GPH 314 final

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how many types of precipitation are there


of all the water on earth, approximately what percentage is saltwater


which of the following statements is true about clouds

if present, during the day, clouds block incoming sunlight and solar radiation. if present at night, they block outgoing radiation

which of the listed examples below best encapsulates dr. sailors thoughts on why effective urban air quality solutions require cooperation across political boundaries

because of local, regional, and intercontinental transport

the geosphere, the atmoshpere, the hydrosphere, and the __________ are the four major subsystems of earth


uses for geoengineering have been suggested for which technique by faculty at harvard, most notably david keith

blocking sunlight with vapors released by a balloon

what is true about ice sheets from 1992-2011

both Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been losing mass

in what way do carbon sinks play a part in the carbon cycle

carbon sinks can hold carbon for extended periods of time and are often in the form of underground fossil fuels

in what way do carbon sinks play a part in trail carbon cycle

carbon sinks can hold carbon for extended periods of time and are often in the form of underground fossil fuels

according to James Hansen, the reason that some historic changes in air temperature seem to occur prior to changes in Carbon Dioxide Concentrations is a result of complex feedback loop that starts with

changes in earth's orbit that lead to changes in the intensity of solar radiation reaching earth

which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about proxy data?

direct measurements of temperature are a type of proxy data

as state by Lomborg, from an economists perspective, global fixes to our problems should be prioritized with a higher importance given to

doing the most amount of good for the lowest cost

which combination of moisture and temperature levels leads to the smallest tree rings

dry moisture and cool temperature

what aspect of a planets atmosphere helps protect the biosphere by reducing the amount of ultraviolet radiation from reaching the planets surface

earth has an ozone layer in atmosphere

two key elements of the EPA definition of environmental justice are

fair treatment and meaningful involvement

after nitrogen and oxygen, ozone is typically the most abundant gas in the troposphere


atmospheric rivers exist high in the atmosphere and require weak winds and high amounts of moisture to transport moisture horizontally


climate change commonly alleviates inequality in the US


extinction rates are estimated using accurate techniques which provide field biologists a clear understanding of why species go extinct


global anthropogenic CO2 emissions have increased linearly from 1850 to the present


global climate change and the recognition of humans impact on the planet has lead to the idea of sustainable development by is insignificant in regards to resiliency


ground level ozone concentrations typically decrease with increasing air temperature


ground-level ozone is preferable because it is our primary protection against UV radiation


information and statistics on habitat transformations for the majority of earths different biomes are plentiful


locations that are further away from an ocean and in a drier area have less variability in air temperatures


on August 6, 2019 Pheonix experienced a high 101 deg F. on Aug 6 2020 pheonix experienced a high of 108 deg F. this demostrates a change in climate


peak waste heat emissions from energy use in dense urban areas such as Manhattan or Tokyo is frequently ten times as large as the maximum heat flux from the sun in summer


regardless of regulations and the state of air quality in nearby cities, states, or countries. local regulatory actions are all that are needed to fix air quality problems


surveying aerosol-cloud interactions at a large scale is much more challenging the it is at a final scale


the development of placental mammals was facilitated by the increases of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere


there are no direct man-made sources of ozone


usually those who are most guilty for environmental damage, generally suffer in proportion to their role in causing this damage


according to IPCC, sea level rise is likely to increase to an equilibrium level which will be reached in the next 100-200 years. the IPCC states in the enxt 100-200 years that sea levels will rise to a point and then balance out


oreskes argues that we should beleive scientists because they use the scientific method


the amount of the suns energy that reaches the earths surface, known as solar irradiance, is the main causation of climate change


the listing of countries that are the biggest contributors to global warming in order is pretty much the same whether one considers per capita CO2 emissions or country-totals of CO2 emissions


oreskes argues that science is the appeal to the authority of

the collective community

please select the choice that most accurately describes the concept of using scenarios to understand climate

