Fraction, Decimal, Percent Conversions

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Convert 0.09 into a percent

0.09 multiplied by 100 = 9%

Convert 0.45 into a percent

0.45 multiplied by 100 = 45%

Convert 0.65 into a fraction

0.65 (sixty-five hundredths) = 65/100, which can be reduced by five to get 13/20

Convert 0.72 into a fraction

0.72 (seventy-two hundredths) = 72/100, which can be reduced by four to get 18/25

Convert 105% into a decimal

105% divided by 100 = 1.05

Convert 3/5 into a decimal

3/5 = 0.6

Convert 5/8 into a decimal (remember sometimes you have to add additional zeroes in the division cage to continue dividing)

5/8 = 0.625

Convert 86% into a decimal

86% divided by 100 = 0.86

Convert a Fraction into a Decimal

Divide the numerator by the denominator

Convert a Decimal into a Percent

Since a percent is based on 100, just multiply the decimal by 100 to find the percent. Simply, move the decimal twice to the right.

Convert a Percent into a Decimal

Since you multiply a decimal by 100 to convert it into a percent, you simply do the inverse, or divide by 100. Remember, every whole number has a decimal on the far right that we just don't write. Simply move that decimal twice to the left to convert a percent back into a decimal.

Converting Decimals into Fractions

The way you say a decimal is the way you write the fraction. However, you MUST SIMPLIFY the fraction, or reduce it to its lowest terms.

True or False? Percents can be over 100.

True! Percents can be over 100. For example, if you made a profit of 150% on something you sold on EBay, you earned more than double the price you originally paid for the item.

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