GEB 1011 Final ultimate study guide

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A human resource manager is charged with managing the programs that bring and train people in the company. a. True b. False


Consensus leaders seek input from many workers in the organization, possibly all workers, with their support helping form her opinion. a. True b. False


Considering alternative plans of action is to develop a(n) ________ plan. . operational . contingency . long-term . tactical . strategic

______ is a systematic program of encouraging desirable behavior involving rewards to encourage desirable actions and punishments to discourage undesirable actions.

Behavior modification

_____ is an employee's attitude or feeling about the job.


In a taller organization, why would administrative costs be higher?

More managers are necessary.


the process of grouping jobs into manageable units

Indicators of Corporate Culture

1- The physical setting (e.g., building and office layout) 2- Corporate statements about itself 3- How the company greets its guests 4- How employees spend their time at work (alone or in groups)

Departmentalization: Common bases

1-By function 2-By product 3-By location 4-By customer 5-Combinations

Barriers to Delegation

1-Fear the work will not get done 2-Fear the work will be done too well 3-Inability to plan and assign work effectively

Major Considerations for Organizing a Business

1-Job Design 2-Departmentalization 3-Delegation 4-Span of Management 5-Chain of Command

Job Design

1-Job Specialization 2-Rationale for Specialization 3-Alternatives to Job Specialization

Job Design: Alternatives to Job Specialization

1-Job rotation systematically shifts employees from one job to another 2-Job enlargement 3-Job enrichment

Forms of Organizational Structure

1-Line 2-Line & Staff 3-Matrix 4-Network (Virtual Org)

Types of Corporate Cultures

1-Networked culture 2-Mercenary culture 3-Fragmented culture 4-Communal culture

Steps in Delegation

1-Responsibility 2-Authority 3-Accountability

Job Design: Rationale for specialization

1-The "job" of the organization is too large for one person to accomplish 2-A worker learning only a specific, highly specialized task should be able to learn to do it efficiently 3-Workers do not lose time switching from one operation to another 4-Specialization makes it easier to design machinery to assist those who do the job 5-Specialization makes it easier to train new workers

Line Structure

1-The chain of command goes directly from person to person throughout the organization 2-Simplicity allows for quick decision making and direct accountability 3-Most suitable for small organizations with lower volume of activities than medium or large organizations

Steps in the Delegation Process

1-The manager assigns responsibility 2-The subordinate is empowered to do the task 3-Ultimate accountability remains with the manager

Cultural Change is needed when

1. A company's environment changes 2. The industry becomes more competitive 3. Company performance is mediocre 4. The company is growing or becomes a large firm

Matrix structure

1. A structure that combines vertical and horizontal lines of authority, usually by superimposing product departmentalization on functional departmentalization 2. Authority flows both down and across 3. Employees on cross-functional teams report to both the project manager in charge of the team and to their superiors in their home-base functional department

Committee Types

1. Ad Hoc Created for a specific short-term purpose 2. Standing Relatively permanent; charged with performing some recurring task 3. Task Force Established to investigate a major problem or pending decision

Matrix Structure - Advantages

1. Added flexibility 2. Increased productivity 3. Higher morale 4. Increases in creativity and innovation 5. Personal development of team members

Matrix Structure - Disadvantages

1. Chain of command conflicts 2. May take longer to resolve problems and reach solutions 3. Personality clashes 4. Poor communications 5. Undefined individual roles 6. Unclear responsibilities 7. Difficulty in determining how to reward individual and team performance

Network (Virtual Org): Weaknesses

1. Difficulty controlling the quality of work by other organizations 2. Low morale and high turnover of hourly workers 3. Vulnerability of relying on outside contractors

Line-and-Staff Structure Minimizing conflict between line and staff managers

1. Integrate line and staff managers into one team 2. Ensure that responsibilities are clearly defined 3 Hold both line and staff managers accountable for results

Understand what an organization is and identify its characteristics.

An organization is a group of two or more people working together to achieve a common set of goals. The relationships among positions within an organization can be illustrated by means of an organization chart. Five elements—job design, departmentalization, delegation, span of management, and chain of command—help to determine what an organization chart and the organization itself look like

Line-and-Staff Structure Reasons for conflict between line and staff managers

1. Staff managers often have more formal education 2. Staff managers are sometimes younger and more ambitious 3. Line managers may perceive staff managers as a threat 4. Staff managers may become angry if their recommendations are not adopted


A goal is an end result that an organization is expected to achieve in six months to two years. a. True b. False

What is an Organization?

