Grammar in use

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Bored / Boring

Adj - ed * Diễn tả cảm xúc của chính mình về điều gì đó, về tình huống nào đó. * Only people ( or animals) who can feel something. Object / Situation can not feel. -> This book is so interesting. I'm really interested to find out how it ends. -> Lots of students are confused by English grammar. It is really so confusing. Adj-ing * Dùng để diễn tả tính chất của hành động do một người, một cảnh, một thứ gì đó gây ta, tạo ra cho bạn những cảm xúc nói trên. * Describé a person ( others), a thing, activity or a situation that causes one's feeling. Ưhat í making us feeling this way.

Will - Future

* Decide to do something at the time of speaking. * Offering to do something. -> I'll help you will it. * Agreeing/ Refusing -> I've asked John to help but he won't. -> The car won't start( = The car refuses to start) *Asking for someone to do something ( Will you...?) -> Will, you shut the door, please? -> Will you please be quiet? * Will use with words? -> I'll probably be -> I'm sure I'll -> I expect I'll. -> I think I'll.

Going to

* I am going to get salt from the shop -> She has already decided to go to the shop. * Use when there is something in the present situation that shows what will happen in the near future. You feel sure about the situation. -> I feel terrible. I'm going to be sick.

Past perfect ( I had) I / he / she had = I'd / he'd/ she'd gone. I / he / she hadn't gone ? Had you / she / he gone ? had + the past participle ( gone, opened, written).

* Sometimes we talk about something that had happened in the past. Use past perfect to say that something had already happened before this time. -> When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home. -> It was my first time in an aeroplan. It was very nervous because I hadn't flown before. -> The house is dirty, we haven't cleaned it for weeks = The house was dirty, we hadn't cleaned it for weeks. -> Ann wasn't in when I phoned her. She was in London. -> Ann had just got home when I phoned her. She had been in London.

Past simple ( I did)

* Talk about actions or situations in the past. * Happened in the past and finished in the past.

I have been doing

* Talk about an action ( quite a long action) which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped. -> You are out of breath. Have you been running ? -> Why are your clothes so dirty ? What have you been ? * To ask how long something has been happening. This time the action or situation began in the past and is still happening or has just stopped. -> It has been raining for 2hrs * Use with since and for. -> How long have you been learning English -> Have you been working hard today ? -> I've been watching TV since 2 o'clock. * Interested in the action

Present perfect

* Talk about life experiences -> I have been to... -> I have visited ... -> I have tried... * Present perfect use with ever and never. -> Have you ever eaten caviar? -> We have never had a cat. -> It's the most boring film I've ever seen. * Present perfect: You have never done something or you've not done something during a period that continues up to the present. -> I've never smoked -> I've not smoked for 3 years. * Present perfect use with "Yet" - Expecting something to happen. -> Has it stopped raining yet? -> I haven't told them about the accident yet. * Use with " this morning" , " this evening", " today", " this week", " this term". When these periods are not finished at the time of speaking. -> I've smoked 10 cigarettes today ( Perhaps I'll smoke more before today finishes) -> I haven't seen Tom this morning. Have you?

I have done (3)

* Talk about period of time that continuos to the present -> We haven't had any problems so far * Use with yet: -> Yet shows that the speaker is expecting something to happen. " yet" only in question and negative. * Use with this morning, this evening, today, this week, this term -> I've smoked 10 cigarettes today ( maybe I'll smoke more before today finishes) -> Has Ann had a holiday this year ? -> I haven't seen Tom this morning. Have you ? * The important thing is something has been finished. We are interested in the result of the action, not the action itself.

Simple present

* Talk about thing in general < not only about the present > * Say how often we do things * Talking about thing happens all the time or repeatedly. -> The earth goes around the sun. * When you make a suggestion. -> why dont you go to bed early ? * Talk about time-table ( transport, program) -> What time does the film begin ? -> The train leaves at 10:30

Present continuous I am You are She/ he / it is They / we are

* Talk about thing that happen at the time of speaking * Talk about thing that happen around the time of speaking, but not necessary exactly at the time of speaking. * Talk about period around the present, ex today, this season. * Talk about changing situation -> The population of the world is rising very fast. * was/ were going to do : What someone intended to do in the past ( but didn't do).

