Grade 7, module 10, week 33, Science Test

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Temperatures can drop to what temperature in the inter in the tundra.


How much rain usually falls each year in a tropical rainforest?


The ocean covers how much of the earth's surface?


What temperatures do coral reeds need in order to grow?

68° F and 82°F

What does nocturnal mean?

Awake at night

Why is grass the best adapted plant for growing in this biome?

Because grass is well suited to survive drought and fires it is best suited for the tropical grasslands and the herbivores that live there.

What are the four types of wetlands?

Bog, Marsh, Mire, Swamp

What are some basic characteristics of winters in the taiga?

Chilly winds from the arctic blow south, causing the average temperature is below freezing for about half the year.

What is one example of mutualism in the coral reef?

Clown fish and Sea anemones

What is the main type of tree in this biome?


What adaptations do animals have that allow them to survive in the temperate grasslands?

During the hard, cold winters of the grasslands, many animals will migrate to other biomes, but not all. American buffalo or bison will stay on the grassland all winter long trying to find food to eat.

Why do plants lose their leaves in the fall?

Keeping the leaves during the winter means that the tree will lose to much water and the water loss would cause damage to the tree.

What are the characteristics of each of these zones?

Littoral: The zone which is closest to the shore Limnetic: found in the middle of the lake or pond near the surface Profundal: bottom section of the pond or lake

What is the difference between fresh and saltwater?

Obviously, saltwater has a high level of salt and other impurities mixed in. Freshwater is called fresh, not because it is pure water, but because of its low salt content (there can be some salt, but not much).

How are fires beneficial to the tropical grasslands?

Seasonal fires help the savanna's biodiversity

What are some characteristics of each of the zones of the ocean?

Sunlight: ound near the surface of the ocean and it is really the only layer of the ocean that light can reach. Disphotic: The disphotic zone is the middle layer of the ocean. Aphotic: The aphotic zone is the deepest layer, and it is completely dark because none of the sunlight can penetrate down that far.

What are some basic characteristics of summers in the taiga?

The short summers are warm and humid. Winter usually last longer throughout the year, while summers are short.

What does porous mean?

The soil allows for rapid draining of water

How does diet and hibernation help animals survive in the tundra?

Their diets must also be adaptable because the options for food are limited during the winter months. An example of adaptation can be seen in the polar bear. It eats extra food in the summer and fall to build up its fat stores. When the harsh winter begins to hit the area, the bear goes to its den and hibernates to avoid the harsh winter. The hibernation slows down metabolism and heart rate to a point that minimizes the nutrients that its body will need.

What are some of the plants that live in the tropical rainforest?

Venus flytrap, pitcher plants, orchids, Strangler fig, rattan palms, mangrove trees, philodendron, passion flower, rubber tree, coffee trees, banana trees, coconut trees, and mango trees.

Why are wetlands important for the ecosystem?

Wetlands provide food for people and protection against floods in the case of strong storms. Wetlands naturally filter water, making it clean to drink.

What are the three types of rivers?

Youthful, Mature, and Old Rivers

Why are algae in the ocean important for the atmosphere?

a great deal of responsibility for reducing the levels of carbon dioxide found in the atmosphere!

What are some animal adaptations for living in the tundra?

a thick cover of fur or feathers that are often camouflaged. Under that thick layer of fur or feathers, there is often a thick layer of blubber or fat. The blubber serves as a layer of insulation.

Where are deciduous forest found?

across sections of the United States, Europe, Asia, and Canada.

What plants live in estuaries?

algae, mangrove trees, pickleweed, and salt grass.

What are some basic characteristics of the tundra biome?

an extreme biome that is very cold and dry with limited trees

What are some of the animals that live in the ocean?

blue whale, whale shark, squid, leopard seal, sea snake, sea turtle, different crabs, and a variety of sharks, all of which make their home there.

What type of grasses are found in the temperate grasslands?

buffalo grasses, sunflowers, crazy weeds, asters, blazing stars, coneflowers, goldenrods, clover, indigos, coneflowers, and milkweed.

