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Space-time Compression

Brings humans in distant places closer together by reducing the perceived distance but not the actual distance on the earth

Who tried to develop Florida through the importation of immigrants for labor?


Neutrality Acts 1934-1939

A series of acts aimed at prohibiting and thereby preventing aid to any belligerent nation through arms or cash.

Intolerable Acts

A series of acts passed by the British as a result of the Boston Tea Party.

Amendment 10

This amendment states that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution shall be reserved for the states, or the people.

Amendment 5

This amendment states that the government must provide due process before punishing a person. Right against self-incrimination.

Amendment 20

"Lame-Duck" Amendment (A person still in office after he or she has lost a bid for reelection)

Desiderius Erasmus

(1466-1536) was a Dutch humanist who was very critical of the Catholic Church but was equally conflicted with Luther's Protestant Reformation.

Vasco de Gama

A Portuguese sailor who was the first European to sail around southern Africa to the Indian Ocean

Titian (1479-1576)

A Renaissance painter in Venice, used vivid color and movement. Known for "Assumption of the Virgin," among others.


A long, narrow coastal valley between tall, rocky cliffs, gouged out by a glacier and flooded by the sea.

Amendment 12

Changes in manner of electing president and vice president; procedure when no presidential candidate receives electoral majority

Constitutional responsibilities of Executive Branch

Commander in Chief Negotiates treaties Appoints ambassadors,judges and other high officials Grants pardons and reprieves for those convicted of federal crimes seeks counsel of department heads recommends legislation meets with representative of foreign states see that the laws are faithfully executed

George Washington

Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution

Roman Catholic Church during the Renaissance

Commissioned artists to decorate buildings Punished scientists such as Galileo when findings challenged church doctrine

The research method which involves a social scientist living among and interacting with the people being studied is known as A. strategic engagement B. experimentation C. content analysis D. participant observation

D. participant observation

Article VI

Establishes the Constitution and the federal law as the supreme law of the land, and that state law must yield to federal law.

Study of Economics

How government policies regulate distribution of products and how they can control and/or influence the economy as a whole.

Study of History

How historical events have shaped the political thought and process

Cultural Diffusion

How ideas, innovation, and ideology spread from one area to another


How things remain the same.

Collective bargaining agreement

How unions negotiate wages between the worker and the employer

The concept of culture includes all of the following EXCEPT A. personal values B. religious beliefs C. styles of dress D. individual intelligence

D. individual intelligence


a policy of non-interventionist policy in terms of military intervention combined with a political policy of protectionism.


a political system in which laws and traditons put limits on the powers of government.

U.S. Government's federal system

consists of three parts, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary

Bicameral legislature

consists of two houses

colonial societies in the 18th century

farming, urban seaport, frontier, plantation

Amendment 15

This amendment states that all U.S. citizens shall not be denied the right to vote, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Amendment 8

This amendment states that excessive bails or fines cannot be imposed upon individuals and that cruel and unusual punishments cannot be imposed

4th Amendment

protection from unreasonable search and seizure.


the changing focus during the Renaissance when artists and scholars were less concerend with religion but centered their efforts on a better understanding of people and the world

henry cabot

republican from Massachusetts Led the fight in the Senate opposing American entry into the League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles


the world religion which includes the caste system, in which people were born into castes.

August, 1861

start of the Civil War


the "father of anatomy" as a result of his work on the human anatomy based on dissections of human cadavers.


the "father of political science" because of his development of systems of political order the true development, a scientific system to study justice and political order. (384-322 B.C.)

What mountains affects Mississippi river

the Appalachian Mountains to the east and the Rocky Mountains to the west


the abolishing of something, the doing away with


the belief that government should stay out of economic affairs

Manifest Destiny

the belief that the United States should control all of North America.

What did Bill of Rights Protect

to protect those rights against infringement by the government, from being stripped of their unalienable rights


voters that are "right of center"


voters who stand to the left of center


voters who teeter onthe line of political centralite or drift slightly to the left or right


led the Age of Exploration that began in the 1400s

Political Orientations: Libertarian

limiting the role of government to the defense of the country and supporting social and economic freedom.

Executive branch

limits the legislature by power of veto over bills and appointments in the court system

Judicial branch

limits the power of the legislature by judicial review and the ability to rule laws unconstitutional; it may also order executive orders unconstitutional.

League of Nations


Amendment 2

This amendment provides for the peoples' right to bear arms

Maps as a rule are

all subject to some sort of distortion


has been a leader in local government reform.


narrow stretch of land connecting two larger land areas


narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water


nation seeks to avoid beign drawn into a war that is not related to their own territorial defense


native peoples of Lesser Antilles, West Idnies, who drove out the Arawaks in the late 1300s.

8th Amendment

no excessive bail, no cruel or unusual punishment

5th Amendment

no individual is required to testify against himself, and no one may be tried twice for the same crime.


the placing of great importance and devotion to the exploring of the intellect


the process of the state taking over industries and businesses


the purchase of goods or servies n one market for immediate resale on another market


the refusal to buy goods or services

New Jersey Plan

the smaller states, which countered the Virginia Plan

Communist system

the state controls the means of production as opposed to a capitalist system

4 Main Theories: Evolutionary

the state evolved from the family, with the head of state the equivalent of the family's patriarch or matriarch.

when could blacks vote

1870 the 15 amendment

when could women vote

1920 the 19 amendment


27 books


Calculated the value of pi


Code of Hammurabi

Political Geography

Deals with effect of geography on politics

John Adams

Federalist who became president in 1796


Germanic term for empire


Government by the wealthy

Lares and Penates

Household gods who were believed to protect the home

Paleolithic Period

Improvised shelters (caves) and used crude tools

Longitude and latitude are examples of which theme of geography?



National council for the social studies

The Townshend Acts of 1767

Taxed the colonists

Adam Smith

The "father" of modern economics is considered by most economists


The basic alterations in things, events, and ideas.

Dred Scott v. Sanford

The case that ruled that slaves were property and could not sue

Thomas Jefferson

Third president; principal author of the Declaration of Independence

Amendment 16

This amendment allows the Congress to income tax

Earliest Civilzations

Ubaid, Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylon

Mesolithic Period

Tools were improved into axes, spears, bow/arrow, boats, and baskets.

Nile River

flows north


gaining freedom from an oppressor


"Cradle of civilization," around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East; created a system of government and learned to write

Patrick Henry

"Give me liberty or give me death!!!!!!!!!"

Hume and Bentham

"Have the greatest happiness of the greatest number". Hume also believed in empiricism (ideas should not be believed until proof has been observed). He was a natural skeptic, and always sought the truth of matters himself rather than believing what he was told.

Pax Mongolica

"Mongol Peace" from mid-1200's through mid-1300's imposed stability and law and order across Eurasia. Guaranteed safe passage for trade caravans, travelers, and missionaries from one end of empire to other.


"Rebirth" Rekindling of interest in Greek and Rome in the 16th century in Italy (Florence)

Homo erectus

"Upright man." A species within the genus Homo first appearing just after 2 million years ago in Africa and ultimately spreading throughout the Old World. Learn how control fire, cook food and made tools

Democratic or Jeffersonian Republicans

"strict constructionist" approach interpreting the Constitution in a narrow, limited sense. sympathetic to the needs of the common man and distrustful of a strong powerful centralized government. (Thomas Jefferson)


(1200-1521) 1300, they settled in the valley of Mexico. Grew corn. Engaged in frequent warfare to conquer others of the region. Worshiped many gods (polytheistic). Believed the sun god needed human blood to continue his journeys across the sky. Practiced human sacrifices and those sacrificed were captured warriors from other tribes and those who volunteered for the honor.


(1300-1536) most famous Andean civilization. elaborate systems of transport, polytheistic religion, and large cities, such as Cuzco, capital

John Cabot

(1450-1498) the English explorer who gave England its claim to North America

Abraham Lincoln

(1860) Was elected President of the United States without winning a single Southern state in 1860, which precipitated the Civil War.

Huldreich Zwingli

(1484-1531) was the first to spread the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland around 1519

Thomas Munzer

(1489-1525) a German Protestant reformer whose radical and revolutionary ideas about God's will to overthrow the ruling classes and his siding with the peasantry got him beheaded.

Francois Rabelais

(1490-1553) a French writer and physician who was both a practicing monk (1st Francisncan then later Benedictine) and a respected humanist thinker of the Renaissance.

John Calvin

(1509-1564) Considered to be the most important figure in the spread of Protestantism across Switzerland

Michel de Montaigne

(1533-1592) a French essayist from a mixed background, half-Catholic and hafl-Jewish, did write some about the dangers of absolute powers and later examined himself in an effort to make inquiries into humankind and nature.

Sir Walter Raleigh

(1554-1618) an English explorer and navigator who was sent to the New World in search of riches. He founded the lost colony at Roanoke, VA, and was later imprisoned for a supposed plot to kill the King for which he was later released.

Sir Francis Bacon

(1561-1626) was an English philosopher and writer who pushed the idea that knowledge msut come from thorough scientific knowledge and experiment and insufficient data must not be used in reaching conclusions.

Marbury v. Madison

(1803) Marbury was a midnight appointee of the Adams administration and sued Madison for commission. Chief Justice Marshall said the law that gave the courts the power to rule over this issue was unconstitutional. Established judicial review

Treaty of Ghent

(1814) This treaty ended the War of 1812 between the United States and England; beginning point of the antebellum era.

Karl Marx

(1818-1883) German political and economic philosopher who is generally regarded as the founder of modern socialism and communism, believed that capitalism was not fixable and was the pretense for the rise of revolutionary socialism and communism.

The Monroe Doctrine

(1823) The United States would not become involved in the affairs of European countries nor would it tolerate further colonization of the Western Hemisphere by European nations.

Texas War for Independence

(1835 - 1836) The Battle of San Jacinto concluded the war between the American settlers and Mexico and resulted in the creation of the Republic of Texas

The U.S.-Mexican War

(1846 - 1848) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the U.S.-Mexican War; The United States gained more than 500,000 square miles of valuable territory (included California, Nevada, and Utah as well as parts of the modern states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming).

The California Gold Rush

(1848) Brought people from around the world in search of gold

The Republican Party

(1854) Was founded and based on the principle that slavery was evil; Introduced Abraham Lincoln as its Presidential candidate for the 1860 election

Max Weber

(1864-1920) German sociologist most concerned with examining social and environmental roles in the rise of capitalism, such as the ideals of religion (Calvinism) and its influence on economics (capitalism).

Franco-Prussian War

(1870 - 1871) Was a conflict between the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia. The complete Prussian and German victory brought about the final unification of Germany under King Wilhelm I of Prussia.

John Keynes

(1883-1946) advocated an economic system in which government regulations and spending on public works (check and balances) would stimulate the economy and lead to full employment and prosperity. He was a firm believer in capitalism, but in a less classical sense.

Roe v. Wade

(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy

Helsinki Accords

(1975) declaration that attempted to improve relations between the Communist bloc and the West; seen as a large step toward reducing Cold War Tension

Old Kingdom

(2650 BC - 2134 BC) Organized a strong central state, with absolute rulers that were considered gods. Pyramids of Giza were built.

Tang Dynasty

(618-907 CE) The Chinese dynasty that was much like the Han, who used Confucianism. This dynasty had the equal-field system, a bureaucracy based on merit, and a Confucian education system.

Song Dynasty

(960-1279 CE) The Chinese dynasty that placed much more emphasis on civil administration, industry, education, and arts other than military. Population doubled, lived mostly in the South

Truman Doctrine

(HT) , 1947, President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology, mainly helped Greece and Turkey

Amendment 22

(Presidential Term Limits) Limits the president to two terms or a maximum of ten years

Andrew Jackson (D) v. John Quincy Adams (R)

(R) represented merchants, bankers, and some large planters


- "the most scientific of the humanities, and the most humanistic of the sciences" - from human origins to contemporary life; all facets of society and culture, including tools, techniques, traditions, language, beliefs, kinships, values, social institutions, economic mechanisms, cravings for beauty/art, and struggles for prestige - impacts of humans on other humans - four major fields 1. archaeological anthropology 2. biological anthropology 3. linguistic anthropology 4. sociocultural anthropology

What are the only areas not defined by state or national sovereignty?

- Antarctica - Portions of the world's water bodies

Characteristics of vertical climate?

- At the foot of the mountain, a hot & rainy climate, with the cultivation of many lowland crops - As one climbs higher, the air becomes cooler, the climate changes sharply, and different economic activities change, such as grazing sheep & growing corn - At the top of many mountains, snow may be found year-round

Characteristics of steppe or prairie climates?

- Cold winters - Hot summers - 10 - 20 inches of rainfall a year (spring or summer)

Characteristics of humid continental climates?

- Cold winters - Hot summers - Enough rainfall to grow a variety of crops

Mediterranean climate?

- Considered "sunny" lands and are found in 6 areas of the world. - Summers are hot and dry with mild winters - Growing season usually lasts all year - Rainfalls are during the winter months

Individuals and societies have divided the Earth's surface through conflict for a number of reasons:

- Domination fo peoples or societies (colonialism) - Control of valuable resources (oil) - Control of strategic routes (Panama Canal)

Tropical rainforest

- Found in equatorial lowlands - Hot & wet - Sun, extreme heat, and rain everyday

Deserts found in the steppe or prairie climates?

- Gobi Desert of Asia - Central & Western Australia - Southwestern U.S. - Small deserts in Pakistan & Argentina - Africa south of the Equator

Two Types of International Organizations

- Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) - Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

Where are the humid subtropical climates located?

- Land is on the eastern coasts of their continents

Where are the Mediterranean climates located?

- Located between 30 and 40 degress North & South latitude - Land is on the western coasts

Special research methods used by geographers include ....

- Mapping - Interviewing - Field studies - Mathematics - Statistics - Scientific instruments

Climates found in middle latitudes

- Mediterranean - Humid-subtrpical - Humid-continental - Marine - Steppe - Desert

Information gathered in studying climate....

- Monthly and yearly temperatures - Monthly and yearly amounts of precipitation - Length of area's growing season

Characteristics of marine climates?

- Near or surrounded by water - Ocean winds are wet & warm, bringing a mild rainly climate - In the summer, the daily temperatures average at or below 70 degrees - During the winter, the temperatures rarely fall below freezing

The Tundra climate is found in what 3 areas of the world?

- Northern Russia - Northern Europe - Northern Canada

Market Structures

- Perfect competition - Monopoly - Monopolistic competition - Oligopoly

Alliances are developed among nations based on what?

- Political philosophy - Economic concerns - Cultural similarities - Religious interests - Military defense

Climates found in low latitudes

- Rainforest - Savanna - Desert

The Taiga climate?

- The northern forest region - Located south of the Tundra - Winter temperatures are colder than the Tundra - Summer temperatures are hotter than the Tundra

What two major climates are found in the high latitudes?

- Tundra - Taiga

Characteristics of humid subtropical climates?

- Warm ocean currents - Long, warm summers - Short, mild winters - Long growing season allow for different crops to be grown several times a year - Supports more people than any other climate

Characteristics of the Tundra climate?

- Winters are extremely cold and long - The ground is frozen most of the year, and it becomes mushy during the short summer months - Less snow falls in the Tundra than in the eastern part of the U.S. - Few people live there - No crops can be raised

Social Science

- a collection of disciplines that concern themselves with and study human aspects of the world and draw upon empirical, quantitative, and qualitative methods to understand it - each borrows from one another


- branch of political science - examines civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizenship - focuses on the role of citizens in a government


- common identity for groups of humans - feelings of pride in and devotion to one's country - could mean the desire of a people to control their own government, free from foreign interference or rule


- derived from "historia" (Greek), means "information" or "an inquiry designed to elicit truth" - study of political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of the past through the sue of material, oral, and written sources - difference avenues of study: class, gender, race, etc.

The World in Spatial Terms

- element #1 of geography - maps relationships between people, places, and environments by structuring the knowledge of them into real and mental maps and then conducting a spatial analysis of that information

Places and Regions

- element #2 of geography - basic units of geography - physical/human characteristics examined to understand how places work - trace peoples' perceptions of areas, how people create their own mental regions that come from their own views of the world, and how these perceptions or biases are created and organized.

Physical Systems

- element #3 of geography - physical processes shape Earth's surface and interact with plant and animal life to create, sustain, and modify ecosystems - looks at environmental phenomena and the interaction through ecosystems, renewable resources, and the water cycle

Human Systems

- element #4 of geography - looks at characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations - tries to find patters - in culture, economic interdependence, human settlement, conflict, and cooperation - and how these influence people's relationship with each other and the earth.

Environment and Society

- element #5 of geography - humans modify the earth's environment through their actions. such actions happen largely as a consequence of the way people value or devalue the earth's resources

The Uses of Geography

- element #6 of geography - informs people about the relationships they have between place and environments over time - explores how humans modify they physical environment, how physical systems affect human systems, and how the changes occur in the meaning, use, distribution, and importance of resources

Political Systems

- ex. like monarchies, dictatorships, and democracies - all address certain basic questions like: what should a government have the power to do? what should a government not have the power to do? - also provides for ways that parts of that system interrelate and combine to perform specific functions of government

Teaching Facts, Concepts, and Generalization

- facts, concepts, and generalizations all rely on eachother - generalizations organize and summarize information obtained from an analysis of facts - two ways to teach: inductive/discovery approach, and deductive/expository approach

Deductive/Expository Approach

- given hypothesis or generalization and have to find evidence to support it - concepts are clarified - teacher explains how to verify the generalization - then the students create/find new generalizations

Inductive/Discovery Approach

- given materials - examine key points and discuss the data and the patterns, similarities, difference that they find - then draw conclusions, summarize findings, infer generalizations from it

Inquiry Teaching

- having students ask and answer key questions - identify issue; propose hypothesis; locate, collect, organize data; evaluate; interpret and analyze - use collaborative, substantive, and reflective discussions - cooperative learning structures - engage in problem solving and decision making - use case studies - use storypath method - use spatial dynamics in the classroom - webquests - virtual museums

Collaborative Processes

- having students work together to solve a problem, present an idea, or develop a project are skills that are helpful in a democracy. - can help students retain information better and teaches them how to work with others - use cross-age or cross-ability pairings: sometimes the best way for students to learn something is to have to teach it

Thematic Strands of Social Science

- http://www.socialstudies.org/standards/strands#I 1. Culture 2. Time, continuity, and change 3. People, places, and environments 4, Individuals, groups, and institutions 5. Power, authority, and governance 6. Production, distribution, and consumption 7. Science, technology, and society 8. Global connections 9. Civic ideals and practices


- information graphics - graphic visual representation of information, data, or knowledge - present complex information quickly and compactly (eg. subway map)


- is abstract - a product gleaned from analysis and a synthesis of facts and experiences, rather than simple, straights-forward definition that can be memorized - dynamic constructs; can expand with students

Arts and Ideas

- often used by societies to covey beliefs, identity, and philosophical ideas - unite and motivate societies and may reflect conflict, or good attributes, and can define and divide a society

Geography and Environment

- people's attempts to modify their environment and adapt both themselves and the environment to meet their needs shapes the course of human history - impacts their political, cultural, economic, social, and religious beliefs and the way they organize themselves

Needs and Wants

- refers to the often confused goods and services that are essential such as food, clothing, and shelter that people need to survive, versus the good and services that people would like to have to improve their lives, like education, fancy clothing, health care, gym memberships, and entertainment

Belief Systems

- religious, political, and philosophical systems - helped organize societies/shaped the way they act/react to internal/external situations - explore how religious beliefs (for ex.) have informed art, war, legal systems, and have shaped political, cultural, and social identites


- scientific and systematic study of mental processes and/or behavior - study directly observable behavior (talking, eating, acting in a certain way) and things not readily observed (dreams, thinking, emotions, physiology) - variety of subfields including clinical, counseling, school, industrial-organizational, experimental, social, developmental, and psychometric


- state/condition of being a certain thing - central role in history (cultural, social, political) - constructed internally and externally - perception of self and nation, plays a significant part in the formation and interpretation of history

Develop Metacognition

- students need to be taught how to think about thinking and to become aware and to control their cognitive processes and then to take that thinking to the next level: critical thinking - share and model self-monitoring processes - clarify why particular strata are helpful/useful/appropriate


- studies how people choose to use limited or scarce resources to obtain maximum satisfaction of unlimited wants - production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services - macro: economy as as whole - micro: individual parts


- study of earth's surface - climate, topography, vegetation, and population - spatial discipline; how space is organized - four main branches 1. human geography 2. physical geography 3. regional geography 4. topical/systematic geography


- study of human interaction, specifically how groups influence individual values, norms, and sanctions - range of human interaction -> two people to nations to corporations - especially interested in customs, traditions, and values that emerge from group experience and in the way the groups are affects by the customs, traditions, and values - tend to draw heavily from anthropology and psychology

Political Science

- study of the principles of government, the manner in which government conducts itself, how we identify ourselves as citizens of a particular nation, how we participate in our political structure and how it affects us - reveal relationships underlying political events and conditions


- the ability of people to compel or influence the actions of others - "legitimate power is called authority"


- the complex pattern of political, economic, cultural, and social relationships that bind people to a society - establishment of social classes affects not only the customs and norms of a society but also the way it organizes itself politically, militarily, and economically


- the voluntary and involuntary transport of peoples, goods, and ideas from one place to another - has transformed and defined empires and nations altering the social, political, and cultural landscape

Economic Systems

- the way society allocates available resources and creates new ones shape the development of economic systems - simple bartering system to global capitalism - development, exchange, and expansion of goods, markets, products, and ideas influence historical events both within and between societies

Civil Values

- those principles that serve as the foundation for our democratic form of government - include justice, honesty, self-discipline, due process, equality, majority rule with respect for minority rights, respect for self, others, and property

Economic powers (Legislative branch)

- to lay and collect taxes -to borrow money -to regulate foreign and interstae commerce to coin money and regulates its value -to establish rules concerning bankruptcy


- understanding, respecting others and oneself, and learning how to relate to those qualities and conditions that are different than our own - celebrates differentiation (kind/degree) within language, cognitive style, disability, gender, education, socioeconomic class, geographic background, language, physical appearance, religion, sexual orientation, and other human characteristics and traits

Discussion Formats

- use dialogue to facilitate a conversation - debates, seminars, colloquium, graphic organizers, etc.

Community-Based Instruction

- using real life situations and setting to explain a concept or enrich curriculum - field trips, field studies, mentoring/apprenticeships, service learning, etc.

Help Students to come up with their own Plan to use Metacognition to Ask/Answer these Questions

- what do I already know or understand about this subject, topic, or issue? - do I understand what I am supposed to know? - do I know where I can find some information to add to my knowledge? - how much time will it take me to learn this new knowledge? - what are some strategies and tactics that I can use to learn more about this? - do I understand what I just heard, read, or saw? - how will I know if I'm learning this new knowledge too quickly, too slowly, or just right? - how can I spot a mistake if I make one? - how should I revise my plan to learn this new knowledge if what I am doing isn't working?

Wars powers (Legislative Branch)

-to declare war -to raise and support armies -to provide and maintain a navy -to provide for organizing, arming, and calling forth the militia

Judicial powers (Legislaative Branch)

-to establish courts inferior to the Supreme Court -to provide punishment for counterfeiting -to define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas

Peace powers (Legislative Branch)

-to establish rules on naturalization -to establish post offices and post roads -to promote science and the arts by granting patents and copyrights -to exercise jurisdiction over the seat of the federal government (District of Columbia)

Missouri Compromise


Woodrow Wilson

..., 28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize


..., North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries

5 Themes of Geography

1) Location 2)Places 3) Human Environment Interaction 4) Movement 5) Regions

Hortensian Law

Allowed nobles and commoners to intermarry and permitted commoners to hold public offices

4 Areas of Physical Processes

1. Air (atmospheric) 2. Land (lithospheric) 3. Water (hydrospheric) 4. Animals (biospheric)

Four Noble Truths

1. All life involves suffering 2. Suffering is caused by desire 3. Desire can be overcome 4. Overcome desire by following the eightfold path

What were the "slave codes" established by the colonies in the 18th century?

1. All non-whites or dark-skinned people were slaves 2. Their condition was permanent 3. Slavery was legal in British North America


1. Belief in benefits of profitable trading (commercialism) 2. Colonies exist for benefit of mother country and are useless unless they help to achieve profit

Three Jewels of Buddhism

1. Buddha is the model of what humans should be 2. overarching Buddhist worldview and way of life 3. community of Buddhist nuns and monks

Cultural Impact of Conquests on America

1. Christianity spread throughout Americas (converting Native American pops, setting up schools, blending Christian and traditional beliefs) 2. Catholic Church became dominant in many colonial regions 3. Animals from Europe changed both transportation and food sources 4. New plants and crops exchanged

Powers Reserved for the State government

1. Conduct and monitor elections 2. Establish voter qualifications within the guidelines established by the Constitution 3.Provide for local 4. Ratify proposed amendments to the Constitution 5. Regulate contracts and wills 6. Regulate intrastate commerce 7. Provide for education for its citizens 8. Levy direct taxes 9. Maintain police power over public health and safety 10. Maintain integrity of state borders

Economic results of the Industrial Revolution

1. Conflict between free trade and low tariffs and protectionism 2. Issue of free enterprise against govt. regulation 3. Struggles between labor and capital inc trade-union movement 4. Rise of socialism 5. Rise of the utopians socialists 6. Rise of Marxian or "scientific socialism"

3 Standards of Equity

1. Contributory Standard: people entitled to a share of goods and services based on what they contribute to society 2. Needs Standard: goods and services are distributed based on the needs of different households 3. Equality Standard: entitled to an equal share of goods and services because he or she is a human being

Conditions that led to the Renaissance

1. Crusades/ Trade Routes = more contact 2. Church lost power 3. Scholarly Competition 4. More desire for goods

3 Major Effects of Federalism on Public Policy

1. Determining whether the local, state, or national government originates policy 2. Affecting how policies are made. 3. Ensuring policy-making functions under a set of limitations.

4 Major Purposes of Government

1. Ensuring national security: protect from domestic ,international and terrorist attacks through negotiating and establishing relations with other nations. 2. Providing Public Service: "promote the general welfare", by providing what is needed by citizens 3. Ensuring Social Order: laws to govern nation/city/state, and solutions to conflicts for citizens. 4. Make decisions regarding the economy: laws to form economic policy domestically and internationally. Also has ability to distribute goods and wealth among itscitizens.

Results of the French Revolution

1. Establishment of the First Republic in a series of French Republics

4 Main Theories for the Origin of the State

1. Evolutionary 2. Force 3. Divine Right 4. Social Contract

Two type of Fiscal Policies

1. Expansionary Fiscal Policy: Gov. spending increases/ taxes decrease to increase spending. 2. Contractionary Fiscal Policy: Gov. spending decrease/ taxes increase to decrease spending

Powers Delegated to the National Government

1. Expressed powers: Powers granted by Constitution. Power to declare war, regulate commerce, make money, and collect taxes. 2. Implied Powers: powers gov't must have in order to carry out the expressed powers. 3. Inherent Powers: Powers inherent to any government, but not expressly defined in Constitution.

