Foundations of Education Test 2

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According to the author, the biblical "grand story" is comprised of at least four acts. What are they?

1. God created the world. 2. Humans fell into sin. 3. God sent Jesus to redeem the world. 4. Jesus will fully restore God's kingdom.

Which of the following is not true regarding homeschooling in the United States?

1. Homeschooled students score 15 to 30 percentile points above their public school peers on standardized academic achievement tests. Incorrect. This is true regarding homeschooling. There has also been evidence that suggests children who are homeschooled do better on college entrance exams. 2. Approximately 84% of homeschooled students receive their instruction entirely at home. 3. Homeschooled students can sometimes participate in sports and other extracurricular activities at the local public school. Incorrect. This is true regarding homeschooling. Students sometimes have the opportunity to participate in organized sports through the local public schools. 4. Most parents homeschool because of the public school environment. Correct. Only 20% of parents polled stated this as the reason for homeschooling. Most indicated they wanted to provide religious or moral instruction.

Each of the following are common reasons students participate in online schools except which one?

1. Online schools are typically private in nature and provide religious curriculum. Correct. While some for-profit schools exist, virtual schools are typically tuition-free public charter schools. 2. A course being offered is not available in the student's home school building. This is true when the school building the students would typically attend have little resources to provide for specialized coursework. Incorrect 3. Credit recovery for completion of graduation requirements. This is the second most common reason students take courses online. Incorrect 4. Students in rural areas have more of a selection of coursework, such as foreign languages and AP courses. This is a true statement. There are often few resources to allow for advanced types of coursework in a rural setting. Incorrect

Each of the following is associated with analytic thinking except which one?

1. Questions such as, "What seems to be?" This is associated with analytic thinking. Incorrect 2. Generalization The ability to generalize is associated with analytic thinking. Incorrect 3. Logic. Logic is a natural progression of analytic thinking. Incorrect 4. Questions such as, "What ought to be?" This is indicative of prophetic thinking. Correct

Each of the following is a true statement regarding teacher-centered classrooms except which one?

1. Realists believe in a teacher-centered classroom. Realists believe in teaching for mastery of information and skills: demonstration, inquiry, and critical thinking. Incorrect 2.Pragmatists believe in a teacher-centered classroom. Pragmatists believe in a student-centered classroom. Correct 3. Idealists believe in a teacher-centered classroom. Idealists believe in teaching for the understanding of key ideas: lecture, discussion, and questioning. Incorrect 4.The responsibility of learning lies heavily with the teacher. This is the fundamental principle in a teacher-centered classroom. Incorrect

Which of the following is not true regarding adaptation as an approach to change?

1. The school should provide students with an unbiased picture of the changes that occur in society. Examining changes in society is indicative of change as an adaptation. Incorrect 2.A teacher's educational philosophy is one in which the goal for teaching is the mastery of facts and skills so that students can enter society and get a job. Keeping the focus on the outcome in society is indicative of change as an adaptation. Incorrect 3. Students would be taught to accept society as it is today and develop skills that make success in the world of work and daily life possible. This is indicative of change as an adaptation. Incorrect 4. Schools mediate tension between individual freedom and responsibility to the community. This is indicative of change as being dialectic. Correct

What do teacher-technicians do?

1. They apply specific steps to prevent or correct classroom management problems 2. They apply specific steps to prevent or correct classroom management problems 3.They use a structured approach. 4. They emphasize efficiency and precision learning.

Which of the following is not true regarding parochial schools?

1. Twenty percent of private schools are parochial in nature. Correct. Eighty percent of private schools are parochial in nature. 2. Roman Catholic schools have higher enrollment than any other private schools. Incorrect. This is a true statement regarding private schools. 3. African American and Hispanic students at religious schools perform better on standardized tests than their public school peers. Incorrect. This is a true statement regarding private schools. Evidence has proven that these particular groups perform better in private school settings. 4. Many religious groups sponsor schools, including the Amish, Muslims, Jews, Quakers, Catholics, and many Protestants. Incorrect. While Roman Catholics comprise the most enrollments, each of these religious groups also has private schools.

