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6.5 Shoving Movements.

*Equipment must not be shoved until the engineer and the employee protecting the movement have completed a job briefing concerning how protection will be provided. *Employees may be relieved from providing visual protection when: shoving movement is protected by shove light or monitored cameras. A track has already been pulled and you are shoving the same equivalent amount back into same track (if that track remains clear to the location where the movement will be stopped). *Immediately before shoving, a movement is made on the adjacent track providing the employee the ability to visually determine the track to be shoved is clear and route is properly lined. Speeds when shoving: 20 MPH for freight.

5.6 Unattended Fusee.

If a train sees a fusee it must stop. After stopping, the train must proceed at restricted speed for 1 mile beyond the fusee. Note: fusee does not apply when it is beyond the first rail of an adjacent track.

5.13 Blue Signal. [encompassing all of 5.13]

A blue signal signifies that workmen are on, under, or between equipment. Rolling equipment must not be coupled to or moved, rolling equipment must not pass a blue signal on a track protect by the said signal, other rolling equipment must not obstruct the view of the blue signal, equipment must not enter entrance showing blue flag, any equipment behind blue flag is not to be touched. Protection Removed. Can only be removed by the workmen who placed them. B. How to provide protection. On Main Track. A blue signal must be displayed at each end of the rolling equipment. On Other than a Main Track. One of the three methods must be used. 1. Each manually operated switch, including any facing point crossover switch that provides direct access must be lined against movement onto track and secured by locking device; a blue signal must be placed at or near each such switch. [diagram A.] 5-17 2. A derail capable of restricting access to the track where work will occurmust be locked in derailing position with an effective locking device and positioned at least. A. 150 feet from the rolling equipment to be protected. B. 50 feet from the end of rolling equipment on a designated engine servicing track or car shop repair track where speed is limited to 5mph. [diagram B] 5-17 note: a blue signal must be displayed at each derail. Where remote control switches provide direct access, the employee in charge must tell switch operator what work will be done. Switch operator must then: A. Inform employee in charge that the switches have been lined against movement onto the track and devices controlling switches have been secured. B. Not remove the locking devices unless the employee in charge of the workmen it is safe to do so. C. Maintain for 15 days a written record of each notification that includes: name and craft of the employee in charge. Identification of track involved, date and time the employee in charge is notified protection was provided. Date, time , name, and craft of the employee in charge authorized removal of protection. [diagram C.] C. BLUE SIGNAL READILY VISIBLE TO ENGINEER. In addition to protection on "On Main Track" and "On Other Than a Main Track," workman on, under, or between an engine or rolling equipment

1.33 Inspection of Freight Cars.

A freight car with any defect that makes movement unsafe must be corrected or set out of train. When a defect is discovered en-route, note the type of defect on proper tag and attach a tag on each side of the car. A freight car with three bad order tags indicating that the car is safe to move may be moved to the nearest car repair point. The conductor will remove one bad order tag from the side with two tags. The conductor will use this information from the tag to inform other crew members of the restrictions.

5.4.7 Display of Red Flag.

A red flag will be displayed where train must stop, must be displayed at beginning of limits for a track bulletin Form B or Track out of service. The train must stop short of flag (employee in charge must give instructions "including red flag milepost location" only way to pass) If track bulletin Form B is not in effect, instructions must include speed and distance. Speed must not be exceeded until rear of train has passed specified distance from red flag, unless otherwise instructed by the employee in charge. Displayed between rails. If red flag is displayed between the rails, the train must stop and not proceed until removed by the "craft" that placed it.

14.3 Operating with Track Warrants.

A track warrant authorizes a train or engine to occupy the main track within designated limits. However, the train or engine must not foul a switch at either end of the limits where an opposing train may use the same switch to clear the main track. The train or engine must move as follows: 1. Proceed from one point to another in the direction the track warrant specifies. When a crew member informs the train dispatcher that the entire train has passed a specific point, track warrant authority is considered void up to that point. or 2. If authorized to "WORK BETWEEN" two specific points, the train or engine may move in either direction between those points. When a crew member informs the train dispatcher that the authority is released between two specific points, the authority is considered void between those points. This track release must begin at the outer limit of the authority.