6 Major Principles of the US Government

1. Federalism 2. Popular Sovereignty 3. Separation of Powers 4. Judicial Review 5. Checks and Balances 6. Limited Government

France's Approach to Colonization

1. Focused on North America (Quebec was the heart of the area) 2. Exploration was focused on the Great Lakes region and the valleys of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers 3. Interested in fur trading (mainly in around St. Lawrence and Mississippi River systems) 4. Had friendly relations with Indians 5. Economic systems in place were joint stock companies

Spain's Approach to Colonization

1. Focused primarily on South America, Central America, Mexico, and the American Southwest 2. King was source of all authority 3. Desired gold 4. Conversion of Native population because invaders were Catholic 5. Brutal treatment of those they conquered (decimated all facets of civilization they conquered and instilled parts of their own culture) 6. Slavery brought to Americas to replace decimated Native population

3 Types of Regions

1. Formal Regions (uniform regions) 2. Functional Regions (nodal regions) 3. Vernacular Regions

3 Types of regions

1. Formal regions (defined by actual political boundaries) 2. Functional regions (defined by a common function, such as the area covered by a telephone service) 3. Vernacular regions (defined areas that are formed by people's perception

Rome conquers Italy

1. Geography: peninsula with no mountain barriers 2. Sturdy army and superior military tactics 3. Disunity of their enemies 4. Imperialism 5. Disciplined family structure and powerful father 6. Superior form of government - the republic

How are state governments different from the federal government?

1. Governors are not technically commanders-in-chief but can call the National Guard into action 2. State supreme court decisions can be appealed to federal courts 3. Terms of state representatives and senators vary 4. Judgues, even of the state supreme courts, are elected by popular vote 5. Governors and legislators have term limits that vary by state.

7 wonders of the ancient world

1. Great pyramid of Egypt 2. Hanging gardens of Babylon 3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia 4. Temple of Artemis of Ephesus 5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 6. Colossus of Rhodes 7. Lighthouse of Alexandria

England's Approach to Colonization

1. Had interests in commercial capitalism 2. Colonists had more freedom from England

Human-Environmental Interaction - 3 main concepts

1. Humans adapt to the environment (wearing warm clothing in a cold climate) 2. Humans modify the environment (planting trees to block a prevailing wind) 3. Humans depend on the environment (for food, water, and raw materials)

Social results of the Industrial Revolution

1. Increased population, esp in industrial centers 2. Advances in science applied to ag, sanitation, & med 3. Growth of great cities 4. Disappearance of diff between city dwellers & farmers 5. Faster tempo of life; inc stress from work routine 6. Emancipation of women 7. Decline of religion 8. Rise of scientific materialism 9. Darwin's Theory of Evolution

The humid subtropical climate is found in what 6 areas of the world?

1. Japan 2. Mainland China 3. Australia 4. Africa 5. South America 6. Southeastern United States

Mediterranean climate is found in what 6 areas of the world?

1. Lands bordering the Meditterranean Sea 2. Small portion of southwestern Africa 3. Southern & southwestern Australia 4. Small part of the Ukraine near Black Sea 5. Central Chile 6. Southern California

Four reasons for the different climate regions on the Earth are differences in what?

1. Latitude 2. Amount of moisture 3. Temperatuares in land and water 4. Land surface

3 Branches of US Government

1. Legislative - Congress, House of Reps and Senate 2. Judicial - Federal Courts headed by The Supreme Court 3. Executive - President, Vice President, Presidential Advisors and other cabinet members.

4 Main Political Orientations

1. Liberal 2. Conservative 3. Moderate 4. Libertarian

5 Themes of Geography

1. Location 2. Places 3. Human-Environmental Interaction 4. Movement 5. Regions

What geographers study can be broken down into 6 themes.

1. Location (relative) 2. Location (absolute) 3. Place 4. Human-Environmental Interaction 5. Movement 6. Regions

How did American industrialization change after the Civil War?

1. Machines replaced hand labor 2. Railroad allowed for wider distribution 3. Invention of new products 4. Large amounts of money flowed in from bankers and investors for expansion of business operations 5. Cities became central -> mass population movements and tremendous growth 6. Huge fortunes for some and extreme poverty of others 7. Led to movements to control size and power of big businesses 8. Large number of blacks migrated from S to N 9. Increase military strength (US = world power)

three important British documents

1. Magna Carta(1215) 2. Petition of Right (1628) 3. Bill of Rights (1689) promote the principle of a limited government that resonated in the interests of the Founders

3 Ways Federalism Influences the Political Balance of Power in US

1. Making it difficult if not impossible for a single party to seize total power 2. Ensuring that individuals can participate in the political system at various levels. 3. Making it possible for individuals working within the system to be able to affect policy at some level, whether local or more widespread.

New England Colonies

1. Massachusetts 2. Rhode Island 3. Connecticut 4. New Hampshire 5. Maine - Ahead of the other colonies educationally and enjoyed widespread literacy - Developed a prosperous economy based on fishing, small farming, home industry, trade, and large ship building industry

Forms of Local Government

1. Mayor-council form (mayor and city-council) 2. Council-manager form 3. Commission form

4 Major Issues That led to Colonization

1. Mercantilism 2. Rivalry of 3 major nations (England, France, Spain) that dictated and greatly influenced nature and development of each of the colonies 3. Geography 4. Native population in areas

Three Rules to Become President

1. Natural born citizen of the US 2. Reside in US for at least 14 years 3. Minimum of 35 years old

North American Colonies

1. New England 2. Middle Atlantic 3. Southern

Process for Choosing Political Candidate

1. Nominating Conventions 2. Caucuses 3. Primary Elections 4. Petitions

Southern Colonies

1. North Carolina 2. South Carolina 3. Georgia 4. Virginia (Chesapeake Colony) 5. Maryland (Chesapeake Colony)

The humid continental (climate of four seasons) is found in what 4 areas of the world?

1. Northern & central United States 2. South central & southeastern Canada 3. Western & Southeastern parts of Russia 4. Northern China

The Taiga climate is found in what 6 areas of the world?

1. Northern parts of Russia 2. Sweden 3. Norway 4. Finland 5. Canada 6. Alaska

Basic Beliefs of Judaism

1. One and only one God 2. God is ultimate authority 3. Life is holy 4. Torah is the guide and the word of God 5. Group worship and prayer are a must 6. Sense of collective purpose and responsibility

3 Types of Monetary Policies

1. Open market operations: Buying or selling of gov. bonds to influence the amount of reserves in the banking system and the baking system's ability to extend credit and create money 2. Reserve Ratio: the Feds can set legal reserve ratio to both members and non-members of the bank and the purpose is to influence the level of excess reserves in the banking system 3. Discount Rate: the Feds can change the discount rate which can influence the amount member banks try to borrow.

Asian Empires

1. Ottoman Empire 2. Mongol Empire 3. Ming Dynasty

Stone Age

1. Paleolithic 2. Mesolithic period 3. Neolithic

3 periods of prehistory

1. Paleolithic (old Stone Age) 2. Mesolithic (middle Stone Age) 3. Neolithic (New Stone Age/Agricultural Revolution)

Duties of a US Citizen

1. Pay taxes 2. Loyalty to government (US won't prosecute those who criticize or seek change). 3. Support and defend the Constitution 4. Serve in the armed forces as required by law. 5. Obeying laws as set forth by various levels of government.

Middle Atlantic Colonies

1. Pennsylvania 2. Delaware 3. New York 4. New Jersey

Economic Principles

1. People choose 2. People's choices involve costs 3. People resound to incentives in predictable ways 4. People create economic systems that influence individual choices and incentives 5. People gain when they trade voluntarily 6. People's choirs have consequences that lie in the future

7 Processes Shape Earth's Landforms

1. Plate Tectonics 2. Weathering 3. Erosion 4. Transportation 5. Freezing and Thawing 6. Gravity 7. Deposition

7 Natural Processes That Change the Earth

1. Plate Tectonics 2. Weathering 3. Transportation 4. Erosion 5. Freezing and Thawing 6. Gravity 7. Depostion

Economic Impact of Conquests in America

1. Rapid economic growth; increase in business and trading 2. Vast amounts of gold and silver taken and brought back to Europe and across the globe 3. Prices of goods rose due to inflation and mercantilist econ. policies 4. Capitalism emerges as dominant economic system

Party Functions and Determination of Nominations for Elections.

1. Recruit and back candidates for office. 2. Discuss carious issues with the public, increasing awareness. 3. Working toward compromise on difficult issues 4. Staffing government offices and providing administrative support.

4 Groups of Geographical Studies

1. Regional 2. Topical 3. Physical 4. Human

Powers Reserved for the Federal Government

1. Regulate foreign commerce 2. Regulate interstate commerce 3. Mint Money 4. Regulate naturalization and immigration 5. Grant copyrights and patents 6. Declare and wage war and declare peace 7. Admit new states 8. Fix standards for weights and measures 9. Raise and maintain an army and a navy 10. Govern Washington, D.C. 11. conduct relations with foreign powers 12. Universalize bankruptcy laws

6 Results of the Reformation

1. Religious freedom 2. Religious tolerance 3. More opportunities for education 4. Power and control of rulers limited 5. Increase in religious wars 6. Increase in fanaticism and persecution

Causes of the French Revolution

1. Revolt of the middle and lower classes against political and economic rulers 2. Extreme taxation 3. Inflation 4. Lack of food 5. Disregard for very poor living standards

Social Impact of Conquests on America

1. Rising middle class benefited from new economic and social opportunities 2. Power and wealth concentrated in hands of few white people of European descent 3. Strict economic and social hierarchy developed 4. Foundation laid for future economic and social issues to develop 5. African slavery came to New World 6. Native American populations greatly decimated (2-20 million killed from disease, war, malnutrition, or forced labor) 7. Blending of indigenous populations with Europeans and Africans resulted in new cultural and racial groups and blending of cultures

3 Types of Colonies

1. Royal Colony 2. Proprietary Colony 3. Corporate Colony

Agents of Erosion

1. Streams (running water) 2. Glaciers (moving ice) 3. Wave Action (most potent) 4. Wind 5. Mass Movement

Powers shared by State and Fed govt

1. Taxing, borrowing, and spending $ 2. Controlling the militia 3. Acting directly on individuals

Powers Shared by State and Federal Governments (The Concurrent Powers)

1. Taxing, borrowing, and spending money 2. Controlling the militia 3. Acting directly on individuals

What are the two most significant differences between the 1905 and 1917 revolutions?

1. The formation of political parties and their use of propaganda 2. the support of the military and some of the nobles in 1917

3 Factors that determine the elasticity of responses to price change

1. The number of alternatives 2. Time 3. Amount of income required

Essential Elements of Geography

1. The world in spatial terms (location) 2. Places and regions (specific places and the interpretations of the regions; physical characteristics of specific places and how they form and change) 3. Physical systems (processes that change and shape the Earth) 4. Human systems (people) 5. Environment and society (interaction of the two) 6. Uses of geography (interpreting the past and present along with planning for the future)

Effects of Globalization (interdependence of all the world's nations and their people)

1. Trade (airplanes) 2. Epidemiology: vaccines can be delivered all around the world but so can disease 3. Technology/Internet 4. Financial and Cultural exchange: currency is being exchanged and multimedia allows the viewing of people throughout the world 5. Exchange of money, goods, and culture -> immigration

Four Types of Economies

1. Traditional: bartering and trading 2. Command (planned): controlled by government 3. Market: controlled by individuals 4. Mixed: government and private businesses both play vital roles

Three Levels of Federal Court System

1. US District Courts: lowest level; trial courts; each state has at least one; hears federal cases, both civil and criminal; 94 judicial districts 2. US Court of Appeals: one for each 12 regional circuits; hears appeals from courts within its circuit 3. Supreme Court: highest court; established in Article III, Section I; one chief justice and eight associate justices appointed by president; power in the judicial review

Causes of the 1917 Revolution (Russia)

1. Violation of the October Manifesto 2. Defeats on the battlefields during WWI caused withdrawal from the war 3. Czar continued to appoint unqualified people 4. Czar listened to his wife's (Alexandra) advice who was strongly influenced by Rasputin 5. WWI caused surge in prices and scarcity.

Responsibilities of a US Citizen

1. Voting in elections 2. Respecting one another's rights and not infringing upon them. 3. Staying informed about various political and national issues. 4. Respect one another's beliefs.

The marine climate is found in what 7 areas of the world?

1. Western Europe 2. The British Isles 3. The U.S. Pacific Northwest 4. Western coast of Canada 5. Southern Chile 6. Southern New Zealand 7. Southeastern Australia

National Geography Standards 6 Elements

1. World in Spatial Terms 2. Places and Regions 3. Physical Systems 4. Human Systems 5. Environment and Society 6. The Uses of Geography

6 Essential Elements of Geography

1. World in Spatial Terms 2. Places and Regions 3. Physical Systems 4. Human Systems 5. Environment and Society 6. Uses of Geogrpahy

Central beliefs of Hinduism

1. Worship is individual or family 2. Goal: understand and experience that there is no difference between one's self and the rest of the universe 3. Maya: the world has a single nature and is not divided into "things" 4. Karma: moral consequence of every act 5. Samsara: cycle of birth and rebirth determined by karma 6. Moksha: "liberation" or "freedom"; the soul breaks free of the endless cycle of rebirth

What are the 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches?

1. baptism 2. confirmation 3. marriage 4. ordination 5. anointing and absolution of the sick and dying 6. confession of sins 7. Eucharist or Holy communion

Brown v. Board of Education

1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Primary factors leading to Roman Republic

1. desire to be free of the Etruscans 2. Desire to put an end to the tyranny of the last king 3. The noble classes wanted to cast aside the control of the monarch and establish an aristocratic form of government

Key weaknesses of the Articles

1. inability to levy taxes 2. draft troops 3.regulate interstate and foreign trade 4. lack of powerful or effective chief executive and a national court system 5. the inability of the government to make the states enforce legislation that they did not support

Three branches of government

1. legislative 2. executive 3. judicial

Subfields of Political Science

1.Political theory: historical exploration 2. American govt and Politics: origins and development of the political system in the US 3. Comparative government and Politics: study of the structures of two or more political systems 4. International Relations: how nations interact with each other within the frameworks of law, diplomacy, and international organizations, such as the UN


1265-1321, of Florence. Author of the Divine Comedy, an epic poem written in Italian. It gives Dante's journey through the Inferno, purgatory and paradise with Latin poet Virgil as his guide through the first two and Beatrice, idealized woman, his guide through paradise. Influence of classical themes in his work.

Black Plague

14th century Fatal disease that swept through Europe Led to death, abandoned farms, closed trading routes, and opportunity for survivors Faith in alchemists and clergy declined (no cure)

New Kingdom

1550 BC to 1100 BC; Queen Hatshepsut rules; King Tut rules; Ramses II expands Egyptian territory; Thutmose III greatest pharaoh

Shang Dynasty

1600 BC - China

Why did Slaves come to America

1619. That year, a Dutch ship carrying African slaves to America for food and supplies. They became indentures servents

How did slavery begin

1640, slavery started in Virginia/Maryland (if an indentured servant that is black runs away, he will be punished with a lifetime of service. traded rum and molasses for indentured servents

Intolerable acts

1774; laws meant to punish Boston after the Tea Party; closed the harbor, created a police state, Quebec Act, and had to quarter troops in civilian homes

Annapolis Convention

1786 - effort to regulate interstate commerce 12 delegates from 5 states met in Annapolis, Maryland. The convention met from September 11 to September 14, 1786. The commissioners felt that there were not enough states represented to make any substantive agreement. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and North Carolina had appointed commissioners who failed to get to the meeting in time to attend it, while Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia had taken no action at all.

Constitutional Convention

1787; convened in Philadelphia; drafted the Constitution

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

1789 A document drafted by the National Assembly promising all men their natural rights and the freedom of expression.

when were republicans and democrats established


Federalist Party

1792-1816. Formed by Alexander Hamilton. Controlled the government until 1801. Wanted strong nationalistic government. Opposed by Democratic Republicans. Pro-British

Monroe Doctrine

1823 - Declared that Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere and that any attempt at interference by a European power would be seen as a threat to the U.S. It also declared that a New World colony which has gained independence may not be recolonized by Europe. (It was written at a time when many South American nations were gaining independence). Only England, in particular George Canning, supported the Monroe Doctrine. Mostly just a show of nationalism, the doctrine had no major impact until later in the 1800s.

When did Florida become a state and what number state was it?

1845; 27th state

Transcontinental Railroad

1869; Contributed to economic and industrial growth Tainted with fraud in re: to the Union Pacific Railroad and the construction company (Credit Mobilier of America)

Dawes Act

1887 law that divided reservation land into private family plots

Plessy v. Ferguson

1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal

Fichte and Hegel

18th century German philosophers who supported a form of liberalism grounded largely in socialism and sense of nationalism.

Age of Enlightenment

18th century; advance in rational thought Writers: Voltaire and David Hume

Brown vs. Board of Education

1954- court decision that declared state laws segregating schools to be unconstitutional. Overturned Plessey v. Ferguson (1896)

When was the automobile boom

1920-1930 henry fords assembly line

The New Deal

1933-1937 Government sponsored programs implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to revitalize the economy and alleviate poverty and despair caused by the Depression.


1954: Those opposed to slavery, the Whigs, and some Northern Democrats opposed to slavery united to form the Republican party Democratic party was more heavily represented in the South and was thus pro-slavery for the most part.

Kennedy's Alliance for progress

1961 goal was to establish cooperation between the US and Latin America

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

1964 Congressional resolution that authorized President Johnson to commit US troops to south vietnam and fight a war against north Vietnam

23rd Amendment

1965; Amendment to the Constitution that gave residents of Washington DC the right to vote (18 years old)

when could 18 year olds vote

1971. 26 amendment

Dayton Accords

1995 peace agreement ending the war over the former Yugoslavia, between Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia

Articles of Confederation

1st Constitution of the U.S. 1781-1788 (weaknesses-no executive, no judicial, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade)

Rebecca Latimor Felton

1st female senator

Homo sapiens

200,000 yrs; Africa sole survivor of the hominid species and dispersed all over the world

Middle Kingdom

2000-1800 BCE; known as the time of reunification, advances in literature, art and architecture occurred at this time.

Han Dynasty

200BC-200AD Stable, long lasting, re-established order, set precedents for future China, noted for bureaucracy, civil service- well trained, based on merit not on birth or connections

Han Dynasty

206 BC to 220 AD Founded by the family know as the Liu clan Considered one of the greatest periods in Chinese history China offically became a Confucian state Influenced Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, and Central Asia

Constitutional qualifications for the House of Representatives

25 years of age U.S. citizen for at least 7 years Resident of the state that sends them Serve two years in length 435 members and speaker of the house is leader of the political party that has a majority in a given term

How many electoral votes does Florida have?


Political Parties: Multiparty System

3 or more parties, they often come to agreements in order to form a majority to shift the balance of power.

Low latitudes

30 degrees north and south of the equator

Constitutional qualifications for the Senate

30 years of age U.S. citizen for at least 9 years Inhabitants of the state they represent Serve six years in length on staggered basis Vice President is the president of the Senate, VP only cast a vote in an event of a tie

Middle latitudes

30-60 degrees north and south of the equator


300 BCE - 850 CE Made extremely accurate calendars, created independent writing system of glyphs, built Tikal in Guatemala, advanced writing, math, astronomy knowledge, linked cities through alliances and trade, exchanged craft goods and products like salt, flint, cotton textiles

Hellenistic Age

332 BC to 30 BC - the Greeks controlled Egypt until it became part of the Roman Empire

Constitutional requirements of the President and Vice President

35 years of age Natural Born citizen Resided in the United States for a minimum of 14 years

First Amendment

5 freedoms: speech, press, religion, assembly, petition

How many electors?

538; 270 to win

High latitudes

60 degrees to the North and South Poles

How many judges are in the Supreme Court?


Article 7

9 out of 13 states needs to ratify it in order for it to go into effect


900 BC-600 AD / located in East Africa / traded gold, ivory, and animal hides with Mediterranean and Asia / Christian conversion in 324 AD

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

95 Thesis, posted in 1517, led to religious reform in Germany, denied papal power and absolutist rule. Claimed there were only 2 sacraments: baptism and communion.


A "piece" of a company sold as stock

Populist Party

A "third" political party championing the causes of farmers and workers, impacted the mainstream parties with its reform agenda in the 1890s.

Which of the following statements about the French and Indian War is NOT true? A. It is also known as the Thirty Years War B. George Washington fought to help the British C. Native Americans fought with the British against British colonists and French troops D. The war was part of a larger conflict that involved several European countries but was fought only in France.

A . It is also known as the Thirty Years War False - also known as the Seven Years War

Marshall Plan

A United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe that offered $13 billion in aid to western and Southern Europe(1948-1952)

Wounded Knee (1890)

A battle between the U.S. Army and the Dakota Sioux, in which several hundred Native Americans and 29 U.S. soldiers died. Tensions erupted violently over two major issues: the Sioux practice of the "Ghost Dance," which the U.S. government had outlawed, and the dispute over whether Sioux reservation land would be broken up because of the Dawes Act.

W.E.B. DuBois

A black who represented an urban view for black consciousness and should fight for social and political rights. Founded the NAACP.


A body of water that is partly enclosed by land.

popular sovereignty

A central feature of the Kansas-Nebraska Act a favored policy of Democrats in the 1840s. Averted an immediate crisis allowing individuals living within a territory or state to decide for themselves rather than Congress making the decision for them, whether or not to allow slavery. Did not provide a long term solution.

popular sovereignty

A central feature of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and a favored policy of Democrats in the 1840s. Averted an immediate crisis allowing individuals living within a territory or state to decide for themselves rather than Congress making the decision for them, whether or not to allow slavery. Did not provide a long-term solution.

Executive Order 8802

A civil rights measure by FDR providing for the employment of blacks in defense-related industries during WWII as well as outlawing racial discrimination in these spheres.

Executive Order 8802

A civil rights measure by FDR providing for the employment of blacks in defense-related industries during WWII as well as outlawing racial discrimination in those spheres.


A clash of ideas, interests, beliefs, agendas, objectives, or wills that results from forces that have incompatible ideas.

Total profit

A company's net earnings during a defined period of time and is equal to the total amount of money the company receives from the sale of it's products, minus the total cost

virtual representation

A concept asserted by the British proclaiming their right to govern subjects of the Empire.

Gentlemen's Agreement

A deal between Roosevelt and Japan agreeing to limit the number of Japanese unskilled workers they sent to the US.

Gentlemen's Agreement

A deal between Teddy Roosevelt and Japan agreeing to limit the number of Japanese unskilled workers they sent to the US.


A form of government in which power resides in a leader who rules according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties

Booker T. Washington

A former slave who embraced the rural view and ideals of accommodation rather than aggression as a form of black acceptance and equal rights. Founded the National Business League to help blacks pick themselves up by their own bootstraps.


A good has to be limited and people have to want it


A government in which power is in the hands of a single person.


A government in which the people have no rights; one person or a small group of people rule the country by force and make all the laws


A government ruled by a few powerful people


A group of ancient city-states in southern Mesopotamia; the earliest civilization in Mesopotamia.


A group of people led by William Bradford believed Church of England was beyond saving and felt they must separate from it. (settled just south of Hudson River at Cape Cod, Massachusetts)


A group of people who did not agree with the Reformation of the Church of England under Elizabeth and they wanted to simplify and regulate new forms of worship.


A habitat in which the fresh water of a river meets the salt water of the ocean.

Virginia Company of London

A joint stock company based in London and received a charter to North America between what is now Hudson and Cape Fear Rivers

Virginia Company of Plymouth

A joint stock company based in Plymouth and was granted the right to colonize in North America from the Potomac to the northern border of present day Maine

Natural monopoly

A larger company is always able to produce more at a lower cost than a smaller company because of economies of scale

Compromise of 1820

A line dividing the North and the South where slavery was prohibited and allowed, respectively.

Treaty of Tordesillas

A line dividing the land in the New World between Spain and Portugal.

Compromise of 1820

A line dividing the north and the south where slavery was prohibited and allowed, respectively.

Proclamation of 1763

A line drawn by the British west of the Appalachian rivers signifying where colonists were not able to settle past. Attempted to prevent conflicts between the colonialists and the Indians as a result of Pontiac's Rebellion.

In elasticity of supply

A market situation in which any increase or decrease in the price of a good or service does not result in a corresponding increase in demand

consumer price index

A measure of the overall cost of the goods and services bought by a typical consumer


A medieval fort and prison in Paris used to store gun powder

First Continental Congress

A meeting of the colonies who made a goal of enumerating American grievances and finding a strategy to resist the British in the wake of the Intolerable Acts. They started an economic boycott (no imports/exports of British goods) and, for the first time, endeavored to convince people that they had different interests than English, that they were not English but "American". Most importantly they expressed the right to tax and legislate themselves.

First Continental Congress

A meeting of the colonies who made a goal of enumerating American grievances and finding a strategy to resist the British in the wake of the Intolerable Acts. They started an economic boycott (no imports/exports of British goods) and, for the first time, endeavored to convince people that they had different interests than English, that they were not English but "American." Most importantly, they expressed the right to tax and legislate themselves.

Reform Party

A minor party founded by Ross Perot in 1995. It focuses on national government reform, fiscal responsibility, and political accountability. It has recently struggled with internal strife and criticism that it lacks an identity.

Kievan Rus

A monarchy established in present day Russia in the 6th and 7th centuries. It was ruled through loosely organized alliances with regional aristocrats from. The Scandinavians coined the term "Russia". It was greatly influenced by Byzantine

The Counter Reformation (1560-1648)

A movement of the church to repel the movement of the Protestants and to regain the Catholic prestige

Temperance Societies

A movement seeking to reduce alcohol consumption, embraced in particular by women and the Female Moral Reform Society. Similar movements to eliminate prostitution, assist orphanages, and those in prison.

Second Great Awakening

A movement sparking a wave of evangelicalism in the South drawing women in particular to its views of true womanhood and suffrage.


A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas


A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs

French and Indian War

A nine year war from 1754 to 1763 fought between the French and the British in the attempt to settle land in the Ohio River Valley. British victory resulted in France losing it's foothold in the New World and the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Also referred to as King George's War or "Seven Years War".

French and Indian War

A nine year war from 1754 to 1763 fought between the French and the British in the attempt to settle land in the Ohio River Valley. British victory resulted in France losing its foothold in the New World and the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Also referred to as King George's War or "Seven Years War".


A nomadic people who under the leadership of Genghis Khan created an empire extending from China to Persia. Skills of horses and archery gave them an advantage; Genghis Khan


A package of liberal reforms by Gorbachev intended to open relations with the West, a policy called glasnost.

Fourteen Points 1918

A peace plan drafted by Wilson outlining freedom of the seas, free trade, arms reduction and colonial claims after the war, adjustment of boundaries and a proposal to preserve the peace.


A period between WWI and WWII where the US went into a period of economic and cultural isolation. Though initially marked by a recession, this time was pro-business, welfare-capitalism, corporate consolidation, mass consumption and social polarization. Suburbs grew as a result of easier and more affordable private transportation, birth control became available, the Harlem Renaissance gave way to a new era of black culture and a continued concern about immigrants (Sacco-Venzetti Case).


