Global Aging Exam 1 Study Guide

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Sex ratio

"the number of males per 100 females"

Least developed countries

(a) very low income per person (b) economic vulnerability (c) poor human development indicators

With fewer births affects population aging

- fewer people who are "in line" to grow up and grow old in the population -fewer births = smaller number of young people being added to the population - a smaller percentage of the population as youth, and consequently a larger percentage as adults and older adults - population aging is the process of the increase int he percent of older adults

Total Fertility Rate

-estimated -group measure -assumes- average number of children born per women in a group (child bearing ages) reproductive years

What is a demographic transition

-model of a process process by which a society starts with extremely high levels of fertility and extremely high levels of mortality and over time goes to very low levels of both fertility and mortality (hight to low)

Above replacement level fertility example

1 mother: 4 daughter

What factors affect population aging? (3)

1. Fertility- adding people 2. Mortality- subtracting people 3. Migration- add/subtract people

old-age dependency ration flaw

1. older persons are quite diverse with respect to both economic activity, including labour force participation 2. not all persons in the transitional working ages are active in the labour force

4 major finding from the UN Report

1. population aging is UNPRECEDENTED- a process without parallel in the history of humanity 2. PA is PERVASIVE 3. PA is PROFOUND- major implication for all facet of human life 4. PA is ENDURING

UN recognizes how many countries?


Global population by broad age group

1980- children out number older adults 2030- children and older adults are the same number 2050- older adults out number children Biggest growth in ages 25-59

U.N. world population aging in developing countries

2/3 of the worlds older persons live in the developing regions, where their numbers are growing faster than in the developing regions. 2050- it is expected that nearly 8 in 10 of the worlds older persons will be living in the developing regions


A refugee is a person who has fled their country of origin and is unable or unwilling to return because of a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

What question does total fertility rate answer?

About how many kids are women in country x having these days?

Asylum Seeker

An asylum seeker is an individual who is seeking international protection. In countries with individualised procedures, an asylum seeker is someone whose claim has not yet been finally decided on by the country in which he or she has submitted it. Not every asylum seeker will ultimately be recognised as a refugee, but every refugee is initially an asylum seeker.

Number of persons ages 60 years or over and 80years or over by region- largest growth


Largest population on earth


Little time to deal with population change- fast speed

China, Brazil, India (less developed countries) More developed countries have had more time

Process of population aging is most advanced in what countries?

Europe and Northern America

Developed Countries (6)

European Countries Australia Canada Japan New Zealand U.S.

Example of sex ratio

Iowa county has 1,207 men and 1,390 females: number of men divided by the number of females, time 100 1207/1390= .868 multiplied by 100= 86.8 answer- there are 86.8 males per 100 females in Iowa County

Averages and life expectation

Mode- age at which most people die (most comm age at death) Median- age at which half the people who die are older than this Mean- add up all the remaining years of life and divide by the number of people

Replacement level fertility

Occurs when women are having, on average, about 1 daughter: 1 mother: 1 daughter Some say 2:1 due to both parents

What is happening in developed countries in comparison to developing countries in population aging?

Older population of developing regions is growing much faster than in developed regions. Developing regions are home to a growing share of the worlds older population

Developed countries population aging

Overall increase of people aged 60 and over specifically in less developed countries Largest increase in number of people aged 60 and over in less developed countries

Interpreting change graphs

Projected change in the number check y-axis

What are the classic stages of demographic transition?

Stage 1- birth rates/death rates very high Stage 2- beginning of change, death rated decrease/ birth rates stay the same Stage 3- deaths low/ birth rates decrease Stage 4- birth/death are the same, both low

Population size within demographic transition

Stage 1- population low and steady Stage 2- population increase fewer deaths Stage 3- population growing Stage 4- population increases leveling out (stabilize)

T or F: Growth in the number of older persons is a global phenomenon- every country in the world will experience a substantial increase in size


T or F: Population aging will be the essential characteristic during the 21st century


T or F: The large declines in mortality and fertility during the second half of the 20th century will produce rapid aging in most parts of the world (2005-2030)


Fertility rates

World wide the number of children per women declined over time

Ways to classify countries: depends (3)

Year Purpose Source

What is a country?

a country is a political entity that maintains total sovereignty over its territory and people

Life span definition-

a theoretical biological maximum length of life that could be achieved under ideal conditions


add all the values and divide by the number of values

Population pyramid defintion

age structure, sex structure, compare across populations, compare same country across time

Life expectation can be calculated at..

any age by population different periods of time (years)

population pyramid

base-most people top-fewer people

Stage 3

birth rate- falling death rate- falls more slowly Natural increase- increase slows down population growth continues, at a lower rate developing countries approaching replacement 2:1

Stage 2

birth rate- high death rate- falls rapidly Natural increase- very rapid increase rapid population growth- births outnumber deaths least developed countries

Stage 1

birth rate- high death rate- high Natural increase- stable or slow increase population size remains oily constant but have major swings relatively equal- little change in total population