14.4 Occupying Same Track Warrant Limits

A track warrant must not be issued to a train within the same or overlapping limits with another train unless: 1. In signaled territory, all trains are authorized to proceed in the same direction. 2. In non-signaled territory, all trains are authorized to proceed in the same direction and are instructed to move at restricted speed. 3. Two or more trains are authorized to "WORK BETWEEN" two specific points at restricted speed within the overlapping limits. 4. Trains are authorized to proceed through the limits of another train authorized to "WORK BETWEEN" two specific points, and track warrants instruct all trains to move at restricted speed within the overlapping limits. When station name(s) designate the overlapping limits, refer to Rule 14.2 (Designated Limits) for limits where trains are required to move at restricted speed. or 5. Radio blocking is authorized as outlined by Rule 14.4.1 (Radio Blocking). Note: Where track warrant authority includes yard limits or restricted limits, the terms of rule 6.13 (Yard Limits) or Rule 6.14 (Restricted Limits) apply, but track warrant instructions must be followed.

9.9.1 Approach to Automatic Interlocking.

A train must proceed prepared to stop at the interlocking signal when: *Moving below 25 MPH and passing a signal that governs the approach to an automatic interlocking. or *Speed is reduced below 25 MPH after passing a signal that governs the approach to an automatic interlocking. The train must continue to move prepared to stop at the interlocking signal until the train reaches a point approximately 1,000 feet from the signal. If the interlocking signal then indicates proceed, the train may resume speed.

6.8 Stopping Clear for Meeting or Pass.

A train that may be met or passed must stop at least 400 feet from the signal or clearance point of the facing point switch the other train will pass over, if length of train permits.

14.7 Reporting Clear of Limits

A train without a crew member on the rear and operating in non-signaled or double track territory may report clear of limits, report having passed a specific locations only when it is known the train is complete. This must be determined by one of the following way: 1. The rear of the train has a rear-end telemetry device, and air pressure on the head-end device indicates brake pipe continuity. 2. An employee verifies the marker is on the rear of the train. 3. A crew member can observe the rear car of the train on which the marker is placed. 4. The train is stopped, and an inspection verifies that the marker is on the rear car of the train. 5. A trackside warning detector transmits an axle count for the train, and the axle count duplicates the axle count transmitted by the previous trackside warning detector.

6.4.2 Movements Within Control Points or Interlockings.

A. Control Points or Manual Interlockings. Except within track and time limits, if movement stops while the trailing end is between the outer opposing absolute signals of a control point or manual interlocking, the movement must not change direction without permission from the control operator. B. Automatic Interlockings. At an automatic interlocking, the movement may change direction within the limits of the interlocking if it continuously occupies at least one car length of the limits.

6.7 Remote Control Zone.

A. Entering Remote Control Zone. Before entering a remote control zone, employees that are not part of the remote control crew must determine whether the zone is activated. Employees may receive this information from the remote control operator, other authorized employee, or special instructions. When the remote controlled zone is activated, track(s) within the zone must not be fouled with equipment, occupied, or switches, operated until the remote control zone has been deactivated or permission is granted by the remote control operator to enter the remote control zone. B. Transfer of an Active Remote Control Zone. An active remote control zone may be transferred to other remote control operators. A job briefing must be conducted each time the zone is transferred between remote control operators and, if applicable, other authorized employee. C. Deactivating Remote Control Zone. At the end of the control operator's tour of duty, the remote control zone must be deactivated except the remote control zone may remain active if: Transferred or Special instructions specify the hours the remote control zone is active.