A group of 2+ people working together to achieve a common set of goals. Developing organization charts 1-Organization chart - A diagram that represents the positions and relationships within an organization 2-Chain of command - The line of authority that extends from the highest to the lowest levels of the organization 3-Staff (advisory) positions - Jobs that are not part of the direct chain of command in the organization


A problem in a company can actually be considered as a "positive" problem. a. True b. False

Understand how committees and task forces are used.

Committees and task forces are used to develop organizational structure within an organization. An ad-hoc committee is created for a specific short-term purpose, whereas a standing committee is relatively permanent. A task force is created to investigate a major problem or pending decision.

Decentralization of Authority

Decentralized organization --Management consciously attempts to spread authority widely in the lower levels of the organization Centralized organization --Authority is concentrated at the upper levels of the organization Factors favoring decentralization --A complex and unpredictable business environment --Decisions that carry low risk or that are unimportant --Highly capable lower-level managers with strong decision-making skills --Past practices of the firm in decentralizing its structure and decision-making processes

Differences with individual action - Disadvantages

Decision making takes longer; may reach unnecessary compromises; one person may dominate

Explain how decentralization follows from delegation.

Delegation is giving part of a manager's work to other workers. It involves the following three steps: (1) assigning responsibility, (2) granting authority, and (3) creating accountability. A decentralized firm is one that delegates as much power as possible to people in the lower management levels. In a centralized firm, on the other hand, power is retained at the upper levels.

The process of setting up individual functional units of business to do specialized tasks is called Departmentalization Division of Labor Job Specialization Delegation of authority


Identify the various bases for departmentalization.

Departmentalization is the grouping of jobs into manageable units. Typical bases for departmentalization are by function, product, location, or customer. Because each of these bases provides particular advantages, most firms—especially larger ones—use a combination of different bases to address different organizational situations.

As the head Fruit Guy, Chris Mittelstaedt wants to treat everyone—employees, customers, and suppliers—fairly. The idea that people are motivated to obtain and preserve equitable treatment for themselves stems from`

Equity theory

The ____ maintains that people are motivated to obtain and preserve fair treatment for themselves.

Equity theory

A modern motivational theory based on the assumption that motivation depends on how much an employee wants something and on how likely the employee thinks he or she will receive it, requires employees to balance the value they place on different aspects of their life against the goal they seek. Balancing is required because of the possibility of any action leading to varied outcomes. What theory is this?

Expectancy theory

Creating a culture of trust can lead to decreased productivity and job satisfaction.


In the mercenary culture, employees work "at" the organization, not "for" it.


Job rotation involves assigning an employee more tasks and greater control.


Many firms find that by using matrix organization, the motivation level is lowered, and personal growth of employees is limited.


The span of management should be wide when a great deal of interaction is required between the supervisor and worker.


Network (Virtual Org): Strength

Flexibility allows the organization to adjust quickly to changes


Formal leaders in an organization have informal power. a. True b. False

Which modern theory of motivation states that employees are motivated to achieve goals that they and their managers establish together as long as the goals are specific and attainable and rewards are tied to the goal achievement?

Goal-setting theory

Elton Mayo conducted the _____ at the Western Electric Company in Chicago, to determine the effects of the work environment on employee productivity.

Hawthorne Studies

The Span of Management: Wide Span (Flat organization)

High level of competence in managers & workers Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Few new problems

Which of the following positions are most often represented by broken lines in an organization chart?

Human resource manager

Which of the following theories or studies maintained that, as pertaining to employees, a state of no dissatisfaction cannot exist because people will always be dissatisfied with something?

Hygiene theory


Implementation of the proper decision should require little time, planning, or preparation. a. True b. False

Job Specialization is known to Minimize delegated authority and responsibility Improve job performance create work teams and improve resource allocations establish procedures

Improve job performance

. Opportunities and threats

In a SWOT analysis, which factors exist independently and externally of the firm? . Strengths and threats . Threats and weaknesses . Strengths and opportunities . Weaknesses and threats . Opportunities and threats

Explain the functions of the informal organization and the grapevine in a business.

