French Revolution and the Enlightenment

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Form of government which followed the directory -established by Napoleon-ended when Napoleon was crowned emperor

Which writer opposed political absolutism

John Locke


They were the rural poor; they were the farmers who paid about half of their income in taxes to the nobles, the church and other agents of the king


a vote of the people

Napoleonic Code

body of French civil laws introduced in 1804; served as a model for many nations' civil codes

Under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on the


One way in which the Justinian Code and the Napoleonic Code are similar is that both

gave people a set of rules to follow


give up or step down from power

One contribution that John Locke made to Enlightenment philosophy was the idea that

governments should be based on the consent of the people


grand ornate style that art and architecture were found in

What did the Third Estate want?

more influence in the political system

According to John Locke, the purpose of government is to

protect the natural rights of individuals

One way in which the Twelve Tables, the Justinian Code, and the Napoleonic Code were similar is that they

provided a written set of laws

Marie Antoinette

queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793) (queen of France at the start of the revolution)

One major effect of Napoleon's rule of France was that it led to

restoration of political stability


restricting access to ideas and information

Many Enlightenment philosophers used reason to

reveal natural laws

Which sequence places these laws in the correct chronological order? 1. Code of Hammurabi → Justinian Code → Napoleonic Code → Twelve Tables 2. Justinian Code → Twelve Tables → Napoleonic Code → Code of Hammurabi 3. Code of Hammurabi → Twelve Tables → Justinian Code → Napoleonic Code 4. Twelve Tables → Napoleonic Code → Code of Hammurabi → Justinian Code

3. Code of Hammurabi → Twelve Tables → Justinian Code → Napoleonic Code

Old Regime

A combination of the absolute monarchy and feudalism in France; it included the three estates

The writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron de Montesquieu, and John Locke were similar in that each supported the principles of

A democratic republic

What idea is central to John Locke's Two Treatises of Government?

A government's power comes from the consent of the people.

The Directory

A group of 5 men who were given control of France following the Reign of Terror; Napoleon was one of the 5 men


A palace built by Louis XIV outside of Paris; it was home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

Olympe de Gouges

A proponent of democracy, she demanded the same rights for French women that French men were demanding for themselves. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality. She lost her life to the guillotine due to her revolutionary ideas.

Jean-Paul Marat

A radical supporter of the French Revolution who used his newspaper to demand more blood; he was eventually murdered

...The Laws ought to be so framed, as to secure the Safety of every Citizen as much as possible. ...The Equality of the Citizens consists in this; that they should all be subject to the same Laws... . — Documents of Catherine the Great, W. F. Reddaway, ed., Cambridge University Press (adapted) These ideas of Catherine the Great of Russia originated during the

Age of Enlightenment

Which statement expresses an idea of the Enlightenment? 1. The king is sacred and answers only to God. 2. History is a continuous struggle between social classes. 3. Those who are the most fit will survive and succeed. 4. All individuals have natural rights.

All individuals have natural rights

statement that represents a key idea directly associated with John Locke's Two Treatises of Government

All people are born with the right to life, liberty, and property.

Which set of historical periods in European history is in the correct chronological order? A. Medieval Europe B. Italian Renaissance C. Golden Age of Greece D. Enlightenment

C → A → B → D

Which sequence of events is listed in the correct chronological order? 1. Crusades → French Revolution → Renaissance 2. French Revolution → Crusades → Renaissance 3. Crusades → Renaissance → French Revolution 4. Renaissance → Crusades → French Revolution

Crusades → Renaissance → French Revolution

Tennis Court Oath

Declaration mainly by members of the National Assembly (Third Estate) to stay together until they had written a constitution for France; this was the first deliberate act of the revolution (treason)

...The document so frantically cobbled together was stunning in its sweep and simplicity. Never once mentioning king, nobility, or church, it declared the "natural, inalienable and sacred rights of man" to be the foundation of any and all government. It assigned sovereignty to the nation, not the king, and pronounced everyone equal before the law, thus opening positions to talent and merit and implicitly eliminating all privilege based on birth. More striking than any particular guarantee, however, was the universality of the claims made. References to "men," "man," "every man," "all men," "all citizens," "each citizen," "society," and "every society" dwarfed the single reference to the French people... - Lynn Hunt, Inventing Human Rights: A History, W. W. Norton & Company This passage discusses ideals most directly associated with the


committee of public safety

Established and led by Robespierre, fixed bread prices and nationalized some businesses. Basically secret police and also controlled the war effort. Instigated the Reign of Terror.