9.12.4 ABS Territory.

A. Main Track: After stopping, a train authorized beyond the signal may proceed at restricted speed under any of the following conditions: 1. Authority beyond the signal is joint with other trains or employees. 2. To permit an engine, with or without cars, to couple to its train or to a standing cut of cars, if the track between the engine and cars is clear. 3. A crew member has contacted the train dispatcher and obtained permission to pass the Stop indication. However, if the train dispatcher cannot be contacted, move 100 feet past the signal, wait 5 minutes, then proceed at restricted speed. B. Movement with the Current of Traffic: On the main track where Rule 9.14 (movement with the current of traffic) is in effect, after stopping, a crew member must contact the train dispatcher operator and obtain permission to pass the Stop indication, then proceed at restricted speed. However, if the signal governs movement to a single main track, comply with Rule 9.17 (Entering Main Track at Hand-Operated or Spring Switch), then proceed at restricted speed. C. Siding or Other Track. If the signal governs movements from a siding or other track to the main track, comply with Rule 9.17 (Entering Main Track at Hand-Operated or Spring Switch), then proceed at restricted speed.

9.12.3 Automatic Interlockings.

At a signal displaying a Stop indication, the crew will be governed by instructions in the release box, special instructions, or other instructions. After complying with interlocking instructions that allow the train to proceed, if signal continues to display a Stop indication, the train must move at restricted speed upon hand signal from a crew member at the crossing if there is no train approaching on any conflicting routes. At an automatic interlocking where push buttons are provided on signals to enable a return movement to be made over the crossing while switching, crew member will unlock box and press button. If signal does not clear, requirements of GCOR 9.12.3 must be complied with.

6.6 Back Up Movements.

After obtaining permission from the train dispatcher, a train may back up on any main track or on any track where CTC is in effect under the following conditions: 1. The train dispatcher must verify the following within the same or overlapping limits: a. Another authority is not in effect unless conflicting movements are protected. b. A track bulletin Form B is not in effect. c. A main track is not removed from service by a track bulletin. d. Permission to leave a switch in the reverse position has not been granted. 2. The crew ensures movement will not: a. Exceed the limit of the train's authority. b. Exceed the train's length. c. Enter or foul a private or public crossing except as provided by Rule 6.32.1 (Providing Warning Over Road Crossings). d. Be made into or within yard limits, restricted limits, interlocking limits, drawbridges, railroad crossings at grade, or track bulletin Form B limits. *when movement is made under these conditions, restricted speed does not apply. Trains backing up under the provisions of this rule may pass signals Indicating Stop and Proceed, without stopping.

9.13.1 Hand Operation of Dual Control Switches.

An employee must get permission from the control operator to operate a dual control switch by hand. Operate the switch as follows: • Unlock the switch lock. • Place the selector lever in the HAND position or remove the hand crank from the holder. • Operate the hand throw lever until the switch points are seen to move when the lever is operated, even if the switch is lined for the intended route. • Line the switch for the intended route, or insert the crank on the shaft and turn the crank as far as it will turn until the switch is in the desired position. Remove the crank from the shaft, but do not return it to the crank holder. • Return the switch to power by restoring the selector lever to the POWER or MOTOR position and lock. Or, return the crank to the holder and secure it with the switch lock. Notify the control operator after power to the switch is restored.

2.3 Repetition.

An employee who receives a transmission must repeat it to the person transmitting the message, except: *Concerns yard switching operations. *Is a recorded message from an automatic alarm device. *Is general and does not contain any information, instruction, or advice that could affect the safety of a railroad operation.

8.15 Switches Run Through.

An engine or car that partially runs through a switch must continue movement over the switch. The engine or car must not change direction over a damaged switch until it has been spiked or repaired.

9.12.2 Manual Interlockings.

At a signal displaying a Stop indication, if no conflicting movement is evident, the train will be governed as follows: • A crew member must immediately contact the control operator. • Before authorizing the train to proceed, the control operator must know that the route is properly lined and no conflicting movement is occupying or authorized to enter the track between that signal and the next absolute signal governing movement or the end of interlocking limits where applicable. • The control operator may authorize the train to proceed using hand signals or the following instructions, "After stopping, (train) at (location) has authority to pass signal displaying Stop indication," specifying the route where applicable. The train must move at restricted speed. • If the signal governs movement over a drawbridge, a crew member must verify that the bridge is in the proper position for the train to pass. Before proceeding into or continuing in CTC territory, the manual interlocking control operator must be sure that the CTC control operator has given authority to proceed. Exception Conflicting Movement. When the control operator has stopped a conflicting movement, he may then authorize another train to proceed, advising both crews of movements to be made. If the stopped movement is later permitted to proceed, that train must move at restricted speed until its leading wheels have passed the next governing signal or the end of the block system.