A period between WWI and WWII where the US went into a period of economic and cultural isolation. Though initially marked by a recession, this time was pro-business, welfare-capitalism, corporate consolidation, mass consumption, and social polarization. Suburbs grew as a result of easier and more affordable private transportation, birth control became available, the Harlem Renaissance gave way to a new era of black culture and a continued concern about immigrants (Sacco-Venzetti Case).

Amendment 7

A person has the right to a jury trial for civil cases


A person who supports the separation of a particular group of people from a larger body on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or gender.

Marshall Plan 1947

A plan for containment providing more than $12 billion in aid to Europe over three years.

Ten Percent Plan

A plan of reconstruction stating that when 10% of the registered voting population had sworn an oath to the Union, the state would be readmitted. Former Confederates returned to Congress in December 1865.

Bush Doctrine

A policy adopted by the Bush administration in 2001 that asserts America's right to attack any nation that has weapons of mass destruction that might be used against U.S. interests at home or abroad.


A political entity that provides a sovereign territory for a specific nation in which people are tied together through their citizenship.

Republican Party

A political party gaining notriety in 1850s, championing the interests of business, farmers, workers, and newly emancipated slaves of post-civil war era.


A political party strongest in the 1840s organized from the remnants of the Federalists. Gave leeway to the Republican Party in the 1850s.


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land


A political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single individual


A radical religious sect that believed all people had an "inner light," which allowed them to commune directly with God, and therefore they put little importance on the Bible; they were also pacifists


A region in northern Europe which includes Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and sometimes Finland and Iceland

Great Awakening

A religious movement spreading from the 1730s to the 1740s in the Southern Colonies reacting against the established churches.

what is Caste and what religion practices it?

A rigid social class system in Hinduism.

Dred Scott

A ruling stating that residency in a free state did not make one free. Nullified the Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Compromise. Slavery could be anywhere in the states.

Second New Deal 1935

A second wave of programs aimed at economic recovery by social reform.

Inelasticity of demand

A situation in which the demand for a product does not increase or decrease correspondingly with a fall or rise in its price.


A state of society without government or law.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

crop lien

A system devised that reduced the value of crops and, when combined with high interest rates, force sharecroppers to borrow more and more money.

crop lien

A system devised that reduced the value of crops and, when combined with high interest rates, forced sharecroppers to borrow more and more money.


A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments


A system of government in which a central authority controls all aspects of society


A system of large manors and estates run by the Spaniards, managed by Indian slaves for the benefit of the conquistadors. Once the indian populations died off from overwork and diseases, the Spanish began importing African slaves for labor needs.

Checks and Balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

Three-Fifths Compromise

A tactic proposed to affect direct taxation on states by altering the population count. Slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person.


A term coined by Nixon and Kissinger which called for countries to respect each others' differences and to cooperate more closely. Relaxing of tensions lasted until Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Led to Carter's boycott of the Olympics in 1980.


A term coined by Nixon and Kissinger which called for countries to respect each others' differences and to cooperate more closely. Relaxing of tensions lasted until Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Led to Carter's boycott of the Olympics in 1980.

Neolithic Revolution

A time in history when people change from nomadic to settled farming, A prehistoric period that began about 8000 B.C. and in some areas ended as early as 3000 B.C., during which people learned to polish stone tools, make pottery, grow crops, and raise animals - also called the New Stone Age

Treaty of Paris 1783

A treaty negotiating peace between England and the United States recognizing the US as an independent nation, setting its boundaries (Canada remained British but Florida went to Spain). Signed at the same time as the Treaty of Versailles.

Treaty of Paris 1783

A treaty negotiating peace between England and the United States recognizing the US as an independent nation, setting its boundaries (Canada remains British but Florida goes to Spain). Signed at the same time as the Treaty of Versailles.


A unique combo of physical and cultural attributes that give each location on the earth its individual "stamp."

First New Deal 1933-1935

A wave of programs aimed at restoring employment, the banking system, farming and housing collapse and reduced factory production. Unemployment dropped and the economy improved but did not recover.

First New Deal 1933-1935

A wave of programs aimed at restoring employment, the banking system, farming and housing collapse, and reduced factory production. Unemployment dropped and the economy improved but did not recover.

Expenditure Approach

A way of measuring the GDP in which it looks at the amount of new goods and service purchased in a country for a given year Consumption+Investment+Goods+Net Export=GDP

Manifest Destiny

A widely held and multi-faceted ideology touching on the themes of religion, money, race, partiotism and morality with the belief that the American nation was destined to spread all the way to the Pacific Ocean, sharing American ideals of liberty. Land acquired through purchase, diplomacy, legal appropriation, and war.

Manifest Destiny

A widely held and multifaceted ideology touching on the themes of religion, money, race, patriotism and morality with the belief that the American nation was destined to spread all the way to the Pacific Ocean, sharing American ideals of liberty. Land acquired through purchase, diplomacy, legal appropriation, and war.

Manifest Destiny

A widely held and multifaceted ideology touching on the themes of religion, money, race, patriotism, and morality with the belief that the American nation was destined to spread all the way to the Pacific Ocean, sharing American ideals of liberty. Land acquired through purchase, diplomacy, legal appropriation, and war.

What were the approximate dates of the Progressive Era? A. 1890-1917 B. 1920-1929 C. 1868-1900 D. 1939-1945

A. 1890-1917

Phyllis Johnson is a junior high school SS teacher who has chosen human diversity as the topic for a lesson unit. She has decided to approach the topic by asking students to engage in introspective activities. On the day she introduces the topic to the class, she asks the students to make a list of the things they like about themselves. Then, she asks them to writ 2 paragraphs in class describing their personal strengths in terms of a) their classroom behavior and b) their behavior or relationships with others outside class. By asking her students to think about their own characteristics, Ms. Johnson is promoting her students' cognitive development by helping them to A. activate prior knowledge as a basis for understanding new concepts B. demonstrate their ability to write personal narratives. C. practice their grammar and sentence structure D. develop positive self-esteem by identifying their assets and skills

A. Activate prior knowledge

The Federalist Papers were signed by "Publius." General consensus says the papers were written by A. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay B. Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington C. James Madison, George Washington, and John Calhoun D. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and three others

A. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay Hamilton wrote 52 of the papers, James Madison 28, and John Jay the remaining 5.

Which of these empires or kingdoms was NOT part of the Islamic world? A. Axum B. The Mongols C. The Mughals D. Ghana

A. Axum Axum was pre-muslim

Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933. What was one of his first official acts? A. He began secretly building up Germany's army and weapons. B. He established government policies to ease the effects of the Great Depression C. He established alliances with Italy and Czechoslovakia D. He met with France and Britain to work out treaties.

A. He began secretly building up Germany's army and weapons.

What effect did the discovery of the New World have on the European economy in the 16th century? A. It caused inflation due to the increased amount of precious metals in Europe B. It strengthened the craft guilds by stimulating trade C. It discouraged governments from interfering with the ventures of entrepreneurs D. it had no noticeable economic effect.

A. It caused inflation due to the increased amount of precious metals in Europe (gold & silver)

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplish? A. It prohibited discrimination for reason of color, race, religion, or national origin in places of public accommodation covered by interstate commerce. B. It desegregated public schools for the first time C. It ensured equal voting rights D. it dealt with housing and real estate discrimination

A. It prohibited discrimination for reason of color, race, religion, or national origin in places of public accommodation covered by interstate commerce.

In medieval European university, what language was used to study classical texts? A. Latin B. Greek C. Hebrew D. Aramaic

A. Latin

How are local governments chartered? A. Local governments are chartered according to their state's constitution. B. Local governments apply to the federal government for a charter C. States are divided into counties, and local governments are authorized by the counties D. Local governments simply write a constitution and notify the next largest government entity of their existence

A. Local governments are chartered according to their state's constitution. Local governments must operate within the confines of their state's government.

What change to European governments came to characterize the time period 1750-1800 as the Age of Revolution? A. Many nations became either absolutist states or constitutionalist states B. Democratic governments evolved into socialist governments C. Aristocracies were overthrown by peasants D. Monarchies returned to power in most European nation-states.

A. Many nations became either absolutist states or constitutionalist states. The Age of Revolution is specific to the American and French Revolutions.

Which of the following statements is true? A. There are at least 6,000 different languages spoken in the world B. Poverty cannot realistically be called a culture C. The earth's surface is 50% water D. The Amazon is the world's longest river

A. There are at least 6,000 different languages spoken in the world.

Which is the best way to describe the GNP? A. Total goods and services B. Total national production C. Greater national production D. Government natural production

A. Total goods and services

Article 1 of the US Constitution creates A. a bicameral legislature B. a unicameral legislature C. the presidency D. the judicial branch

A. a bicameral legislature Bicameral (2 part) Senate and House The presidency - Article II The judicial branch - Article III

A climate graph has what two components A. amount of rainfall and temperature of an area B. Temperature highs and lows for a specific time of year C. Amount of rain expected in the tourist seasons D. Future rainfall and temperature changes due to global warming

A. amount of rainfall and temperature of an area

Before the class goes to the library, Ms. Johnson asks the students to predict how they will find the information they will need for the assignment. By doing this, Ms. Johnson is A. engaging the students in hypothetical thinking and inductive reasoning B. saving time so the students will be able to go straight to work once they get to the library C. helping her students acquire good self-management skills D. assisting the librarian by covering important information in class

A. engaging the students in hypothetical thinking and inductive reasoning

Which of the following best characterizes the methods of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr? A. Nonviolent defiance of segregation B. A series of petitions to Congress calling for correction of racial abuses C. Armed violence against police and troops D. A series of speaking engagements in Northern cities in hopes of pressuring Congress to take action

A. nonviolent defiance of segregation

In the 1790s political conflict between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson would have been more likely to A. take a narrow view of the Constitution B. favor Britain over France in the European wars. C. favor the establishment of a national bank D. win the cooperation of presidents George Washington and John Adams

A. take a narrow view of the Constitution Hamilton favored Britain over France, favored the establishment of a national bank and won favor with Washington and Adams.

Which historical movement was Immanuel Kant a part of? A. the Enlightenment B. the Scientific Revolution C. the Renaissance D. the Protestant Reformation

A. the Enlightenment

The two components of a climate graph are A. the amount of rainfall and temperature of an area. B. temperature highs and lows for a specific time of year. C. the amount of rain expected in the tourist seasons D. future rainfall and temperature changes caused by global warming.

A. the amount of rainfall and temperature of an area

Which of the following statements about the Han Dynasty is true? A. the boundaries established by the Qin and maintained by the Han have more or less defined the nation of China up to the present day. B. The Han Dynasty ended before the birth of Christ. C. The Han relied on Buddhism as the philosophical basis for government. D. China was relatively unsophisticated during the Han Dynasty with little poetry or writings.

A. the boundaries established by the Qin and maintained by the Han have more or less defined the nation of China up to the present day. B. Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD C. Han was Confucian-based D. Han was the height of achievement.

Which of the following is an example of monopolistic competition? A. The film industry B. Agriculture C. Public education D. The automotive industry

A. the film industry Monopolistic Competition is a market structure in which many firms sell products that are similar but not identical. Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition: 1. Many Sellers =) Firms compete. 2.

The term socialization is used by sociologists, social psychologists, and educators to refer to A. the process of learning one's culture and how to live within it B. finding a date at a party C. the ability of people to find friendships or relationships D. humankind's unique pattern of marriage compared to other mammals

A. the precess of learning one's culture and how to live within it

Human geography is best defined as the study of A. where and why human activities are located B. where and why natural forces occur as they do C. populations and birth rates D. human conflicts

A. where and why human activities are located

American Revolutionary War

AKA American War of Independence; ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris (recognized the sovereignty of the US)


Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states.

Amendment 13

Abolishes Slavery

Amendment 24

Abolition of Poll Tax in National Elections

Amendment 24

Abolition of Poll Taxes

Technical Efficiency

Achieve when more of one good cannot be produced without producing less of the other good

Sugar Act

Actually lowered the duty on molasses to deter smugglers bringing goods into the colonies from the West Indies.

Thomas Aquinas

Adapted ideas of Aristotle to Christian perspective. Stated people should have certain rights, but also duties, and that these rights and duties should determine the type and extent of government rule. By stating that laws should limit government he laid the groundwork for ideas that eventually become modern constitutionalism.

Fourteenth Amendment 1868

Addressed the question of citizenship for recently freed slaves by providing them with rights and priviliges, state and national citizenship. Applied the "equal protection of laws". Voided the three-fifths clause.

Fourteenth Amendment 1868

Addresses the question of citizenship for recently freed slaves by providing them with rights and priviliges, state and national citizenship. Applied the "equal protection of laws". Voided the three-fifths clause.


Admittance of the Confederate States back into the Union. Four basic concerns: role of the states, government control, status of former slaves, preventing similar events in the future. Resulted in the Ten Percent Plan.

William Lloyd Garrison

Advocated to end slavery with his newspaper, the Liberator. Part of the Liberty Party and helped look for a president who believed in "free soil"

What two places were the destination for the European imperialist expansion?

Africa: Britain, France, Germany, and Belgium took countries and claimed all resources (inc. people) SE Asia: Mainly France; seized India Spain took over parts of Latin America and Philippines Result: New flood of people, goods, and ideas into Europe

Who controlled which countries as a result of the European expansion?

Africa: France, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Germany, and Belgium (except Liberia and Ethiopia) Asia and Pacific Islands: Only China, Japan, and present-day Thailand (Then Siam) kept their independence. All others were controlled by strong European nations

Amendment 15

African American males could vote


After 1783, the largest "land owner" in the Americas, controlling much of the Southwest as well as much of Central and South America

Isaac Newton

After Galileo died under house arrest, he picked up where he left off Discovered gravity and pioneered the study of optics (light), calculus, and physics

When did the World Bank come into existence?

After WWII to lend money for post-war rebuilding. France, Denmark, and the Netherlands were its first customers

What caused the American Revolution?

After more than 100 years of self-govt, the colonies resented the increased British meddling and control

The Intolerable Acts

After the tea incident, the King closed the harbor for any business; Massachusetts Colony lost its charter; Quartering Act reinforced

Amendment 16

Allows the federal government to collect income tax

Who was the first to articulate the idea of supply and demand?

Alfred Marshall in 1890

Production in the long run

All factors of production can vary

Fifteenth Amendment 1870

Allowed all male U.S. citizens the right to vote including former slaves.

Amendment 14

All people born or naturalized in the country have equal rights regardless of race

Amendment 14

All persons born or naturalized in the United States , and subject to the jursidiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.


Alphabet; sailors


Also known as the ancient Israelites Instituted monotheism (one God, Yahweh) Migrated from Ur about 2000 BC

Amendment 21

Amendment 18 is repealed

Bill of Rights

Amendments 1: basic freedoms 2: keep and bear arms 3: do not have to provide housing to soldiers during peacetime 4: right to privacy 5: right to due process of law 6: public and speedy trial in front of impartial jury 7: right to a jury trial in civil lawsuits 8: no excessive punishment and should fit the crime 9: other rights not stated 10: limits national government to the powers provided in the Constitution

Otto Von Bismarck

America's weak foreign policy and lack of adequate diplomacy during the 1870s and 1880s led to the comment that "a special Providence takes care of fools, drunkards, and the United States. (1815-1898)

How were the American and French Revolutions different?

American - striking back against British unwanted taxation - bloody battles, skirmishes, and stalemates - resulted in a representative govt French - rebelled against autocratic regime that cared more about fashion than food and health - some blood but mostly overthrow of society and outdated traditions - resulted in consulship, a generalship, and then an emperor (not what they had in mind)

Hernando de Soto

American Southeast; discovered the Mississippi River

Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

American Southwest; opened up Southwest to Spanish colonization

Baldassare Castiglione

An Italian author who wrote the book The Courtier in 1528. He described the ideal Renaissance man and woman.

Michelangelo (1475-1564)

An Italian sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect. Famous works include the mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the sculpture of the biblical character David.

Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

An NGO lies outside the scope of any government and are usually supported through private donations. An example, is the International Red Cross, which works with governments all over the world when their countries are in crisis, but is formally affiliated with no particular country/government.

Magna Carta (1215)

An agreement between King John and his barons, ensuring civil rights for them

Great Compromise

An agreement made to provide for a presidency, a Senate and a House of Representatives (bicameral legislature).

Great Compromise

An agreement made to provide for a presidency, a Senate, and a House of Representatives (bicameral legislature).

Silk Road

An ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea extending some 6,440 km (4,000 mi) and linking China with the Roman Empire. Marco Polo followed the route on his journey to Cathay.


An area that has some kind of unifying characteristic, such as a common language or government

Democratic-Jeffersonian Rebuplicans

An early political party formed in opposition to the Federalists. Interpreted the Constitution in a narrow, limited sense. Sympathetic to the needs of the common man.


An early political party who favored the Constitution i.e., advocates of centralized power. Supported by James Madison, Hamilton. Advocated a strong central government, pro-British in their foreign policies. Supported programs benefiting banking and commercial interests.


An executive institution that includes all formal and informal powers; the offices, the staffs, and the historical precedents that define it.

separate spheres

An ideology born out of the cult of true womanhood championing marriage and motherhood tthrough print culture, religion and discourse. Elevated the importance of education in the hopes of raising sons to be good citizens. Gave birth to the nascent women's rights movement in the 1840s.

separate spheres

An ideology borne out of the cult of true womanhood championing marriage and motherhood tthrough print culture, religion and discourse. Elevated the importance of education in the hopes of raising sons to be good citizens. Gave birth to the nascent women's rights movement in the 1840s.


An individual or small elite group of individuals (oligarchy) that centralizes all political control in itself.


An international theory that holds the nation-state as the basic unit Recognizes no international authority above individual nations Based on the assumption that nations act only in their own self interest to preserve their own security International relations are based on the relative military and economic power between nations and that nations are inherently aggressive

Cradle of Western Civilization

Ancient Greece; enormous influence it had then and now

First President to be impeached

Andrew Johnson


Answers the question of how and why places, people, and things are connected to and dependent upon one another

Capital Resource

Any asset used in production of goods and services

Tenth Amendment

Any powers not explicitly listed are automatically given to the states.

10th Amendment

Any rights not directly delegated to the national government or not directly prohibited, belong to the states or the people.

Amendment 10

Any rights not given to federal government are given to the states and people.

What rights do the states have?

Any that are not specified as federal powers, including the right to change state laws

Amendment 15

Anybody born in the US can vote, regardless of race.

US Citizenship

Anyone born in US, born abroad to a US citizen, or has gone through the naturalization process. Can lose if convicted of certain crimes such as treason, if citizen pledges an oath to another country, or serves in the military of a country in hostilities with the US. Can hold dual citizenship, work as an expatriate in another country without losing it, or renounce if he/she so chooses.

Formal Regions

Areas that have common (uniform) cultural or physical features and are often defined by governmental or administrative boundaries

Formal Regions

Areas that have common cultural or physical features and defined by administrative boundaries

Vertical climate is found where?

Areas with high mountains, because the temperatures, crops, vegetation, and human activities change and become different as one ascends the different levels of elevation


Argued that the Constitution failed to uphold basic rights for which the revolution was fought and that, in its current draft, would weaken the states, favor the wealthy, increase taxes and diminish individual liberty. Objected in particular to lack of Bill of Rights. Supported by Henry and Sam Adams.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Argued that the sun, not the earth, was the center of a solar system and that other planets revolved around the sun, not the earth.

Ancient Greek Philosophers

Aristotle and Plato believed poli sci would lead to order in political matters, and that this order would create stable and just societies.

Legislative Branch

Article 1 of the Constitution established the law-making branch Senate + House of Representatives = "Congress"

Executive Branch

Article 2 of the Constitution Headed by the President

Judicial Branch

Article 3 of the Constitution Headed by the Supreme Court Includes lower federal courts (federal district courts) established by the Congress - try lawbreakers and review cases referred from other courts.

Electoral College was established by...

Article II to give more equal weight to states with small populations and to assist voters in making an informed decision

Main body of the Constitution

Articles I,II,III

Federalist Papers

Articles arguing for the ratification of the Constitution; written by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton

Article V

Articulates how the Constitution may be amended.

Article IV

Articulates state-federal relationships, outlines how new states are admitted to the Union.

Articles I, II, III

Articulates the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances including Legislative, Executive and a Judicial Branch respectively.

Law of Increasing Cost

As more good or service is produced, the opportunity cost will rise

Law of diminishing marginal returns

As variable input is added, a point will be reached in which output will increase by progressively smaller amounts

Which continent is the largest in terms of area?


Monroe Doctrine

Asserted that America would intervene anywhere in the Western Hemisphere where it felt its interests or security were at stake.

Monroe Doctrine

Asserted that American would intervene anywhere in the Western Hemisphere where it felt its interests or security were at stake.

Benjamin Banneker

Astronomer, inventor of irrigation systems, mathematician

Production in the short run

At least one input of production is fixed

Bretton Woods System

At the end of WWII nations met and create this system in which the U.S. dollar became the serve currency of the system. The International Monetary Fund and World Bank was created.

Where do columns come from

Athenian, greeks


Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Souther, Arctic; Pacific is largest in terms of area

Compromise of 1850

Attempted to settle the problem of balancing slave states by admitting California as a free-state but allowing slavery in the rest of the area acquired from Mexico.

Compromise of 1850

Attempted to settle the problem of balancing slave states by admitting California as a free-state byt allowing slavery in the rest of the area acquired from Mexico.

Thomas Hobbes

Author of, "The Leviathan", believed people's lives were focused on a quest for power, and that the state should control this urge. People unable to live harmoniously without government intervention.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Author of, "The Prince", was a proponent of politics bases solely on power.

Federalist Papers

Authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. Instrumental in bringing about the ratification of the Constitution.

Federalist Papers

Authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Instrumental in bringing about the ratification of the Constitution.

Persian Gulf War

Authorized by the UN was between Iraq and a coalition force made up of 34 nations; to liberate Kuwait and expel Iraqi forces; Operation Desert Storm was the name for the US land and air operations involved


Avoid alliances with other nations in order to avoid being drawn into a war not related to their own territorial defense.

Which of the following phrases best exemplifies the definition of continentality? A. The temperature in Tampa, FL was a scorching 86 degrees yesterday B. Clearwater Beach, FL. is cooler than metropolitan Orlando, FL because it lies next to the Gulf of Mexico C. Tampa, FL is hotter than Atlanta, GA because it is closer to the equator D. Summer rains typically move from west to east

B. Continentality - a measure of the difference between continental and marine climates characterized by the increased range of temperatures that occurs over land compared with water.

What was the overall US unemployment rate during the worst periods of the Great Depression? A. 10% B. 25% C. 40% D. 60%

B. 25%

What is considered the cradle of Western civilization A. the Holy Roman Empire B. Ancient Greece C. Christianity D. the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason

B. Ancient Greece

Which of the following regions is most threatened by desertification? A. South America B. Australia C. Europe D. Africa

B. Australia

What form of government ruled Russia proir to the Revolution of 1917? A. Democracy B. Autocracy C. Monarchy D. Oligarchy

B. Autocracy Autocracy is a type of monarchy whereby decisions are made by one or two individuals.

Which of the following was an almost perfect crop for the lower South because it was easy to grow and well-suited to the region's climate and soil? A. Corn B. Cotton C. Wheat D. Rice

B. Cotton

Which of the following is NOT used by geographers to determine absolute location? A. Equator B. Distance from the ocean C. Longitude D. Latitude

B. Distance from the ocean

In the 1940s, the Viet Minh took over the Vietnamese government from whom? A. the French B. Emperor Bao Dai C. Prim Minister Ngo Dinh Diem D. Khai Dinh

B. Emperor Bao Dai

Which of the following statements best describes conditions in Africa before the European Age of Exploration? A. African cultures did not have the capacity to make iron before the first century CE B. Ghana was central to the trans'Saharan trade in gold and salt C. Axum participated in the indian Ocean trade, which stopped when it was conquered by Muslims D. Zimbabwe flourished with the Arab trading ports along the east coast of Africa

B. Ghana was central to the trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt. Note: Gold from Ghana was basis of trade in the Mediterranean with the east.

What caused the many small Maya village populations and city-states to emerge? A. sophisticated, organized government B. improved farming practices C. Climate changes D. Advanced architectural designs

B. Improved farming practices Just like all civilizations.

One of the major effects of the Industrial Revolution of the late nineteenth century in the US was an A. increased emphasis on worker health and safety issues. B. increased emphasis on speed rather than quality of work C. increased emphasis on high-quality, error-free work D. increase in the number of small industrial facilities, which could operate more efficiently than larger, more costly industrial plants

B. Increased emphasis on speed rather than quality of work

Which of the following reasons was the immediate cause of the United States entering into WWII? A. Nazi Germany sunk American supply ships. B. Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearly Harbor. C. Italy and Germany declared war on the US. D. The Archduke of Austria was assassinated.

B. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

What are considered the factors of production in economics? A. Location, location, location B. Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship C. Land, money, and labor D. Money, motivation, and action

B. Land, labor, capital, and entepreneurship

Germany's invasion of which country prompted the British and French to declare war, starting WWII? A. the Rhineland B. Poland C. Sudetenland D. Austria

B. Poland

The policy promoted by Theodore Roosevelt and most blatantly pursued in Central America was the A. New Deal B. Big Stick C. Fair Deal D. Good Neighbor

B. T. Roosevelt's foreign policy was "Speak softly but carry a big stick."

What is the definition of sociology? A. The science of humankind B. The study of how individuals become members of groups and move between groups, and how being in different groups affects individuals and the groups in which they participate C. The study of the earth and its features D. the study of the interpretation of the past and how it affects our view of the present.

B. The study of how individuals become members of groups and move between groups, and how being in different groups affects individuals and the groups in which they participate A. The science of humankind - Anthropology C. The study of earth and its features - Geography D. The study of the interpretation of the past and how it affects our view of the present - Historical Analysis

During the Congressional campaigns in 1994, when Republicans took control of both houses of Congress, Newt Gingrich and 300 Republican House candidates dramatically pledged to pass A. health care reform B. a Contract with America C. increased funding for education D. new civil rights measures

B. a Contract with America to decrease taxes, increase defense funding, and pass a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution.

The principle of popular sovereignty was A. applied as part of the Missouri Compromise B. a central feature of the Kansas-Nebraska Act C. a policy favored by the Whig party during the late 1840s and early 1850s D. successful in solving the impasse over the status of slavery in the Territories.

B. a central feature of the Kansas-Nebraska Act popular sovereignty is is the principle that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People) the Kansas-Nebraska Act gave those states the right to decide whether or not to be slave states.

In the first two decades under the US Constitution, the main factor that separated Federalists from Republicans was whether they A. accepted the Constitution or opposed it B. favored the French Revolution or opposed it C. leaned more toward states' rights or national sovereignty D. had been patriots or loyalists during the American War of Independence

B. favored the French Revolution or opposed it This is like today's Democrats v. Republicans which seem to be divided by whether or not they support Obama.

