GRE Frequent Words | Brightlink Prep

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MEANING: Condense Or Shorten SENTENCE: Audio Books Are Almost Always Abridged, Since Few People Want To Listen To A 200-Hour Book. MNEMONIC: It Shares Its Root With Abbreviate, For Instance M.A Is An Abbreviation Of Master Of Arts. A Bridge Gives A Shortest Way To Pass A River Or Canal.


MEANING: Criticize. SENTENCE: I Want My Work To Be Above Reproach And Without Error; Because I Can'T Bear Any Trouble In Future. MNEMONIC: Reproach = Re (Again) + Approach (Approach To Top-Management To Complain About Somebody); So Re-Approach Means Complaining Again Or Blaming Again And Again To Criticize Someone.


MEANING: Curb Or Restrain SENTENCE: Ali kept his emotions in check after he failed to get admission to the university he dreamt of. MNEMONIC: We Are Familiar With The Statements Like, Criminal Checked All The Places In The Home, But Couldn'T Find The Money. But In Gre, Check Is As If Police Officer Ordered Me 'Hands-Up'. So He Can Check My Equipments, Whether I Am A Suicider. So Here Check Means Restrained, Block Or Stop Motion.


MEANING: Deliberately Do Something In Order To Mislead. SENTENCE: The Perfidious Politician Sold Out His Country'S Secrets To The Enemy In Exchange For Money And Protection. MNEMONIC: Only 'Apna Faida Sochny Wall' Is Named Perfidious Which Makes Sense Of Disloyal; To Which No-One Can Trust.


MEANING: Difficult To Control SENTENCE: The Horse Was Intractable And Refused To Enter The Starting Gate. MNEMONIC: Tractor Is Very Hard To Manage; When Something Is Tractable By You, It'S Manageable; Otherwise When It'S Intractable, It'S Hard To Manage.


MEANING: Wordy. SENTENCE: This Article Is Too Verbose; Nobody Has Enough Time To Read The Whole Article, So We Must Edit It To Make It Brief And To The Point. MNEMONIC: It Sounds Like Wordose 'Using Plenty Of Words'; A Verbose Person Is Too Much Talkative To Be Tedious For Others.


MEANING: a mournful song, piece of music, or sound SENTENCE: When Kim sang a dirge for her deceased father, she brought everyone to tears MNEMONIC: Dirge - di means die, so when you die and have done good things for people in life, a song of grief or lament will be sung for you.


MEANING: a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality. SENTENCE: That was the work of Fixers, gossip magazines, and the studio system at large, which ensured that Cooper was never caught, never denounced, and held up as a paragon of American values. MNEMONIC: paragon which is a slipper brand makes products which are models for perfection


MEANING: a person who is new to a subject or activity. SENTENCE: Four-day cooking classes are offered to neophytes and experts MNEMONIC: split the word into "neo = the matrix hero" and "phyte = fight". Thus neo fights in matrix movie as a beginner or new commer to save the revolution.


MEANING: (of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area SENTENCE: Is surging inequality endemic to capitalism? MNEMONIC: epidemic is something that is confined to vast area and endemic is confined to small area


MEANING: (of a person or their behaviour) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate. SENTENCE: I hope I won't be considered presumptuous if I offer some advice MNEMONIC: Focus on "Presum" (Presume) -- To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.


MEANING: (of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed. SENTENCE: Pakistan has a huge reserve of latent talent. MNEMONIC: Latent heat can be seen as heat which is "HIDDEN"


MEANING: Bitter Or Scornful SENTENCE: Do Not Be Misled By His Saturnine Countenance; He Is Not As Gloomy As He Looks. MNEMONIC: It Derived From Word Saturated; When A Solution Is Saturated, It Will Not Mix Further Sugar Anymore; So Saturnine Is Something Harsh Scolding, Which Can'T Show Sweetness.


