forensics 9 weeks exam

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describe how information is processed in the brain.

Information processing starts with input from the sensory organs, which transform physical stimuli such as touch, heat, sound waves, or photons of light into electrochemical signals. ... In order for the brain to process information, it must first be stored.

Where does rigor mortis start?

a) In the smaller muscles and progresses to the larger muscles

Define diatoms.

a) Nonvascualr photosynthetic organisms. Relatives of algae that have cell walls containing silicon dioxide.

Which method of estimating postmortem interval is least reliable if a person has been dead less than 12 hours?

c. potassium levels in the eye

the wheelbase measurement is the distance between the....

center of the front wheel and the center of the back wheel

which of the following is the finest of all soil textures?


Which of these definitions are correct? Mark all that apply.

d) All the above

t/f: Adipocere is a waxy material formed from the breakdown of fat during decomposition under very dry conditions.


t/f: Body heat loss speeds up after 12 hours following death.


t/f: Once skin slippage begins, it is impossible to obtain fingerprints.


t/f: PMI stands for personal myspace interaction


t/f: Usually, children will lose body heat more slowly than adults.


t/f: because bones can heal, a bone fracture is no longer evident after 10 years


t/f: center of the tread of a tire to the center of the tread of the opposite tire is the wheel base.


t/f: good observation skills come naturally to investigators; they do not need to be trained


t/f: if we remember seeing something happen, we can trust that it happened just as we think it did


t/f: if we remember seeing something happen, we can trust that it happened just the way we think it did


t/f: if you can measure the length of the foot or shoe impression, then you can accurately estimate the person's height


t/f: in court, a lawyer must be able to fit the tool into the tool marks to convince a jury that they are consistent


t/f: insect evidence is the most accurate method to estimate a postmortem interval if the victim has been dead less than 24 hours


t/f: instars are each of the different pupa stages


t/f: mitochondrial dna analysis of skeletal remains can be used to establish individual identity


t/f: observation skills are only helpful to the investigator at the scene, nowhere else in forensic science


t/f: the chainsaw with missing serial number was enough to convict Richard Craft


t/f: the innocence project is an organization that seeks to get convicted killers out of prison


t/f: the number of bones in the body increases from the time of birth to adulthood


t/f: tool marks are direct evidence


t/f: when we observe something in our day to day lives we view things null of preconceived notions


t/f:information is a constant, unvetted stream into the brain where it is stored


Round eye orbits, large subpubic angles, oval pelvic cavity, and a smooth & slender skull. Male or Female?


Short sacrum curves out, no protuberance on occipital bone, triangular underside of lower jaw. Male or Female?


Wide subpubic angle, sacrum curved outward, no visible growth plates, porous bones. What is the gender and condition?

female over 30 with osteoporosis

which represents the normal sequence of decomposition?

fresh, bloated, active decay, advanced decay, dry decay

What is not used for bone connection?

growth plates

Remains from a small person had no indicators of sex. Explain this.

has not reached puberty

which of the following represents an undisturbed soil profile, starting at the surface?

humus, topsoil, sand and silt, subsoil, broken rock, solid rock

a forensics scientist will exam a tread and impressions for what two characteristics?

identifies the type of tire and model of a vehicle

what helps link a tool to a crime scene and eventually to the tool's owner?

impressions or scratches

the innocence project found that most faulty convictions were based on...

inaccurate eyewitness accounts

is indirect or direct lighting better for photographing tool marks?


what type of evidence does forensic entomology use?


why do eyewitness accounts carry such larger weight in the courtroom?

juries think of them as large pieces of evidence

when a shoe or barefoot walks on a smooth surface it usually leaves a...

latent print

Narrow pelvis, sloping frontal bone, and prominent protuberance on occipital bone. Male or Female?


briefly describe what can be detected by observing facial expressions.

muscle movements can determine if you're lying or not

Which is the most reliable bone to determine the sex of a skeleton?

pelvic bone

the three steps in collecting impression evidence are...

photographing, lifting latent impressions, and casting plastic impressions

loam is a fertile type of soil composed of approximately equal amounts of what?

sand and silt

the stench of decomposing bodies can attract trained cadaver dogs to bodies in what type of graves?

shallow graves

which description below would most likely indicate the presence of a recent gravesite?

soil level raised, no plant life on surface

what variations identify different tools?

specific tool marks

tire marks indicate...

speed of vehicle and the direction that the vehicle traveled

what kinds of factors might affect an eyewitness observation?


how do we account for our brain's inability to collect every detail of the scene?

systematic scanning

which of these does not affect the development of insects?