Informal groups are created by group members to accomplish goals that may or may not be relevant to the organization, and they can be very powerful forces. The grapevine—the informal communications network within an organization—can be used to transmit information (important or gossip) through an organization much faster than through the formal communication network. Information transmitted through the grapevine can go in any direction across the organizational structure, skipping up or down levels of management and even across departments.


Lower operating costs is a financial benefit of many TQM programs. a. True b. False

_____ is a motivation technique in which managers and employees collaborate in setting goals for the purpose of clarifying the roles employees are expected to play in reaching the organization's goals.

Management by objectives

Which of the following is a characteristic of a line structure?

Managers can be very specialized.

Multi-base Departmentalization for New-Wave Fashions Inc

Most firms use more than one basis for departmentalization to improve efficiency and to avoid overlapping positions.

The Span of Management: Narrow Span (Tall organization)

Physical dispersion of subordinates Manager has additional tasks High level of interaction req'd between manager & workers High frequency of new problems

Delegation assigns part of a manager's tasks as well as ________ to other workers in the organization.


Employees from different departments within the company may be brought together temporarily in a ____ to tackle a specific problem

Problem-solving team

Fred Smith, CEO and founder of FedEx, once described the early days of the company, the issues they had to resolve, and the drive and determination that pushed them through the obstacles. He said there were times that the entire board of directors, which was made up of individuals with varying specialties, expertise, and skills, would come together to resolve an issue—in his case this usually meant finding a way to get shipments from one point to another by the deadline with very few resources. What kind of team did he form?

Problem-solving team


SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. a. True b. False

Gabriel Farms, one of The Fruit Guys' vendors, believes in paying its employees a "living wage," which is higher than a typical minimum wage. Which of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs is satisfied by a living wage?

Safety needs

Motivation affects an individual's internal process. Which of the following is not something that we would consider motivational for an individual?



The material resources of a writer may be a computer, books for research, software programs, and a printer. a. True b. False


The only person in an organization that really needs goals is the CEO or President. a. True b. False

Understand how the span of management describes an organization.

The span of management is the number of workers who report directly to a manager. Spans generally are characterized as wide (many workers per manager) or narrow (few workers per manager). Wide spans generally result in flat organizations (few layers of management); narrow spans generally result in tall organizations (many layers of management).


The word "satisfice" means to find the optimal solution to an issue or problem. a. True b. False

Douglas McGregor observed management's view of workers from two perspectives. In one perspective, he said managers view workers as slothful, lazy, and have no desire to work. In the other view, he said managers view workers as individuals who like to work, will work toward goals to which they are committed, and seek out and willingly accept responsibility.

Theory X and theory Y

When developing the human relations function at The Fruit Guys, Chris Mittelstaedt drew from his own unsatisfying experiences as an hourly employee trying to build a career and support a family. Consequently, he wanted his company to value employees' opinions and to treat and reward them well. Which of the following theories does he most likely follow?

Theory Y

Describe the four basic forms of organizational structure.

There are four basic forms of organizational structure. The line structure is the oldest and simplest structure, in which the chain of command moves in a straight line from person to person down through the levels of management. The line-and-staff structure is similar to the line structure, but adds specialists called staff managers to assist the line managers in decision making. The line structure works most efficiently for smaller organizations, whereas the line-and-staff structure is used by medium- and large-sized organizations. The matrix structure may be depicted as product departmentalization superimposed on functional departmentalization. With the matrix structure, an employee on a cross-functional team reports to both the project manager and the individual's supervisor in a functional department. In an organization with a network structure, the primary function performed internally is administration, and other functions are contracted out to other firms.

A benefit of specialization is improved efficiency and increased productivity


Accountability is created, not delegated.


Ad hoc committees can be used effectively to review a firm's employee benefits plan.


Line positions support staff positions in decision making.


The power to make decisions is granted through authority.


