frankenstein study guide

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How does the monster show his capacity to care for others?

Brings them wood, shovels the path, stops stealing their food; he felt good when Felix thought it was a good spirit

20. What happens to Elizabeth and to Victor's mother as a result of Elizabeth's scarlet fever? How does this compare with the mother's early history?

Caroline comes down with scarlet fever and eventually dies after she restores Elizabeth back to health. Caroline's dad dies in an identical situation.

12. What is the story of the man's mother, Caroline Beaufort? How does the man feel toward his parents, and what responsibilities does he feel they had toward him?

Caroline's father and Frankenstein Sr, were friends. Once Caroline's father died Caroline married Frankenstein Sr. Victor's mother died. He loved his parents. He felt as though it was his parents responsibility to raise him the right way. Holds his parents responsible for his sadness and happiness.

How do Elizabeth & Victor differ as children?

Elisabeth was interested with poetry and nature; victor liked science

Why is the monster horrified when he sees his own reflection in a pond?

His appearance; he's seen normally looking people and he knows he's different; after he just saw the beautiful Arab

What further misery greets Victor in Geneva?

His dad was in deep despair then died; he was arrested for about a month

When it's time for Victor to depart, why doesn't Henry Clerval accompany Victor to Ingolstadt?

His father was narrow-minded and thought education was pointless

91. What is the effect of Victor's return to the present?

It brings the reader back to the present and shows that Clerval will be dying later on in the book.

62. What are the names of the family members ? Who are Agatha and Felix?

It is not said what the old man's name is. Agatha and Felix are brother and sister.

119. When Walton sees the Creature in the cabin with Victor's body, what is familiar about the scene? Why has the Creature come to see Victor?

It seems as though their roles have been switched. The creature stands over the body of Victor with no emotion on his face. The monster wants to ask Victor for his forgiveness.

What happens after Victor rushes to his bedchamber?

Ran over to bed and fell asleep; had the nightmare about embracing Elizabeth & she turns into his dead mother; awakes to see monster about him

How do the monster's emotions change as he gains more knowledge?

Reference to Ruins of Empires; humans can be so mean; I don't have money or a family name

80. What event during the creature's travels confirms his hatred of humans?

The creature saw a girl drowning so he tried to save her but a man shoot at him.

50. In this chapter, we finally hear the creature speak for the first time. What does he say? Is this what we expect from the creature?

The creature says that he is very lonely. He is sad that his creator doesn't like him. No we don't expect this from the creature, we expect the creature to be violent.

60. How does the creature continue to learn about the family he is watching? How might a modern anthropologist or sociologist respond to the creature's methods? What is the condition of the family? How does the creature manage to help them?

The creature studies their everyday routines. It believes they have all the luxuries they could ever have, and then finds out that they are very poor. It clears the snow from their walk and gives them a supply of wood for their family.

79. How does the creature travel? Does this remind you of any other people's travels?

The creature travels just at night. Vampires can only come out at night.

To read, write, and speak, by watching Felix teach Safie

What does the creature learn to do, and how does he learn this?

Travels, and his wedding to Elizabeth

What event occurred next in Frankenstein's life?

He tried to bestow animation on lifeless matter

What goal did Frankenstein pursue at Ingolstadt

Private trial, with magistrate arranging defense

What happened at Frankenstein's trial?

The monster came in and killed Elizabeth

What happened on Frankenstein and Elizabeth's wedding night?

He dies

What happened to Frankenstein at the end of the novel?

He is accused of murder and arrested

What happened to Frankenstein when he landed his boat?

He died of grief

What happened to Frankenstein's father as a result of this latest tragedy?

He became ill with a fever and delerium

What happened to Victor on the day he brought the creature to life?


What happened to the accused person for William's death?

That William was murdered

What news did the letter from Frankenstein's father bring?

They were very poor

What observations did the creature make about the people in the cottage?

To turn back from his obsession

What request does Frankenstein make of Robert Walton?

That he will be with Frankenstein on his wedding night

What threat did the creature make when he saw Frankenstein destroy his second creation?

He thought Justine was innocent, and the creation was the murderer

What was Frankenstein's reaction to this accusation?

That he was guilty, for he made the Creation

What was Frankenstein's state of mind after the trial and its conclusion?

Percy's heart

What was saved for Mary after Percy's death.

Friendly, welcoming

What was the elder De Lacey's reaction when the creature entered the cottage and began speaking with him?

Kindly disbelieving, makes excuses not to help

What was the magistrate's response when Frankenstein told him the entire story of the creature?

Felix attacked, Safie fled, Agatha fainted

What was the reaction of the De Lacey family when they saw the creature?

Horrified, shot the creature

What was the reaction of the man whose daughter was saved from drowning by the creature?

Horrified, either attacked or ran

What was the reaction of the villagers the creature encountered?

Mary Wollstonecraft

Wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"; Mary's mother

55. Does Victor agree to listen to the creature's tale? What does Victor begin to feel ? Where do they go?

Yes, Victor agrees to listen to the creature's tale. Victor feels compassion. They go to a cabin in the mountains.

Where did the creature take shelter?

a cave

What did the creature want of Frankenstein?

a mate

What happened to Frankenstein when he landed his boat?

accused of Henry Clerval's murder

What was the reaction of the man whose daughter was saved from drowning by the creature?

accusing; villagers tried to shoot him

Justine Moritz

adopted into the Frankenstein family, blamed for William's death and executed

Boundlessness and freedom

are traits of Romanticism

Spent a lot of time

at Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin's grave

What news did the letter from Frankenstein's father bring?

brother William is dead

Why is Frankenstein in the Arctic?

chasing the monster

How did the creature feel when he first felt life?


The rejection by the cottagers

contributes to the monster's change

What discussions influence the development of her idea?

creation of life

What goal did Frankenstein decide to pursue?

creation of life

Whom did Frankenstein meet after he had ascended to the summit of Montanvert?


What happened at Frankenstein's trial?

declared innocent because he was on the Orkney Islands

What happened to Fankenstein at the end of the novel?

dies after chasing the creature all through Europe, Asia, and Russia. Ends up on an iceberg when the sea opens up just as he's about to reach the creature

Caroline Beaufort

dies of scarlet fever

Percy Bysshe Shelley

eloped even though he was married

What is the structure, or form, of the novel?

epistolary at first, then first person narrative.

