Geology exam 1

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36) A ________ texture includes coarse phenocrysts surrounded by a phaneritic groundmass .A) pegmatitic B) porphyritic C) glassy D) aphanitic


1) Which scientist developed the idea of continental drift? A) Isaac Newton B) Charles Darwin C) Albert Einstein D) Alfred Wegener


10) What percentage of the Earth is covered by oceans? A) 50% B) 17% C) 80% D) 71%


10) ________ and ________ are chemical weathering products created in many metal and coal mining regions and pose serious environmental hazards. A) Carbonic acid; slag B) Nitric acid; coal dust C) Hydrochloric acid; bicarbonate D) Sulfuric acid; iron oxide


11) The lithosphere is composed of the ________ and the rigid part of the ________ .A) outer core; inner core B) mantle; outer core C) crust; lower mantle D) crust; upper mantle


11) What is the geologic definition of texture? A) How the sample feels to the touch B) The mineral content of the sample C) The percentage of silica in a sample D) Size, shape, and arrangement of mineral grains in the sample


13) In order to cover such large expanses of seafloor, shield volcanoes erupt ________ lava. A) rhyolitic B) andesitic C) porphyritic D) basaltic


13) Which climate contains the optimum environment for chemical weathering? A) Cold and dry B) Warm and dry C) Cold and wet D) Warm and wet


14) Most marine organisms produce the mineral substance ________, which will later become limestone. A) SiO2 B) SO2 C) H2CO3 D) CaCO3


14) Which of these textures help geologists determine if a rock is of intrusive origin? A) Aphanitic B) Pyroclastic C) Porphyritic D) Phaneritic


15) Continental rifting is occurring today in ________. A) western California (San Andreas Fault) B) between Minnesota and Wisconsin (mid-continent rift) C) the Pacific Northwest (Cascadia subduction zone) D) Ethiopia and Kenya (East African Rift valley)


16) Which of the following Earth materials can be used to make interpretations about the nature and composition of the interior of the Earth? A) Meteorites B) Diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes C) Slivers of crustal and mantle rocks exposed at the surface D) Meteorites, kimberlite pipes, and slivers of crustal and mantle rocks E) Groundwater and vapors in geothermal systems


17) Soil develops in response to interactions between which Earth spheres? A) Hydrosphere and atmosphere B) Geosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere C) Geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere D) Biosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere


17) ________ is a felsic igneous rock with a meringuelike vesicular texture, consisting of very small holes, created by small shards of volcanic glass. A) Scoria B) Obsidian C) Granite D) Pumice


18) Lavas erupting from composite cones are generally ________-rich, making them very viscous. A) magnesium B) iron C) aluminum D) silica


18) Which of the following mineral identification techniques would most easily identify calcite? A) Taste B) Streak C) Magnetism D) Effervescence


19) ________ is decayed remains of plant and animal life. A) Regolith B) Gravel C) Amino Acids D) Humus


2) Define magma. A) Dissolved gases in molten rock B) A material's resistance to flowing C) Molten rock that has been erupted D) Molten rock found at depth that contains dissolved gases and some crystals


2) What three components make up most magmas? A) Silicon, potassium feldspar, and muscovite B) Water, melted rock, and solid crystals C) Lava, ash, and gas D) Liquid portion, solid portion, gaseous portion


2) Which culture recorded the earliest writings about topics such as fossils, earthquakes, and gemstones? A) Roman Empire B) Renaissance Europe C) Ancient China D) Ancient Greece


20) What provides us with the most information about the interior of the Earth? A) Borehole data B) Erupted materials C) Satellite imagery D) Seismic energy waves


35) Where do ultramafic rocks form? A) At convergent boundaries B) In volcanoes C) At the Earth's surface D) At the upper mantle


6) Polymorphs are minerals that will have two identical mineral structures, but different chemical compositions. true or false


9) Quartz has only one color. true or false


2) Before a hypothesis can become an accepted part of scientific knowledge, it must pass objective testing and analysis. true or false


2) Chemical weathering will break down a rock by changing the molecular compounds that make up the rock. true or false


2) Igneous rocks with an andesitic composition are found along volcanic island arcs. true or false


3) An oceanic plate that has been permeated by water before subduction will trigger melting sooner than a "dry" oceanic plate. true or false


3) Composite cones are also known as stratovolcanoes. true or false


3) Water expands when it freezes. true or false


4) A soil's parent material can consist of weathered mineral matter. true or false


4) Both energy and matter will flow in and out of an open system. true or false


4) The magnetic poles roughly correspond to the locations of the geographic poles. true or false


5) Fine-grained particles or iron oxide accounts for red, yellow, and brown colors in soil horizons. true or false


6) A vertical succession of soil horizons is called a soil profile. true or false


6) External processes driven by solar energy can create the materials necessary for sedimentary rocks. true or false


6) Most sills are intrusive igneous structures that display a fine-grained texture. true or false


7) Graphite and diamonds are polymorphs because both are made up of carbon atoms. true or false


7) Mature soils are characteristic of steep slopes. true or false


8) The more oxygen ions that are shared in silicate minerals, the higher the oxygen-to-silicon ratio. true or false


2) A rock can be composed of almost entirely one mineral. true or false


37) What is the mineral name for table salt? A) Halite B) Calcite C) Dolomite D) Gypsum


3) Which of the following is a rock composed of nonmineral matter?A) Granite B) Coal C) Limestone D) Basalt


4) A ________ is a solid, naturally occurring, cohesive substance composed of minerals or mineral-like materials. A) tetrahedron B) mineral C) rock D) mixture


12) Which of the following is not one of the three primary ways minerals can form? A) Hybridization B) Precipitation C) Crystallization of molten material D) Biological Processes


12) Which of the following rocks will be most resistant to weathering?A) Solid bedrock B) Jointed bedrock C) Bedrock with solution weathering D) Bedrock with sheeting


12) Which of the four spheres of Earth is the most extensive? A) Geosphere B) Atmosphere C) Hydrosphere D) Biosphere


14) A ________ is a submarine volcano. A) seamount B) caldera C) scoria cone D) dome


1) ________ is the study of mineral materials. A) Mineralogy B) Lithology C) Mineralosophy D) Historical Geology


1) ________ weathering is when physical forces break solid rock into smaller sediments. A) Mechanical B) Chemical C) Spheroidal D) Differential


10) Which of the following is not one of the major tectonic plates on the Earth's surface? A) Juan de Fuca Plate B) North American Plate C) African Plate D) Pacific Plate


11) During hydrolysis, ________ commonly decompose into clay minerals, silica, and soluble constituents. A) feldspars B) halides C) ferromagnesians D) carbonates


11) What interpretations can be made about the maturity of a volcano where most eruptions occur from basal fissures and there are a number of parasitic cones along the volcano's flanks? A) It is a mature volcano. B) It is in the early stages of growth.