What plants live in the coral reef?

coralline algae, calcareous algae, seagrass, and seaweed.

What types of trees are found in the temperate grasslands?

cottonwood, ash, and box elder.

What is the soil like in temperate grasslands?

deep soils that are rich in nutrients

What is the difference between tropical and temperate grasslands?

does not have as much diversity as the tropical grasslands

How have warm blooded animals adapted to live in the desert?

eat enough to stay warm at night

What are lakes?

fairly big bodies of freshwater that are surrounded on all sides by land

What are some plants live in the ocean?

green, red, and brown algae, seagrasses, diatoms, kelp, and phytoplankton

How have cold blooded animals adapted to live in the desert?

have body temperatures that mirror the temperature of the deserts

What are the three main adaptations that desert plants have that help them survive?

having long roots, spines, and storing water in different ways, such as in fruit and leaves.

What are some resources that plants compete for in the tropical rainforest?

important materials such as water and soil nutrients

What is the soil like in the tropical rainforest?

is acidic and low in nutrients.

Where is the temperate zone of the earth?

is found in areas where the climate, amount of sunlight, and the average temperatures can vary greatly during each season.

What adaptations do animals in the deciduous forest have that help them survive?

is that of animals exhibiting food storage. Squirrels and birds store food in their dens during the warm months so that they will have the necessary food for the winter. It is common for these animals to hibernate and migrate.

How much rain usually falls each year in a desert?

less than 10 inches

Where are estuaries located?

located along any coast, and each day as the tide rises, saltwater is brought into the estuary to mix with the fresh water that is flowing into the ocean

How high are the temperatures in the tundra growing season?


What are some characteristics of the temperate rainforest biome?

mild temperatures and are located between taiga biomes and the tropical regions

What is coral?

most abundant living creature on the reef. Corals are very small creatures that attach themselves to the hard reef and stay there throughout their lifespan

What are rivers?

moving bodies of freshwater that are caused by the runoff from precipitation at higher elevations

Why are estuaries important?

natural water filters for the earth

Where are tropical rainforest located?

near the equator or in South America, Africa, or Southeast Asia

What is the soil like in this biome?


What plants are found in the wetlands?

pond lilies, blue spruce, cattails, tamarack, arrowheads, blue flag, speckled alder trees, winterberry holly, and ash trees.

What are marine biomes?

regions are another name for saltwater regions. These regions are mainly found in the oceans and are categorized as coral reefs, estuaries, and ocean biomes

What is the rain shadow effect?

stop rain clouds from advancing into the deserts (this is known as the rain shadow effect).

What are some examples of trees in the temperate deciduous forest?

sugar maple, American beech, American basswood, birch, black cherry, magnolia, carpet moss, pecan, and tawny milkcap mushroom.

What is the most common type of tree in the taiga?

the coniferous tree

What adaptations do plants in the deciduous forest have?

the thin broad leaf structure

How does the tilting of the earth affect the tundra?

the tilt of the earth points us away from the sun. In the summer, the opposite happens and days are longer.

What are some adaptations that animals have that live in the ocean?

to help them navigate this difficult environment, to store fat or blubber to insulate themselves, a denser coat of fur than any other animal.

Where are temperate grasslands located?

to the north or south of the tropical grasslands.

What is co-domination?

two main species in the forest

What types of plants live in the rivers?

water lilies, algae, and duckweed, willows, cattails, water lettuce, and water moss.

What animals are found in lakes and ponds?

water striders, flatworms, dragonfly nymphs, water fleas, turtles, and frogs.

Where are tropical grasslands found?

Africa, South America, India, and Australia.

What are some adaptations that animals have that help them survive in the taiga?

Animals that live in the taiga must be able to survive cold winters and warm summers. These animals have a variety of adaptations. Some of the animals need to migrate or hibernate. Some have fur or feathers that can change color seasonally to help hide from predators. Especially when being compared to other biomes, the taiga has a low diversity of plants and animals.