Why did Mary Shelley write Frankenstein?

for a contest with her friends

How did Frankenstein feel when his experiment succeeded?

freaked out

What was Frankenstein's reaction to this accusation?

freaks, feels guilty

What happened to Frankenstein's father as a result of this latest tragedy?

gets sick and dies

What happened to the creature at the end of the novel?

goes off to die in the northern extremity (make a big fire and jump on it)

How did the creature feel after his deed?


What did the creature do at the cottage when he returned and found that the Laceys had moved out?

he burned it

What event occured next in Frankenstein's life?

he gets married to Elizabeth

What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket?

hid it in Justine's pocket

How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins?

his mother adopted her

To whom are the letters written?

his sister Elizabeth

What was the reaction of the Lacey family when they saw the creature?


What was the reaction of the villagers the creature encountered?


122. Do we see the Creature die?

No. He floats away on a block of ice into the night.

Stole fire and gave it to humans before they were ready


111. What sustains Victor during his pursuit?

The creature leaves food for Victor

the ice

where Victor is physically separated from the monster

8. What sort of person does he seem to be? How does Walton respond to this man The man appears to be mysterious.

"This person" is Victor: Educated, well-spoken, refined. Walton is fascinated by him.

What is unusual about the first words spoken by the stranger Walton tells about in letter 4?

"Where are you going?" Doesn't ask for food or a blanket

Walton said

"You have read this strange and terrific story; and do you not feel your blood congeal with horror...."



Describe the setting on the night the creature comes to life. What mood does the setting create?

1 am, candle was almost burned out, storming rain, nothing good was about to happen

How old was Mary when she wrote the book?


73. What does the creature find in the woods?

A suitcase and some books

95. What happens shortly after Victor destroys the female? How is this similar to what happened after Victor created the Creature?

After Victor destroys the female, he becomes sick.

33. What is waiting for Victor when he finally recovers? Who has nursed him during his illness?

After Victor recovers, a letter from Elizabeth is waiting for him. Henry Clerval helped him during his illness.

36. What does Victor do after his recovery ? What is Clerval's "plan of life" ?

After his recovery, Victor makes visits to Krempe and Waldan. Clerval's '"plan of life" is to study Oriental languages.

When does Victor plead for Justine?

After she was sentenced - this was too late

78. What happens to the De Lacey family after the events of chapter 15? How does the creature respond, and what does he do to the cottage?

After the events of chapter 15, the De Lacey family flees. They think the monster will harm the old man. The monster burns down the cottage.

Where did Frankenstein go to seek relief?

Alpine Valleys

The dangers of ego and pride

Are warned against in the novel

Why Mary started the novel

As a result of a competiton

When does Walton meet the monster?

At the scene of Victor's dead body

Robert Walton

Author of the letters in the beginning of the book

Why is Justine accused of crime?

Because she had William's locket in her pocket

How does the monster react to the destruction of his "bride?"

Begs victor to reconstruct it; says he'll be with Victor on his wedding night


Book's publication date

15. How does Victor characterize the interests and characters of Clerval, Elizabeth, and himself?

Clerval was interested in romantic literature. He acted in plays with Victor. He was intrigued in being moral. Elizabeth was captivated by poetry but she didn't want to learn it. Victor was always intrigued by science, always wanted to learn more.

92. What are Clerval's plans for his career?

Clerval's plans for his career are to assist with the English empire in India.

16. Who is Cornelius Agrippa and how does Victor find out about him? How does Victor's father respond, and how does Victor comment on that response?

Cornelius Agrippa is a scientist that studied alchemy. Victor finds out about him by reading a book. Victor's father says that Agrippa's work is nonsense. The books are unscientific and outdated.

John Locke

Creator or tabula rosa or blank slate


Creature brought to life from mud and clay

54. How good of an ironic sense of humor does the creature have? (See the "hand" bit )

Creature relates touching Victor to Adam trying to touch God.

Why does Victor agree to listen?

Curiosity - wants to know about death of William; he felt like it was his duty

What discovery does Victor make while at the University?

Discovers structure of human frame; anatomy & decay

What is Victor's reaction to his creation? Why?

Disgusted b/c he is so ugly and runs away

Percy Shelley died from


Percy Shelley

Edited the novel for Mary

What words in the last paragraph express a warning of what's to come?

Every night I was oppressed by a slow fever; every other word basically is a negative word

Describe Safie's connection with the De Lacey family.

Felix is a foil to Victor. Felix didn't even know Safie's father - who had been unjustly convicted & he vowed to do something about it. {Theme of justice and love} For Victor - Justine was basically a member of his family was unjustly convicted & he didn't even attempt to save her. He thought French were being prejudice against the Turkish man - this had nothing to do with Safie. Safie's dad used Felix and Safie's feelings toward each other to his own advantage. Felix's family was stripped of their title & money, so he rushed back to Paris to try to help but couldn't. They've been exiled & Felix didn't have Safie at first, so that's why they're so unhappy. Safie's father goes back home to Turkey out of fear. He wants Safie to follow & tells him to forget Christian Felix. She goes to find Felix and doesn't give up; she betrayed her father. It wasn't all for Felix; she didn't want to live a life like women in Turkey do. Safie learns French - so monster learns French - which is Victor's native language. There's no German involved even though that's where they are.

67. How does the creature learn about reading? What book does Felix use to teach Safie ?

Felix teaches Safie with the Volney's Ruins of Empires.

Who is telling the first part of the story? (After the letters?)


The Creature

Frankenstein meets him on the summit of Montanvert

What does Victor do when morning dawns? Whom does he meet?

Goes tot his room to see if monster is there but its not; goes to meet Henry Clerval for breakfast; a coincidence

Why does Elizabeth blame herself for the murder?

Guilty b/c she let William have the locket

19. Who or what does he credit for this change in direction? Who or what does he blame for his "utter and terrible destruction"?

