Gallo @ DSOA, AP World History: Chapters 5-8 Test

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27. Under the Umayyad Dynasty

(A) Ethiopia became an Islamic state. *(B) the Islmaic Arab empire expanded enormously. (C) Iraqi Shi'ite and Sunnite forces became united. (D) internal authority was strengthened by the propriety of the caliphs' behavior. (E) Constantinople was captured in 711.

33. Which of the following is NOT a valid observation about the ancient civilization of the Kush?

(A) It was initially called Nubia. (B) Evidence suggests that it may have developed an agricultural kingdom before the Egyptians. *(C) It spread its empire to the north by driving the Romans out of Egypt. (D) The discovery of iron ore at Meroë enabled the Kush to become a significant commercial force in the central African region. (E) It was a civilization that had its own language, a definite organization of governmental power and a high level or mercantile success.

12. Which of the following is NOT true of the Olmec culture?

(A) Its La Venta pyramid was the largest structure of its type for its era. (B) It created a writing system of some sort. *(C) It developed in the high, mountainous areas of central Mexico. (D) It produced many stone carvings, tools, and monuments. (E) It did not develop the wheel or have horses.

37. The family of languages spoken by people who inhabit the region of the west central Africa south of the Sahara Desert is

(A) Kalaharian. (B) Nok. (C) Swahili. *(D) Bantu. (E) Khoisan.

17. If one were to compare the socieities of the Aztec and the Maya, the best characterization of that comparison would be that

(A) Mayan society was warlike, unlike that of the Aztecs, which was peaceful. (B) Mayan society was predominantly urban and the Aztec society was rural. (C) Aztec society was predominantly rural and the Mayan society was urban. *(D) both were agricultural societies that had substantial urban populations. (E) Aztec society lacked a written script.

31. The great river than dominates the western region of Africa, the so-called "hump of Africa," is the

(A) Nile. *(B) Niger. (C) Congo. (D) Zaire. (E) Zambeze.

30. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the Mongols?

(A) They caused great havoc and destruction throughout the Middle East. *(B) Their westward advance continued on to absorb the Cordova caliphate in Spain. (C) Over time, their upper class population became Muslim. (D) By the 14th century, their empire began to fragment.

20. Among the mounted nomads who came to dominte much of the southwestern plains of North American after 1500 C.E. were the

(A) Ute and the Mohawk. *(B) Apache and Navajo. (C) Cree and Shoshone. (D) Anasazi and Arawak. (E) both B and C

2. Roman imperialism was characterized by

(A) a desire to improve the economies of conquered peoples. (B) unsuccessful diplomatic moves. (C) pure accident and fate. *(D) strategic fortification, road construction, and allied military support. (E) the successful employment of the phalanx.

16. Aztec society was

(A) an egalitarian democracy. *(B) a hierarchical dictatorship, with a privileged upper class and a commoner majority. (C) primarily involved in the trading of slaves. (D) unique in giving women major political power. (E) a purely theocratic society.

14. The two commodities that enabled the Maya to develop trade relations with other civilizations in its region were

(A) cotton and silver. (B) yams and manioc. *(C) obsidian and cacao trees. (D) gold and silver. (E) manioc and turpentine.

3. Members of the aristocratic governing class in Rome were known as the

(A) hoplites. (B) Gracchi. (C) Latins. *(D) patricians. (E) plebs.

8. During the centuries of Roman history, from Republic to Empire, the paterfamilias' authority

(A) increased. *(B) decreased. (C) fluctuated. (D) remained the same. (E) was eliminated entirely.

32. The geographical obstacle which divides Africa's northern coast from the rest of the continent

(A) is the Niger River. (B) is the Nile River. (C) are the atlas Mountains. *(D) is the Sahara Desert. (E) is the Kalahari Desert.

23. The Koran or Qur'an

(A) is the book containing the holy scriptures of Zoroastrianism. (B) contained the guidelines by which a Hindu was to live. *(C) was derived from the revelations of Muhammad. (D) means, literally, "acceptance." (E) was first written in 476 C.E.