in climate modeling, the introduction of various realistic events that can cause a change to the climate

the IPCC report for policymakers states that under the worse of the current suite of IPCC RCP scenarios, global average temperatures are projected to

increase by between 2.6 and 4.8 deg C by 2100

all of the following are among the six EPA-regulated 'criteria pollutants' except


concerns over the ozone hole led to global efforts to curb use of chemicals used in certain refrigerants. the main tool for managing such chemicals was known as

montreal protocol

what fraction of the worlds population lives in cities

more than 50%

late monsoons and low amounts of winter rainfall are ____ affecting Bangladesh crops


the 4 components or stages or the Adaptive Cycle are; growth/exploitations phase, conservation phase, collapse/release phase, and the...

reorganization phase

which of the choices is not suggested in "preparing for resettlement associated with climate change

resettling communities in areas in which marginalized communities reside

many scientists are convinced that the west Antarctic ice sheet will melt and result in how much ocean rise by the end of the 21st century

1-2 meters

in "estimating economic damages" researchers discovered that an increase on 1 degree Celsius in global temperature costs approx. _______% of gross domestic product


analysis of the reading suggests the earth is losing generally how much of its wild nature every year

0.5 to 1.5

choose the correct pairings of geoengineering method acronyms and their meanings

CDR is carbon dioxide removal, SRM is solar radiation management

according to this weeks lecture videos, a build-up of ________ in the atmosphere acts like a blanket, called the greenhouse effect and leads to __________ in global temperatures. This causes increasing drought prone regions, shifting of climate zones, eroding of ice sheets and rising sea levels,

CO2; an increase

a social ecological system is

a complex, evolving system with no equilibrium that has both human and natural components

decades ago, the soviet union sent a series of space probes known as the Venera series to investigate the atmosphere of the planet Venus and discovered a very hot environment with surface temperatures nearly 900 degrees F. what mechanism is responsible for keeping the planet this hot?

a dense atmosphere made up of mostly carbon dioxide

what happened to the amazon rain-forest in 2010

a drought

which of the following statements are true?

a planet with no ice has a darker surface and absorbs more solar radiation

managing a system while simultaneously learning more about the system is known as

adaptive management

_____________ makes up 31% of water use in the US in comparison to about 70% of water use in developing countries

agricultural use

what are some likely applications for remote sensing

all choices are correct

which of the following is true about climate and weather

all choices are correct

which of the following options is a source of evaporation on earth

all of these are correct

choose the best answer to fill in the blank. As mentioned in lecture materials ____________ examples of data that is gathered and analyzed with remote sensing instrumentation

all other choices are correct

the assorted weather station networks across the US include at least 50,000 sites, many of them have been collecting data for decades. With all this data, there are a number of things that can skew the information and corrections have to be made. what are the possible casues for this

all other choices are correct

what are some of the challenges faced by globalization

all other choices are correct

what is true about globalization and the future

all other choices are correct

which of the examples below is accurate about SES

all other choices are correct

what data is captured in ice/sediment cores that can then be interpreted by scientist

all other choices are true

although other planets likely have ongoing chemical reactions, they are extremely common earth because of what aspect of our planet

an abundance of liquid water

common examples of enviornmental injustice include all of the following except

an earthquake that devastates a region

according to this weeks readings, predictions suggest that global stratospheric ozone will be back at its 1980 amounts by

around 2030

what aspects of cities contribute to the Urban Heat effect

asphalt and other dark surfaces

factors that contribute to the generation of ozone in the troposphere include all of the following except

atmospheric carbon dioxide

select the false proclamation regarding the use of remote sensing

it can only record and collect data from that is in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

for the northern hemisphere, the period from 1983 to 2012 was

likely the warmest 30-year period in the last 1400 years

modern climate changes can be caused either by natural evens or as a result of human activity. air temperature in a rural area can be altered by the expansion of cities. There is an example of

