Government Unit 5

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Which statement is NOT a challenge facing Social Security?

Citizens are demanding that the program be privatized.

What would be the best title for the above diagram? a political party economic policies implemented through direct control of the economy state owns most factors of production

Communism: State Distribution and Ownership

What did the Gibbons v. Ogden Supreme Court ruling clarify?

Congress, not the states, has control over interstate trade.

Select TWO ways states can influence the national government.

Congressmen may be swayed by constituents to support specific state requests. State and local governments can go to court to challenge the constitutionality of the national government's actions.

Which answer is NOT part of the Federal Reserve?

Council of Monetary Policy

Which statement is NOT a reason why it is difficult to curtail mandatory spending?

Cuts to mandatory spending require an additional review by the Supreme Court.

What would be the best title for the above diagram? Shared power a system of government Authority in written Constitution

Federalism: Determining the Roles of State and National Sovereignty

What would be the best title for the diagram? how much will the government spend? How will the government finance goods and services it provides for its citizens?

Fiscal Policy: Managing Through Spending

The _______ Supreme Court ruling clarified Congress' control over interstate trade by ruling that Congress could limit states' rights to tax navigation between states.

Gibbons v. Ogden

Select TWO reasons some people oppose the line-item veto.

It gives the President too much power to push an agenda. It would increase tension between the President and lawmakers.

Select TWO facts about gross domestic product (GDP).

It is a measure that correlates with the overall standard of living. It is a measure of the overall production within the country.

Select TWO reasons why the Middle East is vital to the United States.

It is an important source of oil. It occupies a strategic geographical location where three continents meet.

Select TWO reasons why Taiwan is an important U.S. ally.

It is an important trading partner. It is a democracy.

What does it mean if the federal government is operating a deficit budget?

It is spending more than it takes in through revenue.

Select TWO reasons why Israel is an important U.S. ally.

It is the lone democracy in the Middle East and a bulwark against radical forces. The United States and Israel share information and technology to meet security threats.

Why do some people oppose the line-item veto?

It may give the President too much power to advance an agenda.

Give TWO reasons a developing country might choose socialism as its economic system.

It provides a solution to deal with struggling industries while ostensibly increasing national employment and profit. The government can channel profits to meet economic needs that would be considered unprofitable under capitalism.

Select TWO ways the Federal Reserve's monetary policy can affect the economy.

It provides banks with more money to lend by changing the reserve ratio. It buys or sells treasury securities to raise money.

The ____ is the U.S. government's central bank that oversees the country's money supply.

It will slow down the economy by making it more expensive to borrow money.

What is a major criticism of Keynesian economic theory?

Its use of artificial controls to regulate the economy in the short term might lead to even larger problems at a later time.

U.S. fiscal policy is based on the economic theory of ____ stating that the best way to avoid a recession is to stimulate the economy with government spending.

John Maynard Keynes

Which power does NOT belong to the states?

Make treaties with other countries

The ______ was a U.S. foreign policy that helped prevent encroachment of communism by rebuilding Europe after World War II.

Marshall Plan

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Place the state courts in their hierarchical order, beginning with the highest court. Some answers may be used more than once.

1. supreme courts 2. appellate courts 3. trial courts 4. municipal courts 5. magistrate or justice of the peace 6. magistrate or justice of the peace

Compare and contrast a regressive tax and a progressive tax.

A regressive tax is one that is applied to everyone at the same rate. It takes no account of a person's financial situation. A progressive tax is one that is based on one's financial ability to pay. A progressive income tax is one in which the more one's income is, the higher one's tax rate is.

______ laws break up monopolies and promote competition.


Which parts of the Constitution provide for state governments?

Article VI tenth amendment

Which statement best describes the structure of county government?

Authority is divided among a number of elected officials and boards acting independently of each other.

Select TWO reasons why the U.S. federal government originally involved itself in the free market.

Businesses formed monopolies. large corporations fixed prices

States and the federal government jointly fund the ______ program serving low-income adults and children.


The ______ program providing healthcare for impoverished children and adults is funded and administered by states.


