Government Unit 2 Answers PHS

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(L2) The Federalist Papers were ___ ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

85 essays written by members of the Constitutional Convention who supported

(Q1) Select the answer that best completes the graphic. (no laws against slave trade made for 20 years) (no tax on state exports) (limitations on slave trade importation after 1808)

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

(Proj. 2) The ____ is found in Article I, Section 8. It allows Congress "To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing powers..."

Elastic Clause

(Q2) ____ powers are those specific powers listed in the Constitution that are divided between the states and the national government.


(PT) Match the amendments with the rights guaranteed. 19 10 13 14 15 5 1

Match the amendments with the rights guaranteed. women's right to vote reserved powers to the state abolished slavery defined citizenship by expanding it to all persons naturalized or born in the United States male African Americans' right to vote freedom of expression, press, religion, petition, and assembly due process in legal proceedings

(L10) Match the laws and court cases with the intended purposes. Voting Rights Act of 1965 National Origins Formula Chinese Exclusion Act Equal Pay Act of 1963 Title IX of Higher Education Act

Match the laws and court cases with the intended purposes. outlawed literacy tests and other registration prerequisites based immigration on percentage of each ethnic group in the United States prohibited immigration of a particular people group due to jealousy for a period of ten years prohibited wage discrimination against women was intended to end discrimination against women in college sports

(L10) Match the laws and court cases with the intended purposes. Equal Opportunity Credit Act of 1974 Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 Gideon v. Wainwright Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986

Match the laws and court cases with the intended purposes. prohibited discrimination against women seeking to borrow money or charge cards citizenship was granted to Native Americans extended civil rights to Native Americans right to representation that all Americans have when facing criminal charges threatens employers who hire illegal residents with heavy fines; might discourage employers from hiring Hispanic American citizens

(L1) Match the statements with the Constitutional Convention compromises. Some answers will be used more than once. Virginia Plan Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan New Jersey Plan New Jersey Plan New Jersey Plan

Match the statements with the Constitutional Convention compromises. Some answers will be used more than once. supported by the larger states who wanted strong state governments stated that Congress couldn't act on the slave trade for 20 years based congressional representation on population size and taxes paid presented by William Paterson a unicameral Congress, like that under the Articles a plural executive equal representation in Congress

(L10) Match the statements with the amendments. Nineteenth Amendment Fifteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment Thirteenth Amendment

Match the statements with the amendments. granted women the right to vote granted African Americans the right to vote granted citizenship to all persons born in the United States abolished slavery and overturned the Dred Scott decision

(L6) Match the statements with the articles. Answers may be used more than once. Amendment I Amendment IV Amendment III Amendment III Amendment II Amendment IV

Match the statements with the articles. Answers may be used more than once. defines implied powers recognizes states' and national government's powers and limitations established the Supreme Court highlighted by Marbury v. Madison case made the President the Commander in Chief ensures states' protection against foreign invasion and domestic violence

(L2) Match the terms and people with the descriptions. John Adams The Federalist No. 10 New Hampshire George Mason James Madison George Washington

Match the terms and people with the descriptions. first vice president of the United States essay about limiting of the executive branch to four years ninth state to ratify the Constitution one of the Anti-federalists who feared that a presidency could evolve into a monarchy father of the Constitution and a Federalist first President of United States and a Federalist

(L6) What does the graphic describe? (elastic clause) (spelled out potential powers of the national government) (article I, Section 8 of the constitution)

Necessary and Proper Clause

(PT) The ___ called for a unicameral Congress similar to the one under the Articles of Confederation.

New Jersey Plan

(L2) The first temporary capital of the new government was located in ___.

New York City

(PT) The best title for the diagram would be ____. (federalism is evidenced...)

[Dual Federalism: Separate Government]

(Q2) Choose the best definition of federalism.

a system of government that divides power between two sovereign entities

(PT) Select the type of federalism best described by the graphic. (nat. gov. ((policy)) st. gov)

dual federalism

(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress the power to tax state exports (part of the Great Compromise of 1787).


(Q3) Which answer is NOT an inalienable right according to the Declaration of Independence?

job security

(L4) The extent of a government's legal authority is its ____.


(L4) Select THREE statements that represent the principle of federalism.

limits the power of government divides power between the national government and the state governments shares power between the national government and the state governments

(L4) James Madison argued in The Federalist No. 39 that the national and state governments were not intended to be "____."

mutual rivals and enemies

(L10) What was the goal of the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had?

AMV My answer: That one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.'

