Google Analytics Text

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You have defined goal X such that any PDF download qualifies as a goal conversion. A user comes to your site once and downloads five PDFs. How many goal conversions will be recorded?


You are interested in exploring metrics by campaign and traffic source. Which of the following sections will have this report information by default?


Why is it important that you maintain one unfiltered view when suing filters with your Analytics account?

An unfiltered view ensures that the original data can always be accessed

Which of the following would be most useful for optimizing landing pages?

Bounce Rate

Channel X has an Assisted/Last Interaction Conversion value of exactly 1. What does this mean?

Channel X equally assists and completes conversions

Filters can modify the data in your Google Analytics reports by:

Excluding data Changing how data looks in reports Including Data

Which of the following AdWords reports would you use to investigate when you should modify your bidding during certain hours of the day to optimize conversions?

Hour of Day

The Site Search reports show:

How users search your site

Which of the following would you use to set up a custom alert?


A session in Google Analytics consists of:

Interactions or hits from a specific user over a defined period of time

What would you use to send data from a web connected point-of-sale system to Google Analytics?

Measurement protocol

When a new view is created, it will show the historical dta from the first view you created for that property?


What are examples of channels?

Organic search Display Email Direct Referral Paid Search Other Advertising Social

Which of the following would be most useful for ranking pages according to revenue contribution?

Page Value

What are the "hit" types tracked by Google Analytics?

Pageviews Transactions Events

Which of the following reporting tools would you use to show two rows of data on the same graph?

Plot rows

Which of the following are considered the four main components of how the Google Analytics system works? Select four correct answers.

Processing, reporting, configuration, collection

What metrics would allow you to assess AdWords campaign profitability?


What would most quickly allow you to determine whether the Google Analytics code snippet is working on a specific website page?


You need immediately find out whether people are viewing the new content that you just added today. Which of the following would be most useful?


The process Google Analytics uses to retrieve data from large, complex data sets faster is called:


Why might a site have a high Bounce Rate?

Single page site Incorrect implementation Site design User behavior

What Behavior reports could you use to find new keyword ideas for your search advertising campaigns?

Site Search

Which of the following reports allows you to identify the terms visitors use to conduct searches within your site?

Site Search Report

For each user who comes to your site, Google Analytics automatically captures what Traffic Source dimensions?

Source & medium

You define a Destination goal by:

Specifying the conversion page in your view settings within Google Analytics

Which of the following would you use to exclude rows with fewer than 10 visits?

Table Filter

Which of the following reporting tools would you use to exclude any rows of a report with fewer than 50 visits?

Table filter

In which of the following circumstances would you want to increase the default sessions timeout length in Google Analytics?

The average length of videos on your site is 35 minutes.

If a paid keyword has an Assisted/Last Click or Direct Conversion value of .5, which of the following is true?

The keyword played an assist role less often than it played a last click role

A visitor comes to your site but stops looking at pages and generating events. Which of the following will occur by default?

The visitor's session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity

The order in which filters appear in your view settings matters?

True. Filters are executed in the order in which they appear.

In order to see data in the Multi-Channel Funnels reports you must first implement Goals or Ecommerce.


You should add Analytics tracking codes to your site

after implementation planning

In order to distinguish between users on web pages, Google Analytics:

creates anonymous unique identifiers using first-party cookies

Which of the following would you use to show two date ranges on the same graph?

date comparison

In the Linear attribution model,

each touchpoint in the conversion path share equal credit for the conversion

It is recommended that you place the Google Analytics javascript tracking code:

just after the opening <head> tag

What is the purpose of the URL builder?

to generate a URL with tracking parameters

When Google Analytics processes data, one of the main tasks it completes is organizing hits in:

users and sessions

What is not a standard campaign paramater? utm_adgroup utm_content utm_campaign utm_source


Which is the recommended parameter for identifying different versions of an ad?


