Grammar-Translation Method
Grammar-Translation method - ROLES OF THE TEACHER AND STUDENTS
Traditional roles: T --> authority --> says what to do and evaluates SS --> follow instructions
- SS learn the spelling or sound patterns that correspond between languages (cognates), e.g. Eng opportunity --> Span oportunidad - SS memorize the meaning of false cognates
Vocabulary exercises
- find synonyms in the text - find antonyms in the text - explain the meaning of the words as you understand them in the text - other V exercises
Translation of a literary passage
- original TL text or specially written by the T - provides the focus for G & V in subsequent lessons - written or spoken translation, or both
Grammar-Translation method - TECHNIQUES
- translation of a literary passage - reading comprehension questions - vocabulary exercises - cognates - deductive application of rule - fill-in-the blanks - memorizations - use words in sentences - composition
1. SS translate written texts from/to the TL 2. G is taught deductively --> T gives the rule and examples --> SS memorise --> SS use the rule in exercises and translations 3. SS memorise grammmar paradigms, e.g. irregular verbs 4. SS memorise TL vocabulary with L1 equivalents
Grammar-Translation method - GOALS
1. SS will read and appreciate literature in the TL and will develop intellectually, hence the need to know G & V 2. SS will understand and use their L1 better 3. SS will develop their minds thanks to the practice of memorizing TL V & G rules
Grammar-Translation method - ROLE OF L1
1. TL meaning is made clear through translation into L1 2. L1 is mostly used in classroom interactions
Grammar-Translation method
A way of teaching languages in which students are taught grammar deductively and memorise vocabulary items, which are later used in controlled exercises and to translate from/to the TL. Commmunicative skills are not practiced. L1 is heavily used in the lesson. The focus is on accuracy.
Grammar-Translation method - S-T INTERACTION / S-S INTERACTION
Mostly T-->S or T-->SS Little S-S interaction Little S initiation
Reading comprehension questions
Group 1 - ask about information contained in the text Group 2 - SS make inferences Group 3 - SS relate the text to their own experience
Language areas: V & G - main; P - almost no attention Skills: R & W - main; S & L - much less attention
Grammar-Translation method - VIEW ON LANGUAGE AND CULTURE
Literary L is superior to spoken L Culture - literature and fine arts
Fill-in-the blanks
SS fill in the blanks with new V & G, e.g. preposition, verb tenses etc.
SS memorize: - V with TL equivalents - G rules - G paradigms, e.g. irregular verbs
Grammar-Translation method - DEALING WITH ERRORS
SS must get the correct answers In case of incorrect / no answer: - T asks another S - T gives the correct answer
SS write: - a composition based upon some aspect of the R passage - a precis of the R passage
Grammar-Translation method - DEALING WITH STUDENTS' FEELINGS
SS's feelings are not dealth with in this method
Deductive application of rule
T gives the rule + example Exceptions are also noted SS memorise the rule SS apply the rule to other examples
Grammar-Translation method - EVALUATION
Written tests: - translation from/to the TL - questions about the target culture - questions that ask to apply grammar rules