Fritsch US History: LAP 11 (COMPLETE)

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Who were the candidates of the congressional election of 1866?

Andrew Johnson and Radical Republicans

What was the name of the event in which blacks and white came together to challenge segregation and led a massive drive to register blacks to vote?

Freedom Summer

What Act was conceived by Henry Clay as a benefit to slaveholders; it actually hurt the Southern cause by creating active hostility towards slavery among many Northerners who had been indifferent?

Fugitive Slave Act

What was the name of the law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders?

Fugitive Slave Act

In Episode 1, we learned that among the original colonies, North and South Carolina were unusual in that from their beginning slavery was considered the main economic activity. According to the 1790 CENSUS, how many SLAVES were in SOUTH CAROLINA in 1790? Which COUNTY had the most slaves? How many slave holders had holdings of 100 or more slaves?

107, 094 slaves, Charlestown, 123 slaveholders

In what year did the first enslaved Africans arrive in Dutch New Amsterdam?


Harriet Jacobs published "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" in 1861, while she was living in Cornwall, New York. Cornwall is in Orange County. According to the 1860 CENSUS, how many AGGREGATE FREE COLORED PERSONS lived in ORANGE COUNTY, NEW YORK?



3615 total free colored persons, 1726 total free colored persons

According to the 1790 CENSUS, how many "ALL OTHER FREE PERSONS" (African Americans) lived in Massachusetts in 1790, the first census taken after statewide emancipation? Mum Bet lived in Sheffeld, Massachusetts, which is in Berkshire County. According to the 1790 CENSUS, how many "ALL OTHER FREE PERSONS" lived in Berkshire County in 1790? Boston, the largest city in Massachusetts, is in Suffolk County. How many "ALL OTHER FREE PERSONS" lived in Suffolk County in 1790?


What were the requirements for black codes?

African Americans had to enter into labor contracts, children had to accept apprenticeships and could be beaten/whipped while serving said apprenticeships, and there were set specific work hours for African American and required them to get licenses to work in non-agricultural jobs

What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

After Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Martin Luther King Jr. organized a boycott of the use of city buses. African Americans in Montgomery, who made up much of the population who rode buses, boycotted the use of buses for over a year to show the impact they had on society. Instead of riding the bus, they organized carpools or walked. After the year, the Supreme Court ruled that Alabama's laws requiring segregation on buses was unconstitutional

Who was one of the most prominent African Americans in the abolitionist movement? He escaped from slavery in Maryland by posing as a free African American sailor.

Frederick Douglass

What group was organized by Huey Newton, Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver? This group believed that a revolution was necessary in the United States, and tehy urged African Americans to arm themselves and prepare to force whites to grant them equal rights. Their leaders called for an end to racial oppression and control of major institutions in the African American community.

Black Panthers

Who was John Punch and what happened to him?

Black indentured servant that fled from his owner; captured and returned and was sent to trial. Of the three men that were caught, he is the only one that got sent to servitude for the rest of his life, while the other men (white) got a couple of years added to their servitude

What is the name of the event in which a senator delivered a speech accusing pro-slavery senators of forcing Kansas into the ranks of slave states? He singled out Senator Butler and a couple days later Butler's cousin approached the senator and beat him savagely.

Caning of Sumner

Of the original thirteen colonies, which was the first in which slavery was the center of economic production, making it the first slave society?


Which Civil Rights Act barred discrimination of many kinds?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

What compromise admitted California into the Union as a free state, determined slavery issue in Utah and New Mexico territories through popular sovereignty, resolved the dispute between Texas border with New Mexico, gave Texas $10 million, abolished slave trade (NOT SLAVERY ITSELF) in District of Columbia, and adopted the new, stringent Fugitive Slave Law?

Compromise of 1850

What ended the Reconstruction Era?

Compromise of 1877

What was the purported informal, unwritten deal that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election? It resulted in the United States federal government pulling the last troops out of the South, and formally ended the Reconstruction Era.

