Geology Lecture 2 Part II Test Prof Gamber

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If you know the metamorphic facies of a metamorphic rock, what can you deduce about the rock? Pressure and temperature of formation What minerals it has Where in Earth you could expect to find it All of the above

Pressure and temperature of formation

Which mineral is composed of only silica? olivine diamond calcite quartz


You are attempting to identify a mineral. You determine that it does indeed have cleavage; therefore, your mineral cannot possibly be ________. A. quartz B. mica C. calcite D. halite E. galena


What does Bowen's reaction series describe? The pressures at which different minerals are formed in metamorphic rocks Which minerals are recrystallized in a sedimentary rock The temperatures at which different minerals crystallize out of a melt

The temperatures at which different minerals crystallize out of a melt

A mineral property that can be observed without using a test is: effervescence magmatism hardness cleavage all of these


Changing the composition of magma by incorporating surrounding host rock is known as A) magma mixing B) assimilation C) partial melting D) Crystalline fractionation


Many limestones are ________. thermolithic biochemical chemotrophic blueschist all of the above


Felsic magmas/lavas are viscous than basaltic magmas/lavas because they contain a __________ percentage of silica. A. more...higher B. more...lower C. less...higher D. less...lower


Which of the following minerals crystallize early in Bowen's reaction series? A) muscovite B) quartz C) biotite D) olivine


The micas, muscovite and biotite, both exhibit ________ direction(s) of cleavage. one two three four five or more


What class of minerals form when the element O is bonded with a metal, as in the mineral hematite? silicates carbonates oxides halides sulfides


Sandstone is a type of sedimentary rock that is classified based on its __________. A. predominant grain size B. fissility C. foliation D. color

predominant grain size

Which one of the following best describes volcanism in the Cascade Range, northwestern United States? related to deep, transform faults related to a mantle hot spot related to a mid-oceanic ridge system related to plate subduction

related to plate subduction

Quartz is ________. resistant to weathering and is an important component of sand in river beds and beaches a main constituent of many igneous rocks a main constituent of many sedimentary rocks the most stable of all minerals at Earth's surface temperatures and pressures all of the above

resistant to weathering and is an important component of sand in river beds and beaches a main constituent of many igneous rocks a main constituent of many sedimentary rocks the most stable of all minerals at Earth's surface temperatures and pressures **all of the above**

Which one of the following shows the correct order (left to right) of decreasing magma viscosity? basalt, andesite, rhyolite basalt, rhyolite, andesite rhyolite, andesite, basalt andesite, rhyolite, basalt

rhyolite, andesite, basalt

Which of the following igneous rocks has a pyroclastic texture? A. porphyritic basalt B) intrusive granite C) rhyolitic tuff D) andesitic lava

rhyolitic tuff

A is typically composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material. A. shield volcano B. stratovolcano C. scoria cone D. pyroclastic flow


Which one of the following statements best describes erosion? disintegration and decomposition of rocks and minerals at the surface the combined processes of leaching, eluviation, and mass wasting the process by which weathered rock and mineral particles are removed from one area and transported elsewhere

the process by which weathered rock and mineral particles are removed from one area and transported elsewhere

The ion at the center of a silicate tetrahedron is surrounded by ________. 6 oxygen ions 4 sodium ions 4 oxygen ions 6 sodium ions

4 oxygen ions

Which of the following best defines a mineral and a rock? A rock has an orderly, repetitive, geometrical, internal arrangement of minerals. A rock is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of different mineral grains. A rock consists of atoms bonded in a regular, geometrically predictable arrangement.

A rock is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of different mineral grains.

__________ is a compact, microcrystalline sedimentary rock that was used by Native Americans to fashion projectile points (arrowheads), knives, scrappers, etc. A. Chert B. Rock gypsum C. Dolostone D. Coquina E. Conglomerate

A. Chert

________ is not a common cementing agent for sandstones. A. Fluorite B. Calcite C. Quartz D. Iron oxides

A. Fluorite

Which of the following sedimentary features can each be used to determine paleocurrent directions? A. ripple marks and cross-bedding B. mud cracks and ripple marks C. fossils and mud cracks D. grain size sorting and ripple marks

A. ripple marks and cross-bedding

In which setting would regional metamorphism be most likely? At shallow depths below an oceanic ridge or rift zone At shallow depths along major transform faults in the continental crust At great depths in the crust where two continents are colliding At shallow depths beneath the seafloor where water pressures are immense

At great depths in the crust where two continents are colliding

__________ is a clastic sedimentary rock composed of predominantly angular, gravel-size particles. A. Conglomerate B. Breccia C. Oolite D. Dolostone E. Coquina

B. Breccia

Which of the following best describes bedded gypsum and halite? A. detrital sedimentary rocks B. evaporates; chemical, sedimentary rocks C. varieties of coal and peat D. varieties of dolostone