The term "Trail of Tears" refers to the A. Mormon migration from Nauvoo, IL to what is now Utah B. forced migration of the Cherokee tribe from the southern Appalachians to what is now Oklahoma C. westward migration along the Oregon Trail migration into Kentucky along the Wilderness Road

B. forced migration of the Cherokee tribe from the southern Appalachians to what is now Oklahoma

A US senator gets an item inserted into the federal budget, which allocates $6 million for building a ski lift at a resort in his home state. This is known as A. a filibuster B. pork barrel legislation C. logrolling D. senatorial courtesy

B. pork barrel legislation - special spending projects sponsored by Congressmen for their home states or districts.

Geographers use _______________ to analyze how places relate, including movements such as travel, migration, and the transmission of information. A. space-time interaction B. spatial interaction C. informatics D. spectrometers

B. spatial interaction

Students decide that they would like to read about an American they admire. Asking the students to work together in pairs, so that they can work together in the library, Ms. Johnson decides that this approach will allow students to be most productive and will ensure that learning preferences and learner characteristics are compatible for each pair of students. In choosing this approach, Ms. Johnson A. avoids having students for their own groups of working with someone she or he likes. B. takes advantage of the information she has about students' individual learning styles so as to maximize student learning effectiveness and efficiency C. avoids randomly assigning students to pairs. D. risks having incompatible students working together in pairs

B. takes advantage of the information she has about student's individual learning styles so as to maximize student learning effectiveness and efficiency

Which statement best describes the foreign policy of the US during the Cold War? A. the US had a policy of noninvolvement in Latin America B. the US supported coups against the governments of Iran and Guatemala in this period C. the US had a few investments in Latin America during this time D. the US refused to support abusive regimes in Latin America, the Middle East, and the Philippines

B. the US supported coups against the governments of Iran and Guatemala in this period

Prices tend to be inflated during wartime because A. guns cost more than butter B. there is competition for fully employed resources C. the Consumer Price Index is calculated differently in wartime D. the cost of government is not included in the CPI

B. there is competition for fully employed resources

Which of the following was NOT an objective of the First Continental Congress? A. to remain a part of Britain B. to commission the building of a Continental army C. to compose a statement of colonial rights D. to provide a plan that would convince Britain to restore certain rights

B. to commission the building of a Continental army The idea was to seek peaceful resolutions to differences with Britain.

The term periodization is used A. to track economic trends B. to place an historical event into a chronological context C. in political science to study elections D. in geography to study time zones

B. to place an historical event into a chronological context Periodization is the use of a timeline to study events of the past

Amendment 8

Bail must be reasonable and punishment must be fair and not cruel.

Major Contributions of Late Middle Ages (1250-1500 CE)

Banking; Black Death; Parliament of two house House of Lords and House of Commons; Guilds; Inquisition

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

Banned entry for ten years to all Chinese except those who had valued professions or skills. Extended in 1892 and, in 1902, extended indefinitely. Lifted in 1943.

Voting Rights Act 1965

Banned literacy tests as a prerequisite for voting, resulting in a jump in black voter registration.

Thirteenth Amendment 1865

Banned slavery.

Thirteenth Amendment 1865

Bans slavery.

Which document includes the freedom of religion and right to trial by jury?

Bill of Rights

Popular Sovereignty

Belief that government is created by and subject to the will of the people.

Why does the Taiga climate have more variation in yearly temperature than the Tundra region?

Because the Taiga climate region is farther from the waters of the Arctic Ocean

Which of the following best defines the term prehistoric?

Before written language

Industrial Revolution

Began in Great Britain The development of power-driven machinery Led to large factories replacing homes and small workshops as work centers Change: agriculture -> industrial shift Western Europe: period of empire and colonialism began Industrialized nations seized and claimed parts of Africa and Asia to control and provide raw materials Ultimately, coal and steam were replaced by electricity and internal combustion

Characteristics of Mesolithic People (Middle Stone Age)

Begins to turn to farming, sophisticated tools, pastoral

Totalitarian Government

Believes everything should be under the control of the government, from resource production to press/religion and other social institution. All life must conform to the ideals of the government.

Theory of Liberalism

Believes states can cooperate and they act based on capabilities rather than power. Originally coined to describe Woodrow Wilson's theories on international cooperation.

Simon Bolivar

Born into wealth in Venezuela and educated in Europe - Declared Venezuela and Colombia to be republics and removed all Spanish trade restrictions - Removed taxes on the sale of food - Ended payment of tribute to govt by local Indians - Prohibited slavery Earthquake was declared God's act of vengeance against rebel govt and Spanish govt regained control Provided assistance in winning Peru's independence & combined forces to rid S. America of Spanish control

Genocide in Bosnia

Bosnia-Herzegovina: based on ethnicity; 1992-1995; Stemmed from breakup of Yugoslavia. Srebenica: worst in history; 1992; Serbs murdered more than 8,000 Bosnians; United Nations eventually had to restore order.

What are concurrent powers of the federal government and states?

Both Congress and states may tax, both may borrow money, charter banks and corporations, establish courts, make and enforce laws, take property for public purposes, and spend money to provide for the public welfare.


Both a physical representation of a way to arrange data so it can be easily studied and compared with other information.

How were the American and French Revolutions similar?

Both liberated their people from unwanted govt interference and installing different kind of govt. Both fought for liberty of the common people Both built on writings and ideas that embrace such an outcome Both proved that people could expect more from their govt and that such rights as self-determination were worth fighting for.

Vernacular Regions

Boundaries of a perceptual region are determined by people's beliefs

Vernacular Regions

Boundaries of a perceptual region that are determined by people's perceptions

John Stuart Mill

British philosopher and economist. Believed in progressive policies such as woman's suffrage, emancipation, and the development of labor organizations and farming cooperatives.


Brought about by Karl Marx, who planned on developing a militant blueprint for socialist working-class success. 1. Economic factors determine human history 2. There's always been a class struggle 3. Surplus value- the value of goods and services outweighs the price 4. Socialism is inevitable

Johannes Kepler

Built upon Brahe's data; instituted his theory of planetary movement Confirmed Copernicus's observations and argument that the earth revolved around the sun

What is demand in a command economy

Businesses follow production and hiring targets instead of individually and freely responding to the laws of supply and demand. Central planners seek to replace the forces that operate in a free market economy, and the customs that guide a traditional economy, to attain specific societal goals.

Common Sense

By Thomas Paine; inspired colonists to seek freedom from British rule

All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation government EXCEPT that it lacked A. the power to levy taxes B. the power to regulate commerce C. the power to borrow money D. a strong executive

C. The power to borrow money. All others are things they lacked but funded everything it did with borrowed money.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of Africa? A. Mt. Kilimanjaro remains capped with snow year-round B. The Sahara is the largest and the hottest desert on the earth C. Africa has primarily two languages with many dialects D. Africa has rain forests

C. Africa has primarily two languages with many dialects

An example of a country with a planned economy is A. Germany B. France C. China D. Australia

C. China - leaders of the communist party direct economic policy

Which of the following is true regarding the role of women in WWII? A. American women fought in combat B. Japanese women were encouraged to serve in the armed forces C. Chinese women and Soviet women served in the armed forces in combat D. British women fought in combat

C. Chinese women and Soviet women served in the armed forces in combat

Which of the following terms is closely related to autocracy? A. Democracy B. Capitalism C. Despotism D. Theocracy

C. Despotism Autocracy - rule by one or two Despotism - rule by one Democracy - rule by the people Theocracy - rule by priests

Miss Bailey teaches 6th grade SS with 25 students of various achievement levels. She is starting a unit on the history of their local community and wants to stimulate the students' thinking. She also wants to encourage students to develop a projects as result of their study. Which type of project would encourage the highest level of thinking by the students? A. Giving students a list of questions about people, dates, and events, then having them put the answers on a poster with appropriate pictures, to display in class B. Giving students questions to use to interview older members of the community, then having them write articles based on the interviews and publish them in a booklet C. Discussing the influence of the past on the present community, then asking students to project what the community might be like in 100 years D. Using archived newspapers to collect data, then having them draw a timeline that includes the major events of the community from its beginning to the current date.

C. Discussing the influence of the past on the present community, then asking students to project what the community might be like in 100 years.

Which of the following is the BEST choice as the major cause of the Great Depression? A. Military unrest in Europe B. the Cold War C. Extensive stock market speculation D. Weak unions

C. Extensive stock market speculation

The main branches of geography include which of the following? I. Human II. Regional III. Physical IV. Population A. I only B. I and II C. I, II, and III only D. I, II, III, IV

C. I, II, III There are 4 main branches of geography: human, regional, physical and topical/systemic. Population is not a branch of geography.

The Himalayan mountain range runs through which of the following Asian countries? I. China II. Nepal III. India IV. Bangladesh A. I and II only B. II and III only C. I, II, and III only D. I, III, and IV only

C. I, II, and III only - China, Nepal, and India

What did the Manhattan Project accomplish? A. It developed ideas for the Second Industrial Revolution B. It developed the airplane C. It developed the first nuclear weapon during WWII D. It developed the Sherman tank

C. It developed the Atomic Bomb

Which of the following statements is true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? A. It led to the disintegration of the Democratic party B. It was a measure that the South had been demanding for decades C. It led directly to the formation of the Republican party D. It maintained the tenuous sectional peace created by the Compromise of 1850

C. It led directly to the formation of the Republican party The Independent Democrats and many northern Whigs abandoned their affiliations for the new antislavery Republican party, leaving southern Whigs without party links and creating an issue over which the already deeply divided Democrats would split even more.

Which of the following states was NOT one of the first seven states to secede from the Union just before the Civil War began? A. Florida B. Alabama C. North Carolina D. Texas

C. North Carolina False - S. Carolina was one of the first 7

What word below best describes apartheid? A. Desegregation B. Equality C. Segregation D. Violence

C. Segregation

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement regarding the Vietnam War? A. More than 58,000 Americans were killed B. The war is considered the longest military conflict in US history, lasting from 1959-1975 C. the US fought the North Vietnamese with no assistance from allies D. More than 3 million Vietnamese were killed

C. The US fought the N. Vietnamese with no assistance from allies

The purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to A. aid the economic recovery of war-torn Europe B. prevent European meddling in the affairs of South American countries. C. aid countries that were the targets of Communist expansionism D. expand the Monroe Doctrine to include Eastern Asia

C. aid countries that were the targets of Communist expansionism Choice A is the Marshall Plan Choice B is the Monroe Doctrine Choice D does not exist

The next lesson in Ms. Johnson's unit on diversity is a library project. In order to determine what kind of project students will undertake, she leads the class through a brainstorming activity, allowing the students to generate a list of possible topics for the library project. By doing this, Ms. Johnson A. can determine the students' interests B. gives everyone a chance to participate in class C. demonstrates an approach for solving problems creatively D. avoids giving everyone in class the same assignment

C. demonstrates an approach for solving problems creatively All other answer choices are benefits of the desired outcome.

ALL of the following statements about the Civilian Conservation Corp are true EXCEPT A. its members livid in camps, wore uniforms, and were under semi-military discipline B. it engaged in such projects as preventing soil erosion and impounding lakes. C. it eventually came to employ over one-third of the American work force. D. it provided that some of the workers' pay should be sent home to their families.

C. it eventually came to employ over one-third of the American work force. At its height, the CCC employed about 25% (1/4) of the American workforce.

A market economy relies on _________________ to allocate resources. A. government B. good planning C. market forces D. small businesses

C. market forces Everyone is free to make their own choices about what they buy. Market forces (demand)

When Ms. Johnson asks the students to write about their behavior in class and behavior or relationships outside of class, she is taking into consideration aspects of human development by A. stressing that some students are concrete thinkers in adolescence, according to Piaget B. noting that most adolescents are thinking at the stage of formal operations according to Piaget C. observing that students' cognitive functioning is a product of both their innate intellectual characteristics and their environment D. pinpointing that adolescent students tend to be socially unaware and cognitively insensitive to the thoughts of others

C. observing that student's cognitive functioning is a product of both their innate intellectual characteristics and their environment. As in their behavior will change for different environments and should reflect thus in their writing.

Fredrick Douglas spoke in favor of all of the following EXCEPT A. women's suffrage B. supporting civil rights C. sending freedmen to Africa D. ending slavery

C. sending freedmen to Africa

Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, Congress passed the Patriot Act which A. was supported for its fairness B. allowed for widespread deportation C. amended immigration laws in an attempt to successfully identify terrorists D. encouraged militias

C. the Patriot Act gave broad powers to the government to counter terrorism

Amendments 2, 3, and 4

Came out of the colonists' struggle with Great Britain

Prohibition Party

Campaigned for Abolition of Alcohol, supported women's suffrage, economic reforms, and improving race relations.


Can exist in all forms of govt Ex: In the US, national security Usually undemocratic - no consent of those they govern Will tolerate some pluralism (a system in which two forms of authority coexist)

Executive Branch

Carries out laws, treaties, and war declarations made by Congress. Can veto bills, appoint cabinet members, ambassadors, and federal judges. Is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Carter Doctrine

Carter's announced policy that the US would use force to repel any nation that attempted to take control of the Persian Gulf

Why did United States get involved in WW2

Cash & Carry, Destroyers for bases, Lend Lease, Attack on sight, PEARL HARBOR

October Manifesto

Cause: illegal trade unions and political parties formed and organized strikes to gain power eventually bringing Russian economy to a halt. Purpose: created a constitutional monarchy, extended some civil rights, and gave Parliament limited legislative power. Shortly after, the Czar disbanded the Parliament and violated the promised civil liberties -> more frustration.

Age of Exploration

Causes: revival of interest in Greek art, lit, etc and the invention of the printing press allowed the spread of knowledge a stimulated global exploration; The need to find faster and cheaper ways to bypass traditional routes and end the control of Italian merchants. New maps, new navigational methods and new instruments (included astrolabe and compass)

Ottoman Empire

Centered in Constantinople, the Turkish imperial state that conquered large amounts of land in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Balkans, and fell after World War I. Tolerant blending; "People of the Book"


Centers in a single leader (cult of personality), single party state, centralized control, and oppositional to Communism. Often focuses on expansion and conquering of other nations.


Central Americans Significant advances in astronomy and math

Federal Reserve Banks

Central bank of the US federal banking system located in 12 districts; regulates and supervise member banks; maintains fund for future use, issues bank notes, controls credit, lends money, etc.; involved in setting of national monetary policy

4 Main Theories: Divine Right

Certain people were chosen by the prevailing deity to be the rulers of the nation, which itself was created by deity/deities.

Ninth Amendment

Certain rights not mentioned in the constitution may still be protected

Congress has the power to...

Change the Constitution Impeach (bring charges against) the President - brought by the HoR and tried by the Senate.


Changed the Minoan writing system to aid their own language


Characterized by the ideology of class conflict and revolution, one party state and dictatorship, repressive police apparatus, and government ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods and services Red flag with stars and hammer and sickles (represents workers)

Zheng He

Chinese admiral during the Ming Dynasty, he led great voyages that spread China's fame throughout Asia


Chinese religion with worship of more deities than most Founded: Lao Tzu Text: Tao Te Ching (The Way and its Power) with 81 brief chapters Five main organs/orifices: fire, water, metal, earth, wood Symbol: yin and yang

Emperor Qin

Chinese ruler who instituted a common form of writing, a common currency, and a unified legal code Allowed Qin to construct the Great Wall

Ferdinand Magellan

Circumnavigated the globe with five ships and 270 men

Amendment 9

Citizens and states have rights beyond those in the Constitution

Civil Liberties

Civil liberties - the state has a positive role to play in assuring that all its citizens will have equal protection and justice under the law with equal opportunities regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or creed.

Civil liberties vs. Civil rights

Civil rights = identified with the ideal of equality Civil liberties = identified with the ideal of freedom Really inseparable and interacting

Truman Doctrine

Claimed that the US would not start a war with the Soviet Union but would support all free peoples in countries that were resisting communism. Articulated a policy of "containment".

Truman Doctrine

Claimed that the US would not start a war with the Soviet Union but would support all free peoples in countries that were resisting communism. Articulated a policy of "containment."

Townshend Acts

Claimed that the colonists were only allowed to buy from Great Britain and taxed the colonists for a number of manufactured goods and materials (e.g., paint, tea, paper, glass). As a result, the British sent troops to Boston the enforce customs duties raising tensions with colonists who felt they were among other fears, competing for jobs with soldiers needing a second job. Bostonian laborors threw rock-filled snowballs at the red coats, five townspeople were killed and the event was coined the "Bloody Massacre".

Townshend Acts

Claimed that the colonists were only allowed to buy from Great Britain and taxed the colonists for a number of manufactured goods and materials (e.g., paint, tea, paper, glass). As a result, the British sent troops to Boston the enforce customs duties raising tensions with colonists who felt they were among other fears, competing with jobs for soldiers needing a second job. Bostonian laborors threw rock-filled snowballs at the red coats, five townspeople were killed and the event was coined the "Bloody Massacre".

What is climate?

Climate is average weather or daily weather conditions for a specific region or location over a long or extended period of time

The Boston Massacre

Colonists approached a group of British soldiers, taunting them, the British soldiers opened fire killing five, including Crispus Attucks (first American to die in Revolutionary War)

The Tea Act of 1773

Colonists could only purchase tea that was sold by the British East India Company and taxed by the British government

James Oglethorpe

Colonized Georgia and planned for it to be a safe place for the British, with protection from the Spaniards. He got help from prisoners and poor men

Vietnam War

Communist North Vietnam and the government of South Vietnam; Congress passed the Case-Church Amendment; North Vietnam captured the capital of South Vietnam which marked end of the war and beginning of a reunified Vietnam under communist rule

Korean War

Communist North and American-occupied South; caused by WWII; ended with a peace treaty and Korea remaining divided

Articles V and VII of the Constitution

Concerned with amending and ratifying the Constitution

Article VI of the Constitution

Concerned with federal power


Concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning.

Powers Reserved for the State Government

Conduct and monitor elections, establish voter qualifications, provide for local gov, ratify proposed amendments to the constitution, regulate contacts and wills, regulate intrastate commerce, provide for education for its citizens, levy direct taxes, maintain police power over public health and safety and maintain integrity of state borders.

Which system would not agree with foreign trade

Conferderate system

First Crusade

Conflict between Christian West and Islamic East continued to grow, culminating in the 11th century with the first Crusade. A Christian military campaign to take control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land Result: Bloody and devastating, they connected cultures and contributed to trade routes.

Amendment 27

Congress cannot accept a pay raise until next term.

3rd Amendment

Congress cannot force individuals to house troops.

Articles I Section 9

Congress is prohibited from suspending the right of habeas corpus

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


Congress; Senate and the House of Representatives; established by Article I; conducts impeachment trials

Great Compromise

Connecticut offered the solution. The compromise resulted in the division of Congress into two parts- the Senate where all states would have equal voting power and the HOR which would be determined in proportion to a state's population

Hernando Cortez

Conquered Aztecs in Mexico


Conquered Rome Absorbed and modified Greek civilization Greek culture (writing, religion, and engineering) were passed on to Italians

Francisco Pizarro

Conquered the Incas of Peru, which added lands to the Spanish Empire


Consisted of those who favored strong national growth Named after a similar party in Great Britain United around then-President John Quincy Adams Supporters: business people in the NE and some wealthy planters in the South


Consisted of two phases: Protestant Revolution and the Catholic Revolution

Bill of Rights

Constitutions first ten amendments 1789 - Written by James Madison Said the Bill of Rights do not give rights but prevent the government from taking them away. By Dec 1791, 3/4 of the states had ratified them Majority rules minority but the Bill of Rights protects the minority from the majority

The United States fought the Cold War with four strategies

Containment, Promote Resistance, Coexist, Defeat


Contains similar physical features or unifying characteristics

Boccaccio (1313-1375)

Contemp. with Petrarch & also a Florentine. Best known for his Decameron - collection of witty & often bawdy tales told over period of ten days by a group of ten young people fleeing Florence because of plague. Was encouraged by Petrarch, studied ancient manuscripts & learned Greek for this. Considered an early humanist also.

Socrates and Plato

Contemplated the nature of being and the origins and ideals of government and political relations.

Stock Market Crash 1929

Contributing factors of overproduction and underconsumption, corporate debt, bank failures and international trade difficulties resulting in Black Thursday and Black Tuesday.

Stock Market Crash 1929

Contributing factors of overproduction and underconsumption, corporate debt, bank failures, and international trade difficulties resulting in Black Thursday and Black Tuesday.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

Contribution: The Social Contract; did not view the state of nature as one of absolute chaos; believed people were inherently good. Direct influence: French Revolution (1789-1815)

Constitutional Convention

Convened in 1787 to consider and revise the ineffective Articles of Confederation. The results of these meetings produced the Constitution.

Alexander the Great

King of Macedonia

Corporate Colony

Corporations and their stockholders determined direction of government and economy

Major Principles of the US Government: Judicial Review

Courts at all levels can declare laws invalid if they contradict state or US Constitution. Supreme Court is the final authority on decisions of this kind.


Covers how humans interact with one another through trade, communications, emigration, and other forms of interaction

First Bank of the United States

Created in 1791 by Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of Treasury, the Bank of the United States was chartered for 20 years and was to have $10mil, 1/5 of which was to be owned by the federal government.

Erie canal did what

Created navigable water route from NYC to Atlantic ocean. Created cheap and easy trade.

Functional Regions

Created through the movement of some phenomenon, like a disease, or a percieved interaction among places, like pizza delivery routes; nodal region

Two Types of Cases

Criminal and civil

Constitutional Rights of Criminals

Criminals need to have basic rights preserved and make sure authorities don't become oppressive. 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments do this: 1. No unreasonable search and seizure, 4th 2. No self-incriminating or double jeopardy, 5th 3. Right to trial by jury/ legal counsel, 6th 4. No cruel or unusual punishment, 8th

Major Contributions of High Middle Ages (1000-1250 CE)

Crusades, Gothic art, papal monarch, birth of the university, idea of court, St. Thomas Aquinas; 3 class (Clergy, Nobility, Third Estate); Magna Carta;

Harlem Renaissance

Cultural revival that took place after the Civil War

What did sumerians create


Which of the following is NOT an example of a social network? A. A church congregation B. A university C. A family D. A party planner

D. A party planner Any group can be a social network, but a party planner is not a group

Which of the following documents embodies the ideals of individual freedom so commonly associated with the US? A. The Declaration of Independence B. The Constitution C. The Articles of Confederation D. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

D. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

The economic indicator that measures the price change over time, using a fixed market basket of typical goods and services, is the A. producer price index B. consumer sentiment index C. GDP D. CPI

D. CPI CPI is the consumer price index which measures price change over time using a fixed market basket of typical goods and services.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a scarce resource? A. Oil B. Coal C. Clean water D. Carbon Dioxide

D. Carbon Dioxide All others are scarce.

Which is NOT an example of how environmental concerns can become economic priorities? A. Recycling B. Reforestation C. Greenhouse effect D. Coal-generated electricity to replace imported oil

D. Coal-generated electricity to replace imported oil Coal causes more pollution but is more cost efficient than oil.

Which country was NOT a participant in the Potsdam Declaration setting the terms for how WWII peace settlements would be administered? A. United States B. Britain C. China D. France

D. France The Potsdam Declaration was a proclamation outlining the terms of Japanese surrender, ending WWII, issued by the US, Britain, and China.

The Soviet leader whose policies of glasnost and perestroika encouraged the fall of communism in the Eastern bloc was A. Brezhnev B. Khrushchev C. Stalin D. Gorbachev

D. Gorbachev

The first religious development to have an impact throughout colonial America was the A. establishment of religious toleration in Maryland. B. the spread of Quaker ideas from Pennsylvania C. Parson's Cause D. Great Awakening

D. Great Awakening The Great Awakening - began in 1730s A. The religious toleration act only briefly affected Maryland and Rhode Island in 1649 - not all of colonial America. B. The Quakers were 1st persecuted in America C. Parson's Cause 1763 - led to Revolutionary War

Which of the following would be considered a primary source in researching the factors that influenced US involvement in the Korean War? I. The personal correspondence of a military man stationed with the 5th Regimental Combat team in Korea II. A biography of Harry S. Truman by David McCullough, published in 1993 III. A journal article about the beginning of the Korean War by a noted scholar. IV. An interview with Secretary of Defense George Marshall. A. I and II only B. II and IV only C. II and III only D. I and IV only

D. I and IV only All others are secondary sources

Paleolithic peoples are characterized by which of the following? I. Hunter-Gatherer II. Nomadic III. Artist IV. Work with crude tools V. Grow crops A. I B. I and II C. I, III, IV, and V D. I, II, III, and IV

D. I, II, III, IV Paleolithic (old stone age) peoples did all but grow crops.

Which of the following are broad subtopics of political science in the US? I. Political theory II. American government and politics III. International relations IV. Comparative government and politics A. I and II B. II and III C. I, II, and IV D. I, II, III, and IV

D. I, II, III, and IV (all of the above)

All of the following describe the long-term cause of the Reformation EXCEPT I. popular discontent with the empty Church rituals II. movement towards more personal ways of communicating with God III. Jan Hus was burned at the stake in 1415 after he argued that priests were not a holy group. IV. growth in the power of the secular king and the decrease in the power of the Pope. V. fiscal crisis in the Church that led to corruption and abuses of power A. I, II, and III only B. II, III, and IV only C. III, IV, and V only D. I, II, IV, and V only

D. I, II, IV, and V only All except the execution of Jan Hus which was a short term cause of the Reformation.

The religion that most influenced the development of sub-Saharan Africa before the Age of Exploration was A. Christianity B. Hinduism C. Judaism D. Islam

D. Islam

What is true regarding the Marshall Plan? A. It ended the Cold War B. It granted British control over Palestine after WWI C. It ended the conflict in Korea D. It gave Western Europe billions to rebuild after WWII

D. It gave Western Europe billions to rebuild after WWII

Which of the following is NOT true of the Cuban Missile Crisis? A. It was a major incident during the Cold War B. The crisis began in 1961 C. Russians refer to the event as the Caribbean Crisis D. It would never have led to a war.

D. It would never have led to a war. False - it is the moment in the Cold War came closest to a nuclear war.

Which of the following statements isn NOT true of Homo erectus? A. It had the capacity to make fire. B. It depended on gathering for survival and also hunting or scavenging. C. It was the first hominid to leave Africa D. Its oldest fossils are found in Australia.

D. Its oldest fossils are found in Australia No, its oldest fossils are found in Africa

Who was the first president of the Confederacy? A. Abraham Lincoln B. James Buchanan C. Robert E. Lee D. Jefferson Davis

D. Jefferson Davis was the first and ONLY president of the Confederacy

All of the following are true about WWI EXCEPT A. at the end of the war most empires in Europe were dissolved B. European power declined C. ethnic tensions in the Balkans remained D. Ottoman Empire territories gained independence

D. Ottoman Empire territories gained independence D is false - Ottoman territories were under British control

According to the table below, what can you infer from the data about children from single-parent families in FL? FL Children from Single-Parent Families, 2008 Non-hispanic White 28% Black/A. American 61% Am. Indian S Asian/Pacific Isl. 17% Hispanic/Latino 37% Total 36% A. In 2008, most children from SPFs were Hispanic/Latino B. The proportion of Am. Indian children from SPFs is the lowest C. The % of children from Asian SPFs is higher than the % of non-Hispanic white children D. The %of African-Am. children represents the largest group of children from SPFs

D. The percentage of African-American children from SPFs represents the largest group of children from SPFs

All of the following were characteristic of the 1920s EXCEPT A. voting rights for women B. prohibition and bootlegging C. consumerism and easy credit D. Union growth

D. Union growth

Which of the following is a valid difference between the urban patterns of the US and those of Latin America? A. Unlike US cities, Latin American cities have ghettos B. US cities follow a sector pattern, whereas Latin American cities follow concentric zones C. Gentrification is more present in Latin American cities D. Unlike US cities, Latin American cities show patterns of wealthy residents emanating from the city's central business center.