(Q3) _______ liberties are legal rights protected by written law.


(Q2) Which statement is NOT an advantage of a federal system of government?

Discrimination of people is often more difficult to discern.

(L1) Select TWO statements describing the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Each slave counted as a partial person. It required taxes on slaves who were counted in the population.

(Q2) Only Congress is responsible for proposing and ratifying an amendment to the Constitution.


(Q3) The First Amendment's Establishment Clause and ____ Clause protect the rights of citizens pertaining to the freedom of religion.

Free Exercise

(Q3) The ____ Clause of the First Amendment protects the right of citizens to meet and make political plans to challenge current government leaders in the next election.

Free Exercise

(L8) Select the TWO First Amendment clauses that protect people's rights.

Free Exercise Clause Establishment Clause

(L4) Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause also called the Elastic Clause?

It allows Congress to stretch or adapt its powers to accomplish its constitutional responsibilities.

(Proj. 2) Why is the Elastic Clause important?

It allows the federal government to extend its implied powers to execute powers delegated to it.

(PT) Which rule was applied in order for the Constitution to be approved?

It had to receive approval from three-fourths (nine) of the states.

(L3) Who is being described by the following comments?

James Madison

(L8) Why did the Founding Fathers desire to protect religious liberty?

Many Americans came to the New World to escape religious persecution.

(L2) The graphic refers to the ____ Compromise.


(L5) Complete the graphic. (picket fence diagram)


(Q3) The ____ Clause gives the government implied powers that allow it to carry out its expressed powers.

Necessary and Proper

(PT) The _____ is the introduction to the Constitution.


(Q1) Which of these is NOT part of the Constitution?

Separation of Powers manifesto

(L1) Select THREE points on which the Framers could agree.

The Articles were weak, but caution should be given in assigning too much power to the national government. The new government must be representative. The government should be a classical republic.

(Q2) The formal amendment process to change or amend the Constitution is an example of federalism.


(Q1) The ______ Plan based the representation in Congress on population and wealth.


(L6) Select TWO ways an amendment may be proposed according to Article V.

a constitutional convention at the request of the legislatures in two-thirds of the states a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress

(L7) The Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion rested on ___.

an interpretation of the Due Process Clause ruling that women have a right to privacy

(L10) What are the TWO ways a legal immigrant may become a citizen?

birth state license

(L3) In a representative democracy, or republic, ___.

citizens choose representatives who are held accountable through elections

(L5) While the state cannot take away ____, federalism allows them to provide additional rights to its citizens.

constitutional rights

(PT) The voluntary surrendering of citizenship is _______.


(L7) The law described above is ___. (guaranteed due process) (guaranteed equal protection) (made states accountable for protecting civil liberties) (limited power of the states)

the Fourteenth Amendment

(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to borrow money.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to create lower federal courts beneath the Supreme Court.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to declare war.


(Q3) Title IX of the Higher Education Act and the Equal Opportunity Credit Act of 1974 advanced the rights of ____.


(L4) What is an expressed power?

Congressional powers that are specifically listed in the Constitution.

(PT) _____ is a system of government that divides power between two sovereign entities.


(L5) Select TWO ways that federalism has impacted government.

Federalism has created a dual court system giving states the right to handle their own cases while reserving power for the federal court system. Federalism has guaranteed representation for the people in the government.

(Q1) _______ of the Constitution required approval of 9 of the 13 states.


(L6) Select TWO ways an amendment may be ratified according to Article V.

approved by legislatures in three-fourths of the states approved by special ratifying conventions in three-fourths of the states

(Q3) Jus sanguinis defines citizenship by the "law of the ________."


(L10) Select TWO ways that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 advanced civil rights.

created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission made discrimination in public facilities such as motels and restaurants illegal

(L6) The secretary of transportation is ____ in the line of succession.


(Q2) Referred to as "on your own federalism," ____ shifted the balance of power to the states to make them more self-reliant in the 1980s.

new federalism

(L5) Federalism refers to the distribution of ____ and sovereignty between two political spheres: the states and the national government.


(L2) A pen name used by a person to hide his identity is a(n) ___.


(Q2) Powers retained by the states only are ___ powers.


(Q1) The Virginia Plan supported ____.

strong state governments

(L10) The right to vote is also known as ___.


