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The shear strength of a metal is usually (a) greater than or (b) less than its tensile strength?


Which one of the following metals has the lowest density: (a) aluminum, (b) magnesium, (c) tin, or (d) titanium.?


Cupolas are furnaces used to melt which of the following metals (one best answer): (a) aluminum, (b) cast iron, (c) steel, or (d) zinc?


Chvorinov's rule states that total solidification time is proportional to which one of the following quantities: (a) (A/V)n, (b) Hf, (c) Tm, (d) V, (e) V/A, or (f) (V/A)2; where A = surface area of casting, Hf = heat of fusion, Tm = melting temperature, and V = volume of casting?


Which of the following is the most important cast iron commercially: (a) ductile cast iron, (b) gray cast iron, (c) malleable iron, or (d) white cast iron?


Which of the following is typical of the starting work geometry in sheet metal processes: (a) high volume-to-area ratio or (b) low volume-to-area ratio?


Which one of the following materials has the highest modulus of elasticity: (a) aluminum, (b) diamond, (c) steel, (d) titanium, or (e) tungsten?


Which of the following metals has the highest density: (a) gold, (b) lead, (c) platinum, (d) silver, or (e) tungsten?


Which one of the following casting metals is most important commercially: (a) aluminum and its alloys, (b) bronze, (c) cast iron, (d) cast steel, or (e) zinc alloys?


Which of the following metals would typically be used in die casting (three best answers): (a) aluminum, (b) cast iron, (c) steel, (d) tin, (e) tungsten, and (f) zinc?

A, D, F

Mining is classified in which one of the following industry categories: (a) agricultural industry, (b) manufacturing industry, (c) primary industry, (d) secondary industry, (e) service industry, or (f) tertiary industry?


Silica sand has which one of the following compositions: (a) Al2O3, (b) SiO, (c) SiO2, or (d) SiSO4?


If strain measurements were made during a tensile test, which of the following would have the higher value: (a) engineering strain, or (b) true strain?


In sand casting, the volumetric size of the pattern is (a) bigger than, (b) same size as, or (c) smaller than the cast part?


In foundry work, a runner is which one of the following: (a) channel in the mold leading from the downsprue to the main mold cavity, (b) foundryman who moves the molten metal to the mold, or (c) vertical channel into which molten metal is poured into the mold?


Most hardness tests involve pressing a hard object into the surface of a test specimen and measuring the indentation (or its effect) that results: (a) true or (b) false?


Sand casting is which of the following types: (a) expendable mold or (b) permanent mold?


Solid solution alloying is the principal strengthening mechanism in high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels: (a) true or (b) false?


The strength and hardness of steel increases as carbon content (a) increases or (b) decreases?


The upper half of a sand-casting mold is called which of the following: (a) cope or (b) drag?


Total solidification time is defined as which one of the following: (a) time between pouring and complete solidification, (b) time between pouring and cooling to room temperature, (c) time between solidification and cooling to room temperature, or (d) time to give up the heat of fusion?


Which of the following metals is noted for its good electrical conductivity (one best answer): (a) copper, (b) gold, (c) iron, (d) nickel, or (e) tungsten?


Which one of the following elements is the most important alloying ingredient in steel: (a) carbon, (b) chromium, (c) nickel, (d) molybdenum, or (e) vanadium?


Which one of the following engineering materials is defined as a compound containing metallic and nonmetallic elements: (a) ceramic, (b) composite, (c) metal, or (d) polymer?


Which one of the following materials has the highest hardness: (a) alumina ceramic, (b) gray cast iron, (c) hardened tool steel, (d) high carbon steel, or (e) polystyrene?


Which one of the following types of stress strain relationship best describes the behavior of metals at temperatures above their respective recrystallization points: (a) elastic and perfectly plastic, (b) elastic and strain hardening, (c) perfectly elastic, or (d) none of the above?


Which one of the metallic elements is the most abundant on the earth: (a) aluminum, (b) copper, (c) iron, (d) magnesium, or (e) silicon?


Which of the following are advantages of die casting over sand casting (four best answers): (a) better surface finish, (b) closer tolerances, (c) higher melting temperature metals, (d) higher production rates, (e) larger parts can be cast, and (f) mold can be reused?

A, B, D, F

Which of the following casting processes are permanent mold operations (three correct answers): (a) centrifugal casting, (b) die casting, (c) expanded polystyrene process, (d) sand casting, (e) shell molding, (f) slush casting, and (g) vacuum molding.

A, B, F

Which of the following riser types are completely enclosed within the sand mold and connected to the main cavity by a channel to feed the molten metal (two correct answers): (a) blind riser, (b) open riser, (c) side riser, and (d) top riser?