What campaign tracking variables should you always use when manually tagging a URL?

utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign

Google Analytics Goals let you specify:

which interactions should be used to calculate conversions

A customer visits your site four times in a month before making a $100 purchase on your site. She first comes to your site by clicking on a search ad, then a social media ad, then another search ad, and finally a display ad. If you're using a linear attribution model, how much conversion credit could be assigned to the last display ad?


Complete the definition of "digital analytics" by choosing the best option to fill in the blanks for the statement below. "Digital analytics" is the analysis of qualitative and (a) ___________________ data from your business and the competition to drive a (b) ___________________ of the online experience that your (c) ___________________ and potential customers have which translates to your desired (d) ___________________.*

(a) quantitative, (b) continual improvement, (c) customers, (d) outcomes

What are examples of Sources?

(direct) google

What are possible ways to view the dimension "Ad Content" in your Google Analytics AdWords reports?

- Add "Ad Content" to the Campaigns report as a secondary dimension - Switch the primary dimension in the AdWords Keywords report to "Ad Content"

You can adjust the sample size by:

- Adjusting a control in the reporting interface - Specifying the sample size when querying the API

Which of the following questions can be answered using the goal flow report?

- Is there a place in my funnel where traffic loops back to the beginning of the conversion process to start over? - Are there a lot of unexpected exits from a step in the middle of my conversion funnel? - Do visitors usually start my conversion process from the first step or somewhere in the middle? - Are there any steps in my conversion process that don't perform well on mobile devices compared to desktop devices?

You've found that most of your customers initially learned about your brand via a display ad. What attribution models will give credit to display ads that introduced customers to your brand?

- Position Based attribution model - Linear attribution model - First Interaction attribution model

What are required in order to see data for each page of a three-page conversion process in the Goal Flow report?

- You must set up each of the three pages as a funnel step in the Goal settings. - You must set up a Goal for the conversion.

Which of these best defines a Destination goal in Google Analytics?

A website page viewed by the user once they have completed a desired action

What is a valid tagged custom campaign?

Accordign to Google, the campaign parameters are: utm_source: Identify the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your property, for example: google, newsletter4, billboard. utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium, for example: cpc, banner, email newsletter. utm_campaign: The individual campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc. for a product. utm_term: Identify paid search keywords. If you're manually tagging paid keyword campaigns, you should also use utm_term to specify the keyword. utm_content: Used to differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad. For example, if you have two call-to-action links within the same email message, you can use utm_content and set different values for each so you can tell which version is more effective.

Which of the following best represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account from top to bottom?

Account Property View

You can adjust sample size in Google Analytics by

Adjusting a control in the reporting interface

Which of the following techniques would you use to exclude rows with fewer than 10 visits from a report table?

Apply a table filter

Which of the following most accurately describes the concept of attribution in digital analytics?

Assigning credit for conversions

You've noticed that many users visit your site several times before converting and you want to understand in more detail how they arrive at your site. Which of the following metrics would be most helpful in showing you whether a keyword is part of a conversion path?

Assisted Conversions

You are interested in identifying the most popular content on your site. Which of the following sections will have this report information by default?


How is Google Analytics able to determine if a group of website interactions are all from the same user device?

By setting a unique ID for the device that is attached to each hit

Which are the four main parts of the Google Analytics platform?

Collection, Configuration, Processing, and Reporting

Setting up goals allows you to see________.

Conversion rates

You want a second view of your data where you only see traffic to a specific subdirectory. What is the best way to set this up?

Create a duplicate view and add a filter: select "Include only traffic to a subdirectory" from the Filter Type drop down, and specify the subdirectory

What is the first step of analytics planning?

Define your overall measurement plan and business objectives

Which of the following should be the first step you complete during the analytics planning process?

Define your overall measurement plan and business objectives

You want to evaluate the landing pages you are using for AdWords ads. Which of the following dimensions would be most useful?