Past continuous

* To say in the middle of something in the past at a certain time. -> This time last year I was living in Brazil. -> What were you doing at 10 o'clock yesterday ? * Does not tell us whether an action was finished or not. -> Tom was cooking = He was in the middle of cooking, we don't know whether he finished cook it. -> Tom cooked = He began and finished it. * To say something happened in the middle of something else. ( Something happened after another -> Simple past) -> Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking dinner. -> when Tom arrived, we were having dinner = We had already started dinner before Tom arrived. -> When Tom arrived, we had dinner = Tom arrived, and then we had dinner.

Present perfect continuous ( I have been doing ) I have been doing ( I've) Ha has been doing ( He's)

* Use present perfect continuous: when we talk about an action (quite a long action) which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped. -> You're out of breath. Have you been running? -> Why are your clothes so dirty ? What have you been doing ?. * Use present perfect continuous : To ask or say how long something has been happening. Action / situation began in the past and is still happening or has just stopped. -> It " has been" raining for 2 hours. -> " How long have you been " learning English. -> They've been waiting " for " over an hour. ->I've been watching TV " since " 2 o'clock. -> " Hasn't been " feeling well " recently " -> "Has been playing" tennis "since" she was eight.

Present perfect ( I have done) Have /has + the past participle ( ed)

* Use present perfect if there is a connection with the present -> I've lost my key (= I haven't got it now) -> Jim has gone to UK (= He is in the UK or on the way there now) * Use present perfect to give new information or to announce a recent happening. -> Ow, I have burnt myself. -> Do you know about Jim ? He's gone to Canada. * Use present perfect with " JUST = A short time ago." -> I've just had lunch -> Have you just arrived ? * Use present perfect with " Already = To say something has happened sooner than expected " -> Don't forget to post the letter, will you ?. I've already posted it. * Gone to: -> She has gone to Italy = She is there now or on her way there. * Has been to : -> She has been to Italy = She was there but now she has come back.

Present perfect ( I have done )

* Use that when there is a connection with the present. -> I've lost my key ( = I haven't got it now) -> Jim has gone to Canada ( = He is in Canada or on his way there) * Use that to give new information or to announce a recent happening -> I've lost my key. Can you help me look for it. -> I've burnt myself. * Use with just : -> I have just had lunch * Gone to / been to -> Ann is on holiday. She has gone to Italy ( = she is there now or she is on her way there) -> Tom is back in England now. He has been to Italy. (= he was there but ow the has comeback).

I have done ( 2)

* Use with "ever and never " -> Have you ever eaten caviar. * Use present perfect after a superlative -> What a broing film ! It's the most boring film I've ever seen. -> It is the first time he has driven a car. -> It is the second time he has lost his passport. * to say that you have never ever done something or that you haven't done something during a period of time which continues up to the present. -> I have never smoked -> I haven't smoke for 3 years. -> Jill hasn't written to me for nearly a month.

Have been doing or have done

1. Been doing * Been doing : we are interested in the action. Doesn't matter whether something has been finished or not ( ex. action has not been finished) -> Ann's clothes are covered in paint, she has been painting the ceiling. * Use " continuous form" to say how long something has been happening? -> Ann has been writing letters all day. -> How long have you been reading that book? -> Jim has been playing tennis since 2 o'clock. 2. Have done: It is important that something has been finished. We are interested in the result of the action, not in the action itself. -> The ceiling was white. Now it's blue. She has painted the ceiling. -> The car is going now. Tom has repaired it. * Use " simple form" to say how much we have done, how many things we have done, or how many times we have done something. -> Ann has written 10 letters today. -> How many pages of this book, have you been reading?

Gerund / infinitives (1) v + to V = V + to V / V + O + to V Danh động từ = Việc làm gì đó

1. V + to V Afford, Agree, Ask ( xin phép), Deserve, Fail, Tend ( có khuynh hướng hay làm gì), Attempt ( nỗ lực làm gì), Choose, Decide, Determine ( Quyết định làm gì), Manage ( Xoay sở được). -> They usually choose to go by train. -> Yesterday I attempted to walk 6 miles. -> When I tried, I tend to make mistake. 2. V + O + to V / V + o + not + to V Advise ( khuyên ai đó) ; Ask + O ( yêu cầu), Tell, Teach, Allow ( cho phép), Enable ( Cho phép làm gì, làm cho có thể làm gì ), Help to, Warn -> Police are advising people to stay at home. -> My mother always warns me not to talk to strangers.

