FTCE Reading K-12 Sample Questions
KWL Chart
(Know, Want to know, Learned) A strategy to guide reading and inquiry: Before—what do I already know? What do I want to know? After—what have I learned?
realistic fiction
A story using made-up characters that could happen in real life.
historical fiction
A type of realistic fiction that takes place in a particular time period in the past. Often the setting is real, but the characters are made up from the author's imagination.
Specially Designed Instruction
Adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability
what are the Assessment tools for the purpose of evaluating expertise
1. research papers, 2. formal presentations, 3. formal debates
Criterion for selecting multicultural literature
1.treatment of issues 2. authentic dialogue 3. cultural accuracy
Believed language was innate; developmental theorist
narrative nonfiction
Factual information presented in a format which tells a story
Known for "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
Tier 3 Vocabulary
Low Frequency/ Context Specific Vocabulary.
Question-answer relationship; readers learn how to answer questions, delineate between explicit and implicit information, and draw on background knowledge: "right there," "think and search," "author and you," and "on your own" questions.
Reader Response Theory
Refers to the sound relationship between the orthography (symbols) and phonology (sounds) of a language. (using pics)
Which adaptation of the basal reading program is the most efficient for struggling readers?
Repeated readings
Informal Reading Inventory
Series of increasingly difficult reading passages followed by comprehension checks/ questions. Formative assessments used to determine reading levels (independent, instructional, frustration).
Analytical phonics
Sounds are not taught in isolation but rather in familiar chunks. Students are taught to read words by focusing on onsets and rimes. Students are taught to read the word trip as /tr/-/ip/ and slip as /sl/-/ip/.
literacy skills
Specific knowledge needed for reading and writing, including phonemic/phonological awareness; print concepts; decoding; word analysis; sight-word recognition; and spelling, punctuation, or other language conventions.
problem and solution
Tells about a problem (and sometimes says why there is a problem) then gives one or more possible solutions.
Phonemic Awareness
The ability to hear, identify,and manipulate the individual sounds, phonemes, in oral language.
phonics approach
The idea that reading instruction should teach the basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.
Tier 1 Vocabulary Words
Tier consists of the most basic words. These words typically do not have multiple meanings. Sight words, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and early reading words (book, girl, sad, run, dog, and orange)
Tier 2 Vocabulary Words
Tier consists of words important for reading comprehension, mature language users, contain multiple meanings,Increased descriptive vocabulary. (ex. masterpiece, fortunate, measure)
To test or examine for the presence of something (as a learning disability)
social constructivist
Vygotsky - emphasis on collaboration with others to produce knowledge and understanding
a study method incorporating five steps: Survey, Question, Read, Retrieve, Review
role play
an effective way for a teacher of ELL to integrate speaking and listening into the classroom
Language Experience Approach
approach to writing instruction from personal experience; stories about personal experiences are written by teacher and read together until learner associates written form of word with spoken
Partial Alphabetic Phase
children know some letters and letter-sound associations and can use them along with context clues
collecting learning samples over time todocument change
What is the most effective strategy to assist a middle schooler struggling with high-frequency words?
create an individual word bank
A teacher working with diverse learners in the emergent stage of literacy development should
develop student's oral and academic vocablary knowledge
Pre-alphabetic phase
don't understand phoneme / letter correspondence, memorize visual features (word stop in stop sign)
full alphabetic phase
good understanding of connection between graphemes and phonemes, can decode letter by letter and spell phonetically.
identification of a problem
contextual analysis
infer or predict meaning of words from context in which they appear
informal reading inventory
key factors that are affected by some other variables
Lev Vygotsky
most famous for social development theory (of child cognitive development) information intensive learning environment with students collaborating on a variety of assignments and teacher roaming to help individuals and students
A biography is the best example of
narrative nonfiction
relating to the words or vocabulary of a language
What is the best way to determine reading instructional groups in a classroom with students who have a wide range of skills and abilities>
review state reading scores and then administer an IRI
consolidated alphabetic phase
tend to see words as whole units and use decoding skills in unison to decode unfamiliar words
Reader Response Theory
the belief that responsibility for constructing textual meaning resides primarily with the reader and depends to a great extent on the reader's prior knowledge and experience
Structural Analysis
the process of using familiar word parts (base words, prefixes, and suffixes) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
the set of rules by which we derive meaning from morphemes, words, and sentences in a given language; also, the study of meaning
syntactic working system
the strategy of using the grammatical structure of whole sentences to figure out meaning
data-based grouping
using observational notes to monitor student's strengths and needs in order to provide differentiated instruction and flexible grouping
A reading Teacher is reviewing a recently published book about a new approach to improving reading comprehension. What approach should the teacher look for when evaluating the reported success of this approach?
whether the results of the research the author condusted on the approach are reliable and valid