39. All of the following was true about the southern African state of Zimbabwe EXCEPT

(A) it was located south of the Zambezi River. *(B) it played no significant role in the gold trade with the Swahili states to the east. (C) it derived great wealth from its role in expanded trade activities between coastal Africa and regions of the continent's interior. (E) it had a significant role in the gold trade with the Swahili states.

35. A unique aspect of the ancient Ethiopian civilization was the fact that

(A) it was the only Muslim society in the area. *(B) it adopted the form of Christianity practiced in Egypt. (C) its assimilation by Kush was brought about through the development of trade ties. (D) the Syrians were able to make it a Muslim nation. (E) it remained animist in religion until the 20th century.

38. The original reason for the rise of the kingdom of Ghana was

(A) its water resources. (B) its rich silver deposits. *(C) the middleman role it played in the godl trade btween its neighbors who produced it and the Moroccans who distributed it to the Mediterrnean world. (D) a possible explanation for its demise may have been its unsound environmental practices, such as overgrazing. (E) it had a significant role in the gold trade with the Swahili states.

26. The theoretical purpose of the jihad was to

(A) maintain peak military readiness. (B) wage holy war against all other Muslims on the Arabian peninsula. (C) broaden Muslim hegemony throughout Africa and Europe. *(D) strive in the way of the Lord. (E) massacre all Jews and Christians.

5. Roman slaves

(A) never rebelled, due to their fair treatment they received. (B) were never involved in agriculture but only in manufacturing enterprises. *(C) staged a number of rebellions, the largest led by Spartacus in 71 B.C.E. (D) made up well over half the population of the empire. (E) received their freedom as reward for the military assistance at the battle of Actium.

25. The Five Pillars of Islam included all of the following EXCEPT

(A) prayer. (B) fasting during the month of Ramadan. (C) making a pilgrimage to Mecca. *(D) taking part in a jihad against the infidels. (E) give alms to the poor and unfortunate.

10. The reason why Jesus was denounced and crucified was that

(A) radicals were disappointed because he was so messianic. *(B) conservatives saw him as a potential revolutionary who might lead a revolt against Rome. (C) Persian authorities saw him as a revolutionary threat. (D) Samaritans found his ideas offensive. (E) Middle Eastern monotheists disagreed with his theology.

4. The First Punic War

(A) resulted from a Roman invasion of Spain. *(B) was waged between Carthage and Rome over control of the island of Sicily. (C) was begun with an attack by Hannibal. (D) discouraged the Romans from developing their naval power. (E) was caused by a Macedonian assault on Sicily.

9. The fladiatorial games

(A) stimulated the construction of large indoor theaters throughout the empire. (B) required only limited public resources to finance the capture, transport, feeding and disposal of live and dead participants because many pious Romans made voluntary contributions. *(C) diverted the mass of the population from potentially dangerous political or riotous activities. (D) were abolised by Augustus as detrimental to the traditional values of Roman society. (E) were entirely a non-Latin phenomena.

28. During the Abbasid Dynasty

(A) the Umayyad leaders were slaughtered to the last individual, during the "Ocean of Blood" era between 1100 and 1150. *(B) a "Persian influence," reflected in the custom of having the caliph hidden from diwan members by a screen, developed. (C) Ottoman Turks were brought in and used either as peasant slaves or Sunnite priests. (D) caliphs became much more democratic. (E) the capital was moved to Damascus.

34. Axum was probably

(A) the capital city of Kush. *(B) originally a colony of the Kingdom of Saba/Sheba in the Arabian Peninsula. (C) the home of Mansa Musa. (D) fatally defeated by the army of Zimbabwe. (E) on the Congo River.

7. Under the reigns of the five "good emperors"

(A) the power of the senate increased. (B) nearly a century of chaos consumed Rome. *(C) the range of responsibilties that were affected by the policies of the emperors increased. (D) public works construction decreased. (E) Rome gained control of the British Isles and the Arabian peninsula.

