Flight Operations Midterm

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A domestic operation

A company must operate under 14 CFR 121 if it is

A flag operating certificate

A company operating small corporate size jets between Los Angeles and Mexico City n a scheduledd basis would need to hold

Its principal base of operations

A copy of the ops specs must be maintained by the carrier at

A safety issue required by the FAA

A domestic carrier must get an air carrier certificate prior to operations. This is

Until the carrier fails to conduct the kind of approved operation for 30 days and doesn't give FAA 5 days notice before resuming operations

A domestic carrier's ops specs are valid

Charge a gas company to perform pipeline aerial spotter patrols

As a commercial pilot, acting individually and without further certificates, you may

Director of safety, director of operations, director of maintenance, chief pilot and chief inspector

As per the Part 121 requirements found in FAR 119.65, what fuve specific management positions are required for a Part 121 air carrier

Each section of Part 135 for each flight conducted

Assume you were operating as an on-demand air carrier but didn't have an operating certification. The potential penalty for this would be a $10,0000 fine for

The exercise of authority over initiating, conducting, and terminating a flight

FAR part 1 defines operational control as


If an aircraft is certificated with 275 seats, but only 249 passengers are aboard for a particular flight, how many flight attendants are required

Volume 3 of the flight crew operations manual (FCOM)

If you were a ramp service supervisor for Areomech Airlines, where would you look to find the loading instructions(procedures) for how to load a particular A-320-232 aircraft?

Had an independent interest i taking the trip

In analyzing a situation where a private pilot is accused of acting illegally as a common carrier, the FAA will, among other tests, look to see if the pilot

Requires the carrier to comply with Part 91 as well a Part 121 unless the requirements under Part 121 are more stringent than the Part 91 requirements

Operating under 14 CFR Part 121

The carrier, not the crew, is the final determination of how the aircraft is operated

Operational control is the concept that

Authorizations, Limitations, Certain procedures

Ops specs must contain all of these

Transportation (carriage) of only one or very small numbers of parties

Private carriage is distinguished from common carriage primarily by

Tailored to suit the individual, specific needs of each carrier

Production of ops specs are now automated by FAA using what amounts to a punch card system. By doing this, the FAA intends that the ops specs of each carrier be

British common law

The concept of common carriage is derived from

Advertising, Flyers in a campus, Statements on a web page

The holding out to the public would include all of the these

Identify FAA and itself how it will specifically comply with various provisions of the FARs

The purpose of operations specifications (or ops specs) to

First contact a representative of the national certification team

The starting point for a new Part 121 domestic carrier in setting up ops specs is to

Having a license or certification

Which of the following is not an element of common carriage?

Names and addresses of the five largest shareholders

Which of the following is not required to be in domestic carrier's ops specs

Director of inspections, chief pilot and director of maintenance

as per the Part 135 requirements found in FAR 119.69, what three specific management positions are required for a Part 135 air carrier

the faa minimum number of flight attendants required for dispatch must be onboard the aircraft during boarding and deplaning

during boarding and deplaning of originating and terminating flights, the Faa requires how many flight attendants be onboard the aircraft

piston aircraft, turboprop aircraft, and turbojet aircraft

for the purpose of the training regulations, airplanes are broken down into three categories of aircraft called


how many flight attendant are required for an aircraft that has a payload capacity of less than 7500 pounds and is equipped with 19 passengers

recurrent must be completed before the end of april of the next year

if a pilot completes initial training as a second in command(first officer) on a piece of equipment in march when would be the latest this pilot could complete recurrent trainig


if an aircraft is certificated with 149 seats, but inly 99 passengers are aboard for a particular flight, how many flight attendants are required


the director of safety is required to hold which faa certificate

No person may serve as a pilot on an airplane engaged in operations under Part 121 if that person has reached his/her sixtieth birthday

the mandatory requirement age for all required cockpit crewmembers is


what is the minimum pilot crew operating under Part 121


what is the minimum pilot crew operating under part 135 in a category II operation

Far 121.141 requires the AFM to be carried aboard an aircraft during Part 121 operations, Also 121.137 requires crewmembers to have the specifuc parts of the manual required in 121.133 pertaining to flight operations easily accessible while performing their duties

what manuals are required to be carried aboard an air carrier aircraft operated under Part 121

far 135.21(g) requires a certificate holder to carry an operstions manual when conducting aircrsft inspections or msintence at stations where it does not keep an approved inspection program manual.

what manuals are required to be carried aboard an air carrier aircraft operated under part 135

Far 121.139 requires supplemental air carriers to carry the entire manual and/or all subparts

what manuals required ti be carried aboard a Part 121 aur carrier aircraft in supplemental operations

director of maintenance and the chief inspector

what minimum required management positions must be filled by a mechanic holding an airframe and powerplant certificate

Except for the portion of the manual pertaining to maintenance, all portions must be in a paper manual format (far 121.133)

what parts of the manual are required to be in printed form

cockpit crewmembers, dispatchers, mechanics

what positions in an air carrier require an faa airman's certificate

director of operations

what required management position is responsible for the overall operational control of an air carrier's flight

Director of operations and the chief pilot

what two required management positions, for both Part 121 and Part 135 air carriers, must be filled by a pilot holding an air transport pilot certificate(ATP)

recurrent training

what type of training ensures each crewmembers or dispatcher is adequately trained and currently proficient with respect to the type of airplane she/he is crewing or dispatching

transition training

what type of training would be required for crewmembers that have qualified and served in the same capacity on another airplane in the same group

if a certificate holder conducts aircraft inspections or maintenance at stations where it does not keep the apprived inspection manual, the maintenance manual is required to be carried aboard the aircraft

when is a part 121 or Part 135 aur carrier required to carry a maintenance manual onboard the aircraft

Far 121.139 requires supplemental air carriers to have a copy of the entire manual aboard the aircraft for use by the contract personnel at those locations. By nature of supplemental operations, these air carriers do not operate to the same locations on a repetitive basis, so this ensures a manual will be accessible to maintenance personnel

when is a part 121 supplemental air carrier required to carry a maintenance manusl onboard the aircraft

cockpit crewmembers, mechanics and dispatchers

which air carrier personnel are required to carry a FAA Airman's Certificate on his/her person when performing the tasks which require the certificate

The dispatch center

which department serves to specifically implement the concept of operational control

An aircraft equipped with less than 10 passengers seats may be flown under Part 135 without a second in command if the certificate holder can supplyproof of insurance for such 135 operations

which is an untrue statement

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