Line-and-Staff Structure

Utilizes the chain of command from a line structure in combination with the assistance of staff managers Line managers make decisions and give orders to subordinates ---->Line authority—line managers can make decisions and issue directives related to organizational goals Staff managers provide support, advice, and expertise ---->Advisory authority—the expectation that line managers will consult with staff managers before making decisions ---->Functional authority—staff managers' authority to make decisions and issues directives within their area of expertise


When a company gathers knowledge about the competitors of the firm, they are leveraging their informational resource. a. True b. False


Which of the following is often considered the "first" management function? . Leading . Organizing . Planning . Prioritizing . Motivating

top management

Who is responsible for the strategic planning of a company? . Line workers . The Board of Directors . Top management . The CEO . Mid-management


Whose mission statement begins as "to inspire and nurture the human spirit. . . ."? . Toyota . Starbucks . Nordstrom . McDonalds

The Span of Management

Wide Span Large # of subordinates to one manager Narrow Span Only a few subordinates to one manager

Identifying Threats

_______Of the following steps, which is not a step involved in managerial decision making? . Implementing and evaluating a solution . Generating alternatives . Identifying threats . Identifying a problem or opportunity . Selecting an alternative


________ leaders discuss issues with workers in the organization but retain final power and authority. . Democratic . Participative . Entrepreneurial . Consultative .Consensus


________ leadership is very task-oriented with decisions independently made. . Participative . Entrepreneurial . Autocratic . Formal . Informal


________ skills most help managers see the "big picture". . Conceptual . Communication . Interpersonal . Technical

ad hoc committee

a committee created for a specific short-term purpose

task force

a committee established to investigate a major problem or pending decision

organization chart

a diagram that represents the positions and relationships within an organization

informal group

a group created by the members themselves to accomplish goals that may or may not be relevant to an organization Pattern of behavior and interaction that stems from personal rather than official relationships Formed by the members themselves to accomplish goals that may or may not be relevant to the organization Can be powerful forces in organizations exerting positive as well as negative influences


a group of two or more people working together to achieve a common set of goals

staff managers

a position created to provide support, advice, and expertise within an organization

line managers

a position in which a person makes decisions and gives orders to subordinates to achieve the organization's goals

standing committee

a relatively permanent committee charged with performing some recurring task

A relatively permanent committee charged with performing some recurring task is called a. an ad hoc committee. b. a standing committee. c. a task force. d. a managerial committee. e. a permanent committee.

a standing committee.

cross-functional team

a team of individuals with varying specialties, expertise, and skills that are brought together to achieve a common task

A committee is organized to review applications for scholarships. The group will award two scholarships to recent high school graduates. What type of committee would work best? a. Ad hoc committee b. Task force c. Liaison committee d. Standing committee e. Self-managed team

a. Ad hoc committee

Corporate Cultures- Fragmented

a. Employees not friends; work "at" (not "for") organization b. Employees have autonomy, flexibility, equality Are a reflective and self-contained introvert Have a high autonomy drive and strong desire to work independently Have a strong sense of self

Corporate Cultures - Communal

a. Friendship, commitment, focus on performance, high energy b. Lives revolve around the product; success is celebrated by all You consider yourself passionate Strong need to identify with something bigger than yourself. You enjoy being in teams Prepared to make sacrifices for the greater good.

Corporate Cultures - Mercenary

a. Passion, energy, sense of purpose, excitement for work b. Intense, focused, determined to win Goal-oriented and have an obsessive desire to complete tasks. Thrive on competitive energy Keep "relationships" out of work - develop them.

Delegation assigns part of a manager's tasks as well as ________ to other workers in the organization a. Power b. motivation c. accountability d. salary e. inspiration

a. Power/ authority (depends if one or the other is on the options)

A supervisor assigned to Wendy, the most proficient employee in the accounting department, a project on cost control that was due in three weeks. For Wendy to be accountable for the project, what must Wendy be given? a. Responsibility b. Power c. Authority d. Training e. Control

a. Responsibility

A matrix structure combines vertical and horizontal lines of authority. a. True b. False

a. True

An informal group is created by the members of the group a. True b. False

a. True

Authority is the power to accomplish an assigned job or task a. True b. False

a. True

Departmentalization by location allows for rapid response to unique demands or requirements of different locations. a. True b. False

a. True

How employees spend their time and how company guests are greeted says something about the corporate culture of an organization a. True b. False

a. True

If an employee learns one or two highly specialized tasks, it is assumed that that employee should be able to perform it very efficiently a. True b. False

a. True

Relationships within a company are visually represented in an organization chart. a. True b. False

a. True

The chain of command is the line of authority that extends throughout the levels of the organization. a. True b. False

a. True

When workers are spread throughout a variety of locations, a narrow span of management is likely best. a. True b. False

a. True

Corporate Cultures - Networked

a. Trust and friendship among employees b. Strong commitment to the organization c. Informal environment Extrovert energized by relationships Tolerant of ambiguities and have low needs for structure Can spot politics and act to stop "negative" politics Consider yourself easygoing, attainable, and loyal to others

Grouping jobs into manageable units is called a. departmentalization. b. organizing. c. job specializing. d. delegation. e. a cluster structure.

a. departmentalization.