(L3) Select the THREE parts of the Constitution.

the Preamble seven articles Bill of Rights and other amendments

(L2) Select THREE reasons why the Electoral College was created.

to select electors who were knowledgeable and informed on issues that affected all states to find nonpolitical representatives who would make decisions in the best interests of the country to give representation to all people through electors

(L10) Choose the best answer using the chart to identify the court cases. (four)

Dred Scott v. Sandford

(Q3) The ____ Clause ensures that legal proceedings are carried out fairly and do not infringe upon a person's rights to life, liberty, or property.

Due Process

(Q2) The _____ Clause allows Congress to "stretch" its powers to make laws that are needed to carry out the powers enumerated in the Constitution.

Necessary and Proper

(Q1) The ____ Plan proposed to retain a unicameral legislature as prescribed by the Articles of Confederation.

New Jersey

(Q1) The ______ Plan proposed equal representation among states.

New Jersey

(L10) Choose the best answer using the chart to identify the court cases. (two)

Plessy v. Ferguson

(L8) Select TWO facts about the Free Exercise Clause.

The state must remain neutral concerning individuals' religious convictions. Citizens may believe and practice whatever they choose.

(Q1) Which statement does NOT describe the U.S. Constitution?

The states maintain a firm control over the central government.

(L3) Which English lawyer organized British common law into a consistent system?

William Blackstone

(L1) A(n) ____ is an official period of waiting or delay.


(L3) Which principle was James Madison describing when he wrote the following in The Federalist No. 51: "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."?

separation of powers and a system of checks and balances

(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to determine how aliens become citizens and to pass laws relating to bankruptcy.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to establish a postal system.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to make a federal crime for falsifying money like U.S. coins.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to make rules to regulate the armed forces and the navy.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to provide for and maintain national armed forces.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to regulate foreign and interstate trade.


(PT) ____ is remembered as the father of the Constitution and a major supporter of the Bill of Rights.

James Madison

(Q1) ____ was an author of The Federalist Papers, supporter of the ten amendments of the Bill of Rights, and father of the Constitution.

James Madison

(PT) _______ is a rule of citizenship involving to whom one is born.

Jus sanguinis

(Q1) What advantage did the Framers intend in establishing the Electoral College?

Knowledgeable, informed electors could select a President based on merit and not along party or state lines.

(L3) The ______ Supreme Court decision said evidence may not be admitted in a court case if its seizure violated the Fourth Amendment.

Mapp v. Ohio

(L10) What is the difference between jus soli and jus sanguinis?

AMV My answer: Jus Soli ("law of the soil"), can determine one's citizenship. Children born to illegal immigrants in the United States are granted citizenship; while Jus Sanguinis— "law of the blood" means that congress grants a child born outside of the United States American citizenship if one of the parents is an American citizen and has lived in the United States.

(L2) What was a major difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?

Amending the Articles required all of the states' approval while amending the Constitution required approval from only nine states.

(PT) ___________ provides for the methods by which formal changes can be made in the Constitution.

Article V

(PT) Article IV defines limits to the powers reserved to the states while ______ established the supremacy of the Constitution.

Article VI

(L6) What does the graphic describe? (demanded by the states before they would ratify) (supported by the Anti-Federalists) (ensured rights and liberties of the individual) (was added to limit national government power)

Bill of Rights

(PT) The first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution are referred to as the _________.

Bill of Rights

(L10) Choose the best answer using the chart to identify the court cases. (three)

Brown v. Board of Education

(Q3) An act passed in 1882 banned _____ immigrants from entering the United States.


(Q3) Choose T if the right is protected by the First Amendment or F if by another amendment. F T F T T

Choose T if the right is protected by the First Amendment or F if by another amendment. right against unreasonable searches and seizures without reasonable cause right to join with others in public meetings, political parties, and other associations to influence public policy right to own a firearm right to petition the government at any level right to speak, publish, and express one's views

(PT) The 1882 Chinese ______ Act prohibited Chinese immigrants from entering the United States.


(Q1) "The proposed Constitution, therefore, is, in strictness, neither a national nor a federal Constitution, but a composition of both" is a statement likely taken from the ___.

Federalist Papers

(PT) The ____ called for a bicameral Congress with equal representation in the upper house and representation by population in the lower house.

Great Compromise

(Q1) Select the answer that best completes the graphic. (bicameral congress) (house of representatives based on population) (senate representation equally distributed)

Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)

(PT) What was the lasting impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

It created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate unfair employment policies and prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in public facilities.

(L1) Select TWO statements describing the Great Compromise.

It included a bicameral Congress Representation was equally distributed in the upper house and based on population in the lower house.

