GEOG Exam 1

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What is the declination of the Sun at the equinoxes? 90 degrees 66.5 degrees 45 degrees 23.5 degrees 0 degrees

0 degrees

Carbon dioxide comprises _____________ % of the Earth's lower atmosphere. 52% 0.0385% 3% 5% 10%


What is the range of wavelengths of visible light? 1.2 to 3.0 micrometers 0.7 to 1.2 micrometers 0.4 to 0.7 micrometers 8 to 12 micrometers 3 to 6 micrometers

0.4 to 0.7 micrometers

The dry adiabatic rate is _______. 10.0°Celsius/1000 meters 0.5°Celsius/ meter 5.0°Celsius/1000 meters 5.0°Celsius/100 meters

10.0°Celsius/1000 meters

Approximately what proportion of the total solar radiation received by the Earth is eventually lost to space? 27% 31% 49% 69% 100%


One degree of latitude is approximately how many kilometers in distance? 100 120 111 122 101


The time difference between the prime meridian and the International Date Line is: 24 hours 12 hours 8 hours 1 hour the same time but a different date

12 hours

How many degrees separate the central meridians that each time zone is based on? 1 degree 2 degrees 5 degrees 10 degrees 15 degrees

15 degrees

Oxygen accounts for approximately ________ % of the air that surrounds us. 3.5 7.0 10.5 21.0 50.0


The Earth's axis is always tilted at an angle of _________ degrees to the plane of the ecliptic. 15 23.5 33.3 66.5 90


The environmental temperature lapse rate is: 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit per 100 meters 4.4 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 meters 3.2 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 meters 6.4 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 meters 10 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 meters

6.4 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 meters

On average about ________ people die each year from tornadoes, more than from any other natural phenomena except flooding and lightning strikes. 25 75 125 150 300


Which of the following situations would lead to radiation fog? At night the temperature of the air layer at the ground falls below the temperature at which condensation begins During the day the temperature of the air layer at the ground increases as a nearby air mass moves in Warm marine air moves into a coastal region Cold marine air moves into a coastal region Warm moist air moves over a cold surface

At night the temperature of the air layer at the ground falls below the temperature at which condensation begins

Which of the following is not one of the four important thermal differences between land and ocean surfaces? Oceans have a higher heat capacity than land Water is slower to heat than land Warm water surfaces can mix with cooler water below Dry soil has a higher heat capacity than water Open water can be easily cooled by open evaporation

Dry soil has a higher heat capacity than water

A line of latitude is always a great circle. True False


During daylight saving time (DST), the Earth's rotation is slowed by 1 hour to lengthen the day by 1 hour. True False


In a polar projection, the meridians are shown parallel to each other. TRUE FALSE


Locations near oceans experience a wider range of air temperatures than locations in continental interiors. True False


The Earth's rotation is the annual journey around the Sun and gives us the calendar year. True False


The declination of the Sun is the angle of the Sun measured at solar noon. True False


As air descends on the lee side of a mountain, it always warms at the dry adiabatic lapse rate. True False


At a given latitude, temperatures tend to increase with elevation in the troposphere. True False


Dry air always has a higher dew point temperature than moist air. True False


Hot objects radiate less energy than cool objects. True False


If air temperature increases with increasing altitude, an inversion is present. This can develop on cloudy nights when the surface loses longwave radiation to space. True False


Latent heat transfer occurs when two objects of unlike temperature come into contact with each other. True False


Nighttime air temperatures tend to be lower at low elevations because there are fewer air molecules to absorb outgoing longwave radiation. True False


Ozone in the stratosphere is harmful as it acts as an air pollutant. True False


Sensible heat loss results in a temperature increase. True False


Shearing corrects distortion in map projections. True False


Shearing occurs when parallels, but not meridians, are curved. True False


The actual quantity of water vapor held by a parcel of air is its relative humidity. True False


The annual range of temperature decreases with increasing latitude, especially over northern hemisphere continents. True False


The dew point is the temperature at which liquid water becomes water vapor. True False


The warming effect of vegetation is the result of transpiring leaves and their interception of solar radiation. True False


Unstable air is typical of cool, winter air masses. True False


When rain mixes with smog, fallout will occur. True False


The so-called anvil top of a thunder cloud is the result of which of the following phenomena? The anvil indicates the position of the tropopause, which acts as a lid Fast-moving, high-altitude winds Diversion of the cloud top by a nearby front Asymmetrical condensation High-level clouds take up more space than lower-level clouds