MEANING: Block Or Obstruct The Progress Of SENTENCE: The Special Prosecutor Determined That The Attorney General, Though Inept, Had Not Intentionally Set Out To Impede The Progress Of The Investigation. MNEMONIC: Impede Contains The Root 'Ped' Which Mean 'Feet', Also Occurring In Pedestrian Or Pedal. Impede Thus Has The Sense Of Shackling The Feet, Preventing Movement.


MEANING: Boot-Licker, Yes Man SENTENCE: Imran Khan Advised The Government To Stop Being A Sycophant Of America; We Are A Sovereign Nation, So We Should Do What'S Our Interest. MNEMONIC: It Sounds Like Psychologist Who Can Make A Person To Tell Everything What'S Coming Into His Mind. This Makes Others To Become Fawning Of Psychologist.


MEANING: Boring, Monotonous Routine SENTENCE: Sameer Spent All Day Doing Humdrum Tasks For His Gre Preparation; Learning New Words, Reading Passages And Memorizing Mathematical Formulas. MNEMONIC: The Pakistani Movie Humdum Was Very Boring And Dull.


MEANING: Calm Or Soothe SENTENCE: We Tried To Mollify The Hysterical Child By Promising Her Many Gifts. MNEMONIC: Mollify Shares A Root 'Soften' With Emollient, Which Means Soothing Or Softening Remedy (For The Skin).


MEANING: Commonplace, Not Fresh Or Original. SENTENCE: The English Teacher Criticized Her Story Because Of Its Hackneyed And Unoriginal Plot. MNEMONIC: It Shares Its Root With 'Hackers', Who Are So Common Now-A-Days.


MEANING: Easily Understood; Clear; Intelligible. SENTENCE: Mnemonics Give a Lucid Way Of Learning Vocabulary; In This Way You Can Learn Words And Remember them In Long-Run. MNEMONIC: In Summers, No-One Can Prepare For The Gre After Drinking Lussi (A Kind Of Cold Drink Which Reduce Temperature Inside The Body, That Result To Very Much Sleep); Lucid Is The Opposite Of It, Lucid Concept Is Easy To Learn.


MEANING: Extremely Bad To Such An Extent That It Becomes Shocking SENTENCE: The President's Abuse Of Power Was So Egregious That Even His Own Family Deserted Him And Asked The International Courts To Take Action Against Him. MNEMONIC: Egregious Has The Word Gre In It; In Pakistan We Get Shockingly Bad Grades In Gre.


MEANING: Extremely Demanding SENTENCE: I've taught some of you, I've read your work in the college publications, I've rooted for you on the soccer fields. I've even tested my hand-eye coordination skills with some of you in the exacting sport . . . . of beer pong. MNEMONIC: It Has Derived From Exactly, Which Means Absolutely Or Completely; When You Demand Something, You Want To Get It 100%, Without Any Compromise.


MEANING: Famous But In A Negative Fashion SENTENCE: The Notoriety Of Pakistan As A Corrupt State Is Due To Its Lack Of Genuine System Of Accountability. MNEMONIC: When A Person Is Known As Notorious (Close To 'No Tolerating'), He Is Eventually Intolerable By Others I.E. Disrepute By Others.


MEANING: Fearful; Demonstrating Fear. SENTENCE: The Timorous Manner Of Bilal Betrayed The Fear He Felt Before Start Of His Official Gre Exam. MNEMONIC: It'S Similar To Timid Which Means Shy Or Reserve, Because Of Fear To Discuss Or Talk Due To Lack Of Confidence.


MEANING: Gather Into A Mass Or Whole; Accumulate SENTENCE: The Aggregate Wealth Of This Country Is Staggering To The Imagination. MNEMONIC: It'S Same As Gross Amount; We Use Aggregate Demands And Aggregate Sales To Describe The Total Or Accumulate The Amounts.


MEANING: Gracious Good Manners SENTENCE: Asim'S Teachers In University Are Helpful And Courteous; When He Requested For Recommendation Letters, They Wrote It For Him Immediately. MNEMONIC: It Usually Prescribed In Courts, So Which Is Good Manner. A Lawyer & Judge Should Be In Good Manner, Which They Are Specially, In Deciding The Ordinary Cases.


