FSE 214 Final Study Terms
When substances enter the body and accumulate in excessive amount, it is called.
What is infection?
inflammation caused by living organisms.
Match the terms with the definitions.
ischemia - decreased blood flow to a part of body Thrombosis - formation of blood clot within the heart or vessels infarction - dying of a tissue due to lack of ocygen hematoma - a swelling filled with blood Embolism - an object floating through blood causing obstruction edema - excessive accumulation of a fluid
Hepatitis attaches ____________.
What are the common causes of inflammation? Choose all correct answers.
living organisms physical irritants chemicals immunological reactants No - hypoxia
Inflammation that affects the lobes of lungs is called as
lobar pneumonia
Neuroma is a tumor found in.
nervous tissue
This nervous system disease is not caused by any infection and is not progressive in nature. It is found in children. What is ?
Cerebral palsy
Match terms with their description or definition.
Consission - temporary grogginess due to bow to the head Epilepsy - interference with the normal activity of the brain Myelitis - inflammation of the spinal cord Parkinson's disease - shaking palsy that develops later in life Neuritis - inflammation of a nerve
________ is a common form of hyperadrenalism in which the control of body's water and salt level is affected.
Cushing's syndrome
Match the terms with their definitions.
Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin Cretinism - hypothyroidism that causes dwarfism and mental retardation in children Melanoma - malignant tumor of the skin acromegaly - "enlargement of some bones in skull, hands, and fee" Diabetes mellitis - disease due to insufficient insulin produced by the body Giantism - abnormally tall person Hyperparathyroidism - resuls in softening of bones
"Gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and HIV are sexually transmitted disease that are caused by viruses and that is why they are difficult to control."
Nervous system is divided into two parts; central nervous system and antomical nervous sytem.
Pathology is the study of the tissues which have been removed from the body.
The study of neoplasms or tumors is called ecology.
These are diseases that are characterized by fever.
A branch of pathology that deals with general or broad disease processes such a necrosis
General pathology
Some of the causes of cancer are______. Choose all correct answers.
Heredity viruses environmental factors hormones No - bacteria
The skin is the main organ of the ____________ system and is considered the largest organ of human body.
_______ is a developmental disorder in which the spinal cord contains and abnormal curvature.
Factors affecting cardiovascular systems include; (select all that apply)
heredity obesity diet diabetes No - blood type
Is the narrowing of the opening of the heart valves.
Localized area of necrosis on the skin or mucous membrane is called ___
The brain and spinal cord are protective by three layers of protective membranes called the meninges. These meninges are;
"dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater"
Benign tumors grow by _______ and malignant tumors by _______.
"expansion, infiltration"
Any disease which is obtained after birth.
Two types of diseases are:
Acute, Chronic
What is the definition of disease?
Any change in the structure and function of the body as a result of injury to the tissue.
Match names of conditions with the terms.
Arteriosclerosis - arteries become hardened and thickened arteritis - inflammation of an artery atherosclerosis - formation of plaques in the arteries aneurysm - localized weakening and dilation of an artery wall
_______ consists of glands and organs that secrete different hormones.
Endocrine system
Body's response to tissue injury by burning is called infection.
Bones are made of connective tissues and an adult body consist of 406 bones.
Cardiomyopathy is the disease of heart valve.
Ductus arteriosus means opening between pumonary artery and aorta fails to open.
Exogenous pigmentation is when a substance enters inside an organ from the body causing discoloration.
Gingivitis is the decaying of the teeth.
Goiter is the decrease in size of thyroid gland that may be caused by the deficiency of iodine in the body.
Leucocytosis is the drop in number of white blood cells due to infection.
Match the terms with their description.
Food poisoning - infection of the intestines Cirrhosis - degeneration of the liver cells hematemesis - vomiting of the blood coming from stomach diverticulitis - inflammation of diverticula Gastristis - inflammation of the stomach hernia - protrusion of an organ through the wall which it is contained cholelithiasis - stone formation in gall bladder
When bilirubin accumulates in the body it causes yellowish discoloration. This condition is called
Match the terms with their definitions.
Kyphosis - humpback condition Achondroplasia - dwarfism Bursitis - inflammation of bursae Rickets - softening of bones in children Ostomalacia - softening of bones in adults
What is cachexia?
Malutrition and general wasting of body, such as starvation.
______ is a malignant tumor of bones.
A branch of pathology that studies disease processes affecting individual body areas or systems.
