Gilded Age Test Review

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What notion is implied by Carnegie's argument? a. Failure to advance in society indicated lack of character and self-reliance. b. Good fortune was based primarily on luck. c. Government was essential to the functioning of society. d. Employers must ensure the dignity of the worker.

a. Failure to advance in society indicated lack of character and self-reliance.

William Jennings Bryan: a. called for the unrestricted mining of silver. b. angered Populists after giving a fiery convention speech denouncing the "free coinage" of silver. c. failed to win enough support from the Democratic Party as the nominee for president in 1896. d. entered politics late in life, after a successful career as a Methodist minister.

a. called for the unrestricted mining of silver.

The Civil Service Act of 1883: a. created a merit system for government workers. b. favored candidates with political influence. c. was passed in response to the assassination of President Lincoln. d. applied only to women.

a. created a merit system for government workers.

As a result of the rampant graft described in this passage, many cities and states a. instituted new rules such as recalls, initiatives, and referendums. b. changed the qualifications for participation in local politics. c. saw outbreaks of violence directed against the rich. d. were overtaken by federal regulators.

a. instituted new rules such as recalls, initiatives, and referendums.

The severe depression of 1893: a. led to increased conflict between capital and labor. b. caused little, if any, hardship. c. affected only factory workers. d. was a period in which labor and capital looked for compromise.

a. led to increased conflict between capital and labor.

The Farmers' Alliance hoped to improve American farmers' economic stress by: a. proposing the creation of government-sponsored crop warehouses. b. allocating membership dues to railroad companies who agreed to ship produce at lower rates. c. organizing the boycotting of local banks and local stores selling eastern goods. d. sponsoring Alliance "exchanges" that would pool money for investment in modern farm machinery.

a. proposing the creation of government-sponsored crop warehouses.

Which of the following most influenced the statements made by Bryan in the excerpt? a. rapid industrialization and urbanization b. the consolidation of business into trusts c. changes brought about by the "New South" d. the mechanization of agriculture-produced economic instability

a. rapid industrialization and urbanization

Which of the following groups would have given the strongest support to the ideas expressed in the excerpt? a. the Republican Party of the Gilded Age b. those opposed to the expansionist ideas of Manifest Destiny c. Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans of the 1790s d. abolitionists of the antebellum era

a. the Republican Party of the Gilded Age

What conditions made profitable farming increasingly challenging during the Gilded Age? a. the lack of access to technology b. westward expansion that devalued the land c. a steep reduction in the demand for crops d. the high rates railroads charged farmers to transport their crops

a. the lack of access to technology

The argument made by Bryan in the above excerpt represents the culmination of Gilded Age debates about which of the following issues? a. the treatment of industrial workers b. the currency issue c. the rights of African-Americans in the South d. the tariff issue

a. the treatment of industrial workers

The Knights of Labor: a. was an inclusive organization that advocated for a vast array of reforms. b. organized only skilled, white, native-born workers. c. did not admit women. d. never had more than a few hundred members.

a. was an inclusive organization that advocated for a vast array of reforms.

How did the expansion of railroads accelerate the second industrial revolution in America? a. The division of time into four zones allowed businesses to communicate by telegraph for the first time. b. Railroads created a true national market for U.S. goods. c. Large banks were now able to locate in western railroad towns. d. The adoption of a standard railroad gauge made private and federal land grants more available.

b. Railroads created a true national market for U.S. goods.

Which statement about the Haymarket Affair is FALSE? a. A bomb exploded, killing a police officer. b. The Knights of Labor was directly responsible for the violence that took place at Haymarket. c. Employers took the opportunity to paint the labor movement as a dangerous and un-American force prone to violence and controlled by foreign-born radicals. d. Seven of the eight men accused of plotting the Haymarket bombing were foreign born.

b. The Knights of Labor was directly responsible for the violence that took place at Haymarket.

How were federal troops used in the Pullman Strike of 1894? a. As moderators between the employees and employers. b. To help suppress the strikers on behalf of the owners. c. They were not used at all. d. As workers themselves, to replace the striking workers.

b. To help suppress the strikers on behalf of the owners.

Carnegie's ideas directly resulted in the a. institution of reforms aimed at alleviating poverty. b. beginning of philanthropy in the United States. c. warmongering in order to civilize backward races. d. government programs to create a social safety net.

b. beginning of philanthropy in the United States.

The 1894 Pullman Strike: a. ended with the arrival of Coxey's Army, a private security agency hired by George Pullman. b. crippled national rail service and triggered the arrest of union president Eugene V. Debs. c. despite significant violence, resulted in a rare compromise between the American Railway Union and Pullman Sleeping Cars. d. received unexpected support from Attorney General Richard Olney, who believed in the rights of railroad workers to a fair wage.

b. crippled national rail service and triggered the arrest of union president Eugene V. Debs.

The nineteenth-century labor movement argued that: a. concentrated capital was not the enemy but that corrupt politicians were. b. extremes of wealth and poverty threatened democracy. c. strikes and walkouts were exclusively a male preserve. d. meaningful freedom could exist in conditions of economic inequality, but only if the government did not oppress workers.

b. extremes of wealth and poverty threatened democracy.

The expression of agrarian discontent as a prominent national issue diminished at the turn of the century with a. a policy of imperialism. b. federal decisions that undermined the farmers' position. c. a monetary policy that made it impossible for farmers to continue their cause. d. the electoral defeat of the People's Party

b. federal decisions that undermined the farmers' position.

One significant economic impact of the second industrial revolution was: a. a more stable economy. b. frequent and prolonged economic depressions. c. higher prices. d. a more equitable distribution of wealth.

b. frequent and prolonged economic depressions.