MEANING: Having A Ready Understanding Of Things. SENTENCE: Some Students Develop New Short-Cuts To Solve Math Questions Due To Their Perspicacity. MNEMONIC: It Derived From Perception; The Right Perception Of Things Is Perspicacious.


MEANING: Having Or Showing Knowledge Of Events Before They Take Place. SENTENCE: The Prescient Instructor Was One Of The Few To See Which Students Were Going To Do Well On The Exam. MNEMONIC: Pre Means Before And Scent Comes From Science. So Before Knowledge Is Spread To Others, You Know It First. It Means You Are Prescient.


MEANING: Insulting Language Or Treatment. SENTENCE: Mosques Should Not Be Exposed With Gossips And Contumely; It's A Place Of Worship, Not For Spreading Hate Among People. MNEMONIC: It Sounds Like Contendly, Which Signifies Its Meaning Of Something Rude And Abusive In Words Or Manner.


MEANING: Lack Of Concern Or Interest In Important Matters SENTENCE: As A Firm Believer In Democratic Government, She Could Not Understand The Apathy Of People Who Never Bothered To Vote. MNEMONIC: Apathy = Absence Of Pathy (Derived From Path, Meaning Direction Or Root); When Someone Shows Absence Of His Mind In The Class Lecture, He Is Showing Apathy, Because The Path Is To Comprehend The Lecture, But He Has Lack Of Concern Of It.


MEANING: Lasting Only A Short Time. SENTENCE: The Mayfly Is An Ephemeral Creature; It Hardly Lives For Couple Of Hours. MNEMONIC: It'S Very Close To Elephant Which Is Now Disappearing From The World; Although Elephant Gets Very Long Live, But Its Growth And Generation Is Going To Disappearing; So Ephemeral Means Short Lived Or Soon Disappearing.


MEANING: Limit or Restrict SENTENCE: Verbal Score Of Bilal In Gre Was Too Low, Because He Circumscribed His Preparation To Only Vocabulary; It'S Less Tested As Compared To Comprehension And Word Usage. MNEMONIC: A Circumference Is The Circular Line That Is The Limit Of The Circle.


MEANING: Make Extremely Angry SENTENCE: Mr. Edhi Is Known For his Kindness towards Children; Unkindness towards Children By Others Incensed Him. MNEMONIC: Incense = Non-Sense (Sounds Very Similar); So It Must Be Showing Anger On Something Bad Or Non-Sense.


MEANING: Mentally Quick And Observant SENTENCE: The Ships In The Harbor Were Not Discernible In The Fog. MNEMONIC: Discerning = Dis (Not) + Cerka Hua (Mind Cerka Hua); So Discerning Means Able To Perceive Or Distinguish Mentally.


MEANING: Meticulous and Extremely Attentive To Details. SENTENCE: One Way To Get a Perfect Score on Gre Is To Scrupulously check your working of Each Question. MNEMONIC: Scrupulous = Scotland Yard Ki Pulous (Police); It'S Famous For Diligent Through Investigation With Careful Attention To Detail.


MEANING: Moderate, Restrained SENTENCE: Noted For His Temperate Appetite, He Seldom Drinks Alcohols. MNEMONIC: It'S Derived From Temperature; A Moderate Temperature Is Most Suitable Or Favourable For The Growth; So Temperance Should Be Of Moderate Or Self-Control.


MEANING: Noisy & Disorder SENTENCE: During The Lecture Of Probability, The Whole Class Became Tumultuous Because No Student Was Able To Comprehend The Difficult Concepts Of This Topic. MNEMONIC: It Is Derived From 'Tum Ult Ho' In Pakistan Which Means You Lack Discipline. So Tumultuous Must Mean Unrestrained And Disorderly.