12) Which igneous texture has visible crystals that are a few millimeters across? A) Phaneritic B) Aphanitic C) Pegmatitic D) Porphyritic


15) What caused our solar nebula to contract and spin, eventually creating the planets? A) Gravitational interactions between particles B) Gravitational attraction from black holes C) Nuclear fusion joining atomic particles D) Solar winds from nearby stars


16) At a ________, an oceanic plate will be forced beneath another plate because of differences in density. A) subduction zone B) continental rift C) transform boundary D) collision zone


16) What substance makes ion migration easier in the later stages of magma crystallization, which allows abnormally large mineral crystals to form and create pegmatites? A) Water B) Oxygen C) Silica D) Iron


17) Think about what happens to the density of an oceanic plate as it ages and cools. How will the age and temperature of the subducting plate affect its angle of descent? A) Old, cool plates will have a shallow angle of descent. B) Old, warm plates will have a steeper angle of descent. C) Young, warm plates will have a shallow angle of descent. D) Young, cool plates will have a steeper angle of descent.


17) What is the definition of planetary differentiation? A) Separation of materials based on density B) Categorization based on chemical formulas C) Mixing of materials to produce a new compound D) Divisions of planets based on constituent materials


18) Which of the following components makes up the largest percentage of most soils? A) Mineral portion B) Pores filled with water C) Organic portion D) Pores filled with air


19) The ring of fire is a narrow zone of composite cone volcanoes rimming the ________ Ocean. A) Pacific B) Atlantic C) Indian D) Arctic


19) Which type of convergence will result in a continental volcanic arc? A) Oceanic-continental B) Oceanic-oceanic C) Continental-continental


19) ________ is defined as a mineral's resistance to scratching .A) Hardness B) Cleavage C) Fracture D) Streak


20) What kind(s) of lava are most closely associated with composite cones? A) Andesite B) Rhyolite C) Basalt D) Rhyolite and basalt


20) Which type of convergence will result in a volcanic island arc? A) Oceanic-continental B) Oceanic-oceanic C) Continental-continental


22) ________ describes the formation of one or more secondary magmas from a single parent magma. A) Magmatic differentiation B) Hydrothermal alteration C) Decompression melting D) Partial melting


23) Which kind of mineral tenacity refers to a mineral being deformed by being hammered without breaking? A) Malleable B) Sectile C) Fibrous D) Elastic


23) Which layer of the Earth is the thinnest? A) Crust B) Mantle C) Outer Core D) Inner Core


25) All of the following offer additional evidence supporting the theory of plate tectonics except for ________. A) changes in the Moon's orbit due to shifting plates B) ocean floor sediment cores C) hot spots D) measurements of plate motions


25) What kind of viscosity would flood basalts have? A) Low viscosity B) Medium viscosity C) High viscosity


26) If an igneous rock is heated, which mineral melts first according to Bowen's reaction series? A) Quartz B) Pyroxene C) Potassium feldspar D) Olivine


26) Where is the top of the asthenosphere closest to Earth's surface?A) Along a mid-ocean ridge B) Above a deep mantle plume C) Along a transform fault D) Along a subduction zone


27) What kind of volcanic hazard can be triggered by the collapse of a lava dome? A) Pyroclastic flow B) Lava flow C) Ash fall D) Earthquake


27) Which of the following statements best describes the tectonic setting for Mount St. Helens and the other Cascade volcanoes? A) A chain of young, active volcanoes built on a continental margin above a sinking slab of oceanic lithosphere B) A chain of old, inactive volcanoes built while western North America moved over a mantle plume C) Old, deeply eroded volcanoes built before the Pacific Ocean existed D) Young, deeply eroded, basaltic volcanoes built when western North America was over the present-day site of the Hawaiian hot spot


28) Along which tectonic boundary will chains of composite cone volcanoes be located? A) Convergent boundary B) Divergent boundary C) Transform boundary D) Mantle plumes


29) The ________ are the mineral class that accounts for more than 90 percent of the Earth's crust. A) silicates B) sulfates C) carbonates D) sulfides


3) What is the name of the supercontinent proposed by Alfred Wegener? A) Pangaea B) Rodinia C) Amasia D) Nuna


3) Which of the following is not a geologic hazard? A) Use of poor construction materials resulting in a cracked foundation B) Volcanic eruptions sending lava flows toward a city C) Deforestation on a floodplain increasing the severity of river floods D) Climate change leading to sea-level rise


3) ________ is a material's resistance to flowing. A) Viscosity B) Volatiles C) Composition D) Quiescent


33) Why is soil a nonrenewable resource? A) Because it forms very slowly B) Because there is a limited amount of soil on the Earth and it cannot be replaced C) Because it is not commonly used for human commerce D) Because it cannot be privately owned


35) What is slab pull? A) Cold oceanic lithosphere is pulled below warmer asthenosphere. B) Cold continental lithosphere is pulled below warmer asthenosphere. C) Cold continental lithosphere is pulled below warmer oceanic lithosphere. D) Warmer oceanic lithosphere is pulled below colder asthenosphere


35) Which of the following rocks will be most buoyant on the Earth's mantle? Rock A: Density 1.4 g/cm3 Rock B: Density 5.6 g/cm3 Rock C: Density 5.1 g/cm3 Rock D: Density 2.7 g/cm3 A) Rock A B) Rock B C) Rock C D) Rock D


36) The ________ is a flooded margin of the continent. A) continental shelf B) deep-ocean floor C) continental slope D) continental rise


37) Which of the following best describes a pegmatitic texture? A) Large crystals that form in a fluid-rich environment late in crystallization B) Porous texture resulting from escaping volatiles C) Fine-grained texture composed of microscopic crystals D) Several large crystals surrounded by a fine-grained matrix


39) Which model of convection describes how the interior is divided into several levels of convection cells? A) Layer cake model 'B) Whole-mantle convection C) Plume model D) Differentiation model


4) Which of the following lavas make up 90 percent of the total volume of lava on Earth? A) Basaltic B) Andesitic C) Rhyolitic


4) Which of the following substances is not a volatile found in magma? A) O2 B) CO2 C) H2O D) SO2


40) Kilauea is a volcano created by ________. A) intraplate volcanism B) subduction C) rifting D) shear forces


41) During what time period did scientists first notice the jigsaw puzzle fit of the southern continents? A) 1600s B) 1750s C) 1800s D) 1910s


41) Which of the following rocks is composed of only a single mineral? A) Limestone B) Granite C) Conglomerate D) Gabbro