7.4 Precautions for Coupling or Moving Cars or Engines.

Before coupling to or moving cars or engines, verify that the cars or engines are properly secured and can be coupled and moved safely. Make couplings at a speed of not more than 4 MPH. Stretch the slack to ensure that all couplings are made.

9.12.1 - Stop Indications - CTC Territory

At signal displaying stop indication, if no conflicting movement is evident, the train will be governed as follows: *A crew member must immediately contact the control operator, unless the train is: -Within track and time limits or -Entering track and limits from any point other than either end of track and time limits. *Before authorizing train to proceed, control operator must know that the route is lined and no conflicting movement is occupying or authorized to enter the track between that signal and the next absolute signal governing movement or the end of CTC where applicable. *When train receives these instructions, "After stopping, (train) at (location) has authority to pass signal displaying stop indication," specifying the route where applicable. The train must move at restricted speed. *If the signal governs movement over a drawbridge, a crew member must verify that the bridge is in the proper position for the train to pass. Exception Conflicting movement. When the control operator has stopped a conflicting movement, he may then authorize another train to proceed in the same limits, advising both crews of movement to be made. If the stopped movement is later permitted to proceed, that train must move at restricted speed until its leading wheels have passed the next governing signal or the end of the block system.

18.7 Comparison of PTC Display Information.

Before departing, crew members on the controlling locomotive must compare information such as track bulletins, restrictions, and authorities shown on the PTC display with those in their possession. When a crew member receives a mandatory directive or restriction verbally, it must then be verified with the PTC display. When the PTC display does not conform with wayside or cab signal indication, maximum authorized speed, mandatory directives, timetable, or special instruction, be governed by the most restrictive. Any discrepancies must be reported to the train dispatcher.

6.2 Initiating Movement.

Before intimating movement on a main track or controlled siding, a crew member must: Receive track bulletins affecting their movement or determine from the train dispatcher or yardmaster if any track bulletins are needed.

10.1 Authority to Enter CTC Limits.

CTC limits are designated in the timetable. Sidings within CTC limits are controlled sidings and are governed by CTC rules. A train must not enter or occupy any track where CTC is in effect unless a controlled signal displays a proceed indication or the control operator authorizes: • Movement past a Stop indication under Rule 9.12.1 (CTC Territory). • A train to enter track between block signals as follows: "(Train) at (location) has authority to enter (track) and proceed (direction)." After entering the track, the train is authorized to move only in the direction specified. or • Track and Time under Rule 10.3 (Track and Time).

7.1 Switching Safely and Efficient.

If the clearance point is not indicated or visible, determine the clearance point by standing outside the rail of adjacent track and extend arm towards the equipment. When unable to touch the equipment, leave equipment at least an additional 50 feet into the track to ensure equipment is beyond the clearance point.

7.6 Securing Cars or Engines.

Do not depend on air brakes to hold train, engine, or cars in place when left unattended. Apply a sufficient number of hand brakes to prevent movement. If hand brakes are not adequate, block the wheels. When the engine is coupled to a train or cars standing on a grade, do not release the hand brakes until the air brake system is fully charged.

1.47 Duties of Crew Members.

Duties of Crew Members. The conductor and engineer are responsible for the safety and protection of their train and observance of the rules. The conductor and engineer must communicate with each other, the next restriction and location as specified by the limits of authority, track warrant or track bulletin. In addition conductor must make a transmission over radio such as: *Before departure from their initial station and when a train is delayed en-route. *Before passing station one mile signs while in route. *Within three miles of each restriction in sufficient time for for compliance with restriction. Conductor Responsibilities. When the conductor is not present, other crew members must obey the instructions of the engineer concerning rules, safety, and protection of the train. All Crew Member's Responsibilities. Crew members in the engine control must be alert for signals. As soon as signals are visible, crew members must clearly in cab the name of signals affecting their train. Crew members must also voice any change of the signal. If signal is not complied with promptly or an agreement of its meaning cannot be made treat it as the most restrictive indication observed.

