surrounding a suspicious explosive device is how many feet

300' Remember, HT and cell phones shall not be used within 150' of a suspected device, and Apparatus, Post and Marine radios should not be operated within 300' of a suspected deviceERP add 3 se 4.1

The Apparatus Collision Report (CD-19) shall be forwarded by the apparatus operator/officer within _________ of the apparatus collision/incident?

4 Days or 96 hours

If an emergency develops which requires the immediate withdrawal of the nozzle team, the officer or other member aware of the situation should indicate the fact by using how many slaps?

4 Strong Slaps Also, 1 or 2 slaps on the back or shoulder to open or close the nozzle

Whats the max opening of Hydra Ram

4 inches

Whats the max opening of Hydra Ram

4 inches Once the Hydra Ram reaches its maximum opening of 4 inches and resistance is felt, discontinue pumping. If the 4-inch opening is not enough, retract the piston and place an axe head or other substantial spacer flat on the door to provide additional opening distance .TB Tools 26 4

When conditions permit, the engine officer may order a fog or broken stream directed out a window in the fire area to assist in removal of heat and smoke conditions. The stream is directed out the selected window with the nozzle held how many feet from the window?

4-5 feet

Distance from attack stairway door for positive pressure fans

4-6 feet at 80 degree tilt 1 fan will provide the proper pressure in the stairwell up to 10 stories and two fans will pressurize a 40 story building when properly positioned. if the fire floor is above the 10th floor or additional pressure's are required to maintain the stairwell free of smoke, a 2nd fan must be brought to 3 floors below the fire floor and set up

whatb does the system control unit do? (Y)

: They evaluated the status and operation of the fire and domestic water pumps and water supply. : They evaluated and supported the public address, telephone and other communications systems. : They evaluated and operated as directed, the HVAC, smoke removal, and stairwell pressurization systems.

NFPA Yellow

Reactivity My SVU's 4-May detonate 3-Shock n Heat may detonate 2-violent chemical change 1-unstable if heated 0-Stable

When operating at a transformer fire, members and equipment must be decontaminated when exposed to certain levels of PCBs. The correct level can be found in which choice?

50 ppm Less than 50 (0-49 ppm) is considered to be non-PCB transformers On a previous Lts examAUC 266 sec 8.1

When do you Decon members exposed to PCB (transformers etc)

50 ppm or greater

In PDs NYC building code requires light weight constructed spaces between the ceiling and floor above Or ceiling and the roof above to be divided into approximately equal areas of how many square feet or less, unless the building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler.

500 sq feet

You are on scene at a EMS run with the members of E-1 and faced with a severe language barrier, which is hampering your firefighters patient assessment. You decide to call the Language Interpretive Services that the FDNY has implemented since 2009. When prompted for the personal code/FDNY Unit ID, the most correct code number you give can be found in which choice?`

5001 other points This service can be accessed from: 1-Department telephones within firehouses or EMS stations 2-Telephones located within a civilian residence or business 3-Battalion or Division cell phone AUC 343 3.1, 4.2

1st due LCC aerial at 4 window RF

:Old Law Tenement layout (4 window front) 1. Position and prepare apparatus for complete coverage. When unable tocomplete this assignment, the IC must be notified. 2. Raise and use aerial and/or portable ladders for rescue purposes. 3. Raise aerial for roof access by roof firefighter .4. After roof firefighter has reached the roof, reposition aerial for VEIS of the FIRE APARTMENT if fire is on the 3rd floor or above when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member) 5. When fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor,VEIS the fire apartment from the exterior using portable ladders when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member) .6. After VEIS of the fire apartment is complete, the aerial may be used for VEIS of adjoining apartment and/or floors above.Note:Partitions that separate apartment sare not fire stopped between the ceiling of one floor and the underside of the floor above. This may permit lateral extension across the building and could result in an unusually heavy smoke condition in the apartment which is not directly over the fire

The first arriving units at a scaffold emergency should contact a building representative to gather information. Which of the following choices is most correct regarding this process? A:They should ascertain if the building's windows are openable. B:The information obtained should be communicated to the IC within a reasonable amount of time. C: The type of work being done from the scaffold is not a consideration. D: The information obtained should be communicated to Rescue after they are 10-84(on scene).

A Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies sec. 3.1 NEW info 1/2020 A-Correct. B-As soon as possible. C-Incorrect .D-Should be communicated to the RESPONDING Rescue and Squad, as soon as possible.

The incorrect action for a first arriving Chemical Protection Clothing (CPC) unit officer can be found in which choice? A:Report to the IC and recommend the entry point into the warm zone B:Establish the CPC unit assembly area adjacent to the entry point C: Any critical or pertinent information received from the operating teams must be immediately relayed up the chain of command D: The CPC unit officer shall not don a chemical protective suit unless the situation indicates that a suit is required in order to properly supervise the unit's operation


At a rowframe fire operation, when a floor is fully involved in fire from the front to the rear? A:a full first alarm assignment is required. It is also advisable to call for an additional engine and ladder. B: a second alarm assignment is required. C: a full first alarm assignment is recommended. D:calling for an additional engine and ladder is required.

A RowFrames 7.6 A

1620 Keys are widely used for all sorts of fire department operations. NYC Transit has adopted the use to support our operations. Which choice below is INCORRECT regarding 1620 key usage in NYC Transit? A:Emergency Evacuation Device locks are accessible via 1620 key. B:Escalator and Elevator Machinery rooms are accessible via 1620 key C: High Exit Entry Turnstiles (HEET) are accessible via 1620 key. D: Sound Powered Phone Outlets are accessible via 1620 key.

A Metal mounting brackets are provided at each location and are secured with a corrosion resistant padlock. Keys for EED's can be obtained at every token booth. 3.4 & 4.1

At a collapse , who does? A: Supervise Apparatus Placement B: Ensure a 3½ supply line is stretched to the first tower ladder. C:Assist in the removal of lightly buried victims. D: Assist in performing a scene survey

A - 2nd arriving Engine 7.3 B - 2nd Arriving Engine 7.3 C - 3rd arriving Eng - 7.4 D - 1st Arriving Ladder Company 7.5MM

Engine 98 responded to a CFR run where CPR had to be performed. Which action taken by the officer at the conclusion of the run

A - The AED module will be exchanged for a blank one and the CFR depot will immediately forward the module and PCR copy directly to OMA. 2.1.2 B - A copy of the original PCR turned in to the CFR depot along with the AED module upon completion of the assignment. 2.1.1 C:The AED was not applied during the cardiac arrest so the details of what prevented the application were indicated in the comments section of the PCR. D - When the company applies and turns on their AED during a cardiac arrest resuscitation attempt, the original PCR shall be immediately faxed and forwarded to OMA upon return to quarters. 2.1

You are the first arriving officer for a report of a fire on the 30th floor of a 67 sty 200 X 200 High-Rise Office building. You make contact with Fire Safety Director and he confirms there is a fire on the 30th floor. The Fire Safety Director tells you that the floors below are filling up with smoke due to the access stairs from the 30th floor down to the 27th floor. You transmit the 10-76 and try to determine the best elevator to use to gain access to the fire. The three elevators are as follows: Bank A services floors 1-28; Bank B services floors 28-50; Bank C services floors 50-67. The most correct bank of elevators you chose can be found in which choice? A:Bank A, which you took to floor 28 B: Bank B, which you took to floor 29 C:Bank B, which you took to floor 28 D: Instead of these banks, you took the service/freight elevator to two floors below the fire floor with permission of the IC

A bank 28th floor( different bank as fire floor)IDIOT Elevator operations during fire operations: 1- when fire is confirmed on the 7th floor or below units should avoid the use of elevators 2- Do not use an elevator in a bank which services the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches within 5 floors of the fire floor 3- When it is necessary to use an elevator in a bank which serves the fire floor:A- If Firemen Service is available, use a car with the Firemen Service featureB- Select a floor at least 2 floors below the fire floor OR 2 floors below the lower level of an access stair in the fire area, whichever is lowestIn this scenario, Bank A does not serve the fire floor; therefore you do not have to go 2 floors below the lowest level of the access stairTraining Bulletins (Elevators) sec 6

You are the officer working in Engine 99 and after returing to quarters from a box, the control firefighter advises you that the custodian wrench is missing. After your search turns up negative, you have to secure an additional wrench.What do you do?

A lost property report (FS-112) must be prepared and forwarded. The Division maintains three wrenches to be used as a loaner.


A) Does not see through clear glass or plastic. These act as a mirror B) Appx 50 degrees field of view C:The focal point of a TIC is approximately 3 feet from the camera lens D) Beginning at the ceiling level and using a side-to-side scanning motion slowly working toward the floorTB Tools 27 3.3, 4.1, 4.4, 4.5

For a fire in a vacant row frame building in the middle of a row of occupied frames, where do the 4 lines go?

A) The first to arrive engine company should drop two hoselines: one a 3 ½" line to supply a TL, and a hoseline to enter the most severe exposure. B) The second hoseline, if not needed to back up the first hoseline, shall be stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure. C)The third hoseline is stretched to the fire building or to the opposite exposure, depending on where the second hoseline was stretched. D) The fourth hoseline is stretched as ordered by the Incident Commander.RF 6.7 A

ncidents involving Photovoltaic (PV) systems will require firefighters to make adjustments similar to those made with other types of electrical equipment. What to do

A- Members must NEVER cut any wires associated with a PV array. Shutting off power at the main electrical panel does not ensure that all power to the building has been removed. This holds true for opening PV disconnect (isolation) switches which can be located : on the roof, next to the main electrical panel, adjacent to the inverter, nearby the charge controller, in the battery bank area, and outside the building....6.1 B- For top floor/ cockloft fires in non-fireproof buildings where fire is beneath the PV array, roof venting operations, including the use of power saws, may not be possible. Ladder Company operations should be directed toward opening ceilings to define the boundaries of the fire...6.3 C: Using water on energized PV systems components is a decision that should only be made by the IC after careful size-up D-After receiving permission on using water on energized PV systems components, a fog nozzle shall be utilized from a distance, and set at a 30 degree spray pattern to prevent electric current from traveling upstream towards members operating hoselines

During a haz-mat incident, it is important to establish control zones based upon expected or known levels of contamination to reduce the potential for transfer of contamination. From the three zones that are typically established, what colors go to what zone? A Exclusion Zone B Contamination Reduction Zone C Support Zone D Warm Zone

A- Red tape(Hot Zone) B- Yellow tape C- Outermost area of the site and is considered uncontaminated D- Yellow (Contamination Reduction Zone) is warm zone ERP pages 3-6

During a High-Rise fire, the most correct operation when using the Digital In-Line Gauge

A- The Gauge is NOT to be pre-connected to a folded length of hose B-Firmly press and hold the green ON/OFF button for 4-5 seconds. Four dashes will appear under PRESSURE and "r3.00" will appear above FLOW C-The residual flow is when the gauge reads approximately 70 psi for a 3 length stretch or 80 psi for a 4 length stretch with a flow of 225-250- GPM D- If the gauge fails, Make another attempt to turn the gauge on. If this attempt fails the control FF shall verify with their officer that the nozzle team is receiving proper pressure and flow Training Bulletins Tools 36 sec 3.1

To provide easy access and reduce damage to NYCHA building entry doors and elevator machinery rooms, key FOBs and elevator machinery room keys have been issued to all FDNY units.

A- The entry door can be unlocked remotely by NYCHA Security. This can be done by calling the 24 hour NYCHA Emergency number, either directly or through the dispatcher. Units can also seek assistance from the building management office at the premise location. B- When an FDNY unit receives a key FOB, the office on duty shall record the serial number in the Office Record Journal...Elevator Machinery Room keys are standard issue and do not have serial numbers.. C- Call the 24 hour NYCHA emergency number to obtain new keys. If the loss or damage involves the key FOB, the serial number must be provided.. D:Any unit that forces a NYCHA building entry door or elevator machinery room door shall forward a letterhead report via the chain of command to the Chief of Operations with full particulars Also notify NYCHA via dispatcher that a door has been forced.

Out of the four choices below, which is the only one containing a proper engine operation followed at a church fire? A:At a cellar fire a 1 3/4" line was stretched via the entrance door that provided the quickest access to the cellar. B: For a first floor or choir loft fire, the first hoseline should be stretched through the main entrance way. C: In most cases when there is extension into the bell tower, an 1 3/4" hoseline will be adequate to extinguish fire at that location. D: Satellite units can lay a 6" hose and manifold to the exposure 2 or 4 sides of the structure.

A-CORRECT GOOD POINT B-sec. 6.3.1, via the entrance door that provides the QUICKEST access. C-sec. 6.4.1, in most cases it cannot be extinguished by handlines D-sec. 8.16.2, to the front or rear, Note: sec. 4.6 exp 2&4 sidewalls are a collapse hazard

Operating at a Vehicle extrication how far do you stay away from airbags?

A. 5" from side, 10" from driver, 20" from passenger CODE: "SIDE" SHORTEST WORD = SHORTEST DISTANCE "DRIVER" LONGER WORD = LONGER DISTANCE "PASSENGER" LONGEST WORD = LONGEST DISTANCE Disentanglement & Extrication 14.2; 14.4; 14.12; 14.14

Firefighter temporary frontpiece info?

A. ONE temporary frontpiece for the company officer and THREE temporary frontpieces for firefighters.....Also, In addition to the front pieces, an 11"X17" sign, which reminds detailed members to return the front pieces, will be issued. The sign shall be placed in an area, which is clearly visible to all members leaving quarters B: The front pieces will be stored in a location by the commanding officer and are to be used by all unassigned company officers and detailed firefighters C:At roll call, the officer on duty is to ascertain if the unit's officer and firefighter's frontpieces are accounted for D: :Lost frontpieces shall be the subject of a lost property report (FS-112)

You're the engine company officer arriving first due to a fully involved private dwelling. Your unit takes the following actions

A:Your members performed a backstretch to the hydrant, dropping two lines in front of the fire building: 2 handlines in front of Bldg B: The first hoseline was operated on the exterior to protect exposures before entering the fire building. C: You considered having a 2 ½ inch line stretched for faster knockdown, greater reach of the stream, increased volume of water and increased exposure protection. D: Buildings fully involved have an increased collapse potential and require a complete evaluation by the IC before entering.

where not to park on BISP/AFID

ABCDE A-any part that extends into intersection B-Bus stop C-Consruction/Demo material located BEYOND the sidewalk D-Double parked E-Emergency lights used

Immediate Notification to BITS

ACRONYM: ABCD Arrest / Alcohol on duty (arrest followup written) Brawling among members Confrontation with other agencies / confrontation (serious) with civiliansDangerous Department vehicle misuse/ Drugs on duty AUC 268A 3.1

Capabilities of the TIC

A. Will not see through water.(TB Tools 27 4.3) Useful in locating person in water (on the surface) (TB Tools 27 3.9) B. Not Intrinsically safe (TB Tools 27 4.8) C. can be used in some Haz-Mat incidents to see some vapor clouds, spilled liquids and liquid levels in containers.TB Tools 27 3.10 D. Will not see through glass or plastic. These act as a mirror as do other shinny surfaces (TB Tools 27 4)

Where no immediate rescue effort is required, the size of the frontage of the building to be covered in case of future need.

ACRONYM: FISH Frontage Immediate rescue Heat/smoke/fire Street/area conditions Lads 2 2.1

As the IC you role up to a taxpayer fire A:When two handlines are operating on an advanced fire in a store, what do you do? B: extension to the cockloft? C: extension to an adjoining occupancy? D: an advanced fire in the cellar?

A. extra Eng/Truck B,C,D-2nd alarm

AUC 5 Ch3 add7 residential fire emergency markings

A: A star indicates that door is the main entrance. above the room ID #s B:A triangle indicates that door is a secondary entrance. Above the room ID #s C: An arrow pointing up or down indicates the door serves a multi-floor dwelling. D:Sandwich apartments have no living space on the entrance floor.