What is the best title for the above diagram? State and federally funded healthcare programs serves low-income adults, children, and immigrant residents

Medicaid: Healthcare for Those in Need

The federal government provides medical care benefits to senior adults through the _______ program.


_______ is a federal program providing medical care for senior adults.


What are TWO differences between Medicaid and Medicare?

Medicare is funded by the federal government; Medicaid is funded by both states and the federal government. Medicaid serves low-income adults and children, immigrant residents, and individuals who have certain disabilities; Medicare is available to people 65 years of age and older.

a foreign policy that supported a position of isolationism, but would not allow the interests of the United States and the Western Hemisphere to be challenged a foreign policy intended to contain the spread of communism a foreign policy that strengthened the Western European economy after World War II a foreign policy that avoided disputes and entanglements with other countries a foreign policy that used military force to defend the nation's interests

Monroe Doctrine Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan isolationism military globalization

What are the positive aspects of Keynesian economics?

My answer: By spending enough money to boost demand for goods and services, the government could manage an economy on the verge of or in the midst of a recession. Even if the government had to borrow money and run a budget deficit, Keynes thought that this was sound policy. Businesses would respond to the stimulus by hiring more employees, according to this notion. The new workers, now more confident in their purchasing power, would drive up demand for products and services while paying taxes.

What are the criticisms of Keynesian economics?

My answer: If insufficient demand can lead to a recession, so can excessive demand. Too much fiscal stimulus may lead to customers buying more items than are available, increasing prices to a point where individuals can no longer afford basic necessities. As a result, firms would lose money and be forced to lay off employees.

Why is it so difficult to get lawmakers to cut mandatory spending items such as social entitlement programs?

My answer: Major changes to entitlement programs including Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' benefits, and Social Security would be required to balance the budget (from obligatory spending). Many Americans will suffer as a result of such action, because such programs are deemed mandatory spending for a reason. Because the cuts would be unpopular with many voters, the President and other MPs would have to put principle ahead of personal ambition.

What is the main difference between a market and a command economy?

My answer: People in a market economy have the freedom to hold public or private property that is not managed or run by the government. The government oversees and takes over public ownerships in a command economy, leaving little private ownerships.

Does the United States have a laissez-faire economic system? Explain your answer.

My answer: Yes, America has a mixed-free-enterprise economy in which the government uses rules to minimize capitalists' human flaws. To protect the public's welfare, government rules place restrictions on how food can be packaged, delivered, and processed.

______ occurs when a government takes over a private industry for public use.


______ encourage(s) invention and innovation by ensuring that inventors can benefit from their ideas without others stealing them.

Patent laws

Select THREE reasons why Social Security requires a significant portion of the federal budget.

Payments for Social Security benefits increase because of inflation. Seniors are living longer and must be covered longer. Interest groups are influential in expanding benefits such as Medicare Part D.

Which answer is NOT a solution that has been proposed to restructure the Social Security system?

Replace it with a system that provides government housing and medical benefits rather than cash payments.

What did the 1964 Reynolds v. Sims ruling decide?

Representation in legislatures should be based on equal population.

The Court ruled that representation in legislatures should be based on population. The ruling affirmed that the federal government could require states to comply with federal law in order to receive federal aid. The Court ruling helped reduce racial discrimination by stating that Congress had authority to regulate any restaurant that served food that had crossed state lines. The decision affirmed Congress' control over interstate trade by limiting states' rights to tax navigation between states. The Court's decision in a sexual assault case limited the federal government's right to resolve a state criminal case.

Reynolds v. Sims South dakota v. Dole Katzenbach v. McClung Gibbons v. Ogden Morrison v. U.S

Which of the following titles would be the best title for the above diagram? Questionable solvency more costly programs being added life expectancy increasing Questionable future

Social Security: Future Challenges

expanded federal power by requiring state compliance with federal law to receive federal aid limited federal government's right to resolve a state criminal case limited states' rights to tax navigation between states expanded federal regulation of segregation and discrimination

South Dakota v. Dole Morrison v. U.S Gibbons v. Ogden Katzenbach v. McClung

Which state court has the highest authority?

