Flight Attendant Emergency Procedures

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Symptoms: Uncontrollable violent shivering, difficulty speaking, weakness, apathy, stupor.

Medical Emergency

This type of emergency exists whenever there is an injury, illness, or death on board.

Chest Pain

Symptoms: chest pain that may radiate to the neck, arms, or back, May be associated with a feeling of pressure or squeezing behind the breastbone, Perspiring.


Symptoms: severe weakness, rapid-weak pulse, pale skin color, rapid breathing

Time of useful consciousness

A period of time from the onset of a decompression until a person is unable to effectively or adequately perfomr duties due to an insufficient supply of oxygen.

Rapid decompression

A rapid loss of cabin pressure.

-Lightning -Electrical component -HAZMAT

Causes of Fire? (3)

-Light -Moderate -Severe

Classifications of turbulance

-Pre-flight: -Secured in its proper location. -Content list is present -Seals are intact -Expiration date not expired -Location: -DL/AA 170: AFT LH Overhead Bin -DL 175: Bin 211

Pre-flight and location of XMK?

-Duration: 4hrs -Location: 1 at each FA station -Pre-flight: -Secured in it's proper location -Red light flashes at intervals of 10 seconds or less -Emergency use only seal intact

DL Emergency flashlight duration, location, and pre-flight?

-zero flap landing. -hydraulic failure. -electrical power failure

Examples of yellow emergency landing.

1) position yourself at armrest levelike and move as quickly as possible towards the closest exit. 2) cover your nose and your mouth with a wet towel or any cloth to filter the smoke. 3) if possible, obtain a halon in the event it is necessary to clear a path through the fire to the closest exit. 4) command passengers BREATHE THROUGH YOUR CLOTHES, STAY LOW, FOLLOW MY VOICE, FOLLOW THE LIGHTS.

How should FAs react if the AC fills with smoke during an evac. (4)

1) notify captain 2) simultaneously assess the conditions 3) turn off cabin lighting 4)fight and extinguish fire. Don't PBE and grab a halon. 5) relocate passengers away from area 6) move another halon to area. 7) monitor the area and keep flight crew informed. 8) follow instructions of captain

How should you respond to a light ballast fire (8)

Assign another FA or ABP to immediately otify the captain.

If a FA discovers a fire and cannot reach the interphone system, what should he/she do?

-fight and extinguish fire. Don PBE and grab fire extinguisher. -slightly Crack lav door -insert the extinguishers nozzle I Crack of door -discharge fire extinguisher

If a fire is found in the lav and the door is hot what should FAs do to fight and extinguish he fire?

1) After it has been determined that there is no fire or the fire has been extinguished, ask if the passenger has been smoking, or has sprayed hair spray or perfume in the LAV 2) Perform a thorough inspection of the LAV (trash containers, under the sink, and any storage areas) for any signs of fire or proof that the passenger was smoking. 3) If the passenger was smoking, notify the captain and collect info for an in-flight disturbance report and submit a FAIR. Per FAR's, smoking on an AC and or tampering with/disabling a smoke detector can result in a fine

If a passenger is in a LAV and a smoke detector alarm is activated, what should the FA do?

-remove immediately (away from fire) and obtain a new one. -if the red light is on the end of service indicator flashes with the green light, move immediately (away from fire) to a safe area -remove unit

If the PBE hood collapses around the face at any time, what should the FA do?

10) Reassure the passengers that the situation is under control and reseat passengers away from the fire location. 11) if the flight is full, have those passengers without seats sit on floor between the rows with their backs against the fuseulage. 12) when reseating passengers, do not block exits. 13) secure the cabin and inform flight crew that cabin is prepared for landing. 14) be prepared to evacuate the AC upon landing. 15) notify inflight within 24 hrs and submit FAIR ASAP within 72 hrs.

In all firefighting incidents when the fire has been extinguished, after making a thorough insepection of the affected area, flight attendants should take the following additional steps.

-Pre-flight: -Secured in it's proper location. -Location: At each FA station

Pre-flight and location of MDT?

-Hole or tear in fuselage -Blown window -Unsealed door -Suddenly opened exit -Failure in AC pressurization system -Explosion

Name the possible causes of a rapid decompression.

1) FA-A obtains TEST info from Captain. 2) FA-A breifs FA-B 3) FA-A briefs passengers (if directed by Captian). 4) Modify service if necessary. 5) Evac NOT anticipated; however, be ready to preapre the cabin and passengers for an evacuation if advised by the flight deck crew. 6) Review the LAND emergency landing QRC. 7) Review the departure report to identify all special assistance passengers. 8) Perform a 60-second review periodically. 9) Keep the flight deck informed of cabin conditions. 10) Be prepared for changing circumstances that may require an evacuation after landing.

Name the steps for a Yellow Emergency (10).

