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Final Grade Weighting

This is represented by a pie chart icon, and allows for the configuration of one of five grade weight options.

Type Method

This is the grade weighting method in which a type of assignment (discussion, quiz, exam, etc.) is set to represent an percent of the class grade, no matter how many assignments fall within that type.

Point Method

This is the grade weighting method in which each assignment is weighted by the number of points it is worth, with all points being of equal value.

Manual Method

This is the grade weighting method used to record the final course grade when assignment grades and grade weight calculations are completed elsewhere.

Letter grade ranges

This link is represented by the "A" icon, and it allows for the changing of the default grade range required by the college to Pass/Fail for courses that permit that.


This link is represented by the gold medallion icon, and it allows for the addition of grade columns for assignments not created in Coursework.

View full gradebook

This link is represented by the open book icon, and allows for the display of all course grades.

Submit your grades

This link is represented by the open envelope icon, and leads to a page on which final course grades can be adjusted and submitted to the registrar.

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