42) Peridotite that undergoes partial melting will create a melt enriched in ________. A) iron, magnesium, feldspars, and silica B) silica C) iron and magnesium D) feldspars and silica


43) The interior of the Earth is divided into roughly spherical layers of differing ________. A) density B) temperature C) pressure D) magma


46) Another name for a ________ boundary is a destructive boundary. A) convergent B) divergent C) transform


47) Which of the following makes it possible for oceanic crust created at divergent boundaries to be carried to the sites of destruction at convergent boundaries? A) Transform boundaries that accommodate plate motion B) Seawater seeping into plate fractures to lubricate the rocks C) Magma plutons weighing the crust down at convergent boundaries, pulling the slabD) Alignment of magnetic fields in iron particles


51) The ________ is a hotter, weaker region in the mantle that lies below the lithosphere and responds to forces by flowing. A) asthenosphere B) outer core C) inner core D) atmosphere E) crust


8) What is the charge of a single proton? A) +1 B) -1 C) +2 D) -3


9) Science uses observations of phenomena in order to make interpretations. Which of the following is an observation? A) A fold is visible in an outcrop. B) The fold was created by pressure. C) Pressure was applied slowly to fold the rock. D) Heat was applied to soften the rock.


1) Which of the following is a natural disaster? A) A hurricane forming in the ocean B) A landslide striking a city C) A volcano erupting on an uninhabited island D) An earthquake occurring in the desert


10) Which is the strongest of the atomic bonds? A) Ionic B) Covalent C) Metallic D) Hybrid


10) Which of the following choices best explains the difference between a crater and a caldera? A) A crater is a very large circular depression over 1 km across; a caldera is a small funnel-shaped depression. B) A crater is a small, funnel-shaped depression; a caldera is a large depression that has a diameter of over 1 km. C) A crater is a fissure in the crust; a caldera is a collapsed summit. D) A crater is a large circular depression over 1 km across; a caldera is a small, parasitic cone growing on the flank of the volcano.


11) Which of the following is not one of the roles of the atmosphere?A) Energy exchanges between the surface and outer space, creating weather and climate B) Lessening the effects of weathering on the geosphere C) Protection from ultraviolet radiation and the intensity of the Sun D) Providing air for respiratory processes in the biosphere


12) With the exception of volcanoes associated with a subduction zone, most volcanic islands are ________ volcanoes. A) cinder cone B) shield C) composite cone D) caldera


13) Crystallization of molten rock will produce ________ rocks. A) metamorphic B) igneous C) sedimentary


13) Which of these textures help geologists determine if a rock is volcanic in origin? A) Pegmatitic B) Aphanitic C) Porphyritic D) Phaneritic


14) The debris from the Big Bang was made almost entirely of ________. A) oxygen and silicon B) hydrogen and helium C) iron and nickel D) carbon and nitrogen


14) Why are the mid-ocean ridges higher in elevation than the surrounding ocean floor? A) The force of magma extruding from the fissure pushes the seafloor up. B) Warmer material near the ridge is less dense, so it is more buoyant on the mantle .C) The collision of the tectonic plates is forcing material higher. D) Thermal springs developing in stress fractures are depositing large volumes of material, increasing the height.


14) ________ weathering occurs when differences in resistance or environmental factors produce uneven surfaces on rocks. A) Chemical B) Differential C) Spheroidal D) Mechanical


15) What creates the small holes found in a vesicular texture? A) Liquid water B) Volatiles C) Soluble minerals D) Weathering


15) Which volcanoes have flanks with the steepest angle of repose (between 30° and 40°)? A) Shield volcanoes B) Cinder cones C) Composite cones D) Lava domes


16) A(n) ________ is a common boundary where different parts of a system interact. A) sphere B) interface C) delineation D) geosphere


16) Which of the following is the hardest known natural substance? A) Talc B) Diamond C) Quartz D) Sapphire


17) ________ refers to a mineral's intensity and quality of reflected light .A) Cleavage B) Luster C) Tenacity D) Streak


18) A ________ is a geographic low, which marks the location where oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle .A) fold and thrust mountain B) deep-ocean trench C) seismic zone D) mid-ocean rift


19) What property of the crust allowed it to form as the exterior of Earth? A) Magma at the surface cooled and crystallized before anything in the interior. B) Materials that make up the crust are less dense and rose to the top. C) Churning and upheaval in the interior thrust crustal rocks toward the surface .D) Meteorites impacting Earth deposited this material at the surface.


2) Which of the following is not part of the definition of a mineral? A) Naturally occurring B) Organic C) Orderly crystalline structure D) Definite chemical composition


2) Which war was indirectly responsible for the development of the tools that made the theory of plate tectonics possible? A) World War I B) World War II C) Korean War D) Vietnam War


2) ________ weathering is when there is a chemical transformation of rock into other compounds. A) Mechanical B) Chemical C) Spheroidal D) Differential


20) ________ is a soil that has bedrock as its parent material. A) Humus B) Residual soil C) Regolith D) Transported soil


21) Conchoidal fractures are indicative of the mineral ________. A) muscovite B) quartz C) fluorite D) pyroxene


21) Where are the majority of transform faults located? A) Southern California B) On the ocean floor offsetting segments of oceanic ridge C) Radiating from convergent boundaries as stress fractures D) Along mountain ranges that have been thrust up due to collision


22) If the temperature in the Earth generally increases with depth, how is it possible that the inner core is a solid? A) Temperatures increase to a certain point before leveling off below the melting point of the core. B) The pressures in the core are immense and keep it in a solid state in spite of the temperature. C) Earth's interior does not reach temperatures high enough to melt the material of the inner core. D) The inner core is shedding the heat so quickly that melting does not have time to occur.


22) What is the driving force behind pyroclastic flows? A) Directed explosion B) Gravity C) Water D) Earthquakes


23) ________ occurs when magnetic minerals in lavas align their magnetic fields with magnetic north, preserving a record of that pole's location at that moment in time. A) A mantle plume B) Paleomagnetism C) Magnetic reversal D) Seafloor spreading


24) What magma forms from the partial melting of mantle material? A) Ultramafic magma B) Magmatic differentiation C) Silicic magma D) Secondary magma


24) Which layer of the Earth is the thickest? A) Crust B) Mantle C) Outer core D) Inner core


25) What is the asthenosphere? A) A portion of the atmosphere that blocks UV radiation B) A soft, low-velocity layer in the upper mantle C) The transition zone between the mantle and the outer core D) The portion of the hydrologic cycle that describes how plants contribute their respiration


25) Which horizons make up the topsoil? A) C horizon B) O and A horizons C) E, B, and C horizons D) O, A, E, and B horizons


26) An example of a volcanic caldera that formed from the collapse of a magma chamber after large volumes of material were erupted is ________. A) Parícutin B) Yellowstone C) Mount Fujiyama D) Mount Rainier


26) What effect will roots have on a sedimentary rock? A) Root tips will promote cementation, making the rock stronger. B) Roots will weaken the cement, splitting the rock apart. C) Roots will wrap around the sediments, holding them tight as the rock cements. D) Roots will add cement to unconsolidated sediments to create a rock.