Compromise of 1877

Who was the enslaved man whose Missouri slaveholder had taken him to live in a free territory before returning to Missouri? Assisted by abolitionists, he sued to end his slavery, arguing that the time he'd spent in free territory meant that he was free.

Dred Scott

What company established a fur trading post in 1624 on a hilly island called Manahattes? The area would become New York City

Dutch West India Company

Who was murdered in 1955 for whistling at a white woman by her husband and his friends? He was kidnapped and brutally murdered and his death lead to the American Civil Rights Movement

Emmett Till

Who was the woman who successfully sued her master and was released from her indenture?

Frances Driggus

What what the background behind Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896?

In 1892, an African American named Homer Plessy challenged Louisiana law that forced him to ride in a separate railroad car from whites. He was arrested for riding in a "whites-only" car. In 1896, the Supreme Court, upheld the Louisiana law and set out a new doctrine of "separate but equal" facilities for African Americans. The rule established the legal basis for discrimination in the south for more than 50 years.

What were the laws that Southern states passed that enforced discrimination?

Jim Crow Laws

Who was the fervent abolitionist who developed a plan to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry to free and arm the enslaved people in the area and begin an insurrection?

John Brown

What was Harpers Ferry?

John Brown developed a plan to seize the federal arsenal at Haperes Ferry to free and arm the enslaved people in the area and begin an insurrection

What event in 1957 had Governor Faubus sending the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine black students from entering Little Rock High School? In reply, President Eisenhower sent in US paratroopers to ensure the students could attend class?

Little Rock Crisis

Who had become a symbol of the black power movement? He was from Omaha, Nebraska, he experienced a difficult childhood and adolescence then drifted into a life of crime and was convicted of burglary and sent to prison for 6 years. He began to educate himself and played an active role in the prison debate society. Eventually, he joined the Nation of Islam.

Malcolm X

On what event did MLK and SCLC organize a major campaign to pressure the federal government to enact voting rights legislation? At this event there were serious confrontations, one of which was known as "Bloody Sunday" when armed state troopers and other authorities attacked marchers

March on Selma

Who was the 26-year-old pastor that was elected to lead the Montgomery Improvement Association to run the boycott and to negotiate with city leader for an end to segregation?

Martin Luther King Jr.

Who was the civil rights activist, director of NAACP in Mississippi, and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks and was ultimately murdered by a member of the KKK in his driveway only hours after Kennedy's speech promoting civil rights and his support for integration?

Medgar Evers

What act divided the former Confederacy, except for Tennessee into five military districts?

Military Reconstruction Act

What was an effort by Congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the request of Missouri late in 1819 for admission as a state in which slavery would be permitted? At the time, the United States contained twenty-two states, evenly divided between slave and free. Admission of Missouri as a slave state would upset that balance; it would also set a precedent for congressional acquiescence in the expansion of slavery.

Missouri Compromise

What is the leading United States civil rights organization and law firm based in New York City?

NAACP legal defense fund

What is the name of the event that began when a series of bad railroad investments forced the powerful banking firm of Jay Cooke and Company to declare bankruptcy? After this wave of fear spread through the financial community, dozens of smaller banks closed, and the stock market plummeted.

Panic of 1873

What were the results of the congressional election of 1866?

Radical Republicans were swept into office, ensuring that a hard line would continue to be maintained against the former Confederate states.

Which woman, in the midst of the uproar over the Brown V. Board of Education case, made her decision to challenge segregation of public transportation? Her arrest sparked a boycott of Montgomery buses and a new era of civil rights movement among African Americans

Rosa Parks

What document denounced the Supreme Court's ruling as "a clear abuse of judicial power" and pledged to use "all lawful means" to reverse the decision? Although this document has no legal standing, the statement encouraged white Southerners to defy the Supreme Court. It wasn't until 1969 did the Supreme Court order all school systems to desegregate "at once" and operate integrated schools "now and hereafter"

Southern Manifesto

What was the name of the demands of the Black Panthers?

