GS2102 Unit Three Exam Study Guide

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Migration and human trafficking always go hand in hand (Emilie Linder/"Gender Aspects of Human Trafficking").


T/F: Androcentrism in health care implies the ways the health care system in the U.S. is set up to maintain the privileges of white people and provide differential access for people of color.


T/F: At least two-thirds of all women accessing an abortion would have an illegal abortion if the procedure was no longer legal.


T/F: Most stalkers attempt to rape their victims


T/F: The concept of a two-tier system as used in Chapter 7 implies a medical system that provides exceptional care in the US, but poor care overseas.


The Age Discrimination Act is specifically set up to in order to protect individuals who are 65 years of age and older.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) passed in 1965.


The hormone "patch" such as OrthoEvra must be changed...


A woman is offered a prestigious job in a failing corporation. This is an example of

glass precipice

On the average, what number of women on college campuses has experienced sexual violence of some kind?

1 in 4

Generally, Native American women in preindustrial society tended to

Engage in agricultural labor

The rise of industrialization helped integrate work and family.


The "Laci Peterson Law"....

Gave a fetus the same rights as the mother

Most rapes are interracial


In "Betrayed by the Angel," Davis recounts her adult story of rape. What kind of rape did she experience?


According to the recent Gallup poll, what percentage of Americans believe that abortion should be legal in some or all circumstances?


On average, women generally earn approximately what percentage of men's median salaries?


Occupational segregation by gender implies the same concept as vertical segregation.


Only 10% of working women are employed in precision production, craft and repair occupations.


Scholars call jobs performed by gays and lesbians "pink collar" jobs.


T/F: AIDS diagnoses for African American women are increasing at a lesser rate than those for white women


T/F: Physical abuse does not necessarily involve emotional abuse.


The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) has been supportive of the U.S. overthrow of the misogynous Taliban (Andrea Smith/"Beyond the Politics of Inclusion: Violence Against Women of Color and Human Rights").


The U.S. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) ensured accommodations by universities to protect female students.


The increase in women workers as a result of World War I produced important lasting changes for women's labor force participation.


The kind of sexual harassment where sexual favors are required for employment or promotion is an example of hostile work environment.


The social codes of early America excluded women from much paid labor.


The worst stress for the human body is that which we intentionally choose in order to compete in a capitalist society.


New York has a Domestic Bill of Rights that gives nannies, housekeepers, and household cooks the same protections as other workers.


The rate of incest for boys is approximately

1 in 8 to 10

Oberlin Collegial Institute, the first women's college in the U.S., was founded in


Chapter 9 explains that women perform about what proportion of household labor?


Some anti-trafficking activists argue that some people who are trafficked are deserving of help while others are not (Corinne Schwartz, Emily J. Kennedy, and Hannah Britton/"Aligned Across Differences: Structural Injustices, Sex Work, and Human Trafficking").


Stranger rapes are more likely to be reported than acquaintance rapes.


T/F: Approximately 1 in 5 high school girls in the U.S. report being physically or sexually abused by a boyfriend.


T/F: As a result of lawsuits associated with unanticipated side effects, the maker of Norplant no longer markets this device in the United States.


T/F: Marital rape is now a crime in all 50 states


T/F: The U.S. Campus Security Act was passed in 1990


T/F: The U.S. government perpetuates more violence against women than any other actor in the world (Andrea Smith/"Beyond the Politics of Inclusion: Violence Against Women of Color and Human Rights").


T/F: Women are having children later in life today than they have in earlier times.


The Family and Medical Leave Act protects workers by making provisions for protection of employment and paid leave as a result of caring for a sick family member, and/or the birth or adoption of a child.


The term intersectionality describes the way different forms of discrimination overlap and compound each other (Homa Khaleeli/"#SayHerName").


Women and girls account for 71% of trafficking victims (Emilie Linder/"Gender Aspects of Human Trafficking").


Women are approximately 10 times more likely than men to be victimized by an intimate partner.


occupational segregation by gender implies the same concept as vertical segregation


What percentage of Fortune 500 companies have women presidents or CEOs?


Latinas earn approximately what percentage of white men's median salaries?


According to Emilie Linder in "Gender Aspects of Human Trafficking, which of the following does not explain the high number of women and girls who are trafficking victims?

All of the Above Gender norms, poverty, globalization,

Who coined the term "the feminine mystique" and used it for the title of her book?

