GEOG1000 Final Exam Study Set

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U.S. construction of Nuclear Power Plants accelerated in the 1980s and 1990s


Unfortunately, infant mortality rates have risen world-wide in the past 50 years.


The moment magnitude scale was developed to measure the intensity of earthquakes, and has generally replaced a scale developed in the 1930s by

Charles Richter

The largest metropolitan area in the Carolinas is centered on the city of


_________ is the most populous country in the world today, but _________ is growing faster and will become the most populous country in the next 50 years.

China, India

Currently, the three countries with the largest populations in the world, in rank order, are

China, India, United States

Which of the following gasses is blamed primarily for thinning stratospheric ozone in polar regions?


What type of map uses a gradation of colors to display statistical variation for a collection of geographic territories, as depicted below?


Greatest number of adherents worldwide; Sacred places: Bethlehem, Jerusalem; Scripture:Bible; Central Figure: Jesus.


Which of the following is the religion with the greatest number of adherents?


Which of the following are dimensions of Globalism? (Check all that apply)

-Cultural - Political -Economic -Ecological

Which of the following is considered to be a universalizing religion that actively seeks new converts? (Check all that apply.)

-Christianity -Islam -Buddhism

The most productive fishing areas are (check all that apply)

-Continental Margins -Sea Mounts

Which of the following is the range for longitude coordinates?

-180 to 180 degrees

Which of the following is the range for latitude coordinates?

-90 to 90 degrees

The field of Geodemography (check all that apply)

-Allows businesses to determine the location and characteristics of their customers -allows businesses to determine optimal location for retail stores - is an applied field that employs many geographers -Provides insights using demography and geospatial technologies - allows businesses to delineate markets

Urban areas serve as centers for which of the following functions: (Check all that apply.)

-Entertainment - Manufacturing - Transportation - Retailing and Wholesaling -Political Administration

Which of the following were defining characteristics of the Industrial Revolution? (Check all that apply)

-Improved Agriculture -Urbanization -Use of inanimate power (like fossil fuels and hydro) -Mass production in factories

Which of the following are the three broad topical groups (subdivisions) in geography? (Check all that apply.)

-Physical geography -Human geography -Geographic information science

Which of the following are variable costs important in industrial location? (Check all that apply)

-Raw materials -Labor -Transportation -Taxes

The R/P ratio (check all that apply)

-The P stands for annual production -The R stands for current reserves -It must be carefully interpreted because it could change quite a bit over time -Indicates the current life span of a nonrenewable resource

Which of the following has contributed to the rapid human population growth since the year 1500? (Check all that apply)

-The discovery of America - The industrial revolution -The medical revolution -the green revolution

Seasonal temperature variation happens because (check all that apply)

-The earth revolves around the sun -The earth is tilted on its axis

Which of the following are the best examples of regional geography topics?

-The less developed world - north carolina - latin america

Which of the following determines the location and distribution of economic activities across the globe? (Check all that apply)

-cultural considerations -technological development -the Physical environment - political decisions

How many years will it take for a place's population to double if its population is increasing at an annual rate of 5%?


The U.N. estimates that the tropical rainforest we clear is equal to an area about half the size of South Carolina, or _________ square miles.


Which of the following is the larger map scale?


The normal lapse rate is a temperature decrease of ______ degrees F per each ______ feet as you climb in the troposphere.

3.5, 1000

A global high pressure cell helps create the great deserts of the world at which of the following latitudes?

30 degrees latitude (North and South)

Earth's albedo is approximately ______ percent.


An earthquake of magnitude 7 releases ____________ the energy as one of magnitude 6.

32 times

Currently, the US has approximately ________________ people and ranks ______________ in population size among the world's countries.

330 million, 3rd

Planet Earth was formed approximately _________________ years ago.

4.5 billion

Suppose the temperature at Cape Hatteras (sea level) is 70 degrees F. Use the lapse rate to estimate the temperature at an elevation of 6000 feet on Mt. Mitchell.

49 Degrees F

The most powerful tornado winds register an EF___ on the _______ scale, with speeds of 200 or more mph.

5, Enhanced Fujita

What is the approximate location of the star on the attached map?

50 N 30 W

As of the past decade, approximately what percentage of the world's population currently lives in urban areas?


The 2019 world population is approximately _____________ people.

7.6 billion

A tropical cyclone is designated as a hurricane at wind speeds of ___________ mph.


The diameter of the earth is approximately

8000 miles

Which of the following remote sensors can be classified as an active (as opposed to passive) sensor.