MCI Bags

A: All units have been issued MCI Bags. B: MCI bags shall only be used when the highest-ranking officer operating at an MCI determines the number of patients requiring hemorrhage control exceeds the standard hemorrhage control equipment available on the responding units. C: Once the bag has been opened, the officer must contact the dispatcher for an immediate notification to the OMA on-call medical director.

Fire Units dealing with cell phone sites

A: Antennas may not extend higher than six feet above the height of the roof or parapet on the roof, or six feet above any penthouse or bulkhead, if placed on such penthouse or bulkhead. B: Roof-mounted gas generator piping may extend via the exterior or interior vertical arteries. The interior arteries may create possible channels for smoke and/or fire travel. C-Special call an additional Engine and Ladder Company, if the CELL SITE installation is INVOLVED. These additional units could be used for power removal, roof operations and handline placement. D-Ensure Tower Ladder response on the initial alarm for a reported fire in these buildings.

Hazing event what to do

A: Any reported hazing/bullying incident that would also be a crime will be reported directly to DOI for investigation. B: Alleged violations of this policy will be handled confidentially, however members can submit a hazing/bullying report anonymously to BITS or EEO. C - Hazing/Bullying that violates EEO Policy shall be reported directly to EEO office in accordance with the EEO Policy. D:Any incidents or allegations of hazing or bullying shall be reported by supervisory personnel in writing up the chain of command to the CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT

PA/ID on mutual exchange guidelines?

A: Applications for mutual exchanges shall be submitted at least 3 days in advance of the first date involved B: Mutual exchanges of tours shall be completed within a 30-day period subsequent to the first date involved C: Under normal circumstances, members should not owe or be owed 8 or more mutual exchange of tours. self-mutuals dont coun t in the 8. D:Approved mutual shall be voided if either member will be on any type of leave or detail for which the member has been notified more than 5 days prior to the first date of mutual.

Exterior Insulation Finish System (EFIS) operational consideration?

A: As first arriving Engine, you considered using the deck gun for a rapid attack and knockdown B: Upon transmission of the 10-75, you requested an extra Engine and Ladder. You asked for the extra Ladder to be a TL since none were on the first alarm ticket C: You ordered your nozzle team to stretch a 2 1/2" hoseline with a 15/16" main stream tip because the building is 7 stories(building 3 stories or higher, or a large area building, may require the use of a 2½" handline. smaller you can use 1 3/4") D- The component of primary concern during firefighting operations regarding the EFIS is the INNERmost sheathing layer (Foam Plastic Insulation)....1.3

Span of Control is important when it comes to managing resources at an incident. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding an officer's span of control?

A: At an incident where tasks are demanding and take place over a larger area, and the incident is escalating, the span of control can be increased to 3-4 B:At a complicated operation taking place in a small area where communication is good and no unusual safety hazards exist, the span of control can be increased to seven. C:At an incident where the tasks are simple and routine and the incident is stable, the individual span of control might be increased to seven. D: In general, the span of control of any individual should range from 3-7 with 5 being ideal.

actions taken at a class 2 high-rise residential-building fire in accord with FDNY protocols?

A: Because no exterior operations were feasible, the 1st ladder Chauffeur (LCC) proceeded to the fire floor to team up with his officer. B:The 2nd due ladder officer informed his unit that they were responsible to ensure all elevators were recalled and searched. C: The 2nd due truck officer ordered The 2nd OV firefighter to assist with KO curtain deployment. D: The 2nd truck officer ordered the 2nd OV firefighter to assist with the search of the fire apartment.

Portable Ladder weight capacities

A: Collapsible ladders - up to a 300 pound load. B: Extension ladders (27' to 35') - up to a 600 pound load. C:Extension ladders (26' or less) - up to a 500 pound load. D: Roof and straight ladders (26' or less) - up to a 500 pound load.

he ticket reads as follows: E100, E200, E300, E400, L600, L700, B5. You go 10-84 and transmit the 10-60 for an explosion and the collapse of several private dwellings. All units are now 10-84. who does what?

A: E200 established the Triage Transfer Point and assumed control until relieved by B5 B: E100 confirmed the location of the Point of Impact and properly position the apparatus, established water supply, and stretched a precautionary 2 1/2 hoseline C: L600 enters the POI and begin conducting rapid assessment. D:L700 reported to the Triage Transfer Point and assisted in the removal of patients to either Treatment Areas or the Transportation Sector

four statements in reference to EFAS.

A: EFAS defaults to Tactical Channel 1. B: EFAS has the capability of monitoring any of the 16 Channels, including UTAC and NYMAC channels C: When assigning a member a Verbal Mayday, the member's HT wattage is not increased to five watts, and the member does not receive the Emergency Alert tone "Beacon" D: EFAS system can handle MULTIPLE Emergency Alert transmissions at the same time Communications ch 9 add 3 sec 5.1.4, 5.2.2.note, 6.1

correct information regarding the inflatable Water Rescue Hose?

A: Every company, including Battalions, carry the Yellow Water Rescue Fittings. B: One 45 minute cylinder can fill five lengths of 2 ½" hose in approximately 1 minute. The apparatus air outlet can fill five lengths of hose in approximately 1 minute. C: Inflatable Water Rescue Hose can be deployed in either a straight line or loop. Straight line deployment can be used at incidents from a pier or shore involving a few victims within close proximity. It can also be used to reach a victim on ice. D:When Water Rescue Hose is deployed as a loop it increases buoyancy and can be used for multiple victims. Each looped length is capable of supporting approximately 10 people. More than two lengths of hose can be used for larger operations, increasing the amount of people that can be supported.

Glow sticks info

A: Glow sticks are safe to use in explosive environments B: Glow sticks will provide up to 12 hours of illumination C: Glow sticks have been issued to all units D:Each Unit shall carry at least 10 glow sticks on their apparatus E: Glow sticks are waterproof, do not use batteries, generate no heat or noise, and are disposable. They can tolerate high pressures, such as those found under water TB tools 30

filling out a PCR

A: If unable to obtain a male patient's name, "Unknown Male" shall be recorded. B:The patient's age should be entered EVEN if the date of birth is documented. C: Enter the patient's nine digit social security number if known. If unobtainable, leave this section blank. D:Fill in "0167" for FDNY agency code.

Handie talkie relay

A: LCC is to take a position at the bottom of subway entrance stairs If the token booth is within 50 yards(150 feet) of stairs to street, contact train dispatcher through the clerk. Also, the LCC should relay the token booth phone number to the Ladder Officer in case it is necessary to call the booth from a blue light telephone B: OV FF is to take a position at the foot of the stairs leading to the platform if it is within 50 yards(150 feet) of the LCC C: Roof FF is to take a position approximately 50 yards(150 feet) from the stairs on the platform for relay D:Engine Officer is to take a position approximately 100 yards (300 feet) (line of sight) from Roof FF on the platform Ladder Officer to location of fire Additional HT equipped members every 100 yards if necessary AUC 207 sec 4 Watch out for yards vs feet

3rd ladder duties at a class 2

A: The 3rd ladder will search apartments above AND below the fire as necessary. B: The 3rd ladder will search all hallways and stairs above the fire on a continual basis. C: If the 3rd ladder is operating in the apartment above the fire, the 4th ladder will search all hallways and stairs above the fire on a continual basis.

The Blitzfire Oscillating Monitor is an efficient compact and easy to maneuver portable monitor. Info on it?

A: The Blitzfire Oscillating Monitor shall be inspected weekly B:The Blitzfire Oscillating Monitor shall be supplied with one 2 1/2 supply line C:The Blitzfire Oscillating Monitor should not be operated at more than 175 psi inlet pressure with any type of solid stream or fog nozzle D: When using solid stream tips with the Blitzfire Oscillating Monitor the 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 tips shall be used. The 2" solid stream tip should not be used

The FDNY currently uses several types of ropes to aid firefighters during a variety of emergencies such as the Life Saving Rope (LSR). Search Rope, Person Safety System (PSS), and the Utility Rope. Some info

A: The LSR is 9/16" in diameter. It is made of a continuous filament of Nylon with a length of 150', weight of 14 1/2 pounds, and a working load of 600 lbs. Over a period of time ropes have shrunk 8 to 10 feet B: The Search Rope is made of either 5/16th diameter white nylon or a 7.5 mm diameter Kernantle design and is 200 feet long. A series of knots are used to identify direction to and distance from the tie off point but the first knot WILL NOT HAVE directional distance knot C:The PSS is 7.5 mm in diameter, 50' in length of kermantle rope with a figure "8" knot tied at the end of the rope, and has a working load of 300 lbs D:The Utility Rope is 9/16" in diameter, 50' in length, and all Engines shall carry a minimum of 2 length/Ladders min of 3 legnths on their apparatus. The Utility Rope shall be used at fires and emergencies to restrain portable multiversal nozzles, lash ladders, use as guide lines, and to secure equipment on apparatus etc..

Engine 99 goes 10-84 at an EMS box. After a complete search of the area in question, no patient is found. All of the following procedures should be followed except?

A: The Officer shall review the response printout for additional information B: If after rechecking the information, provided no patient is found, the Officer shall verify the information with the dispatcher C:After re-verification of the dispatch information, the responding Company shall attempt to contact neighbors, building superintendent and/or security personnel. D:If no patient is found after the above efforts have been exhausted, the Officer shall enter a 10-92 via MDT Acronym: "TDN" Ticket Dispatcher Neighbors

The probationary firefighter training notebook requires maintenance and proper entries. They are?

A: The Probationary Firefighter shall enter and date, in blue or black ink, when subject matter has been read and/or video has been viewed. B: The Officer on duty shall initial and date in red ink when the subject matter has been reviewed or drilled on. The Officer on duty should review the notebook each tour the member works. C: The Company Commander shall initial and date in red ink once a month. Company Commanders must ensure that modules and quizzes are being completed in a timely manner. D-If the training notebook is lost or destroyed, the Company Commander must forward a report through the chain of command to the administrative DIVISION within "30 days", outlining the details of the loss or destruction of the training notebook. AUC 323 2.4, Add 2 1.6, 2.1

Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) Units have been formed to augment the Hazardous Materials Group in incidents where contaminated victims are encountered. On arrival, the CPC Officer shall ensure all of the following?

A: The first arriving CPC Unit Officer will recommend to the IC the Entry Point into the Hot Zone B: The CPC Unit Officer shall not don a chemical protective suit unless the situation indicates that a suit is required in order to properly supervise the unit's operation.....e.g. Entry team would not be in line of sight C: At large incidents with multiple victims, make sure AMBULATORY victims should be addressed first They should be directed to a predetermined CCP where they can be decontaminated and then treated in the Cold Zone by medical personnel who are not restricted by having to wear CPC D: Have the back-up team assume the standby position, which is both legs in suit, outer boots and surgical gloves on, SCBA donned, cylinder opened, face piece on, but regulator disengaged from face piece, right arm in suit and identity tag in place

At a peaked roof private dwelling fire, in some cases members will be required to "open up" a peaked roof. Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding this tactic?

A: The first hole should be made at the main gable. A center hall usually follows the same direction as the main gable. B: The power saw may only be used from the basket of a tower ladder. C:If cutting the peaked roof with an axe, work from a position straddling the peak and cut a hole over the fire, parallel to and on the lee side of the ridge. The size of the opening is limited by the member's reach and maneuverability, but should generally be about 2'x3'. D: A 6' hook (10' for a Queen Anne) should be brought to the roof to push down the ceiling on the top floor after the roof hole has been cut. A hole at the main gable, with the ceiling pushed down when directed by the ladder company officer, will vent the blind attic space, the knee walls and the attic hall and rooms below, allowing rapid line advancement and search by the inside team.PD Ch 4 6.3 A, B

the following is an inaccurate description of fire resistive residential buildings (A.K.A. Class 2 high rise residential buildings)

A: The majority are 8-18 stories, and some apartments may have more than 30 rooms. B: They can be as tall as 32 floors with a single stair. C: The structural elements are constructed of concrete and steel, with some interior wood framing and flooring. D:Compactor chutes and dumbwaiter shafts may be present

High pressure pumping is defined as operating at discharge pressures over 250 psi. The units capable or providing pressures over 250 psi include all conventional engines, however, unless an emergency exists and they are ordered to do so by the IC, conventional engines should not operate in pressures exceeding 250 psi. Today you are working in E-300P for the 9x6 tour and just arrived first due for a fire on the 32nd floor of a 50 story 100x150 CL1 office building located on 555 5th ave in the Borough of Manhattan.

A: The recommended Engine discharge pressure for this fire is 300 psi B: Whenever possible, an engine supplying high pressure should be position within 1 hose length of the fire department connection being supplied. C: E-300P ECC shall operate the pump assisted by another ECC solely to monitor radio communications D:Supply length(s) must be secured to engine and building fire department connection using a tether strap. if no tether strap available, then the supply length(s) are to be secured with utility rope E: When other than 1st due to a fire in a high-rise building, officers of high pressure Engines and 3rd stage Engines shall direct their ECCs to position the apparatus at a hydrant in proximity to the standpipe siamese connection Make sure you know the discharge table on page 2A- floors 31-40 300 psiLots of testable info in this bulletinEngine operations sec 1.4, 2.1 table, 3.1, 3.3

When performing "emergency mass decontamination" using water spray from a 2 1/2" hand line, units should be guided by

A: The recommended operating pressure range is between 50 to 80 psi. B:Consideration can be given to the use of two handlines operating opposite each other, approximately 25-30' apart. C: Members initially staffing the Decon operation must wear their full protective equipment, including mask, gloves and hood. D: Bunker gear is not vapor tight and members performing Decon must still use care to avoid contact with victims. As soon as resources become available, these firefighters should be removed from the decontamination process and then go through decontamination themselves.

When there is smoke showing from a container/cabinet housing a Li-ion-ESS installed outdoors, all of the following actions would be correct to?

A: Transmit a 10-80 code 1 radio signal for a Haz-Mat Response. B:Establish an initial Danger Zone with all FDNY personnel staying behind any physical barrier surrounding the ESS. Observe a minimum of 50 ft from the cabinet and a minimum of 100 ft from the container exhaust fan opening, if present. C: Shut down the ESS (ESTOP) at the Fire Department Connection. The Engine Company shall connect to the Fire Department Connection if available, and charge the water extinguishing system. D: Use exterior lines to cool adjacent cabinets and exposures if present and necessary. Use narrow fog or straight stream application and maximum reach of streams if possible. Explanation:.HM 19 p6

The duties of the second arriving Engine Officer are?

