Google Ads Apps Certification

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Match statement about machine learning with the related benefit of Google App campaigns. The complexity of creative A/B testing and the possibility of human bias disappear with an automated approach to campaign management. Simplicity, Relevance, or Reach


By selecting in-app actions as the focus of your campaign, you want to get users who __

install the app and are likely to perform the in-app actions of your choice.

T/F Assets can be added into Google Ads manually by advertisers or auto-generated from content within the app's Google Play and Apple App Store listings.


T/F In fact, according to a 2018 study by MIT Sloan Management Review and Google, 63% of organizations have reported investing in machine learning, while 85% of measurement leaders are prioritizing this technology.


Ad assets

individual elements such as lines of text, individual images, or videos that are combined automatically in an App campaign to create ads.

Match statement about machine learning with the related benefit of Google App campaigns. Greater inventory and more ad formats means machine learning can serve ads to a wide audience of interested users. Simplicity, Relevance, or Reach


Images can be __ or __ format, with a maximum size of 150KB. Image assets can be either landscape (1.91:1) or square (1:1).

.jpg, .png

How to finalize your bidding settings (4)

1. Choose a focus for your campaign. 2. Your bidding strategy will be automatically selected based on your campaign focus and target users. Enter an amount for your bid. If you're already running another campaign with tCPI or tCPA, use those as a starting bid. Otherwise, think about how much the specific conversion event is worth to your business. 3. Now that you've set a bid, go back to make sure your budget is high enough. 4. Set the campaign's start and end dates, then select Save and Continue.

How to select campaign settings (4 steps)

1. Name your campaign. 2. Set location targeting. 3. Target all the languages that your app supports. 4. Select your currency and enter your budget.

Implement conversion tracking in 3 steps:

1. Pick an analytics tool to track conversions 2. Link your analytics provider with your Google Ads account 3. Import your data to Google Ads

How to start a new campaign (8):

1. Sign into Google Ads 2. Navigate to the vertical menu on the left and select Campaigns. 3. Select the plus button, then select New campaign from the dropdown. 4. Select your campaign goal. Nadia selects App promotion. 5. Select the campaign subtype. Nadia sees that she has three options for campaign subtype: App installs, App engagement, and App pre-registration. Since Nadia is focused on growing installs for YourAdventure, she selects App installs. 6. Select the mobile app's platform. 7. Search for your app in the app search field and select it from the results dropdown. 8. Select Continue.

A daily budget should be at least __ times the target CPA. So if your target CPA is $20, set a budget that's at least $200.


Machine learning helps Gmail block around __ spam messages every day.

100 million

Each image ad group can have up to __ images.


__ out of 4 users downloaded an app and then forgot it was on their phone.


There will be __ smartphone users worldwide by 2021, according to Newzoo.

3.8 billion

For a campaign to run well, you'll need to have at least __ unique user-completed conversion events (install or in-app action) over a 30-day period.


Over the past two years, app downloads have grown __ and app store consumer spend is growing 75% globally, according to App Annie.


Shopping apps generate __ conversion rates than mobile web, have higher average order values, and have lower abandonment rates. According to Criteo, time in shopping apps globally grew to 18 billion hours in 2018, up 45% from 2016.


In 2019, transactions via banking apps outnumbered in-person transactions by __.


A daily budget should be at least __ times the target CPI. So if your target CPI is $2, set a budget that's at least $100.


user engagement is __ higher when an app is downloaded from an ad rather than downloaded organically.


__% of app users churn within 3 months


61% of app downloaders discover apps through digital sources. __% of these digital sources are ads.


While on mobile devices, users spend __ of their time in apps, according to eMarketer.


What additional controls do advertisers have?

Advertisers can exclude up to 65,000 placements (websites, YouTube channels, videos, and mobile apps) per account.

Google Analytics for Firebase SDK key benefits

App analytics are unlimited, allowing for rich data collection that powers machine-learning in App campaigns. Automatic setup and out-of-the-box reporting make uncovering insights such as First Opens, Session Starts, and In-App Purchases easy. Data collection is transparent and secure. As part of the Google suite of products, user transparency and privacy controls are easily accessible and found in one place. Integration is seamless, with app developer tools like push notifications, A/B testing, and Remote Config. Get access to upcoming releases in unified app and web reporting.

What safety measures are in place by default?

App campaigns are opted out of certain inappropriate or graphic content, which is customizable in the content exclusions page of campaign settings.

