General Psychology

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"People are no different than other animals in that they do what they do based on how rewarding or punishing those behaviors have been in the past." Choose the researcher who would have made such a statement.

B.F. Skinner

Psychologists study human beings and animals at the ________________ level.

Biological Social Cultural Individual

Psychologists study human beings and animals at the _______ level.

Biological, social, and individual

Julia is 83 and participates in a seniors' exercise group. Mark and Maria, who are the same age as Julia, participate in a book club and meet twice a week with friends for coffee. Bob, also 83, spends most of his time watching television. All else being equal, who among them is most likely to develop dementia?


Sam is a psychologist who is interested in studying fetal cognition. She specifically wonders at what point in gestation a human can form a memory. What research sub-field best represents Sam's research question?

Developmental Psychology

From the following choices, select the one that best represents signal detection theory.

My son's heart defect was caught the day he was born because the pediatrician who examined him just happened to have completed a cardiovascular fellowship at Duke Medical Center.

Which story most strongly suggests that emotions have a biological basis?

Nolan grins widely and pumps his fist in the air after winning a chess tournament, even though he is blind and has never seen what a winner's body language looks like.

Frank is conducting a study in order to understand what it is like to grow up as the child of the President of the United States. He is able to collect video of U.S. Presidents' children dating back to the 1960's. He and two colleagues watch the footage and code for things like facial expression of emotion, posture, appearance, etc. to see if they can find interesting commonalities between the children. What research method best describes Frank's approach to his research question?

Observational Study

Observational studies are often seen as more applicable to the "real world" than the experiments most psychology researchers conduct in laboratories. The problem with observational studies, however, is using this method introduces a kind of natural and very problematic bias! From the choices, select the one that IS NOT a bias associated with observational studies.

Observing only one participant makes it difficult to generalize beyond that particular person

From the choices given, select the item(s) that represents how studying general psychology could be of benefit to you.

Understanding and applying psychological research on memory can help you improve your study skills. Understanding and applying psychological research can help you get along better with coworkers on the job. Understanding and applying psychological research can help you identify when stress is a problem in your own life and find successful ways of coping.

From the choices given, select the item that IS NOT an example of how studying psychology can help you personally.

Understanding and applying psychological research on psychiatric conditions can help you accurately diagnosis your friends and family and give them advice that will help them live healthy lives.

Kim is conducting a study on age and reaction time for a class she is taking. She knows that sleep deprivation can impact reaction time too, so she needs to control the bias that could add to her study. What is the best way for Kim to do this?

Use random selection to choose her subjects

Which of the following is NOT one of the primary ways in which gender role socialization occurs?

We are classically conditioned to behave in a specific way.

From the following statements, please choose the one that represents a common myth about psychology.

We can trust our own intuition to understand people and predict their behavior.

In the classic experiment by Nisbett and Wilson on subliminal perception, participants were asked to view word pairs and then say the first word that came to mind when exposed to single, unrelated words. From the choices given, select the ones that accurately represent their findings.

When participants had been exposed to the word pair ocean-moon, they were more likely to say, "tide" when shown the word detergent. Subliminal suggestion can influence the way people process information. When participants gave subliminally-influenced responses, they attributed them to causes outside of the experiment (e.g. memories from childhood).

Chris is interested in reading behavior in elementary school kids. She hypothesizes that if a child is read to in kindergarten by a parent or guardian, they will be better readers in first grade. What is the independent variable in Chris's study?

Whether or not a parent/guardian read to a child in kindergarten

Jack is camping in the woods. While stargazing, he notices a very faint light in the distance. The light is so faint that he can barely see it, and his friend has not noticed it at all. The light is right at the __________ threshold.


Lewis completes a test that assesses his current skills and knowledge. Alice completes a test that assesses her ability to learn in the future. In these examples, Lewis has probably completed an __________ test and Alice has completed an __________ test.

achievement; aptitude

Dana's professor has been in a good mood all month, ever since a shiny engagement ring appeared on her hand. Dana is hoping that this good mood influences how the professor grades her latest essay. According to the __________ theory, Dana may be in luck.


Which of the Big Five traits reflects the extent to which a person is trusting and helpful?


Which part of the brain is responsible for processing the emotional importance of a stimulus, as well as generating immediate emotional and behavioral responses?


