Geo 2750 CSCC

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Identify the country or territory of the Europe region that has the highest percentage of workers in agriculture


Identify the major physiographic sub-regions of the Russia and near abroad region

1) East European Plain; 2) Ural Mountains; 3) West Siberian Plain; 4) Central Siberian Plateau; 5) Northeast Highlands; 6) Central Asian Plateaus; 7) Caucasus Mountains

Identify the new emerging manufacturing regions outside the Manufacturing Belt

1) Florida; 2) Southeastern Manufacturing District (or Piedmont); 3) Gulf Coast; 4) West Coast

Identify the major landscape regions of the United States and Canada and the general locations for each

1) Gulf-Atlantic Coast Plain; 2) Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont; 3) Canadian Shield; 4) Arctic Coastal Plain (Northern Alaska and Hudson Bay Lowlands); 5) Interior Lowlands (includes Great Plains of US/Canada); 6) Interior Highlands (Ozarks); 7) Rocky Mountains; 8) Inter-Mountain Basins and Plateaus; 9) Pacific Mountains and Valleys

Identify the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism.

1) Life is suffering 2) Suffering is caused by attachment (dukkha) 3) Suffering can be overcome by overcoming attachment 4) Attachment is overcome (and therefore suffering) by adhering to the Eight-fold Path].

In addition, identify some of the major industrial areas situated within the core in the Core-Periphery development pattern of Europe

1) Midlands of England (United Kingdom); 2) Rhine-Ruhr (Germany); 3) Saxony (Germany); 4) Po River (Italy); 5) Sambre-Meuse (France-Belgium); 6) Silesia (Poland); 7) Bohemia (Czech Republic)

Know the three reasons for why Europe's climate is milder than one would expect, given its latitude (much of it is at the same latitude as that of Canada

1) Peninsular shape - Europe surrounded mostly by water; 2) Warm waters surrounding Europe - moderated by the effects of the North Atlantic Current (Gulf Stream); 3) Winds that blow primarily west to east from the ocean - warm water surrounding Europe and the direction of the winds help create a mild climate

Identify the areas within Russia where there are sizable minority groups. In addition, be able to identify examples of these ethnic groups

1) Siberia - Tuvans; 2) West of the Ural Mountains - Tatars; 3) Caucasus Mountains - Chechens, Dagastanis

Identify the three waves of immigration into the United States and the characteristics of each. Focus attention on the regions where migrants are coming from to the US in the thirds stage

1) State One - migrants principally from Northern Europe; 2) Stage Two - migrants principally from Southern and Eastern Europe; 3) Stage Three - migrants principally from from Asia and Latin America

Identify the major biomes of the United States and Canada, there general location, and the characteristics of each

1) Tundra = Northern Canada/Alaska - no trees; 2) Coniferous Forests = much of Canada/Alaska south of Tundra - pine/fur trees; 3) Deciduous Forests = Southern Canada/Eastern United States - trees that lose their leaves once a year (have been largely replaced by farmland; 4) Prairies = South Central Canada, Interior of US west of Mississippi - tall grasslands (have been largely replaced by farmland); 5) Desert/Semi-desert = Southwest US - sparse vegetation

Identify the major biomes/climate zones and the general characteristics for each

1) Tundra; 2) Taiga; 3) Steppe; 4) Subtropical; 5) Desert/Semi-arid

Identify the stages in the spread of settlement across the United States and Canada

1) initial settlement along the East Coast; 2) settlement into Midwest surrounding the Great Lakes and along the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys; 3) settlement into the interior plains of Canada/US; 4) settlement along the West Coast of US and Canada; 5) settlement into the Rocky Mountains of US and Canada

Identify the basic features on how the Soviet Union developed economically after Lenin died and his successor - Stalin - came to power

A command economy that established series of five-year plans emphasizing collectivized agriculture and heavy industrialization

the regions within Europe where migrants are coming from

Eastern and Southern Europe

Identify the name of the indigenous group inhabiting Australia

Aborigines and New Zealand -Maori

Identify the body of water that has almost entirely disappeared

Aral Sea.

and where a growing segment of the immigrant population is coming from today


and the regions outside of Europe where migrants are coming from

Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean

and some of the major cities found within it

Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington

Identify the group comprising the largest number of people living in Australia.

British - English, Scottish, Welsh.

Identify the major religions of Japan.

