Germanic tribes and barbarians

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were originally from northern Europe but had migrated to central Europe around 100 B.C in the region that is now southern Poland


(eastern Goths) were under the influence of the Huns by 372 A.D


(nomadic central Asian tribe of horsemen) moved westward threatening Germanic tribes which caused the Germanic tribes to move about the Roman Empire


(western Goths) feared new neighbors and in 376 A.D asked Roman Empire for permission to cross the Danube river into Roman lands

Atilia the Hun

Leader of the Huns who ravaged Europe and was nicknamed "the scourge of God"


Term used to refer to any of the Germanic tribes that moved around Europe during the fall of Rome; Romans believed that barbarians were inferior


a Visigoths leader, led a raid into the Italian peninsula and sacked Rome in 410 A.D


were another Germanic tribe that moved into central Europe and created a kingdom that covered most of present-day southeastern France

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