Vivianna knew that if she saved a little bit of money each week, she would be able to afford to go with her friends to Las Vegas over spring break. The trip to Vegas served as __________ to keep Vivianna motivated

an incentive

During her pregnancy, Alison drank alcohol on a regular basis, not realizing that this would increase the risk that her baby would be born with fetal alcohol syndrome. Which of the following is NOT one of the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome in a newborn baby?

an increased risk of autism

The use of antidepressants with children and adolescents is associated with an increased risk of potentially dangerous outcomes. This prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require warning labels on the packaging of these medications. What was one potentially dangerous impact?

an increased risk of becoming suicidal

Apple, who has very high self-esteem, is likely to attribute her failing grade on a test to __________. However, when she does well, she is more likely to attribute her success to __________.

an unfair professor; her hard work

Dr. Richie is treating a patient who is impulsive, manipulative, and constantly telling lies. He may have a difficult time helping his patient because the patient likely has

antisocial personality disorder

Bertram comes from New Zealand. Like most New Zealanders, Bertram values the right to express himself, the freedom to live as he chooses, and the diversity of how people look and act. Based on this focus on an independent sense of self, the people of New Zealand most likely

are part of an individualist culture

Caitlyn has been seeing a psychiatrist for the last six months, and this physician has suggested that the parents give her a low dose of either Adderall or Ritalin to help reduce her symptoms. He suggests that this can help decrease how excited and distractible she is at home and in the classroom. Which condition has Caitlyn most likely been diagnosed with?

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Brandy is often unresponsive in social situations, and her language and cognitive development are impaired. She also shows restricted, repetitive behaviors, especially when stressed. Her symptoms began in early childhood and are consistent with which type of disorder?

autism spectrum disorder

Norah's baby is born with XY chromosomes and has a penis and testes. The doctor declares, "It's a boy!" The doctor is describing the baby's

biological sex.

People with this personality disorder tend to have disturbances in identity, emotional states, and impulse control. Because of their need for validation from others, they may manipulate social relationships and shift moods suddenly.


During the election for a new city mayor, Sheila, one of the candidates, held several news conferences to explain in detail how she would address the important issues that the city was facing. Another candidate, Novia, bought TV advertisements that showed local celebrities supporting her for mayor. According to the elaboration likelihood model, Sheila was attempting to use persuasion by the ________ route and Novia was using persuasion by the ________ route.

central; peripheral

The idea that each individual develops a gender identity by actively processing thoughts and feelings about gender is called __________ development theory.


Dr. Barker is an experienced medical professional, but he is also a smoker. In order to reduce the inevitable __________, he probably needs to change his behavior and quit smoking, because it will be very difficult for him to change his attitude and stop believing that smoking is bad for his health.

cognitive dissonance

Julie is depressed and sees a therapist for treatment. The therapist works with Julie to help her identify the automatic, negative thoughts she has about herself and her future that are contributing to her depression. Julie's therapist is likely using

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Marcia and Stanley have been married for many years. Each feels that their relationship is based on trust, intimacy, respect, and friendship. They both feel a strong commitment to care for and support each other. Marcia and Stanley are most likely experiencing __________ love.


Minnie has signed up to take a class in developmental psychology. She can expect that the course will study the changes that occur between __________ and __________.

conception; death

It is a Thursday night and Clarice has to make a difficult decision: will she go with her friends to a concert in the city, or will she stay in the dorm and study for tomorrow's chemistry quiz? If she chooses to study, she is showing which ability?

delay of gratification

Bruce used to experience a great deal of euphoria from a small amount of heroin. Now, however, he must consume a great deal more to get "high" because he is experiencing

increased tolerance.

Sherri is a 29-year old woman who has finished school and is successful in her career. She has not been able to find a long-term relationship that is stable and has started wondering if she will ever find someone who she will want to marry. Erik Erikson would say that Sherri is struggling with the psychosocial crisis of


Sarah was shocked by the news of her neighbor being sexually assaulted. She was even more shocked, though, that so many people, including Sarah's own mother, assumed her neighbor had provoked the attack somehow. According to this perspective, Sarah's mother is making an attribution that seems to make the world seem safer and saner.

just world hypothesis

Marie eats at the Downtowner Diner and frequently reads the entire menu, but she always orders the chicken quesadilla. When she is hired to work at the Downtowner, she finds that she already knows all of the menu items and how much each one costs, which is likely the result of __________ learning.


Marcella is writing a research paper for a psychology class that summarizes the various theories that explain the relatively stable thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that individuals have. Marcella's research paper is on

personality theories

According to the text, the interaction of what three developmental domains shapes human development?

physical, cognitive, socio-emotional

After his stroke, Brian participated in extensive physical therapy and slowly recovered function in his right arm. The property of the brain that supports learning and recovery of functions lost after brain trauma and that reflects the interactive nature of biological and environmental influences is called


When she goes to the grocery store, Mykaeya leaves her shopping list at home. She is able to remember the first few things on her list and the last few things on her list, but she can't remember the items in the middle of her list. Her memory for the start of her list demonstrates the __________ effect, while remembering things at the end of the list is an example of the __________ effect.

primacy; recency

Maurice is reading about a 2010 survey of people who identify as having a bisexual orientation. Among the participants, the highest percentage of them reported that they were

primarily attracted to people of the opposite sex

Amy and Carmine went to different psychologists to take a personality test. Amy's psychologist asked her to look at and interpret a series of ambiguous pictures. Carmine's psychologist administered a written test with a series of true-or-false questions regarding his beliefs and feelings. Amy's psychologist used a(n) __________ measure of personality, while Carmine's psychologist used a(n) __________ measure of personality.

projective; self-report

As he is leaving the house in the morning, Jason's wife calls out to him, "Don't forget that we have a parent-teacher conference at 2:00 today!" Jason replies that he won't forget. This kind of memory, which involves remembering a future event is called __________ memory.