Buddhism and Shintoism

Identify the general population characteristics of North America

Canada = 35 million people, majority of population live within 100-200 miles of US border, low population density, high rate of urbanization; United States = 315 million people, large amount of population concentrated east of the Mississippi River in the Northeast and Midwest, high rate of urbanization

Identify the region of Canada where a megalopolis is located

Canada: Main Street - Southern Ontario and Quebec

Identify countries of Central Asia and the Transcaucasus that that were once part of the former Soviet Union

Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan; Transcaucasia - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Identify the countries that have claimed territory on Antarctica - claims that are not recognized internationally.

Chile, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, France, Norway, United Kingdom

Identify the areas within the region where Christianity and Islam predominate, respectively

Christianity (Eastern Orthodoxy) - Slavic Coreland (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova); Islam - Central Asia and Transcaucasia

Identify the elements of the Core-Periphery development pattern found in the region, as well identify the major economic/manufacturing centers of the core

Core - West of the Urals; Periphery - everywhere else; Major manufacturing centers: 1) St. Petersburg; 2) Moscow; 3) Volga District (Volgograd); 4) Urals (Yekaterinburg); 5) Ukraine (Kiev); 6) Belarus (Minsk)

Identify the core and peripheral regions of Europe, respectively

Core = Western Europe; Periphery = Northern, Eastern, and Southern Europe

Identify the major natural hazards that affect the United States and the general areas of the country most affected by each

Earthquakes- West coast Hurricanes- East coast Tornadoes- Mid west Desertification- mid east

In addition, identify the region of the United States where a megalopolis is located

East Coast

You should also be able to identify examples of immigration from outside of Europe that have migrated to countries within Europe that once had colonies in those regions

Example: Indians, Pakistanis, and Jamaicans to the UK; Algerians and Moroccans to France

Identify examples of devolutionary areas in Europe

Focus attention on Scotland, Wales, Catalonia, and Padania

Identify the names of the original member nations of the European Union (EU)

France, Italy, West Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium

Identify the countries that still maintain control of islands in Oceania

France, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand

Identify the three major sub-language families comprising the much larger Indo-European language family, as well as specific languages that belong to each

Germanic = English, German; Romance = French, Italian; Slavic = Polish, Bulgarian

Identify the greatest environmental threat facing the low islands of Oceania

Global warming and rising sea-levels which threaten to submerge the islands, forcing the populations to relocate to other countries

Identify the ancient European civilizations that laid the foundation for much of Europe's current cultural geography

Greek and Roman Empires

Identify the four major islands of Japan

Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu

Know the two areas of Europe where Islam was introduced

Iberian Peninsula and Southeastern Europe

Identify the general area where much of the population of Japan is concentrated? as well as the names of the megalopolis where much of the population resides?

Island of Honshu. Tokaido (or Pacific) Corridor.

Identify the general development characteristics of Russia and the Near Abroad

In general, the economic and social measures of development are highest in the Russian Federation and lowest in Central Asia and the Transcaucasus. Compared to other regions, both economic and social measures are the lowest found in the Developed World. Thus, the region is the least developed region of the Developed World

Identify the regions associated with the core in the Core-Periphery development pattern of the United States and Canada

Manufacturing Belt - Northeast/Great Lakes regions of United States and Main Street region of Canada

Identify the general location where a Maritime West, Continental, and Mediterranean climate can be found in Europe, respectively

Maritime - west/northwest of the Alpine Mountain System; Continental - east/northeast of the Alps; Mediterranean - south of the Alps

Identify the three major islands groups of Oceania

Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia

Differentiate between high islands and low islands found in Oceania.

Melanesia: high islands - volcanic in origin with high elevations; Micronesia, Polynesia: low islands - coral atolls with low elevation

Identify the name of the newest countries in Europe

Montenegro, Kosovo and it seceded from Serbia

Identify the primary characteristics associated with the Meiji Restoration in Japan in 1868

New group assumes control of Japan and restores power of emperor; opened up and allowed access by foreign countries; began process of modernization and industrialization; sent best and brightest abroad to gain knowledge, then returned to help modernize all aspects of Japanese society; pursued policy of military expansionism and colonization of nearby territories to acquire resources; quickly transformed itself into modern, industrial and military power

and the regions that have experienced population stability or decline due to migration

Northeast and Midwest

identify some areas of Europe that are experiencing population decline

Northern Italy; Hungary; Scandinavia - Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland; Baltic States - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

Note that the "heart" of the Industrial Revolution - where it first began - is the Midlands of England.

Note that the "heart" of the Industrial Revolution - where it first began - is the Midlands of England.