A: Water resource officer for the first hoseline B: Control the number of members on the fire floor, limiting it to those necessary and directing others to appropriate staging areas below the fire floor C: Keep track of members going to the floor(s) above the fire. All members going to the floor(s) above the fire, before the fire is controlled, should communicate their identity to the second due engine officer before proceeding above

Deployment of Reserve Apparatus Info

A: When reserve apparatus is fully staffed and ready for fire duty, the Officer on Duty shall notify the Dispatcher, Battalion Chief, Deputy Chief and Tour Command Chief. B: A third copy of the riding list shall be posted at the housewatch desk of the unit whose identity the reserve apparatus assumes, or filed at the Emergency Command Post Headquarters. C: Reserve CFR-D Units shall have a minimum compliment of two (2) CFR-D trained Firefighters. D-CFR-D Battalion Depots are NOT to be used for supplying INITIAL CFR-D equipment for Reserve CFR-D Units. Reserve CFR-D Units will be provided with CFR-D equipment by Technical Services Division upon activation. However, Reserve CFR-D Units shall exchange out-of-service medical equipment or procure medical supplies with CFR-D Battalion Depots as necessary to keep the Unit in service. AUC 259 5.1, 6.4, 9.2-9.6

EAB facts

A: When transmitting an URGENT or MAYDAY message, the member shall begin by depressing their EAB for approximately 1 second B: In the event of an inadvertent activation, the EAB can be depressed and held down for approximately 2 second until a reset tone is heard C:The Beacon tone is repeated at regular intervals (every 4 seconds) D:Upon depressing the EAB, and Emergency Alert Tone will be sent out at 5 watts to facilitate better building penetration

Cock loft heights, Taxpayer,Brownstone,Rowframe

A:4 inches to more than 6 feet in height B: 2 to 3 feet in height C: 1 foot to a height tall enough for a man to stand in

During a collapse operation, it is necessary to identify the location of known and potential victims. Units conducting searches for these victims use the letter "V" to denote their location. Choose the incorrect statement made in regards to the letter "V"

A:A large "V" 2 feet in height is painted near the location of a known or potential victim B: An arrow may need to be added next to the "V" pointing towards the victim's location if not clearly visible or if not immediately nearby C:A circle is painted around the "V" when the location of a potential victim has been confirmed, either visually, vocally, or by hearing sounds that would indicate a high probability of a victim D: When a victim is confirmed deceased, a circle is painted around the "V" and a horizontal line through the middle of the "V" E: When the victim(s) have been removed, a circle is painted around the "V" with a horizontal and vertical line through the middle of the "V" FFP Collapse Operations add 2 secs 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

The members of Engine 199 were discussing Air Pressurized Standpipe Systems as construction continues all over the city. Some correct points

A:Air Pressurized Systems are required in buildings under construction reaching a height greater than 75' or buildings undergoing demolition with an existing standpipe. B: When the pressure in the system drops below a predetermined pressure or rises above 25psi, an audible alarm will sound at site. C:When an alarm sounds, all work at the site must immediately cease unless Concrete pouring is in progress. It will be permitted until an orderly termination of such operation can take place D: Any portion of the standpipe compromised above a closed section valve will not cause activation of the alarm.

deploying the KO Curtain

A:FFs should deploy the KO Curtain in the VERTICAL position B: The deployment FF must have their facepiece on and full PPE donned when deploying the KO Curtain C:When the receiving and deploying FFs are in position and ready, notify the 2nd arriving ladder company officer that the KO Curtain is in position and ready to be deployed D: When deploying the KO Curtain, it will always be dropped, and never thrown, to cover target window

You're the first ladder company officer operating at a major gas emergency in the cellar of a 6-story H-Type multiple dwelling. The leak has been found at the master meter. These are correct actions taken below ?

A:If the leak can be controlled by a valve or, on low pressure service (or medium/high pressure service after the service regulator) by taping or plugging, then do so. B:Only if levels can be kept to less than 80% LEL by venting may you continue to operate. C: If at any time gas levels reach 80% of the LEL or higher, treat the affected area as a "potential blast zone." D: If it is suspected that natural gas has been leaking for a considerable amount of time and is likely trapped in a void space, treat the affected area as a "potential blast zone."

Which of the following patients would be considered "potentially unstable" according to the CUPS criteria in the CFR-D bulletin?

A:Inability to move any part of the body B: Poor general impression C:Responsive but unable to follow commands D: Difficulty breathing Explanation: CFR-D Manual Chapter 2 A. 3.14 CUPS Criteria B. Unstable C. Unstable D. Unstable Uncle Pete Drinks Rum Unresponsive with no cough or gag reflex Poor general impression Difficulty breathing Responsive but unable to follow command

Care must be taken to differentiate between gas curb valves/service valves and gas main valves. Some points

A:On the National Grid "Long Service" system, the curb valve/service valve is sometimes located across the street from the building it supplies, and it may be found in the street. B: Nat Grid main valve covers are identified by an ID number stamped on the North side of the collar, underneath the cover; however, these numbers may be difficult to see. C: Curb valve/Service valves are usually found on the sidewalk side of the curb and these valves shut the gas supply to the entire building. D: An "NC" stamped on a tag near the service meter indicates there is no service valve. NOTE: Con Edison main valves have ID numbers on tags inside the valve cover.

When performing Mass Decon, the FDNY can use several options. Eng/TL set up

A:Stretch a 1 ¾ handline equipped with an Aquastream fog nozzle 50-80 psi B: Stretch two handlines operating opposite each other, approximately 25 to 30 feet apart C: Position two pumpers parallel to each other approximately 25 feet apart using the Aquastream fog nozzle, and with the control panels facing the outside D: Position the TL with a Turbomaster fog nozzle or an Aerial ladder with a ladder pipe and Aquastream fog nozzle at the edge of the water spray formed from the pumpers Explanation:2 ½B- 50-80 psiC- Place Aquastream fog nozzle on inside DISCHARGE outlet at 50-80 psiHaz-Mat 7 pages 3-5 QUEENS PACKAGE BATTALION CHIEF PACKAGE BROOKLYN PACKAGE FIRE MARSHAL PACKAGE BRONX PACKAGE CRASH COURSE 2020 STATEN ISLAND PACKAGE ACCOUNT Pkem06 My Account Logout © 2020 LtQuestions.com Proudly powered by WordPress

When performing Mass Decon, the FDNY can use several options for Eng/TL

A:Stretch a 2 1/2 handline equipped with an Aquastream fog nozzle 50-80 psi B: Stretch two handlines operating opposite each other, approximately 25 to 30 feet apart 50-80psi C: Position two pumpers parallel to each other approximately 25 feet apart using the Aquastream fog nozzle on the inside discharge outlet and with the control panels facing the outside 50-80psi D: Position the TL with a Turbomaster fog nozzle or an Aerial ladder with a ladder pipe and Aquastream fog nozzle at the edge of the water spray formed from the pumpers Haz-Mat 7 pages 3-5

OV considerations 1st due at Class 2

A:The OV should anticipate elevators NOT TO BE equipped with firefighter service in these buildings. B: In any instance where the OV operates on the exterior of the building, the 1st Ladder Officer must be informed. C: If elevator operations are not required for an upper floor fire, the OV shall report to their officer and team up with the inside team and assist with the search of the fire apartment. D: If elevator operations are not required for an upper floor fire, the OV may be assigned to locate secondary entrances to the fire apartment and/or additional stairways servicing the fire apartment/floor.

You have just arrived 1st due to a fire in a building under construction using wood forms to support the curing concrete. As you ascend the staircase, you start to remember the critical points for this type of building.

A:The fire load is created by the storage of sheets of plywood and wood studs previously stripped from a cured floor. This lumber is usually found stored 2 floors below the most recently poured floor and serve as the forms for the next floor to be poured B: To find out how long the concrete has been drying, units looked for a responsible person such as, a construction engineer, building superintendent, or concrete foreman C: 4x4 studs placed every 8 feet are an indication the floor is in its curing stage and are usually found at least 8 floors below the most recently poured floor D: If no responsible person on scene, units shall assume the most recently poured was poured in the last 24 hours and is indicated by 4x4 studs placed every 4 feet on center

A number of new requirements have come about to decrease the risk of cancer in firefighters.

A:The firefighter protective ensemble shall only be kept at the designated storage area on the clothing rack, at the designated location on or near the apparatus for rapid donning by on-duty members. B: A supply of "No Bunker Gear" signs have been distributed to all units. These signs shall be displayed at the entrances to all living areas that adjoin any area where the wearing of bunker gear is permitted (e.g., apparatus floor). C: Replacement or additional "No Bunker Gear" signs can be obtained by contacting Safety Command. D: Members are prohibited from conducting a drill or packing the lifesaving rope wearing bunker gear in designated "living areas"

Large capacity ammonia refrigeration systems are provided with an emergency ammonia mixer for the purpose of mixing ammonia with water. Officers in command of fires shall order the use of this device when there is excessive pressure developing in the refrigeration system due to the proximity of the fire. below is correct regarding this procedure?

A:The mixer is designed to mix the ammonia with water and discharge it into sewer lines. B:Volume of water to be supplied depends on the capacity of the system and is indicated by the size of the pipe from the siamese or inlet to the mixer. (Pipe 1 ¼ inch to 2 ½ inch requires a volume of 100-700 gallons of water per minute) C: The Off on Duty with the unit supplying the water shall determine the necessary pressure to provide the required volume of water. D: Control valve boxes shall be opened by a Fire Department alarm box key. After water is started, the ammonia valve shall be opened fully.

The Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) that is equipped with a MDT, will be identified in the CADS system in which correct choice? A:RRV027 B:R027 C: R27 D: RRV27

AUC 159 add 8 sec 3 4 door/4 wheel drive apparatus equipped with a MDT will be identified in the CADS system as follows: R.....example R027 2 door/2 wheel drive apparatus without a MDT will be designated by the associated SOC Support Ladder Company...example Ladder 126 2nd piece will be designated SSL-126 when called over the Department radio Also check out section 4...has been asked on previous exams AUC 159 add 8 is new as of 11/20/2019

Just prior to Roll Call, the Officer of Engine 99 asked the junior firefighter where the MetroCard was located on the apparatus. A discussion ensued among the students about the accounting and procedures for lost or damaged cards. Which choice below is INCORRECT? A: After each roll call, the officer shall record an entry in the Company Journal stating that the card is accounted for and on the apparatus. B:If a MetroCard is lost or stolen or damaged, the officer on duty shall immediately notify PTSU via telephone advising of the particulars. C: If a MetroCard is lost, the officer shall file a police report D:If a MetroCard is lost, the officer shall complete a lost property report

AUC 207 - ADDENDUM 3 B IS INCORRECT - Notification is made to the FDNY Resource Center advising of the particulars. 3.6.3 A - 3.6.1 C - 3.6.4 D - 3.6.4

The Sensit Combustible Gas Detector can detect? how long does it take to charge? How long does a fully charged battery last for?

Acetone, Gasoline, Methane, Propane Recharge takes 2 to 5 hours and the LED will illuminate green to indicate a fully charged battery A fully charged battery supplies approximately 20 hours of continuous use Emergency Procedures add 5 secs 2 and 3

You are working in L-400 for the 9x6 tour on March 1, 2019, when you receive a ticket to respond on the 2nd alarm to 50-53 Main street in the Borough of Queens for a top floor fire in a 6 story 100x100 "H" type multiple dwelling. Upon arrival at the Command Post, the IC orders your company to the roof of the fire building and report into Roof Sector Supervisor B-100. Before leaving the Command Post, you tell your members, to bring what additional equipment?

Acronym: HULL H- Hose Roller U- Utility rope L- LSR L- Life Belt Regs ch 11 sec 11.3.23

At a high rise office building fire, the first arriving ladder company should obtain as much information as is possible from the fire safety director or his/her surrogate ?

Acronym: SEAL Status of elevators Evacuation procedures implemented Access stairs serving fire floor Location of the fire. HROB 8.3.1 A

transmitting Signal 10-80 No Code include:

Acronym: SIPS -Small quantity release (e.g., gas leak in a stove). -Identified material and hazards. -PPE provides adequate protection against the identified hazards. -Special equipment and specialized training are not needed. Comm 8 10-80

Your aerial ladder responds to a fire in a Row Frame. The Row Frame is 3 stories, with a 4 window front. Fire is on the second floor. After dropping off the Roof FF to the roof, what is the next action the LCC should take?

After the Roof FF has reached the roof, reposition the aerial ladder for VEIS of the fire apartment IF fire is on the 3rd floor or above when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member). When fire is on the 1st or 2nd floor, VEIS the fire apartment from the EXTERIOR using portable ladders when teamed up with the 2nd chauffeur (or another available member) .RF 5.7 D

You are informed or made aware of a hazing or bullying conduct has occurred who must you report this incident or allegation up to in the Chain of command?

All the way up to the chief of department

What is a collision?

An Apparatus collision is when an apparatus strikes or is struck by a vehicle, pedestrian, or bicyclist or strikes a fixed object.

Info when you are involved in a preventable collision

An officer involved in a 1st preventable collision will be interviewed and counseled by a chief officer from the officer's assigned battalion. A Post Collision Interview form shall be prepared by the interviewing chief officer, and forwarded to the Deputy Chief who has been designated as the Safety and Collision Prevention Officer. (See attachment #1). 3.2 An officer involved in a 2nd preventable collision in a 12 month period will result in a Supervisory Conference with a chief officer from the officer's assigned battalion. 3.3 An officer involved in a 3rd preventable collision in an 18 month period will result in a Supervisory Conference between the unit commander and a chief officer from the unit commander's assigned battalion. (See attachment #2). A report shall be forwarded to the Chief of Operations with recommendations for reassignment of the officer for a 60 day period. 3.4 Any collision involving double parked cars while the unit is in a non-response mode will result in a Supervisory Conference.

Priority valve shutdown for Gas is

Appliance valve, Interior Gas Riser valve, Individual Meter Valve, Master Meter valve, Head of Service valve (Building Service Valve & Exterior Gas Riser Valve), Curb Valve/Service Valve, Main valve

At fatal fires and arson investigation's, security of the incident scene is important. The fire line must be established. Members of the department shall not cross established fire lines unless authorized by who?

Assigned fire marshal/or chief of operations

At 3 AM, Ladder 99 receives a response for an automatic-alarm activation in a commercial premises. Upon arrival they soon realize the building is void of people, sealed up and no access is available. They would be incorrect to perform which action below? A: For an alarm system activation, they conducted an exterior investigation. There were no indications of a fire condition and they had the dispatcher notify the alarm company. B:For a water flow alarm caused by a defective sprinkler system that required to be shut down, they notified the fire marshals for potential notification to the responsible party. C:For a water flow alarm activation they conducted an exterior investigation. Then they asked the dispatcher if the alarm system has reset. After the alarm was reset, they took no further action. D: If the water flow alarm did not reset, they considered forcible entry.

B AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 4 A-4.6 B-4.6-Notify the fire marshals if the system is NOT MONITORED BY AN ALARM and it is defective and/or needs to be shut down. In this case it was monitored by an alarm. C-4.6 D-4.6 NOTE: If forcible entry was required, notify NYPD for security

An officer is crawling down a smoky hallway in a non-sprinklered residential building that has 10 apartments per floor. He would be correct to assume which one of the following points? A:Each dwelling unit should be identified on the door on the public hall side of the door. B:Each dwelling unit should be identified on the door jamb on the public hall side of the door. C: Each unit should be identified with a fire emergency marking not less than 12 inches from the bottom of the floor. D: A duplex or triplex apt will only have its primary entrance marked with the approved fire emergency marking.

B AUC 5, CH2, ADD 3 A-pg 6, On the door jamb, not the door. B-pg 6 C-pg 6, Not more than 12 inches from the bottom of door ( not from the floor). D-pg 6, Every door that opens into a public corridor or other means of egress shall be marked.

A member of Ladder 100 discovering fire extending into an exposure where any delay may considerably enlarge the fire problem shall immediately press the Emergency Alert Button, and then transmit to the IC "URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT." The IC will respond "Command to Ladder 100, go ahead with your URGENT." The member shall respond in which format? A:"Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE ENTERING AN EXPOSURE." B:"Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE EXTENDING." C: "Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - EXPOSED PROPERTY." D: "Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE EXTENSION - RESOURCES NEEDED."

B Comm 9.4.2 E3

The Engine and Truck Lt's were discussing the parameters of standpipe systems in High Rise buildings. Which statement below regarding these systems is CORRECT? A: A High Rise building constructed in 2008 which is 600' tall will require a standpipe system which has low and high zones. B:A High Rise building constructed in 2008 whose standpipe is 700' tall will require low and high zones. C: A High Rise building constructed in 2008 whose standpipe is 500' tall will require low and high zones. D: A High Rise building constructed in 2008 which is 800' tall will require a standpipe system which has low and high zones.

B ENGINE OPERATIONS - CHAPTER 9 B is Correct - Buildings constructed under the 2008 building code having a STANDPIPE RISER OVER 600 feet in height shall have separate "Low Zone" and "High Zone" siamese connections. 9.3.13

Units operating at a suspended scaffold emergency operated in accord with FDNY protocols in which one choice below? A: With an occupied scaffold in an inaccessible area they did not consider breaching a wall above the scaffold. This was to avoid having debris falling on top of the victim. B:While operating at a stalled-occupied scaffold, in a building where the windows did not open, the first due Ladder company did not remove the window to retrieve the stranded worker who was trapped directly outside of the window. They waited for Rescue or Squad to arrive and remove the window. C: If necessary, units may begin dismantling the scaffold. If possible this should be accomplished via the interior of the building. D:Members Used the Tower Ladder to remove two trapped workers on an off-level scaffold.

B Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies A-sec. 3.2 C, Consider breaching the wall, all tools and material need to be secured as you will be working above the scaffold. B-sec. 5.3 window removal/cutting shall be performed by Rescue/Squad.Sec. 7.1 Glass cutting shall only be performed by Rescue or Squad. C-sec. 3.4, Must be done from the interior. Utilize rescue & Squad, Await Dept. of Buildings Derrick and Crane unit. D-sec. 5.3 Tower/Aerial Ladder removal is only an option for OCCUPIED STALLED suspended scaffolds.However, sec 5.5 also applies to occupied off level/hanging, Unless condition dictates immediate action, removal should be accomplished with high angle rope (are they referring to glass removal, TL/AL or both?)

When performing the "hose test", a water soluble marker is used to mark and draw a line around the circumference of the hose, as close as possible to the male butt at each coupling, to determine if the male butt and hose are separating. Place the length out of service if you discover movement of? A: 1/16 inch or more B:1/8 inch or more C:1/4 inch or more D: 1/2 inch or more

B Eng 7.14 11

Of the following choices, which air pressurized standpipe statement is incorrect? A: An air pressurized manual dry standpipe system is required at buildings under construction upon reaching a height greater than 75 feet or buildings undergoing demolition with an existing standpipe B:When the air pressure drops below a predetermined (supervisory) pressure due to an open valve or broken pipe in the system or pressure rises above 25 psi an audible alarm will sound at a central alarm station notifying the fire department C: When an alarm sounds, work at the site must cease, and construction personnel are to notify the FDNY. Concrete pouring operations in progress shall be permitted until an orderly termination of such operation can take place D:To use an air pressurized standpipe system at a fire operation the air pressure must be released from the system prior to uncapping the siamese and supplying it with water

B Engine Operations ch 9 add 2 A- sec 1.1 B- audible alarm will sound only at the site.....sec 1.2 C- sec 1.3 D- sec 2.1

Which member below operated contrary to proper FDNY procedures at a non-fireproof structural fire? A: It is critical that the initial vertical ventilation be coordinated with door control of the fire area. The officer in the fire area communicated with the Roof Firefighter when vertical ventilation was not to be taken, or was to be delayed. B:The ladder officer inside the fire area performed a ventilation profile at the entry point. He paid particular attention to the air being exhausted from the space. C: The Roof Firefighter communicated life hazards and the ventilation profile to the ladder company officer. D:Even though vertical ventilation was to be delayed or withheld the Roof FF still forced the bulkhead open.

B Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation A-sec. 9 & sec. 10.1.1 B-sec. 10.1.1-Particular attention to air being pulled in. C-sec. 10.2.1 D-sec. 10.2.1, forced open TEMPORARILY to check for trapped occupants.

Your 1st due for a Fire on the parlor floor of a 4 story Brownstone.Which choice is correct? A 1st due has fire floor and floor above B Control initial Vertical vent C An examination of exposures as conditions require D If the 2nd Truck will be slightly delayed, make search for occupants on all floors above the fire

B dont fall for D 2nd truck has to be SERIOUSLY DELAYED

At a radiological emergency, the IC allows members to conduct "general operations." How long can members operate in the hot zone of an area with a dose-rate of 20 R/hr? A: Members cannot operate B:15 minutes C: 1 hour D:30 minutes

B 15 min Since members can absorb a max dose of 5 Rems, at a location where 20 R/hr is the dose rate, they can operate for only a quarter of the time, or 15 minutes.ERP Add 4 3.1.4 A, Table 3

The roof firefighter from Ladder 199 was discussing access to the roof during operations at Class 2 Buildings following roll call. Which choice is CORRECT as usually not a viable option for the roof firefighter to get to the roof at a fire in one of these dwellings? A:Adjoining Building B:Aerial Ladder C: Fire Escape D: Open Stairs

B IS CORRECT - 8.8.4 RALFO - Access to the roof in priority order. Aerial ladder is the 3rd option and usually not a viable option.Access to roof in order of priority: 1- Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof access 2- Adjoining Building 3- Aerial Ladder (usually not a viable option) 4- Fire Escape5- Open Stairs (see note in Section 8.8.2)

The roof firefighter from Ladder 199 was discussing access to the roof during operations at Class 2 Buildings following roll call. Which choice is CORRECT as usually not a viable option for the roof firefighter to get to the roof at a fire in one of these dwellings? A:Adjoining Building B:Aerial Ladder C: Fire Escape D: Open Stairs

B IS CORRECT - 8.8.4 - Access to the roof in priority order. Aerial ladder is the 3rd option and usually not a viable option.Access to roof in order of priority: RALFO 1- Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof access 2- Adjoining Building 3- Aerial Ladder (usually not a viable option) 4- Fire Escape 5- Open Stairs (see note in Section 8.8.2)

The Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) that is equipped with a MDT, will be identified in the CADS system in which correct choice? A:RRV027 B:R027 C: R27 D: RRV27

B R027 AUC 159 add 8 sec 3 4 door/4 wheel drive apparatus equipped with a MDT will be identified in the CADS system as follows: R.....example R027 2 door/2 wheel drive apparatus without a MDT will be designated by the associated SOC Support Ladder Company...example Ladder 126 2nd piece will be designated SSL-126 when called over the Department radio Also check out section 4...has been asked on previous examsAUC 159 add 8 is new as of 11/20/2019

What is the 2nd arriving Engine Company responsible for at a haz-mat incident where the Department has activated the "emergency response plan?" A: Water Supply B:Site Access Control C:CFR-D duties D: Information Resources

B SAC First Arriving Engine Company—Water Supply; if necessary may perform CFR-D. Second Arriving Engine—Site Access Control; if necessary may perform CFR-D. Third Arriving Engine Company - should be assigned CFR-D duties. If the First or Second Arriving Engine Company is already assigned CFR-D work, then the Third should be assigned water supply, decontamination or site control as needed. ERP 12.2

Which of the following is an incorrect point regarding proper notifications, when a standpipe system is discovered to be out of service during an operation. The system is out of service for other than a scheduled inspection, testing, or maintenance and it will not be serviceable by the end of the business day? A:If no responsible party is present, notify the NYPD for potential notification to the responsible party. B: -If the standpipe is in an occupied residential occupancy and no building staff are present, ask the dispatcher to notify OEM. OEM should be requested to have an HPD representative respond to the location. C:If the administrative unit is not on scene, they shall be notified by telephone. D: The administrative unit officer shall notify all first alarm units by telephone.

B notify marshalls AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 4 A-4.6 Top pg 5, Notify the fire marshals, however, notify the NYPD for security of premises if necessary. B-4.6, pg 5 C-4.7, NOTE: The unit on scene issues a VO, whether it's the admin unit or not. D-4.10.1, Admin unit also submit A-500, if a commercial occupancy forward FPCU1, fwd an A-8 to fire prevention. NOTE: these enforcements are for commercial & large life hazards, but officer can always implement these enforcements if he feels it's necessary.

Sound powered telephones (SPT) info

B: A 1620 key is attached to each headset to gain access to SPT jacks in the NYCT System C:There is usually no connection from one SPT system to another (e.g., from a "street to station" system to a "street to tunnel" system). D: Headsets are preferred for use throughout the NYC Transit System, due to the high noise levels that may be encountered. E: SPT wire reel consists of a 400 foot-long wire wound around the reel inside a plastic case, with a 3 foot-long fixed wire coming out of the side of the reel. TB Tools 31 2.2, 2.4, 4.1.2, 4.1.3

company requirements for hose

B: Hose on the apparatus is removed and cleaned in the spring and fall of each year. C: Engine companies shall carry not less than three lengths of 2 ½ and not less than three lengths of 1 ¾ hose (rolled or folded) and the necessary fittings to place a line into operation. D: Not more than six lengths of 1 ¾ hose shall be used as lead lengths in any hose stretch. E - Any hose that will reach 10 years in the calendar year is to be taken out of service.

The 5 conditions that must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur ?

B: Wind C: Fire in an apartment D failed or open window in the FIRE ROOM E: Fire apartment door leading to the public hall left open or not fully closed F: An area of low pressure such as an opened stairwell door, or an opened apartment door on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apartment

Company Commanders shall ensure their lieutenants. upon receipt of a complaint or notification from any source relating to conditions involving possible violations of law at premises or locations within the unit's administrative district, cause prompt inspection to determine the actual condition. These complaints must be investigated within _______hrs and be completed within _______ hrs.

BISP ch 5 ref 2.2 sec 2 Complaints shall be investigated promptly, but MUST be investigated within 24 hrs. At least one attempt per day shall be made to complete the investigation within 72 hrs. If the investigation cannot be completed after the 72 hour time limit, a phone notification shall be made to the BISP unit.you may or may not receive this as a reference

Defib displaying a flashing black hour glass in the upper right hand corner indicates? Defib Displaying a flashing or solid Red X and/or emits a chirping sound indicates?

BLACK is operational and ready for use RED X is not ready for use and should be exchanged at the CFR-D depot

What chemical agent has a burnt almond smell

BLOOD Remember Hydrogen Cyanide(lighter than air) and Cyanogen Chloride

FDNY single command

Bad chiefs Boat in distress(1st to arrive) Auto extrication(1st to arrive) Downed tree, confined space H, Impalement/entrapment, elevators, fire, structural collapse

When members suspect or discover any type of clandestine lab, they shall immediately stop, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING, retrace their steps and back out of the area. Members shall not attempt to determine the type of lab prior to leaving, but rather evacuate surrounding occupancies as needed and make all of the following notifications except?

Battalion Chief and Deputy Chief. Request Haz Mat to respond. NYPD (including the Bomb Squad when necessary).


Biological exposures- remember exposed to blood-borne, airborne or other infectious pathogens(bodily fluids) Med Off Notification is required WITH or WITHOUT symptoms Non Biological exposures- A member exposed to a non-biological hazardous substance or possible hazardous substance. Medical officer notification is required ONLY for symptoms -If a member is a bit symptoms for my biological/non-biological exposure, BOTH an injury and exposure report SHOULD be completed. -if you have the flu you do not need to record a CIRS, however the medical officer must be notified

Triage tags Black, Red,Yellow, Green what do they mean

Black-Deceased Red-Life threatning Yellow- non life threatning injuries Green-non serious/ ambulatory

Designated training air cylinders for SCBAs have what color top?

Blue Designated training cylinders are identified with a blue top and/or a polymer protective sleeve. These cylinders are not to be used for firefighting purposes Training Bulletins SCBA sec 3.2.15

NFPA diamond

Bottom White(special hazards) Left Blue(health) Top. Red(flamability) Right. Yellow(Reactivity) 0 the least 4 the deadliest

Hi rise roof kit

Brash 6 hour bag 1 bolt cutter 1 rabbit tool 2 axes 2 search ropes 2 Halligan tool 6SCBA with one hour cylinder Bags for tools

What color is the black box of an air plane?

Bright Yellow-(spherical) Red/international orange-(rectangular)

First line for a fire in a fully occupied brownstone/vacant row frame/occupied row frame

Brownstone- drop (2). 1 3/4 lines in front of the building, and stretch the first line into the fire building. Also position the engine apparatus for possible use of multiversal. Vacant Row frame- stretch 1 3/4 line into most severe exposure and stretch at 3 1/2 supply lines for a TL. -Row Frame- stretch 1 3/4 line into the fire building and stretch a 3 1/2 line for a TL.

Bldgs how high need to have separate "Low Zone" and "High Zone" siamese connections.

Buildings constructed under the 2008 building code having a STANDPIPE RISER OVER 600 feet in height shall have separate "Low Zone" and "High Zone" siamese connections. 9.3.13A building's height does not determine the height of the standpipe riser (Spire/peak/open space)

When hoisting a portable ladder to the roof of a building, an experienced Captain should know that the bowline knot is tied ____ from the end of the rope, with a one foot end tail. A:3 feet B: 7 feet C:9 feet D: 12 feet

C 9 feet (one and one-half full arm lengths) Evol 18 Note 3

Companies shall use the following guideline when assigning CFR-D responsibilities: "A"-Airway; "B"-Boss; "C"-Checker; "D"-Documenter; "E"-Equipment. Which of these positions is responsible to carry the trauma bag?

C A" carries O2 bag. "C" carries Trauma bag. "E" the fifth firefighter in 5 firefighter engines. Initially stays with apparatus and carries any additional equipment needed. CFR Ch 2 2.1

The Company that will ensure the evacuation doors are closed on the fire floor in a HRFPMD can be found in which choice? A: First Ladder Company B:Second Ladder Company C:Third Ladder Company D: Squad Company

C MDs 6.15.1 3rd bullet point....also search attack stair for five floors above the fire floor...third ladder will confirm evacuation doors are closed***6.15.2 E states "MAINTAIN the evacuation stairway doors closed"***6.16.2 states "3rd ladder company officer shall CONFIRM the evacuation stairway doors have been closed on the fire floor and MAINTAINED in a closed position"

Please read all the explanations. They have lots of really good info. This is new material and tends to be highly testable... Question 1...While operating at an odor of gas in an occupied place of assembly, members of Engine 101 encounter the following: A licensed plumber using a 16.4 ounce cylinder of propane with a torch. They would be correct to believe which one of the following? A: The use is lawful, only if the LPG is being used for emergency repairs. B: The use is lawful, if being used for minor or emergency repairs. C:The use is unlawful. D:The use is lawful, if being used for emergency repairs and provided that the cylinder is never left unattended, and it is removed at the end of the work day.

C AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3 P 12 FORMER CAPT TEST QUESTION. Key word is OCCUPIED, for an occupied place of assembly it is never lawful to use LPG for indoor repairs.

While crawling down a smoke filled hallway Captain Jones sees a residential fire emergency marking. The marking contains a box with two upward pointing arrows adjacent to each other. He would be correct to know that this indicates? A:A two floor apartment with two separate interior stairs. B: A two floor dwelling unit. C:A three floor dwelling unit. D: An apartment on the second floor.

C AUC 5, CH 3, ADD 7 B. Two floor dwelling units have a single arrow. C. Figure G

The members of Engine 199 arrive at a fire on the fifth floor of a six-story new law tenement. The first line was stretched up the well and they are tasked with stretching the second handline up the wide well-hole to the fire floor where fire has extended into the hallway. Which choice below is CORRECT about this operation? A: The nozzle firefighter carried the nozzle up the wide well changing hands at each newel post and bringing the line in on the fire floor. B:The nozzle firefighter carried the lead length and nozzle up the wide well changing hands at each newel post and bringing the line in on the floor below the fire. C:After dropping the lead length at the base of the well, the nozzle firefighter carried the nozzle up the wide well changing hands at each newel post and bringing the line in on the floor below the fire. D: The nozzle firefighter carried the lead length and nozzle up the wide well changing hands at each newel post and bringing the line in on the fire floor.

C ENGINE OPERATIONS CHAPTER 8 sec 8.14.3C If the fire has extended into the public hallway, sufficient line must be pulled up and flaked out on the floor below.8.14.4 - When a second hoseline is stretched up a well-hole, caution must be exercised to ensure the first and second lines do not become entangled. To prevent entanglement, the nozzle firefighter should carry ONLY the nozzle and change hands at each newel post (turn) as the line is stretched up the well-hole.

Cellar fires in taxpayers can be debilitating and arduous operations. Which of the following line placements described below is correct at a fire in the cellar of a taxpayer? A:The first line may be stretched into the occupancy above the fire to prevent vertical extension or to the cellar via an exterior entrance. B: The second line must always be stretched to the interior of the first floor. C:A second line must be stretched to feed the sprinkler system before stretching a second line to back-up the first engine company's line. D: If stretched to the cellar, the second line must always be advanced via the outside entrance to the cellar.