D. Unlike US cities, Latin American cities show patterns of wealthy residents emanating from the city's central business center. In the US the wealthy tend to live in suburbs and away from inner cities.

Quotas, license fees, and subsidies are part of A. a market economy B. a communist society C. the free enterprise system D. a planned economy

D. a planned economy

A demand deposit at a commercial bank is A. an asset to a bank and a liability to the Fed. B. a liability to the depositor and an asset to the bank C. a liability to both the depositor and the bank D. an asset to the depositor and a liability to the bank.

D. an asset to the depositor and a liability to the bank It is a liability to the bank b/c it is $ owed by the bank to the depositor.

A headline reads: "Auto sales decline and the steel industry suffers a slump; unemployment rises." This type of unemployment can best be characterized in economic terms as A. frictional B. structural C. total unemployment D. cyclical

D. cyclical

Renaissance Humanism was a threat to the Church because it A. espoused atheism B. denounced scholasticism C. denounced neo-Platonism D. emphasized a return to the original sources of Christianity.

D. emphasized a return to the original sources of Christianity.

What event made President Kennedy a national hero in 1962 due to the way in which people believed he successfully stood up to the Russians? A. the Berlin Blockade B. the Berlin Wall Crisis C. the Pueblo Incident D. the Cuban Missile Crisis

D. the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods are part of A. the Copper Age B. the Bronze Age C. the Iron Age D. the Stone Age

D. the Stone Age

in 1831, Nat Turner organized and led a save insurrection in Southhampton County, Virginia, that resulted in

D. the southern states expanding their militia and strengthening the slave codes. The revolt caused the deaths of 60 white men which then led to the capture, trying and executing of all slaves involved and Virginia and nearby states passing new laws to control slaves and free blacks.

ALL of the following were aspects of Britain's policy of indirect rule in colonial Africa EXCEPT... A. subsidizing primary education for Africans B. the expectation of eventual self-government. C. decentralized administration D. uniform government policy throughout the colonized territories.

D. uniform government policy throughout the colonized territories. A. Yes, so they could be ready for eventual self-government (B) C. Yes, because they did not want territories which would have led to revolt.

Temperatures in the tropical rainforest...

Daily temperature rarely rise above 90 degrees, but the humidity is always high, leaving everything sticky and damp

Shay's Rebellion

Daniel Shays led a rebellion of farmers against tax collectors and the banks that were seizing their property and it symbolized the inability of the gov. under the Articles of Confederations to maintain order.

Population Geography

Deals with relationship between geography and population patterns

Debates and Compromises of Constitution

Debate: role of the executive Comp: checks and balances Debate: representation (small/large states) Comp: the Great Compromise (split Congress into Senate and House) Debate: slavery Comp: 3/5 Compromise (each slave was 3/5 of a person for purposes of determining population -> taxation Debate: selection of president Comp: Electoral college (to prevent popular but unqualified ruler) Debate: Limits of state power and extent of control the fed government had on states. Comp: all laws must conform to the Fed Constitution; however, all power not explicitly given to the fed govt belonged to the states.

Three-Fifths Compromise

Decided that each slave was to count as three-fifths of a person for purposes of determining population count and with regard to direct taxation on states

Judicial Branch

Decides on challenges to the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress. The Supreme Court may also choose to review decisions made by lower courts to determine their constitutionality.

July, 1776

Declaration of Independence

Currency Act

Deemed American money worthless, colonies could not print their own currency.


Defined as committing acts with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution

Defined the legislative (I), executive (II), and judicial (III) powers

Civil Rights

Defines limitations of state rights, and describing those rights that belong to individuals and cannot be infringed upon by the government. Example, overall freedom to love how we choose.

Civil Liberties

Defines role of the state in providing equal rights that belong to individuals within that state. Example, non-discrimination policies with regards to granting citizenship.


Depicts elevation; lines that are closer together mean elevation is steeper

Credit Union

Depository; owned, controlled and operation by its members; provides financial services much like commercial baks but often provides lower interest rates for some of the services

Out of Africa Model

Describes that modern humans evolved in Africa between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago, migrated out to colonize the world and replaced earlier hominid species


Describing Greek culture after the death of Alexander the Great, including the three main kingdoms formed by Alexanders empires

Relative Location

Description of the relationship of a place between and among other places

Climate found north and south of the tropical grasslands (savannas)?

Deserts - The hottest and driest parts of the Earth receiving less than 10 inches of rain a year.

Jim Crow Laws

Designed to segregate Southern whites from blacks.

Jim Crow Laws

Designed to segregate southern whites from blacks.

Explain Strategies that a Student can use

Detail, out loud, how one might solve a problem, organize an essay, or prepare for a test.

What is the judicial branch responsible for?

Determining if a law (legislative) or act (executive) is illegal or unconstitutional


Developed an approach to learning that emphasized observation and thought


Direct: functions when the population involved is relatively small and will usually involve all the voters in a given area coming together to decide on issues (i.e. Town Meetings) Indirect: involves much larger areas and involves the sending of representatives to a legislative body to vote on issues affecting the people. (US)

Causes of the Russian Revolution (1905)

Discontent with social structure Discontent with living conditions of the peasants Discontent with working conditions General discontent aggravated by the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) with inflation and rising prices Troops killed in battles as Russia lost a war to Japan because of poor leadership, lack of training, and inferior weaponry Czar Nicholas II refused to end the war In Jan 1905, Port Arthur fell


Displays the names of what you are examining.

What determines the differences in temperature in humid continental climates?

Distance a place is from the coast

Amendment 23

District of Columbia gets 3 Electors

Amendment 23

District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes


Divided into 3 tribes, each divided into clans (composed of groups of families) Nobles (patricians - fathers) were privileged; advisory council to the king; political rights

Significant leaders in European renninssance

Divinci, Michelangelo, moore, Machiavelli

The Great Compromise

Division of Congress into two parts; The Senate where all states have equal voting power and the House of Representatives which would be in proportions to the state's population.


Dominated Mexico and Central America Riches did not come from trade but conquering territories and demanding tributes from them Believed in gods and human sacrifice Center city: Tenochtitlan (built on an island) with population 300,000 and known for its canals and pyramids.

Mogul Empire

During the reign of Akbar and had 2 notable approaches: 1. Studied local revenue statistics and developed a plan to match the needs. 2. Created a rand-and-pay structure based on number of troops and obligations.

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

Drew a line dividing the land in the New World between Portugal and Spain; Lands to the east were Portugese

Steppe or prairie climate?

Dry flatlands are far from ocean breezes and are called prairies or the Great Plains in Canada and the US and steppes in Asia and Russia

Amendment 5

Due process; cannot be held for a crime without being indicted; right against self-incrimination; double jeopardy

Lend-Lease Act 1941

Effectively ended the pretense of American neutrality by offering arms to Britain in exchange for goods and services after the war. Patrols were set up to watch out but not attack German subs.

Article 6

Establishes that the Constitution and federal laws are are supreme laws of the land and are higher than state or local laws

South America

Earlier empires: Aztec, Incan, and Mayan Earliest people: Olmecs


Earth's physical features, what creates and changes them, their relationships to each other as well as to human activities

Swahili Coast

East African shores of the Indian Ocean between the Horn of Africa and the Zambezi River; from the Arabic sawahili, meaning 'shores.


Eastern Mediterranean Culture of people. An early cultural group was so skillful in navigating on the sea that they wer able to sail at night guided by stars.

Samuel de Champlain

Eastern coast of North America and coast of the St. Lawrence River; reached Lake Champlain


Economic conflict when people have unlimited wants and needs but limited resources.

What was the main reason of the Westward Expansion?


Lend-Lease Act 1941

Effectively ended the pretense of American neutrality by offering arms to Britain in exchange for goods and services after the war. Patrols were set up to watch out for, but not attack German subs.

Study of Anthropology

Effects of governmental process on culture of an individual group and its relationships with other groups

Alexander the Great

Egyptian culture remained unchanged until Alexander the Great conquered the region bringing it under Greek influence.

New Look

Eisenhower's plan of "liberation" saying that, should there be war, it would result in massive retaliation with nuclear weapons. Meant to be a deterrent for any Soviet Action. Pushed the war to edge of "brinkmanship".

New Look

Eisenhower's plan of "liberation" saying that, should there be war, it would result in massive retaliation with nuclear weapons. Meant to be a deterrent for any Soviet action. Pushed the war to edge of "brinksmanship".

Andrew Jackson/Jacksonian Democracy

Elected president in 1828 and overused his veto power. Responsible for the Trail of Tears

Amendment 12

Electoral college; pres and vp must be on the ballot together


Elements and characteristics of a place or region


Eliminate all government and replace with a cooperative community of individuals Black flag

John Locke

Emphasis on human rights and said when the govt violates these rights, they should rebel. Wrote the book "Two Treatises of Government" 1690 which helped shape the Constitution and Declaration of Independence

Free Enterprise

Emphasizes private ownership

Fugitive Slave Law

Enabled Southerners to seize individuals who they claimed were fugitives living in the North. Northerners disliked this and established a number of personal liberty laws providing alleged fugitives rights to an attorney and trial.

Fugitive Slave Law

Enabled southerners to seize individuals who they claimed were fugitives living in the North. Northerners disliked this and established a number of personal liberty laws providing alleged fugitives right to an attorney and trial.

Amendment 25

Established process for president to pass on duties if he/she is unable to serve. Goes to Vice-President,vacancy in Vice-Presidency is filled by appointment from president (approved by congress)

What were some of the effects of the American Revolution?

English colonists in America won freedom from GB Declared freedom, won the Rev War (with help from France), and formed a new independent nation.

Royal Colony

English monarch controlled colony and appointed governors and their councils to run it

Who established settlements in Florida during the 1500s and 1600s?

English, Spanish, and French

Marbury vs. Madison

Established the Supreme Court's power of Judicial review over federal legislation

Pierce vs. Society of Sisters (1925)

Established the legitimacy of parochial and private schools

The Sherman Act of 1890

Established anti-trust laws

2 parts about religion in the 1st amendment

Establishement clause and free excersise clause

Jeanette Pickering Rankin

First Female in Congress

Absolute Location

Exact whereabouts of a place, person, or thing

Eighth Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment 8

Excessive bails or fines cannot be imposed; cruel and unusual punishment; challenges to death penalty laws (1791)

Article 2 of constitution

Executive Branch


Executive branch members who reside in other con tries in order to lobby for the US in international meetings

Vasco Nuñez de Balboa

Expedition across Panama and found the Pacific Ocean

Prince Henry the Navigator

Exploration and cartography

Uses of Geogrpahy

Explore how humans modify the physical environment, how physical systems affect human systems, and how the changes occur in the meaning, use, distribution, and importance of resources

Direct teaching is the same as...

Expository teaching

French and Indian War

Extension of the European Seven Years Ware; battle over colonial territory and resources by the French and English; ended France's cultural and political influence in North America; led to Revolutionary War


High rate of inflation accompanied by rising unemployment


Extreme form of authoritarianism and depends on it to function Tolerates NO pluralism Guided by an ideology

Temperatures in the desert....

Extreme temperatures between night and day. After the sun sets, the land cools quickly dropping the temperature more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit

Political Orientations: Moderate

Falls between liberal and conservative incorporating ideas from both.

Characteristics of Citizens

Family: affiliation is passed down generations Race: Black - more liberal than whites on economic, social, and public policy issues Gender: women tend to be more liberal than men Class: middle and upper classes tend to be more politically involved; low-income --> more liberal Religion: Protestants are more conservative than Catholics and Jews Education: grad-level education --> liberalization Region: Southerners --> more conservative; Coastal --> most liberal Media: major influence

Federalist Party

Favored a "loose construction" of the interpretation of the Constitution, strong federal government with the power to assume any duties and responsibilities not prohibited to it by the text of the document. Supported benefit banking, commercial interests and foreign policy. pro bristish. (Alexander Hamilton)

The new Democratic party

Favored slower growth More oriented toward workers and farmers First leader and president: Andrew Jackson

State laws vs Federal Laws

Federal Court May intervene if the issue of individual rights are violated. Federal serves as support system to overwrite state decisions if they violate the constitution

Alexander Hamilton

Federal government should be stronger than state govt Supported the creation of the first Bank of the US Interpreted the Constitution loosely and thought it gave Congress the power to make all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out its duties. If Congress had the right to collect taxes, then it could create the Bank Favored growth of trade, manufacturing, and the rise of cities. Favored business leaders and feared the common people. Federalists (favored a strong federal government) Supporters: merchants and ship owners in the NE and some planters in the South

Election of 1800

Federalist Party was torn by internal divisions and began suffering a decline President --> Thomas Jefferson


Feel all government should be eliminated and that individuals should rule themselves. Historically, they have used political assassinations and violence to further their beliefs.

Espionage Act/Sedition Act 1917-1918

Fines imposed for those aiding the enemy, forbidding criticism of the government. Upheld by Schneck v United States 1919 which stated congress could limit free speech when the words represented a "clear and present danger".

significance of the whiskey rebellion

First "total war" in history of war on home front. Accelerated the modernization of the northern economy. Forged new national self-consciousness, a unified political entity in place of the older "union" of separate states

Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments of the Constitution. Prevents the government from infringing upon natural rights that the founding fathers felt belonged to people.

Ivan the Great

First Czar; challenged the Mongols and liberated Russia in a bloodless March

Sir Frances Drake

First Englishman to sail around the world; defeated the Spanish Armada; claimed California for England


First European to see Florida and sail it's coast


First ancient civilation to introduce and practice monotheism, or the belief in one God

Nicolaus Copernicus

First astronomer to place the Sun at the center of the Universe

Election of 1796

First election in which political parties played a role

Sandra Day Oconner

First female Supreme Court justice in 1981

Anti-Masonic Party

First founded in New York, it gained considerable influence in New England and the mid-Atlantic during the 1832 election, campaigning against the politically influential Masonic order, a secret society. Anti-Masons opposed Andrew Jackson, a Mason, and drew much of their support from evangelical Protestants.

The Battle at Bunker Hill

First major battle of Revolutionary War; British won but sustained great losses in soldiers and weaponry; on the Patriot side, Dr. Joseph Warren died

Jefferson Davis

First president of the Confederacy

Herodotus and Thucydides

First to apply research and interpretation to written history

Tycho Brahe

First to catalog observations of the night sky

Vasco de Gama

First to travel to India around Africa's Cape of Good Hope

Ming Dynasty

Followed the Mongol Dynasty Hongwu emperor: distributed land to small farmers and proclaimed title of the land non-transferable; Said anyone who cultivated wasteland could keep the land as his property and would never be taxed.

5 million dollars purchased what


Juan Ponce de Leon

Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth

Political Orientations: Liberal

Focus on health, justice, and education. Government should not interfere with individual freedom. Work towards increasing equality even at the expense of some freedoms.

Regional Geography

Focuses on areas of Earth that have some degree of similarity and divides world into realms

Physical Geography

Focuses on physical environment of the Earth

Grenville Acts

Four pieces of legislation meant to exact more taxes on the colonists to pay back Britisch debts from the Seven Years War. Includes the Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act

Third Amendment

Forbids the government to order private citizens to allow soldiers to live in their homes.

Quartering Act

Forced colonial assemblies to raise taxes to provide housing and provisions for British troops (veterans from the Seven Years War) who were unable to return to England. This further exacerbated colonists' fear of standing armies, especially an army they did not need and were, as they suspected, there to control them.

Traditional Economies

Systems that rely on customs.tradition to determine production and distribution questions

Secretary of State and the National Security Council advise the precedence on matters of...

Foreign policy


Form of democracy where each citizen has an equal vote in his own government

Grenville Acts

Four pieces of legislation meant to exact more taxes on the colonists to pay back Britisch debts from the Seven Years War. Includes the Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act, and Stamp Act.

Whre did civil war start

Fort sumter, South Carolina

Mongol Empire

Founded by Genghis Khan Primary tactic: annihilate cities who don't surrender Achievements: Reunification of China and expansion of borders, Unification of the Central Asian Republics that later formed part of the USSR, and expansion of Europe's knowledge of the world.

City of Ur

Founded by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia (Iraq)

The Whigs

Founded in 1834 to unite factions opposed to President Andrew Jackson, the party favored federal responsibility for internal improvements; the party ceased to exist by the late 1850s, when party members divided over the slavery issue.

Adam Smith

Founder of economics Wealth of Nations (1776) was an analysis of market economy Believed that market economy was superior form of organization of both economic progress and human liberty. Self-interest was the motivating force and it correlated to public interest. Markets were guided by the invisible hand (public interest)

Compass Rose

Four main directions and northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest

main enemy of Britain in eastern united states colonies

France and indians

Emancipation Proclamation

Freed all slaves in the areas of the rebellion.

Amendment 4

Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures

Amendment 1

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom to Petition the Government.

Amendment 1

Freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly

Rene descarte

French philosopher, mathematician and writer who spent most of his life in the Dutch Republic. He has been dubbed the father of modern philosophy.. father of analytical geometry, the bridge between algebra and geometry, crucial to the discovery of infinitesimal calculus and analysis

American Revolution Allies

French, Dutch, Spanish

19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote

Define Geography

Geography is the study of Earth's features and living things as to their location, relationship with each other, how they came to be there, and why so important.

Constitution of the United States

George Washington - 55/65 appointed members attended Written in four months "Fundamental law of the republic" established as the highest governmental authority. Unique and advanced far beyond other systems of its day - designed to meet the needs of a single federation yet sovereign in their own local affairs. Based on the Magna Carta (1215), Petition of Right (1628), and the Bill of Rights (1689)


George Washington's opinion of America having trade with other nations


Germanic term for emperor, derived from the word Caesar

Protestant Revolution

Germany 1517, Martin Luther opposed the selling of indulgences (partial forgiveness of time spent in purgatory after death before entering heaven) and this led to a new "Protestant" church. Movement spread to Switzerland, led by John Calvin) and to England, where King Henry VIII was eager to escape the Catholic prohibition against divorce

Western Front of World War I

Germany against France and England,

Schlieffen Plan

Germany initiated in the hopes of knocking out France and then turning its attention completely against Russia. However, this was unsuccessful and war would finally end with the arrival of the United States. Germany was forced to surrender, though its borders were never penetrated.

why did United States get involved in WW1

Germany was going to help Mexico gain back their land. They also sank the Lusitania and their submarines sank American Trade ships. Zimmerman telegram

World War I

Germany, Austria-Hungary against France, England, and Russia

Genocide in Germany

Germany: Holocaust; the world was slow to believe and therefore slow to respond

Railroads thru central Florida helped what

Get out of debt back on road to building, economy


Global Positioning System

Major Principles of US Government: Popular Sovereignty

Government determined by the people and gains it power from the people.

Major Principles of US Government: Separation of Powers

Government divided into 3 branches each having its own set of powers (executive, legislative, judicial)

Political Parties: Single Party System

Government is defined by that one party, and all policy is based of that party's beliefs.

Hernando Cortez

Government official of Cuba in 1518. Led a small military expedition against the Aztecs in Mexico. They failed at first, but were successful overall

Political Orientations: Conservative

Government should be limited in all cases except longstanding moral values, often tied to religious beliefs. Free market, where businesses are not regulated.

Fiscal Policy

Government spending policies

Major Principles of the US Government: Limited Government

Governmental powers are limited and certain individual rights are defined as inviolable by the government.

Leader of the State Government

Governor; works with state senators of the Senate and state representatives of the House of Representatives

The Homestead Act

Granted 160 free acres of government land to any person who would farm it for at least 5 years

14th Amendment

Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the US; also can't deny anyone life, liberty, or property without due process

1st Amendment

Grants freedom of religion, speech, freedom of press, and the right to assemble.

three disagreements of early Consitution

Great Compromise, slavery, nature of the presidency

Greek Contribution

Greek alphabet --> basis for Roman and present-day alphabet Trading and colinization --> spread of Greek civilization Love of sports --> Olympic games Rise of independent, freedom-loving Athens practiced pure democracy (direct, personal, active participation in govt by qualified citizens) and rigid, totalitarianism militaristic Sparta


Greek poet; earliest in western literature


Greek writer, philosopher, and astronomer credited with measuring the circumference of the earth, which greatly contributed to geographic knowledge

Sons of Liberty

Group of Patriots formed with the support of Paul Revere

Political results of the Industrial Revolution

Growth of complex govt by technical experts Centralization of govt (inc regulatory admin agencies) Advantages to democratic development - extension of franchise to the middle class - mass education to meet need of industrial society - dev of media inc radio, tv, and newspapers

Simon bolivar, el libratador, what did he do

HELPED latin America gain independance


Had a system of writing using symbols to represent syllables in words Built palaces with multiple levels containing many rooms Water and sewage systems with flush toilets, bathtubs, hot and cold running water Bright paintings on the walls


Hamilton was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr and the Federalist party began to collapse Jefferson was re-elected and James Madison was elected in 1808


Hanging Gardens of Babylon; advances in astronomy

Presidential System of Government

Has a legislature and political parties, but there is no difference between head of state/government. The President performs both functions. Election can be direct or indirect, and the President might belong to the largest political party.

Tea Act

Having 18 million pounds of unsold tea in its warehouses, British merchants were allowed a monopoly on the colonial tea market, pushing out local merchants, thereby ensuring the tea was sold and the taxes from the purchases going to the crown. Ironically, the tea would have been cheaper for the colonists than Dutch tea.

Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444)

He was a humanist, and sometimes known as the first modern historian. His most famous work was the History of Florentine People. This book was known as the first modern book because of its three part view of history, antiquity, Middle Ages, and modern.

Gettysburg Address

Honored the dead on both sides of the war, expressed determination to readmit the Southern states as quickly as possible.

Karl Marx statement

He was generally regarded as the founder of modern socialism and communism, and made the claim that "history of all societies is one of class struggle"

American Women's Suffrage Association

Headed by Susan B. Anthony, a group seeking to amend the constitution in favor of women's suffrage. A movement born out of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century.

American Women's Suffrage Association

Headed by Susan B. Anthony, a group that sought to amend the constitution in favor of women's suffrage. A movement borne out of the Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century.

Clarify why Particular Strategies are Helpful and Useful

Help students develop their conditional knowledge by letting them know what works, when, and why.


Henry and Sam Adams - argued that the Constitution failed to uphold some of the basic rights for which the revolution had been fought Weaken states Favor the wealthy Increase taxes Diminish individual liberty Objected to the lack of Bill of Rights to protect the people

Raphael (1483-1520)

High Renaissance artist who at age 25 was already regarded as one of Italy's finest painters. He is well known for his frescoes in the Vatican Palace; his School of Athens reveals a world of balance, harmony, and order while celebrating the classical age. He also received early fame for his artistic depictions of the Madonna.

Caste System

Hinduism; provides framework of society. Society is divided into four major castes - Priestly - aristocratic protectors of society - class of merchants, landowners, and moneylenders - the laborers Outside the caste system: Untouchables

Political Theory

Historical exploration of the major contributions to political thought from the ancient Greeks to the contemporary theorist. Involves the philosophical and speculative consideration of the political world


Holds that there is a structure to the interactions of nations that determines how they will act Rules they follow are called institutions - give structure, distribute power, and provide incentives for international cooperation

The Crusades

Holy wars by popes to recover the church and Christian property

Who has the power to choose the president if no candidate receives the majority of electoral votes?

House of Representatives

Henry Hudson

Hudson Bay, Hudson River, and Hudson Strait

Characteristics of Paleolithic People

Hunter gatherer, nomadic, crude tools, gender roles, art, use of fire


Human activity patterns and how they relate to the environment including political, cultural, historical, urban, and social geographical fields of study

Place (Human)

Human characteristics are the features created by interaction with the environment.... Canals, roads

Environment and Society

Humans modify earth's environment through their actions which happen largely as a consequence of the way people value or de-value the Earth's resources

Some of the world's best farmlands are found in what climate?

Humid continental

Rene Descartes

I think, therefore I am

What led to a large wave of Cuban immigration into southern Florida in the 1950s?

The Cuban Revolution of 1959

Articles I-III in the Constitution (LEJ)

I: establishes legislative branch, the Congress, as a bicameral entity (House + Senate) that makes laws II: establishes executive branch (Pres + vp + cabinet + departments serving under each cabinet member) III: Judicial branch (Supreme Court and lower courts)


I: legislative branch II: executive branch III: judicial branch IV: relationship between the states V: amendments VI: supreme law, oaths of office and debts VII: approving the constitution

Place these events in a chronology I. President Andrew Johnson is impeached II. Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation III. James Buchanan is elected president IV. General William Tecumseh Sherman achieves victory in Atlanta

III. James Buchanan elected president II. Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation IV. Sherman victorious in Atlanta I. Andrew Johnson Impeached

Articles IV-VII

IV: State has the power to carry out its own laws V: Constitutional amendments (2/3 vote from each house of Congress AND 3/4 of the state legislature) VI: Constitution and federal laws supersede state law VII: 9 of 13 states needed to ratify it in order for it to go into effect


Ideals of democracy, internationalism, American exceptionalism, and diplomacy.

John Locke

Ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution; natural rights

Amendment 25

If President dies or cannot serve, VP takes over. If both die, Speaker of the House takes over

The number of alternatives

If it is possible to subsitute an item whose prices have risen, then sales are likely to fall should prices rise

Elasticity of demand

If price increases and people buy less

Inelasticity of demand

If price increases and people continue to buy, i.e. gasoline

Constitution Convention

In 1787, held in Philadelphia to revise the ineffective Articles

League of Nations

In 1919, after WWI, Wilson proposed it in the 14th point of his peace plan. He envisioned it as an Assembly with seats for all nations and a special council for the great powers. The US voted not to join the League because in doing so, it would have taken away our self-determination, and Congress could not declare war.

San Martin

In Peru, San Martin took his force into Lima amid celebration Led the Latin American armies over the Andes Mtns. and into Chile. Fought for independence in Chile and Peru. Fought with Bolivar

Prime Minister

In a parliamentary system, is chosen by by a majority or coalition of parties in the parliament

Restriction of Bill of Rights

In emergency situation government can restrict elements of the 1st Amendment for national security. 1. Can restrict activities that are otherwise illegal like polygamy, drug use, or animal sacrifice. 2. If free speech endangers others. 3. Laws that prevent press from publishing falsehoods.


Included Phoenicians - seagoing people; alphabet eventually adapted by the Greeks


Included trusts, rival businesses were controlled but not formally owned Effects: grew large, efficient corporations, which made important contributions to economic growth; enabled businesses to keep their sales steady and avoid sharp fluctuations in price and production Disadvantages: some business leaders acquired so much power and took adv of smaller businesses.

Perfect competition

Includes a large number of buyers and sellers and a standardized product

Amendment 16

Income tax

Division of Labor

Increase in business -> more workers were hired to perform a certain job in the production process Inc in rate of production -> lower prices = profit

Direct results of the Industrial Revolution

Increase in productivity and world trade Specialization and division of labor Standardization of parts and mass production Growth of business conglomerates and monopolies New revolution of agriculture

Catholic Reformation

Increased religious tolerance by the Church in an attempt to slow the growth of the new protestant churches.