Fast-moving, high-altitude winds

Given that an air mass holds 10 grams of water per kilogram of air with relative humidity of 50% at 75 degrees Fahrenheit. If the air temperature drops to 60 degrees Fahrenheit what will happen to the relative humidity? It will increase It will decrease It will only change if this occurs during daylight hours It will only change if this occurs during nighttime hours It will remain constant

It will increase

The hottest month for interior locations in the Northern Hemisphere is ______ while the coldest month is __________. May / December May / November June / December July / January August / February

July / January

The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere occurs approximately on which of the following dates? March 21 June 22 July 23 August 24 September 25

June 22

On which of the following projections does a straight line represent a true and constant compass bearing? conic cylindrical isarithmic equal-area Mercator


What forces cause the Earth to assume the shape of an oblate ellipsoid? Gravitational pull of the Sun Outward force of the Earth's rotation Earth's revolution around the Sun Tectonic forces Gravitational influence of the Moon

Outward force of the Earth's rotation

Which of the following statements concerning the urban heat island is correct? The urban heat island only develops where cities are mostly located on islands The urban heat island only develops in hot, dry climates Residential areas are affected more than core urban areas Park areas in a city can reduce the effect of the urban heat island Highly absorptive surfaces can be used to reduce the impact of the urban heat island

Park areas in a city can reduce the effect of the urban heat island

In the southern hemisphere, the vernal equinox occurs on or around: June 22 December 22 March 21 September 23 January 4

September 23

A straight line drawn on a Mercator projection shows the line of compass bearing, although it does not necessarily provide the shortest distance between two points. TRUE FALSE


Which of the following atmospheric conditions is most likely to lead to the accumulation of smog? Prolonged, heavy rain High wind speeds Temperature inversion Interior location Mountain location

Temperature inversion

Which of the following is a consequence of the Sun's relatively higher temperature compared to that of the Earth? The Earth is heated more by solar longwave radiation than by solar shortwave radiation The Earth emits shortwave rather than longwave radiation The Earth emits longwave rather than shortwave radiation The Earth receives more scattered energy than direct radiant energy The Earth receives more direct radiant energy than scattered energy

The Earth emits longwave rather than shortwave radiation

Which of the following locations would receive the most incoming solar radiation at noon during the spring equinox? The North Pole The Tropic of Cancer The Equator The Tropic of Capricorn The South Pole

The Equator

Which of the following is true about the rotation of the Moon? The Moon rotates in the opposite direction of the Earth The Moon does not rotate The Moon rotates so that one side is always hidden from the Earth The Moon rotates faster than the Earth The Moon's rotation determines the phases of the Moon

The Moon rotates so that one side is always hidden from the Earth

What is the solar constant? The amount of solar radiation per unit area received at the Earth's surface The amount of solar radiation per unit area received outside the Earth's atmosphere The amount of solar radiation per unit area received emitted at the Sun's surface The amount of solar radiation per unit area received at the Equator The amount of solar radiation per unit area received at the poles

The amount of solar radiation per unit area received outside the Earth's atmosphere

Which of the following statements concerning land/water heating differences is correct? The annual range of temperatures at a coastal location is larger than the annual temperature range of a continental interior location The annual range of temperatures at a coastal location is smaller than the annual temperature range of a continental interior location The annual range of temperatures at a coastal location is the same as the annual temperature range of a continental interior location The moderating influence of the ocean at a coastal location is known as the continental effect The moderating influence of the land surface at a continental interior location is known as the maritime effect

The annual range of temperatures at a coastal location is smaller than the annual temperature range of a continental interior location

The sound generated by thunder is the result of which phenomena? The impact of lightning hitting the ground The rapid expansion of air heated by lightning The sound of the electrical current associated with lightning The sound of updrafts The sound of downdrafts

The rapid expansion of air heated by lightning

Which of the following statements is correct? The wet adiabatic lapse rate is variable The wet adiabatic lapse rate is constant The dry adiabatic lapse rate is variable The altitude of the lifting condensation level is constant The relative humidity of air is constant

The wet adiabatic lapse rate is variable

The Sun's rays strike the surface of the Earth at 90 degrees at the ____________ on December 22. Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn Arctic Circle Antarctic Circle

Tropic of Capricorn

A map projection that shows relative areas correctly is an equal-area projection. True False


Air continues to cool above the lifting condensation level. True False


At night there is no incoming solar radiation to Earth, yet the Earth's surface continues to emit outgoing radiation. True False


Forty degrees below zero is the same temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. True False


Hailstones are formed by the accumulation of ice layers on ice pellets. True False


