GEB Exam 2

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When doing business with people who come from a culture with relaxed perception of time for example someone from columbia it might be good to ask?

"is the meeting time "US time" or "latin American time "

German travel agent said:

"only undisciplined people arrive late

Grabbing attention

- A provocative question - A startling fact - A striking story - A powerful quote by an expert or famous person -special bargains, free gifts, or product samples

Good letter writing standards in US:

- Clear content: use active voice and familiar language will help lower FOG index - Positive tone: you-attitude, positive emphasis, and reader benefits - Proper form: be consistent with appropriate format, avoid justified margins (right margin should be ragged) - Using the direct approach- deductive logic

Specifics on the PowerPoint Slides

- Create your own - Less flashy is best - Use "sentence case" - Eliminate "chart-junk" - Bullets should NOT be in complete sentences - 4-5 words for each bullet - Telegram language: use keywords and phrases only to get across your concepts - Avoid "orphan" problems: when words break up and go to next line

US's preferred approach

- Direct - Sincerity and openness - Cut to the main point - Linear thinking (low context cultures: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and much of N Europe: netherlands, germany, norway finland, sweden switzerland)

Routine messages in Arabic cultures

- Expressive (passionate) - Figures of speech and repeated syllabic sounds(metaphors and similes) - Self-congratulation and self-praise - Wordiness = indirectness , would use 100 words while us uses 10

Routine messages in China

- Indirect - High-context rhetorical style - Prefer starting with ideas or left experiences rather than structuring documents around a formula - Qing connects with powers of persuasion, especially to the emotions Li ("reason") deals with truths - More emotional driven perspective (Jing is a way to persuade through a description of things from the natural world)

The indirect approach for routine messages

- Main point is NOT at the beginning - Focus on relationship building and or set up clear contexts for the message - May include deliberate use of ambiguity - May include elaborate courtesy and graciousness Japan, China, Albania formats were indirect (gave pleasantries, background info, etc. before the purpose is stated - US USES INDIRECT APPROACH FOR NEGATIVE NEWS

Introducing and creating interest

- Make it action oriented - Assert your central selling points (3-4)

Routine messages in South Korea

- More emotion driven and sensitive to the personal tone of the message - Avoid discussions of mistakes -criticism is viewed as personal - Aim for indirectness - Personalize the reader: "you will have discussed this mater beforehand with me" Pattern: intro buffer, discussion of information, identification of complaint, request for action


- Objective and ethical language, watch your language don't have incomplete comparisons - Use evidence to convince - Aim to include guarantees, enclosures, and testimonials - Downplay the price

Know the Product

- doesn't matter if it an actual product, service or idea; know the specifics • How exactly will the product benefit the audience? • What specific features make the product stand out? • Customers want to see how your product is different from other products on the market • How much does the product cost?

Establish a good relationship with your audience by adopting the "you" attitude

--Substitute you and yours for I, me, mine, us, and our --Don't use too many pronouns --Avoid using you in a blaming context


-Arab men tend to make very large gestures -US speakers are not as expressive as some people from the Middle East -Japanese business people generally use very few gestures

Establish a good relationship with your audience by using bias-free language

-Avoid gender bias -Avoid racial and ethnic bias -Eliminate age references unless relevant -Downplay references to disabilities

Establish a good relationship with your audience by being polite

-Be tactful and kind -Go out of your way -Respond promptly

Establish a good relationship with your audience by emphasizing the positive:

-Call attention to the bright side of things -Focus on opportunities, not on mistakes or problems -Focus on how the audience will benefit -Use euphemisms strategically • He died→he passed away • Used cars→pre-owned cars

Know the Audience

-Needs/wishes of target audience? -Choose an emotional or logical appeal Logical - might tap into sense of durability, convenience, low price, etc. Emotional - tap into desire to be praised, remembered, respected or appreciated (ex. prestige gained by purchasing a luxury vehicle)

The direct approach pattern is

-using deductive logic - most common form used in US -delivering positive or neutral news, making requests, responding to requests, making claims for adjustment and responding to these claims, placing orders, positive recommendations and good will messages

in the states how many connotation words

1 negative connotation word, wouldn't want to use hope

Understand the basics of your product

1) How exactly will the product benefit the audience? 2) What specific features make the product stand out from its competitors? 3) How much does the product cost?