This diagram refers to the type of federalism during ___. (picket fence)

President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society

(L10) Which answer is NOT an example of legal discrimination?

Rental complexes may be for adults only.

(L8) Select TWO facts about the Establishment Clause.

The government cannot make laws that interfere with any religious establishments. The U.S. Congress cannot enact a law regarding a national religion.

(L1) Which American leader was NOT at the Constitutional Convention?

Thomas Jefferson

(PT) The ____ based representation on state population and monetary support.

Virginia Plan

(L6) Choose TWO ways the Constitution may be informally amended.

by customs and interpretations of the law through the judicial system by the legislature passing laws to clarify and explain

(L9) Select THREE things that you would be permitted to do under the First Amendment rights to assemble and petition the government.

call your legislator about your anger over her voting record on gun control wear a shirt protesting the government's involvement in the Iraq War read an obscene book in your home

(L9) The Supreme Court created the ______ to protect people from prosecution for expressing unpopular views while limiting free speech if it might harm others.

clear and present danger test

(Q3) A(n) ______ power belongs to the government because the government is sovereign.


(L7) The ____ branch of government is charged with ensuring that civil liberties are preserved by accurately interpreting the constitutionality of laws.


(PT) Which answer is NOT a part of the Constitution?

list of grievances

(Q3) Jus soli defines citizenship by the "law of the ________."


(L6) Who becomes President if the President and vice president are unable to fulfill their duties?

speaker of the House

(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to define and punish acts committed outside the United States and against the law of any nation.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to make all laws that are necessary to carry out the execution of the laws granted to Congress by the Constitution.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to provide for and maintain a navy.


(L4) Choose whether the below statements are an Advantage or Disadvantage of a federal system of government. Advantage Disadvantage Advantage Disadvantage Disadvantage Advantage Advantage Advantage

Choose whether the below statements are an Advantage or Disadvantage of a federal system of government. Personal liberties and freedoms are protected. Special interest groups have some political power. Individuals may participate in more levels of government. The citizens may not be nationally united because the state and national governments might conflict. Discrimination of people is often hidden. It prevents power from being centralized within one level. It unifies the states against threats from others, as well as natural disasters. It better addresses people's needs because of the various levels of government.

(PT) According to the ____, Congress could not pass any legislation against the slave trade for 20 years.

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

(L1) Select TWO statements describing the Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise.

Congress could not make laws against the slave trade for at least 20 years. Congress could limit slave imports after 1808.

(L4) What is an implied power?

Congressional powers that are not specifically listed in the Constitution.

(Q2) ____ is also referred to as "picket fence federalism" and was part of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Creative federalism

(L4) Select TWO questions that surfaced regarding the case of McCulloch v. Maryland that had to be resolved by the Supreme Court.

Did Congress have the implied powers to establish a national bank if that right was not expressed in the Constitution? Did states have the right to override the powers of Congress?

(L8) Match the statements with the court cases and legislation. Van Orden v. Perry Everson v. Board of Ed. of Ewing Township Curran v. Broward County School Board Hearn v. Muskogee Public Schools Engel v. Vitale Blaine Amendment

Match the statements with the court cases and legislation. The Supreme Court ruled that a Ten Commandments monument in Texas did not imply endorsement of religion. Establishment Clause - This case involved reimbursement for children riding public buses to their private religious schools. Free Exercise Clause - The Supreme Court upheld an 8th-grader's right to pass out flyers inviting students to attend a church function. A Muslim girl was allowed to wear a hijab as an expression of religious faith. Establishment Clause - School officials may not compose a school prayer and require students to recite it. President Ulysses S. Grant attempted to forbid direct government support of schools with a religious affiliation.

(L9) Match the statements with the court cases. Miller v. California Schenck v. United States Texas v. Johnson

Match the statements with the court cases. This case resulted in a three-part test to determine obscenity. A Socialist Party member constituted a clear and present danger by mailing leaflets urging soldiers to resist the military draft. The Supreme Court ruled that burning the U.S. flag as a political statement is acceptable.

(L1) Which of the following statements would be the best title for the graphic below?

The Southern states wanted certain protections in a compromise.

(L6) Why is the Supremacy Clause important, as stated in Article VI, Section 2?

The Supremacy Clause established the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

(Q2) How did the Marbury v. Madison decision concerning an executive judicial appointment impact the development of federalism?

The Supreme Court established a precedent by which it can informally amend the Constitution through interpretations of the Constitution.

(Proj. 2) In Article I, Section 9, which clause establishes the principle that "all men are created equal?"