Dr. Paige has completed medical school and is undertaking a specialized residency program to help people with mental disorders. Which type of professional is Dr. Paige?


During his therapy, Josef is expected to free-associate and to discuss his dreams. Josef is most probably seeing a therapist who specializes in

psychodynamic therapy

Benton hears voices when no one is present. His psychiatrist prescribes an antipsychotic, which is a type of __________ that works by __________.

psychotropic medication; changing brain neurochemistry

Gwen tells her college roommate Lindsey that she thinks clowns are disgusting and that she is repulsed by the idea of watching clowns at the circus. Deep down inside, however, Gwen has always wanted to be a clown but her parents repeatedly said it was a waste of time and not a proper career. Which defense mechanism is Gwen demonstrating when she speaks badly of clowns?

reaction formation

Your friend Dave has concluded that the rock band U2 is the greatest band of all time. If you carefully consider the information that would test the validity of this claim, you are engaging in a form of thought called


Ken, who is now in his 70s, finds all of the following tasks more difficult than when he was younger except for

remembering events that occurred when he was a child.

Once Neal left home for college, he found that the street names of his childhood neighborhood, and even the names of his old classmates, became difficult to recall. What type of forgetting has affected Neal?

retroactive interference

When her husband turns out the light at night, Rachel cannot see anything at all in her bedroom. After a while her eyes adjust and she can see some shapes in the darkness of the room, but she cannot see any colors. Which sensory receptors are responsible for processing her ability to see objects in the darkness?


Kendra is studying abroad, and she realizes that, compared to the local students she has befriended, she sometimes remembers events differently. Perhaps her preexisting __________ are affecting the way she encodes experiences.


Danielle is placed into a remedial mathematics class in her school even though she is sure that her skills should have qualified her for a regular math course. Her new remedial math teacher communicates that he does not expect Danielle to perform well in class. As a result, she does not try very hard and gets very low grades in the class. Danielle's performance in her math class most likely has been affected by a(n)

self-fulfilling prophecy

After he gets a new cell phone, Errol does not recognize its default ringtone and misses the first few calls he receives. After a while, however, he learns the tone and jumps as soon as the phone rings. Errol's increased response to a repeated stimulus demonstrates


One-year-old Jerome is in the __________ stage of cognitive development. Thus, when his mother shows Jerome a ball and then hides it behind her back, we would expect him to __________.

sensorimotor; appear to lose interest in the ball and not look for it

Anya was taking some medicine that upset her stomach. Later that day, when she drank orange juice, she became violently ill. Since then, Anya feels sick to her stomach if she even thinks about orange juice. One day when Anya is out with friends, the waitress puts a glass of grapefruit juice near her. Anya immediately feels sick to her stomach. Anya's nausea in response to the grapefruit juice is most likely the result of

stimulus generalization.

The study of mental disorders in young persons is so important because the third leading cause of death among teenagers is


While on spring break in Acapulco, May decided to do some cliff diving. As she stood at the edge of a 50-foot cliff, her heart raced, her respiration increased, and she sweated profusely. Which of the following divisions of May's autonomic nervous system had been activated by this experience?


To help Charlie overcome his phobia of heights, his therapist trains him to relax and then has him imagine climbing a ladder. After Charlie visualizes climbing a ladder without anxiety, he attempts to imagine standing at the top of a tall building without feeling anxious. Charlie's therapist is using a technique known as

systematic desensitization

While being put to bed, 2-year-old Tommy says to his mother, "go potty . . . drink water . . ." which is his way of saying he needs to go to the bathroom after drinking water. Tommy's statement best demonstrates

telegraphic speech.

Mollie was born totally deaf. She has never been able to hear a sound. Her physicians note that the structures of her ears are all fine, as are the auditory nerves that send sound information to the brain. "There must be a problem with the ________ lobes, which contain the auditory cortex," the physicians report to Mollie's parents.


Stacia has learned that she is likely to lose her job due to a company downsizing. She responds to the stress that this causes by spending extra time with her children and by leaning on her closest friends for support. Stacia's stress-response style, which is often seen in women, is the

tend-and-befriend response.

Nick is looking at the beautiful cake his girlfriend made for his birthday. After the visual information enters his eyes the optic nerves send it to his brain. The brain structure that first processes the information before it is sent to the visual cortex is the


Bliss is hooked on a horror television series about serial killers. Based on the number of programs that she has watched, she decides that she is likely to be victimized by a serial killer and purchases an expensive home security system. Bliss is demonstrating

the availability heuristic.