Betty Friedan

What disease discussed in Chapter 7 on women and health is discussed in the context of corporate responsibility and environmental issues?

Breast Cancer

What laws regulated contraception in the U.S?

Comstock Laws

In "Aligned Across Differences: Structural Injustices, Sex Work, and Human Trafficking," Corinne Schwartz, Emily J. Kennedy, and Hannah Britton argue that pro-sex work and anti-human trafficking ideologies are incompatible.


In "Betrayed by the Angel," Davis recounts her childhood story of incest.


What kind of work was the province of African American women in the early twentieth century?


45 states in the U.S. prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex and gender identity in the employment sector.


Although top U.S. CEOs make a lot of money, their compensation tends to be slightly lower than comparable European CEOs.


Although women do more household labor than men, the latter seem to be better than women at multitasking.


Altruistic sex is agreeing to sex because the consequences of not having sex are worse than having it.


Approximately 2,000 women become pregnant every year because of rape.


As a result of environmental toxins, the average man has 20% more testosterone than his father did 20 years ago.


Comparable worth legislation is designed to help provide employment opportunities to help women transition off welfare.


Cross-national comparisons about the gender division of household labor show Russian men doing the most hours of housework per week.


In 2014 women made up about four fifths of the graduating class of physicians.


When did the Supreme Court remove the ban on contraceptives for married persons?

Mid 1960s

Eugenics is the practice and belief that:

Only certain groups should reproduce

What Supreme Court ruling removed the states' ban on abortion?

Roe v. Wade

In "Betrayed by the Angel," what was Davis's experience as a child in school?

She was poked with a pencil by a boy

What was the name of the former slave and abolitionist activist who declared "ain't I a woman?"

Sojouner Truth

In "Aligned Across Differences: Structural Injustices, Sex Work, and Human Trafficking," Corinne Schwartz, Emily J. Kennedy, and Hannah Britton note that their collaboration is unusual for which of the following reasons?

Their research projects exist on opposite sides of teh sex work/trafficking binary

Research suggests that men who rape are different from men who do not in which of the following ways?

They are more misogynous and

Affirmative action policies are initiated to increase the numbers of people in certain occupations from a similarly qualified pool.


Arlie Hochschild's notion of the "second shift" reflects the 70-30 split in terms of household labor


By 1900 about 1 in 5 females aged 10 years and over was a paid employee.


Female attorneys tend to be in different specialties from male colleagues, which is an example of vertical segregation.


GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is a kind of "date rape" drug.


In "Aligned Across Differences: Structural Injustices, Sex Work, and Human Trafficking," Corinne Schwartz, Emily J. Kennedy, and Hannah Britton report that approximately 340,000 people were deported from the U.S. between 2009 and 2014.


In 2016, 240,900 people were victims of forced labor (Emilie Linder/"Gender Aspects of Human Trafficking").


Medicalization is the process whereby normal functions of the body come to be seen as indicative of disease.


Nearly 25% of women said they were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, date, or intimate partner sometime in their lifetime.


Which classic writer wrote about the "angel in the house" (as described in the article "Betrayed by the Angel" by Debra Anne Davis)?

Virginia Woolf

The "cult of true womanhood" included prescriptions for femininity that included

all of the above: domesticity, purity, and piety

Several features stand out in terms of the changing nature of the U.S. economy. These include

both a and b

In "Betrayed by the Angel," Davis wrote that during her rape she

both b and c was relatively passive and worried about getting killed

The Hyde Amendment and accompanying Supreme Court ruling (Beal v. Doe, 1977) gave the states the right to

decide whether Medicaid funds would be spent on abortion

Although there are numerous administrative regulations, currently there is no time limit on Title VII violation claims.


In "Aligned Across Differences: Structural Injustices, Sex Work, and Human Trafficking," Corinne Schwartz, Emily J. Kennedy, and Hannah Britton note that their research subjects all share which of the following?

fear of incarceration

The contraceptive depo-provera:

is an injection of synthetic hormone that suppresses ovulation

In "Aligned Across Differences: Structural Injustices, Sex Work, and Human Trafficking," Corinne Schwartz, Emily J. Kennedy, and Hannah Britton use the term "carceral," which means which of the following?

relating to jail or prison

The threat or fear of rape that controls all women's behavior is specifically termed

sexual terrorism

Capitalism is an economic system where ____________ is created from the labor of workers. Fill in the blank by marking the correct choice below.

surplus value

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