What connects a muscle to a bone?


How do forensic investigators determine the size, shape, and other characteristics of a tool?

the impressions

What is the growth plate responsible for?

the lengthening of the bone

what are the ribs on a tire?

the ridges around the circumference of tire

patent impressions appear after...

the vehicle has been driven through a fluid like substance

"Plants provide a biological clock that provides evidence as to when a person died, or the postmortem interval"(T/F


A limitation of forensics botany is that all living matter decomposes quickly (T/F)


Annual rings are formed as a result of differences in color of the lighter springwood and the darker winterwood. (T/F)


Knowing ancestry and sex make height estimations more accurate. True or False?


The first time botanical evidence was accepted in court was in 1932. (T/F)


When obtaining botanical evidence, a paper bindle is the correct method of collection. (T/F)


Why botanical evidence is often overlooked because The criminal does not often take into consideration if they are transferring plants from one habitat to another. (T/F)


t/f: A person who was running away from someone before he or she died will go into rigor mortis sooner than a person who was sitting quietly.


t/f: An autopsy is performed after an unexplained death to help explain the cause and manner of death.


t/f: Cloudiness of the eyes occurs usually after two hours if the eyelids are open.


t/f: Internal pressure from fluids and foul smelling decomposition gases force fluids from body openings after several days of death.


t/f: a blowfly's host can affect the development period of a larva


t/f: blowflies are attracted to dead bodies because of the oder


t/f: bones break unevenly when alive but evenly when body has been dead a while


t/f: cadaver dogs find bodies due to the odor of gases emitted during decomposition under anaerobic conditions


t/f: forensic entomology can be used to find the identity of a corpse


t/f: forensic entomology can determine if a body was moved


t/f: forensic investigators use databases of tool marks to determine the type of tool used in a crime


t/f: from tire marks left on pavement, it is possible to estimate the speed of a vehicle at the time it began breaking


t/f: handsaws and hacksaws can result in overlapping cuts?


t/f: high moisture levels in soil stimulate the formation of adipocere


t/f: if you find a body and only mostly bones remain it is in a stage of dry decay


t/f: investigators can find out the indentity of a body via what stage of decomposition the body is in


t/f: it is impossible to cast an impression in the snow if you use a casting material that does not generate heat


t/f: knowing the sole pattern on a shoe may enable investigators to identify the shoe's manufacturer


t/f: perception is not always accurate, and it does not reflect reality


t/f: soils are mixtures of materials formed from weathered rocks, water, air, and decomposing organisms


t/f: spiracles allow researches to determine if the fly is in the first, second, or third instar


t/f: the brain cannot process and remember every detail of a crime scene


t/f: the crop can contain dna of a victim


t/f: the hacksaw creates a bone mark pattern of a tic tac toe board with thousands of squares?


t/f: the word forensic refers to the application of scientific knowledge to legal questions


t/f: tire scrubs are produced by tires during impact


t/f: wasps arrive after blowflies because they feed on blowfly larvae and eggs


t/f: when estimating a postmortem interval, its most important to factor into the interval the face that flies and beetles don't lay eggs at night


which of the following does not affect what happens to the buried decomposing body?


What questions do Forensic Anthropologists ask?

what was the cause of death?

Can tooth development help determine age?


how many stages are there in the life of a larvae


what are the roles filled by a forensic scientist?


what marks are made by a tool when surfaces slide across one another?

a) abrasion marks

messy cuts with rough edge teeth marks can be expected from which saw?

a) chain saw

what is the strykers cut characteristics?

a) circular areas with short radii

what does the casting material used depend on?

a) climate and type of surface

what kind of microscope is used to compare photos of tool marks?

a) comparison microscope

what is used to lift latent impressions?

a) electrostatic dusting

ridged grooves in the bone result from which kinds of saws?

a) table saw

Define autolysis and putrefaction

a. Autolysis cause cells or tissues to be destroyed by their own enzymes. Putrefaction causes destruction of soft tissues due to bacterial activity beginning.

