Global History 11

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often to pay back debt, a government will do two things. One, they will cut back on the amount of money they spend. Two, they will raise taxes. Based on you understanding of the estates system, if the king raised taxes in 1789, who would have to pay them?

3rd estate.

Why do you think Napoleon's body was enshrined in France after his death?

Because of his achievements in laws education and standard of France

What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?

Create Stability throughout Europe

What were the effects of Napoleon's reforms in education? How did those reforms affect women differently than men?

Created lyce's urged engineering and math to be studied.

How did Napoleon gain popularity and power in France?

He was a great military leader.

What led to Napoleon's fall from power?

His invasion to Russia

What issues caused by the Reign of Terror did the Constitution of 1795 and the Directory attempt to address?

It tired to address limiting power of one person

How did Louis XVIII's form of government differ from the previous monarchy?

It was a constitutional monarch had absolute and unlimited power.

which Enlightenment philosopher's ideas are reflected in the Declaration of the rights men and the citizen?

John Locke

Why was Napoleon's crowning as emperor of France a significant event of the French Revolution?

Napoleon has reinstated hereditary rules. Which was the same as the king.

What were the outcomes of the Congress of Vienna?

Returned Europe to pre-napoleon boundaries, and attempted to prevent France from getting power again

. What made the Directory a weak ruling body?

The Directory functioned as the head of the government, but it was weak and poorly funded and struggled to enforce government policies, often having to rely on the military to maintain order

Why was monarchy restored in France in 1815?

To try and created stability

What were the effects of the Napoleonic Code? How did it affect women differently than men?

Unfired system of law. All of France was covered by the same laws. Women could not own property. Lost child rights and couldn't own property.

why did the revolutionary French government declare war on European monarchs?

because they didn't want European invasion in France

under the estates system, what are the three social classes?

clegry,nobles, peasants, city workers.

powers held by Louis XVl how might this power lead some French people revolt against their government?

controlled, free speech= the french wanted to speak freely about the issue in their society made laws and enforced them without any reason = people were treated unfairly.

what was the purpose of the reign of Terror?

elimination to people who were against the revolution

what rights are identified in the Declaration of the rights of Man and the citizen?

equality under the law freedom of speech basic freedom.

what happened in the summer of 1799 and spring of 1789 to make the economic situation worse? What were the effects of these events?

food shortage.

as the financial problems in France escalated, what did Louis XVI do?

he fired and hired people financial

which issues in France in the 1780s would have been addressed if the Declaration of the rights of men and the citizen?

inequality of the third estate.

why was bread so important in France?

it was their main food source

who was Maximilien Robespierre

lead of the region terror

what are the three natural rights that Locke lists at the end of this excerpt?

life,liberty, and property.

What did the Constitution of 1791 accomplish for the French revolutionaries?

limited monarchy

what was the result of the rise in bead prices in 1788-1789

people can't buy food

what problems did the National Convention face? how did this problem impact how revolutionary leaders began to treat suspected traitors within France?

suspected traitors were executed

based on the image above, identify at least social or economic issues facing pre-revolutionary France.

taxes and distribution land

what does image 3 reveal about social and economic issues in pre-revolutionary France?

the 1st and 2nd estates were completely reliant on the 3rd estates.

under the estates system, which social class was taxed the most?

the 3rd estates did most of the taxes

under the system, which class was the largest portion of the population?

the 3rd estates has the largest portion of the population

based on the images, video, and text above, identify the economic issued facing pre-revolutionary France?

the French government is in debt.

on January 28, 1793, what was decided about king Louis XVI

the king was executed

how might these issued lead the french people to revolt against their government?

the system was unfair to the 3rd estate

According to the pie chart, which groups suffered the most of Terror? Based on what you've learned about the goals of the French Revolution, why is this impact unexpected or surprising?

the working class.

what does Locke mean when he says, "the enjoyment of rights in the state of nature is unsafe and insecure?" can you think of an example of this?

there is no government to tell you what to do.

according to John Locke, why would a person "put himself under the control of any person or institution," like a government?

they do not know that they are free

according to Locke, what have "all peaceful beginnings of government" had in common? why do you think that might lead to a more peaceful government?

they had the permission of the people .

what actions did the committee pf public Safety take during reign of Terror to expand the revolution and fight

they suspected freedom of the press and equal rights of the laws

how did king Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette respond to these changes? why

they tired to escape.

how do revolutionaries respond to the execution of king Louis XVI

they were celebrating.

describe what the revolutionaries did to the prisoners

they were executed

what happened to over 1,000 people suspected of being traitors

they were in prison

why might members of the National Assembly support abolishing the feudal system

they were members of the 3rd Estate. it would give them equal treatment

how might these economic issues have led the French people to revolt against their government?

they were spying high taxes and didn't even feed their family.

according to the historian,Robespierre said, "you have to kill so the revolution can live". what does their goals?

they were willing to kill the in order for the ideas of revolutions to carry on

why were European monarchs concerned in 1792?

they were worried that the revolutionary ideas would spread to their counties.

why did the committee of Public Safety form?

to protect against internal and external enemies

Robespierre realized that the massacre went too far and that the revolutionaries need a leader, He comes forward. what is the first decision he made as he new leader of the revolutionaries?

to put the king on trial

what did the kings of France spend money on put the country into debt?

war,place, and parties

which of these costs seem justified? which costs seem unjustified?

wars,places, and parties

what do you think Locke means by "state of nature"

without any outside restriction is free

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