Both Aiden's parents and all his grandparents have diabetes. Although Aiden knows he should take care of himself by exercising more and maintaining a healthy diet, he thinks that getting diabetes is inevitable for him. It doesn't help that his mother bakes him cookies every week. As a result of the combination of his poor diet, pessimism about exercise, and genetic predisposition, Aiden gains weight and begins to show symptoms of diabetes. Which of the following does this case illustrate best?

the biopsychosocial model

Chong is 12 years of age and has just begun puberty. Which of the following is a primary sex characteristic that might develop soon for Chong?

the development of sperm cells

While standing in line at the pharmacy, Mitrell notices that a woman walks in, picks up an allergy medication, and cuts in front of everyone who is waiting to pay. She walks up to the register, drops a $10 bill on the counter, and walks out. Mitrell assumes that this woman is very rude, but he does not know that there is a child in her car who is having an allergy attack. Mitrell's judgment in this situation reflects

the fundamental attribution error

After many years of working, Seton has decided to go back to college, and he feels nervous about taking his first exam. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, why is Seton's nervousness a good thing?

A moderate level of anxiety is associated with optimal performance on exams.

At a meeting of the American Association of Knitting Enthusiasts, five people are chosen to participate in a knitting competition. Devin, who has been knitting for years, is selected. In front of the crowd and working against the other knitters, Devin's fingers fly and create some of the best work she has every produced! Devin's experience is most likely the result of


Choose all of the following statements that represent perception.


Considering the data presented in your text about psychology doctoral degrees awarded in 2007-2008, which kind of professional is not represented by the graph?


Wesley is walking to the kitchen in his house when he suddenly sees a mouse run across the floor. Wesley's brain first processes the information about the mouse. Then, he feels the physical response of increased heart rate. Finally, he interprets his increased physical arousal as the emotion of fear. In this case, Wesley's experience is consistent with the __________ of emotion.


According to your text, choose the drug that is most commonly used and abused.


Based on the impact of marijuana use on the user, please choose its correct psychoactive drug classification.

All of the Above

Observational studies are often seen as more applicable to the "real world" than the experiments most psychology researchers conduct in laboratories. The problem with observational studies, however, is using this method introduces a kind of natural and very problematic bias! Choose the statement that best characterizes this bias.

All of the above

Which of the following is true about the functions of dendrites and axons?

Dendrites detect information from neighboring neurons, whereas axons transmit information.

Wesley is walking to the kitchen in his house when he suddenly sees a mouse run across the floor. Wesley's brain first processes the information about the mouse. Then at the same time he feels the emotional response of fear and the physical response of increased heart rate. In this case, Wesley's experience is consistent with the __________ of emotion.

Cannon-Bard theory

Frank is conducting a study in order to understand what it is like to grow up as the child of the President of the United States. He decides to use Chelsea Clinton (President Bill Clinton's daughter) as his subject. He arranges to conduct in depth interviews with her and she agrees to share excerpts from her diaries from President Clinton's years in the White House. What research method best describes Frank's approach to his research question?

Case Study

Which of the following statements about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is FALSE?

Children typically outgrow ADHD by the time they enter adulthood.

If a researcher wanted to establish whether or not sugar causes hyperactivity in first graders, what would she need to do? Choose all that apply.

Choose experiment as her research method Randomly assign some first graders to sugar group and some to the no sugar group Randomly select participants to control our confounding variables, ADHD, and sex that may also produce hyperactivity

Casey, Marcy, and Cindy are 15-year-old girls who have all been diagnosed with depression. Casey is prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), Marcy receives psychotherapy, and Cindy receives both SSRI treatment and psychotherapy. Which girl do you think will show the most improvement?


Sam is a psychologists who is interested in studying memory. She specifically wonders if there are sex differences in memory capacity for numerical information. What research subfield best represents Sam's research question?

Cognitive psychology

Substance abuse is common among people with other psychological disorders. What is the term for situations in which mental disorders occur together?


From the following explanations of consciousness, choose the one that represents materialism.

Consciousness is the result of the activity of neurons within the brain.

From the following choices, select the one that represents the view of critics of the activation-synthesis hypothesis on dreaming.

Dreams are rarely as chaotic as we might expect if they were based on random brain activity.

Surveying a representative sample is a convenient method of gathering data. But, if our research question is controversial, our respondents may introduce "self-report bias" by giving answers that are socially acceptable instead of true. What is the best way for a researcher to control this kind of bias in their survey study?

Emphasize to participants that all of their responses will be confidential

If a researcher wants to establish that one variable causes a change in another variable (e.g. brushing teeth causes less cavities), what research method should they use?


Many people believe that allowing a baby to cry instead of immediately responding by picking her up keeps the baby from becoming "spoiled." According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, would this belief be true or false?


Psychologists conduct research with a focus on what can be learned and are allowed to risk participants' well-being and safety if the research question is important enough.


Which of the following is an example of Piaget's concept of assimilation?

Fourteen-month-old Noreen's first word was "ball." Now she calls anything round that rolls a "ball."