State Supreme Court

Select TWO reasons state constitutions are less stable than the U.S. Constitution.

State constitutions deal with details regarding the day-to-day relationships between government and its people. State constitutions are more easily changed.

The democratic society of _______ is an important U.S. ally in the Eastern Hemisphere.


Select THREE ways that the Commerce Clause has been used to extend federal powers.

The Commerce Clause gives Congress unlimited power in determining what activities might disrupt economic conditions in the nation. The Commerce Clause gives Congress the latitude to regulate non interstate matters. It allows Congress to make laws necessary for executing its policies.

Select THREE reasons why a state-chartered bank would want to be a member of the Federal Reserve System.

The Fed clears checks for the member banks. The Fed supplies money to member banks. The Fed offers lower interest rates on borrowed money to member banks.

Why would a state-chartered bank want to be a member of the Federal Reserve System?

The bank will be able to borrow money from the Fed at a lower interest rate.

What are the FOUR parts of the Federal Reserve?

The commercial banks are members of the Federal Reserve System. Twelve regional banks keep a reserve balance, make loans, supply money, and collect and clear checks of member institutions. The Board of Governors includes seven members who serve 14-year nonrenewable terms. The Federal Open Market Committee oversees open market operations.

______ laws promote competition by making monopolies illegal.


After spending legislation has been approved, Congress then ____ money to pay for the program.


Congress must pass a(n) ____ for taxing and spending.

appropriation bill

Select THREE reasons why the Spending (General Welfare) Clause is controversial.

There is a question as to whether Congress uses general welfare as a means of limiting states' rights. There is the question of what exactly is meant by "general welfare." There is the question of whether Congress has restrictions on its taxing and spending.

Which statement is NOT a reason why the Spending Clause is controversial?

There is the question of whether Congress or the President should authorize spending.

How may states challenge the federal government?

They may elect sympathetic congressmen or challenge federal decisions in court.

How do antitrust laws protect the free market?

They promote competition. They break up monopolies

The ______ provides foreign ministers to other countries and protects Americans overseas.

U.S. State Department

Which federal act does not impact domestic policy?

War Powers Act (1973)

Select THREE ways to amend state constitutions.

by constitutional conventions by referendum by a voter-instigated initiative

Property ownership and the right to take a risk in hopes of earning a profit are part of the system of _______.


_____ allows property ownership and the right to take a risk in order to earn a profit.


_____ is another name for free enterprise, the system that allows ownership of property and the right to take a risk in hopes of a profit.


The ____ form of municipal government blends legislative and executive power into a single body.


The ______ blends executive and legislative power into one body.

city-commission form of government

The _______ is the blending of executive and legislative power into one body.

city-commission form of government

Socialism and communism are examples of _____ economies.


Congress may use the ______ Clause to regulate domestic and international trade.


gives Congress the power to regulate domestic and foreign trade, which limits the states' regulation gives Congress authority to make laws needed to execute its powers, which may limit the states' power authority to examine the constitutionality of the other branches of government and their actions authority of the federal government to take over activities from the state in areas related to the national government makes the Constitution the highest law of the land and subordinates state law gives Congress the authority to tax and provide for the general welfare of the nation makes states respect the acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states

commerce clause necessary and proper clause judicial review preemption supremacy clause spending clause full faith and credit clause

The ruling party controls all factors of production and redistributes all produced services and goods under _______.


______ is an economic system in which the ruling party collects and redistributes all produced goods and services.


__________ is a system in which the government controls all factors of production and redistributes all produced services and goods.


What are the three basic economic systems?

communism capitalism socialism

Place a check mark by all answers that represent capitalism.

competition freedom of choice right to own property right to risk capital and enjoy profit if successful

_____ powers are shared by the national and state governments.


the national and state governments share power. congress may provide for the general welfare of the nation through taxation to fund services and benefits. this power is limited to the states. congress has the authority to make any laws it needs in order to exercise its power, even if it limits the powers of states. the federal government can impose its authority on the states by taking action first in matters related to the national government. state laws must be in accordance with the u.s constitution

concurrent spending clause reserved necessary and proper clause preemption supremacy clause

build roads establish local governments issue licenses establish an army and navy collect taxes make treaties and conduct foreign policy establish courts spend money for the general welfare regulate intrastate trade

concurrent power exclusive to state governments exclusive to state governments exclusive to state governments concurrent power exclusive to state governments concurrent power concurrent power exclusive to state governments

In a ____ form of municipal government, the council is a policymaking body while the city manager handles administrative duties.