Three basic steps to planning your persuasion

1) Know what you are selling 2) Know your audience 3) Make sure you can clearly express how you want the audience to act

Principles of appealing to emotions

1)Scarcity technique: "a limited number of tickets to the first round of the tournament will be available at 500 dollar level" 2)Social proof strategy " angles list highly recommends our work on both residential and business air conditioning systems 3)The reciprocity approach: give something back "as a token of our thanks, we will send you the book"

responding to requests and orders

1- reply with what information the reader wants 2-arrange the answers or data requested in logical format by using lists, tables or graphics 3- provide info on various items and services they may show interest in

granting claims

1-open with a positive, approve the claim 2- explain the situation why the problem occurs or how they will avoid a repeat of the problem. do not admit or apologize 3-mention new products, thank them for bringing problem to attention, assume complaint has been answered

Two primary objectives to accomplish in the opening of your AIDA message

1. Bring up a central selling point in the beginning of your document 2. Take a unique approach

Three basic categories of general routine messages

1. Information requests 2. Order requests 3. Claim requests

Using self-esteem tactics-appeal to desire to stand out in a crowd

1. Praise actions from the past: "Your helpful donation last year has helped us" 2. Use quantitative info to show how an individual has helped the cause 3. Show how much support is needed "because of budget cuts to the state, we need donations from passionate readers like you" 4. Give a compliment"extraordinary people like you wisely know how much building a harmonious community of volunteers means to a city"

four things to avoid in body of a letter:

1. avoid unrealistic promises 2. avoid blaming individuals or departments 3. never blame customers 4. avoid language with negative connotations(inconvenience, regret, mistake, error, fault)

be wary on homonym and word twin errors

1. there, their, they're, too, two 3. its(shows possession, it's (contraction) 4.know, no 5. you, you're everyday(everyday clothes), every day (i go jogging every day) affect( modify or influence) effect (result, cause to produce) morale(spirit), moral(good, virtuous

AIDA Format

A = Grab the reader's attention I = Introduce and arouse interest in the product D = Create a desire for the product through clear evidence A = Request Action

what cultures might think the direct approach cutting straight to the point might be rude and abrupt

Africa, South and central america, southern eruope and much of asia

Extremely puzzled by most north americans desire to use mouthwash, deodorants colognes and perfumes


Claim Letters

At first might seem negative, but can't forget that the customer is always right 1)make it clear from the beginning what you want: a refund, replacement, free repair, inspection 2)explain the situation and avoid sarcasm, since your claim will most likely be honored no need to stray from professional neutral business tone 3) closing try to close will positive outcomes and a willingness to keep good relations with other party

42 British Letter

Bad news in middle, has a little bit of buffer, major difference: longer sentences, positive emphasis isn't concern for this culture

Being indirect can seem dishonest to a reader from?

Canada or the US, makes it seem like you have something to hide

Most commonly used letter format in the US is

Direct approach format favored because it gets right to the point efficiency and time saving

German negative news:

Direct, straightforward, blunt, very low context

Demonstrate credibility

Establish a good relationship with your audience by demonstrating credibility 1)Emphasize commonalties 2)Don't boast 3)Mention credible references 4)Support ideas with facts 5)Avoid exaggeration and insincerity 6)Be yourself

Using the Direct Approach for Routine Messages

First paragraph: a statement in the first sentence describing the main purpose of the mmessage Middle paragraph: a description of any explanation or details necessary in completing the message Closing paragraph: a positive to neutral courteous closing, that may ask for an action to be done (by a specific deadline)


How smell plays a part in nonverbal communication In Middle East, the ordinary smells of the body should not be "perfumed" because they perceive those smells to be welcoming


Includes vocal qualifiers (pitch, volume, velocity) and vocalizations (non-word vocalizers and filters) French naturally end sentence on a higher pitch (in US this signals doubt)