From the following choices, select the one that best represents sensory adaptation.

Grace, who has been swimming in the pool for 15 minutes already, encourages her cousins to join her in the water by yelling, "Jump in! It's not even cold!" The water actually is cold, but Grace has grown used to the chilly temperature.

Amos, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, has negative symptoms. What might this look like?

He demonstrates a lack of emotion and slowed speech.

Fruit is to apple as theory is to ________________.


Imagine that you and your best friend are having a discussion. He says, "Homosexuality is biologically based." What is the best critical thinking response based upon the essay you read and the discussion we had as a class?

I learned in psychology class that the research on the cause of homosexuality is mixed, showing that both biology and environment could be factors

Coleman has an IQ of 130 and tends to do very well in school. This suggests that which of the following is true about IQ tests as measures of intelligence?

IQ tests are valid.

Dr. Grodner is conducting an experiment on age-related changes in memory. He is comparing how well retirees and high school students perform on a memory task. In order to conveniently schedule research participants, he has the older adults come to the lab during the day, since they are retired. The students come to the lab in the evening, after they are finished with school and other activities. What is the problematic confound in this study?

If memory turns out to be something that varies by time of day, it is problematic that the older adults all do the study in the morning and the younger adults do the study at night.

Austin and Hallie just witnessed a serious accident where a cyclist crashed while riding through the park. The couple was shocked that none of the nearby people in the crowded park rushed over to help. According to the psychologists who first described the phenomenon of bystander apathy, which factor should increase the chances of the victim receiving help from others?

If there are fewer bystanders, someone is more likely to help the victim.

From the following list, choose the one that is NOT a way that researchers control bias in their research.

Including confounding variables in the study

From the following list, choose the one that IS NOT a way that researchers control bias in their research.

Including confounding variables in the study.

With respect to hearing damage, choose all of the statements that are accurate based on research.

It only takes 2 hours of exposure to the sound of a lawn mower to cause hearing damage. If you listen to music on your phone at full volume through ear buds, you can cause damage to your hearing after only 15 seconds. Using headphones that fit over your ears as opposed to using ear buds may reduce the likelihood of your hearing being damaged.

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

Josie is allergic to flowers and takes an antihistamine pill that stops his runny nose, so he will take the pill in the future when he has allergies.

When considering how modern-day researchers view Piaget's famous theory of cognitive development, choose all that apply:

Piaget was correct in believing that infants learn about the world through sensorimotor exploration. Piaget was correct in believing that people move from intuitive, illogical thinking to more logical thinking as we grow older. Piaget was incorrect about the ages that certain skills develop, such as object permanence.

Betsy is a high-powered attorney and is under considerable stress for prolonged periods of time. Her sister Bernice is an organic farmer and leads a very quiet, relatively stress-free life. Unlike Bernice, who never seems to get sick, Betsy is constantly catching colds. Which of the following does this scenario best illustrate?

Prolonged periods of stress weaken the immune system.

Chris is interested in reading behavior in elementary school kids. She hypothesizes that if a child is to read in kindergarten by a parent or guardian , they will be better readers in first grade. What is the dependent variable in Chris's study?

Reading success in first graders

From the following responses, please choose the ones that represent supporting evidence for the dissociation theory of hypnosis.

Researchers have demonstrated that hypnotized people exhibit different brain function than non-hypnotized people while performing the same tasks. Researchers have demonstrated that hypnosis can change the way the brain processes the emotional aspects of pain.

Nicola has been playing roller derby for several months now, but she hasn't seen many improvements in her skills lately. She is at the rink three nights a week, but she's starting to feel that there's no point to practicing so hard as it isn't paying off. Given what you know, which of these statements applies to Nicola?

She has low self-efficacy

According to the notion of general intelligence, if Cici is very good at math, how would you expect her to do in other subjects, such as writing?

She will perform relatively as well in writing as she does in math

"It is useless to ask someone why they think the way they think or act the way they act because they aren't consciously aware of their own motives!" Choose the researcher who would have made such a statement.

Sigmund Freud

Based on your reading, match the influential scientist with the statement he might have made.

Sigmund Freud It is useless to ask someone why they think the way they think or act the way they act because they aren't consciously aware of their own motives! B.F. Skinner People are no different than other animals in that they do what they do based on how rewarding or punishing their behaviors have been in the past. William James You can't understand the concept of a house simply by looking at bricks individually. George Miller What human beings do is less about simple reward and punishment and more about how we process and perceive the world around us.

Which of the following pairs of variables would be an example of positive correlation?

The amount of money a person makes and the size of the home she is likely to own

After reading about the famous Harlow monkey study, please choose all of the accurate statements from those listed below.

The baby monkeys exhibited calmer, braver, better adjusted behavior when near the cloth mother. Harlow conducted the study to better understand the nature of infant/mother attachment. Harlow showed that attachment goes beyond getting fed by the mother and has more to do with contact comfort.