MEANING: Not Caring SENTENCE: Because She Felt No Desire To Marry, She Was Indifferent To The Constant Proposals By Her Lover. MNEMONIC: Indifferent = Not Different; Looks Like N Ordinary Or Dull, Because The Style Of Your Dress Is Not Different, Which Has Lack Of Attraction.


MEANING: Not Important SENTENCE: We create bubbles of information, silos of opinion, and we tune out all that is extraneous or disagreeable. MNEMONIC: Derived From The Word External, Which Means Out Side; That Is Irrelevant, So Not Important.


MEANING: Not Sincere, Not Simple SENTENCE: Although He Was Young, His Remarks Indicated That He Was Disingenuous. MNEMONIC: Disingenuous = Dis (Not) + Ingenuous (In = Recently Entered + Gen = Generation; Simple, Young Or Recently Acquired Wings); Anything Which Is Not Ingenuous Is Sophisticated; Also As It'S Not Simple (Simple Lover Is More Loyal And Sincere) So It Is Insincere.


MEANING: Not Skilful; Awkward; Bungling. SENTENCE: Imran Khan Is Unhappy About The Maladroit Way The Matter Of So Called War Against Terrorism Has Been Handled. MNEMONIC: Maladroit = Mal (Not Good) + Adroit (Skill); So It Means Not Skilful.


MEANING: Odd; Deviating From Normal. SENTENCE: The Eccentricity Of A Planet'S Orbit Is The Amount By Which It Deviates From A Perfect Circle. MNEMONIC: Eccentric = Exclude From Centric; When Something Is Deviating From Centre Point, It'S Eccentric.


MEANING: Offence Or Annoyance SENTENCE: Imran Khan Took Umbrage At Judiciary Decision Of Not Considering His Request Of Making Recount Of Only Four Jurisdictions; He Was Then Given A Notice For Contempt Of Court. MNEMONIC: It Has Derived From Umbrella Of Rage; Umbrella Signifies Shadow Or Shade, While Rage Signifies Something Disliking Or That Cause Anger.


MEANING: Offensively Loud. SENTENCE: The Decision To Cancel The Kerry Lugar Bill Was Made Over The Vociferous Objections Of Media And Some Political Parties. MNEMONIC: Vociferous = Voice Full; Its Meaning Is Offensively Loud.


MEANING: Ordinary; Dull; SENTENCE: Vocabulary Class Without Mnemonics Looks To Be Pedestrian For Many GRE Students. MNEMONIC: We Know Very Well What Is Pedestal Fans. So Pedestrian Is Someone Who Travels By Foot. Also This Fan Looks To Be Very Awkward, That'S Why It Usually Uses In Villages, Rather Than Big Cities. That Shows It'S Another Meaning 'Boring'.


MEANING: Passionate or Enthusiastic. SENTENCE: Hamid Is an Avid Reader of Novels, Articles Or Editorials; This Helped His Comprehension immensely. MNEMONIC: In A Right Angle Triangle, The Base Is The Lower Side, Signifying That It'S Something Morally Low Or Inferior In Value.


MEANING: Pleasing To The Ear. SENTENCE: On The Gre Test Day, Ali Woke Up Early With The Mellifluous Singing Of Sparrows; He Attempted His Test Well Aggressively With His Fresh Mind. MNEMONIC: Mellifluous= Me + Like + Flow; I Like Flow Of Sounds (Especially Its Ups And Downs) When It'S Sweet.


MEANING: Proper In Manners And Conduct SENTENCE: Discipline Requires Decorum Of Ones Behaviour And Attitude Towards Rules And Regulations. MNEMONIC: Decorum Derived From Decorates; When A House Is Decorated For Birthday Wish, Its Appropriate Place For It.


MEANING: Prove To Be False SENTENCE: The Defense Called Several Respectable Witnesses Who Were Able To Refute The False Testimony Of The Prosecution'S Only Witness. MNEMONIC: It Sound's Like Refuse Which Means 'Rejects'. When Someone Refutes Some Arguments Or Judgement, He Is Going To Reject It.