If the Earth was not tilted on its axis there would be no seasons whatsoever. True False


Isotherms make a large north-south shift from January to July over continents in midlatitude and subarctic zones. True False


Large atmospheric pollution particles are removed by the force of gravity in a process called fallout. True False


Large land masses located in the subarctic and arctic zones develop centers of low temperatures related to the high albedos of snow cover. True False


One hundred eighty degrees of latitude and 360 degrees of longitude geographically cover the entire Earth. True False


Radiation can be scattered in multiple directions, which leads to diffuse radiation and diffuse reflection. True False


Surface temperatures are warmer over a surface with a low albedo compared to those above a surface with a high albedo. True False


Surfaces in urban areas generally absorb more insolation than those in rural areas. True False


The altitude at which air is cooled to its dew point temperature and condensation begins is referred to as the lifting condensation level. True False


The greenhouse effect is reduced at high elevation locations. True False


The largest cause of air pollution is transportation. True False


The presence of clouds can greatly decrease the amount of incoming solar radiation. True False


The range between maximum and minimum temperatures increases with elevation. True False


Tides are the result of the Earth's rotation combined with the Moon's gravitational pull. True False


Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air. True False


Warm air is less dense than cooler air. True False


Water vapor usually makes up less than 1% of the Earth's atmosphere. True False


Which of the following situations would lead to advection fog? At night the temperature of the air layer at the ground falls below the temperature at which condensation begins During the day the temperature of the air layer at the ground increases as a nearby air mass moves in Warm marine air moves into a coastal region Cold marine air moves into a coastal region Warm moist air moves over a cold surface

Warm moist air moves over a cold surface

Which of the following conditions would lead to unstable air? When air is dry and cool When air is dry, cool, and descending When the environmental lapse rate exceeds the adiabatic lapse rate When the adiabatic lapse rate exceeds the environmental lapse rate When the environmental lapse rate equals the adiabatic lapse rate

When the environmental lapse rate exceeds the adiabatic lapse rate

An increase in latitude results in: an increase in the daytime high temperature an increase in elevation a decrease in annual net temperatures an increase in annual net temperatures a change in time zone

a decrease in annual net temperatures

Which of the following best describes the shape of the Earth? a geoid a sphere a beach ball a billiard ball a rugby ball

a geoid

Daytime high temperatures generally occur: near high noon just after noon about 4:30 p.m. about 3:00 p.m. just before sunset

about 3:00 p.m.

Daytime low temperatures generally occur: at sunrise about ½ hour after sunrise about 1 hour after sunrise at midnight about 3:00 a.m.

about ½ hour after sunrise

The greenhouse effect is the result of the atmosphere's _______ of _______ radiation emitted by the Earth. reflection / infrared absorption / longwave refraction / counter- reflection / shortwave absorption / shortwave

absorption / longwave

Land/water contrasts keep: coastal locations constantly cold moisture from reaching interior locations coastal locations from too much direct sun air temperature at coastal locations more constant than at interior locations air temperature at coastal locations at or near freezing

air temperature at coastal locations more constant than at interior locations

Atmospheric aerosols may be derived from which of the following? soot from burning of materials salt spray from oceans particles from forest fires volcanic eruptions all of these

all of these

In addition to thermometers, what other instruments and equipment are commonly found at a weather station? evaporation pan anemometer rain gauge thermometer shelter all of these

all of these

Which of the following can help create a historical record of temperature? history of volcanic eruptions rate of coral growth tree ring number and width data collected from ice cores all of these

all of these

Which of the following surfaces would likely have the highest albedo? an area covered by pine forest an asphalt parking lot an area covered by snow an area covered by wet sand an area covered by dry sand

an area covered by snow

Which of the following is a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide? photosynthesis chlorofluorocarbons rice fields burning of fossil fuels melting ice

burning of fossil fuels

Which of the following are the most absorptive gases of longwave infrared radiation? oxygen and argon carbon dioxide and methane nitrogen and ozone oxygen and nitrogen argon and nitrogen

carbon dioxide and methane

Passengers traveling by air from Tokyo to San Francisco hear the pilot announce that the plane is about to cross the International Date Line. Their watches at that moment indicate that the correct local time is 2:00 p.m. on Monday. Upon crossing the date line they should _______. change their watches to 3:00 p.m. on Monday change their watches to 1:00 p.m. on Monday change their watches to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday change their watches to 2:00 p.m. on Sunday change their watches to 3.00 p.m. on Tuesday

change their watches to 2:00 p.m. on Sunday

Which of the following types of cloud is found at the highest altitudes? stratus cumulus cirrus nimbostratus altocumulus