What are the characteristics of the tundra's annual and perennial plants?

Annual : these plants grow during one growing season and then die Perennial: a tougher type of plant found in the tundra. These plants do not die in the winter because they keep their leaves, shoots, or sometimes just roots in the ground. They grow quickly and efficiently when the growing season starts.

How does a river form?

Every river on the Earth begins at a higher elevation. We know that for rivers to function, gravity has to play an important role in directing the flow of a river by pulling water downhill. Besides precipitation from the sky, some other points of origination for rivers include glaciers, lakes, marshes, and springs. As water flows downhill, the growing volume of flowing water causes small streams to be formed. As two or more streams converge together, a brook is formed. The brook often flows through a valley and becomes constant when it gains additional volumes of groundwater. As the water level of the brook increases and other streams and brooks join together, a river is formed.

How are fires beneficial to the temperate grasslands?

Fires are beneficial to the environment as they destroy old grass and allow new grasses and shrubs to grow.

How do fires help the taiga?

Fires can help the area by removing some of the old, sick trees, and making way for new growth

What adaptations do plants have that allow them to survive in the temperate grasslands?

Grasses survive the dry season through quick spreading and rapid growth. They grow quickly during the wet season and spread their seeds further across the ground to prepare for the next season of abundant water. The grasses also limit their water loss; they do so by turning brown rather than sleeping. Some of the plants of the prairie also store water in their roots until the rainy season begins again.

What types of animals live in the tropical grasslands?

In Africa, for example, there are elephants, antelopes, giraffes, and zebras that eat the grasses and trees, Other animals of the tropical grasslands include buffaloes, snakes, ground squirrels, gophers, and kangaroos.

Why is the tropical rainforest an ideal climate for bacteria?

In the tropical rainforest, bacteria remain active all year and are able to quickly break down dead organisms into simpler compounds and molecules to be used again by plants. These are the decomposers we talked about last week! In many of the biomes, like the tropical rainforest, the decomposition of leaves adds nutrients to the soil to make it richer for ideal plant growth

What is hibernation?

Sleeping during the winter.

How do birds respond to the changing seasons?

Some Migrate. Some birds head south for the winter so they can enjoy a warmer and more comfortable climate during the winter

What are some adaptations of the animals that live in the temperate rainforest?

Some animals hibernate during the winter and some are nocturnal and seem drowsy or asleep during the day.

How can insects live in the tundra?

Some have dark coloring to maximize the absorption of solar energy or hairy torsos help with insulation. Some insects have molecules in their bodies that serve as a type of antifreeze and some insects even dehydrate their bodies to a degree so there is less water in their bodies to freeze.

Where are some of the largest deserts located?

Some of the largest deserts, including the Sahara desert, the Australian desert, and the Arabian desert, are found from latitude 30° south to latitude 30° north.

What are some plant adaptations help plants live in the rivers?

Some of these plants have to have strong roots to be able to withstand the current of the water, specialized structures that keep them anchored in the ground and prevent them from being swept away by the water, Plants that float on top of the water include water lilies, algae, and duckweed. Other plants grow along the shoreline like cattails and reeds.

What are some plant adaptations for living in the tundra?

Some plants grow in clusters close to the ground or are able to grow under the snow. Some can carry out the process of photosynthesis even in the cold conditions, while others grow smaller leaf structures to help them retain their moisture more efficiently.

Which zone has the most nutrients?

Sunlight zone or the Euphotic Zone

What are the three light zones of the ocean?

Sunlight, Disphotic, Aphotic zone

What are some plant adaptations that help them get this resource?

The ability of plants to survive and thrive in a tropical rainforest depends on the plant's ability to live with constant shade or find alternate avenues for absorbing sunlight so that there is minimal competition from the many other plants in the tropical rainforest

Why is the tropical rainforest an ideal climate for many species of plants and animals?

The combination of humid air and very warm temperature

What is the difference between the alpine tundra and the arctic tundra?