High Context Cultures preference

Indirectness Africa, South and Central America, S Europe, and much of Asia


Japan views eye contact as an invasion of privacy In Middle Eastern cultures, intense eye contact with males shows greater interest and little contact with females shows respect

Preference of personal space

LEAST --> MOST Latin America, Middle East(arab), France, North America, Germany and Japan


Middle East: handshake with free hand placed on forearm France: soft handshake US: firm handshake Germany: firm handshake with slight bow Japan: extended arm handshake, low bow

Negative news message in Germany

More concise More straightforward/direct/blunt VERY LOW CONTEXT

Negative news messages in US

Open with buffer paragraph Inductive logic in second paragraph (Explanation before getting to the point) Bad news in middle of second paragraph Slight positive spin/generally neutral closing

Negative news messages in UK

Overall similar to US's bad news letter BUT, the British are use more negative words (sorry, disappointment, regret...)

Problems with pronouns

Singular antecedent = singular pronoun o ERROR: "everyone has their dreams" o Correct: "everyone has her wishes and her dreams" Correct: EveryONE has HER wishes and HER dreams Correct: EACH of us gives HIS or HER best effort

Parallel structure

The US national team during the world cup learned that passing the ball accurately, playing aggressive defense, and marking dangerous players helped to earn positive results (each have ing) incorrect: the us national team during the world cup learned to pass the ball accurately playing aggressive defense and making dangerous players helped o earn positive results (to pass breaks it)

Instead of this The problem with this department is a failure to control costs.

The performance of this department can be improved by tightening up cost controls.

Instead of this Please buy this book so that I can make my sales quota.

The plot of this novel will keep you in suspense to the last page.

With people using cell phones, blackberries, Mp3 as they do activities, the __ is heading in a polychromic direction?

US but the north americans are still perceived as monochromic

Rhetorical appeals US vs. Canada

US rhetorical appeals include nationalism, patriotism, vanity, and aesthetics Canada's main strategy is economics (focus on safety and convenience)

Direct sales messages US vs. Canada

US works to decrease power distance between writer and reader Canadians, instead, recognize power distance and use more formalities • U.S. often appeals to patriotism, vanity and nationalism • However, in Canada, few if any appeal to vanity and nationalism

Example of emphasizing the positive: Instead of this It is impossible to repair this vacuum today. We never exchange damaged goods.

Use this Your vacuum cleaner will be ready by Tuesday. We are happy to exchange merchandise that is returned to us in good condition.

Instead of this WE are pleased to announce OUR new flight schedule from Atlanta to New York, which is any hour on the hour.

Use this Now YOU can take a plane from Atlanta to New York any hour on the hour

Dont use YOU in blaming context Instead of this: YOU must correct all five copies before noon. YOU need to make sure the staff follows instructions.

Use this: All five copies must be corrected by noon. The staff may need guidance in following instructions.

Know the Desired Action

What do you want the audience to do? Request more information from you? Purchase the product? Make sure you know before you compose the message


a culture's attitudes and perceptions of time

Be careful with how information is set up on powerpoint slide, what might be logical to US can be interpreted differently to other cultures. EX

a powerpoint slide that has a 1)tshirt, 2)detergent 3)clean tshirt; to us we read from left to right but the middle east read from right to left and will interpret the series of images differently

Why use an indirect approach that might make the message unnecessarily complex?

a reader accustomed to directness might ask

block letter format

all left justified

modified letter format

all to left except date and sign off

simplified letter

all to left has bullets and al caps for who it is regarding


appreciate an even greater space than north americans


appreciate good sized space between speakers and listeners

Order request from japan

begin with poem

goodwill messages

briefer in length


countries that view time as relatively linear and see something accomplished task by task within a time frame = US


cultures perceive time as more elastic and open-ended and feel comfortable doing several important tasks simultaneously = South and Central America, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East

Using a letter format allows the reader to?

have a permanent record of the document on file and generates higher level of formality and professionalism when needed