Which cloud type is made up of ice crystals at very high altitudes? cirrus clouds cumulus clouds altocumulus clouds altostratus clouds cumulonimbus clouds

cirrus clouds

At the moment of the perihelion, the Earth's position in its orbit is________________. directly between the plane of the ecliptic and the Tropic of Capricorn farthest from the Sun closest to the Sun farther from the Moon that at the aphelion closer to the Moon than at the aphelion

closest to the Sun

The transmission of sensible heat through matter by transfer of energy from one atom or molecule in the direction of decreasing temperature is: convection conduction transpiration latent heat transfer lapse rate


Thunderstorms are most associated with which of the following? high pressure radiation conduction convection equal pressure


Rounded or globular masses of cloud are referred to as __________. mackerel sky stratiform stratus cumuliform cirrus


During adiabatic cooling as air rises, what stage has the parcel of air reached at the lifting condensation level? point of vaporization dew point absolute humidity latent heat of fusion specific humidity

dew point

The temperature at which a parcel of air becomes saturated and condensation begins is called the _______. point of vaporization dew point absolute humidity latent heat of fusion specific humidity

dew point

All bodies in space: emit light orbit the Sun emit electromagnetic radiation have similar orbits attract each other

emit electromagnetic radiation

When water evaporates from a surface: energy is liberated and the surface is warmed energy is absorbed and the surface is cooled there is no change in energy the type of surface determines whether heat is lost or gained by the surface only latent heat is involved in the process

energy is absorbed and the surface is cooled

At the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere: more solar radiation reaches the northern hemisphere more solar radiation reaches the southern hemisphere equal amounts of solar radiation reach both hemispheres regions north of the Arctic Circle receive 24 hours of daylight regions north of the Arctic Circle receive 24 hours of night

equal amounts of solar radiation reach both hemispheres

At the moment of the aphelion, the Earth's position in its orbit is: directly between the plane of the ecliptic and the Tropic of Capricorn farthest from the Sun closest to the Sun farther from the Moon than at the perihelion closer to the Moon than at the aphelion

farthest from the Sun

If a cloud forms close to the ground it is called __________. dew low-lying stratus clouds fog ground-induced precipitation a cloudbank


Which of the following has the shortest wavelength? ultraviolet (UV) radiation visible light X rays infrared radiation gamma radiation

gamma radiation

Which of the following components of the hydrologic cycle comprises the greatest volume of water on Earth? soil water steam channels freshwater lakes saline lakes and inland seas groundwater


Precipitation formed by the accumulation of ice layers on ice pellets is called _______. rain mist hail snow drizzle


The largest portion of freshwater today is located in _______. clouds groundwater resources ice sheets and glaciers the major rivers and lakes of the world

ice sheets and glaciers

Surface air temperature is generally measured at 4 ft. above the ground because it is easier for short people to read inaccurate readings might occur if placed too close to the ground because that is the way it has always been done to avoid strong wind currents at a lower height to avoid strong wind currents at a higher height

inaccurate readings might occur if placed too close to the ground

Insolation is __________. incoming solar radiation outgoing solar radiation outgoing terrestrial radiation the name given to the blanket-like effect the Earth's atmosphere has on global warming the warming effect of clouds

incoming solar radiation

Which of the following has the longest wavelength? ultraviolet (UV) radiation visible light X rays infrared radiation gamma radiation

infrared radiation

Maps to show the distribution of precipitation use lines that connect locations with equal precipitation called _______. isobars isohyets isotach isohypse


Lines connecting locations having the same temperature are referred to as: isotherms isolines isobars isohypses isohyets


As a volume of air rises, __________. it expands and becomes cooler it expands and becomes warmer it contracts and becomes cooler it contracts and becomes warmer it expands but its temperature does not change

it expands and becomes cooler

When uplifted air continues to rise past the lifting condensation level_______. it would continue to cool, but at the wet adiabatic lapse rate it would continue to cool at the dry adiabatic lapse rate it would begin to warm at the dry adiabatic lapse rate it would continue to warm, but at the wet adiabatic lapse rate

it would continue to cool, but at the wet adiabatic lapse rate

The rain shadow is located on the __________. leeward side of a mountain range windward side of a mountain range peak of a mountain range edge of desert regions edge of coastal regions

leeward side of a mountain range

Cumulus clouds forming from convection have flat bases that mark the _______. top of the troposphere mixing layer tropopause zone of unstable air lifting condensation level

lifting condensation level

Overall, net radiation is greatest at _____________ latitudes and smallest at ______________ latitudes. low / middle low / high middle / low high / low middle / high

low / high

The amount of radiation left over when all incoming and outgoing flows have been tallied is called __________. net radiation final insolation greenhouse radiation total radiation counter-radiation

net radiation

Which of following constant gases accounts for the largest proportion of the air that surrounds us? oxygen nitrogen carbon dioxide argon water vapor


