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The Bible.

Although Gutenberg printed several smaller items first, what was the first BOOK that he printed?


By the time his partner took his business away, Gutenberg had invented a method for printing in ________________.

1. published in 1456 2. published in Latin 3. published in two volumes 4. had 42 lines of type on each page 5. it took Gutenberg 3 years to complete 6. He published 200 copies

Describe Gutenberg's Bible

Yes. He did know how to read, probably because he was a member of a noble class.

Did Gutenberg know how to read, and if so, why?

No. He lost his business and died penniless (poor/impoverished)

Did Gutenberg make a lot of money (profit from) his invention of the printing press?


Did books exist when Gutenberg was growing up?


Gutenberg invented the _____________ - ____________ Printing Press


Gutenberg knew that the block printing method was not very ___________________.

1. The Printing Press increased the speed of printing. 2. The Printing press also improved the accuracy and reliability of texts. 3. The Printing Press encouraged people to learn languages other than Latin. This weakened the Church's power, since they used Latin for worship. 4. More people were able to become educated because books were more readily available to them. 5. Ideas could be spread that challenged the teachings of the church (and led to the Protestand Reformation) and that challenged the teachings of science

How did Gutenberg's Printing Press impact (affect) Europe in the 15th century (the 1400's)?

It made them -more accurate - more reliable, and - more available

How did the Printing press change texts (books)?

the printer cuts a piece of wood the size of the paper. He then cuts away portions of the wood, leaving only the raised letters or designs. Ink is then spread over the raised part of the block, and paper is pressed on top of the ink to make the print.

How is a book printed using the Block-printing method?

20 years

How long did it take Gutenberg to invent the Printing Press?


The first things Gutenberg printed were _________________________.

No. He had to borrow a lot of money to make his invention. He also had a business partner who took his business away when he could not pay his debts.

Was Gutenberg a good businessman?

The clergy, or the members of the church, since the monks were the ones who copied all of the manuscripts by hand and were thus were able to read them.

What class was most likely to be the most educated during Gutenberg's time?


What did Gutenberg read if books were not available?

He decided to make the letters out of metal.

What did Gutenberg then decide to use to make his letters?

In the context of printing of books, it means making the process cheaper and faster

What does the word "efficient" mean?


What language was Gutenberg's Bible printed in?

Movable-type printing

What new invention of Gutenberg's made printing more efficient?

Block printing.

What type of printing existed before Gutenberg invented the Printing Press?

He printed several indulgences, and also "The Poem of Last Judgment"

What were the first items printed by Gutenberg?

They were made of wood.

What were the first letters that Gutenberg created made of?

1. An astronomer named Copernicus used the printing press to copy and distribute (spread around) his article that said the Earth revolved around the sun. This challenged scientific teachings that said the sun revolved around the Earth. 2. Martin Luther, a Protestant reformer, used the printing press to publish and spread his written work called "95 Theses", challenging the Catholic church's practice of selling "Indulgences". Indulgences were "tickets to heaven" that could be purchased.

What were two ideas that were spread through printed materials, that challenged existing ways of thinking?

1468 A.D.

When did Gutenberg die?

In Mainz, Germany.

Where did Johann Gutenberg grow up?

In Europe.

Where was Block printing invented?

It is more efficient because it used individual letters that could be moved around, rather than a whole page

Why is Movable-type printing different than block printing?

There were few educated people because manuscripts were not available to everyone - there were very few in existence because they took so long to create.

Why weren't there many people who were able to read at this time?

Block printing

________ ______________ was invented while Gutenberg was growing up

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