Responsibility that is divided between a number of boards and elected officials acting independently of one another is a characteristic of ____ governments.


List two important creations resulting from the National Academy of Sciences.

creation of the U.S. Forest Service creation of the U.S. Geological Survey

_______ spending occurs when more money is spent than is brought in by revenue.


Planned government spending exceeding revenue creates a ___.

deficit budget

______ is a policy of building cordial and personal relationships.


a foreign policy that is based on forming cordial relationships another name for the federal agencies that assist the President in making decisions a foreign policy under which the United States avoided disputes and entanglements with other nations a foreign policy that was meant to contain the spread of communism a foreign policy that justifies the use of military force around the world to defend political and economic interests a foreign policy that supported isolationism but would not allow U.S. interests in the Western Hemisphere to be challenged a plan to ensure the protection and security of a nation a foreign policy under which the United States helped rebuild and strengthen the Western European economy after World War II

detente bureaucracy isolationism Truman Doctrine military globalization Monroe Doctrine foreign policy Marshall Plan

Which factor does NOT determine what scientific advancements will prevail?

development expense and timeline

The _________ rate is what the Federal Reserve charges member banks to borrow money.


If the Federal Reserve Board increases the ______, it will discourage more borrowing.

discount rate

The ____ is the interest rate that the Fed charges its member banks to borrow money.

discount rate

The Americans with Disabilities Act is an example of _____ policy.


The gross ______ product measures a country's production and standard of living.


pertaining to one's own country to put into effect to change from public or government ownership to private ownership one who intercedes for another a rise in prices due to an increase in the volume of money; causes a loss in buying power

domestic implement privatization advocate inflation

_____ powers are held only by one level of government.


measures a country's production and standard of living minimal government involvement in the economy the process of a government takeover of a private industry for public use the government's use of spending and taxing to regulate economic activity promote competition by making monopolies illegal what the Federal Reserve charges member banks to borrow money a tool used by governors to reject portions of a bill foreign policy emphasizing building friendly relationships with other nations

gross domestic product laissez-faire nationalization fiscal policy antitrust laws discount rate line-item veto detente

Large nations meet once a year to discuss important issues of the global economy and security. It protects U.S. citizens abroad and provides foreign ministers to other countries. Its foreign policy responsibilities include declaring war, regulating commerce with other nations, and providing for defense. Nations meet to resolve issues, promote human rights and economic development, and plan for health education and services. It engages in scientific research and makes recommendations to the government. It assists and advises the President concerning national security policy. It resolves disputes between members regarding international trade.

group of 8 (G8) state department congress united nations national academy of sciences national security council world trade organization

The economic theories of John Maynard Keynes state that the best way to deal with or avoid a recession is to ____.

have the government stimulate the economy with spending, even if it incurs deficit spending

an economic system with little or no involvement by the government economic system where individual may own private property and take a risk in order to make a profit an economic system in which private industry and the government both have a role an economic system that focuses on economic equality through public ownership of property and resources state-directed economy a state-controlled economic system and ruling political party in which all products and services are collected and redistributed by government agencies another name for capitalism or free enterprise the economy of socialism and communism the socialist government takeover of a private industry for public use

laissez-faire capitalism mixed economy socialism planned economy communism market economy command economy nationalization

A governor may reject portions of a bill by using a(n) _________ veto.


People are better represented at the ____ level of government because citizens are more closely connected.