-Pre-flight: -Secured in its proper location. -Squeeze handle to verify an audible click and battery monitor is flahsing green. -Location: -DL 170: AFT LH Doghouse -DL 175: AFT LH Bulkhead Compartment -AA 170: AFT RH Doghouse

Pre-flight and location of Megaphone?


Only with the permission of ______ are FA's allowed to administer medications such as those found in the XMK? This also applies to unaccompanied minors, even if the UMNR has written consent.

-Pre-flight: Present -Location: -DL/AA 170: AFT LH Overhead Bin -DL 175: Bin 212

Pre-flight and location of PSK/CSK?

-Pre-flight: Secured in its proper location and seals intact. -Location: AA: AFT LH Overhead Bin

Pre-flight and location of UPB

-Pre-flight: Secured in its proper location. -Location: -DL 170: AFT LH Overhead Bin -DL 175: AFT LH Doghouse -AA 170: Behind AFT Galley Carts

Pre-flight and location of WC?

-Pre-flight: -Secured in plastic pouch in its proper location -Location: At each FA station

Pre-flight and location of Crew Life Vests?

-Pre-flight: -Secured in proper location -Seal is intact -Location: -DL 170: AFT LH Overhead Bin -AA 170: AFT LH Doghouse -DL 175: AFT RH Doghouse

Pre-flight and location of FAK?

-Pre-flight:-Secured in its proper location -Gauge needle is in red -Carrying strap attached -Two masks are present in each tote bag -Masks and tube are not torn. -Bayonet fitting is attached to LO outlett -Protective plug covers unused outlet -Location: -AFT LH Doghouse -AFT RH Doghouse -FWD RH Bulkhead Compartment -Duration: 1hr and 15 min.

Pre-flight, location, and duration of AA POB

-Pre-flight: -Secured in its proper location -Gauge needle is in red -Carrying strap attached -Two masks are present in each tote bag -Masks and tube are not torn. -Both red and blue banded bayonet fitting are attached to outlets -Location: -DL 170: FWD RH Bulkhead Compartment -AFT RH Doghouse -DL 175: Bin 211 -AFT RH Doghouse -Duration: 1hr and 15 min.

Pre-flight, location, and duration of DL POB

-Pre-flight: Secured in its proper location and seals intact -Location: -DL 170: -AFT LH Bulkhead -FWD RH Bulkhead Compartment : -DL 175: -AFT LH Bulkhead Compartment -Bin 211 -AFT LH Bulkhead Compartment -AFT RH Bulkhead Compartment -FWD RH Bulkhead Compartment -Duration: 15 min

Pre-flight, location, and duration of PBE

-Pre-flight: -Secured in proper location -Pin and seal are intact -Gauge needle is in green zone. -Hose unobstructed and properly attached -Location: -DL 170: -AFT LH Bulkhead -FWD RH Bulkhead Compartment : -DL 175: -AFT LH Bulkhead Compartment -Bin 211 -Range: 10ft -Duration: 10 seconds

Pre-flight, location, range and duration of DL Halon?

-Pre-flight: -Secured in proper location -Pin and seal are intact -Gauge needle is in green zone. -Hose unobstructed and properly attached -Location: -AFT LH Bulkhead Compartment -AFT RH Bulkhead Compartment -FWD RH Bulkhead Compartment -Range: 9ft -Duration: 10 seconds

Pre-flight, location, range, and duration of AA Halon?

-Pre-flight: -Secured in its proper location -Seals intact -Location: -DL 170/175: AFT RH Doghouse -Range: 20ft -Duration: 30-45 seconds

Pre-flight, location, range, and duration of Water Glycol Extinguisher?


Symptoms: Nausea or vomiting, faintness, paleness, sweatiness.


Symptoms: Person cannot breathe, speak or cough, person turns blue.


Symptoms: Redness (first degree), Blisters (second degree), Charred skin (third degree).


Symptoms: Deep rapid breathing, Apprehension, Dizziness or faint feeling, may have numbness or tingling of lips and fingers and spasm of hand.

Decompression Sickness

Symptoms: Fatigue, numbness or paralysis, choking, coughing, labored breathing, chest pain, unconsciousness, chokes, bends, paresthesia, dizziness, possible shock, nausea.


Symptoms: Loss of consciousness, convulsive twitching of all or part of the body, may be associated with skin discoloration, may be prolonged and may be followed by sleep.

Fracture/ Broken Bone

Symptoms: Movement of extremity causes extreme pain.

Diabetes-Related High Blood Sugar

Warm dry skin, dry mouth, extreme thirst, sweet/fruity breath/odor, rapid and weak pulse, vomiting, drowsiness, unresponsiveness.

-do not open flight deck door -attempt to determine the origin and location of smoke, fumes, or odor -notify captain -in all cases where a company aircraft has experienced an in flight smoke/fumes event, flight crews shall give strong consideration to stopping the AC after landing so crash, fire, and rescue personnel may assess the AC prior to taxiing to the gate.

