GNED 06 Lecture 2: Historical Antecedents of the World Transcript

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Maya, Aztec, Inca

3 flourishing civilizations

Inertia, Acceleration and Interaction

3 laws of Motion

Mesolithic Period

Agriculture was introduced during this time, which led to more permanent settlements in villages.

Iron Age

Agriculture, art, and religion all became more sophisticated, and writing systems and written documentation, including alphabets, began to emerge, ushering in the early historical period.

Paleolithic Period

Also known as Old Stone period.


Another civilization who recorded astronomical observations in stone sculptures.

smelting pits

(equipment for smelting)

Iron Age

At this time, iron was seen as more precious than gold!

Charles Darwin

Famous for his theory of evolution in which he wrote a full account of in his book entitled "On the Origin of Species."


Form the word Paleolithic, paleo means?

Neolithic Period

New Stone Age

Mayan solar calendar

Most notable inventions of Mayans that sparked intrigue and even fear some 8 years ago (2012

Bronze Age

Organized government, law and warfare, as well as beginnings of religion, also came into play during this Age.

Mesolithic Period

People in this period often lived nomadically in camps near rivers and other bodies of water.

Neolithic Period

People in this time, used polished hand axes for ploughing and tilling the land and started to settle in the plains.

Neolithic Period

People in this times, domesticated animals and cultivated cereal grains


Some peasants were free, but most became serfs to a lord.

Creativity, curiosity and critical thinking

The 3 Cs when merged are the characteristics of a scientist influencing the ideas, discoveries, and technologies developed and produced. What are those?

India: Middle Ages

The Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine was also developed during this time in India which is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit.

Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic

The stone age is divided into three separate periods , what are those ?


They made pyramids made out of limestone as a display of their architectural prowess.


They practiced farming by slash and burn, meaning that they clear forested lands by cutting trees and plants and burning the remaining vegetation to create a land for agriculture.


They recorded astronomical observations in stone sculptures.


They were also the ones to develop metallurgy (science of smelting).


They were the ones to divide a year in 12 months.

Information Age

This brought about changes in the society from traditionally industrialized to one reliant on information computerization.

Information Age

This era brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge easily

Stone Age

This era is marked by the invention and use of stone tools by our early human ancestors and the eventual transformation of the society from a culture of hunting and gathering to farming and food production.

Industrial Revolution

This era is the time when the manufacture of goods moved from small shops and homes to large factories.

Stone Age

This period is practically difficult for our ancestors because resources are not abundant, and they are also living in the midst of wild animals making them easy targets/prey.

Mesolithic Period

This period marked the end of the last Ice Age, which resulted in the extinction of many large mammals (like mammoths) and rising sea levels and climate change that eventually caused man to migrate.

Industrial Revolution

This revolution started in the Great Britain.

Post-Gutenberg Revolution

This revolution's hallmark was the use of computers, internet, and other information technologies such as the world wide web.

On the Origin of Species

This theory states that diverse groups of animals evolve from one or a few common ancestors.


This tool was also used for digging the ground and stitching clothes.


This willingness to be ruled by the lords led to the beginnings of?


Throughout this period humans were food gatherers/hunters, depending on hunting wild animals and birds, fishing, and collecting wild fruits, nuts, and berries.


What first compasses made of ? this also was a magnetized stone of iron, in Han dynasty.


Which law states that an object at rest/in motion will remain at rest/in motion unless acted upon by a force


Which law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine

a medicine that was also developed Middle Ages in India which is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit.

smelting Iron

a metal harder than copper and tin, requires a more intensive process and with the development of better smelting pits (equipment for smelting) that the ability to produce higher temperatures paved the way to the extraction of iron from ores.


a model in which sun is the center of the universe rather than the earth.

pit houses

a temporary shelters that they can bring with them and reassemble to a new location (due to their lifestyle).

Iron Age

agricultural tools were produced in this age making agriculture a lot easier than the previous period.

Mesolithic Period

also known as Middle Stone Age

Middle Ages

also known as the medieval period and has started with the fall of the Roman Empire and has lasted for 1,000 years until 1450

Christopher Columbus

an Italian master navigator, completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that opened the way for European exploration, exploitation, and colonization of the Americas.


an early type of seismograph that determine the presence and direction of an earthquake.


an event or condition that happened before something.

technological advancement

arose earlier than scientific discoveries

Information Age

began around the 1970s and is still going on today. It is also known as the computer age, digital age, or new media age.


carving of a voluptuous woman out of ivory of stone.


composed of people's internalized ideals (what is right and what is wrong) acquired from parents and society and works to suppress the impulsive urges.

Nicolaus Copernicus

he proposed heliocentrism in which sun is the center of the universe rather than the earth. It was later on proven to be true with the invention of telescopes.


is made up of the unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires.