Why is the Enlightenment considered a turning point in world history?

Europeans changed their thinking about the role of government.

"Angry Mob Destroys Bastille" "Robespierre's Execution Ends Reign of Terror" "Napoleon Seizes Power" Which country's revolution is referred to in these headlines?


Belief in the ideas of the Enlightenment and discontent within the Third Estate were causes of the

French Revolution


French nobility who fled country to escape the Revolution

"Estates General Meet for First Time in 175 Years" "National Assembly Issues Declarations of the Rights of Man" "Reign of Terror Ends; Robespierre Dies" Which event in European history is most closely associated with these headlines?

French revolution

Which factors protected Russia from control by Napoleon's army?

Geographic size and location

Which geographic condition contributed to the defeat of Napoleon's troops during the invasion of Russia?

Harsh winter


Hoping to spread their revolutionary ideas, France voted to declare war on this country

"...Finally, gather together all that we have said, so great and so august [important], about royal authority. You have seen a great nation united under one man: you have seen his sacred power, paternal and absolute: you have seen that secret reason which directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings, and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship. God is holiness itself, goodness itself, power itself, reason itself. In these things consists the divine majesty. In their reflection consists the majesty of the prince..." - Jacques-Benigne Bossuet Which individual most likely opposed the form of government described in this quotation?

John Locke

If a student was preparing a debate in which she needed to oppose Boussuet's philosophy of government, which of the following choices would offer the best support for her argument against Boussuet?

John Locke

Speaker A: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Speaker B: Government has no other end, but the preservation of property. Speaker C: Man is born free, and everywhere he is in shackles. Which historical figure expressed ideas that are most similar to those of Speaker B?

John Locke

What is meant by Machiavelli's belief that "the end justifies the means"?

Leaders may use any method to achieve what is best for the state.

Which of these events related to the French Revolution occurred first? Napoleon became emperor of France. 2. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was issued. 3. Louis XVI called the Estates General into session. 4. The Committee of Public Safety led the Reign of Terror.

Louis XVI called the Estates General into session

What was one effect on emotions after the French Revolution?

Nationalistic feelings were stimulated.

... I conclude, therefore, with regard to being feared and loved, that men love at their own free will, but fear at the will of the prince, and that a wise prince must rely on what is in his power and not on what is in the power of others, and he must only contrive to avoid incurring hatred, as has been explained.... This passage is most closely associated with the ideas of

Niccolò Machiavelli

[When] the legislature shall ... grasp [for] themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over their lives, liberties, and estates of the people, ... they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it [passes] to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty.... — John Locke, Two Treatises on Civil Government Which idea is expressed in this passage?

People have the right to rebel if their natural rights are denied.

Which event is most closely associated with the French Revolution? Council of Trent 2. Thirty Years' War 3. Reign of Terror 4. Paris Peace Conference

Reign of Terror

July 14, 1789

Storming of the Bastille, This is the date that represents the symbolic start of the French Revolution

Speaker A: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Speaker B: Government has no other end, but the preservation of property. Speaker C: Man is born free, and everywhere he is in shackles. Which historical period is best represented in the ideas expressed by these speakers?

The Enlightenment

In which way did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

The divine right theory of kings was challenged.

Great Fear

The panic and insecurity that struck French peasants in the summer of 1789 and led to their widespread destruction of manor houses and archives.


The upper class of the Third Estate sometimes richer than the nobles; they were the merchants/artisans and were well-educated and often wealthy

Which idea became a central belief of the Enlightenment?