22. The Ka'aba

(A) was a group of sacred stones revered by the Bedouin tribes, each of which possessed one. *(B) was a large black rock that was housed in a central shrine in Mecca, and worshiped by all pre-Islamic Arabs. (C) represented the monotheism of the Bedouins. (D) was Allah's representative Arab priesthood. (E) was the male initiation ceremony when one formally became an adult.

6. Julius Caesar

(A) was a member of the Second Triumvirate. (B) defeated Octavian's army and obtained the title of dictator, then dictator for life. (C) saw the need for change and strengthened the Senate's power. *(D) was assassinated by a number of leading senators. (E) all of the above

18. The Moche culture

(A) was ended by a devastating pandemic of the Black Death. (B) was located in a rain forest. *(C) may have been ended by major environmental changes, including both severe flooding and the spread of area deserts. (D) was pacifistic, perhaps the major cause of its long existence. (E) was destroyed by the Aztecs.

40. Slavery in Africa

(A) was introduced by the Muslims. *(B) was an ancient practice that used people for a range of tasks, including military service, agricultural and construction labor, and for domestic and royal servants. (C) saved its harshest treatment for the domestic and royal servants. (D) was virtually nonexistent in North Africa. (E) never involved more than two percent of the population.

1. The government of Rome

(A) was originally established as a representative democracy. (B) contained an element of republicanism from its beginnings. *(C) was originally a monarchy but later became a republic. (D) was developed as a monarch under the Celts. (E) was ruled by the upper class plebians.

24. The Hadith and Shari'a

(A) were adopted, respectively, from Jewish and Christian writings. (B) were the "Pillars of Islam." *(C) were, respectively, a collection of Muhammad's saying and a law code. (D) were, respectively, a law code and a marriage manual for Muslims. (E) was a military manual to be used in war against the Western Crusaders.

11. Diocletian and Constantine

(A) were the first Germanic emperors. *(B) resorted to dictatorial control and heavy pressure to temporarily shore up the empire. (C) avoided eventual Roman demise. (D) permanently staved off the ravages of economic inflation. (E) increased the level of personal freedom and social mobility throughout the empire.

26. The great iron-working culture of northern Nigeria was the

*(A) Nok. (B) Axum. (C) Kush. (D) Berger. (E) Malagasy.

19. The civilization of the Inca

*(A) constructed an impressive system of roads and bridges throughout its extensive domain. (B) emplyed a force of highly-paid workers to construct the structures that it produced. (C) offered all women nothing but a life of domestic service restricted to the home. (D) developed an abundant lowland valley community at Machu Picchu. (D) routinely executed all war prisoners its army captured.

21. Amerindians of North America who inhabited the present states of Pennsylvania and New York as well as parts of southern Canada

*(A) established the League of Iroquois. (B) all practiced cannibalism. (C) farmed maize, peanuts, and pineapples in the Caribbean during the winter. (D) began to cultivate manioc in what is now northern Canada. (E) developed only one major city, of over 750,000 inhabitants, near present-day Toronto.

15. The sacred ball court

*(A) had life or death implications for those who played upon it. (B) could only be played on by Mayan priests. (C) was a large, open, circular playing area that employed the use of straw baskets into which large, soft, balls had to be tossed. (D) was found only among the Incas and Iroquois. (E) disappeared after the fall of Olmec cvilization.

13. The chinampas

*(A) were Mesoamerican agricultural plots. (B) were built to maintain industrial production. (C) provided farmes with a means of growing waterfowl for export to Europe. (D) were to be found only in the semi-arid areas of northern Mesoamerica. (E) were part of Inca religious culture.

29. The Crusades

*(A) were due, in part, to power shifts stemming from the weakening of the Byzantine Empire after the rise of the Seljuk Turks. (B) finally determined that Muslim forces would permanently dominate the Mediterranean Sea. (C) forced Saladin to reduce his territorial claims and, finally, to accept Christianity, in order to stay in power. (D) were a period when the behavior of Christian armies was much less brutal than that of Muslim forces. (E) never reached the city of Jerusalem.

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