local anthropogenic influence

in the summer, india has massive monsoons, which are caused by what

low pressure system over the country

in this weeks lecture videos and readings, scientists calculated that sea levels will rise between approximately 1 and 5 meters. there are many factors that contribute the global change. which of the following choices is not one of them

none of the other choices are correct

the concept of "good" ozone refers to the fact that

ozone reduces the amount of UV-B radiation passing through the atmosphere

in the context of environmental justice, meaningful involvement in decision-making related to urban environmental planning includes which of the following elements

people have an opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their environmental and/or health

common characteristics of resilient systems include; diversity, flexibility, modularity, tight feedbacks, and


the "westerlies" do not flow strictly in a west-east direction largely due to

rossby waves

this weeks reading defines stages of ozone recovery. which of the following options puts those stages in the correct order

stratospheric ozone decline starts to slow, stratospheric ozone itself increases, then ozone fully recovers

what is meant by the great acceleration

the impact that us humans have on our planet and its natural systems has increased substantially since the industrial revolution

which of these answers is the best example of a positive feed back that then reaches an equilibrium in an earth system

the slow buildup and then maintenance of stratospheric ozone

which of these answers is the best example of a positive feed back then reaches an equilibrium in an earth system

the slow buildup and then maintenance of stratospheric ozone

according to the IPCC, many plant species face the threat of extinction under climate change since

their ability to naturally shift their geographic ranges will not be able to keep up with the rate of climate change

scientists use a technique to study tree rings, what method is it and how much damage does it cause the tree?

they use a special tool to get a slice of the tree to analyze without cutting it down, which causes little to no damage to the trees

from 2000 to 2012 which of the four domains experiences the greatest total forest gain


Geoengineering dates back to around 1908,when there was debate of CO2 as a way to warm the atmosphere


a regime change in ecological resilience is when a system loses flexibility in its current state and transforms to a new state


according to the IPCC, the scientific consensus is that earth climate is being affected by human activities


aerosol-cloud interactions have a large influence on meteorological conditions, and meteorological conditions have a large influence on aerosol-cloud interactions


as stated by Muggah, displaced refugees usually flee from poor cities to even poorer cities


in 1991 the level of aerosols in the atmosphere increased immensely due to the eruption Mt. Pinatubo. this altered the amount of radiation from that sun that reached the surface of earth. this lead to cooling of global temperatures for several years


it appears that the ozone layer over the Antarctic is in the early stages of recovering from its depletion


most major deserts are found at 30 degrees south and 30 degrees north altitude


no coral bleaching occurred during the summer of 2018


occasionally, remote sensing data is gathered by aircraft-mounted cameras. a low altitude photo will result in an image output covering smaller area and higher resolution than a high altitude photo with the same camera system.


one argument that having skillful models is important is that the additional information allows us to ask more complex and interesting questions


scientists have had success in developing rice that can withstand high slat levels and are actively working toward developing rice that can withstand the recent harsher weather conditions in Bangladesh


the IPCC states it is not impossible, and that many avenues exists to reduce warming to less than 2 deg C above preindustrial levels


the mass of the earth helps to make sure that it holds the right atmospheric composition


the scientific American lists "unplug" as one of their 10 solutions for climate change because some devices use more power when turned off and plugged in than when turned on and plugged in


you overhear some people talking about how it is usually cold and windy this time of year, but as you go outside, you notice it's hot and not windy at all. you realize that the people were describing the climate


coral cores can provide data about the condition of the ocean. is this statement true or fales?

true - coral core contain info that can be used to derive the temperature of the environment they are in

which of the following are examples of factors that contribute to urban warming

waste heat emissions from energy use and lots of concrete and asphalt

which of the following is not an illustration of a climate-energy-water feedback loop

water use in yards and pools warms the local climate

the critical substance allows for chemical reactions to take place between the different spheres on earth. what is this substance and which sphere is primarily made up of it

water; hydrosphere

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