He acknowledges Krempe for this change in direction. He blames Waldman for his destruction. Waldman is his chemistry professor. Kempe-> Good encouraged. Waldman -> Chem= destruction

41. What does Victor now believe happened to William ? What does Victor assume about the nature of the creature?

He believes that the monster killed William. Victor says that the monster is a "depraved wretch" and that it delights in "carnage and misery."

How does the monster plan to end his life

He burns himself

What happens when Victor visits the graves of his father, William, and Elizabeth?

He calls on evil spirits & he vows to get revenge on the monster; The monster whispers he is glad Victor has decided to live

87. What does Victor decide ? What does the creature say he will do while Victor is at work?

He decides that he will build the female and the creature says he is going to monitor Victor.

Why does Victor want to journey to England?

He didn't want his family to be around; research

Before he dies, what final advice does Victor offer Walton? What does this show about Victor's character?

He doesn't command Walton to follow the monster, but said commanded that he kills the monster if he sees it; he sticks to his word; he tells the sailors to return home as heroes

30. What does Victor dream? How does the dream grow out of, comment on, even explain what Victor has done and been through?

He dreams that he embraces Katherine and kisses her, and while he's doing that, she turns into his dead mother. I think that the dream is showing what Victor has done, by taking something good like his need for knowledge, and and ruining it.

What does Victor promise to tell Elizabeth on the day after their wedding?

He experienced with the monster

97. What happens when Victor goes out in a boat to dispose of the female creature's remains? Where does he end up? What happens when he lands?

He falls asleep and ends up on the Irish shore, when he lands he is taken into custody

77. What does the creature hope will happen when he talks to De Lacey? What actually happens?

He hopes they will become his friend but they are actually terrified of him.

63. What things bother the creature when he thinks of discovering himself to the family ? How does he respond to his own appearance when he sees it?

He is fearful that the family will be scared of him. He sees his reflection and compares himself to humans thinking he is ugly because he believes that the humans are beautiful.

29. How does Victor respond to the actual creation of life ? What surprises him about the way the creature he has brought to life looks? What does that do to Victor's response?

He is immediately horrified but what he was able to create. He feels disgusted as well because he had hoped he was creating a beautiful creature, and instead the monster is very disgusting and hideous with its black lips and watery, white eyes. Victor realizes he has been depriving himself of being healthy, and rushes to his room but he cannot fall asleep. 1st rejection->"new"

85. How effective is the creature in convincing Victor?

He is very effective and Victor agrees with him.

2. To whom is he writing? What is their relationship?

He is writing to Margaret, his sister.

61. How does the creature learn language ? Why might he have trouble learning words such as "good, dearest, unhappy" ?

He learns the different words for food and objects. Hard for him to understand the emotions. Hears them talk.

What kind of knowledge does the monster gain from the cottagers? Why is he eager to have this knowledge?

He learns the language/communication; he's so lonely and it'd stay that way if he didn't learn to talk

How does the monster encourage Victor during the chase?

He leaves footprints, he left writings on bark or stones

What has Mr. Kirwin done to help Victor at the grand jury inquiry?

He lined up witnesses for Victor

37. When does Victor finally plan to return home? What do he and Clerval do while waiting for his father's directions?

He plans to return home in the Spring because of the horrible winter conditions. Victor and Clerval hike across the mountains and the countryside.

74. What are the three books that the creature reads, and what does he learn from each?

He reads Goethe's Sorrows of Werter, Milton's Paradise Lost, and Plutarch's Lives. He learns about the history of war, the sad nature of man, and the brave thoughts of a man

75. What else does the creature read and what does he learn from it ?

He reads Victor's notes and learns who his creator is

57. How does the creature respond to his discovery of the fire? Why does he move?

He realizes that the fire is warmth and provides light, but it can also cause pain. He has to move because he needs to look for food.

What does the Monster request of Victor? Why?

He said you owe me to listen to my story; if you don't ill kill whom???

7. Why does the man picked up by the ship say he is there? What shape is he in?

He says he is looking for the one who fled from him. He asks for which direction the ship is sailing. He is near death and very weak.

What is the stranger's reaction when Walton says that he will allow nothing to interfere with his journey of exploration? What does the stranger prepare to do for Walton?

He says he's suffered great misfortune & the relation of the disasters will help him

What happens when the monster reaches Geneva?

He sees William; horrible coincidence; He wants to make the little boy his companion b/c he's too young to be prejudice; William is scared, yells out the name of his father; he out the locket in Justine's pocket; he new it would be evidence b/c he read about the law; he thought she was beautiful so that's why he framed her; he wants a pretty person to pay; as beautiful as the portrait of Caroline he is holding; he whispered to her saying he lover was there, but she didn't wake up

What happens on the monster's journey that further hardens his heart against humans?

He sees a girl fall into the water & he tries to save her; a guy who thought she was being attacked shot the monster; bad timing; this completely hardens the monsters heart; the wound hurt the monster & he is not invincible

59. Where does he finally find a place to stay ? What does he learn about the people who live in the cottage? How does he feel toward them?

He sees a small kennel next to a cottage and goes and stays there. He learns about music, as well as words and language for the first time. He feels a mix of pleasure and pain.

What thoughts does Victor have about his monster as chapter 9 begins?

He thinks the monster will bring more destruction; he must destroy his monster; think about letters - he wants to go north to chase the monster = another obsession

Mr. Delacey

He was the creature's only friend, old blind man

What kind of man is the master of Walton's ship?

He was uneducated, had money, gave his money to the guy his wife loved so he could take care of his, he left his country, he loved his wife so much that he put her happiness way above his, convinced her father to let her marry him, unselfishness

What effect does a violent thunderstorm have on Victor when he is 15?

He watches violence with curiosity and delight; he has a guardian angel thought storm was going to kill him

What is Frankenstein's decision to the monster's demand? What oath does Victor ask the monster to swear to? Does the monster agree?

He'll do it. It took him 2 years to build this monster; no he has to do it again;

What are the first books the monster reads, and how do they affect him?

He's already studied Ruins of Empires; new books are Sorrows of Werter (series of letters a man wrote to a woman who didn't love him back; sad), Lives (inspirational; showed heroism, integrity, morality), & Paradise Lost (he refers to 1/12 books in paradise lost; lots of it is based off Bible; the creation of Adam caught his eye; then God created eve; this is why he wants a companion! Theme of loneliness)

Why does the monster suffer over Victor's death?