To cope with the conditions illustrated, farmers hoped for a. an expanded economic role for the federal government. b. increased mechanization of agriculture. c. wars that would expand the territory of the United States. d. a monetary policy that would cause deflation.

b. increased mechanization of agriculture.

Carnegie's idea that "those who can will help themselves" best describes the late nineteenth century idea of a. socialism. c. communism. b. social Darwinism. d. conspicuous consumption.

b. social Darwinism.

The public became more aware of dishonest political practices during the Gilded Age as a result of a. the purity found in utopian communities. b. the work of investigative journalists. c. federal investigations. d. the experiences of soldiers at war.

b. the work of investigative journalists.

Why was William Tweed so popular with the city's immigrant poor? a. He was willing to speak truth to power. b. He fought hard for more liberal immigration laws. c. He had provided food, fuel, and patronage to them in exchange for their votes.

c. He had provided food, fuel, and patronage to them in exchange for their votes.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the significance of the 1892 strike in Homestead, Pennsylvania? a. The strikers' defeat spelled the end of future union organization by skilled industrial workers. b. Press scrutiny of the strike sent stock prices up for Carnegie Steel Company, suggesting that "all press is good press" for corporate owners. c. It demonstrated the enormous power of large corporations and reflected the belief of many working Americans that they were being denied economic independence and self-governance. d. Public outcry over the involvement of the state militia in crushing the strike prompted the resignation of Pennsylvania's governor.

c. It demonstrated the enormous power of large corporations and reflected the belief of many working Americans that they were being denied economic independence and self-governance.

Which of the following properly compares the U.S. Supreme Court's approach to organization in business and labor during the Gilded Age? a. Whereas the Court rejected the organization of big business on constitutional grounds, it supported workers' right to organize. b. The Court used the Sherman Antitrust Act liberally for the breakup of business and labor organizations. c. While the Court applied the Sherman Antitrust Act to break down unions, it proved unwilling to endorse any regulation of big business. d. Understanding the dynamics of the new industrial age, the Supreme Court allowed workers as well as businesses to organize powerful and centralized institutions.

c. While the Court applied the Sherman Antitrust Act to break down unions, it proved unwilling to endorse any regulation of big business.

The ascendancy of the American Federation of Labor during the 1890s reflected: a. the increasing radicalism of the American labor movement. b. the increasing social conscience in the American population overall. c. a shift from broad reform goals to more limited goals.

c. a shift from broad reform goals to more limited goals.

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt would have been most strongly supported by which of the following? a. western agrarian interests c. eastern industrialists b. southern plantation owners d. northern merchants

c. eastern industrialists

In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis: a. highlighted the benefits of the second industrial revolution. b. discussed the lives of wealthy Americans. c. focused on the wretched conditions of New York City slums. d. provided a fictional account of life in 1890.

c. focused on the wretched conditions of New York City slums.

( i feed you all image) This poster was inspired by a. graft and corruption in local and state politics. b. the failure of Reconstruction. c. government policies favoring big business. d. conflict with Native Americans.

c. government policies favoring big business.

Elections during the Gilded Age: a. suffered from low voter turnout. b. brought an end to Democratic control of the South. c. were closely contested affairs. d. suffered from a lack of party loyalty among voters.

c. were closely contested affairs.

Which statement about the People's Party is FALSE? a. It emerged from the Farmers' Alliance in the 1890s and claimed to speak for all the "producing classes." b. It embarked on a remarkable effort of community organization and education. c. Its platform of 1892 remains a classic document of American reform, advocating radical ideas of the day such as graduated income tax and increased democracy. d. It emerged as an urban, middle-class vehicle for social, economic, and political reform.

d. It emerged as an urban, middle-class vehicle for social, economic, and political reform.

Which statement about the theory of Social Darwinism is FALSE? a. The theory borrowed language from Charles Darwin. b. The theory argued that evolution was as natural a process in human society as in nature and that government must not interfere. c. The theory argued that failure to advance in society indicated a lack of character. d. The theory argued that the "deserving poor" only included children.

d. The theory argued that the "deserving poor" only included children.

Which statement about the 1896 election is FALSE? a. William McKinley's victory ended the political stalemate that had persisted since 1876. b. The Populist Party declined after the election. c. The election is considered the first modern presidential campaign. d. William Jennings Bryan lost because he supported the gold standard.

d. William Jennings Bryan lost because he supported the gold standard.

The term "Gilded Age" describes all of the following EXCEPT: a. a period of corruption and corporate domination of politics. b. the years between 1870 and 1890. c. the title of an 1873 novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley. d. an era where the scramble for wealth benefited all Americans equally.

d. an era where the scramble for wealth benefited all Americans equally.

Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller: a. faced no criticism for their business practices. b. led the way in social reform. c. advocated government regulation of business. d. built up giant corporations that dominated their respective markets.

d. built up giant corporations that dominated their respective markets.

The Social Gospel: a. was another term for Social Darwinism. b. was financed by corporate donations. c. was part of the Catholic Church. d. called for an equalization of wealth and power.

d. called for an equalization of wealth and power.

The Grange was an organization that: a. pushed for the eight-hour day. b. sought to raise railroad rates. c. opposed government regulation of shipping charges. d. established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output.

d. established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output.

19. The second industrial revolution was marked by: a. a return to handmade goods. b. a more equalized distribution of wealth. c. the rapid expansion of industry across the South. d. the acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries.

d. the acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries.

Farmers believed that their plight derived from all of the following EXCEPT: a. high freight rates charged by railroads. b. excessive interest rates for loans from bankers. c. the high tariff policies of the federal government. d. the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

d. the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

By 1890, the majority of Americans: a. worked as farmers. c. worked in the mining industry. b. worked as independent craftsmen. d. worked for wages.

d. worked for wages.

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