2.12 Fixed Signal Information.

Employees must not use the radio to give information to a train or engine crew about the name, position, aspect, or indication displayed by a fixed signal, unless the information is given between members of the same crew or the information is needed to warn of an emergency.

6.28 Movement on Other than Main Track.

Except when moving on a main track or on a track where a block system is in effect, trains or engines must move at a speed that allows them to stop within half the range of vision short of: • Train. • Engine. • Railroad car. • Men or equipment fouling the track. • Stop signal. or • Derail or switch lined improperly.

1.4.1 Good Faith Challenge.

Federal Regulations have provisions that allow an employee the right to challenge a directive that would violate a railroad operating rule relating to: shoving movements, leaving equipment foul, or handling of hand-operated switches or fixed details.

9.9 Train Delayed Within a Block.

If a train has entered a block on a proceed Indication that does not require restricted speed, and the train stops or it's speed is reduced below 10MPH, the train must: A. ABS Proceed at restricted speed. The main must maintain this speed until the next signal is visible, that signal displays a proceed indication, and the track to that signal is clear. A passenger train making a scheduled stop(s) in a block proceeding an intermediate number plated signal may proceed not exceeding 40 MPH prepared to pass next signal at restricted speed until next signal is visible, that signal displays a proceed indication, and the track to that signal is clear. B. CTC or Manual Interlocking Limits. Proceed prepared to stop at the next signal until the the next signal is visible and that signal displays a proceed indication. When operating in PTC territory with PTC cut in and active, a train may operate in accordance with the PTC display.

9.13 When Instructed to Operate Dual Control Switches by Hand.

If the control operator cannot line the dual control switch to the desired position, or the control machine does not indicate that the switch is lined and locked, the control operator must authorize movement past the Stop indication and instruct the employee to operate the switch by hand. Movement may then proceed to that switch. Before passing over the switch, the train must stop and the employee must operate the switch by hand as outlined in Rule 9.13.1 (Hand Operation of Dual Control Switches). After at least one unit or car has passed over the switch points, the employee must return the switch to power unless otherwise instructed by the control operator. Note: Unless otherwise specified, the following instructions apply at locations where Dual Control Switch Point derails are in service at Humboldt East (Receiver 1 track), Portage Jct. (yard track lead), Watertown (track to waterloo Spur), Milwaukee (Cut Off, North lead) and Milwaukee (Grand Ave, North Milwaukee Spur). The following will apply to the Dual Control Switch Point Derails except for the location at Humboldt East on Receiver 1 which will be governed by Paynesville Sub instructions. *When the main track switch is locked in normal position, the dual control switch point derail will be lined and locked in the derailing position. *When the main track switch is locked in reverse position, the dual control switch point derail will be locked in the non-derailing position, except Humboldt East. *When movement is stopped and the control operator authorizes movement past a stop indication and instructs the employee to hand operate the switch(es) the provisions of GCOR 9.13.1 (Hand Operation of Dual Control Switches) will be followed for the dual control switch and the dual control switch point derail. Each selector lever must be restored to "power" position and locked, but not before the movement has occupied the switch points.

6.32.2 update pg. 18-19 know item 1,2,3.

Item 1: Stop and provide warning until head end occupies crossing. Item 2: Contact flagged then proceed at 15 mph until head end occupies crossing warning provided in one direction. Item 3: Contact flagged then proceed at maximum authorized speed warning provided all directions of traffic. Note: If the flagged cannot be contacted, unless relieved by dispatcher, item 2 or item 3 will automatically upgrade to item 1.

6.4 Reverse Movements.

Make reverse movements on any main track, controlled siding, or on any track where a block system is in effect at restricted speed and only within the limits a train has authority to occupy the track.