After having the discussion on the research about spanking, choose all of the following that represent what you learned.

The best way to check the accuracy of headlines is to try to find the original source and read it for yourself correlational studies sometimes become casual claims in the media Just because phenomena such as being spanked and later mental health diagnoses are related to each other does not necessarily mean that one of them causes the other one.

Three doctors are arguing about the development of heart disease in their patients. Dr. Jenkins suggests it has a genetic basis, Dr. Rice argues it has to do with personality type, and Dr. Aroni claims it has to do with living in a stressful environment. Who is most correct?

They all are correct, because disease has biological, psychological, and social origins.

Janna and Sarah are identical twins who were raised apart. Lisa and Shirley are non-related adopted siblings who were raised in the same home. Which pair would you expect to be more similar in personality traits like intelligence and shyness?

This question cannot be answered without knowing how intelligent or shy the people who raised these siblings are.

From the following choices, select the one that best represents the concept of relative size.

Trisha is standing at the finish line watching her son compete in a cross country race. As the group of runners approaches, Trisha begins to cheer because the image of her son is larger than the image she sees of the other runners.

Nikki is in middle school and she loves to read and write short stories, which means that she usually gets very good grades in her English class. Nikki's parents start to pay her $5 for every book that she reads and $10 for every A that she gets on the stories that she writes for English class. According to self-determination theory, the impact of this reward system is likely to be

a decrease in Nikki's intrinsic motivation to read books and write stories.

Ming's computer crashed suddenly the other day. Ming kept trying the same solution that worked the last few times his computer crashed, even though it did not fix his computer. Ming's failure to solve this problem is most likely due to

a mental set.

Little does she know it, but while Ileana is having a great time at camp, making new friends and learning new skills, some of her neural connections, especially in her hippocampus, are growing stronger and new synapses have been constructed. What is the name of this process by which experiences become lasting memories?


Janet is an ambitious college student who plans to apply for graduate school and is very concerned about her academic performance. She always tries to get a good night's sleep because she believes that neural connections underlying learning are strengthened during sleep. Which theory of sleep does Janet subscribe to?

consolidation theory

Courtney is a highly intelligent person and also a successful attorney. She is thankful that both of her parents not only had very high IQs but also gave her an experience-filled and educationally rich childhood. Generally speaking, Courtney's high intelligence can be attributed to the

contributions of nature and nurture

Damian is a new driver and likes to speed, but he usually abides by the posted speed limit because he doesn't want to get a ticket or lose his driving privileges. What level of moral reasoning is Damian working from?


Michelle is the department head of an African studies program at a local college. When Carmen, a Latina student, wants to enroll in the program, Michelle refuses to let her and tells her it was designed for African American students. Michelle's unwillingness to admit Carmen to the program is most likely the result of


Research has found that getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day is associated with the most positive mental states and can be helpful for the treatment of all of the following EXCEPT

disordered eating

At her husband's funeral, Elaine noticed that her son did not talk much to the other mourners and did not show any outward signs of grief. Elaine knows that visible grief isn't always a sign that grief is more intense. She knows her son misses his father. Overall, the funeral demonstrated that some aspects of how people demonstrate emotions are dictated by society and have been learned from childhood. In this case, Elaine has been observing which of these?

display rules

Baby Shane liked the taste of the dog's food. One day, when he was eating dog food, his mother noticed and screamed, which startled Shane and made him cry. This happened several times, and now whenever Shane passes by the dog's food, he feels afraid. In this example of classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus is

dog food.

Sabrina has been recently diagnosed with heart disease. To cope, she compares her own condition to that of her uncle, who has just received a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and has been given only six months to live. Sabrina is apparently engaging in which strategy to make herself feel better?

downward comparison

Your supervisor starts telling you a boring story. You know that the right thing to do would be to listen to her, but your impulse is to yell "Stop talking!" Instead, you interrupt and say, "I'm sorry, but I was just about to return an important phone call." According to the psychodynamic approach, which of the following probably dictated your actual verbal response to your supervisor?


Amaya has been diagnosed with major depression and is not responding to conventional treatments. Which of the following might be an effective alternative therapeutic approach?

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Anastasia is 6 weeks pregnant. At this time, the developing baby is in the __________ period, which is the most important time for physical development of the __________.

embryonic; internal organs

Jasmine is very good at identifying and understanding the emotions of others. These skills make her very good at her job as a therapist. Jasmine is probably high in which kind of intelligence?


As a baby, Racine had intense reactions to stimuli, cried often, and was easily frightened. Racine's behavior best reflects which aspect of temperament?


Janay is at a movie with her girlfriend, and the two are enjoying the rich visual scenes on the screen. As the visual information enters Janay's nervous system it is changed into a neural code that her brain can understand. As this occurs, Janay starts to create a memory of the movie through the process of


The communication system that uses hormones to influence thoughts and actions is called the __________ system.