He's sad to have made Frankenstein's life so miserable; his heart was susceptible to love & misery & he killed the innocent

What impression does the Monster give when he speaks?

He's very educated/scholarly

Who is Frankenstein's closest friend?

Henry Clerval

Who took care of Frankenstein during his illness?

Henry Clerval

14. Who is Henry Clerval and what is his relation to Victor?

Henry Clerval is Victor's childhood best friend. He is the son of a merchant from Geneva.

What happened to Frankenstein the day after he completed his creation?

Henry comes over, Frankenstein gets sick

When Victor finds out who was murdered, what happens to him? What does he say that sounds like a confession?

Henry; he reacts, admitting he killing Henry & two others, so he is thrown in prison

What does Victor tell the magistrate? What is the outcome of their conversation?

His story/experience with the monster; the magistrate doesn't think any human is strong enough to defeat the monster; victor thinks he doesn't believe him; Victor left angry

Why does Victor desert his study of science? What study does he pursue? Why?

His traumatic experience makes him abandon science; studies Oriental studies b/c that's what Henry is studying; all of victor's professors were bragging on Victor like crazy; a medical instrument was named after him; this hurt him b/c of his horrible, secret deed

They took walks around Ingolstadt, and Frankenstein introduced Clerval to the professors

How did Frankenstein and Clerval spend the next couple months after Frankenstein got better?

Horrified and disgusted

How did Frankenstein feel when his creature came to life

At first refuses, consents soon after

How did Frankenstein react to this request?

He liked Frankenstein and hoped they would eventually become friends

How did Walton feel about his guest?

He found Frankenstein on a small piece of ice

How did Walton meet Frankenstein?


How did the creature feel after his deed?

Like a newborn, alone

How did the creature feel when he first felt life?


How many children did Mary raise?

What are the monster's first memories?

Hunger, thirst, cold, think about the senses about that's all he knew

82. When Victor visits the site of William's death in chapter 7, he says "I had turned loose into the world a depraved wretch, whose delight was in carnage and misery" . After reading the creature's version of events, do you agree?

I agree, I think the monster just really wants someone to love and someone to love him back.

The monster said

I am an unfortunate and deserted creature; I look around and have no friend on earth.


Idea that one can turn lead into gold or create life in a test tube

103. What does Elizabeth say in her letter? How does Victor respond to her?

In her letter, she says that her love with Victor may not be intimate. She tells Victor that if he doesn't love her then he shouldn't marry her. Victor tells her that he wants to make her happy. He doesn't care what may happen on their wedding night.


In order to receive the last rites

84. How does Victor at first respond to the creature's demand? What response does he expect from the creature? What approach does the creature say he will take?

In the beginning Victor says no. He expects the creature to be upset. Victor thinks about it and realizes that this would be a good thing for the monster.

What new character is introduced in Elizabeth's letter to Victor?

Justine Moritz; she mother was a widow of 4 children; she was the 3rd; was her father's favorite; one of victor's favorites; Frankenstein's took her in; Catholic; mistreated by her mother until taken in; formally she was a "servant"; very pretty

43. What happens at Justine's trial? How does Victor respond?

Justine defends herself by saying that she was visiting her aunt, and when she returned she heard that William was missing. She said she spent hours searching for him but the city gates were locked so she was forced to sleep in a barn, and that maybe the murderer put the necklace in her pocket while she was sleeping. Victor says nothing but becomes filled with despair and horror over what he has created.

34. Who is Justine Moritz and what is her story? What comments does Elizabeth make about her position in Swiss society ? What religion is Justine ?

Justine had an abusive mother and was taken in by the Frankenstein family. Elizabeth says that Swiss peasants are moral and defined compared to other peasants. Justine is Roman Catholic. Justine's family all died-> guilt: mom dies. Peasant looking for a family.

44. The next day, why does Justine say she has confessed to the murder of William ? How does Victor respond to Justine's situation and to Elizabeth's anguish?

Justine is forced to confess because her priest threatens to excommunicate her. Fearing that this would damn her soul, she confesses a lie and then feels extreme anguish over the sin she has committed. Victor goes to the corner of the prison, and does not say anything in Justine's defense.

42. Who has been identified as the murderer, and on what evidence ? How does Victor respond to this news? Why doesn't he say anything about the real murderer?

Justine is identified as the murderer, because the small portrait of Caroline Frankenstein was found in her pocket. Victor says he knows who the real murderer is, and it is not Justine. He does not speak up about this because he does not want everyone to think he is insane.

Who was accused of the murder, and why?

Justine, had picture

98. Who is Mr. Kirwin and how does he treat Victor? What has happened to cause Victor's arrest? What happens to Victor after his arrest? Mr.

Kirwin was the magistrate. Clerval is found dead on the beach. Victor is put in prison for two months. Victor gets a fever and the magistrate find some papers that makes him believe that Victor is innocent.

Where do Victor and Elizabeth spend their honeymoon?

Lake by Villa Lavenza; On the shores of Como; Austria?

27. Do you recognize the opening words of this chapter? Remember that Shelley gave them as the starting point of her story ? In the introduction Mary Shelley stated that after she witnessed her dream that gave her inspiration for Frankenstein, and she began it with "it was a dreary night in November." These words are also the beginning of this chapter.

Lines from Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Moral is to respect nature and his authority, and Victor is doing the opposite. Mariner came face to face with death and life and death. "Albatross"-> guilt symbol

Alienation/Loneliness, Nature vs. Nurture, Appearance vs. Reality, Duty and Responsibility, Justice vs. Injustice, Forbidden Knowledge, Science vs. Nature, Multiple Personalities, Man as God

List one of the major themes in Frankenstein

53. What will cause the creature to change? Keep in mind his statement "I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous".What sort of psychological understanding is Shelley showing here?

Love and compassion will allow the creature to change.

What does Victor's father want him to do? Why? What does Victor reply?

Marry Elizabeth to relieve everyone of the grief; he will when he gets back

The death of Mary Shelley's babies

May have influenced her to write the book.

What two major events happened to Frankenstein when he was seventeen?