What actions should you take if you notice smoke/fumes while in flight? (4)

-Components or systems that operate about abnormally -Tripped (popped) circuit breakers -odor/fumes -hot spots

What are some indications of a hidden fire? (4)

Type A- flammable solids, materials (pzper, fabric, wood) Type B- flammable liquids (grease, gas, jet fuel) Type C- electrical (oven, coffee maker) PED Battery- lithium battery (laptop, DVD player, cell phone)

What are the 4 classifications of fires and their identifications?

-Loud hissing sound from source of leak. -Gradual decrease in cabin temp. -Slight fogginess. -Passenger may show signs of hypoxia. -FA may feel symptoms of hypoxia.

What are the characteristics of a slow decompression?

-Fuel -O2 -Heat -Chemical chain RXN

What are the components of a fire? (4)

-AED must be used by a trained crew member or medically trained personnel. -Victim must meet the following criteria 1) Not breathing. 2) One year of age or older. -Ensure all cellular phones and wireless equipment are off when using the AED. -To avoid electrical shock hazard during defib. 1) Do not touch the patient, unless performance of CPR indicated. 2) Do not touch metal objects in contact with the patient. 3) Keep defib pads clear of other pads or metal parts in contact with patient

What are the restrictions for AED usage?

-*Altitude* -Rate of ascent -Amount of physical activity -20,000 ft: 30 minutes or more -25,000 ft: 3-5 minutes -30,000 ft: 1-2 minutes -35,000 ft: 30-60 seconds

When dealing with a decompression, what are the factors that determine the time of useful consciousness?

1) When injured. 2) When ill.

When may you administer first aid treatment to children on board the AC?

1) Notify captain immediately, Follow instructions of the Captian to secure yourself, take oxygen, or look for the sources of leak. The pilots will initiate an immediate descent to a sage altitude. 2) Check the LAVs for passengers 3) Assist passengers and adminsiter first aid as needed. 4) Do NOT place any articles in source of leak. 5) Keep all persons away from area. If an air leak is from an exit next to a FA jumpseat, notify the captain, reseat pasengers, and the FA should sit in the alterate jumpseat if available, or a passenger seat for landing. 6) DO NOT touch any part of the door handle if the dorr is the source of the leak.

When responding to a slow decompression FA's should do the following: (6)


Where are CPR masks located on board the AC?


Where are the non-permeable gloves located on board the aircraft?

Yellow Emergency

This type of emergency exists when the Captain anticipates: 1) The landing will be successful and will not cause injury to passengers and/or damage AC. 2) An emergency landing is not anticipated or the emergency evacuation decision will be made after landing. 3) Aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment may be required.

1) notify Captain. 2) simultaneously assess conditions. 3) fight and extinguish fire: grab nearest fire extinguisher. Don PBE if needed. 4) DO NOT move lithium battery as this could cause battery to reignite. 5) After extinguished, douse device in H20 or non-flammable liquid to cool remaining battery cells and prevent re-igniting. DO NOT use ice or cover device. 6) Relocate the passengers away from the area if neccessary. 7) Move another fire extinguisher to the area. Halon can be used, if needed, with H20 or non-flammable liquid used to further cool the device and prevent re-ignition. 8) Monitor the area and keep the FC informed. 9) Follow the instructions of the Captain.

What are the steps to fight and extinguish a lithium battery fire? (9)

1) Be alert to any indication of an abnormal situation, such as noises, smells, smoke, or AC attitdue that has the potential of becoming an emergency situation. 2) Review emergency commands and actions to be taken in the event of an unplanned emergency. 3) Review number of souls on board.

What do you do during a 60 second review? (3)

-Type of problem -Evacuation -Special Instructions -Time Remaining

What does TEST stand for?

1) Inform the flight crew of each piece of equipment that was used. 2) Submit FAIR as soon as possible within 72hrs of the incident. 3) If XMK was used, the Inflight Expanded Medical Kit Report that is located in the kit must be completed by the medically-trained volunteer

What must be done whenever medical equipment is used?

Ensure he has readily accessible a POB with a pressure reading of at least 500 PSI for emergency use and notify Captian

What should FA's do if while using the POB to administer first aid, the POB gauge approaches 500 PSI?

-The FAs will assign an ABP to accompany the victim and/or administer treatment so that the FA's can occupy their jumpseats. -If necessary, an FA will consider asking an ABP to occupy a cabin jumpseat so that an FA can administer treatment (such as continuing CPR)

What should the flight attendant do if a passenger requires first aid during landing?

-the fire is out -any possible structural damage to the AC -any passenger injuries -general cabin & passenger condition

When communicating with the flight deck during post firefighting procedures, the flight deck door should be closed and FAs should inform the flight deck of the following. (4)

Slow decompression

slow or gradual leakage of cabin pressurization.

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