The clause preventing titles of nobility

(PT) Select the type of federalism best described by the graphic. (nat. gov. ((blank)) st. gov.)

cooperative federalism

(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to train and organize the military while giving states the right to appoint officers.


(L10) Describe how expatriation differs from denaturalization.

AMV My answer: Expatriation is renouncing one's citizenship; Denaturalization is when naturalized citizens may be stripped of citizenship by a court order in cases of fraud or deception.

(L5) Why is the Tenth Amendment important to states?

AMV My answer: The Tenth Amendment limited the national government to the enumerated powers (delegated in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution); inferred that state governments had authority in the areas of education, welfare programs, and fire and police protection.

(L2) Choose the THREE authors of The Federalist Papers.

Alexander Hamilton John Jay James Madison

(L7) What is the difference between an inherent power and an implied power?

An inherent power is a power that belongs to the government because the government is a sovereign state. The implied powers are those powers created by the Necessary and Proper Clause.

(L8) Analyze each hypothetical case description. Then, choose whether it involves the Establishment Clause or the Free Exercise Clause. Establishment Clause Free Exercise Clause Establishment Clause Establishment Clause Free Exercise Clause

Analyze each hypothetical case description. Then, choose whether it involves the Establishment Clause or the Free Exercise Clause. Students at a local public high school have organized a religious club. The school principal will not grant their request to use the school cafeteria to hold their meetings. A student at a public high school brought a Bible to read during study hall. The study hall teacher took the Bible and said that students are not allowed to bring religious texts to school. A state legislature voted to allocate funds to private religious schools to help them cover the cost of purchasing nonreligious textbooks. Just before the start of each football game, a public high school principal says a prayer over the PA system during which he prays to God for the safety of the players. During recess, an elementary student was sharing her faith with another student. The supervising teacher stopped her, saying that students were not allowed to talk about religion at school. The teacher took the student to the principal, who told her she would be suspended if she continued to talk about religion at school.

(PT) Fearing a strong central government, the ____ opposed the ratification of the Constitution.


(Q1) ____ were opposed to the ratification of the Constitution because they feared a strong central government like the one they endured under English rule.


(L2) Select TWO reasons why Anti-Federalists did not support the ratification of the Constitution.

Anti-Federalists opposed the concentration of power in a central national government instead of in the states. The Constitution lacked a bill of rights.

(PT) The duties, responsibilities, and powers of the legislature are outlined in _______.

Article I

(Q3) The ____ greatly advanced civil rights by prohibiting both discrimination in public places and job discrimination.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

(L7) Select TWO ways civil liberties differ from inalienable rights.

Civil liberties include legal rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights; inalienable rights are basic rights all people possess. Civil liberties are those legal rights guaranteed by a written law; inalienable rights are inherent rights that cannot be taken away.

(L6) The powers guaranteed to the states are referred to as ____ powers.


(Q1) City officials refusing to allow citizens to hold public meetings in a public park for any reason is a violation of the ____ Amendment.


(Q3) ______ is the process of stripping citizenship from a naturalized citizen.


(Q3) The ____ Clause protects a citizen's right to freedom of religion and prevents the government from endorsing a national religion.


(Q1) Which description is NOT a fact about George Washington?

Framer who conceived of the Great Compromise

(L1) The diagram describes ___.

George Washington

(L1) Select THREE facts about James Madison.

His detailed notes are a valuable source document from the Constitutional Convention. He was the author of the Virginia Plan. He became known as the father of the Constitution.

(L6) Why was Marbury v. Madison a landmark court ruling?

It established a precedent for informal amendments through the Court's interpretation of the Constitution.

(L2) Why was Article VII important in the ratification of the Constitution?

It provided a reasonable way for 9 of the 13 states to ratify the Constitution.

(Q1) Match the amendments from the Bill of Rights with the descriptions. First Amendment Second Amendment Fourth Amendment Sixth Amendment Seventh Amendment Eighth Amendment

Match the amendments from the Bill of Rights with the descriptions. People have a right to freedom of religion, press, speech, and assembly, and may also petition the government. People have the right to own a weapon to protect themselves. The government cannot arrest one or search one's property without probable cause. A person has the right to a fair trial in civil cases. A person has the right to a trial by jury. The government cannot demand excessive bails or use cruel and unusual punishment.