MEANING: Recurring In Scattered And Irregular Or Unpredictable Instances SENTENCE: If You Write Intermittently Or Spasmodically on the GRE Essay, You Will Probably Get Low Score Due To Less Use Of Words. MNEMONIC: Spasmodically = Spaces + Mods; So It'S Something That Is Not Consistent.


MEANING: Recurring In Scattered And Irregular Or Unpredictable Instances SENTENCE: In The Last Few Decades, Karachi Has Been Subjected To Sporadic Terrorist Bombings And Political Activism That Has Caused Many People To Flee The City. MNEMONIC: Sporadic Sounds Like Periodic


MEANING: Refuse To Approve SENTENCE: When capitalist development discountenances the people, it loses its soul. The soul of capitalist development at the national, regional and global level must be the people. MNEMONIC: Discountenance = Dis (Not) + Countenance (Count For); So It'S Something Not Count For Or Refuse To Consider.


MEANING: Relating To Compulsive Bad Behavior. SENTENCE: She Thought Her Skin Darkening Was Simply A Result Of The Sun, But It Was Actually Pathological, The Result Of A Serious Disease. MNEMONIC: It Drives From 'Pathos' Which Means Disease. Pathological Often Occurs As Pathological Liar. When Pathological Is Used Alone To Describe A Person, Meaning Is That The Person Compulsively Lies Or Hurts Others.


MEANING: Relatively Long In Duration SENTENCE: The Protracted Heat Had The Effect Of Driving Away Everyone Nearly From The City Yesterday. MNEMONIC: When You Protect Yourself From The Causes Of Dengue Virus Expansion, You Will Be Safe From It In Very Long Run; Protracted Means Relatively Long In Duration.


MEANING: Requiring Lots Of Hard Work SENTENCE: Without Someone To Help You, Without A Proper Teacher, Gre Is Far Too Arduous To Study For. MNEMONIC: Arduous = Read It As "Hard To Do For Us"


MEANING: Sad And Lonely SENTENCE: When His Lover Left Him And Went With Some Other Guy, Amir Became Forlorn. MNEMONIC: When Someone Is Alone (Sounds Close To Forlorn); It Signifies He May Have Sad And Lonely.


MEANING: Severe Disagreement & Conflict Over Basic Issues SENTENCE: The Strife Between The Two Biggest Political Parties Of Pakistan Does Not Seem To Resolve Anytime Soon. MNEMONIC: Strife Sounds Like Strike. So You Strike Someone If You Have A Bitter Fight Or Conflict.


MEANING: Sincere Or Honest SENTENCE: The Candid Attitude Of Imran Khan Has Inspired Many Young Individuals To Become Like Imran Khan. MNEMONIC: Candid = Can + Did; 'Yes You Can' Is A Famous Motivational Expression Used For Pakistani Citizens By Faiz Hassan Syal; In Short You Can Grow Economically & Socially Well If You Become Sincere With Yourself, Which You 'Can Do'. Also When Something (E.G. Quiz Is So Simple, Everyone Can Do This).


MEANING: Slightly Or Indirectly Related To Something SENTENCE: When You Argument On the GRE Issue Essay Is Tangential To The Main Point, You Will Get Less Score; An Essay To The Point Essay Is Appreciated. MNEMONIC: When Tangent Is Drawn To A Circle, It Doesn'T Go Inside The Circle; So Tangential Is Something Not Closely Connected, As It Does Not Pass Inside (Heart Of) The Circle.


MEANING: Something That Comes Before SENTENCE: We Cannot Ignore This Warning Sign. It Is Clearly A Precursor Of Larger Problems To Come. MNEMONIC: The 'Cursor' In Precursor Is The Same As In Currency--The Root Means 'Run'. A Precursor Can Be Thought Of As A 'Before-Runner, Or Forerunner (A Synonym).


