GOVT unit 5

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The power to impeach the governor is held by the __

Texas House of Representatives

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Texas agency that runs state parks and regulates hunting, fishing, and boating

What source gives Texas' governor his/her power?

The Texas Constitution

Which of the following indicates that the Texas governor's power may be weak?

The Texas governor does not have the power to appoint a cabinet

What is the governor's annual salary?


What is the annual salary of the governor of Texas for fiscal years 2016-2017?


Powers of the Texas governor

-state's commander-in-chief -can grant on 30-day stay of execution per prisoner -has the power to instate martial law

After the legislature adjourns, how long does the governor have to veto pending bills and concurrent resolutions?

20 days

What is the age prerequisite for becoming governor?



a governor's official public announcement (such as calling a special election or declaring a disaster area)

Pork-barrel politics

a legislator's tactic to obtain funding for a pet project, usually designed to be of special benefit for the legislator's district

State Board of Education SBOE

a popularly elected 15-member body with limited authority over Texas's K-12 education system

Railroad Commission of Texas RRC

a popularly elected three-member commission primarily engaged in regulating natural gas and petroleum production

Legislative power

a power of the governor exercised through messages delivered to the Texas legislature, vetoes of bills and concurrent resolutions, and calls for special legislative sessions

Texas Workforce Commission TWC

a state agency headed by three salaried commissioners that oversees job training and unemployment compensation programs

Which Texas governor appointed the highest percentage of African Americans?

Ann Richards

Public Utility Commission of Texas PUC

a three-member appointed body with regulatory power over electric and telephone companies

Line-item veto

action by the governor to eliminate an individual budget item while permitting enactment of other parts of an appropriation bill

Texas Education Agency TEA

administers the state's public school system of more than 1,200 school districts and charter schools


an act of executive clemency that temporarily suspends execution of a sentence

Full pardon

an act of executive clemency, on recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, that releases a convicted person from all consequences of a criminal act and restores the same rights enjoyed by others who have not been convicted of a crime

How does the lieutenant governor obtain the office?

He or she is elected by the people of Texas in a state-wide election

Military/Police gubernatorial action

In response to a catastrophic hurricane, the governor mobilizes the Texas State Guard to perform relief and rescue operations.

Conditional pardon

an act of executive clemency, on recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, that releases a convicted person from the consequences of his or her crime but does not restore all rights, as in the case of a full pardon

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

an agency that provides some coordination for the state's public community colleges and universities

Recess appointment

an appointment made by the governor when the Texas legislature is not in session

Comptroller of Public Accounts

an elected constitutional officer responsible for collecting taxes, keeping accounts, estimating revenue, and serving as treasurer for the state

Executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission

appointed by the governor with Senate approval, the executive commissioner administers the HHSC, develops policies, and makes rules

Commissioner of insurance

appointed by the governor, the commissioner heads the Texas Department of Insurance, which is responsible for ensuring the industry's financial soundness, protecting policyholders, and overseeing insurance rates

The Texas governor's ___ allows him or her to nominate friends and political supporters for political positions.

appointive power

Commissioner of the General Land Office

as head of Texas's General Land Office, this elected constitutional officer oversees the state's extensive landholdings and related mineral interests, especially oil and gas leasing, for the benefit of the Permanent School Fund


On recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the governor pardons a woman convicted of killing her husband after years of domestic violence.

Which Texas governor appointed the highest number of white males?

Rick Perry

When the governor delivers a State of the State address at the commencement of each regular session of the legislature, he or she is using___ to promote a harmonious relationship with the legislature.

message power

Executive authority in the state of Texas is divided among ___

multiple independently elected offices

Commutation of sentence

on the recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the reduction of a sentence by the governor

The governor of Texas is inaugurated

on the third Tuesday in January of every fourth year

How many 30-day reprieves is the governor of Texas allowed to grant independently in a death sentence case?


Lieutenant Governor

popularly elected constitutional official who serves as president of the Senate and is first in the line of succession if the office of governor becomes vacant before the end of a term

Don is governor of Texas, and he decides to strike a bargain with a senator in which he promises not to deny funding for the senator's pet project. In return, the senator agrees to support a bill Don favors. This scenario is an example of

pork-barrel politics


public employees

The governor of Texas can only grant a full pardon or a conditional pardon for convicted criminals if it is

recommended by the Board of Pardons and Paroles

The Railroad Commission of Texas is responsible for

regulating the oil and gas industry

Postadjournment veto

rejection by the governor of a pending bill or concurrent resolution during the 20 days after a legislative session ends

The governor may call the legislature into one of these, limited to thirty days, as often as he or she chooses to do so

special session


supervised release from prison before completion of a sentence, on condition of good behavior

Martial Law

temporary rule by military authorities when civil authorities are unable to handle a riot or other civil disorder