Mom died, college

How does Victor initially react to the monster's demand?

Monster wants a woman and Victor says no

What Mary affectionately called her book.

My Hideous Progeny

117. Does Victor blame himself? What is Walton's response to Victor's death?

No, Victor doesn't blame himself. Walton is very sad about Victor's death, he cries. Walton really wants to turn the ship around and give up.

6. How much time has elapsed between Letter 3 and Letter 4? What "strange accident" has happened to the sailors?

One month has gone by. The ship is trapped in ice and fog

Describe the creature.

Over 8 feet tall, yellow watery eyes, black hair, straight black lips

47. Where does Victor go the next day? Where does he go the following day?

P. B. Shelley mentions the glacier in a letter written an Chamouni (his spelling) on July 25, 1817: Victor travels through the valley. The following day, Victor climbs Montanvert.

1. Who is writing Letter 1 (and all the letters)?

Robert Walton

Who is writing the letters?

Robert Walton

Who in the "Ancient Mariner" referred to near the end of Letter 2?

Robert Walton says he wont be the ancient mariner b/c his sister is worried about him; he says he wont shoot the albatross, says he wont commit crimes against nature

66. Who arrives at the cottage in the spring? What is Safie's background? How does her language problem help the creature? Which of them learns faster?

Safie arrives at the cottage in the spring. Her father was put in prison however he was innocent. Safie is taught French and the monster learns from Safie's lesson. The monster learns faster because it is his first language instead of his second.

Why does Victor come to believe that the monster is responsible for William's death?

Saw monster near Williams death; thinks monster killed him

Why does Victor destroy his creation?

Sees the monster's face & rips the woman to shreds in front of the monster. 1) She might be evil & create an evil race. 2) They wouldn't get along (if she's hideous too & rejects other monster, it'd be even worse) 3) She might not want to retreat to isolation

4. What does Robert Walton tell us about himself?

Self educated, loves to read, father died, loves adventure and discovery. Wishes he had a friend along to share it with.

Lake Geneva

Setting for the creation of the novel

What does Elizabeth ask in her letter to Victor? What does she offer him? Why?

She asks is Victor loves someone else. She tells him to be happy and not to answer the letter if it'll make him sad

72. How did Safie come to find and join them?

She found letters from her father and they had directions to Felix

What does Elizabeth say that upsets Victor? Why does it upset him?

She sees the evil in men now, not the good things; she might walk by the murderer on the street and not know it; she can't look at people the same again and it's all Victor's fault - he changes her entire outlook on life

Why does Justine confess having murdered William?

She was threatened with excommunication

107. How does the Creature respond?

The creature mocks Victor. He puts Elizabeth's body out the window.

Explain how Elizabeth becomes a member of the family.

She's an orphan; The Frankenstein's are in Italy; she stood out b/c she has blonde hair; Caroline knew what it was like to be hungry and orphaned, so she had empathy for this big family in poverty. She knew Elizabeth wasn't a biological child b/c of her hair; the family loved her and knew she'd have a better life if she was adopted; blessing from the priest to adopt

Describe the new character. How does her arrival benefit the monster's education?

She's beautiful and Arab; she learns their language and this allows the monster to too

Why is Elizabeth particularly miserable after Justine's arrest?

She's lost 2 family members now, knowing Justine is innocent; the murderer was still out there

108. What happens when Victor returns to Geneva? What happens to Victor's father? What happens to Victor?

Shortly after Victor arrives in Geneva, Alphonse died of heartbreak, Victor becomes deathly ill, and madness overtakes him for a few months.

What idea do the lines from "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" convey to the reader?

Someone's walking on the lonely road, to scared to turn around so he just keeps walking; he walks around streets, to scared to see monster,

How does Victor describe the monster's approach on Montavert?

Superhuman speed

What does Henry do during Victor's ensuing illness?

Takes care of him while he has nervous fever and communicates with Frankenstein's

Paradise Lost

Taught the monster that God behaved as a Father to Adam

71. How did the De Lacey family come to be living in the cottage?

The De Lacey family left France. In the past, they helped Safie's dad leave the country.

28. Given all the mad doctor and monster movies we've seen, including perhaps versions of Frankenstein, what is unexpected about the description of the actual creation of life here? How much do we learn of the actual procedure?

The awakening of the monster is much less dramatic than it is in the movies. In the movies they over exaggerate the awakening and what the monster looks like. In the procedure, Victor collects the instruments, and putting life into the monster to create it as a being. The creature opens its eyes around 1 am and it was breathing hard with shaky limbs. The monster looked better than how they are portrayed in the movies as well.

51. What does the creature ask of Victor ? What does the creature say to Victor ? Does his language remind you of another literary work? How good is Victor at performing the role of creator for his creature?

The creature asks Victor to listen to him. The creature says that misery made him a beast/fiend. Victor isn't good at performing the his role as the creator. He left the monster.

31. What does the creature do ? How does Victor respond?

The creature comes into Victor's room, open the curtain, smiles and Victor and mutters something. Victor responds by running out of his room away from his creation.

83. What does the creature demand from Victor ?

The creature demands that Victor make a woman.

65. How does the creature hope to win over the family? How does he respond to the coming of spring?

The creature hopes he can learn to speak. Spring gives him hope and joy.

121. What will the Creature do next? How does he feel about it?

The creature is going to take his own life. He says that no matter how much suffering that Victor went through, it does not compare to the suffering of the creature. He does not have acceptance from his creator, so he wants to find comfort in death.

52. Why has the creature caused the deaths of William and Justine? Is he as inherently evil and bloodthirsty as Victor has assumed?

The creature kills William because of his relationship to Victor. He kills Justine by framing her. He isn't as bloodthirsty as Victor assumed.

56. What does the creature remember of his earliest days ? How does he seem to be learning things? How well can the creature speak at this point of his existence?

The creature's five senses were not easily separated and they bothered him. He had a lot of pain and misery knowing that he was lonely

What drives Victor on to the creation of being like himself?

The death of his mother

Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley

The discussions between these two people influenced the development of Frankenstein.