(L3) Match the constitutional articles and amendments with the descriptions. Article V Article VII First Amendment Fourth Amendment Second Amendment Fifth Amendment Nineteenth Amendment

Match the constitutional articles and amendments with the descriptions. provides method by which Constitution can be amended gives the number of states needed to ratify the Constitution cannot establish a religion or prevent others from exercising their religions right to be secure in person and homes against unreasonable searches and seizures the right of the people to keep and bear arms establishes that no one can be forced to testify against themselves in criminal trials granted women the right to vote

Match the descriptions with the Supreme Court cases. (66/100) Dred Scott v. Stanford Miranda v. Arizona Marbury v. Madison Brown v. Board of Education Plessy v. Ferguson Schenck v. United States

Match the descriptions with the Supreme Court cases. denied citizenship to slaves but was later overturned by the Thirteenth Amendment affirmed right to legal representation as part of procedural due process established that the Supreme Court interpretations can informally amend the Constitution established the separate but equal doctrine that shaped segregation laws for decades afterwards overturned the separate but equal doctrine established by an earlier decision established that the government could impose reasonable limits on free speech if those words could pose a clear and present danger to the country

(Q3) Match the descriptions with the constitutional amendments. separate but equal Schenck v. United States Brown v. Board of Education Miranda v. Arizona Dred Scott v. Sandford Van Orden v. Perry

Match the descriptions with the constitutional amendments. established the separate but equal doctrine established the clear and present danger test used to determine the constitutionality of free speech overturned separate but equal doctrine established by an earlier decision affirmed the right to legal counsel as part of procedural due process denied slaves citizenship and overturned the 1820 Missouri Compromise ruled that a Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds did not constitute endorsement of a religion

(Q3) Match the descriptions with the constitutional amendments. Fifteenth Amendment Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment First Amendment Fifth Amendment Nineteenth Amendment

Match the descriptions with the constitutional amendments. recognized the right of African-American men to vote abolished slavery expanded citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition right of due process recognized women's right to vote

(L3) Match the descriptions with the numbers. 27 7 3 10

Match the descriptions with the numbers. the number of times the Constitution has been amended the number of articles in the Constitution the number of articles that provide the duties of each branch of government the number of amendments that enumerate natural rights and liberties of the populace

(L7) Match the descriptions with the words. procedural due process Fifth Amendment Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment Dred Scott v. Sandford Miranda v. Arizona

Match the descriptions with the words. idea that the rule of law must be followed according to the correct procedures so all citizens receive fair treatment amendment requiring due process on the national level abolished slavery brought states under the same legal requirements of the Bill of Rights as the national government, preventing all from carrying out unreasonable searches and seizures overturned the Missouri Compromise and was itself overturned by the Fourteenth Amendment and declared unconstitutional overturned a conviction because of police failure to honor a citizen's Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights

(L7) Match the descriptions with the words. denigrate compensation inalienable abridge arbitrarily social caste

Match the descriptions with the words. to abuse a group based on identity or beliefs repayment inherent; cannot be surrendered or taken away to deprive by shortening or taking away decided by a person rather than by a law a social group divided from others by distinguishing features such as occupation or socioeconomic status

(L7) Match the descriptions with the words. Necessary and Proper Clause Supremacy Clause Equal Protection Clause Due Process Clause substantive due process

Match the descriptions with the words. ushered in implied powers legal declaration that the Constitution is the highest law in the land prohibited states from discriminating against any American courts must treat citizens fairly; includes procedural and substantive rights checks whether government is justified in infringing on one's natural rights

(Proj. 1) Match the examples with the amendments. Sixth Amendment Seventh Amendment Eighth Amendment Ninth Amendment Tenth Amendment

Match the examples with the amendments. John's family could not afford a defense attorney, so the state appointed one to represent him. Even though Jamal was only contesting a traffic ticket, he requested a trial by jury. Some states consider the death penalty to be cruel and unusual punishment. Those that allow it seek ways to make it humane. This amendment has been used to extend rights to groups not specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. The states and local governments can establish tax-funded schools.

(L10) The ___ was instrumental in ending legal racial discrimination in the early 20th century.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

(Proj. 1) Match the examples with the amendments. First Amendment Second Amendment Third Amendment Fourth Amendment Fifth Amendment

Match the examples with the amendments. The Constitution Party will be meeting for a political rally in a nearby park to urge Americans to return the government back to "We the People." They will hold rallies encouraging people to protest the lack of representation of the people by the two-party system (Democrats and Republicans) and to express their discontent with the government's lack of fiscal responsibility. Amanda keeps a rifle in a secure location in her home for protection of her family and property. The idea of allowing soldiers to quarter in our homes is foreign to us today, but was born out of the experience of having to quarter British soldiers before the American Revolution. During a routine traffic stop, a police officer asked to look inside the trunk of Eric's car. Eric declined and reminded the officer that he would require a search warrant to do so. Joanna exercised her right not to testify against herself in court during her criminal case.