The use of reason would lead to human progress.

second estate

They consisted of the Nobles; they received special privileges and paid no direct taxes to the king

first estate

They consisted of the Roman Catholic Clergy; they received special privileges and paid no direct taxes

third estate

They consisted of the bourgeoisie, the san-culottes and the peasants; they paid high taxes and had no special privileges


They were the urban poor; they were the cooks/servants who were paid low wages and were often out of work


This group could live with or without the king, wanted some additional changes and supported violence only if it was justified


This group hated the king, wanted drastic and sweeping changes and advocated the use of violence in the name of the revolution


This group liked the king, wanted no more changes and was opposed to violence

Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizen

This was the document written by the National Assembly that identified the natural rights of the French citizens as well as their other liberties

Legislative Assembly

This was the legislative branch of government that was elected in to power and voted to start a war with Austria; it was forced to step down from power


Where Marie and Louis XVI are put during their house arrest

National Assembly

a French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate in 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people;legislative branch of the government; proclaimed an end to the absolute monarchy and the start of a representative government; it ended feudalism, serfdom, taxes to the church and the special privileges of the 1st and 2nd estates

French Constitution of 1791

a constitution adopted during the French Revolution that established a constitutional monarchy in France.


a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward one's country


a great fortress in Paris that stood as a symbol of royal tyranny. On July 14, 1789, at the beginning of the French Revolution, a large crowd of Parisians captured the Bastille. This act convinced King Louis XVI to withdraw his troops from Paris and to accept the French Revolution. Ever since then, the people of France have celebrated July 14 as their national holiday.


a group or clique within a larger group that has different ideas or opinions about the rest of the group


a member of a radical political club during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794. Ruled in the early stages of Revolution.

... Nor is there liberty if the power of judging is not separate from legislative power and from executive power. If it were joined to legislative power, the power over the life and liberty of the citizens would be arbitrary, for the judge would be the legislator. If it were joined to executive power, the judge could have the force of an oppressor.... —Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws In this passage, Montesquieu is making reference to

a separation of powers

Enlightened despot

absolute rulers who used their power to bring about political and social change


aka philosophers believed nothing was beyond the reach of human reason

Social Contract

an agreement by which people gave up their freedom for an organized society

What was a major cause of the French Revolution?

any qualities and the tax structure

Philosophers of the Enlightenment period believed that society could best be improved by

applying reason and the laws of nature

Concordat of 1801

assembly of European leaders that met after Napoleonic era

Congress of Vienna

assembly of European leaders that met after Napoleonic era to piece Europe back together; met from September 1814 to June 1815

Continental System

blockade designed by Napoleon to hurt Britain economically by closing European ports to British goods; ultimately it was unsuccessful

Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke both agreed that a government should be based on the

consent of the governed

Seventeenth-century scholars Galileo Galilei and René Descartes faced serious challenges to their scientific theories because their ideas

contradicted traditional medieval European beliefs

Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?

demand of the Third Estate for more political power


devices used during the Reign of Terror to execute thousands by beheading

"The French Revolution is most important for having changed subjects to citizens." This statement emphasizes the shift from

divine right rule to people's participation in government

In his book The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli advises that a wise ruler is one who

do what is necessary to stay in power

Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince and Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan both advocated that a ruler should

employ absolute power to maintain order in the areas under their rule

One way in which the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were similar is that they

encouraged the spread of new ideas

Supported reforms Believed in natural rights and religious toleration Viewed themselves as servants of their state In the 18th century, European leaders that fit these characteristics were best known as

enlightened despots

In The Prince, Machiavelli advises rulers to

establish and maintain power

The ideas of Enlightenment philosophers were based on

faith in human reason

Guerilla warfare

fighting carried on through hit-and-run raids

Deficit spending

gap between what the government spends and what it takes in through taxes and other sources

One way in which Robespierre and Napoleon are similar is that they both

increased their power during the French Revolution

The American and French Revolutions were turning points in global history because the results of these revolutions

inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence

Maximilian Robespierre and the Jacobins are best known for

instituting the Reign of Terror

Maximilian Robespierre

leader of the French Revolution; influential member of the committee of Public Safety; instrumental in the reign of terror that ended with his execution; preached democracy and suffrage; cult of reason...the secular alternative to Christianity reorganized calendar to eliminate religious holidays 40,000 executed; 300,000 tried was killed in 1794

Estates General

legislative body made up of the representatives of the three estates in pre-revolutionary France: the clergy, nobility, and commoners. The calling of the Estates General in 1789 led to the French Revolution. (could only meet with permission of the king)