Space-time Compression

Increasing sense of accessibility and connectivity seems to bring humans in distant places closer together; reducing perceived distance

Amendment 11

Individual cannot sue a state in a federal court.

Christianity is large in what country



Influenced government, religion, writing, irrigation of crops, warfare tactics, art, architecture and construction techniques, mathematics, medicine, and technology


Influenced politics and forms of government, literature and the arts, architecture, warfare, society, engineering and technology


Influenced present-day language, the arts and sciences, education, philosophy, and politics; influenced the ancient Romans

What contributed to the Great Depression in California?

Influx of Okies

World War I

Initiated by a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia; Entente (Allied) Powers: Russian Empire, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, the Empire of Japan, Portugal, and the US; Central Powers: German Empire, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and the Kingdom of Bulgaria; Allied Powers won

The economy experiences an increase in the price level, a decrease in real domestic output, and increased unemployment. Which of the following is the most likely cause? A. Increased productivity B. Increased input prices C. Reduced government regulations D. Increased exports

Input price is the cost of goods that go into products. It drives up the cost of products, causing a decrease in production, and increased unemployment. Therefore, B. Increased input prices

Theory of Institutional

Institutions provide structure and incentive for cooperation among nations. Institutions are defined as a set of rules used to make international decisions. They help to distribute power and determine how nations will interact.

Distance Decay

Interaction between 2 places declines as the distance between the 2 places increases

Where are the steppe or prairie climate located?

Interiors of the large continents like Asia and North America

The Reformation

Introduced new ideas about the relationship between God, the individual and society. Caused growth in power of secular king and decrease in power of pope, discontent with church rituals, movement toward personal ways of communicating with God, fiscal crisis in the church that led to corruption and abuses of power.


Invented the wheel, irrigation systems, learned to divide time. Dominated the Mesopotamian region until 1900 BC when Amorites from the east gained control --> Babylon grew in strength

How did political parties form?

Ironically, it was disagreements between two of Washington's chief advisers, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, that spurred the formation of the first political parties in the newly formed USA.

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)

Italian painter, engineer, musician, and scientist. The most versatile genius of the Renaissance, Leonardo filled notebooks with engineering and scientific observations that were in some cases centuries ahead of their time. As a painter Leonardo is best known for The Last Supper (c. 1495) and Mona Lisa (c. 1503).

Galileo Galilei

Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher

Machiavelli (1469-1527)

Italian political theorist whose book The Prince (1513) describes the achievement and maintenance of power by a determined ruler indifferent to moral considerations.

John Cabot (1497)

Italian sailor under England who was in search of a Northwest Passage (water route to Orient through or around North American continent)

Roles in the Constitution

James Madison: recorded the debate proceedings Washington: president of the body Morris: wrote the final version of the document and its famed preamble (We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union...") Hamilton: one of the authors of the Federalist Papers (1787-1788), along with Madison and John Jay.

The Monroe Doctrine

James Monroe stated that peoples of America were no longer to be considered as subjects for future colonization.


Japanese Worship of spirits and demons in animals, trees, and mountains Belief: Deities created Japan and its people Influenced by Buddhism and Confucianism but never has had strong doctrines on salvation or life after death Four Affirmations: 1. Tradition and family (family --> tradition) 2. Love of nature (sacred) 3. Physical cleanliness 4. Matsuri (honor and worship of the Kami and ancestral spirits) Morality = what's in the best interest of the group

European Nationalist Leaders

Jean Thiriat, Otto Strasser, Oswald Mosley, Francis Parker Yockey

Party Development 1790s

Jefferson - Secretary of State Alexander Hamilton - Secretary of the Treasury Disagreed on form of government --> political parties


Jefferson and James Madison went to New York to meet with several important politicians such as governor George Clinton and Aaron Burr, a strong critic of Hamilton to ask for voters support.

John Browns raid on harpers ferry

John Brown arms slaves and takes them to Harpers Ferry on October 16, 1859. 16 white men, 3 free black men, 1 slave, 1 fugitive. They go to free the slaves but first person killed is a freed black man. Jeb Stuart and Robert E. Lee go to stop it. Brown had two week trial, Dec. 2 he was executed.

What did league of nations do

Maintain world peace, preventing wars through collective security and disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration.

Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence?

John Hancock

Who named Florida and when?

Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513

World's three monotheistic religions

Judaism Christianity

what created sovereignty for Latin American countries

Kennedy's Alliance for progress


Key person: Confucius No clergy, no organization, and no deity or life after death Writings: Analects Five key values: Rin (reciprocal human feeling), Yi (righteousness), Li (propriety), Zhi (knowledge), and Xin (trustworthiness) Primarily philosophical/ethical but introduction of Buddhism to China --> more religious


Key person: Siddhartha Gautama in Nepal Experienced enlightenment --> "Buddha" Text: Tipitaka, "three baskets"; collection of thoughts Nirvana Three Jewels of Buddhism Four Noble truths Noble Eightfold Path Three major schools or branches

The Royal Proclamation of 1763

King George forbid colonists to settle past the Appalachian Mountains


King Hammurabi around 1780 BC who provided stability and order Laws --> Code of Hammurabi

Isaac Newton

Known for defining gravity and the laws of motion

Pythagoras and Euclid

Laid the foundation of geometry

Amendment 20

Lame Duck -- shortened the period of time between presidential election and inauguration which is January 20th

Gadsden Purchase 1853

Land purchased making Arizona and New Mexico American territories.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

Land seceded by Mexico to the United States after the Mexican War.

Louisiana Purchase 1803

Land spanning from modern-day Louisiana up to Idaho purchased from France. Napoleon offered it for $15 million after the revolution in Haiti.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

Land succeeded by Mexico

Powers Shared by State and Federal Governments

Taxing, borrowing and spending money, controlling the militia and acting directly on individuals

Proprietary Colony

Landowners determined the direction of the government

Constitutional Disagreement - Large and Small States

Large and Small States: the large states wanted power proportionate to their voting strength; the small states opposed this plan Compromise --> All states should have equal voting power in the Senate but House of Rep members were proportionate to population

Monopolistically competitive market

Large number of companies. The product is similar but not identical

International Date Line

Largely vertical, imaginary line that marks where the date officially changes each day

What are regions of climates divided according to?


Nicolaus Copernicus

Launched the scientific revolution in the 16th century

What is the executive branch responsible for?

Leading the country, recommending new laws, and vetoing bills passed by the legislative branch Appointing federal judges Commander-in-Chief for the military

Activate Prior Knowledge

Learning happens when new information is added to old information and ideas. Some ways to activate prior knowledge include brainstorming and cognitive mapping.


Led by Thomas Aquinas, who desired to reconcile religion and faith to teach Christians how to practice their religion


Led by a King or Queen, this is a hereditary, and the rulers are not elected. Major form of government throughout Europe for most of history. Modern times has had the development of Constitutional Monarchy with King and Queen, but government decisions made by democratic institutions such as parliament. (head of state and head of government)

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

Left the fate of slavery up to residents without specifying how or when they were to decide. Repealed the Missouri Compromise. Led to the existence of the Republican Party which was committed to excluding slavery from the states. Suggested by Stephen A Douglas who was pushing for the laying of a railroad in the area.

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

Left the fate of slavery up to residents without specifying how or when they were to decide. Repealed the Missouri Compromise. Led to the existence of the Republican Party who were committed to excluding slavery from the states. Suggested by Stephen A Douglas who was pushing for the laying of a railroad in the area.

Legislative Branch

Legislative - law-making. All laws must be approved by Congress. Can regulate money and trade, approve presidential appointments, and establish organizations (federal courts, post office). Can propose amendments to the Constitution, can impeach/bring charges against the president, and can declare war.

Parliamentary System

Legislature that usually involves a multiplicity of political parties Often called coalition politics Head of government - Prime Minister Head of state - Usually an elected president A government may fall when a majority in parliament votes "no confidence" in the government.

Renaissance Contributors

Leonardo da Vinci (art and science) Galileo (telescope; 4 moons of Jupiter orbit planet; heliocentric (sun-centered) idea) Andrea Vesalius (father of human anatomy) Boccaccio (literature) Cervantes and Shakespeare Gutenberg (printing press) Thomas More (social philosophy; Utopia)

1st party to go from little to one of 2 primary parties

Libertarian, green

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Licenses and inspects nuclear power plants

What are the 3 most basic rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence?

Life: right to live your life in America Liberty: right to live your life FREE in America (violated several times - Native Americans, African-Americans, etc) Pursuit of Happiness: right to pursue a happy life; allowed the ability to make a life for yourself; life free from oppression and discrimination.

Theory of Constructivism

Like liberalism, is based on international cooperation but recognizes that perceptions countries have of each other can affect their relations.

Amendments 9 and 10

Limit the powers of the federal government to those that are expressly granted in the Constitution.

Article 4

List the powers of the states

Anyone can vote, they took away what

Literacy test in 1965 voters act

Pax Romana

Long period of peace allowing free travel and trade, spreading people, cultures, goods, and ideas all over the world

Latitude and Longitude

Longitude: north and south Latitude: east and west

Equal Pay Act 1963

Made it illegal for employers to pay a woman less than what a man would receive for the same job.

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947

Made it illegal for unions to tell a company they can only hire someone who is in the union (closed shop)

What Inspired the Constitution?

Magna Carta(1215), Petition of Right (1628), Bill of Rights (1689), Thomas Hobbes and John Locke's social contract, and Montesquieu's separation of powers.

Ex Post Facto

Make past actions punishable that were legal when they occured

What is the legislative branch responsible for?

Making laws, raising and printing money, regulating trade, postal service and federal courts, approving the President's appointments, declaring war, and supporting the armed forces.


Managing of monetary resources

Red Baron

Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen German fighter pilot with the Imperial German Army Air Service (Luftstreitkräfte) during World War I.


Means of producution are publicly owned with little to no private ownership


Measure of the market's responsiveness

Yalta Conference 1945

Meeting attended by Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt in 1945 setting out a plan to divide Germany into zones of occupation.

Meeting at Potsdam 1945

Meeting attended by Stalin, Churchill and Truman over the fate of Germany, and calling for a Japanese surrender.

Yalta Conference 1945

Meeting attended by Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt in 1945 setting out a plan to divide Germany into zones of occupation.

Meeting at Potsdam 1945

Meeting attended by Stalin, Churchill, and Truman over the fate of Germany, and calling for a Japanese surrender.


Meeting usually attended by party leader's to decide candidates or for other policy purposes. Only some states still hold these.

House of Representatives

Members must be < 25 years, US citizen for < 7 years, and be a resident of the state sending them to Congress Reapportionment Act of 1929: House is fixed at 435 members and serve two year terms


Members must be < 30 years, US citizen for < 9 years, and must live in the state they represent; 6 year terms President of the Senate is the VP


Membership in a community gained by meeting the legal requirements of nationals, state, or local governments of national, state, or local governments with its accompanying rights, responsibilities, and dispositions.

End of 20 century where did people immigrate from

Mexico, Central and South America, Carribean

The Missouri Compromise

Missouri became a slave state and Maine became a free state. It also prohibited slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri

Type of US Economy

Mixed (market/command);


Mogul Empire Introduced a policy of acceptance and assimilation of Hindus Allowed temples to be built Abolished the poll tax on non-Muslims Accepted all religions and sects Encouraged widows to remarry, discouraged marriage of children, outlawed sati (widowed woman commits suicide over dead husband), and delegated days as "market days"

Significant leaders in middle ages

Monarchs, Kings

Interstate Commerce Commission

Monitors surface transportation and some pipelines



James Monroe

Monroe Doctrine in 1823 which stated that United States would not interfere in European affairs and it would oppose an European attempt to colonize the Americas


Most accurate representation of Earth

Mayan Empire

Most advanced Native American civilization Primarily in Central America Developed writing (symbols) Most famous for calendars, math, and the idea of zero Traded heavily with neighbors

Primary Elections

Most common method of choosing candidate today. Is a publicly held election.

Neolithic Period

Moved from hunting and gathering to agriculture


Movement of people from rural to urban areas.

Political Ecology

Multi-disciplinary study of how social and environmental change occurs in the context of power relations, social structures, economic issues, and human-environment interactions

Political ecology

Multi-disciplinary study of how social and environmental change occurs in the the context of power relations, social structures, economic issues and human-environment interactions.

Pakistan's primary religion


Jacques Cartier (1534)

Sailor under France who mounted three expeditions to the area of St. Lawrence R. which he thought was the Northwest Passage; he went up the river as far as the site of Montreal

Main turning point for Latin America

Napoleon's move into Spain and Portugal Napoleon imprisoned King Ferdinand VII -> conservatives and liberals joined forces, declared loyalty to the King, and formed committees (juntas) -> Juntas in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Colombia declared independence -> Fighting erupted between Latin America and Spanish authorities


Narrow body of water that connects 2 larger bodies of water. deep enough to get ships through

Articles of Confederation

National government from 1781-1787, one house legislature, continental congress could only request financial and military support, national gov. had the authority and responsibility to control foreign policy assess state contributions to the war effort, borrow and issue money, settle disputes and admit new states. Could not levy taxes, draft troops, regulate interstate and foreign trade, and amendments must be approved by unanimous consent

What was the impact of imperialism and nationalism on global social, political, geographic, and economic development?

Nationalism leads to issues of borders and as borders are fixed, alliances are formed to protect them. Nationalism led to a tangled web of treaties and alliances Nationalism in Austria-Hungary combined with its imperialistic ambitions led to the tense conditions that erupted with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, sparking 1st hostilities of WWI Hitler's nationalism sparked WWII

Theory of Realism

Nations are by nature aggressive, and work in their own self-interest. relations are between nations are determined by military and economic strength. The nation is seen as the highest authority.

Five Good Emperors

Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius.

Political Impact of Conquests on America

New forms of political systems and control were set up that placed Native Americans on outside or bottom of system

The Reformation

New ideas about religion were introduced, Martin Luther proposed "justification by faith alone" and Calvinism (based on predestination) became popular

John Cabot

Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Labrador; gave England claim to North America

Presidential System

No division between head of state and head of government - President serves as both


No identifiable founder No single theological system No single code of ethics No central religious organization Evolved from Vedism Henotheistic, recognizes single God that is manifested in other gods or goddesses Several sacred writings

Amendment 3

No quartering of soldiers

Major Principles of the US Government: Checks and Balances

No single branch can act without input from another. Each branch can "check" the other to balance power.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization- unified Western Europe and the United States to act as one in regards to national security.

Major Principles of US Government: Federalism

Not all the power rests with national government. Power is split between the national and state governments.

Amendment 12

This amendment redefines how the president and the vice president will be elected. Electoral college

Declaration of Independence

OUtgrowth of Greek ideas of democracy and individual rights plus + ideas of European Enlightenment and the Renaissance, especially ideology of political thinker John Locke.

Economies of scale

Occur when the cost per unit of output decreases as output decreases as output increases, 'specialization or division of labor'

Diseconomies of scale

Occur when the cost per unit of output increases as output increases. This is usually associated with an increase in size and the company

Merrill Land Grant Act

Offered large amounts of federal land to states that would establish "agricultural and mechanical" colleges


Official policy of racial segregation, practiced discrimination against nonwhites in the Republic of South Africa


Often though of as being opposed to realism in philosophy. Allows for the cooperation of several states working in common interest Holds that states act based on their preferences (not their capabilities) International theories of Woodrow Wilson


Oldest civilization; formed dynasties (first was Shang Dynasty), influenced government and politics, culture, warfare, art, forms of writing, religion, and architecture


Oldest; grew out of Hebrews or Israelites Sacred writing: Tanakh Says that God chose the Hebrew people from all the people of the earth and entered into a covenant implying special privileges and obligations 1. Avoid marriage outside the faith 2. Observe dietary restrictions (kosher) 3. Avoid marrying foreigners

Amendment 21

This amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment, making alcohol legal again


One Earth feature or one human activity occurring throughout the entire world


One South American country quickly and easily gained independance in the 19th century from European control; was noted for the uniqueness of its political stability and gradual orderly changes.

Jeffersonian Republicans

One of nations first political parties, led by Thomas Jefferson and stemming from the anti-federalists, emerged around 1792, gradually became today's Democratic party. The Jeffersonian republicans were pro-French, liberal, and mostly made up of the middle class. They favored a weak central govt., and strong state rights.


One of the earliest known systems of writing Appeared in Sumeria around 3200 BC Same time as Egyptian hieroglyphics


One of the people represented by a legislator or other elected or appointed official

4 Main Theories: Force

One person or group brought everyone in an area together under their control, forming the 1st government.

Constitutional Disagreement - Choosing the Presidency

One side argued for election by direct vote of the people. The other side thought the president should be chosen by Congress. One group feared ignorance of the people; the other feared the power of a small group of people. Compromise --> The Electoral College


One's ability to understand others by thinking of how one would act if they were in the same situation.


Opposed to Communism though similar in structure Tolerates private ownership of the means of production though it maintains tight overall control Central to its belief is the idolization of the leader, a "Cult of the Personality", and often expansionist ideology Examples: German Nazism and Italian Fascism


Organization, agency, and institutions through which a political unit exercises authority, controls and administers public policy, directs and controls the actions of its members, and develops and maintains law-making and law enforcement.

Father Gapon

Organized a protest to demand an end to the war, industrial reform, more civil liberties, and a constituent assembly 150,000 gathered at the Czar's palace and before anyone spoke, guards opened fire on the crowd -> destroyed trust in the Czar


Originally settled Florida, despite a lack of precious metals (such as those of Mexico or Peru) and strong resentment from the native Americans already in the region, they felt the strategic location of Florida in itself was a value.

Genocide in the Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire: 1915-1917 Young Turks forced mass evacuation of over 1 million Armenians for being Christian in a Muslim empire

Why did English settlements become more prominent after 1600?

The Spanish fleet was defeated by the English in 1588

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Outlined a three-step process for statehood centered on the number of people settled and the establishment of a state constitution.

National Labor Relations Board

Oversees labor and management practices

Quartering Act

Parliament enacted them to order local governments of the American colonies to provide the British soldiers with any needed accommodations or housing. It also required colonists to provide food for any British soldiers in the area

Quarteing Acts

Parliament enacted them to order local governments of the American colonies to provide the British soldiers with any needed accommodations or housing. It also required colonists to provide food for any British soldiers in the area.

Biggest difference between parliament and democracy government

Parliament, Prime Minister appointed as head. Democracy, President voted on by the people

Amendment 17

Part of the Progressive Movement; senators were elected by the people

Patriots, Loyalists, and Redcoats

Patriots-fought against British control Loyalists-remained steadfast in their allegiance to British rule Redcoats-British soldiers who fought to retain control over the colonies


People subsisted on hunting and fishing, herding cattle, and gathering grain Negroid + Mediterranean peoples City: Nubia; Capital: Kerma

Beliefs of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rosseau

People were capable of governing themselves, either through a political (Locke), or a social (Rosseau) contract, forming the basis of society

Amendment 9

People's rights are not limited to those in the Constitution.

river in Italy


Middle Ages

Period between the division of the Roman Empire and the fifth century AD Period of migration and conquest throughout Europe


Period of intense self-study that focused on ethics and logic Rene Descartes and Immanuel Kant

Progressive Era

Period of reform from 1890s-1920s. Opposed waste and corruption while focusing on the general rights of the individual. Pushed for social justice, general equality, and public safety. Significance: trust-busting, Sherman Anti-trust Act, President T. Roosevelt, Upton Sinclare's "The Jungle", Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act of 1906.

Human Resource

Person used to accomplish a goal

Immanuel Kant

Philosopher and scientist Famous questions: What is Enlightenment Answer: Dare to know


Philosophy that defined the Renaissance 1. Love for Classical Times 2. Enjoy the life instead of waiting for the afterlife 3. Glorify humans 4. Human should be center of attention

The prince, Machiavelli was part of what social science



Physical and chemical breakdown of rocks at or near Earth's surface

Place (Physical)

Physical characteristics include features such as mountains, rivers, and deserts

David Hume

Pioneered empiricism - believing things only when you've seen the proof for yourself); value of skepticism

The Stamp Act

Placed a tax on paper products; Samuel Adams (with Patrick Henry) began to protest this act (taxation without representation)

Functional Regions

Places defined by the movement of some phenomenon from its source of other places; places linked together by some function's influence on them

Obama Doctrine

Places negotiation and collaboration over confrontation and unilateralism

Federal Communications Commission

Polices the airwaves by licensing radio and TV stations and regulating cable and TV companies

Amendment 17

Popular election of U.S. Senators.

Present-day Florida is one of the most...

Populous states in the south

Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese sailor who discovered a waterway that provided access to the ocean west of the Americas (Pacific Ocean)

Florida's economy was positively/negatively affected by WWII


Judicial Review

Power to determine the constitutionality of laws and actions of the legislative and executive branches. When the supreme courts choose cases for review based on whether or not they address substantial federal issues

Reserved Powers

Powers given to the state government not federal

Federal Powers

Powers held exclusively by the federal government. Include foreign and interstate commerce, minting money, immigration, copyrights and patents, waging war and peace, admitting new states, and maintaining an army.

Amendment 10

Powers not delegated to the US shall be reserved for states, or the people

Authoritarian Government

Practice widespread state authority, but not necessarily dismantle all public institutions. Example, if a church exists but poses no threat to authority then they might be left as is. A state can be authoritarian but not totalitarian.

Constitution comprised of...

Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments

Miguel Hidalgo

Priest who disregarded the racial distinctions; Fought for the interests of the Indians and part Indian/part White citizens of Mexico; called for a return of the land stolen from them; called for uprising in 1810


President and Vice President; leads country and military; appoints justices; veto bills; established by Article II; 15 departments

Executive Branch

President and Vice-President

Who are the members of the executive branch?

President, Vice President, Various cabinet members and other members the President might appoint - ambassadors, advisers, members of the armed forces, and civil servants of government agencies, departments, and bureaus.

Social Contract

Prevalent during the Enlightenment Belief that government existed because people wanted it to People would submit to the govt as long as they protected them and didn't encroach on their basic human rights Famous by: Rousseau, John Locke, and T. Jefferson

Declaration of Independence

Primarily the work of Thomas Jefferson, articulating the grievances against the Crown recognizing individual liberty and the government's responsibility to serve the people.

Declaration of Independence

Primarily the work of Thomas Jefferson, articulating the grievances against the Crown recognizing individual liberty and the governments responsibility to serve the people.


Productive resources are all owned collectively by society and allocation remains under control of the government


Productive resources are owned by private individuals

Eighteenth Amendment 1919

Prohibited the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors. Repeated by the Twenty-First Amendment 1933.

Eighteenth Amendment 1919

Prohibited the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors. Repeated by the Twenty-First Amendment in 1933.

What was the net result of the Eighteenth Amendment?

Prohibition created major organized-crime activity in the US.

Amendment 18

Prohibition of alcohol

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949

Prompted by the Soviet blockade in Berlin.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949

Prompted by the soviet blockade in Berlin.

Amendments 5-8

Protect citizens who are accused of crimes and brought to trial; impartial jury, defended by a lawyer, and speedy trial.

civil rights

Protect individuals from discrimination.

civil liberties

Protect the sanctity of the person from government interference.

Federal Trade Commission

Protects consumers by looking into false advertising and antitrust violations

Securities and Exchange Commission

Protects investors by monitoring the sale of stocks and bonds

Samuel Adams

Protested against British rule and taxation

Direct Instruction

Provide instruction direction, like a lecture, explaining a new skill, providing baseline information, or modeling a thinking process.

Judiciary Act 1789

Provided for a Supreme Court of six justices

Nineteenth Amendment 1920

Provided for women's suffrage.

Article IV of the Constitution

Provided protection to the states and gave citizens privileges and immunities of the other states

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Provides economic advice and some emergency funds to emerging nations

Truman Doctrine

Purpose was to aid countries that were targets of Communist expansionism;

What do Mayans and Egyptians have in common


Inflation Rate

Rate at which prices rise; determines health of economy

slave laws were tighten because of

Rebellion in which Nat Turner led a group of slaves through virginia in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow and kill planter families

Amendment 14

Reconstruction or Civil War Amendment (w/13) Voided 3/5 clause in Article 1 Rights of citizens: 1)all persons born in the united states are granted citizenship, 2) no state can deny any person the equal protection of the laws, 3)no state can deny any person life, liberty, property without due process of law

Amendment 13

Reconstruction or Civil War Amendment (w/14) Bans slavery and involuntary servitude

Twenty-Sixth Amendment 1971

Reduced the voting age from 21 to 18.

Twenty-Sixth Amendment 1971

Reduces the voting age from 21 to 18.

Suffrage and Franchise

Referring to the right to vote. Early, white male landowners were given suffrage. Later states franchised the right to all white males. 15th Amendment gave blacks the right, 19th gave women the right, and 26th expanded it to any US citizen over 18. Those who are not citizens or have committed certain crimes can't vote.

Absolute location

Refers to a specific spot.... 41 degrees North latitude, 90 degrees West longitude

Relative location

Refers to the surrounding geography.... On the banks of the Mississippi

What powers are reserved to the states?

Regulate intrastate trade, establish local governments, protect general welfare, protect life and property, ratify amendments, conduct elections, and make state and local laws.

Inductive Thinking

Related to the list-group-label technique


Relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China


Reliance upon others in mutually beneficial interactions and exchanges.

What did protestant movement due in Europe

Religious wars, vast cultural upheaval

Amendment 21

Repeal of Prohibition

The Quartering Act of 1765

Required colonists to provide living quarters for British soldiers

Stamp Act

Required the use of stamped paper for all legal documents. Funds from this were to be used for the provisioning of British soldiers.

Article VII

Requires 9 of 13 states must ratify an amendment before it is put into the Constitution.

Factors of Production

Resources that are necessary for production, like land, labor, capital, and enterprise.

European Imperialism

Result of the harsh, urgent demand for the raw materials needed to fuel and feed the great Industrial Revolution Needed materials -> Not available in mass quantities -> partitioned Africa and Asia -> populations grew but resources did not -> frustration grew -> looked elsewhere for resources

Brown v Board of Education 1954

Resulted in an overturning of Plessy v Ferguson by claiming "separate but equal" were inherently unequal.

Fifth Amendment

Right against self-incrimination and double jeopardy

Fourth Amendment

Right against unreasonable search and seizure

Amendment 7

Right of a jury trial; no decision by jury can be overturned by state court

Amendment 6

Right to a Speedy Trial by Jury, Criminal procedures, speedy trial, confront witnesses, have an attorney

Amendment 5

Right to a fair trail, can't be tried twice for the same crime, and you don't have to testify against yourself.

Amendment 2

Right to bear arms

Seventh Amendment

Right to jury trial for civil action Civil Trials - right to a jury trial to settle lawsuits over money or property worth more than $20 - common law

Amendment 2

Right to keep and bear arms

Second Amendment

Right to keep and bear arms

Sixth Amendment

Right to speedy trial A constitutional amendment designed to protect individuals accused of crimes. It includes the right to counsel, the right to confront witnesses, and the right to a speedy and public trial.

Civil Rights

Rights that may be described as privileges and rights guaranteed by the US Constitution and subsequent amendments and laws regarding citizens' liberties.

