Goat Study Guide

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What is an experimental dairy goat?

Result of breeding two different pure breeds.

What are the parts of the stomach?

Rumen, omasum, abomasum, reticulum

What is it called when goats chew their cud?


Name a dairy breed characterized by white or cream color.


What is the largest breed of dairy goat?


Which breed of goat produces the most milk?


What mineral prevents white muscle disease?


What is the father of a goat called?


What country did the boer goat originate from?

South Africa

Where did the first dairy goat breed come from?


Where are La Mancha goats tattooed?

Tail Web

What is freshening/parturition

The act of a goat giving birth

What are the best cuts of meat on a goat?

The loin, thigh/leg, brisket, and the rack.

What is the normal body temperature of a goat?


What is the normal temperature of a goat?


How much milk can a Nigerian dwarf produce?

2-8 pounds of milk.

What is the average length between heats?

21 days

How many days is a standard lactation period?

305 days

When do you disband a baby goat?

4-7 days

When should a kid be disbudded?

4-7 days or as soon as horns may be felt.

What is the average weight of a newborn goat?

4-7 pounds

What is a goat gestation period?

5 months

When does milk peak production occur?

6-8 weeks after kidding

Name products made from goat milk.

Cheese, ice cream, yogurt, fudge, butter, and soap.

What is goat meat called?


What is rumination?

Chewing their cud

Which direction should goats be lead into the show ring?


What is CDT Vaccine?

Clostridium Perfringens types C and D and tetanus.

Name a disease, and its symptoms, treatment, and prevention.

Coccidiosis, diarrhea, and Paratuberculosis.

What is the first milk of a doe called?


What is a doe's first milk called?

Colostrum, it provides antibodies and laxatives.

What is it called when hocks turn inward?

Cow Hocks

What is the mother of a goat called?


What is scours?

Diarrhea caused by dehydration

What are 2 parts of a goat that can be tattooed?

Ears and tail web.

What is mastitis?

Inflamed mammary glands. It is usually caused by poor hygienic practices and living quarters of the doe, making bacteria grow in the udder and making it inflamed. It is treated with antibiotic injections, along with massaging the udders and applying ice packs.

What colors do Nigerian Dwarf goats come in?

Gold, black, cream, chocolate, solid white, different shades of buckskin, chamoisee, and Swiss marked.

What does stature refer to in goats?


What do you feed your goat?

I free feed my goat rolled oats, which provides him with carbohydrates to keep him full, but makes sure he doesn't get fat, which Nigerian Dwarves are very prone to doing. Alfalfa pellets provide potassium and a good source of fiber, as well as carbohydrates. Sunflower seeds keep their coats very nice and shiny. Baking soda is free fed to keep their digestive system acidity in balance. Fresh, clean water is available at all times.

When should a goat kid if it was bred in November?

In 5 months, April.

Why is a stainless steel container best for milking a goat?

It is easiest to sanitize

What is freshening?


What is a goat breed characterized by tiny ears?

La Mancha

What are some characteristics of a Toggenburg?

Light fawn to dark chocolate color with white ears, facial stripes, and lower legs.

What is an intramuscular injection?

Medication given deep into the muscles.

What problem occurs by feeding too much calcium late in the pregnancy?

Milk fever, which is when the body gets so much calcium that it begins to reject it, and ends up losing a very dangerous amount of it once lactating. Signs include lethargy and poor appetite.

Which dairy goat breed is not standard size?

Nigerian Dwarf Goat

Is the conformation of the goat considered in showmanship?


What is the normal position for a goat at birth?

Nose and feet forward.

What is the normal presentation of a goat at birth?

Nose and feet forward.

What is a dairy breed of goat with long ears?


Name two breeds of goats with roman noses.

Nubian and boers.

What is lactation?

Period of time a goat produces milk.

What is another name for afterbirth?


What is a goat called that naturally has no horns?


What is the use of selenium?

Prevents white muscle disease.

Where did the La Mancha originate?


What part of the doe produces milk?


Which teeth do goats lack?

Upper incisors and canines

What would you change about your goat?

(answers vary)

What is a pedigree?

A description of a goat's ancestry.

Name 8 dairy goat breeds.

Alpine, La Mancha, Nigerian, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Sables, and Toggenburg.

What are the 8 recognized breeds in the ADGA?

Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Toggenburg, Nigerian Dwarf, Oberhasli, and Sable.

What are some other dairy goat breeds?

Alpine, Nubian, La macha, Sable, Toggenburg, Oberhasli

What is the ABGA?

American Boer Goat Association

What is the ADGA?

American Dairy Goat Association

What is an intramuscular injection?

An injection placed in the muscle

Why do kids need colostrum?

Antibodies and Laxative.

What are the 4 points that ADGA scores on?

Appearance, dairy character, body capacity and mammary system.

What is AI?

Artificial Insemination

Name a meat breed of goat with long ears


How often does a goat come into heat?

Every 21 days to a month.

Define bloat

Excess gas in the rumen.

What is bloat?

Excess gas in the rumen.

What season are goats most likely to be bred?


Name two reasons why a goat's temperature may be elevated.

Fever, hot day, or racing around.

What is CAE?

Goat arthritis, and it is not common in goat breeds.

What is chèvre?

Goat cheese

Tell me about your goat (piper)

This is my 3 year old Nigerian Dwarf named Piper. Piper is currently 4 1/2 months pregnant, and this is her second time having kids. Nigerian Dwarves are a miniature milking breed that originated in West Africa. They can produce as much as 8 pounds of milk per day. As Nigerian Dwarves became more well known, they were commonly found in zoos. But, later on when they moved to the US, people no longer saw NDs as an ornament in zoos, but more a producer of delicious, high fat milk. Their milk is most known for tasting just like cow milk, with no musty weird flavor that many goat milks have. They also make fabulous pets and can be found in the backyards of many homes today. They come in many colors and can stand anywhere from 19 to 24 inches at the withers.

Tell me about your goat (Rowdy)

This is my 3 year old Nigerian Dwarf, Rowdy. This breed is used for mainly milk, and originated in West Africa. They are used for this purpose because they can produce as much as 8 pounds of milk per day! They were originally taken on ships to the United States to be meat/food for carnivores living at zoos. The goats that survived were found as pets in the zoo exhibits. Their milk became well known for its high fat, and taste similar to cow milk, and it is less likely for someone to be allergic to this milk, due to its nutrients. They come in colors such as gold, black, cream, chocolate, solid white, different shades of buckskin, chamoisee, and Swiss marked. Lastly, they grow to 19-24 inches at the withers, and their scientific name is, Capra Aegagrus Hircus.

Why is it helpful to practice showmanship?

To recognize faults in the animal and present them in their best way.

Why should you wash a does udder?

To sanitize for the kid and to stimulate milk letdown.

How do you fit a goat for show?

Trim hooves, bathe, and clip.

How do you stimulate milk let down on a doe?

Wash and massage the udder.

What is the most important nutrient for your goat?


"Show me the back" (parts of the back)

Whithers, chine, loin, rump

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