The ________ structure offers flexibility, possible increased morale, and can nurture creativity. a. matrix b. network c. line d. formal e. line-and-staff

a. matrix

A virtual organization can also be known as a ________ structure. a. network b. cluster c. matrix d. cross-functional team e. corporate culture

a. network

A rational approach to handling a grapevine is to a. recognize the existence of it. b. punish anyone involved in it. c. reply in email to all information that runs through it. d. respond to all information that runs through it. e. stop all communication that runs through it.

a. recognize the existence of it.

decentralized organization

an organization in which management consciously attempts to spread authority widely in the lower levels of the organization

centralized organization

an organization that systematically works to concentrate authority at the upper levels of the organization

network structure

an organizational structure in which administration is the primary function, and most other functions are contracted out to other firms Administration is the primary function, and most other functions are contracted out to other firms

line structure

an organizational structure in which the chain of command goes directly from person to person throughout the organization

matrix structure

an organizational structure that combines vertical and horizontal lines of authority, usually by superimposing product departmentalization on a functionally departmentalized organization

line-and-staff structure

an organizational structure that utilizes the chain of command from a line structure in combination with the assistance of staff managers


assigning part of a manager's work and power to other workers

What is considered to be the first step in the delegation process? a. Creating accountability b. Assigning responsibility c. Assessing and evaluating d. Creating motivation e. Granting authority

b. Assigning responsibility

What is the primary drawback to job specialization? a. Difficult job training b. Boredom c. Loss of time changing from operations d. Little specialized equipment available e. Motivation

b. Boredom

A company can only be organized by one departmentalization base. a. True b. False

b. False

An ad hoc committee is often tasked with performing recurring items a. True b. False

b. False

An organization can be as little as just one person working to achieve a set of goals. a. True b. False

b. False

Conflict between line managers and staff managers is very rare in most large organizations. a. True b. False

b. False

Delegation is rarely an important part of a manager's job or responsibility a. True b. False

b. False

Departmentalization by location can only be done within regions of a country. a. True b. False

b. False

Henry Ford was the first to emphasize the power of specialization a. True b. False

b. False

Information in a grapevine always runs horizontally a. True b. False

b. False

The more specialized a job is within an organization, the more difficult it is to design specialized equipment. a. True b. False

b. False

There are no positive aspects to a company grapevine a. True b. False

b. False

When managers and subordinates are very competent, a narrow span of control is best. a. True b. False

b. False

If an organization concentrates power and authority at the upper levels, it can be said to be a(n) ________ organization. a. delegation b. centralized c. decentralized d. departmentalization by function e. informal

b. centralized

Older and larger firms that produce and sell a variety of products tend to organize by a. location. b. product. c. customer. d. function. e. executive decisions.

b. product.

What is the primary drawback to job specialization?


Which of the following is not an effective departmentalization?

by manager

Which of the following is not an effective departmentalization? a. By function b. By location c. By manager d. By product e. By customer

c. By manager

Which of the following positions are most often represented by broken lines in an organization chart? a. President b. Regional sales manager c. Human resource manager d. Department manager e. Vice President

c. Human resource manager

Which of the following is a characteristic of a line structure? a. Line managers do not exist at the top levels of the organization. b. Managers need to be highly-skilled experts in just one or two areas. c. Managers need a wide range of knowledge. d. Managers can be very specialized. e. Many staff managers are used in a line structure.

c. Managers need a wide range of knowledge.

In a taller organization, why would administrative costs be higher? a. More employees are needed at the lowest levels. b. More duplication of staff positions is needed. c. More managers are necessary. d. More raw materials are needed. e. More equipment is necessary.

c. More managers are necessary.

Many managers are reluctant to delegate. Which one of the following is not one of the reasons they are reluctant to do so? a. They want to be sure that the work gets done. b. They fear that workers will do the work well and attract the approving notice of higher-level managers. c. They are so disorganized that they simply are not able to plan and assign work. d. Most managers are workaholics. e. Most subordinates are reluctant to accept delegated tasks.

c. They are so disorganized that they simply are not able to plan and assign work.