26) ________ states that the angles between equivalent faces of crystals of the same mineral are always the same. A) The law of conservation of mass B) The law of constancy of interfacial angles C) The law of superposition D) The law of opposite interior angles


27) Which of the following statements best describes the formation of secondary magmas? A) Decompression melting creates a mafic magma from mantle material. B) Iron-rich minerals will form in a cooling magma and leave the remaining melt with a more silicic composition. C) Partial melting of felsic rocks creates a silica-rich magma. D) Water dehydrating from a subducted plate will melt mantle material.


28) Only eight elements make up the vast majority of rock-forming minerals. Which of the following elements is not one of the eight? A) Oxygen B) Hydrogen C) Iron D) Potassium


29) Can soils can be eroded from distant sources and deposited as soil in new locations? A) Yes, they are made of sediments and can be transported like sediments .B) No, soils develop in place through the complex weathering of sediments and other materials. C) Yes, the processes of transportation help to break down larger sediments to make soils. D) No, once a soil is created in a location, it cannot be weathered and eroded.


29) Which characteristics are used to determine the processes that created a rock? A) Heat and pressure B) Texture and composition C) Size and shape D) Color and texture


3) Which of the following is not an agent of erosion? A) Running water B) Heat C) Ice D) Wind


30) A ________ is a tabular, concordant pluton that is nearly horizontal and forms when magma exploits a weakness between sedimentary layers. A) dike B) sill C) batholith D) laccolith


30) How is magma generated along subduction zones? A) Decompression melting of the mantle from weight reduction. B) Fluids are dehydrated out of the descending plate, which lowers the melting point of the surrounding mantle. C) Friction from colliding plates melts mantle material. D) Radioactive decay melts mantle material.


30) What two pieces of information would researchers need to have in order to calculate the rate of plate motion for seafloor spreading?A) Age of the continent and depth of the water B) Distance from the rift and age of seafloor sample C) Age of the seafloor sample and age of the continent D) Type of rock and distance from the rift


31) Which of the following changes are not evidence of migrating magma? A) Changes in the pattern of earthquakes produced by moving magma B) Molten rock flowing down the flank of a volcanic cone C) Increase in ground temperature D) Changes in the volcanic gases released from the volcano


32) When magma forms, it rises up through the crust. Why does magma rise? A) It is forced upward by pressure from the Earth's interior .B) It is less dense. C) It is uplifted by tectonism. D) It is forced out by volcanism.


32) Which soil horizon can hold more water due to the accumulation of fine clay particles? A) A horizon B) B horizon C) O horizon D) E horizon


33) What are the two groups of feldspar minerals called? A) Microcline and orthoclase B) Potassium feldspar and plagioclase C) Sodium and calcium D) Albite and anorthite


33) Which is denser: a 100-million-year-old oceanic lithosphere near a convergent boundary, a 15-million-year-old oceanic lithosphere near a rift, or the upper part of the asthenosphere? A) A 15-million-year-old oceanic lithosphere B) 100-million-year-old oceanic lithosphere C) Upper asthenosphere D) They all have the same density.


33) Will density increase or decrease with the crystallization of a magma? A) Decrease B) Increase


34) The granitic igneous rocks that make up the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California and Nevada are ________. A) extrusive B) intrusive C) metamorphic


34) What is the definition of sheet erosion? A) The removal of soil particles by wind gusts B) Water moving in thin sheets, carrying dislodged soil particles C) Removal of sheets of rock through exfoliation D) Transportation of vegetation from rapidly eroding sediments


34) Which of the following eruptive materials can be described as basaltic, vesicular ejecta found around cinder cone volcanoes? A) Tuff B) Scoria C) Lapilli D) Pumice


35) What is the best method to distinguish between muscovite mica and biotite mica? A) Cleavage B) Color C) Hardness D) Streak


36) Along which tectonic boundary is ridge push going to be most important in helping to drive plate motion? A) Convergent boundary B) Divergent boundary C) Transform boundary


38) Along which features might one expect to see a deep-ocean trench? A) Abyssal plains B) Mountain ranges C) Oceanic ridges D) Seamounts


38) In which layer of the Earth does the convection necessary for plate motion occur? A) Crust B) Mantle C) Outer core D) Inner core


38) Secondary vents on composite cones can generate ________ volcanoes. A) shield B) cinder cone C) additional composite cone


39) Welded tuff consists of ash surrounding large, jagged, irregularly-shaped pieces of material. What is this material and where does it come from? A) Mineral crystals that formed during cooling B) Rock fragments that erupted from the volcano C) Gas pockets from volatiles in the lava D) Slivers of volcanic glass from the lava


39) Which of the following statements about lava domes is true? A) Lava domes can only collapse during eruptions. B) Lava domes can collapse during eruptions or in quiet periods between eruptions. C) Lava domes are most commonly associated with cinder cone volcanoes .D) Lava domes are created by earthquakes.


40) One defining characteristic of minerals is that they are found in a solid state in nature. Which of the following minerals is an exception to this rule, naturally occurring in a liquid state at room temperature?A) Diamond B) Ice C) Carbon D) Calcite


41) The majority of water in the hydrosphere is found in which feature? A) Rivers B) Oceans C) Water vapor D) Glaciers


43) Where is oceanic lithosphere thickest and why? A) Along oceanic ridges because it is newest there B) Furthest from the spreading center because the older oceanic crust is cooler C) In the middle of the tectonic plate as it has not been scraped off during subduction D) Close to the subduction zone boundary because continental material is added to it


43) You are in charge of emergency planning in Electron, Washington, when it is brought to your attention that the entire town is built upon the remains of eruption materials from Mount Rainier, which is less than 30 miles away. Using the past volcanic hazard history of Mount Rainier, which volcanic hazard would most likely affect your town? A) Pyroclastic flow B) Lahar C) Lava flow D) Volcanic landslideE) Earthquakes


44) Plutonic bodies that have a surface exposure less than 100 km2 are called ________. A) dikes B) stocks C) swarms D) batholiths


44) Which of these statements best describes the lithosphere? A) The lithosphere is the layer in the interior of the Earth that is just below the crust. B) The lithosphere is composed of the crust and the rigid part of the upper mantle .C) The lithosphere is a low-density part of the upper mantle. D) The lithosphere consists solely of the crust.