Special pathology
"Fractures, especially the ones present in the skull and face pose a big challenge to the embalmers."
Carcinoma is the leading cause of respiratory cancer in the United States.
Dermoid cyst is a common cyst found on the walls of ovary that contain greasy material produced by sebaceous glands.
Dilatation and hypertrophy both describe the increase in the size of the heart.
Failure of the kidney to filter waste products out is called as uremia.
Hyperplasia is increase in the size of the body part due to increase in number of cells.
Skin infections due to fungi are known as dermatomycoses.
Influenza and common cold are caused by _____.
A branch of pathology that studies changes which occur in cell of the body at the microscopic level.
X Pathology X Special pathology X General pathology X Gross pathology Correct - None of the above
Match the malformations to the terms
aplasia - absence of body parts etiology - refers to the study of the causes of disease hernia - protrusion of an organ through the wall of the body cavity in which it is contained pandemic - diseases that affect a large number of people cyst - a sac-like structure, containing fluid or a semi-solid substance
Presence of any substances in the pleural cavity puts pressure on the lungs and make them collapse, a condition indicated with the term _______.
Hyperparathyroidism increases the level of ________ in the blood.
Which on the following is a form of necrosis in which a cheeselike substance is located at the center of an area of pink necrosis surrounded by inflammatory granule?
caseous necrosis
A fracture in which a bone crushed or splintered is called ______.
Lymphoma is tumor found in .
connective tissue
_______ is the condition in males when testes do not descend down to the scrotum before birth.
"For an embalmer, infections of the digestive system can lead to several problems, such as (choose all the correct answers)."
dehydration rapid blood coagulation rapid decomposition
________ is not infection but is long term chronic deterioration and destruction of lung tissue.
Trauma to the head may result into cerebral hemorrhage which are often categorized based on where they occur in relation to the meninges. The hemorrhage that occurs outside of the dura is called _____.
Match names of tumors with their description.
giloma - tumor involving the neuroglia chondroma - tumor of the cartilage papilloma - tumor of the epithemlium in the skin and mucous adenoma - tumor of the glandular epithelium leiomyoma - tumors of smooth muscles angioma - tumor of the vessels
Signs of inflammation are. Select all correct answers.
heat pain swelling No - sweating No - fast breathing
Heredity bleeding disorder is called [x] while decreased number of platelets is called [y].
hemophilia, thrombocytopenia
Formation of varicose veins in the rectal are is called __________.
Which one of the following is not a cause of cellular injury?
Match terms with their definitions.
hyperplasia - an increase in the number of cells amyloid degenration - present in Alzheimer's disease Atrophy - shrinkage of the cells hypertrophy - an increase in the size of cells metaplasia - regeneration of the cells after injury
Underdevelopment of kidney is called ______.
A disease that results from a physician's treatment of a patient.
Which one of the following is characterized by cellular swelling, changes in nature of cellular proteins, and the breakdown of cellular organelles in dead cells?
When the outer sac around the heart is inflammed, it is called ____.
_______ is the inflammation of throat.
Inflammation of the veins is called
Match the terms with their description.
pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal passage pleuripsy - inflammation of pleura sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
_______ is a form of papilloma that grown with a stem from the underlying tissue.
Match the terms with their description.
pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney pyelitis - inflammation of kiney pelvis nephrolithiasis - kidney stones Glomerulonephritis - inflammation of glomeruli
This term describe the replacement of damaged tissue with identical tissue.
Nevus or melanoma is a cancer of .
Main function of respiratory system is ______.
transport gases
Are the veins that become dilated and tortuous.
Match terms with their description or definition.
Epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis eclampsia - "results in convulsions, coma, and even death during pregnancy" oophoritis - inflammation of the ovaries prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland uteitis - inflammation of the uterus
_____ is surgical removal of a breast.
"In this condition, bones become porous, brittle, and have tendency to break easily. What is ?"
Refers to the prediction of the probable outcome of a disease.
_____ is the infection of nervous system that results from animal bites such as dogs and raccoons.
"Endometrial tissue is the tissue present in the lining of uterus but when it is found elsewhere it cause problems such a pain, swelling and bleeding. This condition is called ______."
Match terms with their definitions.
ulcer - localized area of necrosis on the skin or mucous membrane abscess - an area of pus surrounded by a wall of tissue vesicle - an elevation on the skin with fluid furuncle - an abscess in the deeper layer of the skin pustule - an elevation on the skin with pus