Scientific Revolution

is very significant in the development of human, formulation of scientific ideas, and transformation of the society.

fur clothing

it is made from the fur of the animals they hunted.


it is made up of 88% copper and 12% tin.

magnetic compass

it provides direction to European mariners/conquistadors and of course the clock.

horse collar

it pulls on horse's shoulders to enable it to plough and carry wagons.


it rotates and generate electricity from that movement

Chinese Paper Making

it started in 140 BC but was officially used in writing at a later time (105 AD). The early uses of this paper were for clothing, wall décor, artworks, and even in toilets.

Bronze Age

it was during this time that ancient Egyptians built their pyramids to honor their dead pharaohs.


knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction.

Industrial Revolution

marked a period of development in the latter period of the 18th century that transformed largely rural, agrarian societies in Europe and America into industrialized, urban ones.

slash and burn

meaning is to clear forested lands by cutting trees and plants and burning the remaining vegetation to create a land for agriculture.


mediates the demands of the id, superego, and reality.


model in which Earth was considered the center of the universe, was the one generally believed to be true. It was proposed by Ptolemy of Alexandria.

horse collar, watermill, magnetic compass

most notable inventions by Europeans in Middle Ages.

Bronze Age

the earliest written accounts, including Egyptian hieroglyphs and petroglyphs (rock engravings), are also dated to this age.

Scientific Revolution

the name given to this period of drastic change in scientific thought that took place during the 16th and 17th centuries.


these are obtained from ores (a naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be extracted) through smelting


they develop the concepts square root and linear equation.


they excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar-making, and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount of impressive architecture and symbolic artwork.


they used cocoa beans as monetary units.


this is a small stone tools used by people in Mesolithic Period and sometimes crafted with points and attached to antlers, bone or wood to serve as spears and arrows.

Law of Planetary Motion

this law states that all planets revolve around the sun in an elliptical and not circular orbits.

Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age

three different archaeological periods


used as weapons for military activities.


used as weapons for military activities.

wheel barrow

used to carry heavy loads


used to carry heavy loads as well as carry royalties around when they need to travel.


utilized more advanced farming method, which is terraces farming just like what the Igorots did in Benguet.


was first smelted from ore in South Caucasus (a region presently occupied by Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan).


what do you call on the books printed using these presses in the beginning of the Gutenberg era


which law states that acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass.

technological advancement

will not be possible without early humans who have the skills or even instinct to create.


word came from lithos meaning stone.


In paleolithic period, human considered as _________ with no permanent shelters.

Ilamas and Alpacas

Incas made their clothes by removing animals' fluffy wool. What animals is this ?

Isaac Newton

He proposed Law of Motion

Johanes Kepler

He proposed the law of Planetary Motion

Sigmund Freud

He proposed the theory of personality revolved around the three components of the mind, namely the id, ego, and superego

Bronze Age

During this age, advances in metalworking were made, as bronze, a copper and tin alloy, was discovered.

Egyptian Hieroglyphics and petroglyphs

Earliest written accounts

Seismoscope, Chinese Paper Making, Magnetic Compass, Cannon, Acupuncture, First movable type printing, gun powder, Wheel barrow, Wagons

Give useful inventions made by Medieval Chinese during Middle Gaes

Charles Babbage

He designed a device called the analytical engine.

Hand Axes

In Neolithic Period, People used this tool for ploughing and tilling the land and started to settle in the plains.

Scientific Revolution

It is characterized by an emphasis on abstract reasoning, quantitative thought, an understanding of how nature works, the view of nature as a machine, and the development of an experimental scientific method.


It is not definite as to what this carving means to the early humans, but historians infer that this is an ancient representation of beauty while for some, a penchant for fertility.

Scientific Revolution

It replaced the Greek view of nature (more on philosophical rather than empirical) that had dominated science for almost 2,000 years ago.

Analytical Engine

It was a general-purpose device that could compute many different problems. It was to be digital, automatic, mechanical, and controlled by variable programs.

Ayurvedic medicine

Its main goal is not to fight diseases but to promote good health

Middle Ages

Life in Europe was very hard in this Ages

Gutenbergs Bible

The first book of any note to be printed with movable type printer and was published in 1456

Dark Ages

The beginning of the Middle Ages is called what?

Middle Ages

The beginning of this age was called Dark Ages because the great civilizations of Rome and Greece had been conquered.

Johannes Guttenberg

The first European to successfully use movable type printing

Paleolithic Period

personal ornaments and crude (not polished) hunting tools made of stone were invented during this time.

Neolithic Period

during this period, ancient humans switched from hunter/gatherer mode to agriculture and food production.

human sacrifice

one peculiar ritual of the Aztecs

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