46) ________ is the concept that describes how the Earth was shaped by sudden, violent events over a short period of time. A) Uniformitarianism B) Catastrophism C) Neptunism D) Differentiation


5) An isotope of oxygen has 8 protons, 10 neutrons, and 8 electrons. What is the atomic mass of this isotope? A) 16 B) 18 C) 21 D) 26


5) ________ is pulverized rock, lava fragments, and ash erupted from a volcano. A) Pahoehoe B) Pyroclastic material C) Basalt D) Lapilli


50) Which two continents did Wegener cite as having the best evidence of a close coastline fit? A) North America and Europe B) South America and Africa C) Europe and Africa D) India and Asia


53) ________ is the name of the process by which new seafloor is generated at mid-ocean ridges. A) Subduction B) Seafloor spreading C) Convection D) Melting


6) What was the rate of cooling and the environment of formation for an extrusive igneous rock and why? A) Slow because the magma was insulated below the surface B) Fast because it was erupted from a volcano C) Slow because it cooled in a volcanic lava flow far from the vent D) Fast because it cooled 6 kilometers below the surface


6) When the continents were assembled and mountain ranges were matched up, mountains in Scandinavia and the British Isles matched up perfectly with which North American mountain range? A) Rocky Mountains B) Appalachian Mountains C) Sierra Nevada Mountains D) Olympic Mountains


7) Which acid is commonly responsible for the dissolution of limestone? A) Nitric B) Carbonic C) Sulfuric D) Hydrochloric


7) Which of the following is the definition for a scientific hypothesis?A) The gathering of data through observations B) A tentative explanation used to explain observed activities C) A well-tested and widely accepted view that explains observable facts D) An educated guess


8) In which decade was the theory of plate tectonics developed? A) 1940s B) 1960s C) 1970s D) 1990s


8) Which of the following minerals is not a ferromagnesian mineral? A) Olivine B) Potassium feldspar C) Pyroxene D) Biotite mica


9) A ________ is a cone-shaped structure created by successive eruptions of volcanic materials such as lava or pyroclastic materials. A) caldera B) volcanic cone C) crater D) fumarole


23) The partial melting of mafic rocks would produce what composition of magma? A) Ultramafic B) Mafic C) Intermediate D) Felsic


23) What kind of volcano is most closely associated with pyroclastic flows? A) Shield B) Cinder cone C) Composite cone D) Caldera


23) What is the definition of eluviation? A) Decayed organic material B) Accumulation of fine clay particles in a soil column C) Downward transportation of fine clay particles in a soil column D) The collective term for the O, A, E, and B horizons


1) Using the choices below, select the statement that best explains how dissolved gases drive volcanic eruptions. A) As the magma rises, gas bubbles contract, fragmenting the material and expelling it from the vent. B) As the magma rises, gases reduce silicate mineral chains by breaking silicon-oxygen bonds; the result is an explosion. C) Confining pressure decreases on a rising magma, allowing gas bubbles to expand and fracture the magma. This process further decreases pressure on the magma and will result in an explosive event. D) Decreases in confining pressure result in decreasing viscosity of the magma, allowing the magma to ooze from the volcano.


1) ________ is molten rock that is below the Earth's surface and retains most of its volcanic gases. A) Lava B) Pumice C) Magma D) Volatiles


10) Which two minerals define a felsic composition? A) Pyroxene and amphibole B) Muscovite and biotite micas C) Quartz and potassium feldspar D) Plagioclase feldspar and biotite mica


11) According to the octet rule, atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons until they are surrounded by ________ valence electrons. A) 2 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10


12) Which type of plate boundary accounts for the smallest percentage of all plate boundaries on the surface of the Earth? A) Convergent boundaries B) Divergent boundaries C) Transform boundaries


13) Continental crust is mainly composed of ________, whereas oceanic crust is mainly composed of ________. A) olivine; basalt B) limestone; gabbro C) granite; basalt D) gabbro; granite


15) In an aqueous solution that has not reached the saturation point, why won't the ions bond to create mineral crystals? A) The opposite charges of the ions repel each other. B) The ions are too close together to form a regular internal crystalline structure. C) The motion of the dissolved ions keeps them from joining .D) There are too few ions to make any minerals.


15) ________ is the upper few feet of regolith that contains minerals and organic matter, water, and air and is capable of sustaining life. A) Horizon B) Humus C) Soil D) Sediment


16) Based on the structure of the cone and the rock making it up, what interpretations can be made about the gas content of eruptions from cinder cone volcanoes compared to those of shield volcanoes?A) Less gas than shield volcanoes B) Same gas content as shield volcanoes C) More gas than shield volcanoes D) Gas is not found in volcanoes


17) In what year did Parícutin form in a Mexican cornfield? A) 1935 B) 1939 C) 1943 D) 1952


18) Because the early Earth was a large sphere of magma, the earliest rocks that formed here were recycled into the mantle long ago. What is the age of the oldest radiometrically dated rocks discovered on the planet? (Or, what is the age of the oldest remaining rocks on Earth?) A) 6,000 years old B) 4.6 million years old C) 4 billion years old D) 4.6 billion years old


18) Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between pressure and melting point in the Earth's Interior? A) Higher pressure leads to lower melting points. B) Melting points of rocks are not dependent on changes in pressure. C) Higher melting points are determined by higher pressures.


19) What is the term used to describe increased temperature with depth in the Earth? A) Decompression melting B) Convection cells C) Geothermal gradient D) Hydrothermal alteration


20) Which of the following minerals has good cleavage in two directions, which creates a rectangular-shaped crystal? A) Halite B) Quartz C) Plagioclase D) Biotite


21) What kind(s) of lava generate a cinder cone? A) Andesite B) Andesite and rhyolite C) Basalt D) Basalt and andesite E) Andesite, basalt, and rhyolite


21) ________ describes how an entire suite of silicate minerals can form from a single basaltic magma as it cools and crystallizes .A) The theory of plate tectonics B) Moh's hardness scale C) Bowen's reaction series D) The geologic rock cycle


22) ________ are the primary source of organic matter in soils. A) Earthworms B) Microorganisms C) Plants D) Mammals


24) Which of the following is not a method of caldera formation? A) Collapse of magma chamber after large volumes of material are erupted B) Collapse of a composite cone summit following an explosive eruption C) Collapse of the flank of a cinder cone volcano after an effusive lava flow D) Collapse of summit of a shield volcano after draining of magma chamber


26) The ________ is a layer of liquid nickel and iron believed to be responsible for generating the Earth's magnetic field. A) Crust B) Mantle C) Outer Core D) Inner Core


27) Organic acids can chemically weather a rock. Where would these acids originate? A) Decay of granite B) Thermal reaction between water and limestone C) Secretion from and decay of vegetation D) Leaching from the E horizon