Job rotation is often a solution for ________. a. satisfied employees b. all managers c. bored employees d. the CEO and president e. content and motivated employees

c. bored employees

Dividing the required work among a group of employees its called: a. departmentalization b. delegation of responsibility c. division of labor d. separation of control

c. division of labor

If an organization concentrates power and authority at the upper levels, it can be said to be a(n) ________ organization.


The line of authority that moves from top of a hierarchy to the lowest level is called the chain of logic chain of command organizational design delegation of contingent authority

chain of command

Span of management is also known as span of


Who was the first to recognize the power of specialization? a. Karl Marx b. Max Weber c. John Kenneth Galbraith d. Adam Smith e. Thomas Friedman

d. Adam Smith

________ helps clarify who reports to whom and clarify positions a. Departmentalization b. Delegation c. Job rotation d. An organization chart e. Specialization

d. An organization chart

Which of the following is true about departmentalization by function? a. An advantage of this method is quick decision making. b. Each department handles its own marketing and production. c. Older and larger firms usually use this method. d. Most small organizations group this way. e. This is grouping by good or service of the organization.

d. Most small organizations group this way.

Which of the following terms is NOT included in the definition of corporate culture? a. Its heroes b. The inner rites c. The rituals d. The mission statement e. The values of the firm

d. The mission statement

Span of management is also known as span of a. specialization. b. power. c. departmentalization. d. control. e. knowledge.

d. control.

A narrow span of management works best when a. subordinates are located close together. b. the manager has few responsibilities outside of supervision. c. little interaction is required between the manager and the worker. d. new problems arise frequently. e. few problems arise on a daily basis.

d. new problems arise frequently.

A manager in charge of a team is called a a. staff manager. b. line manager. c. job specialist. d. project manager. e. subordinate.

d. project manager.

In order to best handle the grapevine, managers should a. try to eliminate it. b. respond slowly to inaccurate information. c. respond aggressively to accurate information. d. recognize its existence. e. reprimand employees who pass on important information.

d. recognize its existence.

The process of dividing work to be done by an entire organization into separate parts and assigning the parts to positions within the organization is called a. departmentalization. b. delegation. c. job design. d. specialization. e. organizing.

d. specialization.

Organizing a business begins with: acquiring the necessary resources choosing the best qualified employees developing an efficient plan of action determining the work to be done

determining the work to be done

Fayol's _____ principle says that tasks should be divided into areas of specialization. departmentalization comparative advantage division of labor centralization

division of labor

ABC Distributors is reorganizing to better control costs. The company decided to group hospitals, schools, and churches together into one department. Which departmentalization base is the company using? a. Location b. Function c. Employees d. Product e. Customer

e. Customer

What is the primary drawback of departmentalization by customer? a. Boredom by employees b. Slow reaction by departments to problems or challenges c. Lack of connection with customers d. Difficult to deal with unique customers e. Larger-than-usual administrative staff

e. Larger-than-usual administrative staff

Conflict between line managers and staff managers is very rare in most large organizations.


Delegation is rarely an important part of a manager's job or responsibility.


Departmentalization by location can only be done within regions of a country.


Information in a grapevine always runs horizontally.


The more specialized a job is within an organization, the more difficult it is to design specialized equipment.


departmentalization by location

grouping activities according to the defined geographic area in which they are performed

departmentalization by customer

grouping activities according to the needs of various customer populations

departmentalization by product

grouping activities related to a particular product or service

departmentalization by function

grouping jobs that relate to the same organizational activity

Campbell is a middle manager for a bureaucratic organization. According to Max Weber's views on bureaucratic organizations, Campbell's function within the organization is to: Make key operating decisions. Evaluate the daily performances of first line employees Ensure the organization achieves esprit de corps implement the decisions of top management

implement the decisions of top management

A(n) ____ is used to measure an employee's contribution to the organization

input-output ratio


it is actually possible to view a problem as an opportunity for a company. a. True b. False

The ________ structure offers flexibility, possible increased morale, and can nurture creativity.