Governor's Office

the administrative organization through which the governor of Texas makes appointments, prepares a biennial budget recommendation, administers federal and state grants for crime prevention and law enforcement, and confers full and conditional pardons on recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles

Appointive power

the authority to name a person to a government office -most gubernatorial appointments require Senate approval by two-thirds of the members present

Which executive official's duties include awarding oil, gas, and sulfur leases for lands owned by the state?

the commissioner of the General Land Office

Who is the state's chief accounting officer and tax collector?

the comptroller of public accounts

Attorney general

the constitutional official elected to head the Office of the Attorney General, which represents the state government in lawsuits and provides legal advice to state and local officials

Commissioner of agriculture

the elected official, whose position is created by statute, who heads Texas's Department of Agriculture, which promotes the sale of agricultural commodities and regulates pesticides, aquaculture, egg quality, weights and measures, and grain warehouses

Which of the following is a weaknesses of the office of governor in the State of Texas?

the fact that the majority of the plural executive is elected and not appointed

With more than 4,000 employees, the Office of the ____ gives advice concerning the constitutionality of many pending bills.

attorney general

Veto power

authority of the governor to reject a bill or concurrent resolution passed by the legislature

Removal power

authority to remove an official from office. In Texas, the governor's removal power is limited to staff members, some agency heads, and his or her appointees with the consent of the Senate

Contingency rider

authorization for spending state money to finance provisions of a bill if the bill becomes law

What is one way the legislature limits the governor's control over the state bureaucracy?

by limiting to governor's independent removal power

Who is primarily responsible for law enforcement in the state of Texas?

city police departments and county sheriffs' departments

Under a ___ the governor may withhold certain rights, such as being licensed to practice a selected occupation or profession.

conditional pardon

Sunset review process

during a cycle of 12 years, each state agency is studied at least once to see if it is needed and efficient, and then the legislature decides whether to abolish, merge, reorganize, or retain that agency

The text describes which of the following as an important source of support for governors, particularly when it comes to influencing public opinion?

family members

Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas constitution states that the ___ is the Commander-in-Chief of the state's military forces.


Texas law grants the power to veto an item selectively from the state budget to this elected official


Executive order

governor issues executive orders to set policy within the executive branch and to create task forces, councils, and other bodies

When a state judge dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the vacancy is filled through

gubernatorial appointment

Texas Department of Transportation TxDOT

headed by a five-member appointed commission, the department maintains almost 80,000 miles of roads and highways and promotes highway safety

Patronage system

hiring friends and supporters of elected officials as government employees without regard to their abilities

Merit system

hiring, promoting, and firing on the basis of objective criteria, such as tests, degrees, experience, and performance

What is the only constitutionally prescribed method of forcing a Texas governor from office before the end of a term?

impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate

Governor Rick Perry recognized and made full use of social media to connect with constituents, including providing links to podcasts of his speeches and to flattering news stories. Governor Perry was using social media to enhance his

informal powers

Budgetary power

the governor is supposed to submit a state budget to the legislature at the beginning of each regular session -when an appropriation bill is enacted by the legislature and certified by the comptroller of public accounts, the governor may veto the whole document or individual items


the governor uses the line item veto to slash state spending by more than $200 million

Message power

the governor's effectiveness in communicating with legislators via the State of the State address at the commencement of a legislative session and other gubernatorial messages delivered in person or in writing

Where does the Texas governor's principal control over state spending come from?

the governor's power to veto an entire appropriations bill

Plural executive

the governor, elected department heads, and the secretary of state, as provided by the Texas Constitution and statutes

Governors in Texas often wait until this happens before vetoing legislation, as doing so leaves little possibility of an override

the legislature adjourns

What restriction is placed on the Texas governor's special session power?

the length of a special session is limited to 30 days

Should a governor die, resign, or be removed from office, or should a governor-elect refuse to take office or be permanently unable to fill the office, who would be the first to succeed him or her?

the lieutenant governor

Commissioner of education

the official who heads the TEA

Which power does the Texas Governor have?

the power to call the legislature into special session and specify the subject matter of that session

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TCEQ

the state agency that coordinates Texas's environmental regulation efforts

Secretary of State

the state's chief elections officer, with other administrative duties, who is appointed by the governor for a term concurrent with that of the governor

How does the secretary of state of Texas obtain the office?

He or she is appointed by the governor

Which of the following would be a military power of the governor?

Declaring an area under martial law

Message Power

The constitutionally required State of the State address provides the governor of Texas with an opportunity to use this


The governor selects an old friend to serve on a prestigious board.

Which action represents a function within the authority of the Texas Comptroller?

Use of discretion by Comptroller, in the distribution of grant requests made to his/her office

Who became the first Republican governor in Texas since E. J. Davis?

William P. Clements Jr. "Bill"

In order to serve as governor of Texas, one must be ___

a U.S. citizen

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