C Explanation:A. The first line may be stretched into the occupancy above the fire to prevent vertical extension.**THERE IS NO MENTION OF FIRST LINE BEING STRETCHED TO THE CELLAR VIA AN EXTERIOR ENTRANCE** B. Second line may be used for:1. To control the first floor if the first engine company has advanced into the cellar via the interior cellar entrance.2. Serve as a backup or protection line for the first engine company.3. Stretch into the cellar via the interior stairs or the outside entrance if the first unit's line has to control the first floor.4. To employ the use of cellar pipes or distributors over the fire .D. See #3 above. NOTE C: In a building protected by a sprinkler system, when first engine has not supplied it and staffing and conditions permit, a second line shall be stretched to feed this system. AFTER SUPPLYING THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, when staffing and conditions permit, stretch a line to backup first engine.**FEEDING SPRINKLER TAKES PRIORITY OVER BACKUP LINE**Taxpayers 7.2.3

The Multiple Dwelling Fires bulletin mentions 3 types of fire stairs that are found in Class 2 high-rise buildings. Which of the following is not listed as one of those 3? A: Enclosed fire stair. B: Open fire stair. C:Single fire stair D: Shared fire stair.

C Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5.3 Bottom pg 94 #2 B-8.5.3 Middle pg 95 #3, Is most common one found. C-Wrong answer. D-8.5.3 Mid page 95 #4

Regarding a fire in a class 2 high-rise residential building, which point indicates proper operations by the 1st and/or 2nd due roof firefighters? A:The first roof FF ascended the stairs to the roof; he did this alone because the stairway was not an IDLH (Immediate Danger to Life and Health). B: For a 7th floor fire in a 15 story building, the first roof FF will carry the halligan, maul, hydra-ram and Life Saving Rope(LSR). Typically, He will report to the apartment directly above the fire apartment. C:The second due roof FF brought the LSR to the floor above the fire, prior to proceeding to the roof. D: For a fire on the 13th floor of a 14 story building, the 2nd due roof FF reported to 14th floor directly above the fire apartment with the LSR.

C Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.8.2, Two FFs must be assigned to vent the roof, whether or not the stairway is an IDLH. NOTE: 1st roof and member of the forcible entry team, or 2nd roof FF. B-7.7.3 & 8.8.4, To the roof without the LSR (typically operates as per low rise class 1 MD). C-8.8.9, top pg 106 D-8.8.9, top pg 106, If fire floor is within 2 floors of roof, 2nd due roof to the roof with LSR.

Technical Services distributes packets of bleach to units for decontamination purposes in quarters. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A: The Officer on duty shall ensure that equipment and clothing with minor contamination of blood are cleaned as soon as practical by a member trained to perform proper decon procedures B:The bleach packets will produce a mixture of one part bleach to ninety-nine parts water C:Officers shall ensure that the solution is prepared every tour and the old solution discarded D: When preparing the solution, empty the packet of bleach into the container first, then fill with water

C Officers shall ensure that the solution is prepared DAILY

At a building under construction, obtaining information pertaining to when concrete was poured is often difficult, and if available, not always accurate. Unless a responsible person on the job site states exactly the time that the concrete was poured, arriving units should assume that it was sometime within the prior 24 hours. Of the following, who would not be considered a "responsible" person in this case? A: construction engineer B:building superintendent C:building security D: concrete foreman

C SB66 p1

During Satellite operations, when the hydrant main size is less than ____ (common to many hydrants found in the Jamaica Water Supply System), it is recommended that a second hydrant or another pumper augment the supply of water. A:6" B: 8" C:12" D: 18"

C When the hydrant main size is less than 12" (common to many hydrants found in the Jamaica Water Supply System), it is recommended that a second hydrant or another pumper augment the supply of water. AUC 274 6.2

A carbon monoxide (CO) investigation will determine if the response is an "Incident" or an "Emergency." Choose the incorrect choice regarding a CO incident or an emergency A: CO incidents are meter readings of 9 PPM or less B: CO emergencies are meter readings greater than 9 PPM C:SCBA shall be worn at all CO investigations and emergencies D:CO meter readings of 100 PPM and greater shall require an evacuation of affected area

C Worn at all CO investigations, and USED at all CO EmergenciesHaz-Mat 4 pages 4-5 READ THE QUESTION!!!

All firehouses shall prepare for severe weather conditions; especially hurricanes and tropical storms. Depending on a storm's severity, some quarters may need to be evacuated. Which choice below is not in accord with Department policy? A: In quarters where flooding is a problem, the Company Commander shall determine special needs for storm preparation and obtain such supplies and equipment in advance of the start of hurricane season (June 1st). B: Requisitioning of supplies shall commence March 1st to permit sufficient time for the various bureaus to obtain and deliver materials. C: Items on requisition not received by June 1st shall be called to the attention of the Division Storm Operations Coordinator. D: Evacuated companies will be relocated to Host Companies or dispersal sites. Company Commanders of designated Host Companies are to ensure that necessary preparations are made to accommodate relocated companies. Battalions are to ensure preparations are made at dispersal sites.

C Items on requisition not received by MAY 1st shall be called to the attention of the Division Storm Operations Coordinator. AUC 159 4.7

Which of the following is not one of the five most common types of open stairs encountered in class 2 high rise residential buildings? A: Service stair. B: Primary open stair. C:Secondary open stair. D: Shared fire stair.

C most common types -Service Stair (usually contains stnd pipe) -Primary Open Stairs (primary stairway by bldg occupant) -Open fire stair (has 2 doors serving seperate apt in a bldg or wing) found anywhere in the apartment and typically DO NOT have a standpipe -Shared fire stair has all the same characteristics as a fire stair except this stair is shared by apartments in two separate wings

According to the PA/ID which choice below is CORRECT as the maximum number of hours of excusal time a member can owe for school variances? A: 24 B: 30 C:36 D: 48

C 36 max of 36 hours(4 day tours)

According to the PA/ID which choice below is CORRECT as the maximum number of hours of excusal time a member can owe for school variances? A: 24 B: 30 C:36 D: 48

C 36 (4 day tours)

During a Collapse Operation, which Engine Company may assist in the removal of lightly buried victims? A: 1st arriving Engine B:2nd arriving Engine C:3rd arriving Engine D: None of the 1st alarm Engines

C 3rd and subsequent arriving engines Collapse Operations sec 7.4

The MET-L-X handheld extinguisher may be used on Class D (combustible metal) fires and can be identified by the ______ label affixed to the extinguisher which states "MET-L-X FOR CLASS D (or symbol) FIRES ONLY." A: blue B:red C:yellow D: orange

C Yellow TB Tools 34 2.3

Engine suffix's

C-CFR-D D-Tech decon task force Eng F-Fast unit H-Hazmat Tech unit I-Fire and Ice K-Division Task force L-Lobby control Unit N- High rise Noz P- High Pressure Eng S- Communications unit T-Transport Back up unit W-Water/Ice rescue unit Y- Systems control unit

Ladder suffix's

C-CPC D-Tech decon task force Ladder F-Fast unit H-High Rise roof team K-Division Task force L-Lobby control Unit R- Rescue collapse task force S-SOC support Truck T-Transport back up unit V-Ventilation Support unit W-Water/Ice Rescue unit

During the first full week of ?Deputy Chief's shall have ?and ? companies to obtain pressure readings on the hydrant nearest to qtrs

May Engines n Squads

Fire walls in MD's

CUT C-ceiling before 1930 U-underside of roof boards 1930-40 T-top of roof boards after 1940

In the event of a workplace violence emergency, FDNY employees are instructed to first report the emergency ____________________.

Call 911

Four new Lt's arrive with their companies at a fire in a high rise office building. Which company is operating under the incorrect supervisor? A: Lobby Control Unit - Logistics Section Chief B: Resources Unit Leader - Planning Section Chief C:Communications Unit - Planning Section Chief D:Rehabilitation Unit - Logistics Section Chief

C. Logistics Section Chief The Planning Section Chief supervises the Resources Unit Leader. The Logistics Section Chief supervises the Lobby Control Unit, Communications Unit, High-Rise Support Unit, Systems Control Unit, Rehabilitation Unit, and all activities supporting the incident.High Rise Office Buildings 6.3.2 E

Sprinkler 10-34 codes

Code 1- defective sprinkler/device or system (defective alarm valve, broken pipe etc.) Code2- unwarranted sprinkler alarm-not defective (surgeon pressure, people working on system) Code3- Sprinkler activated by heat source NOT associated with an accidental fire DONT CONFUSE 10-35-1 Unnecessary alarm caused by alarm system testing or servicing (excluding Sprinkler)

When do you notify IG?

CCCMM C-Corruption C-Conflict of interest C-Criminal activity M-Misconduct M-Mismanagement -Any theft during fire/emergency or from Qtrs(immediately) -If unable to determine notify IG first

Supervisors of members requiring medical attention for sensitivity reactions to latex medical examination gloves shall make immediate notification to the medical officer on duty, ensure that appropriate medical attention and follow-up is provided, and ensure that appropriate paperwork is generated. What is the proper paperwork?

CD73 Safety Bulletin 75 sec 3.2 CD-73 "Member Exposure Report"Members experiencing sensitivity reactions to latex medical examination gloves that are NOT sufficient to warrant medical attention shall forward a letterhead memorandum to the OSHA Unit through the chain of command documenting their experiencing...

Proper staffing for CFR ENG, SOC Support TRK, CPC, Communications Eng

CFR 2/1- At least 2 CFR trained firefighters. After the start of the tour, the staffing can drop to 1 trained firefighter and a trained officer to be in service... CFR CH 2 1.8 Note. SOC 3/1- At least 3 trained members and 1 trained officer - HM CH 10 4.1 CPC 0- The dispatcher will special call the necessary number of CPC units to ensure a trained officer and 5 trained firefighters. HM CH 5 5.4.2 Communications 3/0-3 trained firefighters. A trained officer is not required.

When to fill out a PCR

CFR-D MANUAL CHAPTER 2A - - They CFR unit must complete a PCR even if the patient is DOA to document that the company properly examined the patient to confirm that the patient exhibited the criteria for obvious death. 4.4B - DO NOT- 4.13.1 note - A PCR is not required when a CFR company is on scene at any assignment unless patient care is provided.C - Yes - When a patient refuses medical aid, a PCR must be completed 4.9.1D - Yes- 4.10.1B - For an EDP. Request PD assistance and remain on scene until the arrival of EMS. Complete a PCR report

If you need to switch channels for a Mayday, what channel do you go to?

CH 16

L124 is operating first due at a fire on the 5th floor. your OV is trying to call his officer to let him know there is fire blowing out to the 5th floor windows. He tries to raise his officer a few times but there was no answer. In this situation who should he contact?

CIA Chauffeur(124) IC Any HT Equipped member

Any incidents or allegations of hazing or bullying shall be reported by supervisory personnel, in writing, up the chain of command to whom?

Chief of Dept

When units operating on elevated highway, road or rail bridge, along with any other location observe a visible roadway separation deemed hazardous to members, the roadway/bridge name, location of separation with approximate size and direction of travel, along with a highway mileage marker designation where applicable, shall be the subject of an immediate letterhead report to ___.


You are working a day tour in Engine 322 and respond to a CFR-D run for a "pedestrian struck." After arriving, you find a patient with life-threatening injuries and EMS is not on scene yet. When requesting an ambulance to the scene, you must provide all but which one of the following to the dispatcher for relay to the EMS Dispatcher?

Chris And Charlie Can Play Rugby CUPS Status, Age, Chief Complaint, CPR initiated or not Pulse and Respiratory Rate Two choices examiners try to bait you on are Gender and mechanism of injury. CFR-D Manual Chapter 2 (3.1

Your unit responds to an overt Biological release. You correctly make the initial exclusion zone using a _______

Circular pattern of 300 feet

Carbon monoxide 10-38 codes

Code1- Detector activation CO investigation (low battery, defective detector, unwarranted alarm" Code2- Detector activation CO incident (readings of 1-9PPM) Code3- detector activation CO emergency (readings 10 ppm or greater) Code4- No detector- CO incident/emergency or detector did not activate ALWAYS AN EMERGENCY if people are symptomatic or 10 ppm or greater

Manhole /transformer emergencies 10-25 code

Code1- fire has extended from manhole, conduit, or transformer into building Code2- Fire has blown one or more manhole covers or smoke is issuing from manhole under pressure. Code3- smoke is seeping from a manhole Code4- fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location (pole, vault, room etc.) Note- Utility company will dispatch emergency crew upon receipt of code 1 and 4signal

A service/freight elevator found in an exclusive type HRFPMD can be used if evaluated and declared safe by Who?

Company officer (For loft bldgs it's the IC)

If you observe a apparatus w/out a vehicle security decal what should you do?

Contact borough dispatcher , ask for mixer off n report number,type, n location of vehicle.

Minimum Distance from containers/cabinets and exhaust fan openings of lithium ion Energy storage system

Containers/cabinets 50 feet Exhaust fan openings 100 feet No personal Shall enter any container and no overhauling performed on any ESS

There is one 4 FF Engine Company and one Ladder Company on scene for a fire on the 1st floor of a 2 1/2 sty Class 4 peaked roof private dwelling. According to the OSHA requirement, the two members who will comprise the safety team until other units arrive can be found in which choice?

Control n LCC This is the same for 5 FF Engine with a Ladder Company MMID ch 1 sec 5 KNOW THIS PAGE

2nd due Eng and a hazmat incident ?

Coordinate with 2nd ladder for sight access control

2nd due truck responsibilities are many at fires in Class 2 MD's. Which choice below is in accord with department policy for a fire on the 15th floor of an 18-story building? (CORRECT) A: The 2nd Ladder Company will operate in the apartment above the fire in all circumstances. B: The 2nd Ladder Officer will ensure the curtain is brought to the roof. C: If a life-saving rope rescue is required, the 2nd roof firefighter will proceed to the roof to initiate a rescue attempt. D:The 2nd Ladder Company will ensure all evacuation stair doors (if any) are closed on the fire floor.

D A - Unless needed to augment operations on the FIRE FLOOR, the 2nd ladder company will proceed to and operate in the apartment above the fire. 8.8.7 B - For a top floor fire, the 2nd arriving ladder officer will ensure the curtain is brought to the roof. 8.8.7 C - When the fire floor is within 2 floors of the roof. If a rescue is not required, proceed to the roof to assist the 1st roof firefighter 8.8.9

While operating on a rooftop, a member encounters a pipe that is yellow with black stripes. He should know that it contains? A: Low voltage electric wiring. B: Natural gas. C: High voltage electric wiring. D:Fuel oil.

D AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3, pg 5 A-Orange-low voltage electric wiring. B-Yellow-natural gas piping. C-Red-high voltage wiring. D-Yellow with black stripes-fuel oil piping. NOTE: Yellow, labeled at regular intervals with type of gas-other compressed gas piping (not natural gas).

While conducting Building Inspection at a Pharmacy, Ladder 88 is denied access by the owner. From the choices below, what is the only correct action they can take? A: Transmit a 10-47, stating, "for access denied". B: Request Fire Marshals to respond. C: Issue an FDNY summons for "denied access". D:Issue a summons, if the area to be inspected is open to the general public at the time of inspection.

D AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 9 B-sec. 3, Request a BC to respond.

Engine 99 is taking up from operating at a box where it is suspected that bed bugs were present at the location. Which of the following solutions is CORRECT regarding the discovery of bed bugs at the conclusion of operations? A:If any bed bugs are discovered by members in the department apparatus, the officer shall place the unit out of service; notify the Battalion, Division, & Dispatcher. B: If any bed bugs are discovered by members in furniture on the apparatus floor, promptly notify the Department of Sanitation to arrange for the disposal of the infested furniture. C: If any bed bugs are discovered by members on department equipment, soft and hard surface equipment should be packed into double clear plastic bags and sealed for decontamination. D:If any bed bugs are discovered on member's bunker gear or work duty uniforms, follow department procedures for cleaning contaminated uniforms.