The difference is that the alpine tundra is widely scattered and can be found in places besides the Arctic region of the earth. The alpine tundra has an extreme climate which includes extremely cold temperatures, snowstorms, blizzards, and gale-force winds.

How can some deer adapt to the winter season?

These deer can be seen searching for food under the snow. They use their sharp hooves to locate and dig up the shoots of green plants under the snow so they can eat.

What can mussels do to help out the ecosystem of the rivers?

They can help to Filter the water that runs past them

What are ponds?

are smaller bodies of water

What adaptations allow that the conifer tree to survive in the taiga?

are trees that produce their seeds in cones and have leaves that are shaped like needles. Conifers, also known as evergreens, include trees like pines, spruces and firs.

What are wetlands?

areas where standing water covers the soil or where the soil is continually damp and soggy

What are some examples of animals that live in the temperate deciduous forest?

bald eagle, black bear, coyote, duck-billed platypus, chipmunk, fat dormouse, European red squirrel, weasel, white-tailed deer, American burying beetle, beaver, muskrat, copperhead snake, opossum, and tawny owl.

What are some examples of desert plants?

barrel cactus, Brittlebush, Chain fruit cholla, Desert ironwood, Joshua tree, Mojave aster, palo verde, Pancake prickly pear cactus, soaptree yucca, and Triangle-leaf bursage.

What are some of the animals that live in the tropical rainforest?

bearded pig, Brazilian tapir, capybara, gorilla, orangutan, golden lion tamarin, jaguar, toco toucan, poison dart frog, anaconda, three-toed sloth, coral snake, and harpy eagle.

What are some habitats of animals in the temperate rainforest?

burrows, high in trees, or right in the middle of the forest floor.

How have animals adapted because of the competition for food in the rainforest?

by choosing to eat a particular food that is not commonly eaten. One example is how beautiful birds called toucans have developed adaptions such as a long, large bill. This bill allows a toucan to reach many types of fruit on small branches which might not support the weight of the bird.

Tropical grasslands are usually bordered by what?

by deserts, oceans, mountains, or forests

How do plants reproduce in the grasslands?

by fertilization to make seeds with pollen being transferred by insects, animals, or wind

How long can the growing season of the temperate deciduous forest last?

can last for several months.

What animals live in estuaries?

carp and stickleback

What animals can live in the rivers?

catfish, river otters, large-mouth bass, minnow, carp, gar, American eel, rainbow trout, paddlefish, piranha, and river mussels.

What are the basic characteristics of the grassland biome?

characterized by tall, perennial grasses and minimal trees. Many animals roam this flat and peaceful biome and graze on its vegetation.

What animals live in the coral reef?

clams, corals, squids, clownfish, sea anemones, crabs, the square-spot fish, and the scorpionfish.

What are some of the types of trees that exist in the temperate rainforest?

coastal redwood tree, fireweed, skunk cabbage, epiphytes, pine fir, hemlock, sequoias, sweet gum tree, Sitka spruce, and scot's pine tree.

Why are rivers important to a society?

important resource for food, water, and transportation since the time of Noah's flood

What animals are found in the wetlands?

include alligators, crocodiles, shellfish, shrimps, beavers, minks, muskrats, map turtles, mudpuppies, ducks, prothonotary warblers, and northern water snakes.

What are the three zones in lakes and ponds?

littoral, limnetic, and profundal zone

Where is the taiga located?

northern parts of North America, the northern Rocky Mountains, Europe, and Asia

For every gallon of water in the ocean, how much salt is there?

one cup of salt (that's a lot!).

What are estuaries?

regions where fresh water and salt water mix

What are some of the animals that live in the desert?

roadrunners, desert tortoise, addax, Gila monsters, Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard, desert fox, kangaroo rat, hawk, cactus wren, and armadillo lizard.

How can coral receive the energy it needs?


What plants are found in lakes and ponds?

tape grass, sago pondweed, cattails, duck potato, bur marigold, giant duckweed, and water lilies.

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