Visual Aids

help to capture your audience's attention - check the balance between white space and text on each slide; generally good to have only one image per visual/slide

Slides with human figures should be judged judiciously

human images should wear clothing appropriate to cultural norms, and gender roles captured on slides should match up with gender roles within the culture. ex: manufacturer of stone crushing equipment had to reconsider its logo used in powerpoint slide of Saudi arabian audience. the standard logo showed a mans clenched fist grasping a rock, this is offensive to saudis


importance of color to a culture -giving the gift of a green hat to a chinese business partner can send the unintended message that his or her spouse is unfaithful - in US black is appropriate for funerals, signifies sadness -japan white is used to express mourning -be wary how you use color in powerpoint presentations


in the US and northern europe, asia time commitments are taken very seriously -Germans and Swiss are particularly strict about punctuality -Latin American countries are not strict about punctuality

Nonword vocalizers and fillers can be misinterpreted:

in the US well typically say uh huh to a speaker to indicate we are listening and that we understood. In japan the word hai serves a similar purpose. However "hai" literally translates as meaning "yes". it would be wise to ask during negotiations if a "hai" meant "yes" or was just a filler

1. Making your request clear

in the middle paragraphs of your message provide the reader with any necessary details that will describe the situation clearly. too much detail can overwhelm ask open ended questions as opposed to close ended yes or no

Request Action

last paragraph should request that your audience act on your proposal - Give specifics - Consider restating your top selling point - May want to add some type of incentive

Latin america

least amount of personal space; stand the closest to you

Messages to stakeholders outside the company use _____ format


Emotional appeal

may work to connect people's desire to be respected, praised, remembered, or appreciated

Internal messages(such as email) within a company use ______ format


Canadian letters

more likely to avoid emotionally stimulating language; prefer to focus on safety and convenience to establish credibility • Don't usually say anything about the company but instead focus on the product, • In the US however, sales messages quite often include some statement about the company, such as "we've been around for 100 years" or "we are the best company in this industry", etc.

Order request from china

more personal, talk about family in introduction

Many people of ____ faith feel that since the foot is the lowest part of the body, showing the sole of your shoe while sitting is completely innapropriate


Animal clipart images or photos can also have

negative connotations for audiences from other cultures. cultures can view specific species in different ways. the dog is seen as helpful in US, unclean in middle east, ferocious in china. The dragon is ferocious and evil by North americans, the chinese think lucky

apply ___ to the verbs that start each bullet

parallel structure

Sentence Fragment

pieces of subject that can't stand alone

When to use AIDA

preferred plan to use with audiences who have not requested information - Best strategy is to rely on clear scientific findings or basic concrete evidence that you state accurately and objectively

Pronoun and antecedent

pronoun-he, she, they it. antecedent-jane

Order letters

sometimes a form is not available, and a letter must get the job done. provide same information the you would in an order blank -format information into column, or set up details in a spreadsheet program that will import easily into word -make opening straightforward by using imperative mode (polite command), example: Please send by fedex the following items from you fall inventory and supplies catalog


somewhat close to a listener, but not quite as close as arabs and latin americans

north americans

stand about 4 feet or more apart when discussing business

Arab cultures

stand quite close to listener, but as close as latin americas

1.Making direct requests for information

start from first sentence by making your request. A good beginning: "Please send me all the information about the new FX-101 accounting software"

Logical appeal

tap into the consumer's desire for durability, convenience, or low price


touching behaviors - Seen as inappropriate in the US, Japan, Canada, England, Sweden, and Finland (low-context) - Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Latin America are comfortable with haptic

Keeping conscious of your posture and stance can also make for positive interactions


Some intercultural business communicators argue that adapting to a countrys hygiene norms, if possible, may be a wise way to smooth negotiations


A _____ may feel more comfortable with interruptions, prioritize people over tasks, lend and borrow items frequently and consider time commitments less strictlt


The reader who writes a direct approach message may seem to someone from a high context culture as?

uninterested in building a relationship

In the US we sit in a position that is _____ compared to germans

very relaxed and casual compared to germans who are formal

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