______ governments get most of their revenue from property and sales tax.


State governments have a unitary form in which ____.

local governments owe their existence to the state, which also grants them their powers

protect life and property protect democracy at home and democratic nations around the world maintain peace in the world through diplomacy, and when necessary, threat of force backed by a strong military share knowledge and goods with other nations so that they too can enjoy the "Blessings of Liberty" grant producers access to new markets and consumers to new and competitively priced goods

maintain national security support democracy promote world peace provide aid establish open trade

What is the goal of domestic policies?

maintain or improve the quality of the lives of citizens

Which issue is not a major challenge to U.S. foreign policy in the 21st century?

maintaining a policy of isolation

Social Security veterans' benefits education Medicare highway and bridge construction national defense entitlement programs foreign aid

mandatory spending mandatory spending discretionary spending mandatory spending discretionary spending discretionary spending mandatory spending discretionary spending

A chief executive leads this most popular form of municipal government.

mayor-council form of government

most popular form of government; has a chief executive that may be either weak or strong supervises and manages county property and finances and regulates businesses in unincorporated areas government type in which city manager handles all administrative business; has council that serves as a policymaking body blends legislative and executive functions into one body

mayor-council form of government commissioners or board of supervisors council-manager form of government city-commission form of government

________ provides medical care benefits for senior adults.


controlling supply of money changing the discount rate that the Federal Reserve charges for money borrowed by member banks creating a demand for goods and services raising taxes to slow the economy down basing the economy on surplus or deficit spending lowering the reserve ratio to encourage more lending of money spending more than the government takes in

monetary monetary fiscal fiscal fiscal monetary fiscal

The Federal Reserve System raises the discount rate to slow down the economy is an example of ____.

monetary policy

The Federal Reserve implements a(n) ______ to control the flow of money in the U.S. economy.

monetary policy

The reserve ratio is lowered so that consumers will spend more to stimulate the economy is an example of ____.

monetary policy

The foreign policy of the _____ stood against European involvement in countries in South and Central America.

monroe doctrine

Throughout the history of the United States, there has always been a conflict between which two sovereignties?

national rights state rights

_________ is the process of a government taking over a private industry for public use.


The _____ and Proper Clause grants Congress authority to make laws to execute its power, though such laws might limit state powers.


In a(n) ______ economic system, the state directs all economic activity.


Lawmakers who want to please their constituents add ______ project spending to appropriation bills.


________ spending is added to appropriation bills by lawmakers who want to please their constituents.


Congress may use _____ to take over state activities that relate to the national government.


The budgetary process begins with budget requests coming from the ____.


To change from government ownership to private is ______.


A _____ tax rate is determined by one's ability to pay.


One's ability to pay determines how much one pays under a(n) _____ tax rate.


A _________ tax is one that is based on one's ability to pay. Appointed or elected, members of the __________ consider civil cases, small claims, probate, and misdemeanors. The _________ allows a governor to reject specific portions of a bill. The _______ may veto legislation, oversee the state police and National Guard, call a special session of the legislature, commute sentences, and offer parole. Local governments depend on revenue mostly from sales tax and _______. A _________ tax charges everyone the same, regardless of ability to pay. The members of the ____________ represent equal portions of the population in making laws, confirming appointments, and removing officials through the impeachment process. State governments depend on revenue mostly from sales tax and ___________.

progressive state judicial branch line-item veto state executive branch property tax regressive state legislative branch income tax

local governments get most of their revenue from sales and ________ taxes.


Select the two taxes that local governments primarily depend upon for their revenue.

property tax sales tax

What is the primary function of a municipality?

provides services to its residents

Voters may use a(n) _____ to remove public officials from office.


A(n) _______ tax requires the same of every taxpayer regardless of income or ability to pay.


Select THREE reform proposals for improving the federal budget process.

replacing the progressive tax system with a flat tax balanced budget amendment granting the President the power of the line-item veto

Which tool has NOT been suggested as a way to fight wasteful government spending?

requiring the Supreme Court to review appropriation bills for unconstitutional expenditures

The states retain _____ powers that are not expressly given to the national government.