A film camera A thermal scanner Radar Lidar A and B above * C and D above*

A toponym is

A place name

The greatest source of water pollution in the U.S. and probably the world is


Which of the following activities consumes the most water on a global basis?


The German industrialist who developed Least Cost Theory was

Alfred Weber

The meteorologist who was the leading proponent for the theory of continental drift (the precursor to plate tectonic theory) was

Alfred Wegener

Which of the following is NOT true about subduction zones?

All of the above are actually TRUE

Which of the following is TRUE about the European Union?

All of these

Which of the following is an example of a multinational state that fractured into multiple independent states?

All of these

Which of the following factors can trigger a glacial period (ice age)?

All of these answers

Which of the following is a landform produced by depositional processes?

Alluvial Fan

The science and art of making maps is called


Which of the following ranks of coal has the highest carbon content and the fewest impurities?


Once the 4th largest lake in the world, this central Asian water body has lost most of its water because of diversion schemes.

Aral Sea

If you live north of the ____________ or south of the ____________ , you will experience at least one summer day with 24 hours of daylight.

Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle

Which of the following are products (tools and techniques) generated by the technological subsystem of culture?


Which of the following is an invasive fish species that has established itself in the Mississippi River basin, and is considered hazardous to boaters because of it's propensity to leap into the air when excited by passing boats?

Asian carp

Geographic coordinate system (latitude and longitude) is a planar coordinate system.


Which of the following represents a cultural "blending in" which involves a loss of original social and ethnic identity?


The process whereby pesticides like DDT increase their concentrations in fat tissue as you move to higher levels in the food chain is called


Philosophical, universalizing religion of Southeast Asia and East Asia; Symbol: Bhodi tree; Central Figure: Siddhartha Gautama; Sacred places: many.


Which of the following is Siddhartha's religion, which began in India but has since been displaced to southeast Asia.


Crater lake is an example of a __________________ , which results when a volcanic cone collapses into its empty magma chamber leaving behind an enormous crater.


Which of the following gasses is making the greatest total contribution to global climate change?

Carbon Dioxide

A city system comprised of multiple large urban areas who's suburbs have literally grown together is called a


About 75% of all tornadoes in the world occur in which of the following regions?

Continental United States

The type of lifting that gives us the spotty thunderstorm activity in the southeast US in the summer is

Convectional Lifting

Which of the following is a native, first language that has evolved from a trading language?


The process whereby an innovation spreads over space and time is called

Cultural Diffusion

The physical imprint that people leave on the land is called the

Cultural Landscape

A territory occupied by people with the same culture traits is called a

Culture Region

In the southern hemisphere, the date of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, is

December 21

The process whereby a region of a state gains more autonomy and self government from a central government is called


Which of the following is the term for a regional or social variation of a language that has unique word pronunciations, unique words, and a distinctive rate of speech?


What type of map is displayed below? (several dots made together and the more there are the more dense it is)

Dot Density

Because of global wind circulation and the Coriolis effect, warm currents are found mainly on ________ coasts, while cold currents are found mainly on ________ coasts.

East, West

Year in and year out, the most important reason people migrate is:

Economic Opportunity

During the ___________ everywhere on earth experiences 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.


Which of the following map projections preserves true areas?


The term "Geography" was coined by the ancient scholar __________, and literally translates to

Eratosthenes, Earth Description

Which of the following is NOT an example of a centripetal force (one that binds a state together)?

Ethnic Regionalism

The process whereby excess nutrients create poor water quality and depleted oxygen in lakes and streams is called


A city's site refers to its location relative to other places, while its situation refers to its immediate physical characteristics (terrain, vegetation, etc.).


A pipe carrying pollutants from a factory to a river is an example of a non-point source of pollution.


Acid rain occurs only where the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions occur, and thus does not affect non-industrial locations.


All states are required to have only one capital city containing all government functions.


An ever increasing share of the world's population is involved in nomadic herding and hunting/gathering.


Because of globalization, the number of languages spoken around the world is increasing.


Because of its specific heat and its transparency, water heats up and cools off faster than land.


Because there are limited opportunities for employment, almost all geographers are either employed as teachers or they are forced to take jobs that do not utilize a geographic skill set.


Cultural convergence occurred after the agricultural revolution, while cultural divergence is occurring with the industrial revolution.


Dairying and Market Gardening are traditionally extensive farming activities that locate far from the market.


Direct warming of the atmosphere is done primarily by incoming short-wave solar radiation.


English belongs to the Romance language subfamily.


Extensive agricultural activities involve large inputs of labor and capital, and result in high output per acre.


Geography is the primary discipline involved in studying the mineral composition of rocks.


Globally, as well as across all wealth categories (low, middle, or high income countries), the percentage contribution that service sector makes to gross domestic product (GDP) is declining.


Gross National Product per capita decreases as energy consumption increases.


High dependency ratios are economically desirable for national governments.


In cities, it is easy to spot the lowest land values - just look for the tallest buildings.


In spite of the Clean Air Acts, total US air pollution emissions from carbon monoxide, lead, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide have increased since the 1970s


In the U.S., the large industrial cities in the northeast and midwest have grown faster than the cities of the sunbelt in the past 40 years.


In the context of carrying capacity, the world as a whole is currently overpopulated.


In the context of political geography, centrifugal forces are forces that stabilize a state and bind it together.


Industries that locate near bulky raw materials are referred to as Market Oriented industries.


Intrusive volcanic landforms, such as Dikes, Laccoliths, and Batholiths, are formed when magma reaches the surface and spills out over the landscape.


Latitude and longitude give a place's relative location.


Map projections take features from flat maps and display them on a spherical globe.


Metamorphic rocks are generally softer that the parent rock material they originated from.


Nuclear fission produces lots of air pollution, but its waste products are easy to store.


Place name geography (knowing where places, countries, capitals, etc. are in the world) dominates the time professional geographers spend doing their work.


Planned economies are increasingly common in the world today.


Population growth in the wealthy developed world has greatly exceeded that of the less developed world as they both moved through the demographic transition.


Powerful catastrophic magnitude earthquakes have not occurred in the recorded history of the Carolinas.


Precipitation will not occur unless air is sinking.


Proruptions tend to be unimportant pieces of a state's territory, and thus are easily given up.


The An EPA study determined that Clean Air Act cost more than the benefits that it provided.


The Geographic coordinate system is a projected coordinate system.


The crude birth rate is expressed as the number of children a woman is expected to have during her child bearing years.


The deepest parts of the ocean, called deep ocean trenches, are generally found far from tectonic plate boundaries.


The east Asian and south Asian population concentrations are largely urban, while the European and North American concentrations are largely rural.


The highest atmospheric pressures are measured in hurricanes, while the lowest atmospheric pressures are measured over cold continental interiors.


The last true land frontier on earth is located in North America.


The mantle is the innermost zone of the earth's interior.


The number of languages around the world is increasing, and this will continue in the future.


The percent of oil consumed in the US that is comprised of imported oil has been increasing in recent years.


The percentage of the workforce involved in Basic activities, those that generate goods and services exported out of the city, increases with city size.


The primary beneficiaries of plantation agriculture food and profits are the tropical countries in which this agriculture is located.


Warm fronts are steeper and narrower and force air to rise more quickly, and thus the rainfall associated with them is typically more intense and briefer that that of cold fronts.


When Mt. Tambora erupted in 1815, it produced "the year without winter" in 1816, which illustrated that powerful volcanic eruptions generally warm the earth's climate.


Satellite imagery and aerial photographs show infrared reflectance by assigning visible colors to invisible infrared wavelengths. This type of imagery is called

False-color imagery

The __________ process splits a heavy atom, while the __________ process combines two light atoms.

Fission, Fusion

Which of the following is NOT a tenet of sustainable development?

Forests should be permanently cleared to grow biofuel crops

A region such as the U.S. South that has rather uniform characteristics (e.g., those living in the South speak with a southern accent) is called a

Formal Region

A capital city that was established in a new location so as to advance an economic or political agenda of a state is called a __________ capital.


The shape that describes a state with multiple pieces, like the United States, is


Unclaimed land that is not under the control of any of the world's states (i.e., "no man's land") is referred to as


Which of the following describes rigid, literal prescription and subscription to basic tenets of a religion?


A computer system that can capture, store, retrieve, analyze, and display (map) spatial data is called a


The acronym for the system of satellites that allows us to use a ground receiver to determine location (latitude and longitude) and elevation on the surface of the earth is


The sacred river that is a pilgrimage destination for great numbers of Hindus is the


Linear boundaries that follow meridians of longitude or parallels of latitude are called ___________ boundaries


___________ energy is created by using heat from the earth interior, and is most prominent in the country of ___________.