28) What is the definition of lithification? A) The breakdown of materials due to exposure to the elements B) The process by which sediments are made into rock C) The transportation of sediments from their place of origin D) The crystallization of minerals through cooling


28) Which process is thought to generate most felsic magmas? A) Decompression melting in a continental rift zone B) Crystal settling during magmatic differentiation C) Heat from basaltic magma partially melting overlying crust D) Friction along the crust in a convergent plate boundary


29) What type of lava is produced at a divergent plate boundary? A) Rhyolitic B) Andesitic C) Basaltic


3) What is a volatile? A) A hostile person B) Solid mineral crystals in a melt C) Gases dissolved in a magma D) The liquid portion of a magma


30) ________ is considered the most influential control of soil formation A) Parent material B) Plants C) Climate D) Time


31) How can GPS receivers and satellites be used to monitor plate motion? A) GPS receivers are placed on landmasses to track their locations. B) Satellites send lasers to measure the distance to continents. C) GPS receivers send signals to each other to see if the units are getting closer together. D) Satellites track seafloor spreading.


31) If the age of a mountain range is inversely proportional to its height, in what two regions are the youngest mountain ranges found today? A) The circum-Atlantic belt and southern Europe/Asia B) Western South America and the Appalachians of North America C) The circum-Pacific belt and southern Europe/Asia D) Scandinavia and Eastern Africa


32) A ________ is a part of the craton that is covered by a thin covering of sedimentary rocks. A) shield B) continental shelf C) platform D) plateau


32) Ferromagnesian minerals are those that contain a great deal of ________. A) manganese and iron B) potassium and aluminum C) magnesium and iron D) calcium and silicon


32) GPS units, satellites, and lasers are some of the tools used to monitor the ________ of the volcanic flanks, which indicates magma accumulating in the magma chamber. A) gas content B) temperature C) inflation D) mineral content


32) How can the orientation of transform faults provide information about the direction of plate motion? A) Transform faults are oriented perpendicular to the direction of plate motion. B) Transform faults radiate out from the rift zone located in the center. C) Transform faults are parallel to the direction of plate motion. D) Transform faults are parallel to convergent boundaries.


34) The rock that makes up ocean basins has a density of ________ and is made of ________. A) 1.9 g/cm3; sandstone B) 4.5 g/cm3; gneiss C) 3.0 g/cm3; basalt D) 2.7 g/cm3; granite


34) Which group of silicate minerals has two planes of cleavage that are oriented at approximately 60° and 120°? A) Pyroxenes B) Potassium Feldspars C) Amphiboles D) Galena


35) ________ are small vents that emit volcanic gases. A) Calderas B) Domes C) Fumaroles D) Tuff


36) Which ferromagnesian mineral is believed to constitute up to 50 percent of the mantle? A) Biotite B) Amphibole C) Olivine D) Garnet


36) Which of the following is a good method to reduce soil erosion as a result of strong winds? A) Planting grass in natural drainageways B) Creating terraces on steep slopes C) Planting rows of trees and shrubs D) Plant rows for crops that are oriented straight up the slope


37) Which factor contributes the most toward plate motion at a convergent boundary? A) Ridge push B) Mantle drag C) Slab pull D) Friction


37) Which physical feature represents the true transition from the continent to the ocean basin? A) The shoreline B) The continental shelf C) The continental slope D) The continental rise E) The deep-ocean floor


38) Which negative ion forms the basis of the oxide minerals? A) F- B) Cl- C) O22- D) S-


38) ________ has a large percentage of voids and is lightweight, so therefore has the ability to float in water. A) Basalt B) Pegmatite C) Pumice D) Scoria


39) Which intermediary helps to break down minerals into a form digestible by humans? A) Meteorites B) Rocks C) Plants D) Gravel


39) ________ describes Earth's origins and its development through time. A) Natural hazards B) Physical geology C) Historical geology D) Uniformitarianism


4) Although the jigsaw-puzzle fit of the southern continents was noted, opponents of continental drift argued that, even if continental displacement had occurred, a good fit between the continents today would be unlikely. What geologic evidence did they cite to support this claim? A) Deposition in river deltas had changed the longshore current, resulting in erosion. B) The tensional stress of splitting sheared the continents beyond all repair. C) Wave erosion and coastal deposition have changed the shape of the continents .D) Fissure eruptions along continental margins had created new land.


4) Which of the following regions has the least likelihood of experiencing weathering via salt crystal growth? A) Arid deserts B) Rocky shorelines along the ocean C) Subterranean cave passages D) Roadways cleared of snow by the spread of halite


40) In the whole-mantle convection model, what feature balances the deeply descending lithosphere by transporting hot material toward the surface? A) Kimberlites B) Decompression melting C) Mantle plumes D) Rift zones


41) What is the definition of magma mixing? A) When magma mixes with fluids to become more dilute B) When rising magma melts surrounding country rock and incorporates it C) When one rising magma will overtake a second and the two intermix D) When magma incorporates more dissolved gases


42) What is the relationship between the four spheres of Earth? A) The four spheres operate independently from each other. B) The geosphere and the hydrosphere overlap, but the atmosphere and biosphere operate independently. C) The four spheres overlap and interact with each other. D) The biosphere and hydrosphere interact with each other, whereas the geosphere and atmosphere are part of a separate system.


42) Which of the following best explains the global distribution of plant species, such as the Glossopteris, during the Mesozoic? A) Seeds were small, so they could be carried by the wind. B) Seeds were ingested by animals and later deposited in scat. C) The landmasses were joined and the plant had a large geographic extent .D) Oceans that transgressed on the continents carried the seeds to different locations.


43) Which of the following materials will form through evaporation?A) Feldspars B) Geodes C) Salt D) Limestone


43) Which of the following regions will primarily erupt silica-rich lavas? A) Oceanic mantle plumes B) Oceanic rift zones C) Continental margins D) Impact craters


45) A ________ is the interior of a continental mass that has been relatively undisturbed for the last 600 million years. A) mountain belt B) margin C) craton D) shield


45) Along which tectonic boundary would the greatest amount of magma be generated every year? Why? A) Transform boundaries: magma produced from friction B) Convergent boundaries: magma produced by dehydration of plate water and partial melting C) Divergent boundaries: magma produced by decompression melting


45) Which of the following statements regarding the global oceanic ridge system is correct? A) The ridge system marks the deepest locations on the Earth's surface .B) The ridge system marks the locations of most mantle plumes in the mantle. C) The ridge system is the longest topographic feature on the Earth's surface. D) The ridge system has an extensive submarine canyon system.