Select THREE actions that describe a federal fiscal policy.

runs a budgetary deficit cuts spending or raises taxes to slow economic activity spends money to raise demand for goods and services

state governments get most of their revenue from income and _______ tax


Choose THREE forms of local government.

school districts county municipality

How does the federal government get money whenever it needs to borrow money?

selling federal securities, such as treasury bills and bonds

Who will most likely gain benefits from domestic policies?

seniors, because they are a voting bloc

Select TWO examples of indirect controls that can place pressure on the market to produce specific goods and services.

setting prices for products and supplies controlling the allocation of labor and resources

________ is challenged by increasing benefits due to longevity, inflation, and politicians who hesitate to change the system.

social security

a budget item that is an example of mandatory spending spending added to appropriation bills to benefit and seek the favor of a lawmaker's constituents the national government's use of taxes and spending to regulate economic activity how the U.S. government pays for deficit spending the Federal Reserve's control of the flow of money to regulate economic activity a budget category that is an example of discretionary spending

social security pork barrel fiscal policy treasury bills and bonds monetary policy national defense

_____ is an economic system that focuses on equality through public ownership of industry.


The _____ Clause allows Congress to create revenue through taxation and provide for the general welfare of the nation.


What is pork-barrel spending?

spending attached to a bill by a lawmaker that will benefit and gain the favor of one's constituents

The _____ supreme court has the highest authority.


provides foreign ministers to other countries and protects Americans overseas foreign policy of rebuilding Europe after World War II to prevent encroachment of communism program funded and administered by states to provide healthcare for impoverished children and adults foreign policy that sought to contain the spread of communism foreign policy emphasizing building cordial relationships with other nations foreign policy standing against European involvement in countries in South and Central America foreign policy of the United States from its founding until the mid-20th century

state department marshall plan medicaid truman doctrine detente monroe doctrine isolationism

Constitutionally, the ______ is/are responsible for public education.


Constitutionally, who is responsible for providing public education?


according to the economic theories of john maynard keynes, the best way to avoid or lessen the impact of a recession is to ____________.

stimulate the national economy with government spending

The ______ Clause subordinates state law to the U.S. Constitution.


Select two reasons why municipal bonds can be a sound investment.

tax-free interest secure from default

Which part of the Constitution grants states authority to create local governments?

tenth amendment

Select THREE major issues on which 21st-century U.S. foreign policies center.

terrorism world trade environmental concerns

What was the first program of scientific research and development to be implemented by the U.S. government?

the National Academy of Sciences

Who first prepares and presents an annual budget for the U.S. government?

the President

_______ uses monetary policy to control the flow of money in the economy.q

the federal reserve

Commander in Chief and Chief Diplomat; makes appointments to federal agencies dealing with foreign policy defends the United States against foreign threats provides security intelligence to senior U.S. policymakers serves as foreign ministers around the world and protects U.S. citizens abroad advises and assists the President concerning matters of national security is meant to "provide for the common Defence," "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations," "define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas," "declare war," and "raise and support Armies" oversees spy satellites

the president the pentagon central intelligence agency state department national security council Congress National Reconnaissance office

By what authority do local governments exist?

the state constitution and government

Who is responsible for public education according to the Constitution?

the states

What is the biggest barrier to cutting government spending?

the two-thirds of the budget that is mandatory spending and requires a change in law to cut

Why did the federal government begin involving itself in the free market?

to break up monopolies and regulate corporations that were fixing prices

Select TWO ways research and development are important to a nation.

to create new industries, businesses, and jobs to increase the standard of living

All U.S. domestic policies have one common goal. What is that goal?

to maintain and improve quality of life

What was the main purpose for the establishment of the National Academy of Sciences?

to tackle scientific questions, conduct experiments, and report a recommendation to the government

The U.S. foreign policy of the _____ was formed with the intent of containing the spread of communism.

truman doctrine

Local governments only have the powers granted to them by the state in a(n) _______ form of government.


State governments have a _____ form of government in which local power is only that which is delegated from the state.


States have a ______ form of government in which local governments have their only powers granted to them by the states.


Select THREE other names for a municipality.

village city town

Surplus and deficit spending are ways of influencing the state of the economy and are examples of ____.

fiscal policy

The federal government increases its spending to stimulate the economy is an example of ____.

fiscal policy

The government raises taxes to slow the economy down is an example of ___.

fiscal policy

Maintaining national security, supporting democracy, and promoting world peace are three goals of U.S ___________ policy.