Differences with individual action - Advantages

members bring more information and knowledge; more accurate decisions; results communicated more effectively

Like all companies, The Fruit Guys need to be concerned that employees have an internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior in a way that helps the firm achieve its goals. This is best described as


The underlying cause for a person to act in a particular manner may be referred to as a ____


The morale of an individual on the job is closely tied to job satisfaction and having needs met. Which of the following is a need that, according to the authors, would be satisfied by employment?

need for financial security

When Bret started his auto mechanic shop his business plan included a(n) _____ that showed the relationship among employees in his organization and the lines of authority and responsibility. business view map department categorization organization chart operating matrix grid

organization chart

Henry Fayol and Max Weber are best known for their contribution to: production theory marketing theory organization theory finance theory

organization theory

Delegation assigns part of a manager's tasks as well as ________ to other workers in the organization.



the duty to do a job or perform a task

Frederick W. Taylor used scientific management as a means to improve

the efficiency of individual workers


the informal communications network within an organization completely separate from and sometimes faster than the organization's formal communication channels May be accurate or distorted; managers should be aware and use appropriately

corporate culture

the inner rites, rituals, heroes, and values of a firm

chain of command

the line of authority that extends from the highest to the lowest levels of an organization

organizational height

the number of layers, or levels, of management in a firm

span of management (or span of control)

the number of workers who report directly to one manager


the obligation of a worker to accomplish an assigned job or task

informal organization

the pattern of behavior and interaction that stems from personal rather than official relationships


the power, within an organization, to accomplish an assigned job or task

job specialization

the separation of all organizational activities into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different people

job rotation

the systematic shifting of employees from one job to another

A matrix structure combines vertical and horizontal lines of authority.


Authority is the power to accomplish an assigned job or task.


How employees spend their time and how company guests are greeted says something about the corporate culture of an organization.


The chain of command is the line of authority that extends throughout the levels of the organization.


When workers are spread throughout a variety of locations, a narrow span of management is likely best.


Fayol's ______ principle states that each worker should report to one, and only one, boss. division of labor unity of command esprit de corps comparative advantage

unity of command

HCL Technologies is a multi-national corporation providing a wide variety of technological services to business clients worldwide. In order to keep the company operating as a single entity, the CEO has created an intra-company information exchange similar to Facebook, he has a weekly newsletter posted on-line for employees, and takes input for improvements or problem solutions from any employee wherever they are located and whatever their position is. Often, when a new client needs a technological solution that cannot be solved in any one location, individuals who would like to work on the project, volunteer and communicate via a company video conferencing and information exchange site. In light of the methods used to communicate within these volunteer teams, what would the most likely designation be for these teams?

virtual team


Participative leadership is quite rare in the 2000s. a. True b. False


A tactical plan is smaller in scale than a strategic plan. a. True b. False


All U.S. companies have some type of TQM program. a. True b. False

Describe the effects of corporate culture.

Corporate culture has both internal and external effects on an organization. An organization's culture can influence the way employees think and act, and it can also determine the public's perception of the organization. Corporate culture can affect a firm's performance over time, either negatively or positively. Creating a culture of trust, for example, can lead to increased growth, profits, productivity, and job satisfaction, while retaining the best employees, inspiring customer loyalty, developing new markets, and increasing creativity. In addition, when two or more companies undergo the integration process, their different or similar corporate cultures can affect the success of a merger or acquisition.

A ____ team consists of employees from different departments and different specialties that are brought together to complete a project that requires a diversity of skills. It is frequently managed from within the team itself.

Cross-functional team

A motivational method in which the work is restructured to better match the worker could accomplish its goal by using work teams or establishing closer customer relationships. What is the name of this motivational method?

Job redesign

Employers may work with employees' schedules to accommodate the employees' lifestyles. What is the name given to the working arrangement in which the employer permits two employees to work less than a full-time schedule but work at the same tasks?

Job sharing

Explain why job specialization is important.

Job specialization is the separation of all the activities within an organization into smaller components and the assignment of those different components to different people. Several factors combine to make specialization a useful technique for designing jobs, but high levels of specialization may cause employee dissatisfaction and boredom. One technique for overcoming these problems is job rotation.

1 year or less

Most often, an operational plan is for . 8-10 years. . 20 years. . 5-6 years. . 10 years. . 1 year or less.

The Fruit Guys supply other companies with fresh fruit for their office break rooms. For those companies, the perk of fresh fruit may serve as a(n)_______, according to Frederick Herzberg.

Motivation theory

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