What percentage of students need special help in learning?

10 to 14%

What percentage of students are identified as gifted or talented?

2 to 5%

What is culture?

A blueprint for how we think, feel, and behave in society Correct! The ways we feel, think, and behave are all a result of our cultural being.

What is school culture?

A set of rules, norms, traditions, and rituals unique to a particular school Correct. Each of these components comprises a school's culture.

What characterizes a common culture?

A shared set of traditions, language, values, and behaviors Correct. These basic foundations of culture comprise the common culture in any given region or area.

What is the most serious point of contention regarding the use of public funds for voucher programs?

A voucher funded with state education money can be used to pay for a child to attend religious-affiliated schools. Correct. The most serious point of contention lies in the argument regarding separation of church and state, even though the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the use of vouchers.

An educator who possesses a teacher-centered philosophy would do which of the following?

Arrange the classroom desks in rows Correct. A teacher-centered philosophy would want the students arranged in a fashion that puts the teacher at the head of the class.

The concept of reinforcement is critical to teacher practices in which of the following?

Behaviorism Correct. Behaviorists try to shape student behavior through reinforcement measures.

How does our philosophy become evident to others?

By the manner in which we respond to others. Our philosophy is not something we proclaim, but rather how we live our lives.

What are the major tenets of behaviorism?

Careful examination of the environment, behaviors, and external stimuli Correct! Behaviorism deals with how the stimuli affect the outcomes of our behavior.

Montessori schools, Edison Schools, experiential learning schools, and KIPP are types of which of the following?

Charter schools Correct. Each of these is an example of a charter school, which is a public school that operates under a specified charter—often separate from a school district.

Which Eastern school of thought gives education a high place, but stresses building moral character more than merely teaching skills or imparting information?

Confucian Correct. Confucian thinkers believe that children should obey and defer to parents and respect the wisdom that adults have gained in their journey through life.

Socially-transmitted ways of thinking, believing, feeling, and acting within a group of people that are passed from one generation to the next are known as which of the following?

Culture Correct. Each of these characteristics comprises culture.

What does John Locke believe about education?

Education is centered on the idea that the mind is blank at birth and sensory experiences make imprints on it. Correct! Tabula rasa, or blank slate, is the concept central to John Locke's philosophy.

What are the major tenets of humanism?

Education is the process of developing a free, self-actualizing person. Correct. Humanists believe that education should be without coercion or prescription and that students should be active learners and make their own choices.

What are some of the challenges facing suburban schools?

Emerging poverty and large student populations This is correct. Poverty levels are rising in the suburban areas and schools tend to be much larger.

Which of the following teacher-centered philosophies believes the role of the student is that of a learner?

Essentialist Correct! School is a place where children come to learn what they need to know, and the teacher is the person who can best instruct students in essential matters.

Which ethnic group tends to view itself as separate from nature and thus able to master and control their environment?

Europeans and North Americans

When addressing assessment in the classroom, which of the following is a teacher-centered approach?

Evaluation strategies based on group norms Correct. Teacher-centered methodologies in assessment would include evaluating students based on the norm.

Devotional times, worship, and Bible study are the singular focus of Christian schools.


Our textbook describes "Service Learning" as learning that takes place during services in local churches.


School policies, including codes of conduct, do create spiritual and ethical maturity in teachers and students.


Teachers in Christian schools should be caring and supportive, making learning painless for students.


The Bible recognizes and accepts a dichotomy between sacred and secular activities.


The author concluded that enthusiasm and pride in a school lead to a negative and selfish sense of school spirit and should be avoided.


The author concluded that it is easier to build a sense of community in schools that are large in size.


The textbook defines spirituality as "the degree of meditation on, agreement with, and obedience to religious practices."


Which of the following innovative high school programs can boast a 100% acceptance rate to college?

High Tech High

How is the achievement of proficiency in the Common Core Standards measured?

High-stakes testing Correct! National tests will assess the attainment of the proficiencies set forth in the Common Core Standards.