109. What happens when Victor tries to get the authorities to help him hunt for the Creature?

The magistrate tells Victor that he should be ready for disappointment because there is very little that the law can do to capture the monster

Who is Mr. Kirwin, and how does he treat Victor?

The magistrate; Mr. Kerwin is a foil to Victor; he gave victor the nicest prison cell & got him a nurse & doctor. He tried to be as just as he could. He contacted Victor's father. He wanted to see {theme of} justice done (like Felix). He did everything within this power for justice.

10. How much time has elapsed when Walton begins writing again ? What has happened in the meantime? How does the man respond to Walton's project? Why does the man agree to tell his story?

The man agrees to tell his story because he can see that Walton is looking for knowledge as he once was. Victor hopes that it won't end in a disaster for Walton as it did for him.

86. What does the creature say will happen if Victor creates a female for him ?

The monster agrees that he has to live in the South American desert and can't have any more contact with humans

120. How does the Creature explain what he has done? How does Walton respond to the Creature?

The monster first says that he just wanted to find someone to love him. But instead, his crimes have turned him into a horrible creature. Walton is touched by the explanation the creature gives him, although, he remembers Victors words, and calls the monster a hypocritical fiend.

118. What happens as Walton is writing? What is the effect of shifting to the present tense here?

The monster has boarded the ship, and Victor finds the body. There is a mood of fright, and there is also suspense now that the creature has appeared.

90. Why does Victor want to visit England? What do you make of his talk of slavery ?

There have been more advances of science in England. He says that his creation is enslaving him

101. How does Victor feel as they leave Ireland and go to France?

Victor feels a truce has been created with him and the monster because Clerval died.

Is curious and helpful

The monster is initially


The monster is this for Victor

68. What does the creature learn from this book? How much of a monster can someone be who can say "but when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased, and I turned away with disgust and loathing" ?

The monster learns about the destruction and violence of mankind. Skewed view of humanity

70. What does he learn about human relationships, and how does this make him feel?

The monster learns that human relationships are families and love. This once again makes him sad, he has nobody.

What does Victor assume are the monster's plans for his and Elizabeth's wedding night?

The monster will kill him; he will fight back

What happens when the monster reveals himself to the cottagers?

The nicest people in the world can't accept him; good headway w/ Mr. Delacey, but when the rest come back, they're horrified of his appearance; they left the cottage because of him & they're not coming back, so he is violent for the first time; destroyed trees, destroyed the garden, burned the house down

1. William - Strangled 2. Justin - executed for supposedly killing William 3. Clerval - Strangled 4. Elizabeth - Strangled 5. Mr. Frankenstein - greif 6. Victor Frankenstein

The order people died in the story (first to last)

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

The sea captain had a story to tell dealing with the albatross (symbol of his sin) around his neck

What news of Walton's arouses the stranger's interest?

The sight of creature

104. What are the marriage plans? How does Victor prepare for what he fears will happen?

Their marriage plans are to get married in ten days. Victor is afraid that the creature may kill him.

How does the monster reason with Victor?

Theme of responsibility; you owe me; you made me like this & sentenced me to a life of isolation; he said they'd go off to South American; said he wouldn't hurt anyone if he had a companion; he taunts Victor b/c humans kill for food

Whose works does Victor pursue in his reading & studies? Why? Why does his father disapprove?

There was bad weather so he stayed inside to study the works of Cornelius Agrippa, which gave him enthusiasm; his father said Agrippa's theories were outdated & there was new modern science (Agrippa, Magnus, & Paracelsus); father could've handled it better; father could've given him suggestions; made Victor want to rebel

Why does Victor settle on the Orkney Islands as the place where he will work?

There were 3 huts (one was vacant, he used this one), 5 people. The people wouldn't question or pay attention to what he was doing. They were so impoverished that they paid no attention to him. They hardly thanked them when he gave them food & clothing. (Unselfishness)

What is the significance of the papers the monster finds in his clothing?

They had all of Victors thoughts in it

What does the monster first observe about the family?

They're so sweet and kind; no one is nicer than them

Where does Victor see the monster? What does the creature do when Victor spies him?

Through the window of the bedroom in which the monster killed Elizabeth; he smiles & points at Elizabeth's dead body

How does Victor dispose of the remains of his second creation? What happens to Victor after this?

Throws them in the sea; gets on a boat, drifts off, & fears his die at sea; when he washes ashore, he is accused of murder

What reasons does Walton offer for making his voyage?

To find a trade route, something about a compass, he wants honor/glory more than money

Mrs.Margaret Saville

To whom are the letters in Frankenstein written?


Told through letters

How does the monster say he learned to live in the world?

Trial and error

Dr Faustus

Tried to be like God and know all but could not handle the responsibility

105. How do Victor and Elizabeth get to Evian and why do they stop there?

Victor and Elizabeth get to Evian by sailing. They stop there for their honeymoon.

112. What does Victor ask Walton to do? What does he warn Walton about the Creature?

Victor asks Walton to destroy the creature. Victor warns Walton that the creature is persuasive

106. Has Victor understood the Creature's promise correctly? What happens on Victor's wedding night?

Victor believed that the monster said that he would kill him but on his wedding the creature kills Elizabeth.

114. How has Victor come to understand himself? How does Walton respond to Victor's impending death?

Victor believes his desire for science has chained him. Walton regrets knowing Victor when he was younger and more powerful.

88. How does Victor appear and respond to his family when he returns home?

Victor comes across as very happy and healthy when he returns back to Geneva

102. Why doesn't Victor get home quickly?

Victor doesn't get home quickly because he is sick.

How does Victor react to Justine's trial? What does this show about Victor's character?

Victor doesn't stand up for her; he is selfish; he talks about his own suffering; at least she had the joy of knowing she was innocent

94. Why does Victor change his mind about creating the female? Who watches him as he destroys the female?

Victor doesn't want the female monster to breed more monsters. As Victor destroys the female the creature watches.

93. Where does Victor's journey end, and what does he plan to do there? Why is he afraid?

Victor ended his journey in the Orkney Islands and Perth, Scotland. Victor is afraid because he told the monster that he would build a female but it keeps pushing back his promise.

Strangled him

What did the creature do to this person?

