Fruits and Vegetables: Chapter 13 & 14
Cruciferous vegetables
A group of veggies that are names for their cross shaped blossoms; they are reported to have a protective effect against cancer in laboratory animals. And contains phytochemicals. Ex:broccoli, cabbage,kale,turnips,strawberries.
Examples of super fruits
Acai,blueberry,cranberry,goji,gooseberry,guava,lychee,mangosteen,Noni,papaya and pomegranate.
Acidity of fruits
Acids cause most fruits to have the ph of 5.0. The tartness is related to their acidic content. The least acidic fruits are those of sweet flavor.
Most frequently consumed
Bananas,apples,oranges,watermelons,cantaloupe,and grapes.
Examples of legumes
Beans, peas, and lentils
Prevention of enzymatic browning
By denaturing enzymes, adding acid, lowering to storage temperature, and/or blocking exposure to oxygen through the use of coatings or antioxidants.
Nutrition and retention of nutrients
Careful preparation of veggies serves important for the nutrients. Steaming, braising , baking, or microwaving is better for them. Some nutrients increase during food prep. Heating the veggies increases the protein availability.
Plant pigments
Carotenoids, Chlorophyll, Flavonoids
Phyto chemicals and fruit sources
Composes part of the 70-95% that makes up fresh fruits. Tend to be low in kcalories, fat, and protein. Carbohydrates are the main source of kcalories in fruit.
Grading of fruit
Grading fruit can be difficult because quality can change between time it's graded and purchase. Some fruit producers have fresh fruit grade by the USDA on a voluntary basis.
Foods made from soybean
Miso, Natto, soy sauce, Sufu, Tempeh, Tamari
Nutrients in fruit
Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol. Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients that are underconsumed, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid.
Grading of vegetables
Most grading is at present voluntary; it's based on ripeness, color,shape,size,uniformity, and freedom from bruises and signs of decay.
Recommended servings fruits
PBHF-That people fill half their plate with fruits and veggies at each meal.
Functional food compounds in veggies
Phytochemicals function to protect their health as antioxidants, phytoestrogens and anti-inflammatory agents and through other mechanisms.
Classification of vegetable (root, stem, leaves)
Stem-Anise(fennel), asparagus,Celery,Kohlrabi Root-Beet,Carrot,Celeriac,Jicama,Parsnip, Radish,Rutabaga,Sweet potato, Turnip Leaves-Beet greens, Bok Choy, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Chard Chinese cabbage, Collards dandelion greens, Endive, Escarole, Kale lettuce, Mistard greens , Parsley, Romaine spinach, Turnip greens, Watercress.
Fruit zest and use
The zest often contains more flavor than the actual fruit, can be used to add more flavor to a cooking dish.
Nutrients in vegetables and legumes
Vegetables, including legumes/beans are nutrient dense, low in kilojoules, and are a good source of minerals and vitamins (such as magnesium, vitamin C and folate), dietary fibre and a range of phytochemicals including carotenoids.
Definition of vegetable
a plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean.