Geography Chapter 5 Lesson 1
New England States
1. Connecticut 2. Maine 3. Massachusetts 4. New Hampshire 5.Rhode Island 6. Vermont
A smaller river or stream that feeds into a larger river.
Why were the first factories in the U.S. located along the fall lines in the northeast?
Along the fall line, eastern rivers break into rapids and waterfalls preventing many ships from the Atlantic Ocean from traveling further inland. Many cities were established here.
Columbia Plateau
An area between the Pacific Ranges and the Rocky Mountains that was formed by volcanic lava seeping upward through Cracks in the Earth's crust. The lava flows altered this region.
The Oldest Mountain in the United States
Name three cities in the Northeastern Megalopis
Boston, New York, Philadelphia
Great Plains
Eastward of the Rockies, the landscape flattens considerably to form these. 300-700 miles wide. Higher in the slopes and and slopes downward until it reaches the central lowlands and continue Eastward.
Iron ore and coal are two important resources found in the _______ _________ region.
Great Lake binational Canadian-American region: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ontario
What Major river flows some 2,350 miles from its source in minnosota to the Gulf of Mexico, making it an important route for trade?
Mississippi River
northeastern state that doesn't touch the Atlantic
Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Seaway
Series of canals, rivers, and waterways linking the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.
Which two U.S. States have the largest Petroleum Reserves?
Texas and Alaska
Hot Spot
The Hawaiin Islands were formed by this. When magma errupted from this on the sea floor, created a string of 8 major and 24 smaller islands that make up the Hawaiian island chain.
What region in Florida providing a rich habitat for a variety of animals and plant species is threatened by environmental degradation?
How were the Hawaiian islands formed?
When Magma errupted from a spot on the seafloor called a hotspot. This hotspot created a string of 8 major islands and 24 smaller ones that make up the Hawaiin Islands Chain.
How did the Great Great Lakes form?
When glacier basins filled with water
Fall Line
a boundary in the Eastern United States where the higher land of the Piedmont drops to the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain
a high point or ridge that determines the direction rivers flow
a large, powerful windstorm that forms over warm ocean waters.
What U.S. State includes areas that have a subarctic climate that supports a variety of wildlife, including grizzly bears, bald eagles, wolves, and bobcats
Why is the environmental condition of the gulf of mexico important to the us economy?
commercial fishing in the Atlantic and pacific oceans and the gulf of mexico is important to the U.S. economy. fish is a natural resource that provides employment to many and food for domestic consumption and export
Name two great lakes that touch the Northeastern region
erie and ontario
the source of a stream or river