D CFRD CHAPTER 3 ADDENDUM 5D IS CORRECT 1.8. A - Incorrect - GROSSLY CONTAMINATED with numerous bed bugs - 1.10 B - Furniture that is believed to be infested shall not be disposed of until properly identified as bed bugs by the OSHA Unit. 2.3 C - Soft equipment should be packed, hard surface equipment (monitors/AED'S) can be cleaned by wiping in accordance with Chapter 3. 1.7

What will be displayed on the EFAS screen when a member activates their EAB? A:Their company and position only in red in both the "Radio" and Mayday" areas B: Their company, position, and name in red in the "Mayday" area only C: Their company, position, and name in red in the "Radio Status" area only D:Their company, position, and name in red in both the "Radio" and Mayday" areas

D Comm Ch 9 add 3 sec 5 KNOW EFAS

At a fire in a class 2 high rise residential building, who must make a determination whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted? A: The Incident Commander. B: The 1st due Roof FF. C: The Fire Sector Supervisor. D:The First Ladder Officer.

D Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A,B,C,D-8.8.2, First Ladder Officer.

At an underground, transit chemical attack incident, who of the following is responsible for "Site Access Control?" A: First Ladder Team 1 B:Second Ladder Team 1 C: First Ladder Team 2 D:Second Ladder Team 2

D First Ladder Team 1 - Evac & Hazard Assessment First Ladder Team 2 - Backup Second Ladder Team 1 - Evac to Gross Decon Second Ladder Team 2 - Site Access Control ERP Add 2 6.6

Tower Ladder placement will depend upon conditions encountered on arrival. Which of the following choices is not listed as a factor in tower ladder placement? A: Fire Conditions - location and extent of fire. B: Type of Structure - Height and Area. C:Time of Day. D:Smoke Conditions - light, medium, heavy.

D not mentioned

When may an FDNY unit issue a criminal court summons to a city agency?**1-To the custodian or the principal of a school for a locked exit.**2-When directed by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.**3-To a NYCHA manager or super for a standpipe or sprinkler shut-down without prior FD notification. A: 1 only. B: 1 & 2 only. C: 2 & 3 only. D:1,2,& 3.

D 1-3 AUC 5, CH 3, ADD 3 sec. 9.4.1

At a chemical attack underground, which unit is responsible to provide the IC the number of victims? A: 1st arriving Ladder B: 2nd arriving Ladder C: 3rd arriving Ladder D: 1st arriving Engine

D 1st Eng The 1st arriving Engine shall also inform the 2nd arriving Ladder Company and IC if victims collapse on their way from the subway exit to the Gross Decontamination Area ERP add 2 sec 7

Which of the following Building Inspection (BI) matters did you handle correctly? A: Upon re-inspection of a V.O., you discovered 50 percent of the work has been completed, so you granted an extension, and noted such extension time on the back of the re-inspection copy B: During an inspection of a CDA, you issued a FDNY Summons to a worker who was smoking C: You issued a FDNY Summons for a locked exit to a NYC public school, because Criminal Court Summons are not to be issued to a city agency D:Upon the issuing of a FDNY Summons, you made sure no more than seven Violation Categories (VCs) were cited on the FDNY Summons. Any more than seven then an additional FDNY Summons is needed

D AUC 5 A- The officer may allow an extension if 75 percent of the required work has been completed.....ch 3 add 2 p-1 B- Immediate Criminal Summons; locked exit; smoking on a construction site; illegal storage of LPG; illegal use of kerosene space heaters...ch 3 add 1 p-1 C- A criminal court summons may only be issued against a City Agency in the following instances; To a custodian or principal of a public school for a locked exit; To a NYCHA manager or superintendent for a standpipe or sprinkler shut-down without prior Fire Department notification; When directed by the Bureau of Fire Prevention D- ch 3 add 1 p-2AUC 5 new as of 12/4/2019. This is considered NON-REFERENCE

Legally, a loft building may contain up to two individual units used for living purposes. Which of the following is an inaccurate statement regarding these occupancies? A: The building may not have these living units if it has any occupancy listed as high hazard. B: A sign displaying "A.I.R." indicates an artist in residence. C:An "R" under "3F" stands for rear. D:A "3F" under the A.I.R. on the sign indicates the living unit is in apt 3F.

D AUC 5< CH 2, ADD 1 A- B- C-Indicates third floor, not apt. 3F.

During a PD cellar fire, the decision to reposition the first hoseline to a secondary entrance can be made by who? A:Chief officer only B: Acting Chief officer only C: Deputy Chief on scene only D:Acting Chief officer or Chief officer E: First arriving engine officer

D Acting Chief Off/Chief Off

To ensure that foam concentrates are not mixed, containers are color-coded (banded) around the top. Which color band would indicate AR-AFFF concentrate? A: Black B: Brown C: Yellow D:Red

D RED A) AFFF C) Hi-Ex TB Foam 4.1

If a member reports the loss of an official department badge or ID card, the officer on duty receiving such notification must complete certain tasks. Which task completed by the officer is incorrect? A: Record all the relevant facts in the company journal. B: Instruct the member to report the loss to the proper authority (PD, NYCTA etc.) and make a diligent search for the item. C:Instruct the member to advise his/her officer if the item is not recovered after seven days. D:Forward a report forthwith to the Bureau of Operations containing the following information: name, rank, unit, badge number, date and time of loss, date and time reported, to whom reported, and the circumstances of relating to loss.

D. Forward a report forthwith to the BUREAU OF PERSONNEL containing the following information: name, rank, unit, badge number, date and time of loss, date and time reported, to whom reported, and the circumstances of relating to loss.Regulations Ch 16: 16.2.6

In order to remove a facility from the CFR-D response matrix, a company officer shall ensure

DOC Defib O2 CPR trained personnel -All equipment and appropriately trained personnel are available during all hours of OPERATION. Include the facilities hours of operation in the Transmitted Data field.

When dealing with clutter, What should be communicated to IC?

DAIS Degree of clutter(light,Med,heavy) Additional resources needed Impact(Will it impact operations) Steps(Steps are being taken to overcome problem)

there are tactics/decisions that may be delegated by the engine officer to the nozzle team what are they?

DECALS Direction of stream Emergency opening of nozzle Control,partial shutdown of Noz to regain control Advancement, rate of Line, Calling for more Sweeping floor with hoseline E: Partial shut down of nozzle to reduce nozzle reaction and regain control

What are the color's of smoke which is an indicator of a backdraft?

Dense Black, Dirty Brown, Yellow Brown, Gray Yellow

Who do you notify when a reserve apparatus is fully maned and ready to go?

Dispatcher, BC, DC and TOUR COMMAND CHIEF Also, a 3rd copy of the ridding list shall be posted at the house watch desk of the unit whose identity the reserve apparatus assumes, or filed at the emergency command post headquarters

who carries the cockloft nozzle?

Divisions and Squads

Emergency Procedures Disentanglement and Extrication, What does the Engine do?

Engine Company Operations- Officer should divide the company into two teams. The Officer and two CFR trained Firefighters (equipped with trauma bag and cervical collars)proceed to the scene of the accident.The remaining members shall stretch and charge a precautionary handline

When our APR's inspected

Every 30 days and/or on the first day of each month It has a 7 year shelf life when it's stored in it's vacuum sealed container. If a liquid exposure discontinue use and dispose of with in 2 hours If it is exposed to vapors only, discontinue use and dispose of within 8 hours of initial exposure

When using Elevators they should be stopped every for precautionary stops

Every 5 floors

For a random drug testing who gets tested ?

Every member who is on duty working in the unit that has been randomly selected for testing, If your group is being tested and you are on light duty you're supposed to be tested too. If the unit is at an emergency and does not transmit at 10-8 signal within 60 minutes upon the testing unit arrival to the testing location, or if a line unit does not transmit a 10 10-8 signal within 60 minutes then the testing unit will proceed to the next line unit on the unit selection list.

How often do you have Milly radiation drills at public schools K - 12

Every two years Remember for BISP you need one officer and not less than 3 FFs exclusive of the chauffeur. (One Guy in the engine taps out you cannot go out on BI)

The Department of Transportation classifies chemicals into nine numerical categories?

Every-Good-LT-Standard-Operating-Procedure -Requires- Coordination -MyMan 1-Explosives 2-Compressed Gases 3-Flammable Liquids 4-Flammable Solids 5-Oxidizers 6-Poisons 7-Radioactive Material 8-Corrosives 9-Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods Haz-Mat 2 sec 2.1

When to call for an extra E/L or a 2nd alarm at an H type

Extra E/L when med fire condition n it's anticipated that 2 lines will be required 2nd alarm 2 floors are involved OR extensive cock loft fire.

Ticket reads as follows: E100, E200, E300, TL500, L600, B1.....CIDS MD 4 STY 40X80 CL3-SPKLR IN BSMT-FRONT AND REAR FE-EFIS PRESENT ON ALL SIDES ........The run is for a fire on the 3rd floor in Apt 3D. You are now 10-84, and transmit the 10-75 for a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 sty occupied multiple dwelling.. The ticket is filled out and E400 and L700F are now on the box. In addition to the 10-75, what resources are needed for a fire in this type of building?

Extra Eng and Ladder Upon transmission of signal 10-75 for a fire in an EFIS buiding, an additional Engine and Ladder shall be special called. The special called Ladder shall be a Tower Ladder if one is not assigned on the first alarm assignment. EFIS in the CIDS and TL500 is 1st due on the ticket AUC 362 sec 2.8

FDNY core competencies We have command

FEMSLAM Fire suppression Structural evacuation Mass Decon(Hazmat) Search and rescue Life safety (HazMat) Arson (cause and origin only) Medical care

The companies of Battalion 59 recently operated at the scene of a collapse of a vacant building where during the operation several squatters were removed from sections of the debris pile. The companies were back on the scene to do a critique of the operation and several markings were discovered. Which choice is CORRECT regarding the department's policy for marking buildings? A:A search assessment marking was visible on the building. It was a 2'x2' marking that formed the letter X when completed. B: A primary vacant building marking 2'x2' remained visible alongside the front entrance. C: A secondary vacant building marking depicting an X remained visible alongside the collapsed bulkhead. D:A search assessment building marking depicting a large V, 2' in height remained where a victim was confirmed.

FFP COLLAPSE ADDENDUM 2 - CROSS REFERENCE VACANTS A IS CORRECT 2.1 B - Primary vacant building markings are 18"x18". Vacants 1.3.2 C - All vacant building markings must be identified with an X in a box. 1.3.1 D - Victim confirmed is depicted by an V with a circle around it. 5.3 addendum 2

The companies of Battalion 59 recently operated at the scene of a collapse of a vacant building where during the operation several squatters were removed from sections of the debris pile. The companies were back on the scene to do a critique of the operation and several markings were discovered. Which choice is CORRECT regarding the department's policy for marking buildings? A:A search assessment marking was visible on the building. It was a 2'x2' marking that formed the letter X when completed. B: A primary vacant building marking 2'x2' remained visible alongside the front entrance. C: A secondary vacant building marking depicting an X remained visible alongside the collapsed bulkhead. D:A search assessment building marking depicting a large V, 2' in height remained where a victim was confirmed.

FFP COLLAPSE ADDENDUM 2 - CROSS REFERENCE VACANTS A IS CORRECT 2.1 B - Primary vacant building markings are 18"x18". Vacants 1.3.2 C - All vacant building markings must be identified with an X in a box. 1.3.1 D - Victim confirmed is depicted by an V with a circle around it. 5.3 addendum 2

You get it run for a fire in a high-rise office building. You were the only one on the scene and obtained a copy of the floor plan from the fire safety director and have the building engineer activate the HVAC strategic plan. The floor warden is evacuating the fire floor and security supervisor is accounting for workers leaving the building. Which of the above must remain in the lobby? Fire safety director Bldg engineer Floor warden Security supervisor

Fire Safety Director

The CORRECT procedure for a CFRD Engine to communicate to an EMS unit already on scene can be found in which choice?

Fire unit will initiate contact utilizing Fire HT Channel 1 with the unit designation (e.g. "Engine 100 to EMS")

FF Brittle was reviewing ventilation for extinguishment with a newly assigned proby. He was only correct in which one point below? A: This tactic requires venting the windows of the entire fire area while the engine company is extinguishing the fire. B: When the member on the exterior hears the engine officer tell the IC that they have water on the main body of fire, he should immediately begin ventilation for extinguishment. C:The horizontal ventilation for extinguishment tactic applies to all windows in the entire fire area and any members venting windows on the fire floor. D:Upon hearing that water is being applied to the main body of fire, the member operating on the exterior prepared to conduct ventilation for extinguishment.

Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation A-sec. 11.2, windows of the IMMEDIATE fire area. B-sec. 11.4, he should prepare to vent, before venting he must communicate with ladder officer inside the fire area to be vented. C-sec. 11.4 NOTE: only applies to windows in the IMMEDIATE fire area, and only for the member venting the IMMEDIATE fire area. D-sec. 11.4, RECENT CHANGE, instead of water being applied to main body it used to say knocking down visible fire

When a vacant building is first identified, the administrative unit shall take which one of the following actions? A:Forward a memo to the Battalion within the first alarm area and also to the administrative Battalion. B: When appropriate, forward a normal priority DOB referral report if there are structural integrity issues. C:When appropriate, forward a high priority DOB referral report citing "Building vacant, open and unguarded." D: Items discovered that are not in compliance with the fire code may be enforced with a VO or FDNY summons, or referred to DOB via the appropriate referral report.

Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires, Top pg. 3 A-Correct. NOTE: Admin Bat may be different from 1st alarm Bat, both shall get the memo. B-High priority referral. C-Normal priority referral. D- Items discovered that are not in compliance with the fire code may be enforced with a VO or FDNY summons, or referred to FPOSU (Fire Prevention) via an A-8. Fire code is enforced by the FDNY not DOB.

Discovery of fire works

Fireworks Discovered: 1. Summons 2. BFI notified 3. PD called to scene for confiscation and removal 4. Receipts obtained from PD 5. Notify BFP 6. Written report to BFP Regulations Ch 12: 12.1.9

You are working in L-500 for the 9x6 tour when you receive a ticket to respond as the 1st due Ladder Company for a chemical attack in a subway. Upon arrival, along with L-400, you realize that conditions are such that an assessment of the incident can be made and decide to break your companies into 4 teams. What are they?

First 2 ladder companies break up into 4 teams 1st ladder team 1- Evac and Hazard assessment 1st arriving ladder team 2- Back up team 1 2nd arriving ladder team 1- Evacuation to Gross decon 2nd arriving ladder team 2- Site Access Control ERP add 2 pages 6-8

When operating at a Haz-Mat incident, the first two Ladder Companies on scene will break into two teams each. Who does what?

First arriving Ladder Team 1-Hazard Identification Team 2-Information Resources 2nd Ladder team 1-Assist site assessment/Info resources team 2-Define Initial Exclusion Zone

In cold weather, keep aerial ladder hydraulic systems operating intermittently to prevent sluggishness or freezing, return the ladder to the bed as soon as possible to prevent icing, and try to position the ladder to avoid water spray. If the ladder becomes coated with ice, remove the ice in what order?

First free the rungs and ladder rung locks, then the trussing, and then the main beams.

The FAST Unit and CFR Engine shall be assigned to the Fire Sector when the fire is above the?

Floors 1-6 as per IC 7 or higher at Firesector

Building Fully Involved and Fire in Exposures-Holding Operation Row frame where do the lines go?

First hoseline The first hoseline is stretched into the fire building through the front door. Second hoseline The 2nd hoseline, if not needed to back up the 1st hoseline, is stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure. This hoseline will be needed to protect the cockloft, and interior shafts. While proceeding to top floor check intermediate floors for fire. Third hoseline If the 2nd hoseline is needed to back up the 1st hoseline, the 3rd hoseline is stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure. If the 2nd hoseline is stretched to the top floor of the most severe exposure, the third hoseline is stretched to the top floor of the opposite exposure. This hoseline will be needed to protect the cockloft, and interior shafts. While proceeding to top floor check intermediate floors for fire. D. Fourth hoseline Stretched as ordered by the IC

Where does the FAST unit CFR unit go at HRFPMD?