U.S. _______ policy goals include providing aid, supporting democracy, and promoting world peace.

foreign policy

What does the bulleted list describe? • promote world peace • provide aid • support democracy • maintain national security • establish open trade

goals of U.S. foreign policy

The _____ measures a country's standard of living and production.

gross domestic product

______ was the foreign policy of the United States from its founding until the mid-20th century.


U.S. ally ____ is the only democracy in the Middle East and a partner in fighting national security threats.


______ is the lone democracy in the Middle East and assists the United States in meeting security threats.


British economist _____ believed the best way to avoid or lessen the impact of a recession is to increase government spending in order to stimulate the economy.

john maynard keynes

Much of a state's actual business is conducted by ____.

joint committees

Government Involvement in the economy is minimal under a(n) ________ system.


____ is an economic system with little or no involvement by the government.


a small group of large industrialized nations that meet to discuss matters of mutual interest, such as security and the global economy provides a forum for nations, promotes economic growth and human rights, and provides health services and education set aside land as a scientific preserve free of military activity and national territory claims pursues the goals of securing financial stability, promoting international trade, and reducing poverty counts 29 members and is part of a continuing political and military alliance that prefers diplomatic solutions to military force seeks to eliminate barriers to finance and trade between Mexico, Canada, and the United States facilitates international trade and resolves trade disputes between members a multilateral agreement to reduce greenhouse emissions offers legal advice to UN entities and settles legal disputes between member states

Group of 8 (G8) United Nations (UN) antarctic treaty International Monetary Fund (IMF) N. Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) N. American Free Trade Agree. (NAFTA) World Trade Organization (WTO) Kyoto Protocol International Court of Justice (World Court)

What would be the best title for the diagram? a federal question arises the state supreme court sends the case to the U.S supreme court the court agrees to hear the case

Hierarchy of the Appeals Process from state courts to the Supreme Court

commute the sentences of, or parole, criminals police power to protect and promote the public's health, safety, morals, and welfare includes justice of the peace, magistrates, judges, and supreme court justices propose the state budget executive authority is delegated among elected officers remove executive officers or judges through the impeachment process oversee the state police and the National Guard line-item vote power shapes public opinion to support favored policy agenda confirms appointments for office and appoints some executive officeholders may be appointed by the governor, chosen by the legislature, or elected by the voters powers of appointment and removal responsibility to faithfully execute the laws consider civil cases, misdemeanors, small claims, and probate problems; refers cases with federal questions to the U.S. Supreme Court call a special session of the legislature branch whose members represent equal segments of the population

executive branch legislative branch judicial branch executive branch executive branch legislative branch executive branch executive branch executive branch legislative branch judicial branch executive branch executive branch judicial branch executive branch legislative branch

Select THREE non-tax sources of revenue for state and local governments.

federal government grants toll roads and ferries state-operated utility companies

The ____ is the U.S. government's central bank that oversees the country's money supply.

federal reserve

__________ policy is the government's use of spending and taxing to regulate economic activity.


Select the two taxes that states primarily depend upon for revenue.

income tax sales tax

which of these actions can the Federal Reserve do to discourage borrowing?

increase the discount rate

What are TWO results of government spending according to the fiscal policy theory?

increases consumer confidence to make purchases stimulates the economy by placing money into the economy

A(n) _______ is a way citizens may bypass their legislature in order to get an amendment on the ballot.


Citizens may use a(n) ______ to bypass their legislature in order to get an amendment on the ballot.


The _____ process allows citizens to bypass their legislature to get an amendment on the ballot.


a process whereby voters may petition for a law or amendment to be placed on the ballot a nonbinding question that is put on the ballot to see what voters think of it power of the governor to reject portions of a bill while retaining the other portions hierarchically located between the trial court and the state supreme court power to protect and promote the public health, safety, and welfare granted solely either to the national government or the states a political device by which voters may remove a public official from office shared powers not given to the national government, but kept by the states

initiative advisory referendum line-item veto appellate court police power exclusive powers recall concurrent powers reserved powers

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