MEANING: Something Which Is Very Difficult And Complicated To Understand. SENTENCE: The Gre Analytical Questions Became So Involved That The Student Decided To Quit Studying And Went To Sleep. MNEMONIC: One Gets Involved With Something That Is Involved (Something That Is Complex)


MEANING: Soothing and Satisfying SENTENCE: She Was Still Angry Despite His Conciliatory Words. MNEMONIC: Of Course It Shares Its Roots With Reconcile Which Means Equate; E.G, Reconciling The Current Accounting Record With The Bank Statement To Check Any Error; Similarly National Reconciliation Ordinance (N.R.O) Is The Made With Evil Intention To Sooth The Angry Politicians By Saving Them In Their Corruption Cases.


MEANING: Speedy Willingness SENTENCE: He Demonstrated His Eagerness To Serve By His Alacrity In Executing The Orders Of His Master. MNEMONIC: Mnemonic: It Sounds Like Electricity (Bijli); And Bijli Is Very Quick


MEANING: Suggesting An Unhealthy Mental State. SENTENCE: Bilal Has A Morbid Fear Of Receiving a below par Score on the Gre Among His Friends. MNEMONIC: Morbid = More + Bid; So When You Lost A Bid, You Asked For More Bid, And More And So On; The Result Will Loosing Again And Again, Which Shows Your Unhealthy Mental State.


MEANING: Support With Evidence SENTENCE: In Gre Analytical Writing Assessment, When You Write An Essay With Well Documented Examples, It Will Definitely Give You High Score. MNEMONIC: We Have Heard Many Times 'Create Documentary Evidence Of' Esp. In Court Or Criminal Proceedings; So Document Give An Idea Of Written Or Physical Proof.


MEANING: Support, Help Or Encourage SENTENCE: Imran Used His knowledge In Psychology As A Buttress Against Criticism; He Has Learned And Researched On Wide Range That How To Manage Criticism. MNEMONIC: It Derived From Butter Fly; Which Helps To Enhance The Beauty Of Garden; So Buttress Means To Help Or Support.


MEANING: Tending To Come Together From Different Directions. SENTENCE: The Crowed Converged At Minar-E-Pakistan In 1940 To Pass A Historic Resolution; Resolution Of Pakistan. MNEMONIC: Convergent = Con (Together) + Vergent (Mergent Or Merge); It Is The Opposite Of Divergent.


MEANING: That Cannot be Avoided Or Prevented SENTENCE: Gre & Toelf Are Ineluctable Requirements To Apply For Fulbright Scholarship. MNEMONIC: It Sounds Like Inreluctable, Which Means Not Able To Make It Reluctant; So It'S Something Irresistible.


MEANING: The Quality Of Being Able To Produce The Intended Effect. SENTENCE: The Efficacy Of Your Preparation Of Gre Depends On Your Devotion And Smart-Work. MNEMONIC: It Has Derived From 'Effectual'; An Effectual Power Is Described As Efficacy.


MEANING: The State Of Being Isolated Or Detached SENTENCE: With so much food writing to choose from, it's extra important to give credit to pieces like this one that spill out of the insular world of foodies and food writers. MNEMONIC: It'S Very Similar To Insulator, Which Is Reserved From Any Heat, Light Or Energy; It Doesn'T Allow This Thing To Pass Through; So It Is Detached From Being Seen For Not Allowing Light.


MEANING: Tiredness, Lazy SENTENCE: It's So Difficult To Get Anything Done In The Dead Heat Of August! I Can't Seem To Shake My Lassitude Enough To Get Out Of This Hammock, Much Less Study For The Gre. MNEMONIC: In Summers, No-One Can Prepare For The Gre After Drinking Lassi (A Kind Of Cold Drink Which Reduce Temperature Inside The Body, That Result To Very Much Sleep); Lassitude = Lassi (Lazy) + Tude, So Lassitude = Laziness Or Tiredness.