14.5 Protecting Men or Equipment

Men or equipment may receive a track warrant in the same manner as trains to occupy or perform maintenance on the main track without other protection. A track warrant must not be issued to protect men or equipment within the same or overlapping limits with a train unless: 1. All trains are authorized to proceed in one direction only, and the track warrant specifies that men or equipment do not occupy limits ahead of these trains. or 2. All trains authorized are notified of the men or equipment and have been instructed by track warrants to move at restricted speed within overlapping limits. When station name(s) designate the overlapping limits, refer to Rule 14.2 (Designated Limits) for limits where trains are required to move at restricted speed. Also, a track warrant must inform the employee in charge of men or equipment about the trains. If the track is not safe for trains to move at restricted speed, the employee must protect the track with red flags according to Rule 5.4.7 (Display of Red Flag or Red Light).

6.4.1 Permission for Reverse Movements.

Obtain permission from the train dispatcher or control operator before making a reverse movement, unless the movement is within the same signaled block. When a train or engine is advised that working limits have been established behind their train, obtain permission from the employee in charge to make any reverse movements, including within the same signaled block.

1.36 Excessive Dimension Loads

Place excessive dimension loads on or near the head end of trains. Instructions will be given to trains with excessive dimension loads. If no instructions are present the conductor will immediately notify the train dispatcher. Crew members handling excessive dimension equipment must ensure that the equipment will clear nearby objects, including equipment in adjacent tracks. If train cannot reach point of clearance, crew must make sure protection is provided against movements on adjacent tracks.

5.5 Permanent Speed Signs.

Permanent speed restriction signs are placed in advance of permanent speed restrictions. Two sets of numbers. Two sets of numbers shown, the greater number governs trains consisting entirely of passenger equipment. The lesser number will govern all other trains. Resume speed signs. A permanent resume speed sign or a speed sign showing a higher speed will be placed at end of each restriction. Crew must not exceed the speed shown on each permanent speed restriction sign until the rear of the train: has passed a permanent resume speed sign or a sign showing a higher speed or has cleared the limits of the restriction.

18.4 PTC Cut Out.

The PTC system may only be cut out or disabled when authorized by rule or when proper authorization is received.

5.4.3 Display of Yellow-Red Flag

Remember quote: red and yellow = blood n guts (working men along rail present). Employees may display yellow-red flags one hour before to one hour after a track bulletin Form B is in effect A. Restriction Is In Effect Two Miles Ahead of Restricted Area. Yellow-red flags warn a train be prepared to stop because of men or equipment. Employees must display a yellow-red flag 2 miles before the restricted area. A. Less Than Two Miles Ahead of Restricted Area. When the restricted area is close to a terminal, junction, or another area, employees will display the yellow-red flag less than 2 miles before the restricted area. This information will be included in track bulletin, track warrant, or general order. B. Restriction Is Not In Effect. When a yellow-red flag is displayed and no restriction is in effect specified by paperwork, a crew member must be prepared to stop short of a red flag 2 miles beyond the yellow-red flag. If red flag displayed go to 5.4.7. If no red flag and no instructions do the following: 1.Move at restricted speed. 2. Increase speed only after "a crew member has received instructions from the employee in charge" or "the leading wheels of the movement are 4 miles beyond the yellow-red yellow flag and the dispatcher has confirmed there are no bulletin or warrant protecting men or equipment in location.

6.5.1 Remote Control Movements.

Remote control movements are shoving movements, except when remote control operator is riding the leading engine in direction of movement. Relief of Providing Protection. Remote control operator is relieved from providing protection when: 1. The remote control zone has been activated. 2. Switches/derails are known to be properly lined. 3. Track(s) within the zone are known to be clear of other trains, engines, railroad cars, and men or equipment fouling track. Note: steps must be repeated each time the remote control zone is activated.

9.18 Electrically Locked Switches and Derails.

Special instructions or instructions posted near the switch will govern the operation of switches and derails equipped with electric locks. To enter a track within manual interlocking or CTC limits, employees must not open the case door or unlock an electrically locked switch or derail without track and time or authority from the control operator.