While hiking in the mountains in Alaska, Pete encountered a giant grizzly bear. He immediately felt his heart rate increase, his breathing become rapid, and sweat drip down his back. These events were most likely due to effects of the neurotransmitter called


The cognitive development theory of gender states that how a person communicates their gender through clothes, interests, and language, which is unrelated to their gender identity, is called their gender


Katie attached a bell to the lid of her dog's food container so it rang every time the lid was lifted, which alerted her dog to come to eat. One day, Katie removed the bell from the container and hung it on a closet door. After a month, during which her dog ran to the closet door and wasn't fed, he stopped responding to the sound of the bell. No longer responding to the bell is an example of


Emilio practices with the wrestling team every day after school because he knows his father wants him to be a star athlete. He has no real interest in wrestling; in fact, he hates it. But he does it to try to win his father's approval. Emilio's motivation to continue wrestling appears to be best explained by

extrinsic motivation

Frank is studying the effects of concussion on memory. He wants to observe the brain activity of victims as they perform memory tasks in real time. Which of the following brain imaging methods is the most appropriate for the study?


Terri fell and sprained her wrist. Immediately, she felt a sharp pain, thanks to nerve fibers that carried pain information to her brain. Which nerve fibers are these?

fast fibers

Which of the following is an example of a primary emotion?


"How do you think of yourself? Do you feel like you are more male or female?" This question is asking about a person's

gender identity

Jennifer regularly instructs her students to avoid believing age-old theories about the differences between men and women. "As it turns out," she says, "men and women are far more alike than we are different." Jennifer is explaining the _________ hypothesis.

gender similarities

Janine feels tired and irritable. This morning's news reminded her that natural disasters can strike at any time. She is also agonizing over an awkward conversation with her neighbor, who may be upset over her choice of flowers in the front beds. She is also starting to worry that she worries too much. Which anxiety disorder best describes her condition?

generalized anxiety disorder

Emma is 53 years old, and now that her children are grown and out of the home she is focusing on other things. For example, she likes volunteering at the community center teaching art classes to teenagers to help them develop artistic interests and skills. According to Erikson, Emma is most likely in which psychosocial stage?

generativity versus stagnation

As he is male, Paulo has higher levels of the hormone testosterone in his body than his sister Liette. Given Paulo's higher testosterone levels, we might reasonably expect him to experience _________ than his sister.

greater physical aggression

Caryn's mother loves the smell of vanilla candles. When Caryn visits her mother, she dislikes the smell of the candles, but after a couple of hours she no longer notices it. The fact that Caryn can now ignore the candles' scent is most likely due to a type of non-associative learning called


Dr. Ryan teaches a first year experience class to new college students. He tells them that in order to reach their long-term goal of getting their college degrees they need to "Just keep working towards your goal every day, even if you experience a set-back, and eventually you will get there." Dr. Ryan is telling students that they will be better able to earn their college degrees if they

have grit

Julio and Antonio are monozygotic twins. Both of the boys have the same eye color, but Antonio is taller and better at sports. Based on this information we know that they

have the same genotype, but different phenotypes

Research finds that having a Type A behavior pattern is a strong predictor of which medical ailment?

heart disease

Cardelia is visiting the National Aquarium in Washington, D.C., and is watching the seahorses swim with various fish. She begins thinking about the human brain, and remembers that one major structure, which is important in the formation of new memories, gets its name because it is shaped like a sea horse. Which brain structure is Cardelia thinking about?


Nicole is seeing Dr. Hardy, a therapist who practices active listening and strives to accept Nicole through unconditional positive regard. Dr. Hardy most likely is a proponent of which type of psychotherapy?


Abraham is at a club with some friends when he sees an attractive woman at another table. He strikes up a friendly conversation with her, and after a while she gives him her email address. Abraham repeats the email address to himself over and over again while he signals to a friend that he needs a pen so he can write it down. Abraham is using __________ to keep the information active in his working memory.

maintenance rehearsal

Which region of the brain regulates basic bodily functions, such as heart rate and breathing, and in which division is it located?

medulla, located in the hindbrain

Krista's best friend has a huge crush on a guy in their physics class. When Krista hears he is now single, she immediately tells her friend. A few days later, though, her friend tells her the same news, as if she hadn't heard it from Krista in the first place! What type of distortion error has Krista's friend made?


Nora met Greg at the scene of her recent bike accident. She remembers the way her heart fluttered and her palms became sweaty as he helped her pick up her bent bicycle and load it into the back of his truck. It could have been love at first sight, or maybe it was simply

misattribution of arousal

While studying for her final exam in an anatomy and physiology class, Fabienne tries to create a sentence where the first letter of each key term represents an important concept that she will need to know. Fabienne is using the retrieval cue of __________ to help her remember the key terms.