Geothermal, Iceland

The process of drawing election districts so that a political party gains an advantage is called:


The process whereby a global product is modified to suit local considerations is called


Continental glaciers exist today in

Greenland and Antarctica

A functional region

Has a node or core that other places in the region are functionally linked to

In __________ diffusion, ideas or innovations spread across space and society in a leapfrog fashion, from one important urban place to another, temporarily bypassing smaller urban and rural places.


Primarily a South Asian ethnic religion, it is the oldest major religion; characteristics vary widely with regard to mono/polytheism, main scriptures; central figures: none; Sacred place: Ganges River.


The hot summer, mild winter, moist climate type associated with Greenville NC as well as most of the Southeast is

Humid Subtropical

Niagara Falls is notable because it produces lots of _______________ energy.


Plantation agriculture is primarily located

In coastal areas that are tropical

The Piedmont Urban Crescent connurbation is located

In the Carolinas

The region of the world most associated with extreme seasonal monsoons is

India and South Asia

English belongs to which of the following language families?


Which of the following is the language family with the greatest number of speakers today?


The traditional definition of North America's Tornado Alley is which of the following regions?

Interior U.S. from the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes

If a state intends to annex territory of another state because of ethnic ties to that territory, this policy is called


Fastest growing major religion; Central figure: Mohammed; Scripture: Koran; Sacred places: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.


Which of the following is NOT true about urban sprawl:

It reduces public infrastructure costs

Abrahamic religions now dominate the world in terms of number of adherents. Which of the following religions is considered to be the root of the Abrahamic religions?


Oldest surviving monotheistic religion; Sacred place: Jerusalem; Scripture: Torah; Central figures: Abraham, Moses.


The U.S. states where most of the mountaintop removal mining is occurring are

Kentucky and West Virginia

Which of the following is an example of a stateless nation?


Which of the following is the 1997 international conference that called on the countries of the world to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Kyoto Protocol

_______ is associated with cooler than normal ocean waters and drier conditions on the west coast of South America, but also abnormal weather patterns in many places around the world.

La nina

The primary location factor for the Textile Industry is which of the following?


Which of the following remote sensors creates highly accurate maps of the terrain, and was used to create North Carolina's most recent flood maps?


Which of the following involves fattening livestock in stockyards using grain grown in the surrounding region?

Livestock Grain Farming

Which of the following are the five fundamental themes of geography as defined by the National Council on Geographic Education (NCGE)? (Check all that apply.)

Location Place Movement (Spatial Interaction) Regions

The global pressure cell that creates rainforests at the equator is a ______ pressure cell called the _______

Low, Doldrums or ITCZ

The mild climate type of Southern California with its dry summers, wet winters, and chaparral vegetation is the ___________ climate type.


Which of the following is a climate specific commercial agriculture that specializes in crops like olives, grapes, vegetables, and citrus?


The connurbation that stretches from Washington, DC to Boston, MA is called


In the U.S., a collection of counties that are socially and economically linked to a large city is that city's

Metropolitan Area

Enormous cyclonic storm systems that bring frontal activity to the 30-60 degree latitudes are called _________ .

Mid-latitude (extratropical) cyclones

Frontal precipitation typically gets the entire state of North Carolina wet, and is associated with which of the following storms?

Midlatitude Cyclones

The incorporated area inside the city limits in the U.S. is referred to as a


The supply of this fuel, which is mostly used for space heating, has been greatly increased in the U.S. because of hydraulic fracturing ("fracking").

Natural gas

Which of the following is the cleanest burning of the fossil fuels, producing water and carbon dioxide as its primary byproducts?

Natural gas

Which of the following is the largest metropolitan area in the U.S.?

New York

Precipitation associated with air moving up the side of a mountain is called _______ precipitation.


Deuterium, found in sea water, is the potential energy resource associated with

Nuclear fusion

Dead zones are produced by nutrient rich waters, and are typically found in which of the following locations?

Ocean waters near the mouths of large rivers

Kerogen is a waxy tar-like substance that can be converted to a petroleum like substance. Kerogen is associated with ___________ , which is abundant in the US by has not been exploited because it is currently sub-economic.

Oil Shale

Which of the following is NOT true about migration:

One trend is migration from urban areas to rural areas

Which of the following is NOT one of the world's great manufacturing regions?

Pacific South America

A single super-continent comprised of almost all of earth's land masses existed some 200 million years ago. This continent was called:


A state that has a territory that completely surrounds the territory of another state is called a

Perforated State.

Which of the following provides more global energy than any other fuel?

Petroleum (Oil)

_______________ convert solar energy directly to electricity.

Photovoltaic cells

The broad subdivision in geography that studies aspects of the natural environment (terrain, landforms, weather, climate, soils) is called

Physical Geography

The boundary between Georgia and South Carolina is the Savannah River. This is an example of a ________ boundary.


Which of the following measures is the best measure of crowdedness because it expresses the population density per square mile of arable (cultivatable) land?

Physiological Density

This one-time lead mining town in Oklahoma is now largely a ghost town, evacuated because of lead contamination.


Which of the following terms describes a trade or business language that is a simplified version of one or more primary languages?


Generally accepted as fact by earth scientists today, this theory proposes that continents are drifting because fractured pieces of the lithosphere are sliding across a partially molten aesthenosphere.

Plate Tectonic Theory

The most recent period of repeated glaciations occurred during the ____________ epoch, which lasted from about 2.5 million years ago until about 12000 years ago.


Which of the following theories on the determinants of culture is subscribed to by most cultural geographers today?


Which of the following is NOT true about the following climograph?

Precipitation peaks in July

A capital city that is by far the largest city in the state, and is one that dominates political, cultural, and economic aspects of the state is called a ___________ city.


An piece of territory that protrudes outward from the main part of of a state is called a


Which of the following sectors includes high level services like information processing, education, financial management, and research.


A population pyramid with a broad base, narrow top, and triangular shape indicates a place with a

Rapidly growing population

The first city in the world to surpass the 1 million person threshold was


The state with the largest territory in the world today is


The process whereby an improper irrigation scheme increases the salt content of the soil is called:


Which of the following sectors includes value added activities like manufacturing and construction?


Which of the following describes religious indifference or non-belief?


The Hawaiian volcanoes are examples of _______________ volcanoes. This type of volcanic cone has an enormous areal extent, rather tame and fluid eruptions, and relatively gentle slopes.


This tropical subsistence agriculture involves clearing and burning forests, then farming that land for a few years before repeating the process on a new tract of forest.

Shifting Cultivation

Geography differs from other disciplines because of its focus on

Spatial Phenomena

Most countries in the less developed world are in which stage(s) of the demographic transition model?

Stage 2 (early expanding) and stage 3 (late expanding)

The U.S. is currently in which stage of the demographic transition model?

Stage IV (Low Stationary)

Temperatures in this layer of the atmosphere increase with altitude because it contains the ozone layer, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation.


Which of the following economies consists primarily of agricultural activities that produce food for personal family consumption?


When three or more states form an alliance to further a common economic, military,or political purpose (or perhaps a combination of these three), this is referred to as


Utilizing natural resources in a way that does not jeopardize their availability to future generations is referred to as

Sustainable Development

Voodoo is an example of __________, which involves the fusion of old culture traits with newly adopted culture traits.


A Maquiladora is a manufacturing plant built in Mexico along the US/Mexico border by a U.S. corporation.


A boundary that is physically marked on the ground is called a demarcated boundary.


A horn is a sharp mountain peak that is created when glaciers erode the mountain on all sides.


A temperature inversion is a situation in the troposphere where a layer of warmer air sits on top of a layer of cool air.


Because of the Coriolis effect and related wind belts, ocean gyres tend to flow in a clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and a counter-clockwise direction in the southern hemisphere.


Continental climates tend to be hotter in the summer and colder in the winter than maritime climates.


Diastrophic forces bend, warp, fold, and fracture the earth's crust


Four types of distortions are created when features features on a globe are projected on a flat map. On any single projected map of the world, only one or two of these distortions will be accurately corrected.


Geography is both a physical (natural) science and a social science.


In postindustrial economies like that of the U.S., tertiary and quaternary activities comprise an increasing percentage of employment opportunities.


Inexhaustible energy resources such as solar power are called perpetual resources.


Joining a superregional alliance usually means giving up a certain degree of soverignty.


Landlocked states are generally at an economic disadvantage when compared to states with ocean access.


Marine fish capture has leveled out and may actually be declining since the late 1980s.


Most energy resources used today, including fossil fuels, originate from sun energy.


Most satellite images, like the images on your TV screen, are comprised of rows and columns of pixels (picture elements).


Planar coordinate systems are projected coordinate systems.


Seismic waves from an earthquake of magnitude 5 have ten times the amplitude (wave height) of a magnitude 4 earthquake, while waves from a magnitude 4 have ten times the amplitude of a magnitude 3 earthquake, and so on.


Smog conditions can be made worse by a sunny climate.


Some countries of the world actually have a negative rate of natural increase and would actually lose population if people were not migrating to them.


Sunlight makes a photochemical smog situation worse.