Stage 4

birth rate- low death rate- low Natural increase- falling and then stable stabilizing the population most developed countries

Stage 5

birth rate- rising again death rate- low Natural increase- stable or slow increase

Aspects of the dependency ratio

child- less than 15 years of age older adult- age 65 or older variations- child- could be up to 20 or 18 years of age older adult could be age 60+

Total dependency ration

children + older adults together compared against the working age

Prospective old-age dependency ratio

chronological age- years since birth prospective aging-years of life remaining (years til death) related to the concept of "life expectation"

Life expectation

closest to a "mean age at death" for a group of people, calculated at a certain age average remaining year of life average remaining years of life for a group

Prospective old-age dependency ratio (POADR)

considers years of like remaining as a proxy for dependency rather than years of life already lived (chronological age) notion that the onset of dependency may be delayed as life expectancy increases

Total life expectancy

disabled life expectancy + active life expectancy

Developing countries experiencing demographic transition

experience rapid population aging- not only is the percent of older adults increasing- so is the number very quickly

Hallmark of population aging

explains the experience of how populations have 'ages" (in terms of percentages)

Biggest driver in population aging in the 20th century-

fertility changes (decrease)

Replacement fertility rates

fertility rates decreased overall below replacement level (parents not being replaced)

Old-age dependency ratio (OADR)

focuses on the adult ages, ratio of person aged 65 or over to those in the traditional working ages, 20-64 years describes trends in the implied dependency associated with a growing proportion of the population at older ages

Declines in fertility

growth in the absolute number of older persons will occur in the context of low or declining fertility: leading to increasing shares of older persons

Median age of a population

half people are older


half-way point

Prospective age

how many years away from death, based on life expectancy

Define speed of population aging

how many years did it take the country's older adults population to increase from 10-20% of the total population? timing in years

Life span

human life span is through to be about 120 years does not change

Immigration (in-migration)

in country Immigrate means you are coming in to a country to live

Define timing of population aging

in what year did the proportion of older adults begin to exceed x percent of the population? (x can be 6% of 10%)

Pull factor (attracting to migrate)

increased opportunity freedom/safety family reunification adventure

Over time fertility declines (fewer births)

influence population aging by reducing the size of successive new cohorts-and therefore lowering the proportions in the youngest age groups

Life expectation

is usually calculated "at birth" although it can be calculated at any age because it means "average number of years a GROUP of people can expect to live"

Child dependency ration

kids "too young to work" compared with "working age population"

Push factor to leave home country

lack of opportunity persecution natural disasters adventure (political-legal-religion)

Developing countries in population aging of speed and timing

later and quicker

Emigration (out-migration)

leave country Emigrate means you are exiting your current homeland

More births =

male overall per female births

Life expectation =


Least important factor


Model age at retirement

most common age at retirement


most frequent number in a set most common number

Issues with dependency ratio

not completely accurate- stigmatizing, does not take into account other factors

Healthy Life Expectancy- HALE

number of health years, free from disability that a person can expect to live given the current trends in death average number of years lived without ill health


number of persons age 65 and older compared to the number ages 20-64 age 65+ divided by ages 20-64 x 100 number of 65+ for every 100 working age


number of persons age 70+ (at whatever age le=15) compared to the number ages 20-69 Age 70+ divided by ages 20-69 number of 70+ for every working age

Growth in the percent % of older adults

occurs more quickly in the context of rapid fertility declines

Older adults

older people "too old to work" compared to "working age group"

Terminal age group

oldest of the old

What is meant by "timing"


Total dependency ratio describes the trends in

population age structure according to the ratio of persons at all of the dependent ages to those in the working ages

cone-shaped population pyramid

population aging

Demographic transition has implications of

population structure and size

Total dependency ration is a measure of..

potential support needs. It is based on the notion of childhood and old age as periods of dependency, during which persons tend to rely upon the working-age population for financial support

Reasons for leaving



refers to the actual reproductive performance of a population number of live births occurring in a population

Demographic transition

related to fertility and mortality

Countries that had high fertility 60 years ago-

saw faster growth in the numbers of older persons 2010-2015

Early population mortality declines

tend to young the age structure- because more children survive

Sex Ratio- if a country has a sex ration of 100...

that means there are 100 men per 100 women, or the same number of men and women

Life expectancy definition-

the average length of time the members of a population can expect to live

What is population aging?

the increasing proportion (percentage) of persons aged 60 (in some reports age 65+) and older in the population

Sex ratios can be calculated for..(2)

total population (all ages) certain age groups

Dependency Ratio: child dependency ratio example

total population= 5,000 children > 20= 700 people 20-64= 4000 people age 65+ = 300 700/4000 x 100 = 17.5 for every 100 working age people, there are 17.5 children i this population

Natural increase

when the number of births exceeds the number of deaths in a population births-deaths more births

How to read a population pyramid

who-area (city, state, country) what- data are in number or percent when- year of data -cross-sectional (one point in time)

What is meant by "speed"


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