An education company is preparing to run a marketing campaign for their app. Identify three factors the company should consider when determining the objectives for their upcoming campaign. Business goals App-specific goals Competitor strategy Stage of app maturity

Business goals App-specific goals Stage of app maturity

phase: maturity objective:

Churn management and/or Cross Promo

most basic tracking solution

Codeless tracking with Google Play

T/F Ad assets are not used in combinations


T/F Targeting locations more granularly than country-level is recommended.


industry-specific events for dating

First open Profile completion Specific session start or session duration Community engagement Matched/indicated interest Subscription/purchase

industry-specific events for finance

First open Registration/sign-in Completed profile Contacted/called bank Add a deposit Signed up for credit card

industry-specific events for health and fitness

First open Session start or duration Activity after inactivity Registration/sign-in Workout video played Completed profile

industry-specific events for travel

Flight search Registration Hotel room selection Contacted/called Add to cart Coupon redemption

Before starting any app advertising, marketing teams should work with developer teams to track data for Android and iOS apps using one of 3 options

Google Analytics for Firebase SDK App attribution partners Codeless tracking with Google Play


Google's app development platform and has 18 products, one of them being Google Analytics for Firebase, our best-in-class app analytics tool. It measures in-app behavior and enables you to make informed decisions regarding app marketing and performance optimizations.

industry-specific events for retail

Item search Wishlist Contacted/called Add to cart Coupon redemption Add payment Checkout initiated/completed

Match statement about machine learning with the related benefit of Google App campaigns. Machine learning processes massive amounts of data to deliver the most effective message to the right user at the right time. Simplicity, Relevance, or Reach


All apps need an __ to track in-app behavior for attribution and ROI calculations.


industry-specific events for food delivery

Search item Favorites Coupon redemption Referral Add payment Add to cart Checkout initiated


Software Development Kit

industry-specific events for entertainment

Specific session start or duration Became active after inactivity Video/audio played Invites users Engagement with special content Subscription/purchase

bid strategy for in-app actions

The campaign will optimize toward a tCPA. The system will use selected in-app event outcomes of past auctions to predict the likelihood of the number of in-app events to occur and adjust bids accordingly, with the intent to acquire users completing that event at your tCPA.

bid strategy for Users likely to perform a specific in-app action

The campaign will optimize toward tCPI, focusing on installs that have a higher probability of the selected in-app event.

Codeless tracking with Google Play

This is the most basic tracking solution, which only tracks Android app installs and in-app purchases made through the Google Play store. It doesn't require editing an app's code or using a third-party analytics tool.

industry-specific events for education

Trial/demo completion Specific session start or duration Became active after inactivity Invites users Content played Used FAQ feature Subscription/purchase

industry-specific events for gaming

Tutorial completion Invites users Level up Community engagement Level completion Spend virtual currency

App attribution partners

Various app analytics providers have SDKs that may be used to track and measure mobile app conversions. Having SDKs in place from both Firebase and other measurement partners helps make your measurement more comprehensive. To ensure seamless data integration and access to the latest app measurement features in Google Ads, we recommend using a Google-certified app attribution partner (AAP). These partners are integrated with Google conversion tracking and committed to providing best-in-class reporting for campaigns.

Questions to ask when determining how your app fits into your overall marketing strategy:

What unique utility does the app provide to consumers? Does the app serve a specific role in the customer journey vs. other channels like web or in-store? What impact does a successful app have on the business?

app launch stage

When an app is first launched, new users and installs matter a lot. An app in this stage needs growth in installs, users, and daily/monthly active users. If a company already has a target cost-per-install (CPI) goal from other app campaigns, start there. If there isn't a set CPI goal, consider: what is an app install or a new user worth to the business overall?

app growth stage

When an app is in growth mode, installs matter, but so do the actions users take in the app. An app in this stage needs install/user growth as well as increased revenue from in-app actions. If a company knows that in-app purchases are valuable to their business, they can match a specific value with specific events. In this case, the system will optimize for new users - with a focus on ones that are most valuable to their business.

app maturity stage

When an app is well-established, it has a large user base. An app in this stage needs new users who complete valuable actions within the app. An app might have an established cost-per-acquisition (CPA) goal overall or be able to place set dollar values on specific user actions (like a purchase or add-to-cart). With a refined CPA, a company can target user actions that are known to be valuable.

app engagement stage

When an app is well-established, it has a large volume of existing customers. An app in this stage needs to ensure those customers keep coming back. Re-engaging customers who have downloaded but not used the app in a while leads to increased customer retention and reduced churn. Encouraging customers to take specific action within the app increases long-term revenue from your active users.

bid strategy for all users setting

With this selection, a campaign will optimize toward a target cost-per-install (tCPI). This means that the system will use the outcome of past auctions to predict the likelihood of an install and adjust bids accordingly, with the intent to acquire users at your tCPI.

assets are organized in ad groups around __, __, or __. Ad creatives are only created from combinations of assets within an ad group

a specific theme, audience, or message.


actions people do in an app, like sign in, click on an image, or watch a video. When events are measured by an analytics tool, the data can be analyzed using machine learning to better understand customer behavior and improve performance of marketing campaigns.

