French Revolution

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What changes did the Constitution of 1791 bring to the French government and how did they reflect the Enlightenment?

It made a limited monarchy and legislative assembly to make laws and collect taxes. Lawmakers were elected. It gave equality to all men before the law.

Describe the significance of the Storming of the Bastille?

It occurred in Paris occurred on July 14, 1789. While the medieval fortress and prison known as the Bastille contained only seven prisoners, its fall was the start of the French Revolution. It was a large attack on French royal power and old regieme.

What was the Declaration of Plintz?

A declaration from the emporer of Austria (Marie Antoinette's brother) and the king of Prussia that threatened that they would intervene if necessary to protect the French monarchy.

How was France threatened on multiple fronts in 1793?

It was at war with Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Prussia, and Austria. There were food shortages and rebellions.

Why did the writings of Voltaire, Rousseau and other philosophes influence members of the third estate more than those of the second and third estates?

Many third estate members were lawyers and had read their work and they wanted an equal society with a government for all people

What was the main points of the 1795 Constitution?

Modertaes took control and established the five man directory as the government

What are some important facts about Napoleon's early life?

Born in Corsica and started military training at age 9 by 20 seeking fame by fighting in the Revolution

What was the Tennis Court Oath a critical moment on the road to rebellion?

Declaration mainly by members of the Third Estate not to disband until they had drafted a constitution for France (June 20, 1789).

When the National Assembly abolished feudalism, the president of the assembly declared, "We may view this moment as the dawn of a new revolution when all the burdens weighing on the people were abolished and France was truly reborn"-This meant?

France had a new future where all people would truly be equal.

What was the Estates General and why was it important in starting the French Revolution?

France's traditional national assembly with representatives of the three estates, or classes, in French society: the clergy, nobility, and commoners. The calling of the Estates General in 1789 led to the French Revolution.

Who were the emigres?

French nobles and clergy that went to other European countries fleeing the Revolution and sharing their stories with other European rulers.

What was the Committee of Public Safety?

Group led by Maximilien Robespierre that took control of France in 1793 and 1794, replaced the National Convention due to threats from outside forces, had many executed by guillotine. This nationalism led to total war throughout France. It's rule was known as the Reign of Terror

What did Robespierre mean when he said,"The first maxim of our politics ought to be to lead the people by means of reason and the enemies of the people by terror...the basis of popular government in time of revolution is both virtue and terror"?

He advocated violence and oppression as a means to an the end a successful revolution and the abolishing the monarchy.

What did Louis XIV mean when he said, "Frenchmen, I did innocent. I pardon the authors of my death. I pray God that the blood about to be spilt will never fall upon the head of France?

He did not accept responsibility for the revolution, forgave the executioners, hoped that France would not be ruined by the revolution because he dearly loved it.

How did Napoleon build his image as a military ruler in France?

He hid his losses from the public and censored the press to keep those stories from going public.

How did Napoleon become leader of France?

He overthrew the Directory and setup a three man government known as the Consulate. He was first Consul and leader of France

In what ways was Louis XIV attitude toward France's economic conditions a cause for Revolution?

He refused to stop his own spending, he was unable to make the first and second estates pay taxes

Why did Robespierre want to create a republic of virtue?

He wanted to crush all opposition to the revolution and this led to the Reign of Terror.

How did Napoleon crowning himself emperor show his arrogance and power?

He wanted to show he was more powerful than the Pope by crowning himself.

What did Napoleon mean by this?"Since one must take sides one might as well choose the side that is victorious, the side which devastates, loots, and burns. Considering the alternative, it is better to eat than to be eaten."

He was an opportunist that cared more about success and the the winning side is usually the most violent.

What happened to Robespierre when the Reign of Terror got out of hand?

He was captured and executed too.

What made young Napoleon a popular figure in France

His success on the battlefield

What were some of Napoleon's reforms?

New roads, price controls, schools, peace with the church, new industry, Napoleonic Codes

Why was Robespierre considered incorruptible?

He was completely dedicated to the Revolution.

