Fundamental Questions

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What makes a question fundamental?

Three factors: #1) Historically Perennial #2) Conceptually Foundational #3) Existentially Inescapable

Fundamental Question #6

Happiness: - What brings happiness/joy? - What if anything will bring a sense of ultimate enduring fulfillment?

Fundamental Question #5

Purpose/Meaning: - What is the purpose of life? -> Why is the universe here? -> Why are humans here? -> Why am I here? - What brings life meaning? - Summum Bonum: Highest/most important good

Three primary answers to the Ultimate

#1) Theism (God(s) -> universe): The universe was created and is sustained by a transcendent person #2) Naturalism (Universe-no god): The universe is all that exists #3) Pantheism (God = universe): The universe is permeated by an all pervading non-personal force

Fundamental Question #8

Death: - What happens to a human being when they die? Where am I going? -> What is the ultimate end of the universe, where is it heading? - What is one's strategy/method for dealing with death?

Fundamental Question #4

Morality: - What are the central moral principles? ->Who is the ideal person? - What is the ethical system? -> How do you justify moral positions? -> How do you determine right/wrong? - Divine Command Theory - Ethical Egoist - Utilitarianism: greater good for greatest number of people

Fundamental Question #1

Origin: - why is there something rather than nothing? -> casual why not purpose why - who am i and how did i get here? - where did the universe come from? - where did life/humanity come from? - Philosophical Cosmogony -> science will contribute but not settle question

Origin (Creation Myths)

- Does not mean legendary or fictional - account of universal origins in a narrative form #1) Explain origins of universe #2) Mediate our sense of awe #3) Provide sense of role/place

Explanations for Fundamental Question #8

- Immortal/Transcendental state (ie Heaven/Hell) - Cessation (nothing beyond) - Reincarnation - Natural Immortality - Transhumanist

Fundamental Question #2

Condition/Problem: - What, if anything, has gone wrong with the world? - What is humanity's basic problem? - What needs to be fixed about the world, about people? - Why do we do wrong/bad things?

Fundamental Question #3

Solution: - What if anything can be done to fix the world/ourselves? - How do we remedy or rectify the predicament - Common terms: salvation, enlightenment, liberation, deliverance, redemption

Fundamental Question #9

The Ultimate: - What is the most foundational/basic element of reality? What is the underlying truth about all things? - Does God or Gods Exists? What is god like?

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