Punit is an excellent trumpeter who plays any new music he is given without errors. Punit most likely has exceptional musical intelligence according to which theory of intelligence?

multiple intelligences

Your parents want to teach your little brother to stop whining. Your mother proposes taking away his toys whenever he whines. In this example, your mother wants to use __________ to reduce your brother's whining.

negative punishment

Which of the following pairs of variables would be an example of a negative correlation?

number of times a person brushes his teeth and likelihood of getting cavities

Researcher Stanley Milgram wanted to understand why normal citizens would follow orders to injure or kill innocent people during World War II. He wanted to know what factors influence people to follow orders given by an authority figure. In other words, he wanted to understand which phenomenon?


Alexis was diagnosed with OCD because she has to check the locks on her house and car many times before she can leave them. She has tried but can't get rid of the worry that someone will break in. Her worry about someone breaking in is a/an __________ and checking the locks is a/an __________.

obsession; compulsion

Among some people, anxiety becomes paired to a specific event, perhaps through classical conditioning. Reduction of anxiety following a certain behavior becomes reinforced through operant conditioning, which leads to a cycle of anxiety and the conditioned behavior to reduce it. Which psychological disorder can develop in this way?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

When you bring home a new cat, you have to teach him to use the litter box. First you show him the box, and give him a treat. Then you put his paws in the box, and you give him a treat. Finally you give him a treat once he uses the box when it is "time to go." You have used the process of __________ to teach your cat to use the litter box.


Vidhya takes her 1-year-old son, Venkat, to visit a day care center where she plans to enroll him. Venkat eagerly explores the playroom as long as Vidhya is present. When his mom leaves the room, Venkat becomes distressed and appears to look for her. When Vidhya returns, he quickly calms down and returns to playing. This is the type of interaction you might observe between a child and a parent who

share a secure attachment relationship.

At a meeting of the American Association of Knitting Enthusiasts, five people are elected to a committee to create a mission statement. Devin spends the entire committee meeting looking at her cell phone and texting and contributes nothing to the work. She is sure the other four will get the work done fine without her. Devin's behavior is most likely the result of

social loafing

James is a painter who continuously must adjust the tension of his brush-holding hand to execute strokes. The ability to control his grip is supported by the __________ nervous system, a subdivision of his __________ nervous system.

somatic; peripheral

You and your girlfriend are watching your favorite movie when you glance over and notice that she's dozed off. You shake her awake but she denies having been asleep. She was probably experiencing which type of sleep?

stage 1 sleep

Butch was recently rear-ended by a woman in a parking lot. Later his best friend tells him that he, too, was recently in an accident in which a woman driver was at fault. Based on these experiences, Butch develops a __________ about female drivers that includes the belief that __________.

stereotype; all women are bad drivers

"All girls are emotional" and "All men are dogs" are two common examples of statements that reveal gender


When Madison was hired in her dream job, she told her friends that her hard work had paid off, but when she was skipped over for a promotion, she told her friends that her colleagues were preventing her from getting her work done. Madison is displaying which of the following?

the self-serving bias

Which of the following is part of the central nervous system?

the spinal cord

During which decade of life are most people in their peak physical condition?

their 20s

At two years old Reynaldo seems to lack the ability to understand that other people have thoughts and intentions that are different from his own. Reynaldo has most likely not yet developed __________.

theory of mind

Aditya is talking with a woman he wants to ask on a date. He wants to make sure that she likes him before he asks, so he watches the way that she smiles. Aditya figures that if she displays a genuine smile, not a fake one, it is more likely that she feels positively towards him and will agree to go out with him. Aditya is happy when he finally sees a genuine smile, where

there were small crinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Hunter and Marissa went out on their patio late at night to look at the stars. Hunter had been reading about constellations, and sure enough, he saw that several clusters of stars seemed to be organized into identifiable shapes. Hunter's interest in constellations may have led to

top-down processing.

Charles has always felt as if a mistake had been made when he was born. He is biologically male but "feels" female. He prefers female clothing, fantasizes about being a woman, and hates the fact that in adolescence he developed more male physical traits like facial hair and a deeper voice. He regularly tells people to call him Charlene. Charles's identity is best described as


Cici gave up her dream of becoming an artist because her parents expected her to become a lawyer. According to Rogers, Cici likely did not experience which of the following from her parents while growing up?

unconditional positive regard

When Marcus goes to play golf, he steps up to his ball and swings the club without thinking at all about his technique. Due to years of practice and repetition Marcus has most likely begun to use __________ processes when swinging his golf club.


Seventeen-year-old Ryan watches his father fix a broken part on the family car. Then Ryan sees that his mother gives his father lots of affection because he fixed the car. Based on this experience, Ryan will be more likely to fix his girlfriend's car if it breaks. This fact shows how Ryan has been influenced by

vicarious conditioning.

Abrahim, a sophomore in college, is in Erikson's "identify versus role confusion" stage. According to Erikson's theory, what might Abrahim be doing?

wanting to change his major every few months

Damian noticed that a suspicious car had been circling his neighborhood, so the next time it drove past, he looked at the license plate number. Which type of memory allowed him to repeat the number to himself long enough to find a pen and paper and write it down?

working memory

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