The Greenhouse Effect is a natural phenomenon that warms the Earth's Atmosphere by 63 degrees F.


The U.S. National Academy of Science has issued a statement that there is strong evidence that global warming is occurring, and that human activities are largely responsible.


The U.S. has higher death rates than many less developed countries because it has a higher percentage of elderly.


The United Nations is currently the only supranational organization with available for negotiating geopolitical disputes and economic cooperation amongy almost all states of the world.


The geographic coordinate system is not the only coordinate system used for mapping.


The percentage of the world's population living in urban areas is increasing.


The rank size rule states that a region's largest city should be twice as large as the second largest city, 3 times as large as the third largest city, and so on.


The terrestrial radiation that warms the atmosphere is largely long wave infrared radiation.


True nation-states populated by ethnically homogeneous populations are the exception rather than the norm.


US National forests are often used for outdoor recreation, but are also used for commercial logging for timber products.


Urban expansion has increased the magnitude of flash flooding.


Which of the following contains the bulk of humanity and is considered to be the most hospitable to human habitation?

Temperate latitudes

Which of the following is the best example of a comprehensive superregional alliance built on political, economic, and military integration?

The European Union (EU)

Which of the following is NOT likely to be a topic covered in the systematic study of geography?

The geography of Europe

Which of the following is NOT true about dams?

The improve fertility downstream by holding back flood waters

___________ solar power involves using the sun to heat oils, which in turn heats water for steam powered generators.

Thermal Electric

Which of the following remote sensors detects emitted heat?

Thermal Scanner

Which of the following is NOT true about wetlands?

They are dredged and filled because they are biologically unproductive

Which of the following are true about isolines? (Check all that apply.)

They connect points of equal value Elevation contours are isolines They are very useful for indicating physical phenomena like rainfall, but not useful for indicating human phenomena like population density

Which of the following is the 18th century English economist / demographer who expected population to exceed the supporting resource base:

Thomas Malthus

Which of the following is the largest urban area in the world?

Tokyo, Japan

Of the four thermal layers of the atmosphere, the _______ contains most of the gasses and weather.


__________ is the world s leading producer of oil, while _________ is the leading consumer.

United States, United States

In the context of commercial fishing, bycatch is

Unwanted species tossed overboard

The built up area of the city with a population density of 1000 persons per square mile is called the

Urbanized Area

The state with the smallest territory in the world today is

Vatican City

Which of the following is NOT true about fronts created by colliding air masses?

Warm front precipitation is generally briefer and much heavier than cold front precipitation

Which of the following is NOT one of the three cities considered to be a top World City, a global command center residing at the very top of the urban hierarchy.

Washington DC

One of the most commonly used climate classification systems was developed by _____________ , who actually used vegetation boundaries to demarcate his climate zones.

Wladimir Koppen

Along with acid rain, this invasive aphid-like pest is blamed for the destruction of the high elevation evergreen forests of western North Carolina.

Wooly Adelgid

This location was planned to be the permanent repository for U.S. nuclear waste, but that plan was scrapped in 2010.

Yucca Mountain, NV

Which of the following is NOT a developable surface that is used to create map projections?

a polyhedron

an esker is

a sinuous depositional ridge created by a stream flowing under a glacier

The process whereby countless small heavenly bodies collided and aggregated over a 50 million year time period to form the earth is called


The world region whose population is growing at the most rapid rate is:


Which world region currently has the highest fertility rate?


The most powerful earthquake ever recorded in North American history exceeded a 9.0 on the moment magnitude scale. This earthquake occurred in the state of


Which of the following is a feature related to mass wasting?

all of the above

Which of the following is an example of a mechanical weatherer?

all of the above

Radon is

all of these answers

Which of the following factors can trigger a glacial period (ice age)?

all of these answers

What type of map is displayed in this image?

area qualitive

A sharp, linear mountain ridge created by glaciers eroding on both sides of the ridge.


A ring of coral reef islands that is created when a volcanic island slowly sinks into the ocean is called a/an


Globally, the most commonly used renewable energy resource is


Wood and ethanol are examples of ________ energy.


__________ is the leading air pollutant by weight, and ___________ is the leading source of air pollution.

carbon monoxide, transportation vehicles

In the map below, the sizes of the states are determined by population, not land area. This type of map is called a


The most powerful hurricanes register a __________ (winds >= 157 mph) on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

category 5

The Three Gorges Dam, which has the greatest hydropower generating capacity of any dam in the world, was recently completed in the country of ____________ .