MEANING: To Give Money Or Support SENTENCE: Experts In A Field Sometimes Appear To Patronize People Who Are Less Knowledgeable Of The Subject. MNEMONIC: It Can Be Use In Three Different Contexts; 1) Support Something: It Sounds Like Patriot Who Is The Supporter Of His Country; 2) Arrogant: It Sounds Like Patriarch Who Is The Head Of A Family And Usually Arrogant; 3) Customer Or User Of: It Actually The Same In Sense As Support, Because Customers Are The Supporters Of A Business.


MEANING: Twisted; Very Complicated. SENTENCE: Your Argument Is So Convoluted That I'M Not Even Able To Understand It Enough To Start Critiquing It. MNEMONIC: Convolute = Con (Together) + Volume (Space Occupied By A Body); When A Body Or A Thing Is Twisted Together To Make It Jumble; It Becomes Convoluted.


MEANING: Understood (Without Actually Being Expressed) SENTENCE: It Has Been A Part Of Business Law That A Customer Negotiates With A Retailer On The Price; When Both Parties Finally Agreed On Some Price, Then It Becomes A Tacit Agreement, Which Doesn'T Require Any Written Proof. MNEMONIC: It Is Related To Taciturn, Which Means Not Talking Much Or Reserved.


MEANING: Unspoiled; Remaining In A Pure State SENTENCE: The Area At West Of Changamanga Has Been Preserved In All Its Pristine Wildness, Seemingly Untouched By Humans. MNEMONIC: It'S Sound Like Philistine; We Know The So Called Israel Is Actually Has The Original Name Of Philistine; So Pristine Means Pure State Or Originality.


MEANING: Used to or accustomed to Bad Fortune SENTENCE: After Attempting More Than Ten Times For Gre And Receiving Perfect Scores All Times; Ahmed Is Inured To The Gre. MNEMONIC: It Looks Like Inter; Inter-Land Is Land Which Is Familiar To Its Habitant, Because They Are Accustom Of It.


MEANING: Wise, Shrewd SENTENCE: Though its cover might not suggest an excess of reason, in its songs she is a sagacious and measured presence. MNEMONIC: It Shares Its Root With 'Suggestion'; A Wise Politician Is One Who Receives Suggestions About The Sensitive Issues Like Terrorism. Also As A Childhood, In 2000, When Video Games Were Newly Introduced In Pakistan; Games By 'Saga' Company Were Famous, So It Was Wise On That Time To Buy Games Of Brand Saga. Finally, 'Sage' Is A Respect Wise Person.


MEANING: Wise; Judicious. SENTENCE: Prudent Decision Of Mr. Ali To Select His Future University Has Revealed His Level Of Maturity. MNEMONIC: A Prude University Is One Of The Famous Universities That Admit Wise Students; So Prude Has Something Wise.


MEANING: characterized by or showing interest or concern. SENTENCE: Tragedy changed her. It bred a depressive streak that tempered the wilder impulses of her girlhood, made her reticent, yet also unusually solicitous toward people in pain. MNEMONIC: Solicit means to request earnestly for something, but if you have to wait for it to happen then you are liable to become solicitous.


MEANING: displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious SENTENCE: The puppy was fawning on its master. MNEMONIC: basically it is derived from fagen ..which means REJOICING about your boss success by giving him a that he could favour you DURING meetings.


MEANING: excessively concerned with minor details or rules; over scrupulous SENTENCE: His analyses are careful and even painstaking, but never pedantic. MNEMONIC: rhymes pendant. pendant is a small thing but when it is lost you are damn worried. so worrried about small things


MEANING: express contempt for; ridicule. SENTENCE: The decision to create a shopping mall in front of the lake was derided by environmentalists MNEMONIC: DE(lower)RIDE(ride a cycle) if u ride a cycle of low quality people will REDICULE u


MEANING: forbid, especially by law SENTENCE: Swans had an almost religious severity that seemed to proscribe anything that didn't add to a feeling of claustrophobia and pressure. MNEMONIC: When you want a magazine, you PREscribe(subscribe) it. Similarly when you want to stop it, you will have to PROSCRIBE. SO PROSCRIBE = prohibit