Additional ad groups may be created after __

all campaign settings are complete.

Within install volume, there are two user groups to target:

all users or users likely to perform an in-app action


app attribution partner

To ensure seamless data integration and access to the latest app measurement features in Google Ads, we recommend using a Google-certified __. These partners are integrated with Google conversion tracking and committed to providing best-in-class reporting for campaigns.

app attribution partner (AAP)

campaign subtypes (3)

app installs app engagement App pre-registration

One of the key ways that machine learning powers app campaigns is by using individually-added __ to auto-generate ads.


Google app campaigns

automated ad type in Google Ads designed to help advertisers drive app installs and in-app conversions across all of Google's inventory.

machine learning

computers don't need to be explicitly programmed or told what to do. Instead, they can be trained to analyze and recognize patterns in huge amounts of data, learning as they go. machine learning allows us to train a system with lots of junk email examples so that it can figure out patterns ("junk" or "not junk") and become accurate over time ("this is probably junk").

app discovery

connecting new users to an app

Marketers focus on __ and __ with apps.

discovery, engagement

It's strongly recommended to have at least one __ ad group that continues to run while you explore different themes with other ad groups


Which is the most downloaded app type on Android and iOS?


Ad groups

groups of ads or ad assets that share common themes.

Over __ of consumers use mobile apps when shopping in-store, according to Yes Marketing.


two types of text lines in App campaigns:

headlines and description lines.

App pre-registration

helps drive awareness and build anticipation for apps and games prior to launch. Capture early consumer interest to accelerate launch performance.

app engagement

helps users rediscover your app by engaging them with relevant ads across Google's properties. Improve customer retention and long-term revenue for an app by increasing active users, generating sales, and reducing churn.

Headlines are not app titles, but text that __. Headlines should be standalone sentences that end with punctuation.

highlights the key feature of the app

conversion tracking

identifying and recording the specific actions a user takes so that you and the system can optimize the campaign for the events most valuable for your business.

Image assets

images used in ads to represent your app on over three million sites and apps in our network.

campaign-level settings (3)

location, languages, and budget

Description lines are __ text, with more in-depth detail about your app. Description text ideas should educate, inform, avoid generic language, and take full advantage of character lengths


With over 2 million apps available in the Google Play Store, __ plays a key role in helping users find an app.


phase: growth objectives: (2)

monetization and profitability (ROI) Churn management and/or Cross Promo

How many ad groups are required for each campaign?


Each text ad group may have __ description lines, with up to __ characters in each.

one to five, 90

Users likely to perform a specific in-app action

optimize for high install volume among users likely to perform a designated in-app action. The overall volume of installs with this selection may be lower as compared with other bidding strategies. For these users, you must select the one action that's most important from the list of in-app actions you defined when implementing conversion tracking.

All users

optimize the bidding on this campaign toward getting the most possible installs of your app.

how many possible signal combinations are available for google app campaigns?

over 300 million

key benefits of Google app campaigns

reach relevance simplicity

app engagement

reconnecting existing users to an app

Text assets

short lines of text about your app that appear in ads across Google Search, Play, and YouTube, and in the more than three million sites and apps in our network.

While websites use cookies for tracking, apps use a section of code called a __

software development kit, or SDK.

install volume

the campaign will optimize for as many installs as possible.


the specific events that matter most to a business

The average US adult spends an average of almost __ every day using their smartphone, according to eMarketer.

three hours

Each ad group can have __ headlines, with up to __ characters in each.

two to five, 30

phase: pre-launch objective:

user volume

phase: launch objectives: (2)

user volume monetization and profitability (ROI)

Your campaign should target __. Here are two questions to consider: What matters more to your business, new user installs and in-app actions or engaging with existing users? If installs matter more, do you care most about install volume overall or installs by users that take specific in-app actions?

users most likely to perform the action that drives business goals

focusing on in-app actions means that the campaign will optimize for

users who are likely to perform a specified action within the app, with a focus on delivering those actions at your target cost-per-action (tCPA).

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