Will be doing ( future continuous) / Will have done ( future perfect)

1. Will be doing : * At specific time in the future, be in the middle of the action. -> At 10 o'clock tomorrow he'll be working. -> This time next week, I'll be on holiday. I'll probably be lying on a beautiful beach. * Talking about things that are already planned or decided. -> I'll be going to the city centre later = I am going to the city centre later. * " Will (you) being " - to ask about people's plans when we want something or want someone to do something. -> Will, you be using your bicycle this evening? -> Will, you be passing the post office when you go out? 2. Will have done = To say that something will already have happened before a certain time in the future. -> Next year is my 25th wedding anniversary. They will have been married for 25 years. ( now they have been married for 24 years).

Gerund / infinitives (2) V + V-ing = V + V-ing / V + prep + V-ing

3. V + V-ing Avoid ( tránh), Consider, Admit ( thừa nhận, thú nhận), Practice, Can't / Couldn't help ( Không thể tránh, không thể không làm gì) ; Quit, Deny ( Thừa nhận); Dislike/ Detest ( ghét cay đắng) ; Mind. -> He avoided answering the question -> I've quit smoking. -> He denied breaking the window. -> Did she mind not getting the job ? 4. V + prep + V-ing : Động từ chuyển về danh động từ nếu đi theo sau giới từ. Look forward to ( prep); Insist on ; Keep on; Object to ( phản đối) ; Give up ; Succeed in ( thành công). -> I give up smoking 10 years ago. -> Dont keep on interrupting me. -> He succeeded in making her angry.

I have been doing / I have done

I have been doing : to say how long something has been happening. The action is still happening now. -> I've been learning English for a long time -> Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long ? I have done / I have been doing : can be used for actions repeated over a long period. -> I have been collecting / I've collected stamps since I was a child. I have done : situation that exist for a long time ( especially if we say always). The situation still exists now. -> My father has always worked hard. -> John has always lived in London. I have been doing : the situation over a shorter time. -> John has been living in London since January

Gerund / Infinitives ( 4) * Need + to V : Cần phải làm gì đó * Need + V-ing = Need + be + v2: Cần được làm gì. * Try + to V : Cố làm gì. * Try + V-ing : Thử làm gì.

V + V-ing / V + to V - Nghĩa hoàn toàn thay đổi Forgot : I forgot to turn off the PC ( Tôi đã quên chưa tắt máy tính rồi ). Forgot : I forgot turning off the PC ( Tôi dã quên cái việc là tôi đã tắt máy tính rồi). 1. Forgot + to V : Quên chưa làm gì, quên mất phải làm gì. Forgot + V-ing : Đã làm việc gì rồi nhưng quên mất là đã làm nó. 2. Remember + to V: Nhớ là phải làm việc gì. Remember + V-ing : Nhớ là đã làm việc gì. 3. Regret + to V : Hối tiếc phải làm gì đó. Regret + V-ing : Hối tiếc vì đã làm gì 4. Sop + to V : Dừng lại để làm gì khác. Stop + V-ing : Dừng hẳn làm gì.

Gerund / Infinitives (3)

V-ing / To V - nghĩa không đổi: * Love, hate, prefer. -> I love playing the piano / I love to play the piano. -> Sharon prefers not to wear / wearing make- up to work. * Begin, start, continue. -> It started to rain 2 min ago / It started raining 2 min ago. -> They continued working / to work as if ( như thể là) nothing had happened. * Can't stand/ bear : Không thể chịu được. -> I can't stand / bear being cold. -> I can't stand / bear to cold

Past continuous ( I was doing)

Yesterday, Tom and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 o'clock and finished at 11 o'clock. -> At 10.30 yesterday, they were playing tennis. * Use to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time but hadn't finished. -> This time last year I was living in Brazil. * Does not tell us whether the action is finished or not. Perhap it was finished, perhaps it not -> Tom was cooking the dinner.= he was in the middle of cooking the dinner and we dont know whether he finished cooking it. * we often use the past continuous ( I was doing) and the past simple ( I did) together to say that something happened i the middle of something else. -> Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner. -> It was raining when I got up. # To say one thing that happened after another, use the past simple -> Yesterday evening Tom was having a bath when the phone rang. He got our of the bath and answered the phone * When Tom arrived, we were having dinner = we had already started dinner before Tom arrived. * When Tom arrived we had dinner = Tom arrived and then we had dinner.

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