Briefly explain what is meant by "Russification"

Policy established by former Soviet Union whereby Russian became the official language - used exclusively by press, government, educational institutions, etc.; also promoted migration and establishment of ethnic Russian populations in various republics (example - Kazakhstan); Russification policy help Communist government of Soviet Union maintain political and economic control over entire country

Identify the country or territory of the Oceania region that has the lowest urban population percentage

Popua New Guinea. 17%

Identify the general characteristics associated with the European Renaissance (occurred from roughly the 1400's to the 1600's) and the European Enlightenment (occurred roughly from 1700's to the 1800's), respectively.

Renaissance - less reliance on religious dogma to dictate one's views, science and arts blossom; expansion of trade and economic activity; exploration and colonization. Enlightenment - science and reason viewed as the path towards human progress; idea of political power derived from the consent of the governed; emergence of participatory democracy, idea of progress and human rights, market capitalism, modern-day nation-state

Identify the general regions of Europe where Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodoxy are prevalent

Roman Catholicism - Southern Europe; Protestantism - Northern Europe; Eastern Orthodoxy - Eastern Europe

Identify the general population growth characteristics of Russia and the Near Abroad

Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova - population stable and beginning to decline; Central Asia and Transcaucasus - population growth rates relatively high

Identify the area within the region that is mostly urban

Russia, west of the Ural Mountains], and the areas that are mostly rural [Central Asia and the Transcaucasus; Russia east of the Urals in Siberia

Identify the general physical characteristics of Antarctica.

Seriously Thick Ice, Most of the planet's freshwater

and the region to which it primarily exports these raw materials

South and East Asia. Understand that Australia has a relatively small secondary sector, and that its industrial core part of its core-periphery development pattern) is centered around Sydney and Melbourne.

Identify the regions in the United States where population growth since the end of World War II has increased due to migration

South and West

Identify where the population of Australia is concentrated.


Also, identify the general region where one is most likely to encounter Muslims

Southeastern Europe

and the one where its impact is still felt today

Southeastern Europe

Identify the European countries that extensively explored and colonized the United States and Canada and the areas involved

Spanish = Southern and Western United States; United Kingdom (England) = Eastern United States and Canada; France = Eastern United States and Canada; Great Lakes, Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys of US

in addition, know the names of the two cities where much of the country's population is centered

Sydney and Melbourne

Pay particular attention to the location and characteristics of the tundra and taiga biomes

Taiga - sub-Arctic region of Russia; boreal forest (coniferous tress). Tundra - Arctic region of Russia; no trees; vegetation consists of short grasses/shrubs, lichen, moss

Identify the country or territory of the Russia and the Near Abroad region that has the lowest Per Capita GDP (PPP)


Identify the general development characteristics of Europe

The countries of Western Europe have the highest economic and social measures of development, followed closely by the countries of Northern Europe; the economic measures of development are a bit lower for the countries of Southern Europe, while the countries of Eastern Europe have the lowest economic and social measures of development for the region. Overall, Europe has the highest social measures of development next to Japan, while the economic measures of development, although generally high, can vary from region to region

Identify the major oil and natural gas producing areas of the United States and Canada

United States - Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana; Canada - Alberta

Focus attention on where the bulk of immigration has come from historically

UK, Ireland, and rest of Europe.

Identify places within the region where environmental degradation has greatly affected the population

Ukraine - nuclear accident/fallout from Chernobyl; Uzbekistan - near Aral Sea; Belarus, Ural Mountains and Volga River in Russia - pollution

Name the four major urban centers situated in the core of Japan's core-periphery development pattern.

Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kitakyushu. these urban areas are where much of the manufacturing activity in Japan takes place.

and the major cities found within it

Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City

In addition, identify the country that has applied for membership that is predominantly Muslim


Identify the general pattern of intra- and inter-regional migration in Europe. Focus on the region in Europe experiencing the greatest amount of immigration

Western Europe

Also, be able to identify the language of Europe that is not related to another other language in the world


as well as the countries that have refused to join for political reasons

[Norway, Switzerland

Identify the general development characteristics of Oceania

[economic and social measures are generally high for Australia and New Zealand; much lower for the islands of the Pacific. The core is the smallest found in the Developed World and is centered around the major cities of Sydney and Melbourne in Australia; the Periphery is everywhere else. The region is also the least industrialized of the Developed World - the countries are still reliant on primary sector activity for their economies

Know that Australia still relies heavily on the export of raw materials. Identify some of the raw materials that it exports.

agricultural products - wheat, cattle/beef; mineral products - metallic ores, coal.