10.3 Track and Time.

The control operator may authorize a train to occupy a track or tracks within specified limits for a certain time period. Authority must include track designation, track limits, and either a time limit or the words "until released". The train may use the track in either direction within the specified limits according to signal indication until the limits are verbally released. Limits designated by a switch extend only to the signal governing movement over the switch unless otherwise designated. Note: Track and time does not authorize trains to occupy the main track within automatic interlocking limits. A. Passing Signal Displaying Stop or Stop and Proceed Indication. Except at interlockings, trains granted track and time: 1. After stopping at a signal displaying a stop indication, must be granted verbal authority to enter the limits at either end. Verbal authority is not required after stopping within the limits or when entering the limits at any other location. Train must move at restricted speed.

8.2 Position of switches.

The employee operating the switch or derail is responsible for the position of the switch or derail in use. Movement must not foul an adjacent track u til the hand-operated switch is properly lined. *When the equipment has entered a track, the switch to that track is not lined away until the equipment has passed the clearance point of the track.

8.3 Main Track Switches

The normal position of a main track switch is for main track movement, and it must be lined and locked in that position. At points where double track begins, the normal position of a spring switch is for movement with the current of traffic. However, the main track switch may be left open: *In CTC territory within track and time limits. *When attended by a crew member or switch tender. *During switching operations when it is certain that no other train or engine will pass over the switch. *For another train or engine when the switch is attended by a member of that crew. *Within ABS limits when instructed by the train dispatcher at: -The entering switch of a siding in Rule 9.14 (Movement with the Current of Traffic) territory. -Either switch of a siding in Rule 16.1 (Authority to Enter DTC Limits) territory. *Within TWC territory when authorized by track warrant. Track warrant protection must be provided for this condition. The switch must not be considered restored to normal position until confirmation is received back from the employee reporting. Employees reporting a normal position switch must be at the switch or moving over the switch on the main track when report is made. or *Within ABS-TWC, ABC-DTC, or rule 9.14 (movement with the current of traffic) Territory at the entering switch of a siding after the following has been done: 1. Communication has been established between crews of trains meeting or passing. 2.An understanding has been reached that the train on the main track will stop and restore the switch to the normal position. A crew member must not report clear of the limits until it is known the switch is lined and locked in the normal position. On the main track switches (if equipped), the target will be red if the switch is lined in other than it's normal position. Before leaving the location where a hand-operated main track switch was operated: *Crew members must confirm the position of the switch with each other. *Engineering Department employees granted authority to enter working limits must confirm the position of the switch with the employee in charge or a designated employee who will notify the employee in charge.


The whistle may be used at anytime as a warning regardless of any whistle prohibitions. Note: whistle signal (4) must be sounded to acknowledge fusee.

1.3.1 Rules, Regulations, and instructions.

Timetable and special instructions. Employees whose duties are affected by the timetable and special instructions must have a current copy they can refer to while on duty. (Make sure to read all of 1.3.1).

9.5.5 Reporting Delays.

When a controlled signal displays proceed indication, notify the control operator immediately if movement cannot occur promptly.

6.3 Main Track Authorization. [Joint Authority]

When a train or employee receives authority joint with employee(s), the train or employee must not occupy the overlapping limits until: *Working limits are described and permission is received to enter the overlapping limits from the employee(s) listed on the authority. When possible, attempt to obtain permission must be made at least 2 miles in advance of the limits. *Advice is received from the train dispatcher or control operator that the employee(s) have reported clear of the limits.

9.11 Movement from Signal Requiring Restricted Speed.

When a train passes a signal requiring movement at restricted speed, the train must move at restricted speed until its leading wheels have passed the next governing signal or the end of the block system.

14.2 Designated Limits.

Track warrant limits must be designated by specifying track, where required, and specific locations such as switches, mile posts, or railroad identifiable points. However, station names may be used as follows: A. First Named Point When a station name designates the first named point, authority extends from and includes the last siding switch. Authority extends from the station sign if no siding exists. B. Last Named Point When a station name designates the last named point, authority extends to and includes the first siding switch. Authority extends to the station sign if no siding exists.