The Franks

Rose to prominence under Charles Martel during the Middle Ages

Social and Economic Changes to Rome

Ruin of small farmers by importing slaves from conquered areas Failure to encourage and invest in industry and trade Dissatisfaction of the new business class General decline in morale among all classes Vast slave uprising in southern Italy and first attacks from Germanic Invaders


Rule by a single individual. Tend to rule with a violent hand and use highly repressive police force to ensure control.


Rule enforced by a small group of individuals.


Ruled by a monarch (a non-elected, usually hereditary leader) A king, queen, emperor, empress, etc Modern example: Great Britain

Sweatt v Painter 1950

Ruled that an all-black school built in a different part of the state did not provide an equivalent to the University of Texas because of its isolation and accessibility.

Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824)

Ruled that only Congress has the right to regulate commerce among states

Plessy v Ferguson 1896

Ruled that segregation laws were legal as long as there were separate but equal facilities. Eventually overturned by Brown v Board of Education 1954.


Russian title for the emperor; derived from the word Caesar

Genocide in Rwanda

Rwanda: Hutus systematically murdered close to a million Tutsis in about 100 days; matter of geography and economics.


SALT I was a series of negotiations between the U.S. (Nixon) and the U.S.S.R. on the issue of nuclear arms reduction. The talks helped lower the total number of missiles each side would have and eased the tension between the two.


Sacred writing of Judaism; 24 books divided into 3 sections: 1. Teachings or law: Torah, aka Five Books of Moses 2. Prophets 3. Writings

Nixon Doctrine

Said the US would withdraw from commitments overseas and rely on alliances with local governments to check the spread of Communism.

The Boston Tea Party

Samuel Adams, John Hancock and 80 others


Science concerned with the well-being of society; statistical study of human populations


Science dealing with the origin, races, customs, and beliefs of humankind


Science that deals with production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services


Scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Structure and Functions of Legislative Branch

Section 8 of Articles I of the Constitution divided into several categories including: 1. Economic 2. Judicial 3. War 4. General Peace powers

Amendment 3

Security from quartering troops during war or peace

river of Paris


The Federal Bureaucracy

Series of independent agencies in the federal government

Who consents the presidents approval for Supreme Court justices?


Each state is assigned a number of electoral votes based on the number of...

Senators and representatives; Florida: 2 senators, 25 representatives, 27 electoral votes

Paul Rever's Midnight Ride

Sent by Dr. Joseph Warren; warned the Patriots

Free Press

Serve as societal and governmental watchdogs mean to showcase what kinds of brilliant and terrible things the rich, powerful, and elected are doing.

Articles of Confederation

Served as the national government from 1781-1787. Provided for a weak central government in favor of a confederation of states. Unicameral legislature. Each state had one vote in congress. Weaknesses include inability to levy taxes, draft troops, regulate foreign trade, lacked an executive chief, national court system, and its rule that amendments must be approved by unanimous consent, and had no ability to enforce state legislation. Was weak and ineffective.

Articles of Confederation

Served as the national government from 1781-1787. Provided for a weak central government in favor of a confederation of states. Unicameral legislature. Each state had one vote in congress. Weaknesses included inability to levy taxes, draft troops, regulate foreign trade, lacked an executive chief, national court system, and its rule that amendments must be approved by unanimous consent, and had no ability to enforce state legislation. Was weak and ineffective.

Quota Act 1921

Set immigration quotas at 3% of the total number of immigrants registered in 1890 for those who came from southern and eastern Europe.

Quota Act 1921

Set immigration quotas at 3% total number of immigrants registered in 1890 for those who came from southern and eastern Europe.

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Sets standards of safety for manufactured products

Westward Expansion

Settled west, having to remove the Native Americans; under the authority of President Andrew Jackson


Settlement established by the London Company that was failing because of disease until saved by John Smith, who changed the focus of the colony to obtaining food instead of exploration

Describe society in Latin America

Sharply distinguished according to race and the purity of Spanish blood.

Scientific Revolution

Shift from belief to evidence Led by Copernicus

When price is below market equilibrium, what occurs?


Share and Model Self-Monitoring Processes

Show a piece of work and let them see to make it better.

Physical Maps

Show country borders, major cities, significant bodies of water, and major landforms

Political Maps

Show governmental boundaries of counties, states, and con tries; identify major cities and significant bodies of water

Clarify and Model when Particular Strategies are Appropriate

Show kids how you learn something and then learn something together. It helps to verbalize what you are thinking and how to solve a problem. Students benefit by seeing you make errors along the way, test a hypothesis that may and may not work out, and suggest improvements for the next time you might encounter something similar.

Thematic Maps

Show specific topics or subjects

Relief Maps

Show the shape of the land's furnace; detail through use of color and contour lines

Production Possibilities Frontier Curve

Shows the maximum feasible combinations of two goods or services that a society can produce, assuming all resources are used in their most productive manner

Age of Reason

Signaled the beginning of modern philosophical thought Rene Descartes and Immanuel Kant


Signatures are gathered to place a candidate on the ballot. Petitions can also be used to place legislation on a ballot.

Benjamin Franklin

Signed the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, and the US Constitution


Similar to Liberalism but recognizes the roles that ideas and perceptions play in international relations There are relations between countries and their goals, identities, and perceived threats (Ex: building an army is considered more of a threat to enemies than allies)


Similar to moksha Teaches nothing is permanent, there is constant change, and all things will, in time, decay and disappear

El Libertador

Simon Bolivar

Noble Eightfold Path

Simultaneously, one must practice the right: 1. Views 2. Intentions 3. Speech 4. Conduct 5. Work 6. Effort 7. Meditation 8. Contemplation

Major Contributions of Lower Middle Ages (500-1000 CE)

Social Unity RCC; Monasticism were preservers of culture; Integrate the Church in the Feudal System; Romanesque Architecture; Charlemagne; Creation of schools; creation of script; Feudalism; Manorialism; Crusades; rise of monarchies

Panfilo de Narvaez

Spanish conquistador, sent to Mexico to force Cortes into submission. He failed and was captured.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Spanish explorer who crossed the isthmus of panama and came to an ocean separating China and the Americas


Study of the evolution, development, and functioning of human society

The Secession

South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas seceded from the union and called themselves the Confederate States of America

How did the US get Florida from Spain?

Spain ceded it to the US after the War of 1812

Francisco Pizzaro

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Incas in Peru for access to wealth and opportunities to begin to explore and settle South America

Amendment 6

Speedy and public trial; impartial jury; right to legal council

cultural diffusion

Spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another

What city came to serve as the capitals of the British (East) and Spanish (West) colonies of Florida?

St. Augustine

The first permanent European settlement in North America was

St. Augustine, FL


State controls production of goods, but does not necessarily own all means of production. State provides a variety of social services to citizens and helps guide the economy. A democratic form of government often exists in socialist countries.

Thomas Jefferson

State govt should be stronger than the federal govt Thought the Bank would give too much power to wealthy investors Interpreted the Constitution strictly and claimed nowhere did it give the federal government the power to create a national bank Believed that the common people, esp farmers, were the backbone of the nation. Democratic-Republicans Supporters: Small farmers, craft workers, and some of the wealthier landowners.

Today, the world is primarily divided by political/administrative interests into what?

State sovereignties

Debate on Federalism

States Rights - those favoring feel that states should take the lead in performing local actions to manage various problems. Nationalist - Favor national government should take the lead in deal with matters.

Amendment 11

States have a degree of sovereign immunity; individuals may not sue states in fed courts

Confederate States of America

States seceding in 1860 beginning with South Carolina.

Stock Market

Stocks and bonds are exchanged; New York Stock Exchange and National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)

Prehistoric Eras

Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age


Study of the individual parts like household, business firms and government agencies that make up the economy

Economic Geography

Study of the interaction between Earth's landscape and the economic activity of the human population

What happened during the Revolution that was described as unique?

Strike -> Czar ordered troops to suppress strike -> troops sided with workers -> formed their own govt called soviets. Result was chaos! Results: Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky won the support by promising peace, land, and bread. However, Lenin gained support of the Red Guard and overthrew the new govt and established a new communist state.


The ability, right, or power to select from a range of alternatives.

Problem Solving

Students use facts, concepts, and generalizations in the process to finding solutions to problems.


Studied nature and weather Stressed education, family, and central government Followed Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism Invented: gunpowder, paper, printing, and magnetic compass Practiced crop rotation and terrace farming Increased the silk industry, rice cultivation, and developed a written language based on drawings or pictographs


Studies in astromony, skills in mapping, and other contributions to geographic knowledge came from

Political Science

Study of governments, how they compare, how political theory is put to action, and how they interact with others. Study of elections, government administrations, political parties and political culture.


Study of the Earth's surface, atmosphere, and people


Study of the economy as a whole which includes topics like inflation, unemployment and economic growth.

Human Geography

Subject is humans and the cultures they create relative to their space and encompasses certain areas

Ming Dynasty

Succeeded Mongol Yuan dynasty in China in 1368; lasted until 1644; initially mounted huge trade expeditions to southern Asia by Zeng He and elsewhere, but later concentrated efforts on internal development within China. neo-Confucianism was restored and restored class division

Historical Background of the Constitution

Successful revolt of the British colonies in N. America against imperial rule --> Articles of Confederation (weak and ineffective; 1781-1787; unicameral)

Which civilization invented the wheel?


Federal Reserve Board

Supervises the banking system, sets interest rates, and controls the money supply

Inelasticity of supply

Supply is consistent despite change

Elasticity of supply

Supply responds to change

The Federalist

Supporters that asopted of the new constitution. For example Washington and Franklin

Miranda v. Arizona

Supreme Court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police.

Plessey vs. Ferguson

Supreme court decision that basically advocated segregation under the term "separate but equal"


Supreme court; determine established laws to be unconstitutional; led by supreme court justices appointed by the President; established by Article III

Command Economies

Systems in which the economy rely on central authority to make all decisions about the economy

When price is above market equilibrium, what occurs?


What is landlocked

Surrounded by land and no navigable route to the sea

Egyptian advances

Surveying and mathematics --> irrigation systems and pyramids of Giza Developed surgical skills (broken bones)

Topical/ Systematic Geography

Systematic studies of climate, landforms, economics, and culture

Market Economies

Systems in which the buyers and sellers decide what goods and services will be produced.

Mixed Econmies

Systems in which the economies incorporate all three traditional, command ans market economies

corporate consolidation

Tactics developed in the wake of industrialization and falling profits. Pools, trusts (horizontal integration), and holding companies (vertical integration) meant prices could remain low, production would expand, and wages were kept low.

corporate consolidation

Tactics developed in the wake of industrialization and falling profits. Pools, trusts (horizontal integration), holding companies (vertical integration) meant prices could remain low, production would expand and wages were kept low.

What climate are the world's largest forestlands found?


Article 5

Talks about how the constitution may be amended with the approval of two-thirds vote of each house of the congress and three-fourth of the state legislatures.

What are the powers delegated to the federal government?

Tax, borrow and coin money, establish postal service, grant patents and copyrights, regulate interstate and foreign commerce, establish courts, declare war, raise and support the armed forces, govern territories, define and punish felonies and piracy on the high seas, fix standards of weights and measures, and conduct foreign affairs.

Science and Technology

Technological development from the creation of tools and fire to space exploration has shaped not only a country's military but also how it relates to their environment and belief systems.

Feudal Japan

The "feudal" period of Japanese history, dominated by the powerful regional families (daimyo) and the military rule of warlords (shugun), stretched from the 12th through the 19th centuries. Emperor->Shugun-> Daimyo->Sumurai-> peasents/farmers->artisans-> merchants

World War II

The Allies: Great Britain (Churchill), US (Roosevelt/Truman), Russia (Stalin), Free France (de Gaulle), and China (Chiang Kai-shek); the Axis Powers: Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini), Japan (Hirohito); Allies defeated the Axis; led to the Cold War; after WWII the UN was formed

Spain regained control of Florida after...

The American Revolutionary War

What necessitated the passage of the 15th and 16th Amendments?

The Bill of Rights did not include blacks in the definition of a citizen.

example of checks and balances

The Congress passes a law. A President can veto it. The Senate can override the veto with a 2/3 majority. The Courts can then interoret the meaning of the law or declare it unconstitutional. Congress also has impeachment powers


The Fascist and widely-considered incompetant leader of Italy (WWII) who said that democracy was like a rotting corpse that had to be replaced by a superior way of life and more efficient government.

Henry Flagler founded...

The Florida East Coast Railway

What is the difference between the French declaration and the American declaration?

The French declaration contains explicit mention of the obligations and duties of citizens (pay taxes in support of the military/police forces for the common good)

Environmental Determinism

The belief that the environment can overpower people and determine their culture; People are shaped by the environment

Limited ammo treaty was called what

United nations arm trade treaty, strategic arms reduction treaty

Columbus landing in the New World

The King and Queen of Spain funded his expeditions; made four voyages in an effort to find a route to the East

What document is soldiered the very first modern document that sought to limit the powers of the governing body?

The Magna Carta of 1215

When rossevelt took office, what did the government switch to

The New Deal

The Civil War

The North (Union) vs. the South (Confederacy); eleven souther slave sates wanted to secede from the Union

Human-environment interaction

The belief that there is a cycle of interaction between humans and the environment; environment shapes people and people shape the environment

Bull Moose Party

The Republicans were badly split in the 1912 election, so Roosevelt broke away forming his own Progressive Party (or Bull Moose Party because he was "fit as a bull moose..."). His loss led to the election of Democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson, but he gained more third party votes than ever before.

Mikhail Gorvachev

The Russian leader who brought massive reform to the Soviet Union beginning in 1985; policies called glasnost (openness) and perstroika (economic restructuring)

Containment Policy

The US must apply counterforce to any move by Soviet and idea to resist communism; coined by George Kennan

Eisenhower Doctrine

The US would provide military and economic assistance to any Middle Eastern countries who resisted communist insurgents.

June, 1788

The United States Constitution was ratified by the required nine states.

Marginal profit

The additional profit coming from selling an additional product

Amount of income required

The amount of work that needs to be done to purchase the product at the new price will also affect willingness to buy

Manifest Destiny

The belief that America's destiny included expanding all the way to the Pacific

Human-cultural Determinism

The belief that culture overpowers and shapes the environment; common belief of environmentalists

Jeffersonian view/Democratic-Republicans

The belief that the Constitution prohibits any action not specified by it, headed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison


The caste system was developed Principle of zero in math was discovered Hinduism was begun Industry and commerce developed along with trading

Human Characteristics

The changes to an environment as a result of human ideas and actions

Movement of People and Goods

The constant exchange of people, ideas, products, technologies, and institutions from one region or civilization to another that has existed throughout history.

Marginal cost

The cost increase associated with one additional unit of output or the cost decrease associated with one less unit of output. Also known as incremental cost

Friction of Distance

The degree to which distance interferes with some interaction

Friction of distance

The degree to which distance interferes with some interaction


The doctrine that sought to keep communism from spreading. Was the creation of the Truman Administration following WWII and spawned the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949.

Economics is a science that deals with

The examination of balancing scarce resources with unlimited wants.


The social science that examines how people choose to use limited or scarce resources to obtain maximum satisfaction of unlimited wants


The fair, equal, proportional, or appropriate treatment rendered to individuals in interpersonal, societal, or government interactions.

Thurgood Marshall

The first black Supreme Court justice and chief counsel of the NAACP.


The formal accusation of wrongdoing and removal of office. The house of Representative has the powers to charge officials and the Senate has the power to conduct the trails,

Electoral College

The framers of the Constitution decided that each state would have the same number of electors as it did senators and representatives.

Opportunity Cost

The highest-valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity.

Climate found north and south of the tropical grasslands (savannas)?

The humid subtropical climate

Human-environment Interaction

The idea that there is a cycle of interaction between humans and the environment; the environment shapes people and people shape the environment

League of Nations

The international organization established to work for world peace at the end of theFirst World War

Tropical grasslands (savannas)

The lands of two seasons (Dry winter season and wet summer season)

Relative Location

The location of something in relation to another place

Physical Characteristics

The natural environment of a place; emanates from geological, hyrdological, atmospheric, and biological processes present in that location


The patterns of civilization, achievements, and customs of the people of a particular time and place and how they transmit these ideas to succeeding generations.

The Concurrent Powers

The powers shared by state and federal governments. Includes taxing, borrowing and spending money, controlling the militia and acting directly on indiviuals.

The Concurrent Powers

The powers shared by state and federal governments. Includes taxing, borrowing and spending money, controlling the militia, and acting directly on indiviuals.

Constitutional Disagreements - Presidency

The presidency: Some wanted a strong, centralized, individual authority while others feared autocracy or the growth of a monarchy Compromise --> Give the president broad powers but limit time through term of office and appointments and treaties required consent of the Senate.

Who is responsible for appointing Supreme Court justices?

The president

Perfectly elastic

The price stays the same no matter the quantity supplied

Perfectly inelastic

The price stays the same regardless of the quantity demanded. Price elasticity of demand = 0

Profit maximization

The process of obtaining the highest possible level of profit through the production and sale of goods and services

Perfectly elastic

The quantity demanded stays the same regardless of the price

Perfectly inelastic

The quantity stays the same regardless of the price. Price elasticity of supply = 0

Roman Political Decay

The republic did not have the infrastructure to absorb the conquered people The Senate refused to grant rights to many and a civil war erupted Conquered territories were heavily taxed, oppressed by the government, and led by corrupt officials.


The science of space and place; study of organizing space

Sui Dynasty

The short dynasty between the Han and the Tang; built the Grand Canal, strengthened the government, and introduced Buddhism to China

Absolute Location

The specific location of a place

What were the effects of European-American contact?

The spread of disease, exchange of plants and animals, shortage of workers, slaves from Africa

Cultural diffusion

The spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one area to another


The state takes a guiding role in the national economy and provides extensive social services to its population Usually promotes democracy but heavy state involvement = excessive bureaucracy + inefficiency Variant of Marxism Symbol = red flag

Cognitive Mapping

The students have learned a great deal about their environment by experiencing it. They can be led to use that knowledge to help them understand the places and events of the past.

Plate Tectonics

Theory that Earth's lithosphere is broken down into a dozen plates that float; concerned with movement in Earth and the forces that produce movement


The surroundings including natural elements and elements created by humans.


The system and pursuit of empire through a process of accumulation and acquisition of land, resources, labor, and profits that relies upon an ideology that suggest certain people need domination or assistance in becoming civilized.

Boston Tea Party

The tea from British warehouses had gone unsold, the vessels holding the tea were prevented from leaving the harbor. Law dictated that after 20 days the cargo would be sold at auction, thus ridding the British of the tea and taking the tax they wanted from it. 50 Bostonians disguised as Mohawks snuck into the boats and threw the tea overboard.

Science and Technology

The tools and methods used by people to get what they need and want


The urgency with which a product is needed affects the desire of a consumer to pay immediately or to wait for the price to fall.

Government and Civics

The way that societies are governed and the authority by which to govern remains a central theme of historical inquiry.

Sumerians invented what 3 things?

The wheel, cuneiform writing, and initial forms of irrigation

Continental Drift

Theory of plate tectonics and the movement of the Earth's crust over time

Three major schools of Buddhism

Theravada: Doctrine of the Elders Mahayana: Greater Vehicle - compassion for others over personal progress Vajrayana: Tantric Buddhism - emphasizes ritual (mantras, mandalas, and prayer wheels)


There are only a few companies in a particular industry

4 Main Theories: Social Contract

There is no natural order. People allow themselves to be governed to maintain social order, while the state promises to protect those they govern. If the government fails to protect then the people have the right to seek new leaders.

Role Play and Simulations

These help students make events from the past, present, or hypothetical come alive. Simulations help them engage in problem solving in real-world contexts. Role play helps students see situations from multiple perspectives.

Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs)

These organizations are made up of members from various national governments. The UN is an example. Treaties among the member nations determine the functions and powers of these groups.

Amendment 6

This amendment provides, criminal cases, for a person's right to a speedy and public trial and trial by an impartial jury. right to council.

Amendment 4

This amendment protects the rights of an individual against unreasonable searches and seizures and states that the government must have probable cause and a search warrant must be issue before a legal search can commence

European influx 12 million immigrants to the north U.S for what

They flocked to urban destinations and made up the bulk of the U.S. industrial labor pool, making possible the emergence of such industries as steel, coal, automobile, textile, and garment production, and enabling the United States to leap into the front ranks of the world's economic giants.

Montesquieu and Rousseau

They heavily influence the French Revolution. Government policies and ideas should change to alleviate existing problems (liberalism). Rousseau wrote, "The Social Contract", "The Declaration of the Rights of Man", and "The Citizen". There ideas also included: - Individual freedom and community welfare are of equal importance - Man's innate goodness leads to natural harmony. - Reason develops with the rise of civilized society. - Individual citizens carry certain obligations to the existing government.

Amendment 1

This admendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, the press, and assembly and the right of individuals to petition the government to respond to grievances. (1791)

Amendment 13

This amendment bans slavery and involuntary servitude

Amendmnet 17

This amendment came about as part of Progressive Movement in America and shifted the election of senators away from state legislators and to the people in a direct, popular election

Amendment 20

This amendment changed the inauguration date of the President from March 4 to January 20 and the new terms of Senators and Representatives to January 3

Amendment 27

This amendment establishes the procedures of Congressional pay increases- essentially they cannot give themselves a pay increase that would take effect immediately.

Amendment 26

This amendment extends the right to vote to individuals who are 18 years of age

Amendment 23

This amendment gave U.S. citizens who live in the District of Columbia the right to vote for president as it gave the District three electoral votes

Amendment 19

This amendment gave women the right to vote as it stated that a citizen shall not be denied the right to vote on the account of sex.

Amendment 3

This amendment gives people security from quartering troops in their homes during either war or peace without consent of the owner.

Amendment 11

This amendment holds that states have a certain degree of sovereign immunity and that individuals may not sue states in federal courts

Amendment 9

This amendment indicates that citizens and states have rights beyond those stated in the Constitution

Amendment 22

This amendment limited the prsident to serve two terms, or ten years in the case of a vice president who became president due to the death or removal of a president

Amendment 24

This amendment made it illegal to use poll taxes as a way to deny the right of a citizen to vote

Amendment 18

This amendment otherwise known as Prohibtion, marked the sale or manufacture and trasnport of alcohol as illegal

Amendment 25

This amendment outlines the order of sucession to the presidency and provides guidelines for presidental disability or cannot serve, the vice president comes into office ; if both the president and v.p die or cannot serve, the SOH assumes the presidency

Amendment 7

This amendment provides for th right of a jury trial of civil cases in federal court. The amount must be excess of $20.00

Article 6

This article establishes that the Constitution and federal laws are the supreme laws of the land and are higher than state or local laws. If a state law and federal law come into conflict with one another , the state law must yeild to tje federal law.

Article II

This article establishes the Executive Branch comprised of a president, vice president, cabinet, and departments under that serve under each cabinet member.

Article I

This article establishes the Legislative Branch, the Congress, as a two bodied entity comprised of the HOR and the Senate that makes the laws for the United States.

Article 5

This article lays out how the Constitution may be amended with the approval 2/3 vote of each house of Congress AND 3/4 vote of the state legislatures.

Article 4

This article lists the states' powers to make and carry out their own laws. It also obligates states to respect the laws of other states and that "full faith and credits" shall also be valid in others

Article III

This article sets up the Judicial Branch. It comprised the Supreme Court and the lower courts. The courts decide criminal and civil cases according to federal state, and local laws.

Article 7

This article states 9 of the 13 states needed to ratify it in order for it to go into effect.

Checks and balances ( legislative branch)

This branch can check the executive by refusing to confirm appointments.

Checks and balances (judicial branch)

This branch can check the legislature and the executive by declaring laws unconstitutional.

checks and balances (executive branch)

This branch can check the legislature by vetoing its bills.


This can be done in a collective way or individually.

The Thirty Years' War

This conflict from 1618 to 1648 began as a civil conflict between different religious faiths in the Holy Roman Empire - over the course of the war numerous outside powers would intervene in the conflict

Tenth Amendment

This declares: "those powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution , not prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively , or to the people". Eminent domain


This ideology was pressed by President Harry Truman and National Security Advisor George Kennan. The plan of action called for a containment of communism where it currently existed. However, this plan was only partially successful as the eastern European states fell to communism like a row of dominoes


This ideology was pressed by President Ronald Reagan. Denouncing the Soviet Union as an evil empire, Reagan established a pathway to bringing the Soviets to their knees by expanding the U.S. Defense Department and forcing the Russians to follow suit. The Soviet economy crumbled under such a system and thus the Soviet Empire collapsed. Thus by 1990, The Cold War was over.

Promote Resistance

This ideology was pressed by Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson; and John Foster Dulles (Eisenhower's Secretary of State.) The plan of action pulled back the idea of containing communism but rather encouraged rebellions in the third world. This action would witness revolutions, with U.S. support in places such as Iran, Cuba (Bay of Pigs and subsequently the Cuban Missile Crisis), and Vietnam. This course of action was limited in success as Cuba and Vietnam fell to communism.


This ideology was pressed by Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Later this policy would continue under the administration of Jimmy Carter. This ideology was centered on the philosophy of Détente. This meant the idea of coexistence. Thus the U.S. chooses not to respond directly to Soviet threats.

Making Changes to the Constitution

To maintain stability, framers created a difficult process for making any changes No amendment can be valid without 3/4 of states ratification

Who was in office when louisianna purchase happened

Thomas Jefferson

Human Rights

Those basic political, economic, and social rights that all human beings are entitled to, such as the right to life, liberty, and the security of person, and a standard of living that is adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family.


Those who believed in Hamilton's "broad" view of the Constitution, they were largely in the commercial centers of the Northeast and port cities in the South

river of Rome


Important Battles of the Revolutionary War

Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Trenton, Saratoga, Charleston, Yorktown

What is one tribe that initially inhabited Florida?



To take control of; to rule

Gross Domestic Product

Total monetary value of all goods and services produced in a nation during a specific time frame

Municipal governments

Townships, boroughs, villages, cities, and usually headed by a mayor or city manager, and are one of the smallest bodies of government

What did colonies do to prevent abuse to native americans



Translate: submission to the will of God Key people: Mohammed Muslims observe 5 prayers a day, have a month of fasting (Ramadan), and practice charity and giving Month of pilgrimage, travel to mecca for spiritual journey

Jacques Cartier

Traveled St. Lawrence River

Peace of Westphalia (1648)

Treaty ending 30 Yrs War in Germany; allowed each prince (Lutheran, Catholic, Calvinist) to choose religion of territory; ended authority of Roman Catholic popes o exert political dominance; gave birth to concept of modern nation states

Why did U.S not join league of Nations

Treay of Versailles, compromise sovereignty of America

Climate found north and south of the tropical rainforest?

Tropical grasslands (savannas)

True or False: It is most unusual for a country to contain just one kind of climate.


The constitution does not mention political parties and the founders were generally opposed to them.

True. Political parties were though of as searching for profit, not for the common good.


Two or more producers form an alliance to control the market price

Political Parties: Two Party System

Two parties compete for influence. US is basically this, with checks and balances ti make it difficult for one party to gain complete power over the other.