(L3) Match the scenarios with the amendments. Some answers will be used more than once. First Amendment Fifth Amendment Fourth Amendment Fifth Amendment; Eighth Amendment Twenty-Second Amendment Seventeenth Amendment

Match the scenarios with the amendments. Some answers will be used more than once. Believing that abortion ends a human life, demonstrators march peacefully outside federal buildings while displaying signs against the practice. The police raid a nearby hotel looking for illegal aliens who might be working in the country. Police hold the suspected aliens in jail for three months without any representation. City officials promote a plan to create a "weapon-free" town. However, a court strikes down the town's plans for surprise, random searches of homes and cars for weapons to confiscate. The government has detained American citizens suspected of terrorist activity. To get the suspects to talk, the government agents have used waterboards that simulate drowning and threats to get information from these suspected terrorists. (There are two amendments for this.) After serving two terms, the President of the United States leaves office according to law. Voters go to the polls to elect a senator to represent their state in the U.S. Senate.

(L1) Match the statements with the Constitutional Convention compromises. Some answers will be used more than once. New Jersey Plan Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise Virginia Plan Great Compromise New Jersey Plan

Match the statements with the Constitutional Convention compromises. Some answers will be used more than once. supported by smaller states states wanted to include three-fifths of slaves in population count presented by Edmund Randolph bicameral Congress with equal representation in the upper house and representation by population in the lower house had a limited judiciary with no jurisdiction over America citizens

(L6) Match the statements with the articles. Answers may be used more than once. Amendment IV Amendment II Amendment III Amendment I Amendment II (?) Amendment III Amendment I

Match the statements with the articles. Answers may be used more than once. recognizes the power and limitations of the states' republican form of government outlines impeachment process implied judicial review contains the Elastic Clause lists the executive powers and duties established lower federal courts addresses legislative powers and duties

(Q2) Match the statements with the constitutional articles. Article V Article I Article IV Article VI Article III Article II

Match the statements with the constitutional articles. established the process for formally amending the Constitution addressed the organization, powers, and limitations of the legislative branch addressed the powers and limitations of the state and national governments established the U.S. Constitution as the highest law of the land addressed the court system and its jurisdiction addressed the office, powers, and duties of the executive branch

(PT) Match the statements with the constitutional clauses. Supremacy Clause Due Process Clause Necessary and Proper Clause Free Exercise Clause Establishment Clause

Match the statements with the constitutional clauses. This clause affirms that the Constitution is the highest law in the United States. This ensures that a person's rights to life, liberty, and property are not infringed upon during legal proceedings. Congress has implied powers that it can use to carry out its expressed powers. This First Amendment clause protects the rights of citizens to assemble peacefully and to petition the government for change. The government is not allowed to endorse or form a national religion, or interfere in citizens' religious beliefs and practices.

(L5) Match the statements with the types of federalism. Answers will be used more than once. creative federalism cooperative federalism new federalism creative federalism [new federalism] dual federalism [dual federalism] [creative federalism] cooperative federalism [dual federalism] new federalism new federalism

Match the statements with the types of federalism. Answers will be used more than once. President Johnson's Great Society initiatives "marble cake federalism" system under which states regained power but assumed responsibility for funding entitlements "picket fence federalism" distinct and separate sovereignty of each level of government with no overlap of responsibility "layered cake federalism" form of federalism that ushered in the Great Depression system under which states were more confident and reliant upon themselves form of federalism that provided assistance to the states through grants-in-aid form of federalism that created a relationship of interaction between the state and national government; a sharing of power form of federalism currently in existence today "on your own federalism"

(L5) Match the terms with the definitions. expressed power entitlement relinquish remnant implied power jurisdiction proponent amenable

Match the terms with the definitions. congressional powers specifically listed in the Constitution a guaranteed benefit from a government program give up; forfeit a small quantity or part congressional powers that are not specifically listed in the Constitution the extent of legal authority one who favors willing; agreeable to

(Q1) The ______ Amendment gave women the right to vote.


(L3) Choose SIX basic principles that formed the foundation of the Constitution.

