Grade 6 Unit 14 Vocabulary
Responsive (re spon' sive)
(adj.) answering or replying; reacting readily to requests, suggestions, etc.; showing interest and understanding
Glum (glum)
(adj.) depressed, gloomy
Submissive (sub miss' ive)
(adj.) humbly obedient; tending to give in to authority, obeying without protest
Self-seeking (self seek' ing)
(adj.) selfishly ambitious
Far-fetched (far fetched')
(adj.) strained or improbable (in the sense of not being logical or believable), going far afield from a topic
Replica (rep' li ca)
(n.) a copy, close reproduction
Sanctuary (sanc' tu ar y)
(n.) a sacred or holy place; refuge or protection from capture or punishment; place or refuge
Upheaval (up heav' al)
(n.) a sudden, violent upward movement; great disorder or radical change
Taskmaster (task' mas ter)
(n.) one whose job it is to assign work to others; one who uses his or her power to make people work very hard
Allegiance (a llegi' ance)
(n.) the loyalty or obligation owed to a government, nation, or cause
Append (a ppend')
(v.) to attach, add or tack on as a supplement or extra item
Transform (trans form')
(v.) to change completely in appearance or form; to make into something else
Tally (tall' y)
(v.) to count up; to keep score; to make entries for reckoning; to correspond or agree; (n.) a total or score
Enumerate (e nu' me rate)
(v.) to count; to name one by one, list
Accommodate (a ccomm' o date)
(v.) to do a favor or service for, help out; to provide for, supply with; to have space for; to make fit or suitable
Exalt (ex alt')
(v.) to make high in rank, power, character, or quality; to fill with pride, joy, or noble feeling; to praise, honor
Extort (ex tort')
(v.) to obtain by violence, misuse of authority, or threats
Commemorate (co mmem' o rate)
(v.) to preserve, honor, or celebrate the memory of
Abstain (ab stain')
(v.) to stay away from doing something by one's own choice
Amalgamate (a mal' ga mate)
(v.) to unite; to combine elements into a unified whole