A, C

Which of the following alloying elements are most commonly associated with stainless steel (two best answers): (a) chromium, (b) manganese, (c) molybdenum, (d) nickel, and (e) tungsten?

A, D

Which of the following processes start with a material that is in a fluid or semifluid state and solidifies the material in a cavity (two best answers): (a) casting, (b) forging, (c) machining, (d) molding, (e) pressing, and (f) turning?

A, D

Which of the following are the three basic types of static stresses to which a material can be subjected (three correct answers): (a) compression, (b) hardness, (c) reduction in area, (d) shear, (e) tensile, (f) true stress, and (f) yield?

A, D, E

Which of the following are advantages and characteristics of hot working relative to cold working (four correct answers): (a) fracture of workpart is less likely, (b) friction is reduced, (c) increased strength properties, (d) isotropic mechanical properties, (e) less overall energy is required, (f) lower deformation forces is required, (g) more significant shape changes are possible, and (h) strain-rate sensitivity is reduced?

A, D, F, G

Which of the following industries are classified as secondary industries (three correct answers): (a)beverages (b) financial services (c) fishing (d) mining (e) power utilities (f) publishing (g) transportation?

A, E, F

Viscosity can be defined as the ease with which a fluid flows: (a) true or (b) false?


For which one of the following reasons is a green mold named: (a) green is the color of the mold, (b) moisture is contained in the mold, (c) mold is cured, or (d) mold is dry?


From which of the following ores is aluminum derived: (a) alumina, (b) bauxite, (c) cementite, (d) hematite, or (e) scheelite?


If stress values were measured during a tensile test, which of the following would have the higher value: (a) engineering stress or (b) true stress?


In a sand-casting mold, the V/A ratio of the riser should be (a) equal to, (b) greater than, or (c) smaller than the V/A ratio of the casting itself?


In casting, a flask is which one of the following: (a) beverage bottle for foundrymen, (b) box which holds the cope and drag, (c) container for holding liquid metal, or (d) metal which extrudes between the mold halves?


In plaster mold casting, the mold is made of which one of the following materials: (a) Al2O3, (b) CaSO4-H2O, (c) SiC, or (d) SiO2?


Plain carbon steels are designated in the AISI code system by which of the following: (a) 01XX, (b) 10XX, (c) 11XX, (d) 12XX, or (e) 30XX?


Shell molding is best described by which one of the following: (a) casting operation in which the molten metal has been poured out after a thin shell has been solidified in the mold, (b) casting process in which the mold is a thin shell of sand bonded by a thermosetting resin, (c) sand-casting operation in which the pattern is a shell rather than a solid form, or (d) casting operation used to make artificial sea shells?


The coefficient of friction between the part and the tool in cold working tends to be (a) higher, (b) lower, or (c) no different relative to its value in hot working?


The flow curve expresses the behavior of a metal in which of the following regions of the stress-strain curve: (a) elastic region or (b) plastic region?


The plastic region of the stress-strain curve for a metal is characterized by a proportional relationship between stress and strain: (a) true or (b) false?


Which one of the following types of stress strain relationship best describes the behavior of most metals at room temperature: (a) elastic and perfectly plastic, (b) elastic and strain hardening, (c) perfectly elastic, or (d) none of the above?


Which of the following qualifies as a precision-casting process (two correct answers): (a) ingot casting, (b) investment casting, (c) plaster-mold casting, (d) sand casting, and (e) shell molding?

B, C

Traditional brass is an alloy of which of the following metallic elements (two correct answers): (a) aluminum, (b) copper, (c) gold, (d) tin, and (e) zinc?

B, E

A misrun is which one of the following defects in casting: (a) globules of metal becoming entrapped in the casting, (b) metal is not properly poured into the downsprue, (c) metal solidifies before filling the cavity, (d) microporosity, and (e) "pipe" formation?


A steel with 1.0% carbon is known as which one of the following: (a) eutectoid, (b) hypoeutectoid, (c) hypereutectoid, or (d) wrought iron?


Increasing strain rate tends to have which one of the following effects on flow stress during hot forming of metal: (a) decreases flow stress, (b) has no effect, or (c) increases flow stress?


Which one of the following is the correct definition of ultimate tensile strength, as derived from the results of a tensile test on a metal specimen: (a) the stress encountered when the stress-strain curve transforms from elastic to plastic behavior, (b) the maximum load divided by the final area of the specimen, (c) the maximum load divided by the original area of the specimen, or (d) the stress observed when the specimen finally fails?