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

liberty! equality! fraternity! Chant used by the revolutionaries

The English Bill of Rights and the political philosophy of John Locke both support the idea of a

limited government

Concert of Europe

loose peacekeeping organization whose goal was to preserve the agreements set up by the Congress of Vienna

The ideas of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu most influenced

movements for political reform

Free market

natural forces of supply and demand

"...Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good...." — Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789 Which principle of the Enlightenment philosophers is expressed in this quotation from the French Revolution?

natural law

...Finally, gather together all that we have said, so great and so august [important], about royal authority. You have seen a great nation united under one man: you have seen his sacred power, paternal and absolute: you have seen that secret reason which directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings, and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship. God is holiness itself, goodness itself, power itself, reason itself. In these things consists the divine majesty. In their reflection consists the majesty of the prince.... -Jacques-Benigne Bossuet Bossuet's theory of divine right and its justification for absolute government stemmed from the

need for the centralization of authority

Which individual is correctly paired with an individual who further developed his ideas? 1. Pope Urban II → Martin Luther 2. Nicolaus Copernicus → Galileo Galilei 3. Hernando Cortez → Simón Bolívar 4. Louis XVI → Maximilien Robespierre

nicolaus copernicus-> Galileo Galilei


notebooks used in pre-revolutionary France to record grievances

Ancien regime

old order system of government in pre-Revolutionary France

Civil Constitution of the clergy

passed July 12, 1790 during the French Revolution, subordinated the Roman Catholic Church in France to the French government

One way in which Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau are similar is that they were

philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment

"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" and "Peace, Land, and Bread" are slogans used by revolutionaries to represent

political and economic ideals

Baron de Montesquieu believed that a separation of powers would

prevent tyranny by acting as a check on power


principle by which monarchies that had been unseated were restored

According to John Locke, the chief role of government was to

protect natural rights

In Two Treatises of Government, John Locke wrote that the purpose of government was to

protect natural rights


right to vote

Natural Rights

rights that belonged to all humans from birth (life, liberty, and property)

Joseph II

ruled as Holy Roman emperor in Austria and is considered the most radical of the enlightened despots. He continued many of the modernizing governmental reforms introduced by his mother, Maria Theresa, with the goal of equal treatment for all of his subjects. He abolished serfdom and encouraged freedom of the press. Most notably Joseph supported religious equality for protestants and even Jews, he is also remembered for traveling amount his subjects is disguise to learn about the everyday problems of the peasantry.

Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into three estates based mainly on their

social class


social classes in france

One way in which the caste system in traditional India and the Estates system of pre-revolutionary France are similar is that

social mobility was very limited


solider fighting for another country for pay

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations stressed the importance of

supply and demand

Checks and Balances

system in which each branch of a government has the power to monitor and limit the actions of the other two

Locke's Two Treatises of Government, Rousseau's The Social Contract, and Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws were works written during which time period?

the Enlightenment

Reign of Terror

the period of Robespierre's rule; period of killing and unrest

Laissez faire

this policy allowed business to operate with little or no government interference

National Convention

this was the legislative branch of government that deposed the king of his title, declared France a republic and publically executed the king and queen

The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of government is derived from

those who are governed

Natural Law

unchanging principles, discovered through reason, that govern all human conduct

In the late 1700s, which situation in France is considered a cause of the other three? meeting of the 1.Estates General 2. unfair policies of taxation 3. execution of the king 4. storming of the Bastille

unfair policies of taxation

Enlightenment thinkers encouraged the improvement of society through the

use of reason

Louis XVI

was king of pre-revolutionary France, he failed to support his ministers, who tried to reform France's finances and social institutions. Although he agreed in 1789 to summon the Estates General, but he did not grant the reforms that were demanded and revolution followed. Louis and his queen, Marie Antoinette, were executed in 1793. (king of France at the start of the revolution)

One way in which Robespierre and Louis XVI of France are similar is that both

were removed from power during the French Revolution

Which pair correctly links the region where Enlightenment ideas first developed to a region to which those ideas spread? 1.Asia → eastern Europe 2. Africa → southeastern Asia 3. western Europe → the Americas 4. eastern Africa → India

western Europe → the Americas

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