Identify Japan most precious natural resource? and why it is scarce and expensive

arable land. because 75% of Japan is covered by mountains

Identify the major industries where Japan is a world leader (in terms of exports and contribution to its' GDP)

automobiles, consumer electronics

Identify the general population growth characteristics of North America

both US and Canada still growing, but beginning to stabilize; both countries have fairly high rates of immigration

Identify the major environmental hazards that Japan faces

earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons

Identify the general development characteristics of Japan.

economic and social measures are generally the highest found in the Developed World, particularly social measures. However, economic and social measures tend to be a bit lower in the periphery of Japan versus those found in the Core of Japan, especially economic measures. As a whole, Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world

Identify at least three challenges that are currently facing Russia. Focus attention on the economic/social factors of the country

examples - transition from command economy to free-market economy; poor transportation infrastructure; decline in manufacturing; need of investment in modernizing telecommunications infrastructure; need to establish institutions that foster development of democracy and form the basis of a capitalistic society (banking system, courts, government institutions, etc.); rise in power of oligarchs (former members of political elite that "stole" much of Russia's wealth); increase in organized crime (Russian mafia); decline in life expectancy and increase in social problems and health concerns (alcoholism, prostitution, tuberculosis, etc.

Identify the general features regarding the growth (eastward and southward expansion) of the Russian Empire

expansion of fur trade into Siberia; Establishment of "inland colonies" as Russian Empire expanded south and west; policy of "Russification" (cultural unification and homogenization) backed by military/police action

Identify the characteristics pertaining to European settlement of Australia and New Zealand, respectively. Focus primarily on the manner in which Australia was founded

founded as a penal colony of the British Empire

Identify the issues surrounding the decline in the population of urban areas and growth in population of suburban areas (i.e. urban sprawl) in the United States since World War II

increase in personal incomes; higher rate of automobiles ownership; newer housing developments in suburbs (along with lower taxes, lower crime rates, newer/better schools, etc.); improvements in transport infrastructures (allowing people to reside further away from jobs) has fueled flight from urban areas to suburbs

Identify the features associated with the process of Americanization that began shortly after colonization. Focus on the new ethos formed

liberalism, individualism, capitalism, Protestant Christianity

Identify the features associated with the rise of merchant capitalism (mercantilism) in Europe in the 1400's and the subsequent consequences

mercantile system in Europe helped spur innovations in business/finance, manufacturing, shipbuilding, and military technologies, as well as drove Europeans towards exploration and eventual establishment of colonies around the world

Also note that much of Russia's economy relies on its extraction industries for export

oil and natural gas

Identify the predominant landform and climate type that covers much of Australia.

plateau landform, desert climate

Identify the factors involved in Japan's economic miracle that occurred after World War II

prohibited from re-militarizing which freed up needed resources, Japan set out to rebuild its war-torn country and focused its energies on rebuilding its economy; initially emphasized the manufacture of light-weight and low-input products for export; as export-promotion strategy proved successful and economy expanded (and utilizing its expertise in using resources efficiently due to it importing most of its raw materials), Japan closely nurtured key industrial sectors - steel production, ship building, automotive production, and later, electronics, semi-conductors, and computers; as a consequence of the post-World War II economic policies pursued, Japan re-emerged as an economic (and political) powerhouse

Briefly explain what is meant by "The Pale" and where it is located

refers to the region of Europe where historically most Jews lived - Eastern Europe, but especially Poland, Russia, Belarus, and the Ukraine; as a result of the Holocaust during WWII, and more recent migration, the number of Jews living in Eastern Europe has declined substantially

Identify the general population growth characteristics of Oceania

stable for Australia and New Zealand; Islands of South Pacific experiencing rapid population growth.

Identify the general population growth characteristics of Europe

stable populations, becoming increasingly older

Identify the general population growth characteristics of Japan.

stable, but showing signs of population decline; greater percentage of population is old and getting older. Also, be aware that if current population growth trends continue, Japan's total population is expected to shrink from around 120 million today to less 100 million by 2100.

Know the general characteristics associated with the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648

treaty ended nearly 150 years of near-constant religious warfare and established the nation-state as the key determinant in international politics rather than religious institutions; established non-interference principle (countries recognize other countries right of sovereignty); helped established modern conceptualization of diplomatic and international relations between/among nation-states

and the primary reason for its disappearance

water from rivers that flowed into it diverted for agricultural purposes

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