Which of the following may be used to reduce the damage of frosts? irrigation oil-burning heaters dark-colored mulch on the soil surface light-colored mulch on the soil surface tilling the soil

oil-burning heaters

What type of precipitation mechanism is in effect when air is forced up and over mountains and precipitation is produced? convection condensation frontal orographic Santa Ana wind


Ozone forms from the free atoms of which gas? nitrogen argon carbon dioxide oxygen water vapor


Imbalances in net radiation between low and high latitudes results in: poleward heat transfer latent heat transfer sensible heat transfer counter-radiation the greenhouse effect

poleward heat transfer

Which of the following is not characteristic of a thunderstorm? strong updrafts strong winds rain and snow at intermediate altitudes of the cloud small raindrops potentially large hailstones

small raindrops

If ice crystals fall from clouds through an underlying air layer that is below freezing, which of the following forms of precipitation would result? rain mist hail snow drizzle


In which atmospheric layers does temperature increase with altitude? troposphere tropopause stratosphere stratopause mesosphere


If the sky appears to be completely gray during the day, what types of clouds are present? cumulus cirrus stratus cumulonimbus altocumulus


Which of the following orderings of clouds is correct as one increases in altitude? cirrus, cumulonimbus, stratocumulus stratus, altocumulus, cirrus cumulonimbus, cirrocumulus, cumulus altocumulus, cumulonimbus, stratus cirrus, stratus, altocumulus

stratus, altocumulus, cirrus

The direct transition from solid ice to gaseous water vapor is known as _______. evaporation deposition sublimation condensation melting


The point on the Earth's surface where the Sun is directly overhead is: subsolar point circle of illumination great circle small circle Arctic Circle

subsolar point

When do regions north of the Arctic Circle experience 24 hours of daylight? winter solstice summer solstice spring equinox autumnal equinox

summer solstice

During a temperature inversion _______. there is no change in air temperature as one ascends through the troposphere there is no change in air temperature as one descends through the troposphere temperatures increase as one ascends through the lower atmosphere temperatures decrease as one ascends through the lower atmosphere the stratosphere is the same temperature as the troposphere

temperatures increase as one ascends through the lower atmosphere

The term "albedo" refers to: the amount of radiation absorbed by a body the ability to insulate an object the varying degree of seasonal changes in electromagnetic radiation the ability to add to the greenhouse effect the amount of electromagnetic radiation reflected by a bodyQuestion Type: True/False

the amount of electromagnetic radiation reflected by a body

The meridian at 0 degrees is: the prime meridian the Equator the Arctic Circle the Antarctic Circle the International Date Line

the prime meridian

The lower solar angles characteristic of high-latitude locations lead to lower levels of insolation because: the solar radiation has further to travel and so loses its strength the solar radiation is spread over a larger unit area the solar radiation is spread over a smaller unit area the solar radiation must travel through more volume of atmosphere and so more radiation is reflected back to space the high latitude regions receive solar radiation from the cooler part of the Sun

the solar radiation is spread over a larger unit area

When the subsolar point is located at its highest latitude in the northern hemisphere it is: the summer solstice the winter solstice the autumnal equinox the vernal equinox the spring equinox

the summer solstice

Which of the following orderings of atmospheric layers is correct as one moves from the Earth's surface through the atmosphere? troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere troposphere, thermosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere thermosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere stratosphere, thermosphere, troposphere, mesosphere thermosphere. mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

The ozone layer absorbs which of the following wavelengths of radiation? ultraviolet microwave infrared near infrared gamma radiation


Which of the following associations in the southern hemisphere is incorrect? autumnal equinox - March 21 spring equinox - September 23 summer solstice - December 22 winter solstice - June 22 vernal equinox - March 21

vernal equinox - March 21

At what wavelength does the Sun emit most of its energy? ultraviolet visible infrared near infrared gamma radiation


Precipitation totals are normally greatest on the _____________ of mountain ranges. northern slopes southern slopes leeward slopes windward slopes slopes with gentle gradients

windward slopes

Around which time of the year in the northern hemisphere is the Earth at the perihelion? spring equinox fall equinox summer solstice winter solstice Groundhog Day

winter solstice

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