48) Which of the following plate boundaries is not usually associated with volcanism? A) Convergent B) Divergent C) Transform


5) What environmental condition is reduced on a batholith in order to generate weathering via sheeting? A) Heat B) Moisture C) Pressure D) Mineral content


52) Which is least dense? A) Oceanic lithosphere B) Mantle C) Continental lithosphere D) Asthenosphere


54) ________ and ________ drive water from the pores of a subducted oceanic plate, which leads to partial melting. A) Compression; tension B) Air; heat C) Heat; pressure D) Salt; oil


6) What is the name of the small holes created by gas bubbles on the surface of scoria? A) Lapilli B) Pumice C) Vesicles D) Volatiles


6) ________ are groups of the same kinds of atoms that cannot be broken down into other substances by ordinary chemical means. A) Molecules B) Electrons C) Elements D) Minerals


6) ________ was an important eighteenth-century geologist who developed the concept of Uniformitarianism to explain the slow, steady changes responsible for shaping the Earth. A) Charles Lyell B) Isaac Newton C) James Hutton D) Charles Darwin


7) When considering evidence of glaciation on the southern continents, why did Wegener reject the explanation that the entire planet had experienced a period of extreme cooling? A) Because the glacial debris was localized to a few small mountain valleys B) Because he knew the "glacial debris" was actually a misinterpreted landslide C) Because geologic evidence supported the existence of tropical swamps in the Northern Hemisphere D) Because the 16O/18O ratios in fossils supported an ice-free period


7) Which mineral group makes up most igneous rocks? A) Carbonates B) Sulfides C) Silicates D) Halides


8) Which of the following is the definition of a scientific theory? A) The gathering of data through observations B) A tentative explanation used to explain observed activities C) A well-tested and widely accepted view that explains observable facts D) An educated guess


9) In the mid-twentieth century, researchers dredging the seafloor could not find any materials older than ________. A) 10,000 years B) 1.2 million years C) 180 million years D) 1.5 billion years


9) Rainwater will combine with which atmospheric gas in order to create carbonic acid? A) Methane B) Oxygen C) Carbon dioxide D) Carbon monoxide


9) What is an ion? A) An atom that has more or fewer protons than it should B) An atom that has more or fewer neutrons than it should C) An atom that has more or fewer electrons than it should


`13) What is the scientifically accepted age of the formation of the universe? A) 4.6 billion years B) 10 billion years C) 13.7 billion years D) 8.7 billion years


20) What role does water play in generating magma? A) Water lubricates the path for subducting plates, allowing them to subduct deeper. B) Water lowers the density of the rock, allowing it to melt. C) Water cools the rock, preventing melting. D) Water lowers the melting temperature of the rock, allowing it to melt.


21) A research team is studying the velocity of seismic waves in various types of rock. Using explosives, they create small explosions to study how fast the energy waves will travel. Using the velocity data below, infer which rocks are higher in density and which are lower in density. Which rock or rocks have the highest density? Rock A: 7 km/sRock B: 5.9 km/sRock C: 7.2 km/sRock D: 6.1 km/sRock E: 6.25 km/s A) RockC B) Rocks B & D C) Rocks B, D, & E D) Rocks A & C


21) ________ is a soil that has unconsolidated sediment as its parent material. A) Humus B) Residual soil C) Regolith D) Transported soil


22) Define the tenacity of a mineral. A) Resistance to scratching B) Parting along a plane of weakness C) A specific pattern of fracturing D) Resistance to breaking or deforming


22) What is a mantle plume? A) The magma that rises up from the mantle at a divergent plate boundary B) Material rising up from a subducting plate going through partial melting C) A form of batholith composed of ferromagnesian materials D) An upwelling of hot material from the Earth's interior that is cylindrical in shape


24) A typical rate of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean is ________. A) 2 meters per year B) 0.1 inches per year C) 20 feet per year D) 2 centimeters per year


24) Which horizons make up the solum? A) C horizon B) O and A horizons C) E, B, and C horizons D) O, A, E, and B horizons


24) Why will an iron-rich olivine have a higher density than a magnesium-rich olivine? A) More magnesium is needed to equal the same atomic charge as iron. B) Iron-rich olivine has smaller crystals, so more of them will fit into the same area. C) Magnesium-rich olivine has more silicon, which is less dense. D) Iron has a greater atomic mass than magnesium and therefore is heavier.


25) If an igneous rock is heated, which mineral will be the very last mineral left to melt according to the Bowen's reaction series? A) Quartz B) Pyroxene C) Potassium feldspar D) Olivine


25) Which ions—positive ions or negative ions—tend to be larger and why? A) Positive ions because they have more protons B) Positive ions because they have more electrons C) Negative ions because they have more neutrons D) Negative ions because they have more electrons


27) The addition of which of the following will control a mineral's color? A) Water B) Biologic secretions C) Pigment D) Trace elements


27) What is the texture of a rock? A) How the rock feels to the touch B) The composition of minerals that make up the rock C) The shape of the rock D) The size, shape, and/or arrangement of minerals in a rock


28) How did researchers in the mid-twentieth century obtain ocean floor samples in order to determine the age of the seafloor? A) Satellite imagine images B) Deep-diving manned submersibles C) Hydraulic vacuum tubes D) Drilling ships


28) Oxidation is an effective method to weather iron in olivine. However, what must happen first to free the iron? A) Root wedging to break up the olivine B) Melting of the olivine C) Dissolution of olivine D) Hydrolysis acting on the olivine


29) Samples from the seafloor around the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise show that both areas have been creating new material in the last five million years. Samples from the East Pacific Rise show the five-million-year-old seafloor is three times as wide as similarly aged material from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. What does this say about the rate of seafloor spreading in the East Pacific? A) The seafloor at both sites is growing at the same rate. B) The seafloor at the East Pacific Rise is growing more slowly. C) The seafloor at the Mid-Atlantic is growing more quickly. D) The seafloor at the Mid-Atlantic is growing more slowly.


29) What is the name of the preexisting rock through which intrusive igneous bodies intrude? A) Acid rock B) Parent rock C) Stock D) Country rock


30) A(n) ________ is a silicate structure where no silica tetrahedra share any oxygen ions. A) single chain B) double chain C) framework D) independent


30) The geologic rock cycle presents an orderly transition from igneous to sedimentary to metamorphic rocks. However, there are also some alternative transitions that bypass part of the rock cycle. Which of the following is the best example of one of those bypasses? A) Igneous rocks are weathered and eroded to become sediments. B) Metamorphic rocks are melted to become magma. C) Magma cools and crystallizes to form igneous rocks. D) Sedimentary rocks are weathered into sediments, which become lithified into sedimentary rocks.