How was the third estate diverse

It was made up of farmers, doctors, lawyers, landowners, buisnesspeople

What was the third stage of the French Revolution?

Middle Class and professionals dominated this phase and wrote a new constitution

What happened to Marie Antoinette?

She was killed like her husband.

Why did peasants riot in 1775

The rioted over the high cost of bread due to France's debt. They thought they might starve to death

What was the Great Fear?

Panic and insecurity that struck French peasants in the summer of 1789 and led to their widespread destruction of manor houses and archives.

Who were the Sans-Culottes?

Parisian workers who wanted extremely radical change in government

How did nationalism impact France

Songs, parades, and traditions came out of this spirit.

In what ways did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution?

The Declaration of Rights and Man and Citizen was influenced by the Declaration of Independence. It also called for government to protect the freedoms of life and liberty and that government protects its citizens

Why did France's revolutionaries use the motto, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?"

The Revolution's goals in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen were that all people were equal before the law. There would be no unfair taxes and freedom of religion

What was the Directory?

The five-man executive committee that ruled France in its own interests as a republic after Robespierre's execution and prior to Napoleon's coming to power (1795-1799)

How did the King and the Estates General differ over calling the meeting?

The king feared losing power to nobles, members of the third estate saw it as a chance to raise taxes on the 1st and 2nd estates.

What were the problems with the Napoleonic Codes?

The laws emphasized order and authority over individual rights.

Who were the Jacobins?

The most radical political faction of the French Revolution who were mostly lawyers ruled France during the Reign of Terror.

Louis XIV asked each estate to draw a list of grievances. How did the third estate use these cahiers for their own benefit?

The used the cahiers to call for reforms like fair trade, freedom of the press, and regular meetings of the estates general.

Why was the Estates General ineffective?

There were three equal voting blocs but the first and second would always outvote the larger third. The king has not called the Estates General into session for 175 years.

Which groups were part of each estate in France

1st estate nobles, 2ns estate clergy, 3rd estate the biggest made up of workers, farmers, trades people

How many people were arrested and executed during the reign of terror?

30,000 arrested 17,000 executed by guillotine

Who was Robespierre?

A Jacobin, a radical leader of the French Revolution. Headed the Committee of Public Safety, responsible for the Reign of Terror, was later executed.

What happened on August 10, 1792

A crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace and killed the king's guards and the royal family fled

How did the French Revolution change France

End of old social order, brought church under state control, abolished the monarchy.

What actions did the new legislative body the National Convention taking in 1792?

They called for suffrage for all men, abolished the monarchy and established a republic. They wanted to end the old order.

How was a second estate member's life different that a member of the third estate?

They did not pay taxes, had more privileges and enjoyed more leisure time

Why did the European monarchs during the French Revolution fear the "French Plague"?

They did not want the revolution to spread to their countries.

Why did the political philosophy of the Jacobins throw the revolution into another phase?

They gained control of the legislative assembly and declared war on Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain. They were more radical.

Why would a member of the bourgeoisie distrust the clergy?

They had access to money and property from years of not paying taxes and that debt fell to the bourgeoisie to pay.

Who were the Girondonists?

They supported a constitutional monarchy.

How did the Convention deal with Louis XIV

They tried him for treason against France, he was convicted by one vote and his head was chopped off.

Why was it important for the third estate to have the estates general meet as a single body?

They wanted the votes counted by head rather than Estate so they could get their issues through

What were the Napoleonic wars?

Wars of aggression fought by France from 1804-1812. Napoleon wanted to take control of all of Europe.

What was the National Assembly?

a French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people

What were the Napoleonic Codes?

a set of laws (created by Napoleon) that protect equality before the law, religious toleration, and the abolition of freedom

Who was Jacques Necker?

financial expert of Louis XVI, he advised Louis to reduce court spending, reform his government, abolish tarriffs on internal trade, but the First and Second Estates got him fired

What was the Old Regime in France

the social and political system of France in the 1770s in which people were divided into three large social classes Third Estate-the Poor, second estate-clergy, first estate-Nobles

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