Which one of the following types of stress strain relationship best describes the behavior of brittle materials such as ceramics and thermosetting plastics: (a) elastic and perfectly plastic, (b) elastic and strain hardening, (c) perfectly elastic, or (d) none of the above?


Deformation processes include which of the following (two correct answers): (a) casting, (b) drilling, (c) extrusion, (d) forging, (e) milling, (f) painting, and (g) sintering?

C, D

Turbulence during pouring of the molten metal is undesirable for which of the following reasons (two best answers): (a) it causes discoloration of the mold surfaces, (b) it dissolves the binder used to hold together the sand mold, (c) it increases erosion of the mold surfaces, (d) it increases the formation of metallic oxides that can become entrapped during solidification, (e) it increases the mold filling time, and (f) it increases total solidification time?

C, D

A riser in casting is described by which of the following (three correct answers): (a) an insert in the casting that inhibits buoyancy of the core, (b) gating system in which the sprue feeds directly into the cavity, (c) metal that is not part of the casting, (d) source of molten metal to feed the casting and compensate for shrinkage during solidification, and (e) waste metal that is usually recycled?

C, D, E

Which of the following are bulk deformation processes (three correct answers): (a) bending, (b) deep drawing, (c) extrusion, (d) forging, (e) rolling, and (f) shearing?

C, D, E

A production planning and control department accomplishes which of the following functions in its role of providing manufacturing support (two best answers): (a) designs and orders machine tools, (b) develops corporate strategic plans, (c) orders materials and purchased parts, (d) performs quality inspections, and (e) schedules the order of products on a machine?

C, E

Ferrous metals include which of the following (two correct answers): (a) aluminum, (b) cast iron, (c) copper, (d) gold, and (e) steel?

C, E

Which of the following properties or characteristics are inconsistent with the metals (two correct answers): (a) good thermal conductivity, (b) high strength, (c) high electrical resistivity, (d) high stiffness, and (e) ionic bonding?

C, E

Which of the following casting processes are expendable mold operations (four correct answers): (a) centrifugal casting, (b) die casting, (c) investment casting, (d) low pressure casting, (e) sand casting, (f) shell molding, (g) slush casting, and (h) vacuum molding?

C, E, F, H

During solidification of an alloy when a mixture of solid and liquid metals is present, the solid-liquid mixture is referred to as which one of the following: (a) eutectic composition, (b) ingot segregation, (c) liquidus, (d) mushy zone, or (e) solidus?


Given that Wm = weight of the molten metal displaced by a core and Wc = weight of the core, the buoyancy force is which one of the following: (a) downward force = Wm + Wc, (b) downward force = Wm - Wc, (c) upward force = Wm + Wc, or (d) upward force = Wm - Wc?


High-volume production of assembled products is most closely associated with which one of the following layout types: (a) cellular layout, (b) fixed position layout, (c) process layout, or (d) product layout?


Hot working of metals refers to which one of the following temperature regions relative to themelting point of the given metal on an absolute temperature scale: (a) room temperature, (b) 0.2Tm, (c) 0.4Tm, or (d) 0.6Tm?


Inventions of the Industrial Revolution include which one of the following: (a) automobile, (b) cannon, (c) printing press, (d) steam engine, or (e) sword?


The average flow stress is the flow stress multiplied by which of the following factors: (a) n, (b) (1+n), (c) 1/n, or (d) 1/(1+n), where n is the strain-hardening exponent?


The predominant phase in the iron-carbon alloy system for a composition with 99% Fe at room temperature is which one of the following: (a) austenite, (b) cementite, (c) delta, (d) ferrite, or (e) gamma?


Which one of the following casting processes is the most widely used: (a) centrifugal casting, (b) die casting, (c) investment casting, (d) sand casting, or (e) shell casting?


Which one of the following is a machine used to perform extrusion: (a) forge hammer, (b) milling machine, (c) rolling mill, (d) press, (e) torch?


Which one of the following metals has the lowest melting point: (a) aluminum, (b) lead, (c) magnesium, (d) tin, or (e) zinc?


Investment casting is also known by which one of the following names: (a) fast-payback molding, (b) full-mold process, (c) lost-foam process, (d) lost-pattern process, or (e) lost-wax process?


Which one of the following is not a common alloying ingredient in steel: (a) chromium, (b) manganese, (c) nickel, (d) vanadium, (e) zinc?


Particulate processing of metals and ceramics involves which of the following steps (two best answers): (a) adhesive bonding, (b) deformation, (c) forging, (d) material removal, (e) melting, (f) pressing, and (g) sintering?

F, G

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