Ten-Point Program

How did the court rule in Plessy v. Ferguson?

The court upheld the right of states to make laws that sustained segregation. The majority of justices wanted to distinguish between political rights guaranteed by the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments and social rights

in 1790, when the first US Census was conducted, which four states had the greatest number of slaves? In 1860, on the eve of the Civil War, which four states had the greatest number of slaves?

Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, South Carolina

Why was a law passed saying the white men must carry guns with them to church?

They feared that black slaves would rebel on Sunday because Sunday was the only day off for slaves

Who was the brilliant, African American attorney and NAACP's chief counsel and director of its Legal Defense and Education Fund?

Thurgood Marshall

What was the legendary, informal but well-organized system that helped thousands of enslaved persons escape from slavery in the 1840s and 1850s?

Underground Railroad

What was the campaign against slavery and the slave trade?

abolition movement

What series of laws intended to keep African Americans in a condition similar to slavery?

black codes

What were the series of law that severely limited African Americans' rights?

black codes

How did some slaves fight back against inhumane treatments, especially during harvest time?

breaking tools (passive aggressive things)

Describe the work done by the "first 11" brought to the New Amsterdam

building colony, clear land, construct road, built ships

What was "half freedom" in the New Amsterdam colony?

could live on negro areas and plant and owed a payment to the company, the children of the parents were not free

What did Thurgood Marshall focus his efforts on after WWII was over?

ending segregation in public schools

Which amendment declared that the right to vote shall not be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude?

fifteenth amendment

Which amendment granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States and declared that no state could deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process?

fourteenth amendment

What is the belief that slavery had to be ended gradually?


What was Lincoln's plan for reconstruction?

grant amnesty to all but a few southerners who took an oath of loyalty to the US and accepted its proclamations concerning slavery.

What was Johnson's plan for reconstruction?

grants amnesty to those taking a oath of loyalty to US; excluded high-ranking Confederates and those with property over $20,000, but could apply for pardons individually. required states to ratify the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery

How did the court rule in Brown v. Board of Education, 1954?

in favor of Linda Brown

What was the result of Brown v. Board of Education?

it overruled Plessy v. Ferguson and rejected the idea that equivalent but separate schools for African American and white students were constitutional. The court held that racial segregation in public schools violates the fourteenth amendment's equal protection clause. The court's rejection of "separate but equal" was a major victory for civil rights movement and led to the overturning of laws requiring segregation in other public places

What laws were passed by Northern states that forbade the imprisonment of escaped slaves?

personal liberty law

What form of protest first used by union workers in the 1930, were used by the CORE in an attempt to desegregate restaurants that refused to serve African Americans?


What kind of tactics did the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) use?


Who was Emanuel Driggus and what happened to him and his family?

slave of Captain Francis Potts; his family was sold and separated when Potts ran out of money; he received his freedom, got land, but he had to pay lots of money to lease the land

Using the 1790 Census, which set the number of votes each state would have in the electoral college for the 1800 election, find out how many SLAVES lived in Thomas Jefferson's home state of VIRGINIA? If you multiply the number of slaves by 3/5, how much did that increase the population of VIRGINIA, for the purposes of representation?

slave population = 292,627; 175,576.2

What did the X in Malcolm X's name symbolize?

the family name of his African ancestors who had been enslaved

In 1662, Virginia law makers decreed, "all children born in Virginia shall be held bond or free according to the condition of the _________"

the mother

How were the "Stono Rebellion" slaves caught? What happened to them?

they were surrounded, decapitated and heads were put on poles and showed off

Why were the slave of the "Stono Rebellion" trying to reach Florida?

they would be free if they made it to Florida because Florida was controlled by Spain and slavery wasn't allowed there

Which amendment abolished slavery?

thirteenth amendment

Why did some people indenture themselves?

to pay off the price of coming to the new world

What were punishments for running away the first four times?

whipped, branded with R on right cheek, severed ear and branded again with R on left cheek, castration

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