Destination URL

What are examples of Mediums?

Email Organic CPC None (direct traffic)

When you share a link to a custom report, you share the data in the report.

False: Sharing a link to a custom report only shares a template for the report

What are the configurations that permanently modify your data during the processing stage?

Filters Goals Content Groups Channel Groups

What attribution models would be useful for evaluating ads and campaigns that are designed to create initial awareness about a brand?

First interaction attribution model

Which of the following Audience reports would you use to see how often users return to your site?

Frequency & Recency Reports

Specifying a goal value allows Google Analytics to calculate __________.

Goal Revenue

What are examples of sources?


What would you use to send data from a website to Google Analytics?

Java Script tracking code

The code snippet for tracking websites with Google Analytics is written in:


Which of the following Behavior reports would you use to identify the pages of your site that have the highest bounce rate as the first page of a user's session?

Landing pages

Create a goal in the "Master Profile" for the website to match the following pages: What match type and URI pattern did you use to create the goal in your account?

Match type: Begins with; URI pattern: /thankyou

Which of the following Audience reports would you use to see how your site performance differs between desktop, smartphone and tablet users?

Mobile Reports

Which of the following would help you to determine the conversion value of a paid keyword?

Multi-Channel Funnels

When do Google Analytics Terms of Service permit sending personally identifying information (PII) to Google?


Which of the following Audience reports would you use to determine whether first-time site visitors or repeat site visitors spend more time on your site on average?

New vs. Returning Reports

Custom Reports will only display data for the date range selected at the time the report is created.


Does the date range set for a Dashboard apply to Real-Time widgets since they only show data for current active users instead of historical data?


The same type of Google Analytics tracking code should be used for both a website and a mobile app.


To collect mobile application data with Google Analytics, should you implement the same code you use for website tracking?


If you decrease the sample size for a report, more sessions will be used to calculate the report and it will take longer to generate.

No According to Google, if you increase the sample size, you'll include more sessions in your calculation, but it'll take longer to generate your report. If you decrease the the sample size, you'll include fewer sessions in your calculation, but your report will be generated faster.

If you make a mistake with a configuration setting on a view, you can always reprocess the data?


Your company has a website and a mobile app, and you want to track each separately in Google Analytics. How should you structure your account(s)?

One account, two properties

What Google Analytics dimensions are only available for AdWords traffic?

Placement Domain Query Match Type Matched Search Query Ad Format Ad Distribution Network Ad Group AdWords Customer ID

What are session level interactions?

Social interaction Event Ecommerce Transaction Page View

Which of the following would be most useful in measuring how many days passed between the first visit to a site and the eventual conversion?

Time Lag

When configuring a goal, why is it useful to assign a goal value?

To attribute monetary value to a non e-commerce site

Which of the following Multi-Channel Funnels reports would you use to see the most common sequences of marketing touch points that lead to conversions on your site or app?

Top Conversion Paths

If the data for a report you request is stored in a standard aggregate table, it will never be sampled in Google Analytics.

True According to Google, during processing, Google Analytics prepares the data for your standard reports by precalculating it and then storing it in aggregate tables. This lets Google Analytics quickly retrieve the data you request without sampling.

The URL for the homepage of your site is You would like this to appear as "/home" in your Pages report. How can this be achieved?

Use a Search and Replace custom filter on the Request URI field where Search Strings is "/index" and Replace String is "/home"

What is the hierarchy of the Google Analytics data model?

User > Sessions > Interactions

It is possible to customize the default channels in the Channels report and create your own custom channels from scratch.


One a view is deleted it can be restored using the trash can feature?


Rather than using the random numbers that the tracking code creates, you can override the unique ID with your own number.


Third-party data may be joined with the Google Analytics data collected via the tracking code.


To view data from two websites in aggregate using Google Analytics, you must use the same tracking ID on both sites?


You should include Google Analytics tracking code on every page of a website you want to track.