End of the Roman Republic

Two struggles: 1. the grasp of power by the First Triumvirate in 59 BC (Consisted of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus) 2. rise of the Second Triumvirate (Octavian (Later called Augustus), Mark Antony, and Lepidus)

What were some of the main inventions during the industrialization period?

Typewriter, telephone, barbed wire, electric light, phonograph, and gasoline automobile (greatest effect)

When does u.s appoint a person to a seat in the senate

U.S appoints until the following election, seat may remain vacant

Gerry mandering would affect what election the most

U.S federal

Populist Party

U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies


Unit of exchange

Genocide in the US

United States: efforts to claim and expand land led to the attempted extermination of Native Americans; systematically pushed them west away from national development; most systematic effort was during Indian Wars when entire villages and tribes were killed

Amendment 4

Unreasonable search and seizures; probable cause and a search warrant

after civil war, what did immigrants do

Unskilled labor

Equal Rights Amendment 1972

Upheld the equality of all regardless of sex.

War of 1812

War that began over disagreements over shipping and trade between the British and Americans. Ended 3 years later when the Treaty of Ghant was signed, restoring relations between the countries.

Visual Strategies

Use visual aides to facilitate understanding.

Storypath Method

Uses the basic components of a setting, characters, and a plot - a story - to organize the social studies curriculum and integrates language arts with social studies.

Full Employment

Using all available resources


Utopian socialists wanted to attempt a solution to improve the distribution of society's wealth

Sacred writings of Hinduism

Vedas: chants of the priestly class - Rig veda: hymn knowledge - Yajur veda: ceremonial knowledge - Sama veda: chant knowledge - Atharva Veda: knowledge from Atharva (Vedic teacher) Brahmana and Aranyakas: ceremonial rules Upanishads: collection of poetry and prose that teach that spiritual mastery is achievable via meditation & discipline

Prime Meridian

Vertical, imaginary line that divides the Earth into its eastern and western halves; runs through Greenwich, England

Shays' Rebellion

Veteran Daniel Shays led a rebellion of farmers against the tax collectors and the banks that were seizing their property. Symbolized the inability to maintain order under the Articles

Human-cultural Determinism

View that the culture overpowers and shapes the environment

Environmental Determinism

View that the environment can overpower people and determine their culture and the direction and extent of their development.

What state split during the civil war


Three major theistic traditions

Vishnu: force of preservation Shiva: god of destruction Brahma: creative force Most honored animal is the cow.

Amendment 26

Voting Age Set to 18 Years


Warlike and aggressive due to a highly organized military and used horse-drawn chariots

The Mexican War

War between Mexico and America over Texas. Ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which gave the US territory from Texas to the coast of California

The 30 Years War

Wars fought among European powers from 1618-1648 for various reasons. It ended with the Treaty of Westphalia and changed boundaries of European countries.

Political party Development in the US

Washington was adementaly against parties due to the abuses by those in Britain, but they mostly existed from the beginning. 1. Federalist and Democratic - Republicans. Formed in 1700s over the balance of power in government. 2. Democrats and Whigs - Developed before the Civil War over issues like slavery. 3. Democrats and Republicans - developed after the Civil War over post-war treatment of the South.

Federalists (supported the new Constitution)

Washington, Franklin, James Madison

The Industrial Revolution

Water-powered, then steam-powered machines

What is weather?

Weather is the condition of the air which surrounds the day-to-day atmospheric conditions such as tempeature, air pressure, wind, moisture or preciptation (rain, snow, hail, or sleet)

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

Went against the Missouri Compromise, allowing territories north of the 36*30 line to determine if they were free or slave states based on popular sovereignty

Christopher Columbus

West Indies and Caribbean Islands

Amerigo Vespucci

West Indies and South American

Incan Empire

Western coast of South America connected by roads Invented the quipu (string-based device for record keeping) Worshiped the dead, their ancestors, and nature with strange rituals (mummies of dead rulers still alive)


When a producer sells abroad at a price below cost or below what it would charge for the same item on the domestic market


When one company or institution has executive control over a particular good or service in the environment


When only one company operates in a particular industry and there are no close substitutes

If the price of dollar diminishes, what happens to U.s Goods

When the dollar declines, it makes American-made goods cheaper and more competitive when compared to foreign-produced goods. This helps increase U.S. exports, boosting economic growth.

When does market equilibrium occur?

When the quantity demanded = the quantity supplied

When may government officials restrict free-assembly rights?

When there is a "clear and present danger" or an "imminent incitement of lawlessness".

John Locke

Whose book Two Treatises of Government has long been considered a founding document on the rights of people to rebel against an unjust government was an important figure in the founding of the US Constitution and on general politics of the American colonies (1632-1704)

Amendment 19

Women's Suffrage (right to vote)

Amendment 19

Women's right to vote

Habeas Corpus

Writ calling for a party under arrest to be brought before the court where authorities must show cause for detainment

John Jay

Writer of the federalist papers, founding father, and appointed first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Declaration of Independence

Written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Second Continental Congress

Bill of Rights

Written my James Madison in response to anti-federalist failure to support the adoption of the proposed constitution. Promoted a limited government. The first ten articles/amendments of the constitution. Includes the guarantee of freedom of speech, religion and press.

Federalist Papers

Written to win popular support for the new proposed Constitution Provided an explanation of the philosophies, concerns, and compromises that were made Often called the most effective marketing and public relations campaign in human history

John Locke

Wrote, "Two Treatises of Civil Government", which put forth the idea of "tabula rasa" or that people are born as a blank slate. Experiences mold individuals and that all men are essencially good, independent and equal.

Can president call session of congress


Constitutional Disagreement - Slavery

Yes vs. No Compromise --> (a) fugitive slaves should be returned by states to which they might flee for refuge, and (b) no law would be passed for 20 years prohibiting the importation of slaves

What Made U.S involved in WW1

Zimmerman Telegram, The Zimmerman Code, Propaganda, close relations with the British and Democracy was the major reasons for entering the war with the Allies.

Serrano vs. priest (1971)

aided the funding of students in low income districts

Paul von Hindenberg

a German field marshal and president who fought against the Americans in World War I (1925-1934)

Erie Cannal

a cannal built to link the Great Lakes in the west with the Mohawk & Hudson Rivers in the east. Many thought the idea was far fetched at first - it was an instant success when it was commpleted & led to other states building cannals.


a change or addition to the United States Constitution

Benjamin Disraeli

a conservative, political rival of William Gladstone (1804-1881)


a diplomatic policy whereby a nation seeks to avoid alliances with other nations in order to avoid being drawn into a war that is not related to their own territorial defense


a government in which power is in the hands of a few people--especially one in which rule is based upon wealth

What is a delta

a landform that forms at the mouth of a river, where the river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, or reservoir

Ex Post facto Law

a law made against an act after it has been committed.

William Gladstone

a liberal, greatly disliked by his rival Disraeli and his Queen for being such a staunch political and economic reformer. (1809-1898)

An oligopoly is

a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers


a medieval philosophy that comtemplated independence of existence of the body, the mind and God.


a movement in Western Europe started by Martin Luther in 1517 to break away from the Catholic Church and start the Protestant churches


a private or civil action brought into court. e.g. could be a breach of contract in which the injured party may for compensatory damages. The earliest was created as a protection from property and personal trespass.


a reference to policy used at some point in the Vietnam War to scale back the intensity of fighting and pull US troops out of Vietnam


a sheltered place along a shoreline where ships can anchor safely


a source of wealth; natural resources are the casis for manufacturing goods and services.


a tax a goverment places on internationally traded goods, usually goods entering a country

4 phases of Economic Cycle

a. Boom: bring prosperity b. Recession: Decline in GDP and rise in unemployment c. Trough: a slide from the mean to lowest point in recession d. Recovery: a rise from the trough to mean

Naturalized citizen

acquired citizenship by meeting several requirements including a swearing to uphold the U.S. Constitution, a judgment of good character, and the ability to read and write in English

Missouri Compromise

admitted Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state; a line (36'30") drawn between slave and free states

Sugar Act

also known as the American Revenue Act or the American Duties Act, was a revenue-raising act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain on April 5, 1764

Niccolo Machiavelli

an Italian Renaissance writer who was most concerned with getting and keeping political power. (1469-1527) Principle work in 1532 was The Prince.


an advanced early civilization off the Greek coast on Creta more noted for their innovations in terms of sewage systems, toilets, and running water.


an amount produced or manufactured by an industry


an economic system that dominated trade between the major nations of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries in which there was believed to be a fixed amount of wealth in the world and a country must attain the riches of another


an obigation identified with citizenship

Nominating Conventions

an official meeting of party members for the purpose of selecting candidates. Example, DNC and RNC where they convene and announce candidates for the Presidency.

The Sumerians

ancient civilization credited with being the first to develop irrigation techniques through the use of canals, dikes, and devices for raising water


ancient civilization that created the idea of zero in mathematics changing drastically our ideas about numbers.


anything that is bought or sold, any product

Meridian (lines of longitude)

are the determining factor in separting time zones and determining time around the world.


area of flat or rolling land at a high elevation about 300-3000 feet


area of land drained by a given river and its branches, area of land surrounded by lands of higher elevation


argued against the adoption of the Consitution. They believed that the Constitution would weaken the states, favor the wealthy, increase taxes, and diminsh individual libertyFor example Henry and Samuel Adams

If Asia economy Plummets what happens to U.S

asia products are cheaper, buy more products


attributed with the principle that "men entrusted with power tend to abuse it"


autocratic government where the ruler make decisions without consent of those they are governing


based on class conflict, revolution, and one party state. ideally, one government for the world. Government controls the production and flow of goods and services rather than leaving it top individuals and companies.

Vladimir Lenin

became the leader of the newly formed Communist Party. Russia is reclassified as the United Soviet Socialist Republic.

Arabian Penninsula

between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. between Africa and asia

The purpose of grandfather clauses and literacy tests, used in southern states in the late 1800s and early 1900s, was to prevent

blacks from voting

Sir John Hawkins and Sir Francis Drake

both navigators who worked in the slave trade, made some voyages to the New World, and commanded shops against the Spanish Armada in 1588


bring charges against a President. It is brought forth in the House of Representatives, and then the Senate makes the decision of the President's guilt in the matter. It does not mean to remove or re-elect the President.


called for democratic political parties to play an important role in shaping the economy in order to avoud the problems of free enterprise capitalism and exploitation in favor of more equality and nationalization

Legislative branch

checks the executive branch by power of impeachment

Divine Right doctrine

claims that kings and absolute leaders derive their right to rule by virtue of their birth alone. They see this both as law of God and of nature.


concerned with power structure in the social and political worlds

Multiregional Continuity Model

contends that after Homo erectus left Africa and dispersed into other portions of the Old World, regional populations slowly evolved into modern humans.

John Jay and Madison

contributed to the Federalist Papers expressing the political philosophy of the Founders and was instrumental in bringing about the ratificication of the Constitution.


contributed to the field of political science (427-347 B.C.)


cuneiforms, zigguarats, epic of gilgamesh

Greek influences on today

democracy, alphabet, libraries, Olympics, math, science, architecture, lighthouses, mythology,


developed bathtubs, hot and cold running water, and sweage systems with flush toilets

Federalism and separation of powers

divides the powers of government between the states and the national government

Bill of rights

drafted by a group led by James Madison, consisted of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which guaranteed the civil rights of American citizens.

Gerry Mandering

drawing the boundaries of legislative districts in bizarre or unusual shapes to favor one party

who is in charge of driver license regulations in the U.S

each individual state

What is Common between Mayflower act and Virginia Burgess

earliest form of government in colonial america

Command Economy

economic system in which the means of production are publicly owned and economic activity is controlled by a central authority that assigns quantitative production goals and allots raw materials to productive enterprises

Guarino da Verona and Vittorino de Feltre

educators who turned the ideals of the humanists into a practical curriculum; founded a school where students learned Latin, Greek, math, music, philosophy, and social graces

Study of Sociology

effects of various stages of social development on the growth of government and politics.

Article V

empowers Congress to propose amendments (changes or additions) to the Constitution

Ganges River

empties into Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh. Considered to be the most sacred river in India according to the Hindus.

Development of agriculture

ended the once dominant practices of hunting, gathering, and fishing among prehistoric people. It provided a more efficient use of time and a surplus of food.

Judiciary Act of 1789

established the Federal and circuit court system

Article III of the U.S. Constitution

established the Supreme Court in 1789

Marbury vs. Madison

established the principle of Judicial Review in 1803

Article 2

establishes the Executive Branch

Article 3

establishes the Judaical Branch

Article 1

establishes the Legislative Branch


first organized city-states (around the fourth millenium BC)

Spanish-American War

first time U.S had a foreign military intervention, Philippines, Guams, American Samoa, and Puerto Rico became Americana Territories


flat low-lying land built up from soil carried downstream by a river and deposited at its mouth

Roger Williams

founder of Providence and Rhode Island, had objected to the Massachusetts colonial siezure of Indian lands and settlements and the relationship between these seizures and the Church of England. He was banished from Mass. and purposely set of R.I. as the fisrt colony with a true separation fo church and state.


founder of modern scientific knowledge of astronomy and our place in the galaxy

Vladimir Lenin

founder of the first Communist Party and the first leader of the Soviet Union, led the Soviets to victory in the October Revolution of 1917 (1870-1924)

What country had conflict with Britain in south africa

france or spain

Karl Marx

generally regarded as the founder of the modern socialism and communism (1818-1883)

The Sahel

geographical drought-stricken region of Africa south of the Sahara and extending east and west from Senegal to Somalia


governments that seek to control all aspects of society; political, economic and social.

Thomas Paine

great American political theorist, wrote "these are the times that try men's souls" in hsi 16 part pamphlet The Crisis.

causes of the Civil War

grown of sectionalism, unfair taxation, states versus federal rights, proslavery versus nonslavery proponents, 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln

causes of the Civil War

grown of sectionalism, unfair taxation, states' versus federal rights, proslavery versus nonslavery proponents, 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln


had an extensive knowledge of surgery and medicine as well as principles of irrigation, fertilization, and terrace farming (unique achievements for an ancient civilization)


ideas about the necessity of separation of powers and checks and balances.

What started WW1

imperialism, nationalism, militarism,and the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand which triggered alliances. austro hungary serbia conflict

Federal Reserve System

implements monetary policy by changing the level of money in the banking system

Stamp Act

imposed a direct tax by the British Parliament specifically on the colonies of British America, and it required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp. The purpose of the tax was to help pay for troops stationed in North America after the British victory in the Seven Years' War

Daniel Shays

in 1786 in rural Massachusetts when Revolutionary War veteran was led by him. A rebellion of farmers against tax collectors and the banks that were seizing their property

Thomas Jefferson philosophy of Declaration of Independence

incorporated Locke's doctrine in the D of I (1776)., with respect to a governement's responsibility to protect the life, liberty, and property of its constituency.

Distance Decay

interaction between two places declines as the distance between the two places increases

Human environment interaction

interactions between the human social system and (the "rest" of) the ecosystem.


intersection of the supply and demand curves

Eastern front of World War I

involved Germany, Austria-Hungary, against Russia

The prince

is a 16th-century political treatise by the Italian diplomat and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. claimed to be one of the first works of modern philosophy, especially modern political philosophy, in which the effective truth is taken to be more important than any abstract ideal. It was also in direct conflict with the dominant Catholic and scholastic doctrines of the time concerning how to consider politics and ethics

international relations

is a consideration of how nations interact with each other within the frameworks of law, diplomacy, and international organization, such as the United Nations

American government and politics

is a survey of the origins and development of political system in the United States from the colonial days to modern times, with an emphasis on the Constitution, various political such as the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, the federal system, political parties, voter behavior, and fundamental freedoms.

Comparative government and politics

is a systematic study of the structure of two o rmore political systems (such as those of Britian and the People's Republic of China) to achieve an understanding of how different societies manage the realities of governing.


is an economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free from government restrictions, tariffs, and subsidies, with only enough regulations to protect property rights

Political theory

is an historical expolorations of the major contributions to political thought from the ancient Greeks to the contemporary theorists

Cult of personality

is an idea most associated with fascism

Provides water for hydroelectric power

is not a use for a region's wetlands

Polticial Science

is the organization study of government and politics


isolating oneself from immigration and trade

Virginia Plan

large states , led by Virginia, presented a plan calling for a strong national government with representation favoring larger states

Theodore Roosevelt

made the statement "Walk softly and carry a big stick" in reference to his foreign policy, which was just as aggressive as his domestic policy. (1858-1919)

ex post facto laws

make past punishable that were legal when they occurred

checks and balances

making sure that no one branch had unlimited or unchecked power.

September, 1848

marked the discovery of gold in California and started the "gold rush"

James Madison

mostly wrote the Bill of Rights, alond with the majority of the Constitution.

Best place for agriculture

north America


of ancient Mesopotamia flourished for a time under their great contribution of organized law and code, called Hammurabi's Code (1750 B.C.), after the fall of Hammurabi.

Rhode Island

of the thirteen colonies, the greatest degree of religious toleration was found here.


often thought by the public to be responsible for taxation since taxation is often a highly talked-about issue in presidential campaigns, but it is in fact Congress that is ultimately responsible


one of the first systems of economics in which goods were exchanged

Social contract theory

originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual. Jaque Rouseeau


part of a large body water that extends into a shoreline, generally smaller than gulf

Alexander Hamilton

part of the Constitutional Convention one of the authors of the Federalist Papers (1787-1788). Collection of essays

James Madison

part of the Constitutional Convention who recorded the debate proceedings

George Washington

part of the Constitutional Convention who was the president of the body

Gouverneur Morris

part of the Constitutional Convention who wrote the final version of the document and its famed preamble, "We the People of the United States, in order to form a moe perfect union"


potential customers for any product or service are not only called consumers

causes of the Cold War

power vacuum, decolonization, failure of diplomacy, atomic diplomacy, U.S./USSR suspicions

causes of the Cold War

power vacuum, decolonization, failure of diplomacy, atomic diplomacy, US/USSR suspicions

Sumerians and Phoenicians

practiced religions in which many gods and goddesses were worshipped.

9th Amendment

prevents the absence of rights not explicitly named in the Constitution from being interpreted as a reason to have them taken away.

Yangtze River

primarily flows to the East

1965 voters act

prohibits discrimination in voting

Townshend act

raise revenue in the colonies to pay the salaries of governors and judges so that they would remain loyal to Great Britain, to create a more effective means of enforcing compliance with trade regulations, to punish the province of New York for failing to comply with the 1765 Quartering Act, and to establish the precedent that the British Parliament had the right to tax the colonies

towhshend act

raise revenue in the colonies to pay the salaries of governors and judges so that they would remain loyal to Great Britain, to create a more effective means of enforcing compliance with trade regulations, to punish the province of New York for failing to comply with the 1765 Quartering Act, and to establish the precedent that the British Parliament had the right to tax the colonies

Power Reserved for the Federal Government

regulate foreign commerce, regulate interstate commerce, mint money, regulate naturalization and immigration, grant copyrights and patents, declare and wage war and declare peace, admit new states, fix standards for weights and measures, raise and maintain an army and a navy, govern Washington d.c., conduct relations with foreign powers and universalize bankruptcy laws


responsible for levying federal taxes


responsible for taxation

2nd Amendment

right to bear arms

7th Amendment

right to civil trial by jury.

6th Amendment

right to criminal trial by jury, right to legal counsel.


rule by a select few


rule by many; government having three or more rulers

Presidential system

run by a head of state, the elected (or sometimes self-appointed) president

Petrarch (1304-1374)

scholar and poet that wanted to revive classical Latin; important because he is the father of humanism

advantages of the Confederacy in the Civil War

size, troops fighting on home turf (defensive)

In its decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court held that

separate but equal facilities for different races were constitutional

Articles of Confederation

served as national government from 1781-1787. This was consisted of a unicameral (one house) legislature that was subordinate to the states

Minoan culture

shared many religious practices with the Ancient Egyptians.

Abuses of the Church Power

simony (sale of church position), indulgences (sale of forgiveness of sin), nepotism (control by a particular family), improper veneration of relics, pluralism(more than one postion), in-celebacy (church official getting married and having children) and dispensations (payment required by law)


simply any business organization


sits to the extreme left of the political spectrum (antagonistic of fascism)


sits to the extreme right of the political spectrum (antagonistic of communism)

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke

stressed government had a social contract with the people it represented . If the governement did not protect their interests, the people had a right to alter or abolish it


study of culture and their behaviors


study of the past, often in an effort to understand the presnt

Kaiser William II

succeeded Bismarck, and ultimately led Germany into WWI, when nationalist sentiment proved too stong for the united Germany.

Shay's Rebellioin

symbolized the inability if the government under the Articles to maintain order. People began to realize that there was a need to create a national government that could replace the confederation of sovereign states.

Parliamentary system

systems in which a group of representatives are led by a prime minister contrasting with a presidential system

Socialists belief

that the government should have a greater role in the economy, including state control of the means of production, in order to assure that thwer is an equal distribution of wealth and resources to all of the people.

Capitalist belief

that the government should have little or no involvement with the economy and that free enterprise and private ownership over the means of production will regulate itself in the best interest of the people.

John Cabot

the English explorer who gave England claim to North America and the first European to see Florida and sail along its coast.


the Japanese General and Prime Minister (WWII) led Axis forces into war on a quest of spreading fascism


the Nazi leader of Germany (WWII) led Axis forces into war on a quest of spreading fascism

Juan Ponce de Leon

the Spanish explorer, was the first European to actually land on Florida

Checks and balances

the ability of each branch of government to "check" or limit the actions of the others (executive, legislative, judicial)

Free Enterprise

the economic system promoting individual ownership of land, capital, and businesses with minimal governmental regulations

"Rule of Law"

the enforcement of governement with limits


the establishment of a representative government

Bill of Rights

the first ten amendments to the Constitution.


the first to study geography, possibly because of the difficulties they faced as a result of geographic conditions.


the first true developers of a solar calendar, the decimal system, and made significant contributions to the development of geometry and astronomy

Metropolitan Government

the form of local government that acts as an intermediary between the state and the city and comes from the idea of municipal home rulefirst enacted by Missouri in 1875


the idea of a strong, centralized national government to hold together the nation.

popular sovereignty

the idea that government derives its power from the people

United Nations

the international organization established to work for world peace at the end of WWII

"divine right" of kings

the key political characteristic of The Age of Absolutism and was most visible in the reign of King Louis XIV of France, as well as during the times of King James I and his son, Charles I.


the legal system

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson initiated

the liberation of Eastern Europe under the control of Germany and the Austrian Hungarian Empire. The legacy of this political transformation was the emergence of new nation states: Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Estonia, and Latvia.


the lowest social class in Russia. Serfs were not allowed to leave the local estate and served to farm the land for the local landowner

Otto von Bismarck

the man most often credited witht he unification of Germany, the first chancellor of a unified Germany.


the name for those who make maps


the only group given that was not foung in the West Indies, they were coastal Mexicans rallied by Cortes to help fight the Aztec civilization under Montezuma

Andrew Jackson and William Jefferon Clinton

the only two U.S. Presidents to have been impeached. They were both acquitted during hearings and remained in office. Richard M. Nixon resigned from office as the House of Representatives prepared impeachment proceedings


the opposite of nationalization, is the process by which business and industry previously controlled by government comes under control of private enterprise.

Capitalist system

the owners of business and industry control the means of production

Political Science

the study of the exercise of power and political behavior in human society today


the study of ways in which different societies around the world deal with the problems of limited resources and unlimited needs and wants.

Checks and Balances

the system in place to prevent over-concentration of power in any one branch of government

Free Enterprise

the system of capitalism in which there is little or no government involvement in the economy and private control over the means of production

Separation of Powers

the term that describes the division of government function


the third important group indigenous to the West Idnies

Treaty of Versailles

the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans

Why did Native American migrate west?

they were treated unfairly, and lost land. land owner beliefs

elastic Clause

this grants Congress implied powers to implement the delegated powers

The Middle East of World War I

this places the Ottoman Empire and Germany against the rising Arabs and British.


those who favor sweeping changes or reforms

Virginia 1619

three memorable events: 1-first arrival of twenty African slaves, 2-the right to self governance through representative government in the Virginia house of Burgesses, 3-the arrival of sixty women sent to marry and establish families in the colony


to give up the throne to another governing entity or person

Joseph Stalin

took over the USSR after Lenin's death and fought off Trotsky for power in the party. Was well known for his intensely repressive tactics against dissent in the party. (1879-1953)

GDP (Gross National Product)

total money value of final goods and services that a country produces over a given period of time

Kingdom of Kush

trading kingdom at the head waters of the Nile just north of Africa's horn

Trade reciprocity

treatment of foreign traders same way foreigners treated US

Warsaw Pact

treaty signed in 1945 that formed an alliance of the Eastern European countries behind the Iron Curtain; USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania


usually either a reference to an ecomonic or political theory


was a founder of the Univeristy of Leyden, a Protestant place for study in the Netherlands

Marshall Plan

was an economic plan designed to rebuild the infrastructure of Western Europe

State Court System

was established within the thirteen original colonies and since then the U.S. Constitution has existed side by side witht the federal court system.

Christopher Columbus

was sent by the Spanish to the New World and has received false credit for "discovering America" in 1492, although he did open up the New World to European expansion, explotation, and Christianity.

Cold War

was the escalation of the threat of war between the US and the Soviet Union following WWII up to the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the full collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe in 1991. A nonviolent state of extreme tension in which fears ran high and threats were made but not carried out.

advantages of the Union in the Civil War

wealth, industry, manpower, naval command, railroads

George Washington and Alexander Hamilton

were present at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia, and they were advocates of federalism or increasing the power of hte federal government.

Pocket Veto

when a president neither signs nor vetoes a bill officially for ten days while the legislature is in session.

Productive Efficiency (Technical Efficiency)

when a society produces the greatest quantity of good and service possible from its resources at a minimum cost; scarcity is reduced; the three methods are 1. not using more resources than necessary 2. using resources where they are best suited 3. using technology that minimize cost

Allocative Efficiency

when a society produces the types and quantities of goods and services that most satisfy its people; makes more of what people want and less of what people do not want

What started WW2

when germany invaded poland in 1939


when the distribution of goods and services conform with its notions of "fairness" ; all societies have different notions of what constitutes equity

Marshall Law

when the military is put into power over a government

Tropical rainforests

where soil erosion is most likely to occur in large amounts

three-fifths compromise

which decided that each slave was to count as three-fifths of a person for purposes of determining population count and with regard to direct taxation on states. Slaves remained the property of owners whether or not they had fled to states where slavery was illegal

Manifest Destiny

which sought to settle the continent coast to coast, arguing that United States had a divine obligation to civilize

Anarchist system

workers themselves would control the means of production.

Caste system

would determine their class for life including who they could marry, what jobs they could perform, and their overall quality of life.


would land far to the left on the political spectrum of America.

The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States

would not tolerate any new European colonization in N. or S. America (the New World)

habeas corpus

writ calling for a party under arrest to be brought before the court where authorities must show cause for detainment


wrote "Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime" a comment that is probably as relavent today as it was in his day.

Thomas Jefferson

wrote the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Hobbes

wrote the important work Leviathan in which he pointed out that people are by all means selfish, individualistic animals that will always look out for themselves; therefore, the state must combat this nature desire. (1588-1679)

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