MEANING: giving off light; bright or shining SENTENCE: The luminous dial on his watch kept glowing in the dark. MNEMONIC: luminous = luminance ~ bright


MEANING: high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated. SENTENCE: Because he is a bit too bombastic for me, I will not be voting for that politician again! MNEMONIC: BOMBS and firecrackers are used to impress people and they cause high sound


MEANING: inform or tell (someone) SENTENCE: I thought it was the right thing to apprise Chris of what had happened in his office while he was away. MNEMONIC: one who will inform will get the prize


MEANING: instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). SENTENCE: Nawaz Sharif accused Imran Khan of fomenting political unrest MNEMONIC: Science students can easily remember it as it sounds similar to fermentation and stirring is an important part of fermentation process.


MEANING: insulting, abusive, or highly critical language SENTENCE: He let out a stream of invective on his subordinates when they failed to finish the project within the deadline. MNEMONIC: ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.


MEANING: lack of agreement or harmony SENTENCE: The party faithful might be willing to put up with such dissonance among their candidates MNEMONIC: Dis + sonance (hormony) so something not hormonical and not discord


MEANING: lacking interest, passion, or energy/dehydrate SENTENCE: Out West, it was the time of the red sun and the dust storms, when whole desiccated farms blew away. MNEMONIC: desi cake is always dried up


MEANING: not telling the truth; lying. SENTENCE: The political party workers had been mendacious throughout the court investigation and as a result they were punished severely. MNEMONIC: mendacious = requiring mending (correction)


MEANING: obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness SENTENCE: Rome had been roused to unwonted fury, and the truculence of the rebels was matched by the cruelty of their masters. MNEMONIC: sounds like turbulent means property of being wild i.e. showing aggressiveness.


MEANING: prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking advance action SENTENCE: They will present their resignations to forestall a vote of no confidence. MNEMONIC: Fore means before. Stall means to stop. Hence Forestall == Before Stop. i.e to stop something before it happens.


MEANING: stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage) SENTENCE: "Congenitally blind people don't know how vision works," she explained. "They don't know principles of occlusion" MNEMONIC: Occlude - sounds like conclude. Means close or shut something.


MEANING: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action SENTENCE: I argued this point with him, but he was obdurate despite all the convincing reasons I could give. MNEMONIC: urate -duration There will be a period(duration) in everyone's life when we will be very obdurate(i.e, stubborn )


MEANING: suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way SENTENCE: He was insinuating that she kowtowed her way to the top. MNEMONIC: IN(not)+SIGN....without any signal i.e indirectly hint or imply


MEANING: sullen and ill-tempered. SENTENCE: She was morose and silent when she got home after her uncle's funeral. MNEMONIC: a morone is not equipped with morose


MEANING: support or strengthen. SENTENCE: The fall in interest rates is starting to bolster investor confidence MNEMONIC: RELATE TO BOLT>> USED TO SUPPORT OR REINFORCE


MEANING: temporary cessation or suspension SENTENCE: With the photo-ops between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif now in abeyance, the diplomatic vacuum that has been created will be filled with the voices of the shrill and short-sighted. MNEMONIC: a+beyance .. here concentrate on beyance.. it sounds like buoyancy which which suspends objects above the ground level..


MEANING: the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency. SENTENCE: Imran Khan Used to enjoy an exaggerated reputation for probity until a couple of harassment scandals broker within his party. MNEMONIC: Probe is done to verify probity.So probity=neccessity (or reason ) for probe.


MEANING: the state of being very poor; extreme poverty SENTENCE: Mikhail Bulgakov, the great Russian satirist, spent much of the nineteen-thirties unpublished and living in penury. MNEMONIC: pen+ru(pee) rupee to buy a pen

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MIE CH5: Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising

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strength and conditioning exam 4

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