Floors 1-6as per IC Floors 7 and higher FIRE SECTOR


Flammability hazard 4-Flashpoint below 73° F 3-Flash point below 100° F 2-flashpoint above 100° F, not exceeding 200° F 1-above 200° F 0-Will not burn

2nd due OV assignment for a fire in a 4 sty 25x60 Brownstone top floor

For a top floor fire, 2nd arriving OV FF after checking the rear, report to the roof to assist in ventilation and opening up of the roof, or go into an exposure as directed by their officer (lot of variables here....MUST READ ...p-20

Routine maintenance at beginning of each tour for rig

Fuel Sal LPS Fuel/fill fuel tank Sal/sirens, airhorns, lights lights non-response Purge air tanks Seatbelts

Lights on your HUD display? Fall, 3/4 full, 1/2 full, 1/4 full

Full-2 green 3/4-1 green 1/2-One yellow light flashing slowly at 1 sec 1/4- Red light at the far left FLASHING rapidly at 10 times a second -Battery warning light on the far right -When cylinder valve is turned on, the HUD will initialized and aluminate all five lights for 20 seconds - When cleaning, 6 full pumps of 70% isopropyl Alcohol into regulator opening.

Why will the signal from a SCBA to The pak-tracker usually pass through

GLOW G-Glass L-light building materials O-openings, such as gaps, holes, stairways, windows or elevator shafts W-Wood

Who picks attack stairs @HRFPMD-LRFPMD-HR Office?

HRFPMD-LAD/ENG officers select attack stairway(stair does not need standpipe) LRFPMD-Ladder Officer HR Office-Ladder officer but stairway MUST have a STANDPIPE

When receiving a spare HT The following channels must be checked for proper ID

HT 1, HT 2, HT 9(Tac sec, which is also encrypted)

The correct tool assignment for the 2nd arriving Roof FF when there is a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4 story Brownstone ?

Halligan tool, 6' Halligan Hook, Flashlight, HT For top floor fires, the saw is taken to the roof with the 6' Halligan Hook Brownstone p- 21

What FDNY equipment is intrinsically safe?

Handie-talkies, natural gas detectors, natural gas meters, flashlights issued by the FDNY

A member called you to say that he was arrested and he is on medical leave. What do you tell him to do?

He Fills out arrest of member report the next time he goes to BHS. If he's not on medical leave then he fills it out the next time he comes in to work. Remember either time you have to notify BITS.

What can we say to the press about victims if no supervisor is present?

Hot New Topic Hospital Number of victims Type of incident Members shall not discuss the condition of patients or victims, the care provided or other confidential information.

When deploying the KO curtain from a window in the apartment on the floor above, two floors above, or if the fire is on the top floor, then from the roof, he/she shall carry what tools in addition to the KO Curtain?

Hydra-ram and Halligan Evolution 34 sec 4 Receiving FF below the target window shall carry a Hydra-ram, Halligan, and Halligan Hook

maintenance of app EACH TOUR

I-FLAWS I- TL intercom F-fill fuel tank L-Lights/nonresponse A-Air tanks perged W-Warning devices S-Seat Belts do not exceed 30mph with chains on rig do not exceed 15mph turning corners

When operating as the Lobby Control Unit (LCU), all of the following equipment shall be carried in every elevator car

ICS ch 2 add 4 sec 5.1 H/T 1 set of FE tools Spare cylinder Elevator Keys Search Rope Elevator Control Sheet Clipboard

Who is in charge of all Ventilation in a high-rise office building?

IC Controls communicate and coordinate ALL ventilation in High Rise OFF Remember in high-rise FP MD, the 1st ladder officer will initiate/control horizontal ventilation of the fire area

All of the following actions are appropriate when operating at a CO Emergency with meter readings of 45ppm what do you do?

Inform occupants that they have a "potentially dangerous" level of CO. - CO Incidents: Meter readings of 9 PPM or less: Inform occupant that our meter has NOT DETECTED AN ELEVATED CO LEVEL .- CO Emergency: Meter readings of greater than 9 PPM but less than 100 PPM: Inform occupants that they have a POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS level of CO & RECOMMEND THAT ALL PERSONS LEAVE the affected area and begin ventilation. - CO Emergency: Meter Readings of 100 PPM and Greater: Inform occupants that we have detected a POTENTIALLY LETHAL level of CO & BEGIN EVACUATION of the affected area and ventilate.

3 engines, 1 ladder and 1 BC I dispatch for smoke in the area. Engine 100 arrives first and is on scene by themselves when a second source is received for a structural fire at this same box. When it comes to the box being filled out who can make that call?

It will Before that only if the respondent BC or officer of E 100 requested to be filled out since E100 is on scene.

When Officer should review Emergency Action Plan

It's Called Not Quitting I-Initially C-Changes N-New personnel Q-Quarterly(1st week of Jan,Apr,July,Oct)

Requisition winter supplies when?

July 1st Items on requisition not received by Oct 1 bring to the attention to Div coordinator

During a phase 2 water pressure emergency, you are a child patrol day district as per schedules established by DC. Upon completing the outside patrol duties, officers on duty shall fax to the battalion the following info?

LOSS Any areas experiencing dangerously LOW water pressure that could adversely affect fire fighting operations Number of illegal we OPENED hydrants Number of SPRAY caps placed Any AREAS experiencing Number of Hydrants SHUTdown

NFPA diamond

Left Blue Health Hazard Top Red Fire Hazard Right Yellow Instability Hazard Bottom White Specific Hazard(OXY,ACID,ALK,COR,-W-) Top 3 goes 0-4 with 4 being the worst

If a member is detailed to a quarters How far away can day walk?

Less than 1 mile or approximately 20 blocks If a detail from within the borough does not arrive in 1 hour or detail from out of Boro doesn't arrive within 2 hours, you need to notify the next level of command

The four most common types of lightweight systems that may be encountered in private dwellings are:

Lightweight parallel chord truss Laminated wood I-beams Metal C-joists Composite truss PD Ch 6 3.1

You would be most correct to realize that Vacant buildings in NYC shall be marked in the following size and color:

Lime Yellow reflective paint. Square shaped, 18 inches x 18 inches with lines 2 inches wide

Officer Shall transmit following info to IC

Lodance Location Occupants Difficulties or delays Access(Location of stairway in fire wing) Number of apartments on floor of fire wing Conditions Extension

Written Notifications to BITS

MCFIT Misconduct by a Dept employee not falling w/in the jurisdiction of the IG Charges against member Follow up Info of arrest of member Incompetence (Repeated negligent of unsatisfactory performance of duties) Time- Missuse or Misappropriation of departments time

When elevators are called down to the lobby and doors are not open how do you get the doors open?

MOOADO Manual Off(turn key to off normal position) On(turn key to on to FService pos) AUTOMATIC Door Open (Press/put key in door open button/position)

At lithium ion energy storage system incidents where members must establish an initial Danger Zone (to reduce explosion exposure risks), members should observe?

Members should observe:Minimum of 50 ft radius from container(s)/cabinet(s). Minimum of 100 ft from container/cabinet exhaust fan opening (usually located on the container's/cabinet's side opposite FDC). CABINETS may not have exhaust systems .HM 19 p4

Company Commanders have numerous responsibilities especially when it comes to their apparatus and special unit apparatus stored in quarters. Company Commanders shall arrange to test the operation of all motors and pumps of special unit apparatus when?

Monday's 9X6 Regs ch 13 sec 13.2.13Company Commanders shall cause a thorough monthly inspection of Aerial, TLs, and portable ladders.Also, doors or windows of apparatus shall not be removed without written permission from the officer in command of Division of Fleet Maintenance (Regs 13.2.16)Also, Company apparatus may be utilized for the purpose of procuring required food. Units are to complete this procedure within 45 minutes and are LIMITED TO THEIR FIRST DUE RESPONSE AREA. If needed to go outside first due area, Company Commanders shall forward a request stating specific reasons for the variance. Intermediate endorsements required (Regs 13 sec 13.3.1.E)


Must be completed w/in 30days It will be VOIDED if leave is more than 5 days Can't owe more than 8 or more

Members who would like to exchange RSOT tours should be governed info.

Mutual exchange of scheduled RSOT is permitted for all full duty firefighters assigned and working in the field. b. An RSOT tour that has been mutualed or rescheduled may not be mutualed or rescheduled again. c. Mutual exchange of RSOT tours must be submitted to the Battalion at least 24 hours before the first RSOT tour for approval. d. Mutual exchange of scheduled RSOT tours by full duty Firefighters must be competed (worked) by both parties within 30 days of the first scheduled RSOT tour or by the end of the calendar year (whichever is earlier).

What are members prohibited from making public statements about?

NO SLIM N-Non final Dept policy's O-Other info protected by law S-security precautions L-Legal procedings I-Investigations M-Medical info of others

10-35 codes

No Code - Unwarranted Codes 1-4 - Unnecessary Code 1: alarm system testing or servicing Code 2: construction activities Code 3: ordinary household activities (toast, steam, aerosol spray) Code 4: other known cause (e.g., alarms resulting from cigarette smoking in unauthorized areas). When this code is used, a NYFIRS report must be completedComm 8 10-35

10-35 codes

No Code - Unwarranted alarm. Alarm system activation caused by the defective condition of alarm device, equipment or system. (e.g., low battery condition, alarm activations without a known cause or when no condition is found warranting an emergency response). Code 1: Unnecessary alarm caused by alarm system testing or servicing. Code 2: Unnecessary alarm caused by construction activities. Code 3: Unnecessary alarm caused by ordinary household activities (toast, steam, aerosol spray). Code 4: Unnecessary alarm caused by other known cause. (e.g., alarms resulting from cigarette smoking in unauthorized areas). When this code is used, a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause of the unnecessary alarm and the relevant particulars.

The nerve agent VX has what type of odor? All chemical agents except one is heavier than air? Exposure to chemical agents will have immediate signs and symptoms except when exposed to?

No Odor Hydrogen cyanide Mustards and Phosgene ERP add 2 page 20

During hot weather, responding without Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is permissible for all of the following runs

Non-Structural Fires BARS Alarms, Non-Fire responses, ERS no contact, Class E Alarms, CFR responses AUC 310 sec 7.2.2

Drills and training schedules concerning winter operations shall be initiated each year during the month of?

October AUC 200 3.3.4 EFYI 3.3.7 states "....requisition or obtain such [winter] supplies and equipment in advance of winter weather. -Requisitioning shall commence July 1st...- -.items on requisition not received by October 1st shall be called to the attention of Division Coordinators.

3rd truck at HRFPMD

Officer shall CONFIRM the EVACUATION STAIR doors have been closed on the fire floor and maintained in the closed position. He should position a member on the STAIRWELL side of the evacuation stairway door until the fire sector supervisor/IC into situation no longer presents hazard in that particular stairwell

Portable Generators issued to Fire Department units have many specifications.

Operate portable generators for 15 minutes weekly. -During the test of the generator, operate all lights for 5 minutes to test for proper working order of lights and generator under load. If lamps do not light while testing or using, check bulbs for tight connection. -If a portable generator is used to power an exhaust fan, the ideal length of the electrical cord should be 50 feet or less

chemical agents info

Organophosphates (Nerve Agents) - Fruit Vesicants (Blister Agents) - Garlic Pulmonary Agents (Blood Agents) - Burnt Almonds Choking Agents - Chlorine/ Grass ERP Add 2 2.1-2.4

The Battalion Chief who is the staging area Manager will have what suffix?

P Think P for he is parked at the staging area.

The members of Engine 99 were canvassing to find someone to work overtime on the 6x9 tour and several statements were made about members available for OT. When all else fails, which firefighter below is CORRECT as the only eligible member for the night tour? A: Firefighter W, who has an incomplete mutual exceeding 30 days. B: Firefighter X, who is on a self-mutual off. C:Firefighter Y, a 6th grade firefighter with less than 9 months. D: Firefighter Z, who is on vacation leave.

PA/ID 5/74 - MIMINUM STAFFING POLICY GUIDELINES C IS CORRECT - Where all reasonable efforts to cover with minimum staffing have been exhausted, firefighters 6th grade with less than 9 months service may work MSOT on the tour in question. Be aware of section 4. 4.2 - If all eligible firefighters offered MSOT decline, the Battalion shall order the junior, eligible members on duty to work such MSOT. 4.3 - A firefighter ordered to perform an MSOT tour may, for good and sufficient reason and if time permits, provide an eligible replacement. A - 2.1.6 is ineligible B - 2.1.4 is ineligible D - 2.1.4 is ineligible

Notifications if you are bitten by a dog

PBAme PD Board of health Animal care center (if dog astray) Medical officer EMS

You just went 10-84 for a class 3 alarm involving a private dwelling. Upon further investigation, you suspect a possible illegal drug factory inside. You approach with caution and request the response of Haz-Mat 1. In addition to Haz-Mat 1, who else should you notify?

PD and Dept of Health

When can a Company Commander rescind a members Chauffeur status?

PPC P-physical condition could impair Chauf driving ability(eyesight,reaction time) P-Personnel problems, can't concentrate(illness,divorce,death in family) C-Confidence lost(on/off duty accident)

Company commander or a FF may request a FFs chauffeur status be revoked when?

PPC Physical condition could impair chauffeurs ability(Eye site, reaction time) Personal problems which affects ability to concentrate(divorce) Confidence loss (due to on/off duty accident)

When a officer reasonably suspects one knows that any member has Violated AUC202 he shall?

PROBBE P-prohibit on/off duty members present at the time of discovery from leaving quarters (without permission of the investigating officer) R- RELIEVE on duty members from emergency response duty O- Have affected unit place OOS B-Notify BC B- notify BITS E- Entry in company journal

All chemical agents are heavier than air except which one?

Phosegene Exposure to chemical agents will result in immediate signs and symptoms (seconds to minutes), with the exception of Mustards and Phosgene, which will have a delayed effect

When encountering a displaced Pet at a fire who do you leave it with

Porn PD Owner Representative of building Neighbor

The primary means of communication for the Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) Task Forces?

Primary- DARS Alternative- 800 MHz Contingency- Cell phone Emergency- Department Radio AUC 159 add 8 sec 4.1

At the end of each month, Probationary Firefighters must complete a 20 question quiz to be in compliance with the Probationary FF Development Program (AUC 323). Probationary Firefighters get three attempts to pass each quiz. If a passing mark is not attained after the third attempt, the program will be temporary locked out and will require the company officer to contact who?

Probationary Firefighters Development Program Group via Email AUC 323 2.1 If a passing mark is not attained after the third attempt, the program will be temporary locked and will require the company officer to contact the Probationary Firefighters Development Program Group via email to [email protected] to re-activate

Pump pressure in Volume/Pressure

Pump idle pressure when in volume mode is 55 psi...55 psi + 50 psi for the hydrant = 105 psi Pump idle pressure when in pressure mode is 110 psi + 50 psi for the hydrant = 160 psi when in pump idle pressure On a recent exam Training Bulletins app P3 sec 1.2

Odors Hydrogen chloride Acetaldehyde Phosgene Hydrogen cyanide

Pungent odor Fruity odor Musty hay/grass Almond burnt

When a member who transmitted and EA depresses the PTT button what happens on the receiving radios?

Receiving Radios will see an ORANGE band with "emergency call" + "unit and position" on both the main and top displays

Duties of investigating officer in a AUC202?

RAIT R- ROLL CALL of all on and off duty members A- Advise all offices in firefighters whom the investigating officer reasonably believes may be subject to charges of their right to representation before being question. I- conduct an INVESTIGATION T- TEST members for alcohol/illegal drugs if the officer has reason to believe. He shared document the reasons for the determination in a report to the chief of department via chain of command.

Access to roof Class 2 bldg

RALFO -Remote/unaffected stair -Adj Bldg -Aerial -FE -Open Stairs 1st roof Hall,Maul/axe, Hydra ram NO LSR 2nd roof Hook, Hall,LSR, belt


RT-2, mark in CJ and ORJ, Rope card(RP-100), OOS Life safety Report(SCF-2) forwarded to CHIEF OF SAFETY

CORRECTLY lists the stages of the Collapse Rescue Plan in order?

Reconnaissance, Accounting for and Removal of the Surface Victims, Search of the Voids, Selected Debris Removal and Tunneling, General Debris Removal... 11.1 pg 25

You are a newly promoted officer working in L-500 when you get summoned to the Housewatch area. When you reach the Housewatch area there is a civilian standing there complaining that her smoke detector in her apartment is not working. The most correct course of action to take at this point is to?