As you drive along a roadside, you and your friend notice a dead deer. Your friend comments that the deer must have been pregnant. "Did you see the size of its belly? It was huge!" what other explanation could you give your friend as to why the abdominal region of the deer was so large?

a. Due to several days of the deer's death, anaerobic bacteria of the intestines consume tissues and release carbon dioxide to cause bloating

State the cause, manner, and mechanism of death when a teenager was found dead after consuming alcohol and heroin together.

a. Overdose (poisoning), accidental, respiratory functions cease

Which can issue death certificates but cannot perform autopsies?

a. coroner

Round nasal cavity, rectangular eye orbits, some degree of prognathism. What is the ancestry?


Why do Forensic Anthropologists look at bone caps, bone shafts, growth plates, & sutures?


what tools do detectives use to secure details about a crime scene?

all of the above (photographs, a field notebook, and a ruler)

what type of enviorment produces the gases cadaverine and putrescine due to the decomposition of body proteins?

anaerobic respiration

the femur head is fused to the shaft, the clavicle sternum, lamboidal structure, and coronal suture are closed. what is the age range?

at least 50

What can you concur when a body is found with lividity and the redness disappeared after the skin was pressed?

b) Death occurred between 2-8 hours earlier

What evidence was used to make a conviction in the Lindbergh kidnapping case?

b) Ring marks in a ladder at the crime scene.

what should you focus on when looking at tool marks?

b) foreign marks

what marks are made by a tool when it is pressed against a softer surface?

b) impression marks

what should be done before casting?

b) photograph evidence

when processing a crime scene for impression evidence, which of the following steps should be taken first?

b) photograph the impression

Marbling occurs as a result of?

b. Chemical reactions of sulfur and hemoglobin

what is the second stage of decomposition?


In the sequence of events of death, what event comes after the cell membranes rupturing?

c) fluids escape

what information can be learned from skid mark analysis of an accident?

c) when brakes were applied

Which statement about the rate of decomposition is generally used?

c. A buried body decomposes more slowly than a body that is not buried

What are the two types of autopsies?

d) Forensic and clinical

What are the differences between botanical evidence collection and habitat sampling?

d) Habitat sampling specifically compares plants from the crime scene and neighboring habitats to determine any transfers.

Botanical evidence is a valuable source of evidence because ________.

d) It tells you when and where a crime was committed.

what additional evidence can a barefoot print provide?

d) all of the above

the depth of an impression can estimate...

d) both B and C (height and weight)

The body of a person known to have eaten Mexican food at 12 noon was found dead at 11 P.M. The examiner found no food in the stomach but did find evidence of Mexican food in the first half of the small intestine. Based on the postmortem interval (PMI) estimate from the stomach contents only, which of the following times would be the best estimate of a PMI.

d. between 4pm and 11pm

What is an example of how technology has advanced tool mark evidence?

database, HD photography, measuring tape

what is used to make a plastic impressions in the snow?

dental stone

what does the turning diameter of a vehicle indicate?

diameter of the smallest 360 degree circle that can be driven by a vehicle 2. determines how vehicle was driven and the level of inflation

describe why two people might perceive a crime scene in different ways.

distractions/ see things from different angles

what is the corrected developmental stages for blowflies?

egg, larva, pupa, adult

a forensic scientist is called to a court of law to provide...


After 72 hours, Gastric Contents from the victim's stomach allow you to determine if they have consumed fruits and vegetables. (T/F)


An newer gravesite sinks into and fills the grave as the ground settles. (T/F)


If there are no scars on a woman's pelvis, she definitely hasn't had kids. True or False?


Pollen present on the victim that is consistent with the pollen from a suspect provides strong evidence that the suspect is guilty. (T/F)


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