Which of the following follows the path of peace, which they believe is a pure and perfect pattern of humankind's evolutionary journey?

Hopi Correct! Each of the Hopi clans has a unique role to play, and each role is an essential part of the whole. Hopis must live in harmony with one another, with nature, and with the plan.

Mrs. Pep is developing the class rules for her students. She provides the students with heroes they should emulate and represent in role playing. What school of philosophy is Mrs. Pep exhibiting?

Idealism Correct! Idealists believe character development should be taught through the imitation of exemplars and heroes.

Placing an emphasis on the study of ideas or great works that persist throughout the ages is found in what school of philosophy?

Idealism. For idealists, the teacher is the ideal model or example for the student. Teachers pass on the cultural heritage and the unchanging content of education, such as knowledge about great figures of the past, the humanities, and a rigorous curriculum.

What is the overarching idea behind idealism?

Ideas or concepts are the essence of all that is worth knowing. Idealists believe in the power of reasoning, but de-emphasize both the scientific method and sense perception, which they hold suspect. Rather, idealists contend that the rational mind has the ability to reason its way to the underlying ideas that support the physical world.

To which of the following do you subscribe if you are a change agent who believes in change as rational?

If a teacher determined that students needed to participate in an ever-changing society, that teacher would tend to provide students with many opportunities to wrestle with problems that characterize society. Correct! This is indicative of a rational perspective.

What is true about inclusion?

Inclusion increases teachers' workloads

What type of diversity is related to whether or not students are "gifted" or if they have learning difficulties?


How can a teacher learn more about students' cultural identities in order to make academic experiences more meaningful?

Interact in community activities and traditions Correct. This is perhaps the most authentic way to learn about your students' cultures. Interacting within the cultures around your school is a great way to learn more about your students.

4 short essay questions

Keep each under 200 words because, you know, we all want to write a whole paper after doing 100 objective questions

Teachers' use of power can be classified into two different styles: teacher centered and learner centered. Which of the following demonstrates a teacher-centered approach?

Learning is convergent. Correct! The teacher is the giver of knowledge and the students are receivers of knowledge.

Mrs. O'Malley has moved up with the same students for second, third, and fourth grade. This is known as which of the following?

Looping Correct! Looping is a practice in which a teacher stays with a group of students for two or more years as a way to solidify their learning experience.

Evidence suggests that each of the following groups is more likely to drop out of high school except which one?

Middle-class African American students Correct! There is evidence that urban African American students are more likely to drop out of school than their middle-class peers.

What are the most common models used for early childhood education in the United States?

Montessori, High Scope, and Reggio Amelia Correct! These are three of the most common models used for early childhood education in the Unites States.

Which school of thought makes reference to a supreme being—although the names are different, the relationships vary, and the expectations of some supreme beings are interpreted through natural elements?

North American Correct! They all include traditional stories and beliefs that dictate a way of knowing and living. All include a reverence for nature and a sense of humans' responsibility to nature.

What type of diversity ranges from students who feel awkward about their weight to students who are permanently wheelchair-bound?


Mrs. Paine uses a lot of direct instruction in her classroom, where students are expected to practice and recite exhaustively. What type of philosophy does Mrs. Paine demonstrate?

Positivism Correct. Positivists believe direct instruction is a teaching and learning approach that requires teachers to clearly and precisely identify and state what a student needs to learn and master.

Which of the following student-centered philosophies believes in teaching for problem solving through inquiry projects, hands-on learning, and product development?

Pragmatism Correct. Pragmatists also believe in group decision-making in light of consequences.

Which school of philosophy believes in an interdisciplinary approach to learning?

Pragmatism. Pragmatists prefer a curriculum that draws the disciplines together to solve problems—an interdisciplinary approach.

Which of the following workforce readiness skills involves dispositions?

Professionalism Correct! Professionalism includes dispositions that are desirable in the workplace, such as timeliness, appropriate dress, responsibility, and integrity.

Multicultural education has close ties with which of the following?