Refer civilian to call 311 BISP ch 5 ref 3.1 sec 8 same for Carbon Monoxide Detectors BISP ch ref 3.2 sec 8

You are working in an Engine Company when you are assigned to respond to a fire as the designated "Communications Unit." You know that your unit should report to the Communications Unit Leader (COML), if staffed. If the COML is not staffed, or has not arrived, you should report to?

Report to the Resources Unit Leader (RESL). If neither the COML nor the RESL is on scene, report to the Incident Commander (IC). ICS Ch 2 Add 3 3.2

Shutting down building fire pumps

Return pump to lowest speed Push the off button Open circuit breakers Open knife switch (off position) Advise IC post that pumps have been Deactivated

In a handie talkie relay who are the only two members position with in line of sight of each other?

Roof and Engine officer

When should you consider ordering an exterior hose line into a cellar window at a PD?

SAUL -Serious cellar fire -Advance cellar fire -Unable To locate cellar entrance or advance down int cellar stair -Light Weight construction

When the IC(Chief or Company Officer) consider ordering an exterior handline into cellar window?

SAUL SA-Serious/Advanced cellar fire U-Unable to locate interior cellar entrance L-cellar fire involving LIGHTWEIGHT construction

Following units shall start each tour with at least 2 school trained chauffeurs

SCPD Satellite units Collapse rescue units Planning vehicle Decon unit (other than tractor trailer apparatus)

Regs Ch 11 acronyms -Officer should not converse with chauffeur while responding except for -safe guarding property/valuables -security/safeguarding premise

SIR Speed/Info(received by radio) Route OPRA Owner, upon proper ID, PD if no owner Representative-authorized representative of the owner with proper ID Always get a receipt in all cases a receipt shall be obtained. POOR PD, Owner, Occupant, Responsible person

What factors preclude the descent of the first hoseline down the interior stairs?

SSHH S-Serious fire condition on arival S-Stability of stairway questionable H-High Heat conditions on top of stairs

You just conducted Roll Call in E-100 and was informed by the members that the unit has morning BISP. You write the Roll Call and head upstairs to the office to prepare for this inspection. While conducting BISP, you and your members come across an approved, installed sprinkler system in an occupied residential building that was shut down without prior notification to the Fire Department. Shutdown of a sprinkler system is in clear violation of the New York City Fire Code. From the duties listed below, choose the choice that contains the most correct information.

Serve an immediate summons (for "failure to notify"), issue a forthwith V.O. (for restoration of system), forward an A-8 to the Bureau of Fire Prevention, Suppression Unit if serviceability is in doubt, and forward an A-500 to the Division Commander.

Whenever train power is removed these still be on/powered.

Some Redheads Sometimes Have VD Station lights Right of way lights Signals Headlights Ventilation equipment Drainage equipment

where are the sound powered phones located at UR rails?

Sound-powered phone jacks are located at standpipe outlets (every 200 feet) FFP Under River Rail operations sec 2.7

Who brings the fire window blanket to the fire sector supervisor at a HRFMD

Squad Company

Storage in Bldgs as per AUC5

Storage shall be maintained 2 feet or more below the ceiling w/no sprinklers and with Sprinklers a minimum of 18"below sprinkler head

In regards to the EBF-4 on the rig when (what day) MUST you use it to finalize your riding list?

Sunday 9x6 tour So you can make sure it is working and become familiar with it.

Roof access for a peaked roof PD

TAP TL Aerial Portable -preferred position of the basket can be placed over the corner of the building near the peak of the roof. The turntable should be position to enable the basket to cover 2 sides. If you cannot do that position basket to "valley area" to use hook ladder.

Equipment that is not intrinsically safe in FDNY?

TIC, ventilation fans, cell phones, megaphones

Reach of exterior streams as per AUC 362 APP/tip size/nozz pressure/vertical reach

TL 2" 100psi 135' Eng deck gun 1 1/4 100psi 130' Multiversal 1 1/2 100psi 110' 2 1/2 handline 15/16-1 1/8 50psi/40psi 75'/40' 1 3/4 handline 15/16 50psi 70 Satalite Monitor 2" 100psi 130'

You were working at 6 x 9 tour and it is billion stars by quarters to report an overcrowded problem in a theater a few blocks from the firehouse what should you do?

Telephone the administrative Battalion ( because it's a public place)

While investigating a complaint in a building where approximately 80 people have gathered for a Communiy Board meeting, the Officer of L139 discovers four abandoned LPG cylinders in the cellar. From the choices listed below, choose the only FDNY vehicle approved for removal and transportation of contraband material/cylinders when a vendor is unable to do so.

The HazMat Operation Logistics Vehicle Explanation:When contraband material is to be removed and no vendor is identified or responds, the IC shall notify the HazMat Battalion to arrange for assessment and removal of the material. The HazMat Operation Logistics Vehicle is the only FDNY vehicle approved for removal and transportation of contraband material/ cylinders.BISP Ch 4 Add 6 3.1

The Lobby Control Unit shall take on the duties of who? when directed by the IC

The LCU shall take on the duties of the Systems Control Unit when directed by the IC. Also, the LCU operates on the Tactical Channel. He is also called the Lobby Control Unit LEADER

Once an MCI bag has been opened, the officer on duty should notify the dispatcher to make immediate notification to who?

The OMA on call medical director Note The highest ranking officer at a mass casualty incident makes the call. All companies carry MCI bags -If MCI bag seal has been broken but all contents are in it it should just be resealed. -if MCI bag seal has been broken and contents are missing officer shall prepare a loss property report for the missing items they contact the medical supply unit for re-supply

How shall a company officer answer at the Roll call officer

The company officer will answer the RCO stating the number of FFs they responded with and accounting only for the members within sight or hearing without using the HT

The primary concern during fire fighting operations at and EIFS(exterior insulation finish system) fire is?

The inner most sheathing layer of foam plastic insulation. Can be a 1/4"to 8" thick

General maintenance of PC/ATS

The only maintenance to be performed by members is changing of the paper roll and replacing printer ink cartridge. -Each unit show maintain at least 2 rolls of teleport the paper in company office. Spare rolls may be secured from the battalion -The officer shall contact StarFire to report any computer equipment problems -On the first of every month the teleprinter emergency power system shall be examined and tested

Hi Rise nozzle Info

The responsibility of the fifth do engine to bring HRN to command post 5th engine brings the HRN, 1 length of 2 1/2 per FF and stand pipe kit with controlling nozzle and report to IC to command post -it's supplied by a 2 1/2 hose line and produce flows of 200 Dash 225 GPM at 50 psi nozzle pressure, outlet gauge should be 70 psi for 3 lengths and 80 psi for 4 lengths -Will only be placed into operation at direction of the IC. -A spotter should be placed to observe the operation from exterior with a pair of binoculars. he will provide direction n progress reports to the IC and members operating. The Spotter will be in the best position to monitor the effects of the HRN. - any repairs contact tech services

Buckeye Pipeline valve shut offs, How many turns

To shut the valves, utilize the appropriate wrench to turn the valve clockwise 42 full turns (84 half turns). The only exceptions are the valves located on the shipper's lines extending from the Long Island City terminal which require 24 full turns (48 half turns) clockwise. AUC 149 1.1, 1.3, 2.3.2 -The Buckeye Pipeline consists of two 12" steel pipes. One carries gasoline, and the other kerosene base aviation fuel. -The pipeline operates at 1,200 psig at Linden, New Jersey. The maximum service pressure on the terminal piping and delivery lines to shippers from the Long Island City terminal is 200 psig. - Manual shut off valves are generally located below ground in a valve housing under a hinged cover.

When Squad goes to a HRFPMD where do they bring the window blanket?

To the Fire sector for any company to use

The Search Assessment Marking System used during collapse operations is denoted by the letter "X." The "X" is constructed in two operations. One slash is drawn upon entry and the second slash when the unit exits. What Information is place in each quadrant of the letter "X."

Top quadrant-Date n Time Bottom quadrant-#of Live/Expired victims Left quadrant-Unit operating Right quadrant-personal hazards Collapse Operations add 2 pages 2-3#

The most correct way to make a notification of a serious or fatal injury to an on duty member is how?

Via department radio to the borough dispatcher requesting a mixer off without transmitting the name or unit number of member The name or unit number of a member with a minor injury may be transmitted over department radio after requesting mixer off.

AUC 338 Safe operating distances for water streams

Voltage- 30degree or greater- Straight stream/less than30degree 138kv. 15'. 75' 345kv. 25'. 125'

Two way communication abetween fire command station

WAMEE-pump Floor warden stations Air handling control rooms Mechanical control center Elevators Elevator machine room Fire pump room

Who gets bereavement leave?

WCBSFM Wife Child Brother Sister Father Mother Remember WIFE's family no Brother/Sister in bereavement leave. " no BS with your wife"

Single unit 10-20 response when does this happen

WELTS WATER Leak ERS-no contact 2300-0800 LOCK IN- with no recorded food on the stove or other emergency TREE down -no wires/cars/Bldg affected SALVAGE truck

Modified response group 1 calls Single unit response

WELTS Water leak ERS no contact 2300-0800 Lock INS (no report of food on stove or other associated emergency) Tree down (no wires, bldg/veh) Salvage truck

It is 2300 hours on a Saturday evening and Capt Peters is reviewing the Citytime marks for his company for the previous week. Capt Peters notices that Lt. Clem gave himself a PCOT entry for a 6x9 tour during the week that he did not work. Capt Peters decided to look at previous weeks on Citytime and notes that Lt. Clem has given himself overtime entries for tours which he did not work numerous times. Capt Peters felt this was not an emergency and would be correct to take which action?

Wait until Monday 0900 hours, then notify the IG via their direct telephone number During normal business hours, notifications should be made directly to the Inspector General's Office by phone. In cases of EMERGENCY, the Inspector General's on-call supervisor should be contacted through the Fire Department Fire Operations Center Since this is not an emergency, you call during normal business hours.There are no written notifications to the IG. AUC 268A (2, 2.1)

You go to a PD fire and notice lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, what do you do?

When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the IC shall be notified immediately and IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO REMOVE MEMBERS OR SUSPEND INTERIOR OPERATIONS until a further assessment of structural stability and collapse potential can be made.

You go to a PD fire and you notice lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat who do you notify

When lightweight components are exposed to fire or high heat, the IC shall be notified immediately and IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO REMOVE MEMBERS OR SUSPEND INTERIOR OPERATIONS until a further assessment of structural stability and collapse potential can be made.

when can the Roof FFs can leave the roof area (floor above in a HRFPMD). You tell him what?

When the IC states the fire is "Probably Will Hold"

What channel does SAE group work on?

When the SAE Group is established, units assigned to the SAE Group shall switch to secondary tactical channel(CH 3) and shall not communicate with the ICP unless urgentHR page 19 and Communications ch 11 page 13

At a HRFPMD and two stairways are present when can the IC authorize vertical ventilation?

When the main body of fire is knocked down. But, can authorize smoke cleared from stairway before attack operations with positive pressure ventilation fans

OFF personal harness/pss OOS?

Whole company OOS if a FFs is then he can't go into IDLH

Do not Use an elevator in a bank which serves the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches with in how many floors?

Within 5 floors of the fire floor

Where should the forward RAC area be established?

Within 50 feet of the command post and within eyesight of the fire building whenever possible Rehab manager is to be stairs by BC or Captain remember if you report to command post, the guys stay 25 feet away

Engine 3 completed a utility rope stretch to the third floor of a large multiple dwelling where the stairs wrapped around the elevator shaft, is that ok?.

YES Eng OPS CH8 8.17.1 - If the fire is BELOW the 3rd floor, the line is stretched up the stairs.

Can Firefighters use the hoist car designed for use by construction workers at a CDA Bldg fire?

Yes but not the hoist elevators used for materials

If you have a NOTE WORTHY incident if not assigned who must you have respond?

a Chief Officer Examples of these types of incidents are --Fires/emergencies in high-profile occupancies/locations. -(2) or more 10-45 Code 1, (3) or more 10-45 Code 2 or Eight (8)or more 10-45 Code 3 or 4. -Transportation incidents (aviation, railroad, subway, etc.) involving multiplecasualties or severe service disruption. -Large scale evacuation of buildings, special events, etc. -Any fire/emergency involving possible CHILD ABUSE. -Vacates involving public buildings or shelters Regulations 11: 11.5.26

Company officers discussing the FDNY Bereavement Leave policy info?

a. Bereavement Leave will begin at 0900 hours following time of death. b. A member receiving a death notification when on duty will be promptly excused by the immediate superior officer on duty. c. A Bereavement Leave report is to be prepared in duplicate by the officer on duty in the member's unit. One copy shall be forwarded immediately and the other with the transcript of death. d. Bereavement Leave may not be less than 4 calendar days.

victim removal order @ under river emergency

ambulatory non-ambulatory ( red & yellow) victims requiring disentanglement/extrication (red & yellow) black tags

The MSA Altair Digital Gas Meter's oxygen sensor gives you +++ this means the atmosphere is above?

atmosphere is above 30% oxygen.. remember 19.5 low alarm and 23.5 high alarm

Which of the following choices contains correct information? 1. Company Commanders responsible for quarters can request a copy of their alarm assignments through the chain of command to the Chief of the Bureau of Communications. 2. All recommendations for unit alarm assignment changes shall be submitted through the chain of command to the Chief of Department for final endorsement.

both 1 and 2

Today is April 21, 2019, and you are working in E600 during the 9x6 tour in the great Borough of the Bronx. Its a typical day tour, which involved 2 All-hands, a Pin Job, and an excellent lunch. However, a FF knocks on your door and tells you the apparatus door is stuck in the open position, and the Nederman exhaust system was severely damaged rendering it OOS from the last run. what do you do?

call Resource center Do not use the RC-5 form to request emergency repairs RC-5 is for non-emergency repairs in qtrs Considered a emergency repair: Apparatus door not working properly, Major structural failure, Nederman exhaust system OOS, Total communications failure (both voice alarm and teleprinter), No heat (entire facility or major portion) Requisitions & Payroll sec 1.10.2

In a high rise building equipped with a "Base Station Leaky Cable Simplex UHF Radio System" that is programmed to FDNY radios, you would be most correct to know that all of the following channels?

ch 1-8 Base Station Leaky Cable Simplex UHF or VHF Radio System - a base radio connected to a cable that runs through a building/infrastructure. It is a simplex radio that can either operate on FDNY UHF HT channels 1 through 8 (FDNY Programmed) or it may utilize in-house radios (Proprietary).Comm 13 2.2

10-41 codes

code 1- Occupied structure or vehicle code 2 - Unoccupied structure code 3-Unoccupied vehicle (car, bus, train) with or without plates at the time of the fire (If unable to locate owner, give dispatcher the make, model license number and location of vehicle (other than an ADV) to forward to PD) (Regs ch 11 sec 11.3.15) code 4- Vacant structure, or structures NOT intended for dwelling purposes

Fires in OLT n NLT when to transmit what alarm

extra engine and truck for fire on two floors. If progress is not made on at least one floor in a short period of time, transmit a 2nd alarm. 2nd Alarm-If fire is in a shaft extending into an exposure. 3rd Alarm-If fire is extending into two exposures, .MD 3.4.6

If a radiological incident occurs, emergency management officials will determine which radioactive substances are present before recommending that people including FDNY members take Potassium Iodide tablets (KI). From the choices listed below, the correct location to store the KI tablets on all Engines and Ladders can be found where?

glove box ERP add 4C sec 5.2 Engines, Ladders, Squads, Rescues, Battalions, Divisions, Borough Commanders and Command Chiefs shall carry 130 mg Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets in the glovebox of their apparatus/vehicle

According to the Incident Command System (ICS), in general, the span of control of any individual with management responsibility should range from?

three to seven with five being ideal.

During a Haz-Mat incident the "Safe Refuge Area" can be found in which correct zone?

warm zone

Set pelajaran terkait

90 Degree Bend and Back to Back bends

View Set

anxiety disorders- developmental psychopathology

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