Your Multi-Channel Funnel reports have no data. What is the most likely reason?

You haven't implemented Goals or Ecommerce

Google Analytics can recognize returning users

on websites, IOS mobile apps, and Android mobile apps

During aggregation, Google Analytics:

organizes the collected data within database tables

What is Bounce Rate?

the percentage of visits when a visitor viewed only one page and then exited without a second interaction on the site

Your web property is "". You set up a URL goal of "/thankyou" and a Match Type of "Begins with". Which of the following URLs will count as goals?

Digital Analytics is

- Analysis of data from your business & competition - A process of continual improvement of the online experience - The analysis of quantitative data from your business - The analysis of qualitative data from your business

What is required to create a Custom Report?

- At least one metric must be added - A report title must be entered - At least one dimension must be added

What should you manually tag with campaign tracking variables?

- Banner ads - Non-AdWords CPC campaigns - Email campaigns

To see the bounce rate of a specific medium in an Acquisitions report:

- Change the primary dimension in the Source/Medium report to "Medium" and view the Bounce Rate metric - Change the primary dimension in the Channels report to "Medium" and view the Bounce Rate metric

The tracking code in Google Analytics:

- Connects data to your specific Google account - Sends data back to your Google Analytics account for reporting - Identifies new and returning users

What types of data can be collected and reported in the Site Speed reports?

- How quickly images load - Page load time for a sample of pageviews on your site - How quickly the browser parses a page and makes it available for user interaction - Button click response time

Using filters you can

- Include data in a view - Change how the data looks in your reports - Exclude data from a view

What options are possible uses of view within a single Google Analytics account?

- Limit a user's access to a subset of data - To look more closely at traffic to a specific part of the site (a page or selection of pages) - To look more closely at traffic to a specific subdomain

What traffic mediums are automatically tracked by Google Analytics without extra tagging or account linking?

- Referral - (none) when the traffic source is "direct" - organic

What are possible uses of filters?

- Replace complicated page URLs with readable text strings - Report on only a subdomain or directory - Exclude visits from a particular IP address - Include only traffic coming from a particular campaign

The reporting APIs can be used to:

- Retrieve Google Analytics data for use in your own applications - Build your own dashboard with Google Analytics data - Automate complex reporting tasks

What can be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics?

- The percentage of sessions that result in a site registration - The percentage of sessions during which users spend at least 2 minutes on the site - The percentage of sessions which contain three or more page views

Which of the following could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics?

- The percentage of visits that contain only one page view - The percentage of visits during which visitors spent at least two minutes on the site - The percentage of visits that result in a site registration - Conversion rate

You can retrieve Google Analytics reporting data through the following methods:

- The reporting interface - an API

Each query sent to the Reporting API must specify:

- The start and end dates - Which metrics to display - The ID of the account view that the data should be retrieved from

Which of the following would prevent URL destination goal conversions from being recorded?

- There was a misspelling in the URL of the goal definition - The tracking code is missing from the conversion page - The match type in the goal definition is incorrect - No URL destination goals have been defined

What platforms is Google Analytics capable of tracking?

- User activity on a website - User activity on a mobile website - User activity on a mobile application - User activity on any digitally connected device - User activity on a gaming console

What types of traffic will show in the "Campaigns" report?

- Visits from all links tagged with the utm_campaign parameter - Visits from Google AdWords campaigns that have autotagging enabled

What can you use to set targets for your measurement plan?

- Your historical site performance -Internal expectations from your business leadership - Third-party industry benchmark data

What campaign tracking variables are required in order to ensure accurate data shows for your campaigns in the „All Traffic" report? Select all that apply.

- utm_medium - utm_source - utm_campaign

By default, an Analytics session ends when inactive for:

30 minutes

The demographics and interest category information in Google Analytics comes from

the DoubleClick third-party cookie

During data Processing, Google Analytics:

transforms the raw data from Collection using the Configuration settings

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