Progressivism Teachers would critically examine cultural heritages, explore controversial issues, provide a vision for a new and better world, and enlist students' efforts to promote programs of cultural renewal in progressivism.

What are the major types of philosophical questions associated with metaphysics?

Questions about the nature of reality or existence. Literally, metaphysics means "beyond the physical." It deals with such questions as "What is reality?" and "What is existence?"

What are the major types of philosophical questions associated with axiology?

Questions about values and goodness. Axiology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of values. It includes such questions as "What is good?" and "What is beautiful?"

Which of the following teacher-centered philosophies believes the curricular goal should be the mastery of the laws of the universe?

Realism Correct! This is the primary curricular goal of the realist perspective.

What are some of the challenges facing urban schools?

Safety concerns, exposure to educational and cultural experiences, and large student populations

Mr. Rogers expects his students to volunteer for 20 hours in a local food bank when he teaches his civics class. This is an example of which of the following proven practices for civic learning?

Service learning Correct. Service learning provides students opportunities for community service linked to the formal curriculum and classroom instruction.

What are some key components of classroom climate?

Student voice and authentic public space Correct. According to the text, this is correct. Giving students a voice and authentic public space are essential to developing an effective classroom climate.

What are some of the challenges facing rural schools?

Teacher shortages, limited course offerings, and long student commutes This is correct. All of these are challenges facing rural schools.

What is the noninterventionist view regarding classroom discipline?

Teachers should not impose their own rules on students. Noninterventionists hold the view that teachers should not impose their own rules; students are inherently capable of solving their own problems.

What key personal characteristics of Christian teachers are mentioned by the author?

The author states that Christian teachers need to be committed personally to Christ, be Spirit-filled, and model the fruit of the Spirit.

Which of the following is true regarding Eastern ways of knowing?

They stress the inner world. Correct. Eastern ways of knowing tend to emphasize intuition and mysticism rather than scientific discoveries.

What is the constructivist learning focus?

To educate through the use of student-centered problems Correct. Constructivists use problem-based learning in their classrooms.

What is the learning focus of progressivism?

To improve society by emphasizing the democratic process of education Correct. Organized freedom permits each member of the school society to take part in decisions, and all must share their experiences to ensure that the decisions are meaningful.

More public school educators are once again recognizing the importance of spirituality in the school setting.


No school community is perfect, for the power of sin affects both teachers and students.


Since Christian schools are, on the whole, fairly homogeneous-value communities, they are able to teach Biblical virtues.


The Greek philosopher Aristotle argued that communities will be strong only if children are habituated into appropriate virtues and then later learn the rationale for them.


The crucial periods for emotional and social development appear to take place at ages 5 & 6 and at the onset of adolescence.


The term Character education is often used interchangeably with moral education and values education.


Van Brummelen has concluded that our school students live in a society in which biblically based values are frequently ignored and even derided.


Which of the following is the first step to put your vision into action?

Value your vision Correct! Valuing your vision is the first step. If you don't value your vision, you cannot fully implement it in the classroom.

What type of educators consider teachers as "guides on the side"?


What is the process by which teachers adapt teaching and learning to meet the needs of diverse students?


What teaching component embraces exercising abilities and developing dispositions on the basis of scriptural norms and principles?


What types of norms are related to honesty, fairness, and the law?


Special programs for "gifted and talented" students are...

few and far between

How should teachers deal with ethical and legal concerns in their schools?

in ways that uphold the best interests of their students

What is it called when exceptional students are included in regular classrooms as much as possible?


According to the author, how many teaching strategies should teachers use?

multiple strategies

How did B.F. Skinner view students?

organisms to be conditioned

What teaching component permeates the classroom environment with a message of respect and love?


Teachers who want to become master craftspersons must:

systematically analyze and reflect on their teaching and its effects, constantly learning from practice.

What are "reflective practitioners"?

teachers who thoughtfully, carefully, and consistently think about the teaching and learning in their classrooms

How does our textbook define exceptional students?

those who need special assistance to learn well

What teaching component deepens students' insights into God's world and their place in it?


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