39. How long has Victor been away from home ? What happens the night he returns to Geneva ? How does he respond?

Victor has been away for six years. There is a violent storm that is also beautiful. Victor believes that this is nature's way of honoring William's death.

76. How long has it been since the creature came to life ? What is Victor doing at this point? (See chapter 6.)

Victor has been hiking in Geneva it has been 2 years

100. What happens at Victor's trial?

Victor is eventually found innocent because of the fact that he was on the Orkney island at the same time that the body was found.

48. How does he feel during this part of his journey? (Notice in this chapter that Frankenstein, in the late 1700s, is able to quote a poem written by P.B. Shelley in 1816.)

Victor is filled with joy, peace and freedom.

17. What sort of science ("Natural Philosophy") is Victor learning from Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus? How would a modern scientist respond to this sort of thinking?

Victor is learning alchemy from Magnus, Agrippa and Paracelsus. Modern scientists would believe that this thinking is silly. Goal was to find the fountain of youth.

64. The creature is still there when spring comes . What has been happening to Victor in the meantime? (See Chapter 5.)

Victor is sick and Henry Clerval is nursing him back to health

45. How does Victor respond in the days after Justine's death? How have Elizabeth's views changed ?

Victor is unable to sleep and wants to be alone. At first Elizabeth didn't believe in capital punishment but her views change and she wants the murderer to be punished.

22. What does Victor learn from M. Krempe? How does Victor respond to him, and on what grounds? Is this a good basis for making such a decision?

Victor learns about natural philosophy from M. Krempe. Victor is troubled about this idea. Dislikes M. Kempe.

23. What does Victor learn from M. Waldman? How does Victor respond to him? How does Victor think of his older science as opposed to modern science? What does M. Waldman say in describing modern chemistry that changes Victor's mind? What does Victor say he will now do?

Victor learns that scientists are very powerful and can do miracles. Victor is astonished and says that he will go back to studying natural philosophy. Waldman teaches Victor chemistry. Impressed by M. Waldman, looks up to him.

32. Whom does Victor meet arriving in a coach the next morning ? How does Victor respond? What does Victor discover when they go to Victor's apartment ? How does Victor respond? What happens to him, and for how long ? Is there any more news of the creature?

Victor meets Henry Clerval, who was his best friend as a child. Victor is filled with joy and happiness, after being sad for many months. Seeing Henry reminds Frankenstein of his family back home and all the fun times they had together. When they arrive back at the apartment the monster is nowhere to be found. Victor is ecstatic because he did not want Henry knowing about the creature, he clapped his hands and seemed relieved that the monster was not there. Victor is acting so strange, that he becomes sick with a nervous fever that he has for many months. There is no news of the creature.

24. How well does Victor progress during the next two years? What does he then become interested in, and what ultimately does he discover?

Victor progresses extremely. He becomes interested in the old sciences and natural philosophies. He is drawn into becoming "god like." Animates a corpse, accomplishes what he wanted to

How does Walton react to the news of Victor's discovery? How does Victor respond to Walton?

Victor says he knows the secret to bringing life; Walton asks him to share, but Victor would not

49. Whom does Victor see? ? How does he respond ?

Victor sees the creature. He is scared and horrified. He is ready to fight.

110. What happens during Victor's pursuit of the Creature? Where to they go? What does the Creature do?

Victor sees the monster hide out on ship that is headed for Russia. Victor decides to follow the creature into the Arctic on a dog sled.

40. Whom does Victor see that night ? When was the last time they saw each other? How long ago was that ?

Victor sees the outline of the monster climbing Mt. Saleve. Victor has not seen the monster in two years.

26. How does he go about creating a human being, and what does he expect as a result of this creation? How long does the task take? What happens to Victor in the process?

Victor steals body parts from the charnel houses, dissection rooms and slaughterhouses. He spends a year. He becomes obsessed and does not eat or drink. Waits for lightning storm.

46. What journey does Victor undertake, and when ? What places does he travel through? Where does he stay?

Victor takes a journey to the Swiss Alps in August. He travels through the Arve Valley. He stays in village of Chamounix.

To listen to his story

What did the creature want of Frankenstein?

Describe what happens to Victor as he and Henry wait for a servant to bring breakfast. How does Henry respond?

Victor thought he saw monster at breakfast and Henry worries for his health; Victor jumps on furniture and laughs like a crazy person

25. Will he share that knowledge with Walton? Why? (Note the "present" of the telling breaking through the narration here.)

Victor won't share his knowledge with Walton because his personal knowledge resulted in distress.

113. Why wouldn't Victor tell Walton the details about the creation?

Victor won't tell Walton the details about the creation because Victor doesn't want him to know the secret. He believes it will kill Walton's happiness.

Who is Henry Clerval & what are his interests and goals?

Victor's BFF who wants to be a hero like King Arthur; he liked to write; he is much more like Elizabeth

21. Why does Victor's father send him to the University of Ingolstad? How old is Victor then? (Ingolstadt is in southern Germany, in Bavaria, on the Danube, 43 miles north of Munich. The university founded there in 1472 moved to Landshut in 1802 and to Munich in 1826.)

Victor's father sends him to the University of Ingolstad because he thinks that Victor should study in another country. At this time, Victor is 17.

89. Why does Victor's father think Victor might not want to marry Elizabeth?

Victor's father thinks that Victor has fallen out of love with Elizabeth over time

Why do Henry and Victor decide to leave London?

Victor's friend invites them to visit Scotland; henry can stay with him while Victor "tours"

13. Who is Elizabeth Lavenza and what is her story? What gift does the man's mother give him? Do we know the man's name yet? Do we know his family name?

Victor's parents adopted Elizabeth Lavenza, she was an orphan. The man's mother gave him Elizabeth. This is the first time that we figure out Victor's name. We don't know his family name.

How does the stranger describe his parents' character traits? How do Victor's parents meet?

Victor's parents were well distinguished; his mother's dad died in poverty; victor's father was friend's with Caroline's father; Caroline's maiden name was Beaufort; Victor's father is unselfish; sought his friend to help him; couldn't help his friend, but could help Caroline

That he could cause misery, too

What discovery did the creature make when he approached another human?

Which professor does Victor favor - Krempe or Waldman? Why?