An amphitheater shaped valley that is eroded in the source region of a glacier.


The statement "Greenville has hot humid summers and mild winters" refers to Greenville's


A saddle-shaped mountain ridge that connects two peaks.


Which of the following economies involves the production of goods and services for sale in a market governed by the laws of supply and demand?


Theoretically, the optimal territorial shape for a state is:


Which of the following map projections preserves true shapes?


Which of the following types of boundaries is designed to separate unlike groups of people?


The smallest distinctive items of culture, such as distinctive language accents or utensils for eating (e.g., chopsticks) are called

culture traits

A depositional landform created at the mouth of a heavily silted river is called a


Which of the following is NOT one of the four properties preserved by map projections?


In the context of urban spatial structure, which of the following is the Burgess Concentric Zone model?

diagram (a)

In the context of urban spatial structure, which of the following is the Harris-Ullman Multiple Nuclei model?

diagram (b)

In the context of urban spatial structure, which of the following is Hoyt's Sector model?

diagram (c)

A teaspoon shaped, depositional hill composed of earth materials of varying sizes that is created underneath a glacier.


Which of the following describes the phenomena that produces weakened south Pacific trade winds, warmer than normal sea surface temperatures off of the west coast of South America during December, as well as heavy flooding in Peru and Ecuador and sometimes Southern California, and many deviant weather events around the world.

el nino

The primary location factor for the Aluminum Industry is which of the following?


A snake-like ridge of sediments deposited by a stream that flows underneath a glacier.


In the U.S., many cities of the southeast developed along sites where unnavigable Piedmont rivers into the navigable coastal plain rivers. Richmond, VA, Fayetteville, NC, Florence and Columbia, SC, and Augusta GA are examples. The physical feature that defines these city sites is called the

fall line

A U-shaped valley created as an alpine glacier flows through and reshapes a mountain valley.

glacial trough

Aquaculture is:

fish farming

__________________ are fingers of the ocean that have invaded the trough of a retreating alpine glacier.


Plate compression that produces wrinkles in the crust and mountains like the Appalachians is called


Using latitude and longitude coordinates we can provide an accurate location for places and features on the surface of the earth. The proper name for the latitude and longitude coordinate system is the

geographic coordinate system

In the context of economic development, regional inequality

has increased with increasing globalization over the past 30 years

Which of the following climates is a mosaic of microclimates that varies with elevation?


A sharp mountain peak created by alpine glaciers that have eroded on all sides of the mountain. The Matterhorn in Switzerland is an example.


_____________ volcanism occurs thousands of miles from plate boundaries. An example is the volcanism in the Hawaiian Islands.

hot spot

Which of the following is NOT found along tectonic plate boundaries?

hot-spot volcanism

The type of rock that is created when earth materials are heated to a molten state is called ____________ rock.


In the U.S., most solid waste is disposed

in a landfill

The largest aquifer in the US, the Ogallala Aquifer, has dropped by more than 100 feet in some places because of groundwater withdrawal for agriculture and other purposes. This aquifer is located

in the Great Plains from Northern Texas to South Dakota

Which of the following is NOT true about the Jet Stream?

it blows from east to west

The Carolina Parakeet is notable because

it once numbered in the millions, and now is extinct

The Cuyahoga River near Cleveland Ohio is famous because

it was so polluted that it actually caught on fire several times

Kaarst topography, with its caves, sinkholes, disappearing streams, and natural bridges, occurs in ___________ areas because that type of rock is easily dissolved by groundwater.


The Tragedy of the Commons refers to

maximum exploitation and depletion of natural resources located on common grounds

Which of the following elements of culture describes what we should value and believe (literature, philosophy, legends)?


When tremendous pressure and heat change the crystalline structure of rock materials, the new rock that is created is called

metamorphic rock

Coordinates (Northings [Y] and Eastings [X]) in planar coordinate systems are typically given in which of the following measurement units?

meters or feet

Long Island, NY is an example of this mound of earth that is bulldozed in front of a glacier as it advances across the landscape.


A group of people with common beliefs, loyalties, and customs is called a


Elevated depositional hills in a flood plain that run parallel to the river bank are called

natural levees

The most abundant gas in the atmosphere, at 78%, is ______


Which of the following is true about the contour map displayed below?

none of the above

Fault block mountains have impressively steep mountain walls and are most likely to occur along _________ faults.