31) A ________ is a mushroom-shaped pluton that forms by injecting magma between sedimentary strata, forcing the upper layers to arch upward. A) dike B) sill C) batholith D) laccolith


31) Silica tetrahedra are able to link into long chains that share oxygen ions through the process of ________. A) isolation B) precipitation C) fission D) polymerization


31) The longer a soil has been forming, the ________ it becomes and the ________ it resembles the parent material. A) thinner; less B) thinner; more C) thicker; more D) thicker; less


33) Continents have a density of ________ and are made of ________ rock .A) 1.9 g/cm3; sandstone B) 4.5 g/cm3; gneiss C) 3.0 g/cm3; basalt D) 2.7 g/cm3; granite


33) Pyroclastic materials are generally associated with which type of magma(s)? A) Basaltic B) Andesitic C) Rhyolitic D) Andesitic and rhyolitic E) Basaltic and andesitic


34) What generates the heat necessary for convection in the Earth?A) Volcanic eruptions B) Friction between moving slabs C) Chemical reactions between geologic materials and hydrothermal fluids D) Decay of radioactive materials


35) Which of the following is a good soil conservation method to reduce the loss of topsoil on gentle slopes that are farmed? A) Planting crops parallel to the contours of the slope. B) Leaving crop residues (i.e., stalks) in place in the field. C) Planting grass in natural drainageways on the slope. D) All of these choices are good for soil conservation.


4) The principle of ________ states that the physical, chemical, and biological processes at work shaping the Earth today have also operated in the geologic past. A) catastrophism B) plate tectonics C) plutonism D) Uniformitarianism


40) Archbishop James Ussher used the Bible to construct a chronology to date the creation of the Earth to ________. A) 1776 A.D B) 46,000 B.C.E C) 79 A.D D) 4004 B.C.E


40) ________ will occur when continental collisions occur, thickening the crust and forcing some rocks to a depth where melting can take place. A) Decompression melting B) Rifting C) Extension D) Partial melting


41) What substances are emitted from fumaroles? A) Lava B) Ash C) Water D) Volcanic gases


42) A(n) ________ is the fundamental particle of matter. A) electron B) mineral C) nucleus D) atom


44) How is a volcanic neck different from a volcanic pipe? A) Volcanic necks are longer and bring materials up from the mantle. B) Volcanic pipes connect to shallow magma chambers. C) Volcanic pipes are shorter. D) Volcanic necks are shorter and connect to shallow magma chambers.


44) Mineral species can be further subdivided into ________. A) mineral classes B) mineraloids C) evaporites D) varieties


44) The lithosphere is broken into ________ major plates and many minor plates .A) seven B) nine C) twelve D) fifteen


5) Select the choice below that best describes the role of volatiles in an ascending magma. A) Volatiles increase the rate of crystallization in intrusive structures. B) Volatiles will force the magma to contract as it rises. C) Volatiles will shatter surrounding rocks, making it easier for the magma to rise. D) Volatiles will expand with decreasing pressure, then melt upward.


5) What is the accepted age of the Earth? A) 10,000 years B) 1 million years C) 4.6 million years D) 4.6 billion years


55) Lava solidifying during a period of reverse polarity will align the magnetic fields of its iron particles toward the ________ pole. A) East B) West C) North D) South


6) What is the most important agent of chemical weathering? A) Salt B) Heat C) Wind D) Water


7) Around which volcano is a scientist likely find pillow basalts? A) Mount St. Helens B) Parícutin C) Fujiyama D) Kilauea


7) What is the name of the chart that organizes elements in order of chemical properties? A) Moh's hardness scale B) Atomic symbols C) Elemental flowchart D) Periodic table of elements


8) Which chemical weathering process is the primary method of weathering for feldspars? A) Dissolution B) Oxidation C) Frost Wedging D) Hydrolysis


8) Which type of magma(s) will produce scoria? A) Basaltic B) Andesitic C) Rhyolitic D) Basaltic and andesitic E) Andesitic and rhyolitic


9) Peridotite is the main constituent of which part of the Earth? A) Crust B) Magma chambers C) Rift zones D) Upper mantle


36) Which volcanic type(s) can have pyroclastic ejections during eruptions? A) Shield volcanoes B) Cinder cones C) Composite cones D) Cinder and composite cones E) Shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and composite cones


37) Which of the following eruptive materials can be associated with cinder cone volcanoes? A) Ash B) Lava flows C) Scoria fragments D) Lava flows and scoria fragments E) Ash, lava flows, and scoria fragments


42) When Eyjafjallajökull erupted in March 2010, ash plumes drifted southeast over Europe and, as a result, the controlled airspaces over many European countries were closed to air traffic, stranding thousands of people worldwide. Why would flying a commercial jet through a cloud of volcanic ash be dangerous? A) Ash can impede visibility if thick enough. B) Hot ash will cause the plane to catch fire. C) Abrasion of windows and engine parts from ash. D) Engines can be clogged by ash. E) Ash impairs visibility, clogs engines, and abrades engine parts.


49) A convergent boundary is usually associated with which physical features? A) Rift valleys B) Volcanic arcs C) Horizontally displaced rocks D) Submarine trenches E) Volcanic arcs and submarine trenches


5) Even before the proposal of continental drift, paleontologists recognized that some sort of land connection was needed to account for the identical fossil organisms found on multiple continents. Select the correct hypothesis or hypotheses these paleontologists developed. A) Sea level falling B) A chain of island stepping stones C) Floating debris used as rafts and sea level rising D) A transoceanic land bridge E) Island stepping stones, transoceanic land bridge, and floating debris used for rafts


1) The more the silica in magma, the lower the viscosity. true or false


1) There can be no variation of mineral composition in order for the substance to remain the same mineral. true or false


1) Weathering is the transportation or removal of broken-down materials. true or false


2) Most cinder cones have eruptive phases that last for centuries. true or false


2) Subduction zones will only develop between a continental plate and an oceanic plate. true or false


3) A geode contains minerals that form through biological processes. true or false


3) A hypothesis can never be changed or modified. true or false


3) Temperatures will decrease with increasing depth into the Earth. true or false


4) Color is a reliable identification technique for minerals. true or false


4) Dikes tend to form as solitary structures. true or false


5) All minerals have cleavage. true or false


5) Concordant plutons cut across existing structures while discordant plutons are parallel to existing features. true or false


5) Crystallization of molten rock can produce metamorphic rocks. true or false


1) Geologic hazards are natural processes. true or false


1) Mineral crystals that form early in the crystallization process will have better-developed crystal faces than later crystals. true or false


1) The majority of divergent plate boundaries are associated with oceanic ridges. true or false


10) Ferromagnesian minerals have a higher specific gravity than nonferromagnesian minerals. true or false


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