6.13 Yard Limits.

Upon observing or having advance knowledge that a block signal may require restricted speed due to yard limits, if entering or within yard limits, the movement must be at restricted speed at that block signal, or as soon as possible thereafter, consistent with good train handling. In CTC Territory Where yard limits are in effect in CTC territory, the control operator must authorize any movement on the main track. Reverse movements within the same block may be made as outlined in Rule 6.4.1 (Permission for Reverse Movements).

8.4 and 8.7

When employee switches a main track switch they must then go to the opposite side of main track and not return to switch until movement is complete; except during switching movements employees must not get any nearer than 20 feet to any main track switch.

9.5 Where Stop Must Be Made.

When movement is being made beyond a block signal requiring a train to be prepared to stop at the next signal, the stop must be made before any part of a train passes the block signal requiring the train to stop. If a train overruns any block signal that requires it to stop, the crew must: *Warn other trains at once by radio. *Stop the train immediately. *Report it to the train dispatcher.

1.32 Overheated Wheels.

When overheated wheels are found on the train, the train must be stopped and held a minimum of 10 minutes.

6.27 Movement at Restricted Speed.

When required to move at restricted speed, movement must be made at a speed that allows stopping within half the range of vision short of: • Train. • Engine. • Railroad car. • Men or equipment fouling the track. • Stop signal. or • Derail or switch lined improperly. When a train or engine is required to move at restricted speed, the crew must keep a lookout for broken rail and not exceed 20 MPH. Comply with these requirements until the leading wheels reach a point where movement at restricted speed is no longer required.

7.12 Movements Into Spur Tracks

When shoving cars into a spur track, control movement to prevent damage at the end of the track, and do the following: *Stop movement 150 feet from the end of the track. *Apply hand brakes, when necessary, to control slack. *Have a crew member precede any further movement when it can be done safely. *Move only on the crew member's signal.

18.2 Taking Charge of PTC Equipped Trains.

When taking charge of a train in PTC territory, or before entering PTC territory, the train must not depart until the engineer confirms: 1. The PTC circuit breaker and cut out switches are in the appropriate position. 2. The PTC system on a the controlling locomotive is initialized.

14.4.1 Radio Blocking.

Where designated by special instructions, in non-signaled territory, more than one train may be authorized to proceed in the same direction within the same or overlapping limits, provided the following train: •Is notified on the track authority of the identity of the preceding train. •Does not occupy the limits ahead of the preceding train. •Notifies the crew of the preceding train that radio blocking has been authorized stating the limits. •Is notified by the preceding train that the entire train has passed a specific location. Location specified must not be beyond limits indicated. The following words must be used: "(Train) clear of (location)". •Does not proceed beyond the last location the preceding train has reported to have passed.

14.1 Authority to Enter TWC Limits.

Where designated by the timetable, a track warrant will authorize main track use under the direction of the train dispatcher or as prescribed by Rule 6.13 (Yard Limits) or Rule 6.14 (Restricted Limits). Track warrant instructions must be followed where yard limits or restricted limits are in effect.

10.3.3 Joint Track and Tim.

Where limits will be jointly occupied, control operator will state in the track and time being granted to: •Trains-the name or identification of all movements within the overlapping limits or that will enter the limits. or •On track equipment or employees-the name or identification of movements other than trains within the overlapping limits or that will enter the limits. Trains must move at restricted speed within joint track and time limits.

9.17 Entering Signaled Track at Hand-Operated or Spring Switch.

Within CTC territory and manual interlocking limits, the control operator must authorize the train to enter the track at a hand-operated or spring switch where no governing signal exists. The control operator must verify that there are no conflicting movements before giving the authority. In ABS territory, when authorized to enter the signaled track, a crew member or switch tender must open the switch and wait 5 minutes at the switch to establish block signal protection. If at the end of 5 minutes the employee does not hear or see movement approaching, the train may enter the signaled track. At a crossover, line the switch in the track the train is on, wait the 5 minutes, then line the other switch of the crossover.

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