Football Basics - PE Participation Skills
A _________ is a special team's player who receives the snapped ball directly from the line of scrimmage and then kicks the football to the opposing team.
cornerbacks and safeties
Also called defensive backs. They operate in the area of the defense called the secondary.
false (they are allowed 6)
Each team is allowed three timeouts in a game.(true/false)
Eligible pass receivers are the two ends on the scrimmage line and the players in the backfield who are at least one yard behind the line of scrimmage. (true/false)
Ends wear jersey numbers from 80 to 89.(true/false)
rugby and soccer
Football grew out of _________.
The United States
Football originated in _________.
kicking, passing, recieving
Moving the ball downfield includes _________. (Check all that apply)
Passing the ball backward to a teammate is called a _________.
too violent
President Theodore Roosevelt threatened to ban football because it was _________.
The defense is usually divided into _________ units.
The defensive team earns a safety if it tackles the ball carrier in their own end zone, or a blocked punt goes out of the end zone. (true/false)
The extra point(s) attempt after a touchdown is called a _________.
The playing field is _________ yards long.
The team trying to advance the ball is the _________ team.
This offensive player is known as the handyman of the team.
down indicator
This piece of equipment marks the most forward point of the ball at the start of each down, and the card indicates the number of the down.
Unnecessary roughness will cost your team _________ yards.
When a player drops the ball, except when passing, kicking, or handing off the ball it is called _________.
Which number would the quarterback wear in professional football?
walter camp
_________ is known at the father of American football.
field goal
A _________ occurs when a player kicks the ball through the opponent's goal.
A counter is any play in which the action goes in one direction and the ball carrier goes in another direction. (true/false)
A football game begins with a _________.
A pass caught by the defense is a(n) _________.
false (thats a sneak)
A sweep occurs when the quarterback keeps the ball and goes straight behind the blocking of the center and the guard. (true/false)
At the end of each season many college teams play in various competitions called _________.
In the NFL, as soon as any part of the runner's body touches the ground, he is not permitted to make any further advances. (true/false)
In this play the quarterback keeps the ball and goes straight ahead, behind the blocking of the center and the guards.
block, tackle, run
Select all of the basic fundamentals you need to know to play football.
Super Bowl
The NFL champion each year is determined during the game at the _________.
The NFL has _________ Conferences.
The _________ is the key player on the offensive team.
The ball is placed on the _________ yard line to start the game in a high school game.
three point stance
The most widely used offensive stance is the _________.
Intentional Grounding
_________ is called when the passer throws the ball away to prevent loss of yardage.
_________ refers to legal contact made with an opponent who does not have the ball.
Pasadena, CA
where is the rose bowl played?