Power must be balanced by each branch checking the others. The government must be restricted to the rule of law to avoid abuse. The government exists by the consent of those governed. The government's power is divided to prevent abuse. Government exists because the people allow it to exist. Authority is shared between the states and the central government.

(Q1) The ______ of the Constitution declared that the Founders sought to "form a more perfect union" than that formed under the Articles of Confederation.


(Proj. 2) Which powers are denied to the states by Article !, Section 10?

States cannot tax foreign imports or tax exports between the states. States cannot keep a standing army or navy; they cannot assume powers that the Constitution grants to the national government. States cannot make agreements or negotiate with foreign states, and cannot coin money.

(Q3) The ____ Clause states that the U.S. Constitution is the highest law in the land.


(Q2) The graphic represents the ____. (found in Article VI) (extended power of national government) (established the law of the land)

Supremacy Clause

(Q2) The graphic represents the ____.(power of the national government subject to limits) (reserves power for the states) (part of the bill of rights)

Tenth Amendment

(Q2) How did McCulloch v. Maryland impact the development of federalism?

The court ruled that the Constitution had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause, extending the power of the national government to create a bank.

(L6) Select TWO ways the Constitution's formal amendment process is an example of federalism.

The formal amendment process of the Constitution involves both the federal and state levels of government. Requiring three-fourths of the states to approve an amendment builds a consensus.

(L9) Which statement is NOT a protection of freedom of the press?

The government may not respond to reports made by the press.

(L4) What did the Supremacy Clause in Article VI, Section 2 of the Constitution establish?

The interests of the federal government trump the interests of states.

(Q2) Which statement is NOT a disadvantage of a federal system of government?

The state governments clearly have the most power.

(Proj. 2) In Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, states are forbidden from keeping a standing army or navy. Why would the Constitution restrict a state from "keeping a standing army"?

This restriction is meant to prevent the states from assuming powers that the Constitution grants to the national government.

(Proj. 2) The Tenth Amendment reserves specific powers to the states. What are those powers?

Those powers that are not granted to the national government. Those powers not forbidden to the states and to the people of each state.

(Q1) Select the answer that best completes the graphic. (freemen counted in population) (slave counted as 3/5 of a person in state population) (south required to pay taxes on slaves)

Three-Fifths Compromise

(Q2) "Marble cake federalism" is ____.

cooperative federalism

(Q2) The Great Depression influenced ____, causing the national government to extend its power in order to grant more aid to states.

cooperative federalism

(Q2) There was a strong emphasis on grants-in-aid for state governments, and Johnson's Great Society exemplified ____.

creative federalism

(Q2) "Layered cake federalism" is ___.

dual federalism

(Q2) Each level of government acts independently of the other levels of government, and power is fixed and unchangeable in ____.

dual federalism

(L6) The delegated powers of the national government are referred to as ____ powers.


(Q3) The voluntary renouncing of one's citizenship is _____.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allowed Congress to prohibit the importation of slaves before 1808 even though Congress could impose a tax on the slaves (part of the Great Compromise that was struck when the Framers were writing the Constitution).


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to establish nobility because "all men are created equally."


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to inflict punishment without a trial or pass laws "after the fact."


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to require an individual to pay a direct tax (income or property tax) or indirect tax (sales tax); however, the Sixteenth Amendment modified this clause.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to suspend the writ of habeus corpus (showing why someone is imprisoned) at any time.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to tax goods sent by water from one state to another (port to port).


(L9) Select FOUR types of unprotected speech.

fighting words obscenity fraudulent advertising libel and slander

(L3) Select SIX purposes of the Constitution stated in the Preamble.

give the federal government power to maintain peace prevent oppressive laws like those that Britain had placed upon the states improve upon the Articles of Confederation by forming a more perfect union secure liberty for future generations represent the common people provide for the common defense

(L7) Select THREE inalienable rights according to the Declaration of Independence.

life liberty pursuit of happiness

(L7) An original purpose for including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution was to ___ the national government's power.


(Q1) In a ______ democracy, citizens choose men or women to represent them in the government.


(L8) Select the FIVE basic rights that the Founding Fathers included in the First Amendment.

right to join with others in public meetings, political parties, and other associations to influence public policy right to speak, publish, and express one's views right to petition the government at any level right to be able to practice religion as one chooses right to the protection of religious thought

(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to provide for copyrights and patents.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to establish and require the use of uniform measurements, including money.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to exercise authority over places purchased by the state's approval.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to require state militias to be a part of the National Guard when called upon by the President.


(Proj. 2) Article I of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to tax.


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