B. evaporates; chemical, sedimentary rocks

A mineral used to determine metamorphic grade is termed a(n) __________. . metamineral B. index mineral C. mineraloid D. indicator mineral E. None of the previous

B. index mineral

Which of the following sedimentary features would typically be found in shales but not in sandstones? ripple marks B. mud cracks C. graded bedding D. none of the above

B. mud cracks

What two, metamorphic rocks are composed predominantly of single minerals? A. garnet schist and hornfels B. fault breccia and graphitic schist C. marble and quartzite D. mica schist and granitic gneiss

C. marble and quartzite

Which of the following rocks is likely to have the most quartz within it and why? Granite, because it is an intrusive rock that formed from the cooling of relatively high silica magma Diorite, because it is an intrusive rock that formed from the cooling of relatively intermediate silica magma Basalt, because it is an extrusive rock that formed from the cooling of relatively low silica lava

Granite, because it is an intrusive rock that formed from the cooling of relatively high silica magma

Which of the following sedimentary rocks would you expect to have originally been deposited by fast-moving streams? Mudstone Oolitic limestone Graywacke Conglomerate


Which are sedimentary rocks? Shale and slate Granite and limestone Schist and sandstone Conglomerate and mudstone Phyllite and siltstone

Conglomerate and mudstone

What two factors speed up rates of chemical reaction and weathering in rocks and soils? low temperatures; very moist B high temperatures; very dry C low temperatures; very dry D warm temperatures; very moist

D warm temperatures; very moist

Which of the following classes of rocks can be metamorphosed? A. Igneous B. Sedimentary C. Metamorphic D. A, B, and C E. Only igneous and sedimentary rocks can be metamorphosed.

D. A, B, and C

Which of the following is the highest ranking, cleanest burning form of coal and is classified as a metamorphic rock? A. Peat B. Lignite C. Bituminous D. Anthracite

D. Anthracite

The temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia was built using laterite bricks. What is laterite? Dried tropical rainforest soil Dried wetland soil Bricks that come from an amalgamation of silt and sand Ocean sediment mixed with limestone, set in the sun to dry Pulverized coral reef material poured into moulds and baked

Dried tropical rainforest soil

Which are the four most important physical processes of mechanical weathering? Frost wedging, exfoliation, biological activity, dissolution Exfoliation, thermal expansion, biological activity, hydrolysis Exfoliation, frost wedging, expansion, hydrolysis Frost wedging, sheeting, thermal expansion, biological activity

Frost wedging, sheeting, thermal expansion, biological activity

Which of the following best defines a mineral? A mineral is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of rocks. In a mineral the constituent atoms are bonded in a regular, repetitive, internal structure. A mineral is a consolidated aggregate of different rock particles.

In a mineral the constituent atoms are bonded in a regular, repetitive, internal structure.

What set of terms best describes an igneous rock in which you can clearly see the individual mineral grains comprising the rock? A. Extrusive, phaneritic B. Extrusive, aphanitic C. Intrusive, phaneritic D. Intrusive, aphanitic

Intrusive, phaneritic

Which of the following does not correctly describe a mineral? It has a specific and predictable chemical composition. It has a specific internal crystal structure. It can be liquid or solid. It can be identified by its characteristic physical properties

It can be liquid or solid.

Which statement concerning mechanical weathering is not true? It reduces the grain sizes of rock particles. It allows for faster rates of chemical weathering. It is important in the formation of talus slopes. It involves a change in the mineral composition of the weathered material.

It involves a change in the mineral composition of the weathered material

The biggest dangers in a Stratovolcano type volcanic eruption are ________. lava flows and lahars Lahars (mudflows) pyroclastic flows both A and B neither A nor B

Lahars (mudflows) and pyroclastic flows

Which response best represents the conditions of contact metamorphism? High pressure, deep burial, and temperatures raised by Earth's internal heat Low pressures, shallow burial, and heat supplied by a nearby magma body Heat generated by shearing and mechanical movements along faults Shallow depths, and temperatures and pressures so high that the rock partially melts

Low pressures, shallow burial, and heat supplied by a nearby magma body

Which of the following minerals is a silicate? halite calcite muscovite hematite


The extrusive equivalent of granite is . A. Diorite B. Andesite C. Basalt D. Rhyolite


If shale is such a common rock in the sedimentary rock world, why isn't it as prominently exposed at the surface as sandstone? Shale crumbles easily, causing increased mechanical weathering, whereas sandstone resists weathering more effectively. Shale resists weathering more effectively, whereas sandstone crumbles easily, causing increased mechanical weathering. Shale has easily broken, highly reactive minerals, whereas sandstone has harder-to-break minerals. Shale dissolves in water, whereas sandstone dissolves only if enough carbonic acid is present in the water.

Shale crumbles easily, causing increased mechanical weathering, whereas sandstone resists weathering more effectively.