Waldman b/c he removed doubts about Victor becoming a modern chemist; Krempe made fun of him for studying early science; he said Krempe was ugly

115. How does Walton avoid the threat of a mutiny?

Walton avoids the threat of a mutiny by accepting his crew's demands to go back to England after the ice thawed.

9. How much time has elapsed when Walton begins writing again? What has happened in the meantime? How does the man respond to Walton's project? How is Walton responding to the man?

Walton begins writing the biography of this man the very next day. This man has slowly regained his strength and his health. The man tells Waldon that his quest for knowledge and and his project will end in misery. Walton becomes intrigued and wants to hear his side of the story.

5. Where is Walton now? What do you think of Walton's question "What can stop the determined heart and resolved will of man"?

Walton is sailing to the north. Walton's question shows his faith in the Romanticism. Emotion over reason

116. Why is Walton returning to England? What will Victor do?

Walton returns to England because of the voyage. The voyage resulted in death of a few crew members and the voyage was very dangerous. Victor says that he will continue his journey.

What causes Victor's mother's death? What last requests does she make before she dies?

Wants Elizabeth and victor to marry; died of scarlet fever, which she caught from nursing Elizabeth

What are the advantages of the monster's hiding place?

Warm b/c it's by chimney, he can observe the family yet be out of sight, out of the elements

11. What is the man's background? (Do we know his name yet?) Where is he from?

We don't know his name. He is from Geneva, Switzerland. He was greatly loved and adored by his parents.

A letter from Elizabeth

What did Clerval give Frankenstein when he was better

Tried to help testify for Justine

What did Frankenstein do about his dilemma?

Go North to chase the creature

What did Frankenstein do after he left the magistrate?

The Creation

What did Frankenstein see just outside the gates of Geneva as he was returning home?

To create a female creature, equally ugly, so that he wouldn't be alone

What did the creature ask Frankenstein to do, and why?

Lit it on fire

What did the creature do at the cottage when he returned and found that the De Laceys had moved out?

38. What is waiting for Victor when he returns to his apartment? What news does his father have for him? And what is his father's name ? How does Victor respond?

When Victor returns to his department he discovers a letter from his father. It says that Victor's brother, William, was killed. Victor immediately goes to Geneva.

18. What happens when Victor sees an oak tree destroyed by lightning and hears an explanation? What does Victor then begin to study?

When Victor sees an oak tree destroyed by lightning and hears an explanation, he decides to study galvanism and electricity.

3. Where is Robert Walton when he writes Letter 1? Why is he there? What are his plans?

When Walton writes Letter 1 he is at the St. Petersburg. He is there because he needs to hire a crew for his ship. Plans to sail to the North Pole in order to discover magnetisms' secrets.

99. What happens when Victor wakes up? Who is there?

When he wakes up he's feeling better and the nurse is with him.

69. What happens when the creature begins to think about himself? How does he compare with the humans described in the book? What questions does he ask himself? How does his knowledge make him feel?

When the creature begins thinking about himself, he feels bad. He is the only "human" of his kind. He asks himself "Who am I?" This knowledge makes him feel ugly and unhappy.

81. What event happens when the creature is near Geneva ? Who is the boy? Who is the woman?

When the creature sees the small boy, he wants to take him. The creature wants the little boy to know that he isn't corrupt. However, the boy yells at the creature. The creature kills the boy. The boy is William Frankenstein. The woman is Justine, the creature puts a necklace in her pocket.

96. What happens when the Creature visits Victor? What does the Creature promise to do? What does Victor understand that promise to mean?

When the creature visits Victor he says that he will see him on his wedding night. The creature promises to destroy all of Victor's happiness. Victor understands that promise to mean that the creature is going to kill him.

58. What happens during his first encounters with people ? Is this more like what you expect from a horror story? But from whose point of view do we see these encounters?

Whenever he comes in contact with people, they become afraid and scream and run away, or they faint, or they even try and hurt him. These are all told through the monster's POV


Where Victor Frankenstein attends university


Where did Frankenstein go to seek relief?

The forest, later a hovel

Where did the creature take shelter?


Where monster is created

the Orkneys

Where the female monster is created

Robert Walton was in the arctic exploring the unknown

Where was the author of the letters and why was he there?

Henry Clerval

Who took care of Frankenstein when he was ill?

Justine Moritz, because she had the picture that was given to William

Who was accused of committing the murder, and why?

The Creation

Whom did Frankenstein meet after he had ascended to the summit of Montanvert?

35. Who is William and how old is he? Have we heard of him before?

William is Victor's youngest brother. Yes, we heard of him before. He is about 5 years old.

What bad news awaits Victor in his father's letter?

William was murdered when hiding for a game

M. Waldmann

inspires Frankenstein to push the boundaries of science.


is a foil to Victor


killed by the monster

What did the creature do to this person?

killed him

What did Clerval give Frankenstein when he was better?

letter from Elizabeth

What natural phenomena influenced Frankenstein?

lightning bolt on the tree

What did the creature ask Frankenstein to do, and why?

make mate so he is not lonely

What discovery did the creature make when he approached another human?

met William, found out who he was a Frankenstein

How does he meet Victor Frankenstein?

on a block of ice in Arctic

In the preface, what does the author say she is trying to preserve?

preserve the truth of element of human life

Where is the writer of the letters, and why is he there?

quest to the north pole, for knowledge

How did Frankenstein react to this request?

refuses, then attempts

What threat did the creature make when he saw Frankenstein destroy his second creation?

said he would be with him on his wedding night

What happened to the accused person?

she was proven guilty and executed

What was the magistrate's response when Frankenstein told him the entire story of the creature?

shocked but doesn't believe it

The Modern Prometheus

subtitle of book

What did Frankenstein see just outside the gates of Geneva as he was returning home?

the monster

What happened on Frankenstein and Elizabeth's wedding night?

the monster kills Elizabeth


the natural phenomena that influenced Frankenstein's work

What did Frankenstein do after he left the magistrate?

tried to stop monster

Mary Shelley

was educated by her father

What was the elder Lacey's reaction when the creature entered the cottage and began speaking with him?

welcoming and friendly

What observations did the creature make about the people in the cotttage?

were a poor, sad family

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