The Bakken formation is a shale formation saturated with oil in the great plains state of ____________.

north dakota

A depositional landform created as meltwaters from a glacier create a broad sedimentary plain in front of the glacier. Long Island, NY and Cape Cod, MA are examples

outwash plain

The second most abundant gas in the atmosphere, at 21%, is which of the following:


Which of the following sectors includes agriculture and extractive industries (fishing, forestry, mining)?


What type of map is displayed below?

proportional symbol

A 2000 mile fence was built across Western Australia to keep which of the following invasive mammals from spreading westward across the continent:


The relatively dry slope on the lee side of a mountain range is called a _____________.

rain shadow

The process whereby a mined landscape is restored to its original topography and vegetation characteristics is called


The Montreal Protocol was an international conference designed to

reduce production of CFCs

Strip cropping and no-till practices are methods employed primarily to

reduce soil erosion

Rising cliffs along the Great Lakes and rising beaches in the Alaskan inside passage occur because of isostatic (crustal) rebound. Isostatic rebound is caused by

reduced weight due to melting glaciers

The majority of desert land around the world consists of desert pavement, not sand and sand dunes. This type of desert pavement is referred to as


Past boundaries that no longer have political function are called __________ boundaries.


Detecting information about the surface of the earth using cameras and other sensors that do not come into direct contact with it (e.g., the sensors are carried by airplanes, satellites, drones, balloons, kites) is called

remote sensing

A diurnal monsoon is a wind that

reverses itself twice a day, such as a land/sea breeze

Great swarms of this species, sometimes numbering in the trillions, were pushed to extinction by the late 1800s as their U.S. great plains habitat was largely plowed under for agriculture.

rocky mountain locust

The long, continuous fault line that runs from the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) past San Francisco - Oakland Bay in California is called the __________ fault.

san andreas

The seasonal migration of the equatorial low and the subtropical high pressure cells produces the wet summers and dry winters in which of the following tropical climate types:


The type of rock that is created by compaction and cementation of layers of earth materials deposited in waterbodies is called _________ rock.


All EXCEPT which of the following is a potentially renewable resource.


Which of the following regions contains the world's largest population concentration?

south asia

Two phenomena that show similar patterns when mapped are said to be

spatially correlated

A politically independent territory, populated by people, with full sovereign control over its internal and foreign affairs is called a


Which of the following is the dry land climate associated with the great grasslands of the world, including the Great Plains of the US?


Traditionally, ______________ has produced the greatest loss of life from a hurricane.

storm surge

Which of the following types of volcanoes produces a steep, symmetrical cone of alternating ash and lava, and is most likely to erupt in an explosive, catastrophic eruption?


The boreal forest, or taiga, is an incredible band evergreen forest encircling the globe in the northern hemisphere, and is the earth's largest terrestrial biome. This forest resides in which of the following climates:


The process whereby heavier oceanic crust dips beneath continental crust, creating deep ocean trenches and volcanic mountain chains, is called


In 1980 legislation was passed in the U.S. to clean up toxic waste dump sites. This legislation is better known as


Alberta, Canada contains the world s largest reserves (2 billion barrels) of this bitumen based fuel:

tar sands

A small lake that fills a depression that has been eroded into a glacial valley or cirque.


Small but sometimes deep lakes gouged out by glaciers in alpine valleys are called


A depositional landform created as an advancing glacier "bulldozes" earth material in front of it

terminal moraine

The rather inconstant winds that blow between 30 and 60 degrees latitude are called

the Westerlies

Which of the following is an invasive species that has established a breeding population in the Florida everglades and is blamed for the reduction in many native mammal populations.

the python (snake)

This African region has experienced rapid desertification, which in turn has created great human suffering.

the sahel

The Rance River (France) and Bay of Fundy (Canada) are notable because they are two of the few __________ power sites.


Rather constant winds that blow between the equator and 30 degrees latitude are called ___________.

trade winds

When two plates move horizontally past each other, as with the San Andreas fault, a _____________ fault is created.

transform (strike-slip)

Which of the following is the proper term that scientists use to describe a large destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake at sea.


The boundary between the ______________ and the Subarctic climate types marks the latitudinal tree line.


If a geographer wants to define perceptual regions or study people's sense of place, which of the following methods of analysis would be most appropriate?

use interviews or or surveys of people

Which of the following is an example of source reduction?

using less material to make soda cans and bottles

A region like New England that is defined by people's perceptions is called a

vernacular region

Much of the steam in the earth's evolutionary atmosphere condensed and settled to fill the ocean basins. This steam was generated primarily by

volcanic eruptions and out-gassing

an oxbow lake

was once a bend of a meandering river

Aeolian landforms are created by


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