Oolitic limestone is most likely to form in what type of depositional environment? Quiet, muddy lagoons and bays Shallow, clear marine waters with vigorous current activity Deep marine waters below most wave action Acidic, organic-rich waters in freshwater swamps and bogs

Shallow, clear marine waters with vigorous current activity

Which are the most abundant minerals in Earth's crust and mantle? Sulfides Uranides Native metals Silicates


Which forms the best rock cleavage and why? Slate, because the grains are so small and so well intergrown that the rock is very strong and breaks along planes of fine micas. Schist, because the grains are too coarse and intergrown with porphyroblasts. Gneiss, because the grains have a preferred orientation and split easily along the mineral bands. Quartzite, because the grains are equidimensional, so they have no discernable foliation for breaking.

Slate, because the grains are so small and so well intergrown that the rock is very strong and breaks along planes of fine micas.

Which response lists the rocks in increasing grade of metamorphism? Schist, slate, phyllite, gneiss Phyllite, gneiss, slate, schist Gneiss, slate, schist, phyllite Slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

Slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

The 1991 Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines caused brilliantly colored sunrises and sunsets to be seen for the next few years. What caused this phenomenon? The eruption added large amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The eruptive cloud destroyed parts of Earth's protective ozone layer. Radioactive atoms blown into the atmosphere glowed red as they decayed. Sulfur dioxide and other erupted gases formed aerosols in the stratosphere.

Sulfur dioxide and other erupted gases formed aerosols in the stratosphere.

How do you classify sedimentary rocks? Grain size and cooling rate Color and amount of silica Texture and composition None of the above

Texture and composition

Lava flows are typically finer grained than intrusive igneous rocks. Why? Intrusive magma is cooler because it is well insulated by the surrounding rock. Intrusive magma flows onto Earth's surface and cools very slowly, allowing many small mineral grains to grow. The extrusive magma cools quickly so the mineral grains do not have time to grow. The extrusive magma, because it is deep below the surface, cools very slowly, producing very small mineral grains

The extrusive magma cools quickly so the mineral grains do not have time to grow.

For the following items, please choose from one of the following answers. A. shield volcano B.stratovolcano volcanoes C. cinder cones ________ massive, gently sloping volcanoes built of successive, basaltic lava flows ________ large, fairly steep-sided cones composed of lavas and pyroclastic layers ________ small basaltic cones built during one, short, eruptive episode _______ the volcanoes of southwestern Alaska and the Aleutian Islands ________ the big volcanoes of Hawaii

___A_____ massive, gently sloping volcanoes built of successive, basaltic lava flows 17) ____B____ large, fairly steep-sided cones composed of lavas and pyroclastic layers 18) ____C____ small basaltic cones built during one, short, eruptive episode 19) ___B____ the volcanoes of southwestern Alaska and the Aleutian Islands 20) ____A____ the big volcanoes of Hawaii

The Columbia Plateau in Washington and Oregon is ________. a crater filled with rhyolite lava flow. a field of large volcanoes a flood basalt plateau a thick stack of welded-tuff layers

a flood basalt plateau

Which of the following is true about rocks and minerals? a rock can contain more than one mineral a mineral is composed of chemical elements a single rock can include more than one mineral all of the above a and b only

a rock can contain more than one mineral a mineral is composed of chemical elements a single rock can include more than one mineral **all of the above**

Glassy igneous rocks form when the magma ________. cools so fast that mineral grains cannot crystallize and grow cools so slowly that only one mineral is formed is composed of basalt cools at an extremely high temperature

cools so fast that mineral grains cannot crystallize and grow

A dike is a tabular, type of pluton. A. concordant C. discordant D. massive E. batholithic


A sedimentary facies is the sedimentary rock's ________. crystal structure of each grain temperature at which it was formed environment of deposition method of turning into a metamorphic rock

environment of deposition

What is the name given to an atom that gains or loses electrons in a chemical reaction? sotope molecule nucleon ion


The difference between ionic and covalent bonds is _______. ionic bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to like charges; covalent bonds are when atoms share the same nucleus ionic bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to positive and negative charges; covalent bonds are when atoms share the same electron(s) covalent bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to positive and negative charges; ionic bonds are when atoms share the same electron(s) ionic bonds are when atoms share the same electron(s); covalent bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to positive and negative charges

ionic bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to positive and negative charges; covalent bonds are when atoms share the same electron(s)

Which of the following describes the light reflecting and transmission characteristics of a mineral? color streak virtual absorption luster fluorescence


How do the electrons behave in a mineral with metallic bonding? They are tightly bound to certain atoms and cannot readily move. They can move relatively easily from atom to atom inside the mineral. They react with protons to make neutrons in the outer valence shells. They move to adjacent negative ions, forming positive ions.

they can move relatively easily from atom to atom inside the mineral.

Important characteristics to observe in rocks include: types of minerals present sizes and shapes of crystals presence or absence of layers a, b, and c

types of minerals present sizes and shapes of crystals presence or absence of layers **a, b, and c **

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